US Diplomacy Failures in 1981 to 1990

During the last ten years of the Cold War, the diplomacy of the United States experienced several failures, which subsequently resulted in military conflicts. Prior to analyzing the underlying causes of these failures, it should be pointed out that at that moment, the relationships between the United States and the...

Organizational Problems: Stress and Burnout of Employees

Stress and burnout are the major causes of employee-related problems in organizations. Stress is defined as happenings that cause anxiety, discomfort, and tension. Stress not only affects the performance of employees in the workplace but also affects their personal lives negatively. Stress responses refer to the physiological and behavioral effects...

“Mimsy Were the Borogoves” by Lewis Padgett

The short story Mimsy Were the Borogoves, written by Henry Cutter and Catherine Moore, has always been considered as one of the most prominent examples of American science fiction. The main reason, why this novella attracts so much attention of critics is its deep symbolism, and intricate ideas, which the...

Religious Views in Early 1800’s

The 19th century can be seen as a watershed in gender relations and a new understanding of the role of women in society. In their works, the authors vividly portray transformations and changes in the consciousness of the people and new perceptions of the social environment. In the early 1800s,...

John Wesley and Methodism

Introduction John Wesley was born in 1791 in Lincolnshire, England, and he was the founder of Armenian Methodist. It started when Wesley adopted open-air preaching, which was first established by George Whitefield. Wesley Methodism was an evangelical movement that believed that a person who had faith in God could be...

The United States Bill of Rights

Introduction The United States Bill of Rights refers to the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. When the constitution was written, it did not guarantee certain rights to the American citizens and it was therefore necessary for it to be amended in order for these rights to be...

Caregiver-Mediated Practice as a Nursing Issue

Practice Issue What is the nursing practice issue you have identified related to the topic you have chosen? The issue is associated with the effectiveness of caregiver-mediated practice for improving patient outcomes. Fully describe the scope of the practice issue The scope of the practice issue is concerned with caregivers’...

Smoking Ban in Bars and Restaurants

The smoking ban in bars and restaurants law took effect in New York in the year 2003. The law stated that there was no one who was supposed to light a cigar, pipe or a cigarette in a café, restaurant or bar but anyone who wished to do so was...

Organs Donation: Positive and Negative Sides

Introduction Increased cases of organ donation and transplantation have been witnessed in the last few decades. This has been due to upsurge in chronic and debilitating conditions that affect the body organs. Organ donation is generally referred to as the removal of some organs in the human body with the...

Paul and Philemon. Conversion of People to Christianity

Introduction During the period when the first church had just been established, Paul, then Saul, was a force to reckon, both before and after his conversion to Christianity. He exhibited strong leadership skills whichever side of the divide he was on. He believed so much in the ideals he followed,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Should Spamming Be Illegal?

Well, many people have problems due to sudden appearances of pop-up messages which do not move out even after providing deletion commands. If this were to occur during an important job, it could seriously stall work. It is not necessary that all unsolicited mail could be dubbed as spam. If...

The Law Office of Jeter, Jackson, Guidry, and Boyer

The company’s central problem was connected with the rapid growth of facilities management needs, travel requirements, and employees number. The enterprise’s executives started a campaign aimed at management problem solutions through a major expansion in customer base and sales growth. It is necessary to underline the fact that strategies developed...

Psychology in the Study of Physical Security

About the Article The article ‘Psychology in the study of Physical Security’ is very realistic. It considers the major elements of physical security. These aspects are technology and people. Many issues have not been researched in the field of physical security. The article lacks some physical security considerations such as...

“The Patriot”: Historical Film Analysis

Introduction “The Patriot” is an epic war film which illustrates the relationships of loved ones. The movie is half-way realistic movie and the attempt to address the war-fares. In the analysis of this movie, we will observe the successful measures as well as flaws of the movie and the costumes,...

Concept of Energy Consumption in Environmental Design

Energy consumption can be seen as one of the problems related to environmental design in architecture. In that regard, a confirmation of the aforementioned statement can be seen in that “about 50% of all energy consumption in Europe and 60% in the US is building related” (Holm, 2006, p. 247)....

Leader’s Ability and Skills

Introduction Leadership is the important factor of any leader or manager. The success and failure of an organization depends upon the leader’s ability and skills. Every leader has to manage and direct the people’s working schedule. A leader can motivate and evaluate his subordinates. He can find the major organizational...

