Constitutional Law in China and Hong Kong (NPCSC)

Introduction After many years of colonization, the British relinquished their hold on Hong Kong in 1997. Immediately after this, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) took over the governance of Hong Kong. The PRC designed a framework through which Hong Kong would maintain its autonomy especially with regard to governance....

Health Care Systems: Purposes and the Situation in the U.S.

Patient Satisfaction and Hospital Incentives Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey can provide decision-makers with information that will impact the amount of Hospital Value-Based Purchasing incentives awarded to medical institutions (McFarland, Ornstein & Holcombe, 2015, p. 503). Thus, the patient-satisfaction indicator is widely used for assessing...

The Gangs of New York Movie Review

Introduction The movie “Gangs of New York” depicts a time during the Civil War when rivals fought for the control of the Lower East Side of New York. The film is characterized by two varied forces fighting. One side comprises of the native thugs led by a man referred to...

Tang Empress Wu Zetian and the Pharaoh Cleopatra: Comparative Analysis

Introduction Ancient civilizations had few powerful female leaders who revolutionized the political, military, economic, and social order during their reign. Two bright examples of highly influential political figures are Tang Empress Wu Zetian (also known as Empress Wu or Wu Zhao) and the Pharaoh Cleopatra. According to Fitzgerald, Wu ruled...

Association of Body Mass Index With Blood Pressure

MAT 135 Project One Population and selection of response and explanatory variables Target Population People with obesity Study’s explanatory variable Body mass index Study’s response variable Systolic blood pressure Description of relationships The body mass index has a strong positive relationship with systolic blood pressure among individuals. Obesity is a...

The Glenn Defense Marine Asia Scandal Analysis

Introduction Corruption is a significant issue faced by every country or corporation to some extent. In some cases, effective methods are implemented in order to reduce fraud and investigate such crimes. In others, corruption, bribery, fraud, and other types of misconduct represent considerably higher rates. The Glenn Defence Marine Asia...

Sexual Assault: Criminology

The Definition of Rape Researchers stress that the prevalence of rape culture leads to the increasing rate of this type of sexual assault worldwide. There have been several definitions of rape throughout the centuries. The word originates from the Latin word rapere, which means “to take by force” (as cited...

Multifunctional Mug for Travelers as an Entrepreneurial Idea

The entrepreneurial idea presented in this project is to create a multifunctional mug for travelers and hikers that combines the functions of the organizer for cosmetics and the several-layer cup functions. Several segments inside the cup will pour various beverages into it simultaneously into the divided sections. It might also...

Vulnerabilities Associated With Homelessness

Introduction Due to social status, homeless people in the US are vulnerable to health problems compared to people who are drawn from high socio-economic status. Many homeless persons also tend to belong to low socio-economic families (Johnson & Haigh, 2012). Ensuring good health for such persons calls for the creation...

Aspects of Crisis Lethality Overview

Introduction The world changes to improve its economic, political and social development. However; not all developments occur in equal measure, as man overlooks other aspects for the sake of achieving their goals. Currently, political and economic developments are everyone’s priorities. Moreover, our social life is dwindling, families disintegrating and states...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Concept of Nursing Informatics

Introduction The 21st century has seen significant progress in terms of computer technology growth and its practical applications in a variety of spheres. Modern informatics allows for efficient data storage and exchange, thus contributing to the quality of services. This factor plays a role of paramount importance in healthcare, as...

Isolation of Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria

Introduction Gram staining is a highly crucial step in the process of identifying unknown strains of bacteria. It helps to differentiate between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as gives pertinent information on the size and shape of the bacterial cells. The next step in the identification criteria is based...

Rolf Stahel’s Leadership Style and Skills

Introduction Who holds good leadership style is a major subject of debate to many people. While many people tend to think that a person is born with leadership qualities, others believe that leadership skills are learned, acquired and nurtured during a person development. However, despite the form in which leadership...

Setting Matters: “Cat in the Rain”, “A Rose for Emily”

A person telling a story is likely to provide some setting to help listeners acknowledge relevant contexts. The setting, being one of the central components of literary works, serves as a background where certain events take place (Khrais, 2017). Some may even think that authors mention the place where their...

Major Organelles in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

It goes without saying that the functioning of the human organism is a complicated process. Cells are mainly categorized as either eukaryotic or prokaryotic. Regardless of the classification, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells share a lot in common. Both of them are surrounded by a semi-permeable plasma membrane that has...

Group Counseling Termination

Termination of group counseling requires many of the same skills used in ending individual counseling relationships. Group counseling typically have a set number of sessions, which makes it easier to anticipate the ending, but it is still a difficult process for group members. Group leaders must remain aware of the...

Criminology: The Peace-Making Model

There are diverse approaches towards the alleviation of crime, depending on the levels to which the community can choose to cooperate and the effectiveness of the law enforcement agencies. One of such approaches is the peacemaking model in criminology. The peacemaking approach towards crime alleviation contrasts itself with the conventional...

Rolls Royce in the UK Economy: Market Analysis

Introduction The UK automotive industry has been playing a vital role in the economic growth of the state and its business development, and Rolls Royce is an essential part of the UK car manufacturing legacy. After Rolls Royce had garnered enough public praise and attention as a luxurious brand, the...

