Microscope Invention: Impact on Human Understanding of Nature

Introduction A magnified image of a small item is created by a microscope instrument, giving the observer an extremely close-up view of tiny elements at a scale suitable for investigation and analysis. Through, at minimum, a single lens in the microscope, an object’s appearance is enlarged. By bending light in...

Critical Analysis of Thomson’s Violinist Analogy

The issue of abortion has led to diverse arguments on whether to ban or accept the practice. A critical analysis of an argument has to take into account the supporting evidence provided (Barnet, Bedau, & O’Hara, 2020a). The accuracy and completeness of the argument are also important because it enhances...

Writing Elements in “The Nature of Things” by Hogler

Introduction The ability to write a cogent, fair, and harmonic piece depends on several factors. Analysis of how these components were used in the readings The Nature of Things: Biomimicry, Do not Sink My Battleship! and Razzle Dazzle! Fashion ‘Stars’ – in Stripes will aid in determining how vital these...

“The Babadook” by Jen Izaakson: A Movie Review

The Babadook is an Australian horror film released in 2014. This film is characterized by a strong psychological impact, showing the real suffering of modern life. The film mainly focuses on the revealed problems of paranoia and constant anxiety regarding personal life. It can be understood that in this way,...

The Power of Being Proactive in Various Contexts

Introduction Being proactive is essentially willingly starting a behavior or setting up conditions that address issues before they develop. People that develop this habit frequently foresee requirements, developments, or prospective outcomes related to situations and occurrences. As a result, they frequently accept challenges or put themselves in advantageous positions. There...

How the Invention of Gunpowder Affected the World

Introduction By examining the social, political, and economic advantages and disadvantages brought on by the widespread use of gunpowder, the issue will determine if the invention and innovation of gunpowder were a blessing or burden on mankind throughout history. The essay will analyze the issues associated with the development of...

Epic Systems: Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Record Systems Epic is a privately held company that provides electronic health record products to more than 190 million people worldwide. Established in 1979, the company saw its client base grow tremendously with the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2009. According to Forbes magazine, Epic System’s...

Events in the Balkans in Bringing About World War I

Summary The Balkan Wars began as a result of the unrest in Macedonia, which caused upheaval in Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria. The ongoing instability and violence in the Balkans created tension in Europe before the start of World War I. The development of independence in Europe and Austria-Hungary’s dominance in...

Smart Watches: The Marketing Plan

Marketing Objectives The purpose of writing a marketing plan is to study the strategic priorities of the business and the results of the actual activities of the company. The key result of the marketing plan that the company wants to achieve is a 20% increase in smart watch sales over...

Conformity, Deviance, and Crime

The issues of the occurrence of deviance and the ways in which it affects society have been objects of interest in the field of sociology for decades. Deviance can be defined as nonconformity to sets of norms accepted by a substantial number of people in society or a community (Giddens...

Courage vs. Recklessness: Morality and Ethics

Introduction Among the many moral virtues commonly appraised by humanity, some have contradictory meanings and imply controversial traits. In particular, the opposition of courage and recklessness has long been under discussion from the perspective of the similarities and differences between these two human characteristics. The rationale for selecting the topic...

The Caffeine Impact on Health and Behavior

Introduction The article to be discussed is “Caffeine and anxiety-like behavior” by Ribeiro-Carvalho, Dutra-Tavares, Filgueiras, Manhães, and Abreu-Villaça. Although caffeine is not always thought of as a psychoactive drug, it strongly impacts the brain and behavior. As a stimulant, caffeine increases the nervous system’s activity and enhances the circulation of...

HRM Incident: Case Study Analysis

Minimum Education Requirement The analyzed case reveals that South Illinois Electric Company (SIE) has been growing rapidly through acquisition. This achievement has played a positive role in attracting more clients. Such a change calls for additional workers to complete most of the required tasks (Nor, 2018). Judy Anderson has been...

Interpretation of Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Flannery O’Connor’s work on the short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” is the best work and most loved out of all the works he has done on matters of literature. Basically, he vividly demonstrates the weird morality that occurs in real life, whereby immoral people exercise integrity...

Les Intouchables Summary & Analysis

The European film I have chosen for this review is called “Les Intouchables.” This is a French film directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano and released in 2011. The film explores life in Paris and the clash of the representatives of two different social classes. The main characters are...

The Documentary “The Redeem Team”

Introduction The Redeem Team is a documentary film about the story of the 2008 USA Olympic Basketball team, which one can view on the streaming service Netflix. The movie’s plot is the narrative focusing on uniting the greatest players to restore the country’s reputation after extended disappointments. Consequently, an exciting...

Should Russian Athletes Be Allowed to Play in Tournaments?

Introduction One of the essential ethical questions is the question of rights, duties, and responsibilities. The situation that will be analyzed is the ban of Russian athletes from participating in sports events, for example, tennis tournaments such as Wimbledon. As the Russian Federation started a war with Ukraine in 2022,...

The Song “Bandana” by Asake and Fireboy DML

Duple or Triple Meter The song “Bandana” is a simple duple meter. Each bar contains two beats per measure, forming a 2/4 time. The primary division of beats per measure consists of the first beat, which hits strongly, and the second, which is weak. In each line of this song,...

Herman Cortes’ Conquest of Aztecs

Introduction In 1519, Herman Cortes decided to adventure into the Mexican interior in search of gold rumored to exist on the American mainland. Together with his crew of eleven ships and five hundred men, they headed to Mexico and conquered the Aztecs in 1521 to claim the Aztec empire in...

