The Poster Analysis and Critique

The poster under analysis is called The Lived Experience Of Registered Nurses Navigating An RN-to-BSN Degree After 10 Years or More Away From Formal Education: A Phenomenological Study. Author The author of the poster is Clare E Owen. Author’s Affiliation The researcher is Master of Science in Nursing and registered...

Cars: Disadvantages of This Mode of Transport

Nowadays, it is hardly possible to imagine our lives without cars. Going to work, shopping, visiting friends – everything seems much easier when you have one. After all, even if you don’t, you can always get an Uber. Cars have become such an essential part of the modern lifestyle that...

Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care Theory

The theory of culture care developed by Madeiene Leininger can have profound implications for the work of many nurses and other healthcare professionals. It is critical to examine the way in which the so-called called meta-paradigm concepts are described within this framework. In particular, one should pay close attention to...

Leasing Equipment Effect on Financial Analysis

Introduction Leasing equipment instead of buying it is a factor that affects depreciation charges, inventory costs, and firm value overall. Thus, it can significantly affect the analysis ratios used to compare two different firms or the same company at a different time. Usually, start-up companies and businesses with strictly limited...

Sensemaking Process: Socializing Social Media

Communication is an essential part of modern life, and today, it takes place both in real and virtual spaces. In the past decades, numerous technologies that people can use to interact with each other emerged and were almost immediately replaced with new and improved versions aiming to make societal contact...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Another very important predictor of PTSD is peri-traumatic dissociation in which the individual loses sense of self,/has a problem with images, and also lacks a sense of realization. That is, the person starts living an imaginative life that makes him/her relive past traumatizing events. PTSD can also be predicted by...

Biological Processes and Population Health

Population health includes health outcomes, health determinant patterns, and the policies of intervention that link them. In order to promote population health, one must ensure that the population understands the biological processes that are determinant to one’s health. This is essential because the public must realize the processes involving scientific...

The Statutory Rape Laws Analysis

In general, statutory rape laws are uncontroversial. Few people object to harsh prison sentences for adults who sexually prey on minors. However, in practice these laws are not always so straightforward. Some statutory rape cases do not involve stereotypical child molesters, but rather statutory “rapists” not much older than the...

Measurements on Desktop Virtualization

Identification and Operation of Other Works Defining the Variables/Constructs Similar to Desktop Virtualization Other people’s works have defined the constructs or variables that are similar to a functional desktop virtualization system (Johnson, 2011). Their identification and operation refer to a combination of attributes that can be measured and analyzed statistically...

American Dream in “Their Eyes Were Watching God”

The American Dream is one of the founding concepts of the United States, yet it takes on different forms. As each person perceives the world differently, one may have particular desires and aspirations that do not correspond with the majority’s view. In “Their Eyes Were Watching God,” Zora Neale Hurston...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The President Roosevelt’s New Deal Programs

Introduction Between 1933 and 1939, President Roosevelt endorsed the New Deal programs in the United States to counter the effects of the great depression through programs, financial reforms, public work projects, and regulations. These programs answered the needs of Americans in recovery, reform, and relief after facing the economic meltdown...

Personal Nursing Philosophy

A philosophy of nursing offers guidance with regard to the best practices that define and characterize the nursing profession. It consists of values and practices that cover the four metaparadigms of nursing that include health, nursing, human beings, and environment. My personal nursing philosophy is based on values that include...

The Ballpoint Pen: A Chemistry’s Review

My item of choice is a ballpoint pen. This item is of interest to me because for decades, we have come to rely on it as a writing material. Although we are now living in the computer age, the ballpoint pen is still popular. The ballpoint pen is a simple...

Healthy People 2020 Objectives Related to Dental Health

Today people all over the world promote health improvement. Healthy People is a program that summarizes information from all spheres of health care and provides a range of objectives that should be considered during the next ten years (Healthy People, 2016a). Oral health is not an exception, and every decade...

York College Medical Center Managing Grant Money

Introduction To choose between two equally appealing options, it is essential to determine the principles on which this choice will be based. Managing grant money is a task that requires immense responsibility and a clear understanding of one’s mission – it may even seem that distributing the grant is more...

Mental Illness and People of Color

Design of the Study This study’s primary research focus is the specific misconceptions and stigmas of people of color that contribute to mistrust and underutilization of healthcare services for mental illness. Therefore, the main research question is: “What are the misconceptions and stigmas about mental illnesses and their treatment among...

The Choleycystits: Review of Literature

“The description by evidence-based medicine (EBM) principles and methods was used to analyze the literature of using Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) for treatment of Choleycystits” (“ZY, D., GL, W., X, L., J, L., DZ, Z., & CQ, L.”, (n.d.).). Eight medical research databases were searched including Chinese Clinical Registry Center,...

Ovid’s Jupiter and Io: Gods and Humans

In his poems, which Ovid wrote while being inspired by Roman folklore, he demonstrated the entire mythology of his time. In addition, the author also managed to illustrate through the prism of poetry the life of the people around him. Even though many of his characters are gods, they are...