African American Soldiers and the Civil War

African American soldiers played an essential role in the American Civil War (1861-1865). The Civil War was the war between States – the Union and the Confederate, the North and the South. It began because the South wanted to secede, but the North did not agree. The white Northerners accepted...

Types and Participants of Epidemiological Study Designs

Epidemiological research studies usually utilize different study designs, including cohort study, case-control study, and cross-sectional designs. These designs differ about the period during which the phenomenon and health outcomes are studied and about the used sample (Farrell et al., 2013, p. 3; Ibrahim, Alexander, Shy, & Farr, 1999, p. 1)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The True Cost: Fast Fashion, Garment Workers, and Environment

The True Cost is a documentary that was directed by Andrew Morgan and released in 2015. It shows the background of the fast fashion world, where garment workers live in terrible conditions, facing poverty and a lack of safety. The multinational fashion corporations follow globalization economy, which means that production...

Responsibilities Regarding Humans as Research Subjects

Human exploration guidelines ensure that people are treated ethically without causing harm to research subjects. Moral rules that oversee the application of human subjects under examination are a genuinely new development. After 1906, administrative bodies, for example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Institutional Review Board (IRBs) were presented...

Arab Heritage: Patient-Centered Care

Arab Heritage Case Study Mrs. Nasser arrived at the urgent-care center with her 16-year-old daughter, who had been experiencing burning upon urination, itching around her genital area, and a high fever. Mrs. Nasser appeared very anxious, explaining to the nurse that her daughter had never had these symptoms before. The...

Fast-Food Marketing and Children’s Fast-Food Consumption

Introduction The article “Fast-Food Marketing and Children’s Fast-Food Consumption: Exploring Parents’ Influences in an Ethnically Diverse Sample” by Grier et al. (2007) details the current state of childhood obesity and how the marketing and advertising campaigns by fast food companies to both parents and children is partly responsible for the...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Dementia is considered a general term for impairments in mostly remembering, moving, and thinking that serve as obstacles in a person’s everyday activity. However, the term is also strongly associated with the following problems: reasoning, problem-solving, attention, and communication. Furthermore, dementia is extended to numerous diseases with the most accurately...

The Poem “American Arithmetic” by Natalie Diaz

The “American Arithmetic” by Natalie Diaz is a poem that reflects the effect of racism and police brutality in America. The author narrates from the perspective of a Native American and expresses her dissatisfaction with racism and favoritism witnessed in the country. The poem describes the challenges facing native and...

Virginia Henderson Nursing Need Theory

Introduction For advanced nursing care, nurses must be familiar with nursing theories, which were established to give direction for clinical practice. According to Gligor and Carmen (2020), recent advances in technology, abilities, expert knowledge, and patient needs and expectations have resulted in a changing health system. Growing lifespans and chronic...

Operation Geronimo and Killed Osama bin Laden

After the events of 9/11, not only the United States but the whole world has entered the condition of constant fear. As a response, in 2011, the US commander in chief, President Obama, ordered an operation that aimed to kill Osama bin Laden who was the head of a terroristic...

Ethos, Pathos, Logos in “What is ADHD?” Article

Aristotle’s modes for influence, also called expository offers, are known by the names of ethos, poignancy, and logos. They are methods for convincing others to accept a specific perspective. Through strategies like substance examination, overview philosophy, and ease of use testing, specialists in the circle medication perceive the significance of...

Modern Ballet and J-Setting Southern Dance Styles

The dance represents a spectacular art of bodily movements and symbolic communication about the human experience. The art of dancing is closely intertwined with the symphonic musical accompaniment and, as a rule, with the lyrical background. In this essay, I will analyze three dances that vary in style, tile of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Victimization Rates and Characteristics Assessment

Victimization Rates Outline The victimization rates vary considerably depending on region, nationality, and various social and ethnic factors. Region Metropolitan areas have more crime victims and violent death risks than rural countries inhabitants; The country’s sections analysis demonstrated that the highest risk rate was observed in the South (6,6% –...

Generalists vs. Specialist Birds

Birds are interesting creatures to watch and learn about. They have charming and colorful looks; have special adaptations, with a variety of food resources and unique habitats. Most birds are known to live on trees, but quite a number also stay in or around water bodies, in caves, mountain tops,...

Effective Approaches in Nursing Leadership and Management

Introduction Without a doubt, there is an increasing shortage of nursing professionals not only in the United States but also globally, with the trend anticipated to worsen in the coming years (Goodin, 2003; Zori, Nosek, & Musil, 2010). Nursing shortage and nurse turnover are fundamentally related to the concepts of...

The Differences in the Role Women Played in Puritan Society in Colonial Massachusetts

The evolution of women’s role in society might be traced back centuries. Some of the historical periods became more prominent than others, such as the era of Puritan communities and the rise of the Evangelical Revival. Further, the differences and similarities of women’s roles in both societies will be discussed....

“The Crucible” Themes by Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, which was published back in 1953, remains one of the most notable plays of English literature because it is full of themes that transcend time and are still relevant today. For readers to understand the intentions behind the story, it is imperative to dig deeper into...

Effective Leadership and Communication as the Keys to Organizational Growth

Introduction Leadership is the art of motivating team members in an organization to achieve set goals. Front-liner’s characteristics and personalities are vital in ensuring the company remains on course to obtain desired outcomes. The effectiveness of headships varies from an individual to another depending on traits and integrated factors. In...