The Importance of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention

Introduction This article concerns the issue of the role that diet and lifestyle factors plan in the development, progression, and management of prostate cancer. In particular, in the article, the habits that patients adopt in regard to diet after diagnosis and the risk of subsequent recurrence of the disease, progression,...

The Poem “Mexican” Is Not a Noun by F. Alarcon

Introduction “Mexican” Is Not a Noun by Francisco Alarcon depicts the difficulties experienced by Mexicans in the United States. The writer relies on figurative language and sound effects to catch the readers’ attention and create a sense of urgency to understand the immigrants’ despair. Hence, the author aims to prove...

Diabetes Disease, Its Prevention and Treatment

Introduction Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by the fact that the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the body cannot effectively use the produced insulin. More than 400 million people are living with diabetes worldwide, and the prevalence is expected to continue to rise (Cole & Florez, 2020)....

Thoughts That Enable Realistic Prediction of Future

Forecasting is essential to predicting what the future holds; people daily map their plans and consider what steps to take in choosing their future. is essential to predicting what the future holds; people daily map their plans and consider what steps to take in choosing their future. Essentially, forecasting reflects...

Bed Number Ten by Baier and Schomaker

Diseases are one of the most significant contributors to human suffering and poor quality of life. The non-fiction novel Bed Number Ten, co-authored by Sue Baier and Mary Zimmeth Schomaker, is an emotive write-up that provides a first-person narrative of a patient with Guillain-Barr syndrome, which causes paralysis of the...

The Evolution of John Ford’s Idea of the West

Westerns represent a significant layer in American culture for several generations. Among the directors of this genre, one of the most famous filmmakers is John Ford. His work has become a new branch in the history of cinema and has inspired many modern directors. During his formative years, Ford developed...

Statistical Evidence: The Reliability Analysis

Introduction Research methods provide several solutions to obtain information, make inferences about factors underlying a particular phenomenon. However, compared to qualitative information that is based on individuals’ judgment and applied theories, quantitative information or statistical data draws information from factual figures that do not represent a researcher’s ideas. As a...

HR Tech Solutions in 2022: Advancing Human Resource Management

HR tech solutions in 2022, written by HR management expert Oksana Lavri in september 2022, was chosen for this paper. The selected article focuses on the topic that in recent years, many companies have implemented HR technology solutions in their operations. The shift to a digital HR paradigm is helping...

Lockean Liberalism Unity: Article Analysis

Dominic Tierney’s article “Why Are Americans So Ideologically United?” is primarily concerned with the national ideology of the United States, which the author explores. Namely, Tierney claims that Americans have a common ideology, which is Lockean liberalism. By such an argument, Tierney implies that Americans embrace a set of values...

Discussion: Race, Gender, and Science

The author of the primary source, “Native Life in a Johannesburg Slum Yard”, Ellen Hellmann, was a white woman who lived in Johannesburg, South Africa, during the early 1900s. She was married to a man who worked as a doctor in a local slum yard. Hellmann was an educated woman...

“The Harvesters” Painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

The Harvesters by Pieter Bruegel The first work to be discussed is The Harvesters by the Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder written in 1565. This painting is part of a series of six works illustrating the seasons and it “shows a hot, hazy midsummer day, perhaps near Lake Geneva”...

Literary Elements in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s literary work The Yellow Wallpaper is often considered an important early work of American feminist literature that illustrates general social and physiological attitudes toward women in the 19th century which are still relevant today, even in spite of their enormous age. There have been a number of...

Nursing Metaparadigm and Caring Science

A comprehensive framework to care is provided by the nursing metaparadigm, which is a collection of ideas and claims describing the events that nursing involves. The notion behind the metaparadigm may provide nurses with a valuable framework for responding to typically structured interviews or outlining their objectives and beliefs in...

Traditional Communities in Rural Areas

As societies grow, so do their traditions, or, at least, that is what people think. Yet, old habits die hard, as people can discover once they visit one of such places. By traveling through rural areas, one can stumble into small towns, seemingly forgotten at some point in the history...

Religious Leader Jim Jones’s Psychobiography

Introduction Some notable historical figures capture the public’s attention and remain long in the people’s memory due to their extraordinary personalities and actions. Cult is one of the fascinating topics because it simultaneously intrigues and scares the audience. The ability to gather a group of people and organize the community...

William Shakespeare’s Othello as a Tragic Hero

Introduction Aristotelian tragedy and Shakespearean tragedy are the two most important forms of tragedy in the study of the evolution of this genre. Although Shakespearean conceptions of tragedy influenced Aristotelian views, some differences can be seen between them. The main peculiar feature between Aristotle and Shakespearean tragedy is the unity...

The Standard North American Family’s Privilege

Introduction The family belongs to the cohort of complex and constantly developing social institutions. In this regard, various sociological theories can be applied to studying processes occurring within the family and evaluating their impact on society. For example, Landor and Barr (2018) studied the role of skin tone as a...

National Security Planning in Small vs. Larger States

Introduction The accelerated economic, cultural, political, and technological integration has been a major threat to countries’ economic progress and regional stability worldwide. As a result, there has been a need for continuous assessment of the security environment through strategic national security plans. However, the national security planning between small and...