A Medical Treatment of Addiction

Introduction Medically, addiction can be defined as the abnormal dependence of substances which cause the body to poorly respond to stimuli that are naturally available. It starts as a repeated craving of substances and urge to get the substance leading to continuous use (Dorsman 12). This eventually causes intoxication to...

Ryanair and Monsanto: Case Study

Ryanair and Monsanto are two companies that face the issues of motivation and decrease in sales. A research on the issue of these two companies is given below. Ryanair Airlines Cultural Synergy Strategies used by Ryanair Ryanair is a frill airline company of Europe. At the initial stage Ryanair had...

“The Crescent City Lynchings” by Tom Smith

Tom Smith’s book “The Crescent City Lynchings: The Murder of Chief Hennessy, the New Orleans “Mafia” Trials, and the Parish Prison Mob” is about the some past violent and related events back in 1800. The events took place in New Orleans. In 1980’s New Orleans was a different place than...

Sacagawea: Biography and Book Critique

Introduction The stories about Indian people are always fascinating and mysterious. It does not matter whether they concern the way of life of Indian tribes or explore the life of a separate person, they do it in a way that the readers forget about everything that surrounds them and give...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Elvis Presley’s Influence on Music

Elvis Aaron Presley an immensely talented American artist gained extreme popularity at a point in time as a vocalist, actor, and musician. His popularity made him frequently known just as “Elvis” amongst his huge fan base. Titles such as “The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll” and “The King” (Marsh, 176)...

Daily Struggle and Law of Non-Contradiction

There is one wise saying that philosophy is a queen of all sciences. It is really true as it is very difficult to find so ancient and wise science as philosophy is. Due to philosophy and works of famous philosophers, people find explanations of the events and actions which seem...

Mediation and Advocacy to Resolve Conflicts

As conflicts are becoming an inevitable phenomenon in people’s life, their resolution is taking the forms, in which the disputes can be settled and managed in judicial way. In that regard, mediation as one of such Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)methods, can be defined as a process in which people engaged...

MPAA Rating System: Issues Involved in Rating Movies

Introduction According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), movie rating involves movie production and editing to suit viewing for children and persons of a given age segment. In America an independent group of parents rate movies putting into consideration the content and relevant theme of each film (Attanasio...

“Joseph Andrews” by Henry Fielding

“Joseph Andrews” was the first published novel of the English writer Henry Fielding, as well as one of the first novels in the English language. The book was published in 1742 and defined by its author as a ‘comic romance’. It presents the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend...

“One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kesey

The story is the confrontation of feeling and reason The book has a very interesting heading that transfers into some fictional world with awkward creatures depicted by the author. To my mind, the novel’s goal is to show that what people consider normal is uninteresting. Instead, the author reveals his...

What a Leader Needs?

Outline This is a Journal Project on Leadership focusing on the leadership traits and skills. Today, we are living in a world were fierce competition is the order of the day in business circles. In this situation, only leaders who are having good leadership traits and skills can survive. The...

US Health Care System: Health Care Acts

Introduction The democrats and President Barrack Obama worked extremely hard to pass a Healthcare Reform Bill which aimed at improving the U.S healthcare industry by two and a half trillion U.S dollars. As a result of this bill, two separate legislation were enacted namely the Patient Protection and Affordable Care...

The Effects of Affirmative Action in the Present Day

Introduction Today, the problem of affirmative action is neglected by many organizations and considered an old-fashioned issue. Modern companies prefer to introduce social corporate responsibility policies and ethical rules including equal opportunities and equal treatment norms. I am interested in the topic of affirmative action because of personal concerns and...

American Civil War Aftermath

The US Civil War managed to leave a considerable print on the national, economical, and political development of the country. It is necessary to stress that the regions which experienced the sharpest changes at this period were the South and the West. The Civil War appeared to be a sectional...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cigarette Smoking Cessation Methods

Cigarette smoking is a one the major preventable cause of diseases in the United States and throughout the world. Cigarette smoking causes more than 400,000 deaths annually. In 2000, it was estimated to have caused more than five million premature deaths worldwide. In United States alone the loss from smoking...

Students With Learning Disabilities: Educational Strategy

Setting Setting for the survey is the High School. Students of this category is one of the most interesting categories for social research, as it is the least homogenous stratum of the society on the one hand, and it is the most solidly united on the other. Originally, students are...

The Brain, Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain Definition

Introduction The brain is that part of the central nervous system positioned in the skull. It is a mass of tissue pinkish-gray in color consisting of a network of nerve cells and weighs approximately three pounds. The human brain is one of the major and important organs of the body....