Americans’ Readiness to Coronavirus Vaccination

Nowadays, one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases is COVID-19. Mass media and countless articles discuss the various vaccine development projects and how all of these tests are claimed to be the primary step of a major breakthrough. However, people had high hopes for different vaccine inventions in the...

Financial Decision Making

Introduction The financial scandals occurring in the late 1990s and early 2000s clearly show that the accuracy of financial statements and information of the company is an issue that cannot be overlooked. In that regard, the decision of relying on the financial information provided from within the company by their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Practice of Nursing Research: Drug Round Tabards

The article by Verweij et al. (2014) is devoted to the research of the effectiveness of drug round tabards with respect to reducing the cases of nurse interruptions and medication administration errors. Here, the results of the study will be considered in the light of the limitations, and possible conclusions...

Andrews Test: Section 15 of the “Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms”

Section 15 of the “Canadian charter of Rights and Freedoms” contains guarantees for equality before the law. The section prohibits numerous discriminative actions by governments, because it falls under constitutional rights. Discriminative actions highlighted included prejudice and stereotyping. The section, however, exempts affirmative action and rights provided by other sub-sections...

Health Condition and the Academic Level Relations

Abstract To determine the relationship between health condition and the academic level completed, the study performed one-way ANOVA. Descriptive statistics indicated that the mean of academic level completed increases with health condition. Hypothesis testing holds that there are statistically significant differences in the means of academic level completed among the...

Substance Abuse Therapy Positive and Negative Outcomes

Introduction Although a great majority of those individuals who are involved in substance abuse believe that they have what it takes to manage and monitor their substance consumption, very few of them manage to strike this delicate balance of maintaining a healthy inclination to substance use in the long run....

“Aging Well” by Vaillant Review

Discussing generativity and aging, Vaillant (2002) states, “If the task of young adults is to create biological heirs, the task of old age is to create social heirs” (p. 114). Hence, the statement describes the tasks of adult life by Vaillant. When presenting his six adult life tasks, Vaillant placed...

The Gambling Industry in Canada

The gambling industry has become a major source of income for many local governments in Canada. Some people think that it is unfavorable for governments to operate casinos and lotteries. They suggest that private organizations should conduct business while governments should only work on collecting taxes. Churches consider gambling to...

IBM Hofstede Study in Understanding National Cultures

The IBM Hofstede study is useful in understanding national cultures, but its usefulness in understanding how this relates to workplace values is rather limited. Hofstede’s culture theory does not acknowledge diversities in national practices and hence their institutions. Territorial differences exist within any given nation, such that individuals in one...

The Statistical Term “Sample”: Technical Definition

Biostatisticians use a multiplicity of statistical terms and concepts that help them to organize numerical information in various formats, understand statistical techniques, and make informed decisions. These terms are important in helping professionals to not only design, analyze and interpret data of studies in public health and medicine, but also...

Listening Skills: Term Definition

The skills of active listening and asking questions is an integral part of people’s persuasion skills. Most people do not always listen carefully to each other, even if they are talking about interesting or important for them issues. Furthermore, many believe that the ability to listen effectively comes down to...

Orthorexia Nervosa: Unhealthy Eating Patterns

Introduction Nutrition is one of the principal concerns of the present-day population, and increased attention to it implies both benefits and drawbacks. Staying healthy can be one’s high priority, but it should not turn into an obsession. In this case, specialists speak of the emergence of unhealthy eating patterns that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Business Process – Reengineering

Introduction In a fast-paced business environment, it has become a necessity for organizations to come up with strategies to improve service delivery while reducing operational costs. Business process reengineering has to do with identifying, analyzing, and redesigning an organization’s major business procedures with the key aim of increasing or improving...

The Health Belief Model (HBM)

The Health Belief Model (HBM) was developed in the early 1950s by health service psychologists who were looking for an explanation as to why so few people were involved in disease detection and prevention programs. Interestingly, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (2012) “HBM was one...

Health Care: Public Policy Decisions

The death tolls associated with Tylenol capsules laced with cyanide triggered much public outcry. As a result, there was a drastic drop in the market share of Tylenol. This signaled the end of the Tylenol brand in the market according to a majority of public relations scholars. For instance, Jerry...

Benefits of Outsourcing Catering Services

Outsourcing is the purposeful allocation of some business processes or systems and delegating their implementation to a third party. It is logical to define the distinguished business processes as those that the organization implements with the least professionalism. Unlike service and support services, which are of a one-time, episodic, random...

Consequentialist Deontological Ethical Theories

Introduction The term ethics has a variety of definitions. It can be viewed as a branch in philosophy that tries to define moral notions like defining wrong and right (Bookchin, 2004). It can also be defined as the science of individual obligation (Bentham, 1999). Nature of law assumes that law...

Case Review: Women’s Health Care

A case study The case study shows that Sue is a hard-working nurse, who is willing and ready to attend to her patients and ensure that they get quality and affordable health care services. It is also evident from the case study that some of the patients in Sue’s unit...