The Nurse Burnout Problem Overview

Overview The advancement of the nursing profession presupposes broadening the scope of evidence pertaining to problem-solving. The past two decades have witnessed a widening body of research on nurses’ burnout, its causes, as well as outcomes for both the profession in general and patients in particular. Initially, the term burnout...

The Los Angeles Police Department’s Overview

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) was formed in 1853 after a murder that occurred in the city. It started as a volunteer force that was formulated to assist the existing within the county (“History of the LAPD,” 2021). The police department is found in California state. LAPD is one of...

“Owning Your Emotions” Study by Bippus and Young

This paper overviews a research article titled Owning Your Emotions: Reactions to Expressions of Self- versus Other-Attributed Positive and Negative Emotions. It was written by two researchers, Amy M. Bippus and Stacy L. Young. Amy M. Bippus was the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and Outreach in the College of...

Logistics Network of the Food and Beverage Production Industry

The supply chain serves as the core of today’s enterprises, becoming the foundation upon which effective business operations are based. The correct organization of a supply chain is key to navigating along the optimal path in today’s globalized, changeable business landscape. As such, logistics networks hold special significance within vital...

Management Briefing: A Strategy to Counter Insider Threats

Today’s briefing centers mainly on the concept of insider threats and the strategies our company, Sifers-Grayson, can employ to minimize the likelihood of its occurrence. During this era of advancing technologies, most organizations rely on IT gadgets such as computers in every aspect of their day-to-day operations. These significant transformations...

Sloan Women in Management Conference

Introduction The situation in which Sloan Women in Management (SWIM) occurred is disastrous from every possible angle. The conference is under threat of cancellation, and tough decisions must be made. In such moments it is critical to consider all stakeholder’s positions in combination and produce a weighted course of actions...

Attachments Disorder: Definition and Forms of Therapies

Introduction Attachment disorder is a disorder that mainly affects children and is characterized by opposition, defiance and indifference. Parents of children with this disorder have often experienced both physical and emotional frustrations in their attempts to connect with their children. These children do not have the skills necessary in the...

Social Research: Interconnecting Theory and Practice

Introduction Social research is a process that connects theory and practice, being both scientifically grounded and practically oriented. It makes practice research-informed and uses the practice as the material for the immediate improvement of existing theories. In the social research that I have done, I was involved in particular social...

Canadian Indigenous Horrors Films: “Blood Quantum”. Film Proposal

Film Proposal North America has been a home for many outstanding movies throughout modern history. Most of the notoriety is, expectedly, attributed to Hollywood filmmakers and their large productions, which does not portray the North American film scene fully. Canadian film plays a large role in the industry as well,...

Florida’s Population Health: Analysis and Recommendations

Introduction It is hard to underestimate the importance of population health assessment: relevant and objective data helps to bridge the gap between policymakers and citizens. In a world where large-scale decisions become overwhelmingly data-driven, health assessment lays a foundation for thoughtful, comprehensive initiatives. The present paper provides scientific findings regarding...

Epic Electronic Medical Records System Analysis

Introduction EMR systems can make or break a healthcare facility’s quality. EMR systems are for everyone, from independent primary care physicians to specialists and major medical organizations. EMR systems were once considered a luxury in the medical community. However, they have now become a must for all types of medical...

Advertisements in Terms of the Social Science

Article Choice I chose four advertisements, as they appeared to be engaging in terms of the social science questions they identify and address. Each ad represents different products – toothpaste, locks, beer, and a Red Cross campaign. However, they are all united by the various social representation of individuals, their...

Patients Experiencing Homelessness: Mental Health Issues

Introduction Homelessness is a serious social problem the country has yet to solve. According to the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (2018), over 30 thousand people experience homelessness in Florida. These people have to face numerous challenges, including mental health concerns that are often regarded as significant public health...

Vulnerable Population Assessment in Miami, Florida

The community under analysis is Miami, Florida, mainly its northern districts. It is a big community that has been always attractive to tourists. The population is commonly friendly and communicative. The community is multi-national, but it is characterized by a low rate of conflicts. The population is mainly young and...

Magic of “A Peaceful Retreat” by Thomas Kinkade

Introduction A Peaceful Retreat is the name of an incredible painting by a notable artist, Thomas Kinkade. This man called himself a painter of light because every work of this man accents on the eminent light sources that are usually depicted as houses or heaven’s luminaries. A Peaceful Retreat is...

LGBT Rights in Canada

The hostile attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people aggravated by the lack of proper legislation, explicitly prohibiting discrimination against those groups, result in human rights violations that go against the spirit of the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (OHCHR par. 2). There...

Turkey’s Remuneration System Analysis

Turkish legislation intensively incorporates various international conventions’ norms into its legislation on wages. The International Labour Organization Convention No. 95 “On the Protection of Wages” of 1949, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, is no exception. In particular, Article 55 of the Turkish Constitution states...

The Tru Loyalty Travel Venture’s Operations

Mission Statement Tru Loyalty Travel is represented by an independent travel agent and strives to provide the best services in organizing travel for its customers. The report considers key aspects of the venture’s operations, demonstrating the benefits of investments in it. The venture mission is “Committed to providing our clients...

MeiHomeLoans to Apply SDLC Diagram

To effectively implement a specific system, solution, or software in an organization, it is appropriate to apply a systems development life cycle (SDLC). The SDLC methodology allows for planning, building, and implementing an information system that addresses an organization’s needs. MeiHomeLoans (MHL) is a small mortgage loan company employing 250...