The US Independence Day’s Cultural Significance

Introduction Thesis Statement Every nation and every culture has its own belief and values, customs, and traditions. Among the traditions that characterize the United States culture and distinguish it from all other cultures of the world is the tradition to celebrate the 4th of July every year. Attention Grabber Being...

Christian Philosophy. “The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Etienne Gilson

“The Christian philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Etienne Gilson, the author devoted the book to the analysis of the teachings of Aquinas presenting the formulation of the Christian philosophy. This paper presents a summary of a chapter titled “The Creator” from the aforementioned book, addressing the analysis of the...

Non-Verbal Communication: A Personal Case

Good communication is a very important thing that makes your friendships, both personal and professional or relationships successful. The most important thing in communications is clear speech. The more you are in your speech, the better people will respond to you and understand (Linder 12a). Non-verbal communication is an essential...

Foundation of Microeconomics. Country Analysis

Introduction The three core economic issues which influence the decision-making and economic stability of the countries are What, How and to Whom. It is assumed that in different countries, manufacturers and distributors use different economic theories in attempting to fulfill preferences. The countries selected for analysis are Guatemala, China and...

Put Off the Flesh Put On Christ: Colossians 3:5-16

Introduction To correctly understand the meaning of these scriptures it is important to note the context within which Paul wrote the text. This letter was addressed to the church in Colosse which is a town in Asia Minor east of Ephesus. This particular church was under Paul’s jurisdiction even though...

“A Streetcar Named Desire” by Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams, is the author of the play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire,’ which was produced on Broadway in the year 1947. The play won many awards and was adapted to a film in 1951. The theme of the play is the decaying South and its arrogance, inability to accept truth...

Problem of Price Discrimination

Introduction Price discrimination is the process by which a firm charges different prices to different groups of people for the same good. The firms that practice price discrimination have the market power. This means that they have the ability to raise the price of commodities without losing all demand. Such...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Impact of the Great Depression on Education

Introduction The great depression and its impact on education can be viewed from the perspective of decline in the number of students in institutions and the inadequacy in In terms of resources to support education. The great depression was marked by important features that had significant implications on the education...

Assimilation Problems and Nationalism in Works by Bourne, Chatterjee and Yack

The Jew and Transnational America Bourne’s essay titled “the Jew and Transnational America” is a remarkable piece of work in the early twentieth century. It considers the then conceived problem of diversity in America and the author’s attempt to weed out a possible solution. Bourne thus manages to compare the...

Paying Attention Pays Off for Andra Rush

Outline This case study deals with how a businessman can make his business a successful one through paying attention to the customers. The leadership skills and characteristics are described through the answers to the case study problems. The first question examines the application of leadership competency model in Andra Rush’s...

Why Government Should Not Have Bailed Out Banks?

Following the financial crisis of the year 2008 and which is still affecting the global economy even today, various companies collapsed as a result of the economic recession that was witnessed all over the world. This led to the governments of some countries bailing out some of the affected companies...

Southwest Airlines: The Company Analysis

Strategic Issue What is the issue? Southwest Airlines is the American airline company known as one of the most low-cost airlines in the country. It is the largest company in the United States which carries the biggest number of passengers per year domestically. “Southwest Airlines has been profitable every year...

Smoking Should Be Banned in Public Places

Smoking is considered to be one of the most dangerous problems of every nation since in many cases it leads to fourteen different types of cancer, including pancreatic, renal, bladder, mouth, stomach, liver and cervical cancer. Being the single biggest cause of cancer in the world, smoking causes about 70,000...

Budget for Project: Report

Introduction LRH Products is preparing to attend a major trade show event in Sacramento, CA. In order to attend the trade show various activities should be incorporated which is considered as individual tasks of a project. The activities include stocking up the collaterals, staffing the sales people, transportation etc. The...

The Use of Eerie and Bizarre of Edgar Alan Poe

This paper is an analysis of how the literal tools of eerie and bizarre; settings, characters, and images are used in developing the effect of horror. The literal works to be analyses in this case as an effort to analyze the use of these literal tools in the development of...

Literary Analysis of “Summer” by David Updike

It has been very truly said that “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). Seasons play a vital role in the ever changing moods of a person’s life and they even portray the different phases of life, from youth to middle...

Drug Abuse and Crime Correlation

This questionnaire is to gauge people’s attitudes toward drug abuse, and crimes and how people think they correlate with race, color, age bracket and income group of criminal. The questionnaire aims to gauge people’s pre determined schemas about crime age and pre conceived notions regarding crime rates being high in...