Apple Inc.’s and Microsoft Corporation’s Cash Flow Indicator

The primary indicator of evaluating the company’s performance is traditionally profit. However, in addition to it, there are other indicators of the company’s performance, which can be used to assess its prospects. One of the leading indicators is the cash flow indicator, which is widely used in economics. The two...

Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

A strong-sense critical thinker always strives to be intellectually fair. One of the qualities of such a thinker is that they try to understand the viewpoints of other people. When discussing or debating an issue, it is essential to give opponents a fair chance to express themselves (Elder and Paul...

Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Health

Introduction The general agreement is that wellness programs have profound positive benefits to an individual. Through wellness initiatives, an individual has the opportunity to live happier, healthier, longer and more productive life. Being the most important assets to psychological health, emotional intelligence offers a dramatic shift from culture of treatment...

Kunshan: The Making of China’s Richest Town

The successful development of a provincial region is complex due to the number of innovations that need to be introduced. That is why the example of Kunshan, located in southeastern Jiangsu, is so revealing. In just ten years, the city’s population has grown from 600,000 to over two million (Kirby...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reflection on Hume’s Speech and Lecture

Introduction It is reasonable to expect conflict when there are deviations in opinions, backgrounds, and attitudes. Disagreements have been an integral part of human history, and have led to massive acts of violence and bloodshed. However, disputes are possible to resolve without resorting to arms but with reaching agreement based...

Leader-Exchange and Social Network Theory in the Healthcare Setting

Introduction Leadership in the healthcare setting is vital as it contributes to the development of efficient strategies and methods to provide high-quality services. It has been acknowledged that the development of the relationship between the leader and the group members affects the overall efficiency of the organization (Blake, Mouton, Barnes...

Submission a Derivative Claim

Question Allan, David and Richard are directors of Springfield Chocolate Ltd which was incorporated in 2008. They hold 60%, 20% and 10% of the company’s shares respectively. John holds the remaining 10%. Allan has been the company’s managing director for three years. In May 2011, Springfield Chocolate Ltd was invited...

Racism in the United States of America

Introduction Racism is one of the most controversial issues in the United States. For many decades, the matter has been hotly debated in various fields to find a lasting solution. The stories of Emmett Till and Christian Cooper are both cases of racism that manifested in different ways. Till was...

Quantitative Studies on CAUTI in Nursing Homes

Introduction Nursing home residents are highly susceptible to various healthcare-related infections (HAIs). Their transmission can lead to the quality of life of such patients substantially declining and the necessity for hospitalization. Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is among the most prevalent infections in assisted living facilities and requires effective prevention...

The Crisis of Lethality: Suicide as Health Phenomenon

Suicide has been a troubling phenomenon worldwide. The latest statistics indicate that suicide is a killer in America (American Association of Suicidology, 2005). Statistics further show that the American population looses approximately 80 people per day in suicide related cases and about 750,000 people attempt suicide each year. This tear-jerking...

Cultural Competency in Nursing

Positive changes in the demographic situation, as well as the multinational composition of the population give rise to particular concerns about cultural issues in medicine. Effective doctor-patient interaction is associated with increased patient satisfaction, adherence to recommendations, and a subsequent health improvement. Many people think of cultural competence only as...

The Thrombosis Process Research

Introduction The article ‘mechanisms of thrombus formation are authored by Bruce Furie and Barbara C. Furie is a 2008 publication in the New England Journal of Medicine, volume 359 from page 938 to 949. In this article, Furie and Furie (p. 938) attempt to describe the various ways in which...

Strayed and Gilbert: The Journeys to Themselves

The stories by Strayed and Gilbert coincide in many ways as two writers tell their stories of traveling and their pursuit of what they could not find in their past lives. Wild portrays Strayed is long mile climb on the Pacific Crest Trail as an excursion of self-revelation after loosing...

Information Systems Characteristics

Introduction Many companies use information systems to have successful operations, assemble data, and achieve goals and objectives. Information systems comprise of data; individuals and devices that assemble, manage, produce, and keep information; the grid that carries and collects information; and the techniques that control the management of information (Stair &...

Choosing Between Access and Excel by Microsoft

Introduction Over the years, computers have become an integral part of the business environment. This has been as a result of their efficiency, accuracy, and speed which has revolutionized the manner in which business is conducted. An integral part of computer systems is their ability to store and manipulate data....

Pathophysiology of Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Introduction Diabetes insipidus is a type of diabetes that is characterized by a reduced production of the ADH (antidiuretic hormone) also known as vasopressin in the body. This type of diabetes is manifested in the form of water metabolism disorders. This means that a patient experiences excessive thirst and excretes...

Emergency Department Staff Hourly Rounding Effects on Clients’ Satisfaction in a Pediatric Facility

The Purpose Statement A number of studies have noted that emergency departments of most hospitals around the world have poor patient satisfaction scores. According to Soremekun, Takayesu and Bohan, (2011, p. 668), satisfaction can be viewed as the difference between patients’ perceptions and their expectations”. Olrich, Kalman and Nigolian (2012)...

Google’s Business and Marketing Strategy

Introduction Significant advancements in information technology and communication (ICT) have introduced substantial transformations in the current business world. The corporate sphere in the United States has experienced tremendous growth due to the rapid development of pertinent technologies. Google Inc. is one of the premier and most reputable innovative companies in...