Dual Court System in the United States

Abstract The United States has a dual court system with two types of courts: the federal courts and the state courts. The idea of the dual court system is misleading because there are 50 court systems in each state, plus the federal system, and the courts of Washington, D.C. (Carmen,...

Healthy Nutrition: Fat-Free

Introduction A fat-free product ought not to contain more than ½ grams of fat-per-serving. This can only be attained if someone consumes the food’s serving size that has been stated. However, the moment someone consumes more than the stated amount, it stops being fat-free. The daily intake of fat is...

World Public Health Status

Why the United States Is Concerned About Improving the Health Status of the World The world health status is a modern concept of human development in science today, although it has roots in antiquity. From the beginnings of human civilization, it was recognized that polluted water and lack of proper...

Orange Health Door Center: Organizational Analysis

Overview of the environmental issues important in the case considering competition, technology, community service, funding, and workforce Orange Health Door Center is a non-profit organization that offers moderate health care on a sliding-fee scale to under-insured people in Minnesota. Judging from the case presented in the study by Filipovitch (2006),...

The Connection Between Education and Better Health

Education is necessary for better health, which is a critical provision in the realms of societal wellbeing. It is understandable that learned individuals are able to comprehend and embrace the virtues of exceptional health. Consequently, they are able to work towards attaining it. This argument shows the relationship that exists...

An Instance of Social Facilitation

Introduction Social Facilitation is a term used to describe people’s behavior in social situations. The psychological concept explains that people are likely to be influenced by the presence of others when completing various tasks (Cuncic, 2020). When a single individual does something in public, they may draw attention to themselves...

Lone Wolf Terrorism: Theoretical Analysis and Implications for Public Policy

Definition of Lone Wolf Terrorism Terrorism does not have a universal legal definition. It varies from one organization to another as well as from country to country because the word remains a strong political pejorative associated with certain states, religions, and cultures. The UN identifies terrorism as “criminal acts intended...

Incident Report & Legal Department – Basic Info

There are a lot of cases when incidents occur and to make sure that everything is correctly noted and the appropriate measures are taken the specific procedure is invented. Incidents in the hospitals are controlled by the state and properly checked by the Quality Assurance department and Legal Department. The...

Preventing Crime Victimization in International Students

International students are the students who go to other countries to study and because of this, they face a lot of problems. They are a vulnerable group who face common security problems because of several factors that include demographic factors, lack of stable economic security, limited options to employment, housing...

Case Study in Business Insights – Marisa Corporation

Large corporations endeavor to diversify globally to enhance their competitiveness, profitability, and market presence. This is a crucial provision when considered critically with respect to the Marisa Corporation’s case provided. The company should consider numerous issues before establishing its operations internationally (Choi & Meek, 2010). It is important for the...

Reconstruction of the South and Racial Oppressions

There is a number of historical events that had a significant effect on a country or the whole world, and unfortunately, not all of them were positive. Reconstruction of the South that lasted from 1865 to 1877 was the period following the American Civil War. These twelve challenging but extremely...

Investment Portfolio Implementation and Management

When investing, it is fundamental for the investor to make a comparison of various investment opportunities and determine which investment promises a higher return while ensuring that risks are as low as possible. The analysis sometimes requires a thorough examination of elements associated with types of investments. In this regard,...

The Hard Times Generation Documentary Review

The documentary film Hard Times Generation produced by CBS (2011) tells a very touching and disturbing story of homeless families. The authors pay much attention to the needs of children who are much more vulnerable to various health risks. This movie can alert policy-makers as well as medical workers. In...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Deviance and Delinquency

A failure to comply with the norms and rules of behavior established in society is closely connected with a phenomenon called deviance. Sociologists define this term as a person’s carrying out some actions that are considered unacceptable by a group. Isolation, treatment, correction, or punishment of the offender belong to...

“Sita Sings the Blues” Film Philosophy

Sita sings the blues is an animation film. Nina Paley produced the film. She is an American cartoonist. She started as a comic strip artist and later started filmmaking. Later, she moved to India in 2002 and came across the epic Ramayana and this was ironic as her marriage was...

Organizational Culture and Diversity: United States Army Veteran Rank

Each person has a set of cultural identifiers that indicate his position in society. However, some qualities are more critical for the individual since they are more closely related to their character and history. For me, the most significant cultural identifiers are the United States Army Veteran rank, Texas as...

Demand for Labor in the Middle Colonies

Due to the increasing rise in the demand for labor during the colonization era, the use of slavery increased exponentially to meet the specified demand in the Middle Colonies and the Colonies of the South. In contrast, the Chesapeake Colonies continued to focus on using indentured servants. The process of...

The Importance of Domestic Violence Law

Domestic violence is a serious problem of many modern families, especially taking into consideration the fact that many victims do not report it as they are not aware of domestic violence laws. It is more important that they do not understand how these laws can help them avoid or prevent...

“Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas Review

The theme of death and mortality is discussed from varied angles in “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas. Overall, the poet encourages his audience to fight against death with screaming and kicking just like the new born babies fight for their life when they come...

Transporting Blood Gas Samples Through Pneumatic Transport System

In the medical field, laboratory examinations are playing a huge role in the interpretation of the clinical diagnosis of patients. Each test has its repercussions. Some of the samples need special handling depending on their sensitivity, stability, urgency. Its effects interfere with the tests such as arterial blood gas samples....

Gender-Assigned Social Norms: Male Socialization Experiences

Introduction People’s upbringing and assimilation in society mainly depend on their genders and the roles a particular social environment assigns to genders. While socialization as a process of acquiring a set of values and rules of behavior in a given society is essential for all groups, gender defines what specific...

Forest Management as One of Geoengineering Strategies

It has been acknowledged that climate change is one of the major challenges humanity faces, which has led to certain changes in people’s attitudes towards the issue. At present, individuals, institutions, and countries develop numerous approaches and strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of the human society on the environment....

Indian History of Architecture

The architecture of any country is evolving throughout centuries due to changing trends that are taking place. Indian architecture had several major periods of transformation and change. It is necessary to note that Indian civilization is one of the most ancient in the world and the earliest examples of architecture...

Social Barriers People Experience in the United States

Social Class Division The information about the modern social class division was interesting to analyze since I have never thought it was that drastic in today’s society. People may look or act similarly but belong to different groups regarding their financial resources. Some may also consider their position embarrassing to...

Benefits of Physical Activity

Physical activity is necessary for a person if he/she wants to maintain a healthy form of his or her body. The main factor influencing the health in our bodies is metabolism. If its runs smoothly and averagely fast, then it ensures our bodies with appropriate protection from diseases. It also...

Types of Research in Scientific Field

There are two main types of the research in the scientific field, quantitative and qualitative research and a mixed research method which comprises the elements of the quantitative and qualitative research. It is important to know that the approach to the research is usually chosen on the basis of the...

Sociology of Aging in Today’s Society

Aging is the process through which an organism matures and grows old. It is characterized by progressive biological and psychosocial impairment of normal functions, as a result of internal and external influences. This paper shall explore a personal reflection of what aging entails. In our societies, it is an acknowledged...

“The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”: Book Review

The book review on “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow them and people will follow you” is a subject to criticism based on many view points. First, the title of the book stands to be questioned itself; it shows some sense of rigidity and also some form of forced...

Blood Circulation: Veins, Arteries and Arterioles

Blood circulation in a double circulatory system is divided into the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit (Starr, 126). The pulmonary circuit creates a link between the heart and the lungs. It is through the pulmonary circuit that blood absorbs oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuses from blood in the lungs...

Diabetes Education Skills for Low Grade Literacy Patients

Case Study: “Chronic complications of diabetes are primarily those of end-organ disease from damage to blood vessels as a result of chronic hyperglycemia. The hyperglycemia causes changes to the blood vessels resulting commonly in eye and kidney abnormalities as well as peripheral vascular atherosclerosis.” Studies indicate that about 285 million...

Eliezer’s Lost Childhood and the Image in the Mirror

Holocaust is a sad tragedy that left its terrible traces in the hearts and souls of millions of innocent people. Among them is also Elie Wiesel who shared his sad experience in his book “Night”. At the end of the book, the readers find a very special scene when Eliezer,...

Demographic Characteristics and Victimization

Introduction Today the economic and political situation worldwide is not stable due to the COVID-19 pandemic and overall uncertainty about the future. People make choices to report the criminal offenses that happen to them or not based on what they consider the safest decision. Historically, physically weak people were less...

Roy’s Adaptation Model for Family Nurse Practitioner

In an attempt to enhance research and practice in the field of nursing, a number of theories have been put forth to help advance the skills and experience of practitioners in this field. One of the most prominent grand theories in nursing is Roy’s Adaptation Model. Roy has been updating...

Superhero Ssendnik: Taking Away the Negative

In the modern world, more and more people are subjected to cynical and unfounded criticism, and no matter how humanity fights, hatred and misunderstanding among each other continue to exist in the world. From century to century, anger, hostility, and disagreement have been the occasion for another war. In this...

Reducing Healthcare Cost by Improving Health

Introduction Since the failure of the Clinton administration’s healthcare reforms in the early 1990s, political leaders in the US have always sidelined the idea of legally proposing effective measures of controlling the cost of health care both at the federal and state levels. However, the escalating cost of healthcare management...

Long-Terms Goals in Financial Planning

Introduction Financial goals refer to the aspirations in the life of an investor that needs to be achieved when the person invests his money. By setting financial goals, chances of regretting are minimized and it ensures that the desired goal of investment is realized. These goals vary from one investor...

Financial Accounting Standards Board Update No. 2011-05

Introduction The ongoing convergence of the US GAAP and the IFRS accounts reporting standards aims at providing standardized financial statements for US firms applicable internationally. These standardized financial statements will assist in further clarifying and predicting cash flow trends and hence offer international stakeholders the opportunity to appraise companies’ liquidity...