Traffic Accidents and Infant Safety Seats

Numerous countries have become extremely dependent on cars, as most of the infrastructure and the way of life itself imply that people are expected to drive to work, shopping malls, universities, hospitals, and other institutions. Traffic collisions happen too often on the roads to undermine the importance of infant safety...

Mounds in History of American Mound-Builder Societies

In America, there is a vast territory littered with thousands of archaic mounds and embankments made by a man out of earth and shell. This territory starts from the Great Lakes and stretches all the way out to the Gulf of Mexico, encompassing the Mississippi Valley out to the coast...

High-Dose Cytarabine Neurological Assessment Tool

Introduction The use of high doses of Cytarabine (HD araC) is associated with neurological changes that can result in long-term complications. According to Dantoni (2013), the incidence of neurotoxicity in patients undergoing chemotherapy with HD araC is 7 percent to 28 percent. The aim of this paper is to discuss...

US Budgeting Process

Introduction The federal budget of the United States consists of the spending and revenues of the U. S. federal government. As of now, the US government’s primary expenses include healthcare, retirement, and defense programs. Among the leading trends of the last five decades, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reports the...

Women in “Beowulf”, “Inferno”, and “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”

Female characters who played a prominent and crucial part in events occur in the books of different times regardless of the real position of women in society. The authors gave them extraordinary powers, strength, and influence on others’ actions and decisions. For instance, Wealhtheow from Beowulf demonstrated how the Germanic...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Case Study

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common ailment that can lead to lost productivity, and anxiety, is a burden on patients and the healthcare sector. Ms. Lauren Parker is a 29-year-old woman who visited the hospital to receive treatment. Ms. Parker has had severe cramps, bloating, and abdominal pain for the...

Accounting Policy for Property, Plant, Equipment, and Revenue Recognition

Introduction Accounting policies have massive impacts on firm financial statements. Plant, equipment, and revenue are some of the aspects of financial statements often influenced by accounting policies. Indeed, in decision-making, investors are guided by information concerning assets. The guiding principles of accounting are ever-changing, a condition that fueled the introduction...

Bâ’s So Long a Letter vs. Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

Introduction In the two literary works, the authors show an emerging tension as characters respond and react to new changes. The works illustrate multiple incidences where pressure is created upon introducing new ideas. In So Long a Letter by Mariama Bâ, Ramatoulaye is devastated by the imposition of her culture...

Contribution of the Boston Tea Party to the American Revolutionary War

Formed on December 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Party set the wheels for the American revolutionary war when American colonialists opposed the constitutionality of duty on tea imposed by the Tea Act. Efforts to save the collapsing East India Company compelled the British Parliament to introduce the Tea Act in...

Elections an the Role of Ethical Behavior

Modern society is based on the ideas and concepts created by the civilizations of the past. Ethics, morality, and the logic of the structure of society have worried humanity for a long time. Over the thousands of years of the history of civilization as such, many peoples have created models...

The Role of Ethnic Identity in Recreational Opportunities

With the recent wave of White migration in the U.S. from suburbs to Metropolitan areas, concerns arise about the social repercussions, specifically in the recreational aspect such inflow into previously majority-non-White stigmatized communities could entail. Following the history of divestiture in Chicago’s predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods, particularly Humboldt Park, exacerbated by...

The Tomorrow World 2015 Festival Management

Introduction Tomorrow World is a musical festival that arranges several-day events with multiple performers and visitors’ opportunities to attend as campers, one-day attendees, or several-day attendees. In 2015, the event’s location was set in a wooded area far from main roads or hotels, as well as no precautions were made...

Information Gain and Entropy in Data Science

The fundamental theoretical construct of information gain and entropy is the foundation of data science. This paper aims to describe its applications and limitations to data analysis. Uses and Examples The first type of application may be regarded as a method of assessing probability in the form of forecasts for...

Researching the Concept of Islamophobia

Summary Islamophobia refers to the irrational fear of Muslims, Islam, and Islamic culture, often characterized by irrational hatred and prejudice against Muslims or people perceived to be Muslims. Anti-Muslim prejudice and anti-Muslim bigotry are other terms that have been used to describe Islamophobia. The fear and prejudice against Islam and...

Valuing Walmart’s Business Model in 2010

Summary In 2010, Walmart had a market value of $210 billion, more than the value of the following five largest retail companies combined (Miles,2019). Walmart remained the largest company in the world in terms of market value. The company’s revenues and profits grew in 2010, and its stock price increased...

Check Fraud: Types and Indicators

Check fraud has always been one of the ways used by malefactors to acquire additional benefits. It can be defined as any effort to acquire money illegally, using paper or digital checks that are widespread nowadays (“Check fraud 101,” n.d.). Statistics show that an organization might lose up to 5%...

Technologies in Healthcare Delivery

Introduction To improve patient satisfaction, the healthcare industry has implemented cutting-edge IT initiatives. Businesses that invest in IT initiatives gain access to strategic tools that increase productivity and speed up the completion of critical tasks. To capitalize on new technologies, organizational management is critical for successful project planning, project execution,...

Philosophical Thinking as an Important Skill

Learning philosophy helps one critically analyze their life, knowledge, the universe, and everything it holds. The three core branches of philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology, evoke creative thinking through questioning. Although the approach used within each division is constant, they are distinct in content and objective. The subject of epistemology...

Apple Incorporation: The Strategic Plan

Introduction Apple Incorporation is a multinational organization that designs and markets computers and other consumer electronics. Its known hardware products include the iPhone and Macintosh line of computers. The software consists of the iLife suite for multimedia, Mac OS X operating system, and Aperture. The company has adopted a strategic...