Medical-Legal Dilemma. Nonprofit Financial Stability and Financial Growth

The fact that some patients are either underinsured or totally uninsured to an extent they cannot afford some medical services is becoming rampant. Those who seek medical attention from certain health facilities without proper insurance cover face a lot of challenges. Some indigent patients are encountered with the unsound option...

Orlando International Airport: Fire Rescue Service

Today, airplanes are considered to be a relatively safe form of travel. However, there is still a significant number of incidents that can take place at the airport. All domestic and international airfields must be able to provide aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) services to ensure quick response to any...

Governmental Bodies Managing Cyber Threats

The most pressing issue in regards to homeland security is the dependency of the major critical infrastructures on Information Technology (IT). Cybersecurity is one of the biggest threats, which the current system of homeland security has not yet learned to manage efficiently. The energy and finance sectors, as well as...

The Torah: Story, Law, and Poetry

In the tradition of Judaism, Torah, in the broad sense, refers to the substance of God’s divine revelation to Israel, thus offering divine teaching and guidance to His followers. The meaning of Torah has been mainly restricted in order to denote the first give books of the Hebrew Bible, or...

Character Analysis Papi Behavioral Traits

Introduction Autobiographical works often cause public resonance and critics’ interest due to the personal nature of such stories and unique plots that took place in authors’ lives. Junot Díaz can be cited as an example of a writer whose books are largely imbued with the narration of personal experiences. His...

Waterville Healthcare Ratings, Pricing & Reviews

Introduction Before one can understand and be able to solve Waterville’s health woes, one has to consider the geographical and resource-based restraints that apply to the area. Waterville is a remote regional center whose deteriorating health status can be linked to several factors including personal and social issues. Others issues...

Asthma: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Asthma is an allergic respiratory disease where the airways to the lungs swell preventing inflow and outflow of oxygen. The disease has various symptoms including but not limited to coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. Asthma can be caused by allergies such as pollen and dust...

Competencies and Capacity to Deliver Healthcare

Introduction For a healthcare organization to officially back its ability to deliver its services, it must be accredited by respective agencies. Accreditation is a voluntary process of external evaluation based on dynamic standards to achieve optimum performance (Myers, 2011). Firstly, it is not obligatory as hospitals can choose not to...

Network Society, Global Identities and Changes to Sociology

The network society is the organization of a society’s activities and social structures around information networks that are processed electronically. The networks, in this case, are run by information and communication technologies that are founded on theories of microelectronics responsible for generating, processing, and distributing information among different sub-groups of...

Southeastern Community College V Davis: A Case Review

Introduction In this case, Frances Davis applied for a nursing course at the Southeastern Community College. This institution is one of the American colleges and universities that receive state funds to run their programs. Davis had a hearing disability at the time of application, and could only depend on lip-reading...

Is Recycling Worth the Cost?

Introduction Human beings’ lives and health depend on the diversity of life on the Earth. A healthy planet provides air and water, gives food for people and other species. However, pollutions, cutting down the woods, global warming with the greenhouse effect threaten the world and its biodiversity leading to the...

The Healthcare Workplace: Patient Safety Culture

Fostering a safety culture is a key part of enhancing patient safety and service quality in the emergency care environment. Numerous researches indicate that a culture of safety and the associated safety climate framework are related to doctors’ practices, such as communication of failures, reduction of adverse events, and decrease...

The Law on Hazardous Waste Management System

Comment The law on hazardous waste management systems was published in the Federal Register on July 24, 2012. Besides, it was majorly designed to make some vital changes to the hazardous waste identification rules. These unsafe rules were put in place by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). According...

Diogenes and Alexander the Great

Diogenes is considered to be one of the most controversial figures in history. One of the founders of Cynicism, a philosophical school of thought, Diogenes advocated for poverty and shamelessness, rejecting conventional desires for money, authority, power, and wealth, along with the importance of socio-economic status. He also was known...

Children With Disabilities: Biases, Judgments, and Preconceptions

Biases about Children with Disabilities The photograph represents children’s wheelchairs that is a symbol of children with disabilities. Unfortunately, the majority of children believe that children with disabilities need sympathy and compassion while actually, they need friendship and an equal attitude. The above situation affects the lives of children with...

Postwar Italy and the Rise of Fascism

After the end of the First World War, many countries have found themselves on a brink of an unprecedented crisis. With a lot of funds, resources, and human lives being spent fighting in an international conflict of an at the time unimaginable scale, most countries suffered from deep economic, political...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Outcasts of Poker Flat Short Story by Bret Harte

Human nature, as complicated and mysterious as it is, has been a subject of artists’ expression since the old days. However, frequently, the peculiarities of existence become rather modified in order to create a “wow” effect on the recipient. Driven by the idea that people’s life may be thrilling with...

Discussion of Morality in Auschwitz

Morals provide a benchmark for choosing what is right or wrong in any social context. The author of Survival in Auschwitz depicts the failure of morality to instil empathy and a moral compass in his life. He reveals his earlier immoral actions as a civilian before being incarcerated. In the...

“Black Panther” Hype: Critical Response Essay

Proma Khosla’s essay has specifically targeted people who are enthusiastic about movies. In the first paragraph, Khosla has stated that the film “will be broadcast in movie theaters, on TV screens, and in the hearts and minds of audiences around the world who flocked to theaters to watch Hollywood’s first...