The Level of HIV & AIDS in African Countries

Opening statement: HIV/AIDS spread in African countries is much higher than in other developing countries in the world, however, the number of infected people can be reduced. Background to the study: HIV/AIDS has become one of the most urgent problems in the whole world. Considering the statistical information, about 350,000...

Compliance vs. Ethics Comparison

The fact that ethics and compliance are commonly confused demonstrated that they are close in meaning, yet there is a vast difference. As for me, the distinction between these two words seems to be in the fact that compliance rests on a pragmatic basis, while ethics is social and intuitional....

CDC: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report is a weekly epidemiological periodical made available by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta in the USA for the expansion of the community health information and suggestions received by the CDC from the different state health departments on various health issues...

“Dynamical Packing in the Habitable Zone” by Kane

Introduction Earth is the only known to scientist’s planet that has life. However, researchers have been trying to estimate the number of planets in other solar systems that have the potential of containing life. In the article “Dynamical Packing in the Habitable Zone: The Case of Beta CVn,” Kane et...

Healthcare: The Focus on Patient Safety

The focus on patient safety in the hospital is to minimize harm. The hospital administrator should focus on the following guidelines. To begin with, it is vital to identify seasonal peaks in the falls of the injury. For instance, the rate of falls rises in the winter periods as a...

Sexually Transmitted Disease: Public Health Campaign

Abstract Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) affect many people in different parts of the world. Many youths are currently engaging in unsafe sexual practices. New infections are being recorded every day. A powerful campaign will encourage more youths to change their behaviors. This essay presents effective messages that can deal with...

Client’s Past Medical History in Medicine

Analysis of assessment data Areas for focused assessment This assessment focused on such areas as health beliefs or practices of the patient, past medical history of the client, family history, and emotional state of this person. It is possible to identify several areas of strengths and weaknesses, namely willingness to...

The Formal Contracts on Sales

The agreement of both Brian and Harry for the sale of model trains should have had a written agreement or contract in order for it to be valid. Article 2 section 201 (a) on formal requirements states that: “A contract for the sale of goods for the price of $5,000...

Unnatural Causes: Becoming American

Mexican migrants find it beneficial to come to a new country, look for some opportunities that are unavailable in their native country, and have better earnings. They cannot even guess how dangerous in terms of health their migration may be. They want to believe that it is possible to measure...

Agents in Professional Sports

Introduction The world of professional sports is a complex one. For a player desiring to get the best contracts and agents there are several things to consider. The player, agent and the league have to work together to make professional sports world a great environment. Player Contracts Contracts play a...

The Individualistic Approach to HIV Prevention

The Individualistic Approach to HIV Prevention Described in Sherr’s Paper HIV has caused potential negative impacts globally. Several investigations on HIV and related challenges have been conducted. Prevention is indicated as an important approach in minimizing the impacts of HIV infection. Indicatively, there are several prevention strategies. There are also...

Canadian Surveillance System and the Use of EHRs

Introduction A substantial number of studies have shown that EMR-based data in the surveillance of diabetes has increased the information available for making policies and strategies required to cope with the rosining prevalence of the disease. Canada has spent billions of dollars on the use of EHRs. Implications of using...

Continuing Education for Registered Nurses

Continuing education programs have been on-going in the United States for some time now. In this respect, it is important to appreciate the fact that there is also a shortage of nurses in the country. In the same context, the medical discipline is evolving fast and requires competent medical personnel....

Fun and Importance of Christmas Sweater Day

The Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is a revolutionary approach for celebrating Christmas. Citizens are free to wear whatever they please without the need for their expensive uniforms and workplace clothes. The idea is fan since it allows individuals to be themselves and enjoy the day to the fullest. It challenges...

Racial Riots in the United States

The history of the United States is a history of protests and riots due to the objective reasons associated with racism. Such activity has been and remains one of the levers that society uses to show its discontent, even if no long-term results are fixed. This paper compares the Watts...

Choosing Alpha Significance Level for Statistical Analysis

Testing for statistical significance depends on the chosen p-value. Selection of the p-value depends on the sample size (Banerjee, Chitnis, Jadhav, Bhawalkar, & Chaudhury, 2009; Ioannidis, 2005). This determines the location of desired significance on a normal distribution graph. Definition of the alternative hypothesis guides the selection of the left...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comparative Analysis: The Affordable Care Act and the Massachusetts Healthcare Reform

In the US, there are the federal laws and the state laws. The federal laws preside over the legislations approved by the upper house, the administrative commands of the president, and the verdicts of the federal courts. On the other hand, the state laws preside over legislations approved by governors....

Successful Business Performance: Key Factors

Nowadays, competition in the market is constantly growing, and therefore, companies need to pay attention to their business strategies and marketing plans. Proper presentation of products, the evaluation of customers’ buying behavior, and reducing costs while increasing income are only some of the factors that require careful consideration. In this...

