Psychosexual Development and Psychoanalytic Theory

Introduction The development of a person right from birth to adulthood goes through various stages. Some of the characters that a person adapts to are natural, while others come from those who affect the individual’s life. Both natural and nurture behaviors shape a person’s future attitudes. Psychosexual Development Freud’s Theory...

The Situational Leadership Model

Situational leadership is one of the most commonly used leadership models in the contemporary world. Its history is rather short; however, its impact and effectiveness boost its popularity among some of the best business leaders today. As business environments became more intense and densely populated, business leaders started to experience...

Psychological Help as the Prevent From Possible Crime

Nowadays, terrorism can be considered to be one of the most refractory diseases in the contemporary world. It is necessary to organize the regular medical inspections, to provide accessible psychiatric help to all groups of the population, to concentrate on psychotherapeutic sessions rather than drugs, and to remember that it...

Hospital-Acquired Infection and Healthcare Quality

Introduction Any medical establishment faces a number of complex problems in the course of its functioning. The appearance of these problems is conditioned by the nature of services provided to people and by the dual character of results. The fact is that very often specialists fail to help a person...

Family-Focused Nursing and Community-Based Services

What is the difference between family-oriented and family-focused nursing care? Family-oriented and family-focused nursing care are two interrelated concepts. The first one refers to the responsibilities a health practitioner has towards a family as a subject of assessment and treatment. The framework of family-oriented nursing provides the instruments for collection,...

Miami Health and Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns

Introduction The results obtained using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns framework reveal that Miami faces various health risks such as climate hazards, sedentary lifestyles, accidents, water and food contamination, drug abuse, and homelessness. This community assessment paper gives a detailed analysis of these health risks. The discussion also outlines the resources...

The Divine Command Theory

The divine command theory sates that all human actions must be evaluated as moral or immoral in accordance with orders of God. What God permits is considered to be good, and vice versa what is prohibited by God is evil. According to this theory morality and moral obligations depend upon...

Florida National University’s Campus Parking Issue

Introduction to campus parking issues According to recent statistics, the lack of parking spots on campuses represents one of the major problems for students. The results of a cohort study with the sample comprised of 1.200 full-time U.S. students revealed that 16 percent of respondents consider inadequate parking the biggest...

Inflation in the United Kingdom’s Economy

Introduction – stating the problem The Office of National Statistics (ONS) says that the rate of inflation has risen to 0.2% in December 2015. It was surprising because it became the first month when the number exceeded 0.1% of January 2015. The primary causes of this increase are seen in...

Outing in Media: Pros and Cons

Discussion Post An outing is a term used to describe the disclosure of someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation, usually by the media, without their permission. The practice has been used numerous times, and despite its obviously intrusive nature has gained some support from the LGBT activists. While the opponents...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Contraceptive Method Choice and Patient Education

Treatment Goals A primary treatment goal for Claudia today is the choice of a reliable contraceptive method. The patient does not have any serious health problems or chronic diseases; she has a normal weight and does not have allergies to components of contraceptive medicine. Consequently, the choice of possible contraceptive...

Transformational Leadership for Nurses’ Motivation

Internal and External Motivation Factors Categories Extrinsic (external) Intrinsic(internal) Job Content Characteristics Challenging nature of work Opportunity to provide high-quality care Level of authority Level of influence on job planning and related activities The significance of the work Opportunity to apply certain skills or use creativity Perceived work effectiveness Perceived...

Employee Benefits and Compensation Comparison

Employee compensation and benefits are sub-disciplines in human resources. Though closely related, compensation refers to monetary payments such as tips and wages while benefits are forms of value, other than monetary payments that an employee receives for contributing to an organization’s success or operation (DeCenzo & Holoviak, 2009). Employee benefits...

State Strategies: Alaska’s Reinsurance Program

Introduction of the Strategy As the Affordable Care Act became effective in 2014, a rule has been established that nobody should be denied health insurance based on their health status and medical conditions (“Alaska’s individual health insurance market: Reinsurance is a path forward to achieve sustainability,” 2016). Before the implementation...

Vacations and Relaxation Types

Vacations is a free time that every person needs to rally one’s strength and return to work. People see the best vacation in different ways, as they all have different interests and prefer to have a rest in different ways. Some would like to stay at home while others search...

Strategies for Managing Misbehavior

Managing Misbehavior The classroom is a social environment, and teacher-student and peer interactions within any academic context largely impact the course of children’s development (Ratcliff et al., 2011). Students’ misbehavior in this micro-social environment represents a great problem because it may create barriers to the establishment of trustful relations between...