Healthcare Case Study of Standards for the Center

Introduction The Southern Regional Medical Centre has a medium level of capacity and patient turnover. Its location and relevance put it in a position of public interest and general concern. Therefore, it follows that a proper administration facilities better and up to standards service delivery is a critical element for...

National Association of Social Workers

Introduction Social work is an essential aspect to individuals as well as community at large. In addition small and organized groups can also immensely benefit from social work services. Studies reveal that it improves human life through education, direct practice, better organization of society, policy formulation and integrated research. It...

The Capital Punishment Debates and Arguments

Since ancient times it is a practice to execute people judged to have committed certain extremely heinous crimes, with a view to send warning signals among perpetrators of crime, which is aimed to reduce recurrence. All of us are opposed to crime and violence in our society, at the same...

Applying Ethical Frame Works Into Practice

Introduction Confidentiality is receiving information that is personal and confidential from an individual and not passing it to another person without the consent of the person you have received information from (Department of Health, 2003). An example is a doctor and his or her patient; the doctor receives information from...

Legal Issues of Racial Inequality

Racial inequality is one of the most important social problems that covers various spheres of life. The most serious consequences of discrimination based on race are associated with violence and impairment of rights. However, legislation is believed to protect vulnerable populations from the negative outcomes of racial biasing. In this...

The Most Crucial Social Problems

According to statistics provided by the National Alliance to End Homelessness (2020), every 17th out of 10,000 people suffers from the absence of a permanent residence. On the national scale, it means that in 2019 more than 560,000 have no place to spend the night. The personal experience suggests that...

Vacation in Mexico City: Worth Visiting Sites

Introduction From early childhood, traveling and interest in various splendid sights of our wonderful world was my genuine and, occasionally, all-consuming passion. However, before visiting a particular place, I always spare no effort for adequate preparation and thoroughly explore all essential information, especially about local culture and traditions. In this...

CT Angiography in Pulmonary Embolism

Case Study Melissa Moser, a female aged 22 years indicated symptoms of unconsciousness and shortness of breath when she was first admitted to the community hospital. The patient data as recorded on admission showed that she was 70kgs heavy, 66 inches tall and her BSA was 1.81m2; two weeks ago...

Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections: Prevention and Reduction of Infection Rates

Introduction The first thing that should be done is the analysis of five peer-reviewed evidence-based articles on the issues of central line-associated infections with older adults and ways of preventing and reducing the rate of infections. 1a. Read and review five articles for the strategies and interventions known as the...

Law and Medicine: Relationship Analysis

Introduction Medicine like most other professionals is governed by laws that are meant to protect patients’ rights and prevent fraudulent practice. Healthcare practitioners are for example required to complete required training and obtain a practice license from a registered governing body. In the course of practice, nurses and physicians have...

Reasons Why Nurses Are Choosing To Quit the Profession

Introduction In any profession, a person training has a different feeling of the profession while still on training and a real-life situation at the place of work. Naivety is sometimes nominated as a course in the differences in the mentioned feelings. Consequently, the first impression or experience that confronts an...

The Depiction of Culture in Alfonso Cuarón’s “Roma”

Introduction Roma is a 2018 film directed by Alfonso Cuarón, who based the story upon his childhood memories. The semi-autobiographical narrative focuses on Cleo, a servant woman working for a middle-class family, whose character is inspired by Cuarón’s caregiver. The movie is set in the 1970s in the neighborhood of...

Comparison between Late Development and Early Development Pathway

Industrialization is the transition of agriculture-related raw materials to mass manufacturing of goods and services. The period has been characterized into two phases, Early development and Late development. Early industrialization occurred in Britain in the late 18th century, while late industrialization occurred in the 20th century after the second world...

Police Force Diversifying Strategies

Introduction Workplace diversity has become an essential characteristic of contemporary companies and organizations. It is crucial to view the process not as a tendency brought by political correctness but as a necessary mechanism to bring more perspective into work and thus enhance its results overall. One of the spheres that,...

Conversation Group: Online Security

Online security is an essential issue in the modern world since people spend more time and perform multiple actions in a digital sphere. This term implies that people’s data are protected from unauthorized access and use, which is called cybercrime (van Bavel et al., 2019). Thus, online security denotes that...

The Cognitive-Behavioral Model

There are six models of abnormality that attempt to propose treatment for psychological illnesses by viewing their nature and causes from different perspectives. One of them is the cognitive-behavioral model that concentrates on people’s thoughts and behaviors and their interplay (Comer & Comer, 2019, p. 48). The central assumption is...

The Concept of Organizational Development

Business leaders apply evidence-based strategies to identify effective processes and initiatives that can transform less profitable operations. The concept of organizational development (OD) guides managers to improve business practices and eventually maximize overall performance. This discussion defines and describes OD as a critical concept for strengthening a company’s culture, processes,...

Gender Stereotyping in Audi’s Used Car Ad

As one would think that the years of advertisements that were offensive to women due to stereotypes were over, the Chinese advertisement for a new Audi proved everyone otherwise. The ad compared winding and marrying a wife to purchasing a car, stating that an “important decision must be made carefully.”...