Homophobia and Racism and Other Issues

Even though the United States is one of the largest melting pot societies blending a variety of viewpoints, ideas, and notions for what is socially acceptable, some aspects of human life which do not infringe upon the freedoms of others carry negative stigmas. In a truly free country, people should...

Economic Political and Social Contexts of Italy

The report here presents the economic political and social contexts of Italy which are considered by the marketing team to evaluate the country for penetration. Here the required details for the marketing considerations are provided which may make the decision to enter Italy or not a lot easier. This essay...

Commonality in Northern Black Ghettos in 1941-1965

The most significant commonality within Northern Black Ghettos between 1941 and1965 and the description of the social life during this period is going to be analyzed in the paper. The United States of America in the XX century may be characterized as the country with the racial problems which were...

Design the Perfect Leadership Development Experience for Yourself

Hiring well-rounded outside consultant personalities and agencies for consultancy functions in leadership skills could provide a whiff of fresh air into the organization and also allow management leaders to think effectively, from a fresh perspective, which surprisingly, could also aid in solving current issues besieging leadership. This is because most...

Basic Information About Italy

Relevant Country History The founders of Italy can be traced to the Etruscans who originally were from Turkey, but settled in Italy for a short period creating a civilization that would soon be the foundation of Rome. Rome was ruled by seven kings until the time when the Roman Republic...

Unhappy Marriage in “The Story of an Hour” by K. Chopin

Choplin’s story is set in a time when many females were supposed to play the role of a housewife and a homemaker. This was a time where roles for females and males were defined by society such as women took care of the house while the man was responsible for...

Karl-Erik Sveiby: KM Today and Tomorrow

Karl-Erik Sveiby is world-renowned as he is one of the founding fathers of Knowledge Management. With over 20 years of experience, he is credited with the development of most of the concepts associated with knowledge management today. According to Liebowitz, Knowledge Management (KM) is the systematic and explicit application of...

Florence Kelley and Her Contribution to the Society

Florence Kelley was the daughter of William D. Kelley, the United States congressman. She was born on September 12, 1859, and is considered to be one of the most notable social reformers in the world. There is no wonder that Florence tried to change society throughout her life, because her...

Can Economists Predict the Future?

Economics is a very interesting and a very useful subject, economics is capable of doing a lot of positive things. The Stock Market in any country operates on the principles of economics and it also indicates the economic situation of a country. The recent recession has shocked many economists all...

What Is the Welsh School: Marxists and Realist Criticism

The Welsh School is so called because it was originally proposed by scholars based at the University of Wales, Abersytwyth like Ken Booth, Richard Wyn Jones and Andrew Linklater. They have drawn inspiration from the political theories of Immanuel Kant and Karl Marx as well as the Frankfurt School theories...

Ford Motor Company’s Strategic Leadership

Ford had been experiencing losses for a long time, and this made it look for a CEO outside the industry. In the 1990s, leadership training programs were developed to strengthen the build-up of human capital. These were Ford Business Associates, Capstone, Experienced Leader Challenge, and the New Business Leader. These...

Paul Politis’ Black and White Photography

Introduction Photography has been a recognized and a distinguished form of art. Many renowned artists have worked as photographers each specializing in the different fields. This paper shall be discussing the works and the inspirations of renowned photographer Paul Politis who specializes in the black and white photography. Discussion Paul...

Effective Leadership: Leadership Qualities

Outline This integration paper is a brief analysis of the topics discussed in the entire week activities. In the entire week, three related topics on leadership are discussed. It includes leadership traits, leadership and management and leadership requirements. The importance or value of these topics in my personal and professional...

The Role of Health Care Administrator

Introduction Health Care management is a very essential tool in the overall successful running of the institutions which offer health care services to patients. The Health Care administrators have a major role in the operation of the hospital facilities as they participate in coordinating and organizing the financing and delivery...

Marketing Research in Pricing Strategy

In the marketing field, marketing mix plays an important role. One of the four components of the marketing mix or 4Ps is the ‘price’ of the product. A change in price component may lead to a change in the other three components like product, place, and promotion. While developing a...

The Surveillance: Explaining Opposing Positions

Introduction The issues of governmental surveillance are not the burning issues of everyday life. Moreover, most people do not even think that there is a possibility that the State can observe their personal lives. However, when the movie “Enemy of the State” appeared on the screens, these issues became quite...