Diabetes and Dementia Relationships and Nursing

Introduction This paper provides a summary and analysis of the article by Jill Hill (2015), which is entitled “Diabetes and dementia: The implications for diabetes nursing,” and was published in Journal of Diabetes Nursing, which is a British peer-reviewed journal for professionals in diabetes nursing, in vol. 19, no. 4,...

Aging Changes, Positive and Negative Attitudes

Discussion Aging is an inevitable process that happens to all beings. It has enormous influences on an organism and its ability to operate appropriately. The majority of the representatives of general public consider that their quality of life will worsen with the course of time and develop negative attitudes towards...

Global Nursing Issues: Challenges, Strategies and Advocating for Health Care

Challenges Every person is entitled to quality health support and care. Unfortunately, many underdeveloped nations find it hard to deliver quality health care to their citizens. This problem affects many nations due to various factors such as corruption and brain drain (Mills, 2014). The first outstanding challenge that makes it...

Diaphragmatic Breathing and Its Meditative Effects

Why is diaphragmatic breathing thought to be an effective relaxation technique? Diaphragmatic or “mindful” breathing is considered to be the basis of any effective relaxation technique (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010, p. 45). That is because it helps to deliver oxygen straight to the lungs and to the blood system (Relaxation...

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Chronic Diseases in Elderly People and Education

The population of the elderly continues growing today. This growth makes hospitals and medical centers focus on different aspects of health promotion among the aging people because of the prevalence of chronic diseases (Song et al., 2013). There are many chronic diseases, including diabetes, strokes, arthritis, and obesity, that may...

Dell 13″ Mobile Workstation and Its Advantages

DELL is a recognized producer of informational technology. It is a large international corporation which strives to employ innovation as the major strategy to maintain its leading position in the market. The company was launched in 1984 by Michael Dell whose “game-changing vision” contributed to the progress of the industry...

World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index

The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI) is constructed to assist countries in determining the key challenges and opportunities in logistics. It is an interactive benchmarking tool, which can be deployed for improving performance because it provides insight into the trade logistics environment in...

Obama’s Economic Policy and Financial Crisis

There were significant expectations laid on the new president after the election. The economic situation Obama had to face when becoming the president was a true disaster. The first step the new president was to take was to define the team that would be supposed to meet the challenge. Obama...

Visual Imagery for Spiritual Meaning in Dickinson’s “Hope’ Is a Thing With Feathers”

Reliance on clear language and direct visual images separated the works of the Imagists and Emily Dickinson from the late Victorian poetry. Instead of the elaborate verse where images served as decorations illustrating the text’s main idea, the exacting visual image articulated with painstaking clarity became the poem’s essence –...

Amundson and Poehnell’s Career Development Model

Introduction Career concerns start early in life as children try to imitate their parents, teachers and doctors. Accordingly, Sharf (2016) states that satisfaction with one’s job is one of the most significant aspects for personal happiness. Yet, many people are still not satisfied with their employment although they cling to...

European Colonization and Middle and South America

European colonization has impacted the development of once colonized lands drastically. One of the primary ways European colonization affected Sub-Saharan Africa was the state’s economy and inability to recover financially. During the decades of colonization and land exploitation, European countries used African agricultural welfare and human capital to strengthen their...

Poverty: Behavioral, Structural, Political Factors

Introduction Poverty is a major global issue, which affects all nations across the globe. It is important to note that the given problem is a complex matter, which requires a multifaceted understanding rather than a generalized or simplified approach. In other words, it has a wide range of causes and...

How America Became a World Power?

American internal and external strategies allowed it to gain political power worldwide. The violent competition for establishing the new world order was particularly evident during the Cold War era. However, the lack of competitive forces in the 1990 and the 2000s resulted in creating an idea about taking responsibility for...

Information Systems and Technologies Careers

The job searching website Indeed Jobs offers a very wide array of work options within the area of information technology including specializations such as IT support, information technology specialist, desktop support analyst, and customer service within the area of information systems (Indeed, n.d.). The skill sets that are the most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Collaboration Problems in Nursing Practice

Introduction Interdisciplinary collaboration is a partnership between the patient and all healthcare workers involved in delivering personalized care. Interprofessional partnerships are instrumental in the implementation of health reforms and the improvement of patient outcomes. It is based on values like partnerships, sharing, and interdependency (Rosen et al., 2018). This paper...