Decreasing Anti-Black Bias Among Caucasians: The Role of Mexican Immigrants

Human civilizations are characterized by divisions between in and out-groups. Individuals exhibit in-group partialities, which promote collaboration and effective social activity and outgroup discrimination, leading to tension and bloodshed. Causal design is used to collect information and come up with finds in the research study. The research paper seeks to...

Qualitative Method and Descriptive Design in SMEs

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic became a challenge not only for humanity’s health but also for economies and businesses worldwide. The most significant challenge was imposed in small and medium enterprises (SME), requiring rapid adjustments and modifications in organizational structure to adapt to the situation (Klein & Todesco, 2021). Marketing research...

Employees Management: The Part of Successful Business

Firing People for Legitimate Reasons Managing the employees of the company is always one of the most difficult parts of running a successful business. Working together on a shared vision of success, workers, managers, and leaders all fulfill their own unique roles. In their level of influence, employees are placed...

The Mumbai Attack on November 26, 2008

Introduction On November 26, 2008, the commercial hub for India came under a horrific terrorist attack. Ten gunmen believed to be members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba simultaneously struck Mumbai city in five different areas. The terrorists, armed with automatic weapons and hand grenades, targeted civilians in the southern part of the...

Should Parents with Children under 12 Have Dogs as Pets

Introduction Numerous households receive a furry companion into their homes each year in the millions. Both kids and adults can experience emotional benefits from owning a dog. One thing to think about when obtaining a pet is the age of the kids. In general, it may be safer to hold...

Amazon: Information System Analysis

The top online shopping destination in the world is Amazon.com. The organization oversees businesses in practically every economic sector and sells products from various manufacturers. The potential for a large audience to shop from home ushered in a new era in marketing history. The company’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, has identified...

Phobias: Triggers and Treatment

Weaving the (Neuronal) Web: Fear Learning in Spider Phobia The article by Schweckendiek et al., “Weaving the (Neuronal) Web: Fear Learning in Spider Phobia,” explores the neurobiological difference between the standard mechanism of fear manifestation and the formation of dysfunctional brain response, that is, a spider phobia. The research includes...

Manipulation and Distorted Traditions: Analysis of “The Lottery” by Jackson

The short story Lottery, written by Shirley Jackson, covers the events of one day in a small village where residents gather for the traditional annual lottery. However, while most lotteries bring positive results to the winners, such as monetary prizes and material rewards, the story twists its original meaning. The...

Slaves and Servants: Primary Source Analysis

Introduction A person, owned by another person, as a rule, does not have freedom of speech. In this document, planter and servant describe the life of slaves and servants in America in the eighteenth century. However, their descriptions do not match because the planter claims that servants’ rights are taken...

Human Resource Management: Technology and Its Impact

Overview Human resource management is an essential part of any business, which implies solving the urgent problems of work resources. As the basic part of HR (human resources) activities, recruiting includes searching for qualified personnel that will contribute to the company’s development. However, nowadays, with the impetuous development of technologies,...

The Johnson & Johnson Firm’s Diversification

Johnson & Johnson is a company that produces and sells goods worldwide, is crucial for multiple markets, and requires its internal management to be well-structured and diversified. Decision-making for such businesses must consider the overall mission yet address the local unit or product need (Mroua et al., 2017). Furthermore, becoming...

Consumer Science: Shared Consumption Experiences

Introduction Shared Consumption Experiences was published by Rebecca Hamilton in Impact at JMR in 2021. The article discusses the subject of consumer behavior; however, contrary to other research made on the topic, Hamilton (2021) focuses on the experiences of a group rather than an individual. It is found that shared...

Digital Citizenship: The Action Plan

In view of the growing usage of electronic and mobile information technology, educational institutions are re-examining permissible use guidelines. While acceptable usage policies were created to govern and control behavior, a digital citizenship plan requires a more holistic approach by acknowledging the critical value of education in developing digital citizens....

Symbolic Retribution in Dante Alighieri’s Works

Concept of Symbolic Retribution The concept of symbolic retribution is largely inspired by the ancient Greek notion of “adikia” (injustice, untruth), which received its classical expression in Aristotle’s thesis: “injustice is not a part of vice, but perversity as a whole.” The idea that a person should be responsible for...

Preventing Land Pollution With Effective Measures

Every human activity that results in natural environment degradation can be perceived as pollution. Land pollution occurs through the contamination of land with liquid or solid waste materials. While pollution has existed for a long time throughout human history, land pollution presents one of the most significant issues modern society...

The “Yellow Peril!” Book by Tchen & Yeats

Strategic moves by different powers have over the years fashioned different communities considering others. Whether they appear as cold war or calculated moves to gain specific advantages in political and economic supremacy, the battles of wits between the West and the East still mold the present times. Okihiro, Gary in...

Ancient History: The Key Military Periods

There are periods in the history of every nation that can be called turning points. As a rule, it is during such periods that controversial situations arise. As a result of the latter, there are different opportunities for the development of the historical process in one way or another. In...

Symbolism in Dickinson’s Poem “Dew’Is the Freshet in the Grass”

Introduction The richness and imagery of Emily Dickinson’s poetry are revealed in numerous works that, despite being written in the 19th century, are still relevant. The variety of literary devices used by the poetess makes it possible to evaluate her talent and identify the characteristic features that distinguish her style...