Development of Harpsichord and Piano

Harpsichords are keyboard instruments with strings played by plucking mechanisms whereas pianos are keyboard instruments whose sounds are produced when struck by hummers controlled by the keyboard. Over the years, the refinement of the instruments has involved many technologies for instance; the making of strings, hammers, plucking mechanisms, action wires,...

“Billy Elliot” as a Play and a Movie

The work of cinematography I am going to analyze is called “Billy Elliot”. The film is about a boy who wants to become a ballet dancer. He meets his father’s and brother’s opposition; he has no person to support him except his grandmother. The dance teacher recognizes his talent and...

Changes as an Inevitable Part of Our Personal and Corporate Lives

Introduction Change is a way of life and forms an inevitable part of our personal and corporate lives. It is indeed almost impossible to live, or work, without some kind of change, either in ourselves, others, or the environment in which we work and live. However, it is seen that...

The Project Management Process Definition

“PM is a business process of the project-oriented company. The PM process starts with the project assignment and ends with the project approval. It consists of the sub-processes project start, project coordination, project controlling, project discontinuity management and project close-down.” (Glossary of terms for the project oriented society: Project Management,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pink Floyd: The Rock Legends

Pink Floyd is an English Rock Band that was formed in 1965 with its active years being 1965 to 1983 and 1987 to 1999 and several one -off reunions between the years 2003 and 2007. The band originated from Cambridge and London England (Keno). Pink Floyd first started as a...

Barack Obama’s Leadership Qualities

Outline This topic describes the leadership qualities of a person. It helps to understand the issues in leadership qualities, values and personalities. It investigates the power, influence, values and behaviour of a leader. And it tells about how a leader is different from others and how he influences his followers...

Analysis of the novel “Fahrenheit 451”

Outline Introduction————————————-A brief introduction of this essay Plot Summary———————————-A brief discretion of the novel Fahrenheit 451 Author——————————————-History of the author Ray Bradbury Film adaptations or book comparisons—–Comparison between novel Fahrenheit 451 and film Fahrenheit 451 Criticism & Praise of the novel———– Critical review of the novel Conclusion ———————————- ending of...

Gettysburg Battle. “Lost Triumph” by Tom Carhart

There are many books on history written by different historians and scholars, and even by those people who are of little touch with the discussed issue. Some historical events have contradictory nature because of a lack of information that was not properly documented. Such events are doomed to provoke different...

Ethics in Marketing: Price Dynamics

The play out of forces of demand and supply are critical in the determination of prices for both goods as well as services. The price of labor services in a country is largely dependent on the ability of the local populace to provide adequate labor and more importantly the demands...

Graphic Design of the 1950’s

The 50’s – the time of bloom The 50s was the period of bloom, the period of modernization and development of the everyday techniques. The 50s was the time of material well-being for many Americans, that meant people had more money to spend. The end of World War II brought...

The Morality of Euthanasia

Euthanasia is any action directed on putting an end to the life of a human being, fulfilling his/her own desire, and executed by a disinterested person. Besides Holland, «the good death» (a translation of the Greek word) is legalized and recognized by human rights in such countries as Belgium, Switzerland,...

Effect of the Taxation and the Consequences of Taxing

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the issues of federal taxation system can not be regarded as the stabilizing factor for the economy, nevertheless, all the governments on all levels resort to taxation in order to increase the revenues for the high-importance public projects. In the light...

Gender Construction and Heterosexism

Introduction Hemophilia does not do good to anybody; on the contrary, it causes a greater deal of harm and detriment. It is seen that lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender (LGBT) are virtually ostracized in US community settings, besides being despised as being mentally sick, biologically perverse or having unnatural sexual...

Gender Socialization of Children

Introduction Gender refers to behaviors, mindset, and feelings associated with one being male or female. The tendency of using pink hat for a baby girl and blue hat for a baby boy leads to children learning their roles with respect to gender. Once children are born, their parents play a...

Moral Hazard and the Case for Socialized Medicine

The theory of the free market is predicated on consumers having choices while making decisions; if the cost of an item exceeds its worth, then no one will pay for it, which in turn puts downward pressure on prices and leads to a more equitable distribution of goods. Unfortunately, this...

The Psychology of Optimal Experience by M Csikszentmihalyi

The book Flow: The psychology of optimal experience by M Csikszentmihalyi describes the methods and approaches to achieve happiness and develop a positive attitude towards the world other people. The book consists of 10 chapters devoted to the problem of meaning of life and happiness and possible ways to achieve...