Status of Women and Impact on Health and Social Issues in Honduras

Status of women in Honduras ranks very low owing to gender inequality. In social, economic, and political aspects, women are in lower positions than men because cultural factors deny them the opportunity to participate actively in the society as their male counterparts. Culture, norms, and traditions have restricted roles that...

Outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis Infections

The United States Food & Drug Administration together with the Center discovered an infection outbreak in October 2011 for disease control, prevention, and other public health officials. This infection affected a chain of restaurants referred to as Restaurant Chain A, a fast food outlet in the US. People who ate...

The Community Preventive Services Task Force

To prevent oral and facial injuries in the contact sports the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends the use of face masks, helmets, and mouth guards (Community Preventive Services Task Force, 2015). The effectiveness of these preventive measures is demonstrated by the findings of a small variety of studies concerned...

Family Nurse Practitioner’s Application of Theories

Utility of knowledge of nursing theories Understanding nursing theories is crucial in nursing practice because it facilitates effective application, processing of assessing patient’s needs and implementing appropriate care. In family care, the utility of knowledge derived from these theories ultimately creates a true baseline for cohesion, personal and family health...

On the Importance of Advanced Training in Nursing

The professional development course in nursing is vital for equipping nurses with knowledge and skills. These skills and knowledge are extremely significant in career advancement and personal development. Therefore, professional development involves all sorts of learning chances, which vary from informal learning chances to conferences, formal class work, and university...

Factors That Impact Media Consumption

Starting with the digital revolution in the 1990s when the world made a step forward personalized media moved away from the “tyranny of mass media”, people consumed only the content they found useful and meaningful (Jenkins 244). We got our media choices. With the active development of the digital and...

Review of a Research Study on Family Planning

According to Healthy People 2010, family planning is supposed to give individuals and couples the ability to give birth to the manageable number of children (Cartwright, 2009). It ensures that children are spaced accordingly. Family planning is done through the use of contraceptives as well as treatments which enable infertile...

Leadership in Healthcare Institutions

Leadership style in a healthcare institution refers to the methods used to give instructions to nurses, execute plans and motivate nurses to perform their duties. Most essential leadership traits for clinical officers include tolerance of stress, willingness to accept responsibility, self-confidence, energy, assertiveness, and decisiveness (McConnell, 2012). The contingency theory...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Florence Nightingale’s Legacy Overview

Introduction The famous British social reformer, Florence Nightingale, contributed to the development of modern nursing as a multifaceted medical area. The founder of multiple healthcare principles managed to meet the needs of both high-rank societies and margined citizens. Nightingale’s activity is often linked to the Millennium Goals that were developed...

Overnight Orthokeratology and Axial Elongation

According to Lin, Lin, and Lee (2002), myopia is a condition that is also known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness. In this condition, the light does not focus on the retina of the eye, but it focuses on the front of it (Lin, Lin, and Lee, 2002). Myopia makes individuals see...

The Collection of Short Stories “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Interpreter of Maladies is a collection of nine short stories written by an American author Jhumpa Lahiri. This writing presents its readers with stories about the experiences of Indian Americans who learn to live in the conflict between two distinct cultures. Therefore, in order to understand the life of these...

“Physical Activity and Obesity in Children” by A. P. Hills

Introduction Obesity has become one of the most significant health issues for high-income countries. In the paper “Physical activity and obesity in children,” the authors claim that this disease’s major cause is lack of physical activity. (1) The scholars also emphasize the necessity to promote healthy lifestyles and exercises among...

The Art of Being a Transformational Leader

Being a leader is not an easy task – though the challenges of this position are often underrated, it requires a lot of focus and excellent skills of communication and collaboration (Laschinger, Finegan & Wilk, 2009). More to the point, a good leader must be able to motivate their staff....

Emergency Department Discharge Instructions and Patients’ Understanding of Them

Is the framework clearly identified? The theoretical framework of the study “Patient understanding of emergency department discharge instructions: where are knowledge deficits greatest?” is not clearly identified. The authors have not included the thesis statement or research problems to support their research study. The fact that they have reviewed related...

Ford Motor Company: Cash Flow Statement

Introduction In addition to an income statement and a balance sheet statement, a cash flow statement is used in order to conclude regarding the generation and distribution of cash in a company. The analysis of this statement is important to examine possible changes in the cash flows related to a...

Flow Batteries as a Means for Large-scale Storage of Electrical Power

Flow batteries also known as Redox batteries have been in existence since 1880s and zinc/chloride the first kind of the batteries was first used by Charles Renard in 1884 to power his airship called La France (“Battery and Energy Technologies”). In flow batteries, current is produced in the process of...

Role of Small Gas-Powered Engines in Air Pollution

A lot of people rarely attribute air pollution to small gas-powered engines like lawnmowers. However, emissions from lawnmowers represent a crucial source of air pollution. These small engines are a significant source of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons, all of which are actively involved in the formation of ozone...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medical Ethical Dilemmas at the End of Life

The constitution prohibits anyone from taking his/her life. If one tries to take his/her life and doesn’t succeed he is taken to a court of law and then put into prison for attempted murder. Society does not also allow people to commit suicide by any means. Instead, one is supposed...