Why the United States Has Diesel Shortages

Introduction The article entitled “Why The U.S. has a diesel shortage” dwells into the problems of distillate shortages in the US. The author names four factors that determine diesel shortages in the country. First of all, the demand for fuel is at its highest levels in autumn. Secondly, many diesel...

Strep Throat: Eradication and Prevention

Proposed Species: Strep Throat Strep throat is one of the infectious diseases which is caused by streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus. The bacteria cause inflammation and pain in the throat, which sometimes is accompanied by sores (CDC). Strep throat is easily transmitted and spread to others from...

Coca-Cola Patriotic Promotion: Analysis

Companies continuously seek new paths to attract new customers and retain their customer base. It is critical to select proper imagery to convey the message that will have the most significant impact on the intended audience. Firms may strive to evoke certain feelings and associate them with their products to...

Company Analysis: Boeing’s Analysis

Company’s Description Boeing is a significant airline company that acts within the international scope. Its mission statement is “People working together as a global enterprise for aerospace industry leadership” (Mission Statement, 2021, para. 1). Such a formulation exposes an important aspect of the business. It demonstrates that Boeing is more...

Cemetery Experience and Emotional Reactions

A cemetery is a highly specialized place, and people attend it for particular reasons. It is emotionally challenging to visit it because individuals typically moan and feel sadness at the graveyard. However, this location can become informative if it is analyzed from a scientific point of view. That is why...

Integrating Machine Learning Into the Behavioral Sciences

The first article is about integrating machine learning into the behavioral sciences. The biological, biomedical, and behavioral sciences are currently gathering more data than ever before, driven by ground-breaking technological advancements. To improve human health, it is imperative to develop time- and money-effective ways for analyzing and interpreting these data....

Sikh and Muslim Communities in India

Introduction The Republic of India is a secular, democratic country with many different religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism, among other minority creeds. Hinduism remains the largest religion in the country, with Hindu identification and the ability to speak Hindi being associated with “being truly Indian” (Corichi...

The American Dream as a Way of Crossing the Frame of Consciousness

The American Dream is a concept that describes the ideal life to which the population of the United States aspired in the 30s and 40s. Nowadays, this concept is used both positively (support for young professionals, scientific research) and negatively (mockery of the culture). Nevertheless, the phenomenon of the American...

BGC Company Limited Company Financial Performance

Introduction BGC Company Limited is the leading manufacturer and seller of quality glass, packaging materials, and related products. These products help consumers find better packages for their products, such as beer, nonalcoholic beverages, medicine and pesticides, and glass containers for putting exports. The main target for the company includes drink...

“Enrique’s Journey” by Sonia Nazario

Enrique’s Journey chronicles the lives of a little kid from Central America who is trying to find his mother after she abandoned him when he was five years old, so she could work in the United States. The goal of Nazario’s description of Enrique’s life is to humanize and make...

Consumerism, Advertising and Emotional Development

Introduction Consumerism has become a trend in the US, not today, not yesterday, and not even 50 years ago. It traces back more than a century and gained its first followers with the appearance of mail-order magazines advertising various popular products – the prototype of Amazon. As many could have...

The Bombardier Aerospace Firm’s Business-Level Strategy

Introduction Bombardier Aerospace was a successful aircraft development firm; it successfully competed with other manufacturers, concentrating on the production of local jet aircraft. In 2004, Bombardier Aerospace announced plans for a new C-Series aircraft. Three years later, the company has not decided on the new batch, which caused doubt among...

Antibiotics: The Use in Healthcare

Medicine is constantly developing as a sphere, introducing new technologies and methods of cognition of problems and phenomena. One of the most important tools for evidence-based research is the development of a PICOT question by experts. This aspect is intended to give the most accurate picture of a particular health...

The Economic Development of Latin America

Introduction Before the learning journey, I thought I knew enough about Latin America, but the trip made me change my mind. In recent years, Latin America has undergone significant changes. While some countries experienced major economic and social crises in the late twentieth century and early 2000s, the region experienced...

Governmental Organizations: Value for Money Audits and Performance Audits

Introduction In recent years, there has been a growing demand on the part of society for the audit of state organizations and departments, including the assessment of the effectiveness of state bodies and the misuse of budgetary funds. It is necessary to find balanced accounting and auditing methods to meet...

“The Witness for the Prosecution” Film Adaptation

Movie adaptations of literary works have received popularity since the invention of cinematography. Many directors tried to expand the well-known stories, explore characters’ personalities or give redeeming plot arches for antagonists, evolving their motivations and experiences. The adaptation of Agatha Christie’s short detective story The Witness for the Prosecution opened...

Biological, Social, and Psychological Variables of Mental Health

Biological Biological variables include the gender of the patient, namely female, the age of the patient, which is forty years old, as well as the absence of children. Previously, the girl was successful, led a healthy lifestyle, contacted people, and had a boyfriend. After the breakup, she began to feel...

Leadership Challenge and Quantitative Evidence

Summary Political factors pose a fundamental challenge to leadership functions. The inherent factors associated with political influences make organizational leadership lack corporate vision, ineffective leadership, and uninspired employee functionality in developing and developed countries. According to various researchers, factors such as weak political policies, political corruption, and poor funding of...

How Women Leaders Catalyze Positive Change Amidst Discriminations

Summary Leadership is a major determinant to lead a positive change in any organization. It constitutes making policies and strategies geared towards achieving the organization’s goals and objectives. Successful leaders, whether men or women are mandated to practice democratic making of decisions to include all their workers, ensure they are...