The Reverse Logistics in E-Commerce

Outline This essay describes the reverse logistics in e-commerce. The study deals with how reverse logistic and e-commerce relate and the importance of reverse logistic in the e-commerce sector. It also studies what type of industries will suffer more because of the reverse logistic. Because every industry is producing different...

The Reducing of Harmful Wastes

Introduction This study talks about how to manage harmful waste. The impact it has in terms of cost to individual firms and the society at large. This can be achieved by reducing the quantity of wastes that a producer releases. The three ways of reducing include source reduction, treatment as...

Powers of the USA Congress

Introduction The Congress is the autonomous legislature of the United States of America government that consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The two are constituted of representatives and senators respectively chosen through direct election. The number of representatives is 435 representing districts and serves a two-year term....

Educational Program Training for Federal Government Adult Learners

The training program for federal employees reflects current administrative needs and demands of a new political anal economic environment. Change Leadership program is developed and introduced by Cornell University. “The courses in the Certificate in Change Leadership series, part of Cornell’s Proactive Leadership™ program, are based on Professor Samuel Bacharach’s...

Project Scheduling Tools Review

Introduction Project scheduling is the process of identifying the various tasks in a project and organizing it in a sequential order in order to ensure timely completion of the particular project. Thus scheduling should be done with an aim to achieve the objective of the project. Since the scheduling helps...

Starbucks: The Case Study

Outline This paper deals with the case study of Starbucks. Starbucks is facing keen competition from rival firms in the US coffee market. In this case study, various alternative strategies that can be adopted by Starbucks to regain its market position and profitability are discussed in order to provide recommendations...

The Strategy That Wouldn’t Travel

The Issue The critical issue facing Jimenez in trying to transport the solution which worked at the Wichita site to the Lubbock site is that the Lubbock plant is missing the charismatic leadership of a veteran like David Keller. Keller is an exceptional leader who is quick to seize an...

Hiring a High Quality Educator

Each person holds his own set of beliefs on how life is to be lived. Teachers derive their behaviors, attitudes and ethics from their own personal and professional philosophies on teaching. Gore (1997) analyzes how such a philosophy leads to one’s development of a pedagogical approach. A school having its...

Tetrad Effects of eBay

Introduction eBay has been one of the front runners when it comes to e-commerce and web-based businesses systems. The company launched itself in the 90s in the face of the dot com growth and the unique online auction-based business formula triggered the success of the company enabling it to survive...

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Review

Introduction Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, published in 1960 and adapted for the cinema in 1962, is set in Maycomb, a small Alabama town, in the middle of the Great Depression. The story is told by Scout looking back at the time when she was the six-year old daughter...

Unconscious vs. Conscious Motivation

Since the early days of human psychology, many are interested in discovering the principles behind motivation. This is an important topic for many including managers, teachers, and parents. The ability to understand the intricacies of motivation will help them to create strategies and teaching tools that will encourage the people...

Project Management: Development Stages

Introduction Project management is a field that involves planning, organizing, and resource management with the purpose of excellent accomplishment of stated project goals and objectives. A project refers to a temporary undertaking that has an agreed timeframe and aims at producing a product or service that is unique in its...

Presidential Powers: Official Pardon for Crime Granting

Introduction Presidential powers are the authorities within the executive arm of the government vested in the president during his four-year term in office that is applied in discharging the powers and duties of his office. The president is the commander in chief of the army, naval forces, and the militia...

A Journal Project on Leadership

Outline This is a journal project on leadership focusing on the situation and its change, interaction by the leader with others, and behavior of the leaders, and the need for changing the behavior as and when required. To deal with different managerial situations where crucial decisions are required, the leaders...

“Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway: Problem of Choice

Introduction People usually appear before the choice: whether to do this or not, whether to go there or not, whether to stay with the person or to leave him/her. Analyzing the story “Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway and imagining the conclusion of the story, three main developments may...

Arguments for Euthanasia Analysis

Introduction Euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide, has been a controversial subject for many centuries. Opponents of legalizing the practice suggest that euthanasia is a ‘slippery slope’ that would allow increasing instances of coerced suicide, family members pressuring the elderly not to postpone their inevitable demise for...

Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” and Tan’s “Two Kinds”

Outline This paper will compare the style and point of view of the two stories “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway and “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan. The two different perspectives will be examined in the context of their respective stories and symbols to understand the viewpoints and the...