“Gone Baby Gone” Moral Issue

Gone Baby Gone is a movie about kidnapping a girl Amanda and investigating this crime by the young detective Patrick. At the end of the story, the man realizes that the police officer Doyle kidnapped the girl to save her from her neglectful mother involved in the drug business. This...

Installation Program for a Plastic Shredder on the School Grounds

I would like to review a program in which we intend to purchase a simple plastic shredder and install it in the school compound to counter the rising volume of plastic containers and plastic bags in the school environment and its environs. Students will be encouraged to drop their plastic...

Nursing Process Assessment in Solving Medication Errors

Introduction Nursing is a very critical process, which requires a lot of care, attention, accuracy, and dedication. It is a scientific, client-oriented, systematic, and goal-oriented approach, where the nurse and the client work together to ensure quality health care is provided. Moreover, it is a continuous process that a nurse...

Sanitation, Inspection and Public Health Administration

Introduction Maintenance and promotion of good health has become a major concern. Public healthcare administration is the science of preventing, improving and promoting health of the community at large. In efforts to enhance this, public healthcare administrators have encountered a number of challenges which have hindered the propagation of better...

Religion and Cult Relations

People have always needed a system of specific beliefs to explain events unknown to them. Since the emergence of the first organized groups of people and civilized societies, mythologies, religions, and cults became integral elements of the human world. Moreover, some worship systems transformed into dominant paradigms or religions peculiar...

The Cynefin Framework: Decision-Making

The complex world requires people to engage in the process of decision-making continually. This procedure is often referred to as a conscious act of making a choice based on the circumstances, risks and benefits, and personal preferences. Since the situations people encounter are becoming more sophisticated, individuals need specific methods...

Terrorism and the Media

Introduction Media is a powerful social tool that has a significant potential to sway the manner in which people think about societal ideologies. Media influence is very detrimental to some identified classes within the human society, especially groups that represent the minorities. The myth behind the alleged relationship between Islam...

Wearing a Mask after Vaccination

Controversial issues regarding collective security during the COVID-19 pandemic often include discussions of if a sanitary mask fulfills the functions assigned to it or not. In particular, one of the ambiguous topics is the question of whether it is necessary to wear a mask after vaccination. Human resource managers should...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Triggers, Clinical Manifestations, and Therapy

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition that originates from experiencing terrifying events and getting haunted by them long after they happened (Kinchin, 2005). It is characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, panic attacks, and recurrent thoughts about the event (Kato, Kawata, &Pitman, 2006). The disorder...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Research Methods Methodology

Extraneous variables Obesity is a serious health issue affecting many people globally. In trying to understand the prevalence of the condition in the modern society, launching a qualitative research would be appropriate. Therefore, the suggested study will utilize the case study research design since it is useful in investigating the...

Health and Medicine: Experiments and Discussions

In the first experiment, researchers tested the subjectivity of polygraph examiners’ assessments. The specialist was given a specific name before the test began to do it. A polygraph is an instrument of an inevitable withdrawal of responsibility – from one’s subjectivity one goes to objectivity – to the machine that...

The Legal Area of Employer, Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Treating the employees in a way that is comfortable for them is crucial when it comes to employer-employee relations. Thus, every state has legislation that protects the rights of the workers as well as their health and safety. It is also important to provide the employees with an appropriate level...

Health-Care Cost of Smoking: Economic Impacts

Introduction Smoking simply refers to a practice in which a known substance, usually cannabis or tobacco, is burnt and the smoke it produces is inhaled directly. The combustion releases active substances like tar and nicotine that are responsible for lung poisoning and infection. When inhaled, the smoke induces spiritual enlightenment...

The Potential Benefits of the Agile Team Model for Acute Care Delivery

Introduction Hospitals are considered centers for acute care delivery for more than one hundred years (Fuller & Drenkard, 2011). An overview of a typical hospital care setting will allow the wary observer to detect the flaws in the health care delivery system. It is the responsibility of nursing practitioners to...

“Oresteia” Trilogy by Aeschylus

The current essay is an analysis of Oresteia based on the book “Aeschylus Oresteia” by Peter Meineck. In this paper, first of all, a brief overview of the trilogy will be presented. Then, the following topics will be addressed and analyzed: the issue of justice and Oresteia’s argument about it;...

Teenage Suicide in South Africa

Introduction Human beings are social entities who are usually attached to specific societies where they live, learn, and grow. They are equally accustomed to the norms and values upheld that are specific to that society. For that matter, communities are vital to the support of human life as they are...

Post-Literate Generation: Is the Internet Making Us Stupid?

Probably, the most defining characteristic of modern society is the availability and abundance of information. At no other point in history has an average person been able to update their knowledge on current events and receive information as quickly as now. However, there is considerable concern regarding the endless supply...

European Imperialism and Its Effects on Colonies

The effects of European imperialism have been truly devastating, causing multiple smaller ethnic communities to deteriorate, as well as sending ripples through centuries and affecting the present-day landscape of political and sociocultural relationships between communities to a tremendous extent. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the need for expansion...

Technology: The Bias of Communication

The improvement and increase in technological structures influence society and the people in it. A good case study showing the changes brought in the society by technology is the continuity of westernization in the middle east and other states in the world. Despite the fall of the Western Roman Empire...