The Minority Business Development Agency Project

The Rationale for MBDA research In order to serve the community, any national agency must ensure the fulfillment of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices. Income inequality between different populations, lack of minority inclusion, and absence of diversity in the working communities have been recognized as pertinent problems for the...

2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami

In 2004, South Asia experienced one of the deadliest tsunamis and earthquakes in history. It was notable for two reasons – its almost unprecedented scale and unexpected nature. Both the scientific community and the governments were taken aback by the natural disaster since the region had not been known as...

Researching of Gothic Design Style

Few architectural creations are as recognizable as cathedrals built in the Gothic style. Originating in the Middle Ages, Gothic architecture is extremely popular in Europe, even though it was temporarily replaced by architectural designs of the Renaissance. Nevertheless, multiple modern cathedrals built in the Gothic tradition still exist. In order...

Medication Reconciliation Analysis

To date, there are many ways, methods, tactics, and strategies to expand knowledge and understanding of the results and consequences of medication reconciliation (MedRec). For example, to determine whether the measures taken will lead to the expected outcome, such discrepancies as omissions, commissions, dosing, frequency errors, and many others should...

Form vs Function in Architecture

Introduction Architectural techniques are the forms and nature of the planning of objects, and the types of space planning solutions, executed by the architect and perceived by the viewer. Architecture is based on a symbolic understanding of space, which means that it refers to the symbolic sense of the structure,...

Merger-Specific Information’s Impact on Stock Forecasts

Introduction A company’s stock depends on variety of factors, stemming from the market, industry, and the company itself. Merger and acquisitions of any size are one of the biggest-impact events on a firm, most usually impacting their stock value and stock forecasts. The article by Meslmani et al. (n.d.). examines...

Agenda-Setting Process in a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Session

Creating an agenda is a collective approach in which the psychotherapist and the customer select how the meeting time will be allocated. The patient and therapist make a list of topics they would like to address and then decide on the order in which they will discuss them and how...

Starbucks Corporation’s Business Case

Starbucks is an international American chin of roastery reserves and coffeehouses. It is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, and has 30 thousand physical stores in eighty countries (Starbucks, 2022). The current chief executive officer of the company is Howard Schultz, and it was founded in 1971 by Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker,...

The East German Democratic Republic: Problems and Challenges

The East German Democratic Republic (GDR) had major issues, including its political practices, which contributed to the country’s collapse rather than triumph. East Germany adopted four separate constitutions throughout its existence, but none of them was truly used to govern (Orlow, 2018). Instead, East German Communists and their allies in...

Thailand Ethnic Groups’ View of Pain

Introduction The most prevalent cause for people to visit a doctor is pain, which is all too common. The presence of pain in the human body signifies that a particular tissue is injured and requires prompt medical attention. Culture influences health inequities, medical results, interaction with physicians and nurses, and...

Intersectionality and the Racial Contract

Summary The topic of race contracts and intersectionality can be traced in the works of various scholars. Moreover, the feminist agenda is also inextricably linked to issues of race. This essay analyzes academic articles discussing major concepts in the study of racism and gender essentialism. Besides, the paper will closely...

Impact of the Personality Tests Results

Personality tests are psychological tools to understand personal traits and draw a stable pattern from his thoughts, feelings, and behavior. A person who completes the personality tests can evaluate their behavior more critically to work on them so that his personality benefits him in particular environments and conditions. Many personality...

Lust in the Context of the “Divine Comedy” and the Modern World

Introduction The second circle of hell, described by Dante in the Divine Comedy, is lust and describes the sinners who fell from it. Traitor spouses and libertines personify what the Middle Ages literature represents as a bright germ. Still, in the New Age, it will become the key to European...

The Impact of Traveling on Human Hydration Rates

Introduction This assignment focuses on the amount of water that I drank while on my trip. I have collected statistical data about how many ounces of water I consumed over five days. In a previously completed paper, I relied on descriptive statistics to manipulate this data. I found the mean,...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Case Study

The given case illustrates the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) of a 65-years-old Elaine. Elaine is a former professor who enjoyed a busy and active lifestyle. The woman is described as an energetic and outgoing individual, a “social butterfly” who values good friendship and good meals. Elaine was a frequent subway...

The Walmart Firm’s Economic Analysis

Introduction Walmart is a global multi-format company that specializes in retail, wholesale, and e-commerce through the Internet platform and mobile commerce applications. The primary external influence on this company comes from political factors, including government influences at the city and national levels, which reflect the requirements due to the spread...

Skinner’s Stimulus-Response Theory

Introduction The 20th century saw an influx of eminent psychologists who did not only study children behavior but proposed development theories that are still relevant today. A prime example is B. F. Skinner, whose discovery of operant learning has been highly influential in the study of modern-day psychology. Skinner’s postulations...

Mozart’s Don Giovanni Opera Critique

Introduction The character of Don Giovanni has been characterized by some as a lovable, fun-loving rogue, and by others as an evil, lying villain. I believe that Mozart’s Don Giovanni is the embodiment of reckless courage, exuberant energy, indestructible optimism, and love of life. It is in the love of...

Social Media and Children’s Brains: Source Analysis

The first source is an article on a Newport Academy Website named Effects of Social Media on Teenagers. It was published on July 14th, 2022, by Monroe and analyzes how various social media resources affect teenagers. The author uses statistics from other publications and touches on the subject of mental...