Patient Health Care Outcome

Many changes have been introduced in the industry of health care over the recent past. Most of these changes aim at reducing expenditures in health care. This leads to a reduction in the quality of services offered such that the health care consumers may be worse off even with the...

Tropical Juice Manufacturing Company Brand

Tropical juice manufacturing company is an institution involved in producing and processing freshly blended fruit such as mango, passion, apple, among others. The firm produces a non-alcoholic beverage made from original tropical fruit rich in nutrients and vitamins essential in boosting the body’s immunity (Anjum et al. 2). The brand...

Day Care Program of Child

My viewing experience has been productive, and I have learned different aspects of mealtime and daycare practices, in general. After eating, children need to rest for some time for digestion to happen effectively as Tai and the others do (Taispot, 2009, 00:08:26 – 00:09:59). I have also noted that children...

Effects of Toxins – Asbestos

Asbestos According to Ansari, Bihari, Rastogi, Ashquin, and Ahmad (2007), asbestos is “one of the naturally-occurring compounds” (p. 15). This mineral compound occurs in different products such as cement, ceilings, tiles, and transmission parts. Asbestos is heat-resistant. This “mineral compound has very strong fibers” (Ansari et al., 2007, p. 17)....

A Hypothesis and an Experiment: A Case Study

In a bid to develop a hypothesis and plan an experiment, I listed several things I would like to know within my surrounding; why a plant curves towards a window, why a plant can not grow towards gravity, why the lateral buds of most plants fail to develop and elongate...

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Its Implications in Advanced Practice Nursing

The affordable care act adopted in April 2013 demands that all US citizens should be insured. Qualifying health coverage is also another requirement under the individuals’ mandate. In the case of non-Medicare eligible individuals, the same coverage is also expected to be extended to them (Tanner, 2013). The program also...

Healthcare Institutions: Staff Education

Changes in organizations are necessary but sometimes hard to make. Containing cost is becoming an interesting focus for changes, as health care institutions, families, patients and practitioners are facing a hard time in trying to survive the tumultuous environment. In order to maintain proper and quality services for the patients...

Manager Morale at Uptown Hospital

Regarding the case under analysis, organizational and operational issues are at the core of the problems within Uptown Hospital (Agoritas, 2009). The manager failed to define the root of the problem and provide the corresponding solutions to it. Lack of standardization indicates the shortcoming of the currently established managerial polices...

Email System Upgrade: Project Scope Statement

Project Objective To upgrade the existing email system by January 15th, 2011, in such a way that it becomes: one system with a capacity of 2500 users, replacing the existing 5 systems and making it capable of both LAN and remote (Wi-Fi) access; install new standards and protocols, reconfigure the...

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When I first embarked on undertaking this epidemiology course, I believed that the subject only covered a few basic areas of public health research. For example, I knew that epidemiology describes the patterns, causes, and effects of diseases that affected most human societies. Similarly, I understood that the area of...

Health Care Delivery Systems Issues in the US

Health care delivery systems face very many challenges; for example, the issues of cost, quality, and access remain critical for the delivery of health care services in the US. National health services continue to face a lot of strain because the health care system is market-oriented. Investing more in primary...

Genetics and Public Health: Disease Control and Prevention

Public health genomics may be defined as the field of study where gene sequences can be used to benefit the society. With the knowledge of genes and their functions being known to the scientific world, one can put those stored and retrieved data to a great use to tackle public...

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The account of the trial of John Peter Zenger depicts how freedom of expression in the United States was in the period of 1735. The trial made a landmark to the freedom of the press ever since the German immigrant printer was sued for publishing the seditious libels. In this...

Facial Recognition: Advantages and Setbacks

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Type 1 Diabetes: Characteristics, Epidemiology

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Muscle Fiber. Types

The human body is a fantastic organism that continues to amaze scientists with the features of its device for many centuries. However, even the previously explored body parts are fraught with many amazing features. This essay aims to study the human’s muscle tissue both in general and at the molecular...

Foreign Direct Investment: Globalization of Production

Globalization continues to change the way countries interact coinciding with a dramatic change in the structure of wages in advanced countries. This implies that a company from Australia seeking to have its production in the United States will have to put with high wages for highly skilled workers. As for...

Nursing Theory-Practice Guided

Summary To understand this discussion, first, we must define what nursing science is. Nursing science is an exclusive, distinct body of knowledge encompassing frameworks, theories and paradigms. The discipline consists of the entire nurse do and what nursing is, overlies with other subjects, and is above the research and theory...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Theology Doctrine Universalism

Universalism is a doctrine in theology that refers to universal salvation. The notion of universalism is originated from Universalists and Unitarians. These were Christians in America in 1700 who believed in universal salvation. The people behind this movement were Murray John Hosea, Belau, and Rush Benjamin. (Theopedia, 2012) Universalism and...