Analysis of “The Hastings Center” Report by DeGrazia

Introduction Like many other systems in the world, the American healthcare system is in a mess. It exposes people to high level health risks with close to 46% of the population lacking health insurance while millions are underinsured (DeGrazia, 2008). This is according to DeGrazia in his 2008 article, The...

Analysis of Performance Appraisal System

Introduction The Human resource department is tasked with getting the best talents the company needs to ensure its success. This is achieved through a vigorous recruitment procedure that begins with the initial position questionnaire/interview. After this step, job analysis is conducted, followed by a job design and, later, the performance...

General Motors Cases Discussion

Case Summary The court case focuses on three groups of plaintiffs who are suing General Motors for a critical defect in ignition switches that could shut off the ignition, disabling steering, breaks, and airbags even in the middle of driving. However, the issue at hand is that due to the...

Sharp Healthcare Organization’s History and Mission

Introduction Sharp HealthCare, a well-being maintenance provider located in San Diego, is a medical organization that includes several hospitals, medical groups, and centers. Sharp HealthCare traces its roots from the establishment of Donald N. Sharp Memorial Community Hospital, named after the young pilot from San Diego who sacrificed his life...

“Mona Lisa” and “Starry Night” as Manifests of Sickness

The first artifact that I chose is “Mona Lisa” by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. Many believe that this masterpiece has been painted between 1503 and 1506 in the Italian Renaissance period. Now, this artifact is part of the permanent collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris. The second painting...

Evaluation of Concept of Learning Organization

Introduction The environment in an organization that is skilled to facilitate organizational goals is referred to as a learning organization. The learning environment is instrumental in the competitive commercial world. Learning organizations shift from typical worker training to instilling problem-solving, learning, and professional skills among worker. This paper shall evaluate...

How Technology Increases One’s Job Productivity

Introduction The development of technology changes human life every day. As a result, information technology affects the economy, business, science, and other areas of human activity. They are aimed at simplifying labor, increasing computing capacity and productivity, including humans. Manufacturing keeps pace with science, but not all achievements are applied...

Gun Control, Self-Defense, and Beneficence to All

Crummett, D., & Swenson, P. (2019). Gun control, the right to self-defense, and reasonable beneficence to all. Ergo, an Open Access Journal of Philosophy, 6, 1035-1056. (Journal Article). The article assesses the propriety of a gun ban with respect to a constitutional right to self-defense. The conclusion is that gun...

“The Spirit in Creation” Article by David Williams

Introduction and Brief Summary In In the article, “The Spirit in creation,” the author David Williams explores the role of the Holy Spirit within the scope of creation, defining and stressing its significance in the Trinity in the context given. Williams, a professor of divinity at the University of Fort...

Popular Research Paper Topics

National Security Branch, Its History and Structure

Introduction The National Security Branch (NSB) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a national security service that aims to prevent, identify, and eliminate threats to the national security of the US with the help of the strategic use of intelligence and counterterrorism efforts (U.S. Department of Justice [DJ],...

Universal Human Rights and Cultural Values

The universality of human rights is a question for debate because of the impact of cultures on people’s acceptation and interpretation of these rights (Donnelly 54). This idea and the problem of making human rights culturally relative is discussed by Jieh-Yung Lo, who focused on explaining the issue while referring...

King Company’s Management Training Evaluation

One major reason for training employees is to ensure longevity and attainment of future goals. For the employees, training is a platform that encourages them to become productive in the workplace. It is also a platform for solving various employee problems and attaining departmental and organizational goals. In the King’s...

Self-Interest and Public Interest Conflicts

Abstract This paper discusses two inherent conflicts that might occur between self-interest and public interest, namely definitional challenges and market-oriented mechanisms. Accountability, choice, best practice, and value, as well as the reinforcement of shared values and elaboration of norms of justice and fairness, need to be integrated into the new...

Smoking Cessation and Depression

Abstract It was estimated that nicotine affects the human’s reward system. As a result, smoking cessation might lead to depression and other mental disorder. However, a meta-analysis of existed researches demonstrated that smoking quitting does not lead to depression. On the contrary, cigarette cessation can improve the mental health state...

Segmentation in Customer Relationship Management

Customer segmentation is an important part of the business activity in general and a highly effective customer relationship management practice. The information obtained through segmentation allows personalizing goods and services offered by the company and thus ensure its relevance to the customers. Its advantages are best described through its three...