Membership in a Political Club: Ethical Guidance for Judges

Federal judges must adhere to the Code of Conduct of the United States Judges, which provides a set of moral principles and guidance ratified by the Judicial Conference of the US. The material advises law enforcement officers on the issues of independence and judicial integrity, anti-impropriety, allowable extrajudicial duties, as...

Why Accountancy Is a Worthy Occupational Choice?

Accounting can be a fascinating job, and its scope instills both fear and amazement. It concerns working with an organization’s finances, which involves making constant calculations and reports. Despite the adoption of technologies, accountants remain in demand, as any establishment, regardless of size, requires a person overseeing the financial side....

War on Drugs: Causes and Problems

Ever since a declaration on the war on drugs was made a few decades ago, controversies have not been far off. Top on the list of these controversies has been the issue of drug legalization. There has been sharp criticism on this declaration and the resultant courses of action with...

Substance Abuse and Its Social Determinants

Sociocultural Determinants of Substance Abuse Several “biological, social, environmental, psychological, and genetic factors are associated with substance abuse. These factors can include gender, race and ethnicity, age, income level, educational attainment, and sexual orientation” (Galea, Nandi, & Vlahov, 2004, p. 38). Moreover, substance abuse is intensely predisposed by relational, domestic,...

Department of Health and Human Services: Survey of Information Security Program

Introduction The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the agency aimed at protecting health of American citizens and helping those who are unable to help themselves. According to the company’s website, HHS performs “a wide variety of tasks and services, including research, public health, food and drug safety,...

Palliative Care for Terminal Illnesses

Introduction Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is perhaps one of the most foreboding nightmares for mankind, young or old. Terminal illnesses refer to malignant conditions that cannot be adequately treated thus resulting in the death of the sufferer (Zimmerman, 1985, p. 65). The realization that you are going to...

The Past in the “Educated” Memoir by Tara Westover

Educated is a memoir by Tara Westover, where she explicitly describes her challenging way toward education. Born in a conservative family isolated from mainstream society in the mountains of Idaho, Tara decides that a university education is the best way for her to start a new life full of opportunities....

IW Customer Relationship Management Plan

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is crucial for running a business effectively and generating revenue. According to Kotler and Keller (2015), careful management of clients’ information and customer touchpoints can help increase loyalty. International Waters, Inc. (IW) has been in the hotel industry for two years; however, the company faces a...

Edgar Allan Poe: The Concept of Punishment

Edgar Allan Poe is one of the classics of world literature. His talent is multifaceted, and the author is considered the founder of the detective genre. In the stories, supernatural events occur, many of which are associated with death. The concepts of punishment and alienation are familiar to the author...

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Organizational Theory, Structure, Change, and Culture in Health Care

Overall, the critical task of organizational theory is to provide the managerial personnel with a set of models, strategies, and methods on how to effectively organize the internal structure of a company, fix the existing problems, and manage them more effectively. In health care, organizational theory is used by the...

Precision Buying, Merchandising and Marketing at Sears

The Problem The diversification of Sears, Roebuck and Company’s clientele to specialty and mass merchandisers stores posed a big problem to its survival in the 80s. There was a mass exodus of its loyal customers as they went searching for discounts on bulk and specialized services in stores that dealt...

Case Management Models in Care Delivery

Introduction Case management models are nursing concepts that encompass the delivery of satisfactory care to the patients in both hospitals and the community. This type of management has been noted to entail immense advantages that satisfy both patients and nurses in the healthcare system. The model is seen as that...

The Aspects of Organizational Behavior

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Vaccination Against the Covid-19 Among Healthcare Professionals

Scientists and health experts worldwide are working together to speed up research and development to create new norms and guidelines to help stop the transmission of the CoV-2 virus and care for those infected. For more than a year, epidemiologists, virologists, and immunologists from across the world have worked together...

Employee Risk Management Plan in Healthcare

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Alcoholism in Older Adults in America

Definition of the Problem Alcoholism is a broad term used to define the consumption of alcohol that leads to problems. According to the American National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 70% of Americans drink alcohol regularly, but at low-risk levels (NIAAA, 2015). Independents studies reveal that 86.8%...

Promoting Positive Health Behaviors: Every Woman Matters

Every Woman Matters Program The prevalence of cervical and breast cancer has been persistent in the developing nations. This has remained so regardless of awareness created on the significance of screening programs. However, the Every Woman Matters Program was instituted to help women earning low incomes. The GAPS structure was...

Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity Among School-Aged Children

Introduction Increased screen time raises the likelihood of children becoming overweight/obese because of the deficiency of physical exercise and the consumption of high-calorie foods. With the level of overweight and obese children progressively rising, pediatric obesity has lasting consequences for the future. This study’s target population is school-aged children from...

Food Web and a Food Chain within the Food Web

The producer(s) in the food web Wiregrass is a producer because it makes its own food. Producers form the first level of any food chain. Producers of their own food are also called autotrophs, which are primarily one-celled organisms or plants. A significant number of autotrophs make their food through...

Healthy People 2020: Reducing the Number of Adults With Functional Limitations

Introduction One of the major health factors discussed in the recent literature is the issue of physical activity. Most scholars and empirical studies have attempted to describe the relationship between functional limitations and the level of physical activity. It is argued that highly active people during their adult ages are...