Importance of the Effective Leadership

Leadership needs to be widely diversified to be truly successful. A leader must exhibit traits of accepting and solving a wide variety of business problems and issues, of different hues, and have varying levels of impact on the business environment. It could be in terms of trade union issues, or...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Literature Review: Acceptability of Genetic Engineering

The rapid development of biological science in the twentieth century has opened entirely new opportunities to humankind; one of them is the ability to change or modify the cellular structure of living organisms: plants, animals and human beings. Yet, it has also given rise to many ethical questions which are...

People with Abnormal Behavior: Agency Providing Services

To my mind the people with abnormal and maladaptive behavior include those who have problems with alcohol and drugs; it means that they are alcohol and/or drug addicted. These people should get some assistance from the outside world, because they cannot struggle with this pernicious habit by themselves (Ware, 2000)....

Contingency and Situational Theory in Leadership

Outline This essay focuses on contingency theory and situational theory in leadership. It also compares these theories with an article. It mentions the importance of various factors affecting leadership. Introduction Leadership is good quality. It depends on many features as the leader, followers, and circumstances. The leader’s personality, his post...

The Adult Learning: Key Points

A summary of the chief ideas of the work This article examines whether adult learning has connections with learning during childhood by exploring 4 major areas of Self-directed learning, which mainly stresses on the procedures through which adults coordinate their personal learning by setting goals and methods and then evaluating...

Reducing Cultural Blindness and Advantages of Cultural Diversity

The culture of a populace is a significant factor, which is always aimed at being kept alive, no matter where on the globe a person is located. With the world becoming a smaller place, it seems there are no cultures that are specifically pertaining to various localities, rather, every culture...

A Comprehensive Analysis of Pornography on the Internet

Pornography Society has witnessed drastic changes since the introduction of the internet; some may say that the internet has brought many positive changes in the society while others may argue to oppose this belief. It is very debatable whether the internet had brought more positive changes or negative changes in...

The Crusaders vs. The Ku Klux Klan

Introduction Comparing historical phenomena, sometimes a particular dimension for comparison might occur, through which these phenomena can be assessed in perspective, different than the one initially apparent. In that regard, analyzing such historical phenomena as the Crusade and Ku Klux Klan, it can be seen that there are dimensions for...

Mitch Albom’s “Tuesdays with Morrie” Reflections

Morrie’s lessons are a guideline to veritable values The professor’s lessons personify communication, love, and moral values. Morrie’s story is rather emotionally charged, through which the reader could perceive the eternal topic of life and death. Those lessons captivated me with the problems they revealed and the amazing solutions taken...

Democratic Capitalism and Morality in America

The problem of the level of the salary in the modern world remains core in the economics in the condition of the free market. Considering the situation, when a famous movie star can earn as much as 60 million for a few weeks work, and a grade school teacher in...

The Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries Cartel

Outline This essay aims to explain the workings of the OPEC cartel and its activities in the past year. The essay first provides a basic definition of what a cartel is and then gives a short description of the constituent members of the OPEC cartel. The essay then explains the...

Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the UK

Introduction Fiscal and monetary policies in every country are the two major tools to sustain macroeconomic stability and to ensure the functioning of the state. These two policies differ and use different inventory; however, their interconnectedness and hence the necessity to carefully interrelate them has been proven long ago, thus...

Regional Environmental Focus On the Carribean

Introduction The Caribbean region is one of the most diverse and rich regions of the world. Its geographical situation and climate make biodiversity unique and interesting. Despite the natural beauty of this region, human activities changed somehow the landscape and endangered many species. The Caribbean region is very interesting for...

“Orientation” by Daniel Orozco

Gossips existed in all societies beginning from prehistoric, probably because of the curiosity inherent to each human being. If directed constructively, curiosity can bring positive results such as professional excellence and expertise, whereas the consequences of excessive interest in others’ personal life are hardly predictable, and the only stable tendency...

Pathways to PTSD: Sexually Abused Children

The research article being critiqued in this paper is titled as “Pathways to PTSD, Part II: Sexually Abused Children” coauthored by Julie B. Kaplow, Kenneth A. Dodge, Lisa Amaya-Jackson and Glenn N. Saxe. The objective of the paper was to build and analyze a probable model of posttraumatic stress symptoms...

The Process of Control in Schools and the Role of Leaders

A school is composed of students, teachers and administrators who contribute to the process of control. The institutions or individuals vested with the authority to initiate control in schools include administrators, state school officers, school education boards, student and teacher organizations. Student control is achieved through organizations such as student...