Cognitive Abilities in Life Span Developmental Model

Introduction Nowadays, the idea of creativity as a phenomenon primarily associated with the younger human developmental phases is deeply rooted in social consciousness. However, some theories suggest the people take a look at creativity from a new perspective. For example, according to the Peak and Decline Model, a person achieves...

Industrial Revolution, Democracy and Equality

Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society The impact of industrial revolution on society should not be understated. It transformed mostly agrarian economies into those oriented oriented towards goods and services. It led to an influx of people from village communities into big, industrial cities with the goal of making...

Discrimination, Affirmative Action, Sexual Harassment

Discrimination Discrimination implies any distinction, exclusion or preference, which denies or belittles the equal fulfilment of individual’s rights in the society. The country and its citizens are obliged to respect and ensure that all individuals in the territory and within the country’s jurisdiction have the same rights without distinction of...

Blood Cultures Overview and Analysis

Blood cultures are tests aimed at checking for foreign invaders in the bloodstream, such as yeast, bacteria, and other microorganisms. A positive blood culture is the presence of these pathogens in the bloodstream, a term that is medically referred to as bacteremia. Normally, when a physician suspects their patients might...

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded in 1960 as a cartel of the world’s biggest oil suppliers to help them to control the oil price and their own share and profit (Mankiw, 2014, p. 356). Nowadays the organization consists of 12 countries: “Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq,...

Philadelphia Winter Snow Disaster and Its Impact

Introduction Nowadays, apart from the continuous development of technology, various disasters may still take place and harm society and the environment. In this instance, to understand the negative consequences associated with different manmade and natural incidents, Winter Snow Disaster will be used for analysis in the context of Philadelphian community....

Mario-Diaz Balart and Affordable Care Act

Nowadays, nursing advocacy training becomes of paramount importance, as these specialists are considered not only as healthcare providers but also as political leaders. The latter can change healthcare legislation in a positive way (Tomajan, 2012). American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) highly supports these initiatives. It helps them find...

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts: Supply and Demand Analysis

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts — Overview Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is one significant segment of the Walt Disney Company that aims at providing the best leisure opportunities for the family vacation. It was founded in 1971, and since that time became the symbol of the family-oriented entertainment. Currently,...

The Asymptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection in Newborn Babies

Cytomegalovirus, also known as CMV, is the leading cause of congenital infection, with morbidity and mortality at birth and sequelae (Lazzarotto, et al., 2011). Each year, approximately 1–7% (Rev Med Virol 2010; 20: 311) of pregnant women acquire a primary CMV infection. Of these, about 30–40% transmit the infection to...

Sociology Family Matters: Happy and Successful Marriage

Introduction The institution of marriage has continued to attract increased interest from sociologists, psychologists, and other stakeholders owing to its influence on people’s life and wellbeing (Stutzer & Fray, 2005). Available statistics demonstrate that between 85% and 90% of individuals in the United States of America will ultimately marry, and...

Should Concealed Handguns Be Allowed in Texas Classrooms?

Introduction In America, many people are concealed handgun license holders. This means that they carry their handguns to many places. In Texas, individuals are allowed to carry their guns to places such as parking lots, city streets, grassy areas, and other public areas (Smith par2). However, students and teachers are...

Social Networking Benefits in Social Life

Issues in Social Networking In recent years, it is becoming increasingly clear that social networking applications such as Facebook and Twitter provide users with numerous new and exciting opportunities for establishing relationships across the geographic landscape (Rodricks, 2009), but also with concerns that increase the likelihood of new risks to...

The Louisiana Purchase in the History of the USA

Introduction The United States of America experienced a variety of watershed moments that changed the country drastically. The most significant events include the terrorist attack on September 9, the Vietnam War, Race Relations, Kennedy’s Assassination, and the Civil War. The Louisiana Purchase is considered to be one of the most...

Arts, History and Science of Philadelphia

Philadelphia is Pennsylvania’s largest city and has a rich historical heritage. This paper discusses some of the important historical features of Philadelphia. The historical features of Australia may be divided into, and discussed in terms of, historical landmarks, arts, and science/culture. One of Philadelphia’s major historical landmarks is the Independence...

Patients with Depression’ Care: Betty Case

Betty, a 45 years old woman, is referred to a local clinic because of feeling depressed. She has a history of three divorces and thinks that she is tired of living the old way. That is why now she is involved in relationships with a woman. In fact, she is...