Business Regulations in Quanta Computer v. LG Electronics

Was there a binding agreement between Quanta and LG? Based on the case Quanta Computer v. LG Electronics, there was no binding agreement between Quanta and LG (Clement, 2008). Instead, there was a binding agreement between LG and Intel. In the agreement, LG had entered into a contract with Intel...

Confidentiality in Nursing Practice

Health care providers often deal with the issues that are related to requiring the personal information about the patient. Modern technologies used in the health care system, including electronic databases, give the specialists access to private information. Following ethical and legal rules is of vital importance for any primary caregiver...

“Pediatric Hyperlipidemia” by Kools, Engler and Engler

Introduction Kools, Kennedy, Engler and Engler (2008) draw our attention to the fact that, even as cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among American adults, it seems inevitable that the next generation will present with much the same risk factors. Three Key Points The three...

Reaction to the Council of Trent Statement

The Council of Trent was a definitive document written in response to doctrinal challenges posed by the protestant reformation. The decrees revitalized and consolidated the Roman Catholic Church in the face of protestant expansion. The council issued critical statements on sacraments, scripture, biblical canon, sin, justification, salvation, mass, and saints’...

Doctor Visits and Health Status Correlation Analysis

The field of nursing and medicine constitutes one of the areas that benefit a lot from research and statistics. It is no doubt that statistics has played a big role in helping those in the medical sector to successfully come up with better strategies, medication as well as and interventions...

Effects of the Pandemic on Early Childhood Education and Children

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic has contributed to immense global health and socio-economic difficulties. In comparison with older populations, the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 on small children are ambiguous, with lower mortality and morbidity but no definitive evidence supporting dissemination during pregnancy. Studies on the effects of past disease outbreaks...

Rise of Republican Party and Decline of Federalists

In 1783, the United States finally eliminated the British rule on its territory. Nevertheless, among the politicians of the newly united and liberated country, there were dissents on policies and the absence of a commonly agreed vision of the Constitution. Distrust among the political leaders was a driving force for...

Sources of Literature in Nursing Problems

Nursing problems have greatly affected most health care systems in various countries. This is evident in both high-income countries and low-income countries. This paper seeks to find out whether the 15 articles have done the following: clearly identified and stated the problem, the nature of the issue of concern and...

Psychodynamic Perspective of Psychology

In the past, people’s knowledge of psychology was limited to their visits to marriage counselors, religious leaders, family therapists, and traditional dispute handlers. Psychologists were considered to be those who resolved conflicts and offered guidance during distress. Over the years, the concept of psychology has changed and has been recognized...

Hypothesis in Engel et al.’s Study on Emergency Patients

Does the study contain a hypothesis or hypotheses? Engel et al.’s paper “Patient understanding of emergency department discharge instructions: where are knowledge deficits greatest?” has one hypothesis. The study made assumptions that most of the respondents failed to fathom the discharge instructions given to them, which led to a deficit...

Autism Complementary Treatmen: Diet and Relaxation

Introduction Autism presents several behavioral and functional anomalies (Cathcart, 1998). Participation of parents, structural modification, and dietary changes are usually administered as forms of psychotherapy to align these anomalies to normal behavior. Nurses do this fundamental role in ensuring the overall health of victims to hasten recovery. There are resources...

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is one of the most important acts, which aims at creating proper insurance for people and fighting against frauds and abuses in health care. HIPAA allows being sure about the effectiveness in the health care system and continuity of human health insurance...

Interpreter of Maladies: The Plot of the Story

Interpreter of Maladies is included in the collection of short stories of the same name. The plot of the story is built around the trip of the couple Das and their children – Indian immigrants of the second and third generation, who grew up in America – to the Sun...

Biotechnology. Oligosaccharides and Glycosylation

A lot of recombinant glycoproteins, and erythropoietin, and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) are among them, are used as therapeutics aimed at mimicking the native human protein. The efficient and safe use of glycoprotein drugs requires determining the mixed structures of their carbohydrate moieties because the attachment of oligosaccharides (glycans) to...

Health Information Privacy Training for Security

HIPAA Security Rule In this paper, we will talk about HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. First, it is necessary to mention the HIPAA security rule. It states that healthcare professionals are required to protect patient information that is stored electronically. To do this, they can use administrative,...

Seborrheic Keratosis: A Patient’s Examination

The patient is Mr. Gary T., who is 77 years of age Caucasian American. Mr. T. has been worried about a skin lesion. After a close examination of the lesion on the patient’s shoulder, I have identified it as seborrheic keratosis. When charting this lesion it has to be mentioned...

Analytical Review of GASB and FASB

All types of organizations are required to furnish their accounts and make them available for external users who may be interested in the well-being of these companies and decide about their investments and associations with them based on information provided to them in the financial statements. Whether an organization is...

Developing EBP Questions Requiring Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Introduction Evidence-based practice is an exercise that originated from the medical profession. It has however been implemented in other fields such as nursing and psychology. The scope of ‘evidence-based practice’ involves the application of research results in processes. It is used in medicine and nursing professions to ensure that services...