Sine Function: Geographic Information Science

The sine wave is a derivative of a sine function that can be represented in the form of a curve generated by periodic oscillations of identical amplitude. This kind of consistency makes it safe to say that sine waves are pure tones because of uniform oscillations (Hartmann, 2021). Even though...

The ‘Hallelujah’ Song by Leonard Cohen

Music, like any other compulsive work, causes emotions and communicates powerful information to the audience. It is more than words and the instrumentals that accompany it and writers appreciate the texture and flow of phrases. On the other hand, the listeners decide on the music that goes with their personality...

“Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt in the Context of Microeconomics

Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt provides essential information about microeconomics that non-economics professionals need to know. The author provides examples of major economic misconceptions, public misinterpretations, and public policy failures. Mostly, the author talks about economic policies and their consequences. Hence, the basic rule of economics “consists in...

Analysis of “The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement”

The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement is a book written by Mario T. Garcia, who is a prominent civil rights scholar. People of Mexican ancestry born in the United States are known as “Chicanos.” During the Chicano Movement of the 1960s, Mexican Americans started using the phrase widely as...

J. C. Penny Co.’s Strategic Analysis

J.C. Penney Company is a U.S.-based firm, which sells goods and services to customers through its department stores. Family-friendly clothing and shoes, cosmetics, exquisite and fashionable jewelry, aesthetic items, and furniture are all sold herein. James Cash Penney established the business, which has its corporate headquarters in Plano, Texas, in...

Investment in Facebook Financial Statements

Introduction The methods of analyzing the investment attractiveness of companies have been influenced by factors such as the specifics of the companies’ activities, a small material component, and high profitability. The rise in the value of Facebook’s securities is due more to investors’ optimism than the development of the main...

The Effectiveness of Psychodrama in Reducing Irrational Behavior

Introduction Psychodrama is a form of therapy that helps people control their activities through dynamic actions. This approach incorporates group dynamics and role-playing to help people who do not understand their emotions like anger, happiness, and fear. Individuals who undergo this form of therapy want to clearly understand their roles...

The Concept of Technological Singularity

Over time, the way people think and perceive the world is subjected to constant change. Since ancient Greece, various thinkers and philosophers have been trying to express their understanding of the world and society through different concepts based on the available means of studying them. In this context, modern human...

Changes in the Human Figure in Art

The suggested artworks demonstrate different stages of the Renaissance and cultural “rebirth” after the Middle Ages. Painting Ognissanti Madonna by Giotto di Bondone (1310) is one of the earliest examples of this development. It was initially written for the Ognissanti Franciscan church in Florence. With the extensive use of gold...

Cyberbullying Through Social Learning Theory Lens

Introduction The growing popularity of technological society and developing online interactions often create new dangers for users. Potential offenders now have more anonymity due to the rising of social media to establish relationships and consider targets for criminal activity. Cybercriminals have created a wide range of activities, many of which...

Human Trafficking and Poverty Issues in Modern Society

Introduction The problem of human trafficking affects people all over the world, which defines the need for a comprehensive approach to this issue from the criminology perspective. According to de Vries and Radford (2022), it is vital to explore this type of crime to enhance one’s understanding of its nature...

K-Pop Music Genre Popularity Analysis

K-Pop, or Korean pop, is a musical genre rapidly gaining popularity. This genre is characterized by singing talents and brilliantly choreographed dances that these artists demonstrate during performances. Nowadays, K-pop has turned into a whole culture and lifestyle for artists and their adored fans around the world. The context of...

The Medicare Program’s Challenges and Lessons

Introduction Numerous issues that affect the efficiency of the current US healthcare system have long been in the centre of heated debates. The abundance of economic theories that continue to be the cornerstones of many perspectives on politics, do not allow for rapid transformation of the entire system. At the...

School Counselling Responsibilities

Introduction School counseling is one of the services that are essential for the educational system. Children and adolescents in the United States face multiple challenges in attaining their education and getting through school. Hence, having a professional who is willing to help students deal with their emotional, academic, or social...

The American Revolutionary War

Introduction A heightened awareness of socioeconomic disparity emerged during the American Revolution (1775–1783), prompting calls for more excellent democratic governance in the new nation and local governments and the end of slavery. In retrospect, it is clear that Britain’s aspirations to impose stricter power in North American colonies using the...

President Roosevelt’s New Deal Program Critics

President Roosevelt came to power at challenging times: America was struggling from the consequences of the Great Depression, including high unemployment rates and poverty. Although Roosevelt took measures to address the major economic issues with the New Deal, this set of programs was criticized for not doing enough for the...

Globalization: Impact on International Business

The global environment and its challenges present a substantial risk zone for businesses. Furthermore, the development trend of the business focuses on the direction of globalization, implying that in order to expand more, businesses need to adapt to the global environment. Globalization, in general, stands for processes of interaction and...

Aspects of Roman Empire Collapse

Introduction The Roman Empire had extended from Scotland to the cataracts of the Nile in southern Egypt. It was one of the most powerful empires in the region at the time. According to Jongman et al. (2019), “At the peak of its political power in the first and early second...

Machine Learning for Public Administration

Introduction Research is an ongoing process, and scholars follow distinct patterns to solve their defined problems and contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Notably, every analyst attempts to identify gaps in literature through previous documents’ review and maps out the methods and procedures to be used to develop a...