HPCL Indian Oil Company: Overcoming Challenges

Identifying the problems that a company may face in the environment of the global economy is essential for developing a sustainable approach and becoming successful in the target market. The specified task is especially complicated for Indian organizations, which have to manage a variety of unique obstacles that the Indian...

Health Promotion: Scrutiny and Practical Implementation

Introduction There exist a number of definitions of health promotion (HP); one provided by the World Health Organization states that HP is “the process of enabling individuals and communities to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health” (as cited in Dawson & Grill, 2012, p....

How Do Various Factors Influence Health in Your Community?

Individual, Interpersonal, Community, and Environmental Influences The area we live in has a high rate of cultural diversity. As noted by Healthy People (2016), the Hispanic and Latino residents in Miami-Dade county estimates about 65.5% of the whole population, and African-American community occupies 19% of it. One of the main...

Chronic Hepatitis B in Asian Americans

Summary The article written by Myron Tong et al. (2011) is aimed at discussing the management of chronic hepatitis B in Asian Americans. The authors note that this group of people has the highest prevalence of this disease in the country (Tong et al., 2011, p. 3144). Researchers point out...

Modern Technologies Role in Communication

Today, whenever we are in a public place such as a bus stop, a metro or a café we can notice many people preoccupied using various devices such as tablets, smart phones or laptops to browse the Internet. All of these people are regularly connected with others by means of...

Florence Nightingale’s Legacy

Florence Nightingale has influenced my line of thoughts as a nurse through her legacy. She was an innovative nurse whose core values were geared toward the development of a nursing program to counter the healthcare needs of the people in the 20th and 21st centuries. Nightingale engaged in advocacy for...

Human Species Uniqueness Compared to Other Species

Introduction Do you believe that the human species is unique? Evolutionary scientists have claimed that human species emanated from ape-like creatures, but the truths about such claims have remained controversial. However, scientific studies have compared human species to other species and noted substantial uniqueness in terms of personality, judgment, and...

IBM and Intel Companies Environmental Management

The significance of environmental awareness has risen several times over the past few years compared to its previous rates (Reinhardt & Stavins, 2014). As a result, a range of organizations adopt green policies in order to satisfy all stakeholders involved. However, not all companies manage to comply with the key...

Compensation System Management: Incentive Pay Concept

Establishing a sensitive and appropriate compensation system is crucial for any workplace. Lack of fair and equitable appraisal and payment will lead to a number of issues, among which there will be employee shortage and turnover. Experienced and high performing workers will be likely to leave their jobs first. To...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organization’s Performance Measurement: Key Components of the Corporate Mechanism

The measurement of an organization’s performance presupposes a thorough evaluation of the key components of the corporate mechanism, including both the internal (e.g., the workplace environment, the corporate ethics, etc.) and the external (i.e., the logistics processes, the international relations, etc.). The Global Logistics Performance Index (LPI), which measures six...

Franz Kafka’s Novel “The Trial”

Some time ago I reread one of the most famous novels of the 20th century, Franz Kafka’s The Trial (Kafka, 1925). Unlike my first experience of reading it, this occasion of reading, along with some other information I run across soon after, has driven me to many conclusions about the...

Guns Control in the US

In the US, the gun control debate is usually revisited when a tragedy related to guns occurs. Accordingly, the Connecticut massacre, once again, ignited this debate. In this tragedy, twenty children and six teachers were killed (Jam). Subsequently, many people, including President Obama, were drawn into this debate. In one...

Communications: Technology and Personal Contact

The process of globalization has affected many areas of people’s life. It has changed our economy, business, and finances; it resulted in the high rate of migrations and traveling; it made an impact on education and interactions in the society of the world. Communication has become a crucial part of...

Mississippi Freedom Summer in 1964: Whites in the Movement

This was a civil rights movement in the southern parts of the United States. It was a very interesting move since the whites were involved in the struggle for African American liberation (American Experience, 2009). The movement involved over 1000 white college students who decided to involve themselves in educating...

Food Safety and Information Bulletin

The health-conscious consumer looks for nutrient-packed salad bars, natural foods, rare meat, and raw seafood at meal time but the microbes in fresh foods or in foods processed with minimal heat pose greater health risks than the nutrient loss that occurs in cooking or the chemical additives and pesticide residues...

Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development: Article Critique

In the article, Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development, Dearing (2009) investigated the diffusion theory by focusing on seven key issues – “intervention attributes, intervention clusters, demonstration projects, societal sectors, reinforcing contextual conditions, opinion leadership, and intervention adaptation” (p. 503). He found out that these issues accelerated the...