Public Interest Approach and Its Adoption in the US

In a free economy, the market constitutes the main tool for fairly and effectively managing the allocation of resources. Yet, there are certain situations which require interference from an external agent to correct the course of the market. Governments are the primary parties which possess the capacity to artificially manage...

Abnormal Event Classifier for Nuclear Power Plants

The article under consideration is titled “Dynamic bayesian networks based abnormal event classifier for nuclear power plants in case of cybersecurity threats.” It is drawn from a journal called “Progress in Nuclear Energy” and is authored by Pavan Kumar Vaddi together with seven other scholars. The article explains that nuclear...

College Advising and Registration Processes

College advising and registration are two important processes in the early stages of enrolment. In this stage, a professor guides a student in preparation for the upcoming semester. Advising gives the student a clearer view of what subjects to take and what subjects he or she is going to deal...

The Details of the Agency Agreement Between Gc and George Tacy

Agency contracts are requested because they allow businesses and individuals to hire agents who will act on their behalf. The following information will consider the details of the agency agreement between GC and George Tacy. In some cases, it is inconvenient for businesses or individuals to perform particular actions. A...

“The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy” Book by Pietra Rivoli

Pietra Rivoli’s book The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy describes the processes that a T-shirt moves through before and after it makes a finished product. The author uses the T-shirt creatively to analyze issues related to international business, including the market, power, and politics of global trade....

Goleman’s and Classic Leadership Styles

For decades, leadership has been considered to be a vital part of an organization’s competitive potential. There is a significant amount of research regarding various leadership styles that led to creating several classifications of their distinct properties. For example, Daniel Goleman’s analysis focuses on emotional intelligence as the basis of...

Suicide and the Moral Dilemma

Introduction Suicide is a major cause of death that has severe emotional and physical consequences on victims and their families. According to statistics, more than 1 million people kill themselves every year (James & Gilliland, 2012). In the last five decades, cases of suicide have increased by approximately 60%. It...

Outcome-Based Dynamic Cycle of Clinical Reasoning and Client Needs

In this case scenario, Mr. P.K is a 50 years old man, known as a diabetic patient for ten years. He is currently on insulin of 12 IU units in the morning and 6IU in the evening, and the abdomen is his preferred injection site. Mr. P.K reports that he...

Moral Status Theories: Philosophy & Criteria

Introduction Decisions people make in specific situations are the product of inner beliefs and values. Evaluating these decisions from a theoretical perspective can help identify critical motivations, causal relationships, and external factors prompting certain behavioral responses. As an example of such an analysis, the case study about fetus abnormality will...

American National Security Response to COVID-19

Introduction The government of the United States faced a significant number of national security issues and challenges, considering the current unstable and life-threatening environment. As such, candidates and representatives elected in 2020 are exposed to critical questions on national security and foreign policy issues, to which they must respond as...

Crisis of Lethality Analysis

Suicide has been a common phenomenon in the world for centuries. Suicide may be committed by single individuals or groups of people varied in size and age composition. Suicide is observed among people of all social backgrounds, ethnicities, sexes, and ages. Suicide is generally described as a person’s decision to...

The Big 12 Conference Expansion

Introduction Today, sports play an essential role in the United States because of the possibility to share common, fair values, uphold justice, and unite communities. Millions of Americans enjoy watching football, baseball, and basketball and discussing the quality of games. To promote the sports trend in education, school and college...

The San Diego Budget Evaluation for Three Years

Corporations, organizations, and government institutions draft budgets to control their cash flows, sales, expenses, and assets. The image of the financial health of an organization is built by the financial budget at that particular time (Telvin, 2020). Any organization which makes profits in the form of money or spends money...

State and Federal Nursing Bills

Introduction Nursing today is gaining momentum in the political arena. Indeed, various federal, state, corporate, and local entities have been coalescing around mounting concerns for the health of the nursing profession, the dependent health of the healthcare industry, and eventually the safety and welfare of patients (Smith, 2002). Due to...

Langston Hughes’ Poem “Dream Deferred”

Poetry often has a way of reaching into the deepest elements of the human soul to expose the underlying natural desires and emotions that are frequently otherwise suppressed in ‘polite’ society. It does this by both appealing specifically to human emotion and by remaining sufficiently general to have broad common...

Adverse Effects of Heroin Use

Introduction into the Problem Drug addiction is a complex issue, with quitting being hard practically all of the time, with the person struggling with having to establish a strong will and adherence to a clinical plan. Addiction is a chronic disease that is characterized by the continuous seeking of drugs...

Hormones Effect on the Blood Glucose Regulation in Sheep

Abstract This is a study to understand the effect of various hormones on the regulation of blood Glucose in sheep. The researcher has used hormones such as Glucagon, saline, Dexamethasone and Adrenaline in sheep. The result is given in the table and it is talked about in the discussion part...

Fundamentals of Army Leadership

Effective leadership is an integral part of managing any system to establish operational processes and optimize the performance of subordinates. Leadership is especially relevant to uniformed services, where discipline, a hierarchy of authority, and rigid, strict management are key factors. Consequently, military leadership is one of the most relevant areas...

Case Brief on Colon Cancer and Colostomy

Mrs. Wheeler is a 54-year-old woman suffering from colon cancer. She has undergone a surgery known as colostomy which involves opening the abdominal wall to get access to the colon. The patient requires particular care because the colostomy involves the removal of the colon from the human body to prevent...