The Afghanistan Strategy: Afghanistan Without Al-Qaeda or the Taliban

The afghan strategy is a United States’ strategy of sending American troops to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda in order to make a safer world. Obama has started implementing the Afghan strategy by ordering 30000 troops to be sent to there, because America’s security is at stake. He has promised...

Whether Capital Punishment Be Abolished Or Not?

Since ancient times it is a practice to execute people judged to have committed certain extremely heinous crimes, with a view to sending warning signals among perpetrators of crime, which is aimed to reduce recurrence. All of us are opposed to crime and violence in our society; at the same...

Gordon Graham’s “Eight Theories of Ethics”

Ethics, Religion, and the Meaning of Life Ethics and morals attempt to explain human behavior and the underlying moral beliefs that distinguish right from wrong. Gordon Graham’s book “Eight theories of Ethics” reflects on the credence and theories that underpin human deportment and conduct. This paper summarizes the fundamental concepts...

PL 111-148 Section 5316 Policy Change Proposal

The problem is that section 5316 of PL 111-148 the program does not include stipend and housing for graduated and employed family nurse practitioners who taking the a one year training program. The public policy question is should the federal government mandate the provision of stipend and housing for Family...

Analysis of “The Lottery” Story by Shirley Jackson

The famous short story The Lottery, written by the American writer Shirley Jackson was published in 1948 in The New Yorker. The work caused a great stir among the population that still not recovered from the sufferings of World War II (Sar and Pradika 2). The feeling of anxiety, masterfully...

“And of Clay, We Are Created” by Isabel Allende

“And of clay, we are created” by Isabel Allende is a short story that tells the events of a volcanic eruption that led to a mudslide that killed twenty thousand people in Colombia. Isabel Allende is the narrator of the story who watches the incidences unfold from afar. The story...

Importance of Information Systems

Introduction Environmental sustainability is the process by which an organisation maintains the practices and factors that affect the quality of its environment. For an organisation to achieve a sustainable environment, it must combine its social, economic and environmental factors and integrate them so that they are all geared towards achieving...

“Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, Jr.: Rhetorical Analysis

Of all the works composed in the epistolary genre, the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” is, perhaps, the best-known and the most inspiring one. Written by Martin Luther King, Jr. after he had been arrested for the march in Birmingham, the letter appeals directly to the clergy in an attempt to...

Panic Disorder: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments

Panic disorder is a condition where one experiences repeated unanticipated panic attacks. People who have the disorder stay in fear of experiencing panic attacks. One may have a panic attack when they experience sudden, overwhelming fright with no definite cause. A panic attack’s physical symptoms include sweating, having difficulty in...

Lady Gaga’s “Women in Hollywood” Acceptance Speech

After her debut as a leading role actress in Ryan Murphy’s A Star Is Born, Lady Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, won the “Woman in Hollywood” reward presented by Elle magazine. On occasion, Lady Gaga gave a deeply emotional acceptance speech, during which she admitted having...

Delinquency Juvenile Gangs and Causes of Joining

The problem of juvenile delinquency has been growing in scale all over the world. Especially when it comes to groups and gangs, juvenile criminals are becoming more mobile, and their crimes are more severe and cruel. Adolescence is a turning point in the development of a child, the transition from...

Dyslexia: Causes and Treatment

Aetiology Dyslexia is a learning disability in children which persists throughout life when not treated at early stages. It hinders one the ability to write, read and speak. It’s a diverse neurological disorder with a complex hereditary and environmental aetiology. Dyslexia is classified in to three subtypes that are, auditory,...

Grocery Stores as Public Spaces

Why did you choose your site? The selected site is a grocery store. It was selected primarily due to the impact they have on urban experiences. It is important to note that the grocery store has been heavily affected by technology, and in recent times, has also been affected by...

Effective and Professional Electronic Communications

Over the past decade, the Internet has revolutionized the way in which communication occurs in the workplace. One of the revolutionary communication means which has emerged is the use of emails. According to Isabelle (2009), electronic mail is now the most useful channel of communication across the globe. As such,...

Mental Health Issues in Uganda

Mental health is an essential component of human health. It is a state of well-being in which a person realizes their abilities, can withstand the everyday stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to the community. However, in underdeveloped countries, such as Uganda, the issue of psychological health is very...

The Effect of Income Changes on Consumer Choices

The increases or decreases in the customers’ incomes always lead to budget shifts, which will imply the new purchasing behavior pattern. Many factors can influence the customers’ purchasing choices and adopt a new understanding of this process by the business holders and the whole market. The purchasing behavior strongly depends...

Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Introduction Depression is a kind of disorder that causes a lack of interest, anger, and persistent sadness. Clinical depression interferes with human feelings, thinking, and behavior that causes physical and emotional malfunctioning. Depression lowers self-esteem making the victim feel unworthy to live. Its persistence makes treatment difficult; long treatment is...

“Henry V” Play by William Shakespeare

Henry V is one of the famous war plays by William Shakespeare. The play can be presented to be both anti-war and pro-war. The play is pro-war; this is because a part of it glorifies war through Henry’s speeches where he urges his troops into battle and through the chorus...

Virtue Ethics, Ethical Egoism, and Rawlsian Theory to the Criminal Justice System

Virtue Ethics Virtue ethics is an ethical approach stemming from virtue theory inspired by Aristotle, the Greek Philosopher (384-322 BCE). It discusses the type of person that an individual should become to live an ethical life and thus emphasizes persons and character as opposed to responsibilities and consequences of actions...

The United Nations vs Imperial Systems

With the continuous course of history, the forms of leadership, the level of effectiveness, and the methods and values of governance have constantly been changing. A similar trend has emerged in international cooperation and governance, where the once imperialist area has been replaced by the image of the United Nations...

The Effects of Wearing a Face Mask

The article that will be discussed in this paper studies the effects of wearing a face mask for controlling the spread of COVID-19, which falls under the category of health policy. The researchers conducted an epidemiological analysis of confirmed cases of infection. The study outlined a list of mask-on and...

Propaganda Machines on Social Media Platforms

Propaganda, a false message aimed at twisting recipients’ minds in a particular manner, is a dangerous weapon in the world today. In many cases, propaganda is advanced through powerful social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Instagram (Cohen). The effect of such messages is excellent since it escalated hatred across...

SARA(Scanning-Analysis-Response-Assessment) Problem-Solving

Introduction One of the police’s primary responsibilities is to ensure that they protect the citizens from harm such as gang-related violence. Riverside High School’s board of management (BOM) has raised concern over gang-related graffiti on the school premises. As the Chief of Police of Riverside, I have to make sure...

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Douglass’s Speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?”

For as long as the power and splendor of the United States exist in the national cognition, the US has been associated with the land of the free. People from throughout the world embody their definition of liberty and fulfillment in the image of America. Indeed, the very idea of...

Thinking Like a Nurse: Clinical Judgement

Clinical judgment is an essential concept in healthcare and, more specifically, in nursing. It is a process that involves collecting client data, interpreting the data, making diagnoses, and identifying proper steps. Essential components of the process are critical thinking, decision making, and problem-solving. Clinical judgment is required for somewhat ambiguous...

The Would-Be Borrower Communication Conflict

Conflicts related to misunderstanding or lack of communication is a common problem in modern society. The so-called “The Would-be Borrower” conflict is one example of such a misunderstanding. A situation in which one person accepts the personal property of another as his property can lead to unpleasant consequences. This is...

Nursing Theory: The Health Belief Model

Introduction Nursing theories strongly support specialists in their practice. Also, a purposeful application of nursing theory to research is essential since it allows making the study more credible and reliable. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the nursing theory relevant to the approved clinical issue, which is the...

Managed Services and Their Advantages, Managed Service Providers

Managed services is an arrangement whereby an organization contracts external vendors to assist in handling their day-to-day information technology (IT) applications. The external vendors are also called managed service providers (MSPs). The MSP is tasked with delivering services that entail managing the organization’s networks, applications, IT setup and security. The...

Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Its Influence in ”The Epic of Gilgamesh”

Introduction All ethnic groups, especially in ancient times, had their heroes and iconized characters. In ancient Mesopotamia, such a hero was Gilgamesh- a warlike and wise king bent on immortality. The found tablets with the story of his life can be identified as the first memorial of literary skill. It...

“The Necklace” by Guy De Maupassant: Character Portrayal

Introduction Guy De Maupassant’s story, The Necklace is an example of how a writer uses various characters to develop the plot of the story leaving an everlasting memory on the reader. This essay will focus and determine Mathilde’s character as portrayed in the story The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant....

Salmonellosis: Risk Factors, Transmission, and Prevention

Risk Factors Associated with Salmonella Salmonellosis is a condition related to the gastrointestinal illness that the genus Salmonella causes. Various risk factors are associated with the condition of Salmonella. Mainly, human beings can get infected with the condition by consuming foods contaminated with animals’ feces (Indar-Harrinauth et al., 2001). In...

Thomas Jefferson’s and Benjamin Banneker’s Views and Struggles

After reading ‘Created Equal,’ the third president of the USA seemed a man of struggles and choices as it was harsh for him to break stereotypes and common beliefs due to the essential radical time for black people when Jefferson was in the government. The dialogue with one of the...

The Issue of Endangered Language Minorities in Italy

Currently, the field of anthropological linguistics is significant in social sciences. Due to globalization, various issues concerning language policies, language interaction, and use began to emerge. Indeed, the methods and principles of the social sciences are valuable in defining and investigating these issues. One specific issue that needs research is...

Rhetoric: The “Stressed Out” Song by Twenty One Pilots

Introduction Tyler, the band’s leader, wrote “Stressed Out,” claiming that “blurry face” reflects the person he is as a personality and the things the author feels uneasy about. Most of the official video was filmed at his childhood home, which is what the song says. Tyler added that one of...

Management: Communication and Organisational Structure

The domain of management may relate to any type of experiences, which are built on the basis of mutual interrelations between groups of individuals, who attain the goals of a specific organization (Boddy 2014). In fact, one can conclude that every human arrangement may be perceived as an organization, which...

The Need for Personal Life Philosophy

Personal Purpose As humans, everyone needs personal philosophy; otherwise, there will be a risk of wandering in information and making random stimuli, with no impact on individual’s long-term goals. Personal life philosophy offers the overall attitude and vision towards both life and its purpose; therefore, without the essence of philosophy,...

Black Letter Approach in Maritime Transportation Legal Research

Research purpose The key purpose of this research is to provide a critical interpretation of such concepts as laytime and its application to maritime law. It is necessary to focus on the following aspects: the commencement of laytime; demurrage claims, circumstances exempting from demurrage claims. There are three most important...

“A Quiet Place”: Film Analysis

A Quiet Place is a 2018 horror and mystery thriller directed by John Krasinski. The plot revolves around a family—wife Evelyn (Emily Blunt), husband Lee (John Krasinski), and their children Regan (Millicent Simmonds), Marcus (Noah Jupe), and Beau (Cade Woodward)—who struggle to survive in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by blind...

Working in a Virtual Team, Multiculturalism

Working in an ordinary team makes the group live and work at the moment. Members get together, explore the topics they need, and discuss how to do the project better and correct. Team members can share the responsibilities, but in any case, they can help at any time. In a...

Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatley Defied the Status Quo in the Literary World

The literary world experienced many challenges, especially during the 17th and 18th centuries, many voices were suppressed. Majorly, the male sentiments found their way into the mainstream due to the societal values that exalted men and despised women’s efforts (Luken 2). Educated males dominated the world of literature depicting the...

Flipped Classroom: Benefits and Limitations

Introduction The flipped classroom, or inverted classroom, is a novel teaching methodology that uses modern technology and online resources to facilitate better learning outcomes. The methodology involves moving traditional lectures and other learning materials out of the class and delivering them through online means such as recordings and similar content,...

Transportation Safety and Security Regulations: Advantages and Disadvantages

It is important to note that transportation safety and security regulations have their advantages and disadvantages, which can be reflected not only in cases of fatalities and injuries but also costs incurred and the effectiveness of their implementations. The most evident advantage of such regulatory practices is safety and security...

“The Happiest Days of Your Life” by Lively

This essay analyses a short story titled, ‘The Happiest Day of Your Life,’ written by Penelope Lively from England. The story is told by a third person omniscient narrator from Charles; the main character’s point of view. The events of this book unfold in South England at a place called...

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A Latino Youth Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy

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Self-Awareness: Influences on People’s Lives

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Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) For Anxious Students

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Solving Social Problems With a Nudge

Introduction TED Talks are extremely popular nowadays. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the Ted Talk of Sendhil Mullainathan, titled “Solving social problems with a nudge,” where he describes the issues of the “last mile” (Mullainathan, 2009). The essay will thoroughly discuss the particular Ted Talk by inspecting...

Digital Piracy in the Modern World

Galuszka, Peter. “The War over Internet Piracy: Fearing Lawsuits, College Officials Crack down on Illegal Downloading of Music and Videos on Campus.” Black Issues in Higher Education, vol. 21, no. 2, 2004, p. 24. Galuszka, in this article, provides that 80% of all films and music is pirated. For artists...