Living in Paris and Living in New York: Comparison and Contrast

Introduction The focal point of the paper is to present a compare and contrast essay on living in Paris and living in New York. Apparently, both are cosmopolitan cities and hugely populated with all modern amenities. However, there are some fundamental differences between the two cities from the point of...

Measurable Factors of Success of Ceo Jim Cantalupo

Leadership is an important factor that is essential to successful organizations. This is a case study of the turnaround of McDonald’s Corporation after Jim Cantalupo took charge as CEO. It will also provide a competency model for an ideal CEO candidate for the corporation. It will also look at the...

Environmental Management Problems and Challenges

Environmental issues have been a subject of public concern for many years. Many managers and organizations are aware of the environmental problems and challenges, hence an increase in the pressure to alter the way people live and perceive things. A lot of this pressure targets large companies which are normally...

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The History of Six Sigma

History of the Six Sigma Six Sigma refers to a management system. The evolution of the Six sigma as a quality management system has its roots in the Europe’s eighteenth century industrial era. The normal curve metric, a concept put forward by Gauss formed the basis of the idea. The...

“Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” by Gore Verbinski

A Genre of the Clip The clip chosen for the analysis in the current paper is taken from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End directed by Gore Verbinski in 2007, the film is the third part of the adventure trilogy called the Pirates of the Caribbean. The...

Mura’s “An Argument: On 1942”: An Interpretation

David Mura is a third-generation Japanese-American writer. “An argument” is a poem written by him depicting the traumatic experience of the Japanese living in America during the days of the Second World War. The situation then was something similar to the one the Muslim population in America (though not so...

Parallel Worlds: Country-And-Western and Rap Music

The historical changes of the USA outlined the emergence of many styles in music. It was because of the versatile nature of the American population. Nonetheless, some styles in music were presupposed to bear the notion of its original shaping because of some distinctive features maintained throughout the historical cut....

Questions on Environmental Ethics Concerns

Is the classical free-market view of economics an adequate guide for protecting the environment? Or, do we require a new, more socialist or nature-centered approach? Defend your response using information from Environmental Ethics. Under the classical free-market perspective of economics, the rights and titles of property vest with private individuals,...

Tesco Business Strategy

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Contextual Computing. Application in Personal and Professional Scenarios

Outline This paper explains the application of contextual computing in personal and professional scenarios. It is clear that there are no technical barriers for the growth of contextual computing. But the chief hindrance is the attitude of people. The other minor barriers are environment problem, government regulations…etc. The people and...

Leadership vs Management: The Crucial Parts of Modern Companies

Management and leadership are two crucial parts of modern companies. The modern economy depends upon and is influenced by effective management solutions and leadership strategies. Management and leadership are concerned with setting goals, establishing policies and programs, and implementing business action for the entire firm. Management is defined as administrative...

Gender Differences in Depressive Symptoms

The purpose of the study reported on in “Developmental Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms from Early Childhood to Late Adolescence: Gender Differences and Adult Outcome” (2007) was to discover if there were gender differences in depressive symptoms and if these depressive symptoms in early life could predict outcome in adults. The...

The Impact of Socialization on People

Introduction Socialization involves the numerous processes by which new employees learn the organization’s values, beliefs, activities, responsibilities and required behaviors in order to accept their new roles and function effectively within the organization. The relevant roles must be desirable and good for the person to accept the offer. The pivotal...

College Survival Skills for the Older Student

Introduction Today, the demographics of college classrooms look much different than they did twenty years ago. College isn’t just for recent high school graduates, but for any individuals who want to extend their learning, earn a promotion, or finish a degree started many years ago. As more “older” students, meaning...

Integration Paper on Leadership Requirements for MCDonald’s New CEO

This integration paper is a brief analysis of the activities done during the past week. Through this paper, I intend to provide an overview of the topics discussed in the past week in order to assess the usefulness of the study in personal and professional life. In the past week,...

Comparison of Different Religions

Introduction Buddhism teaches that all life is suffering but that there is a way to break free and experience enlightenment. While each person may require a different technique to achieve it, there are important ideas that everyone must understand. One such idea is that of non-duality. If everything is non-dual...

Andrew Jackson and Indians

The history of the United States of America is full of controversial and tragic moments. Among them, the removal of the Native American tribes from their lands to the Western federal territories in Oklahoma is rather significant. This episode of American history contributed to the shaping of today’s America in...

Three Solutions to Problem of Pollution Externalities

Introduction In economics terms an externality or a spill-over can be defined as an effect caused by a party that is not directly concerned with making the economic decision. There can be both negative externalities as well as positive externalities. The externalities can also be called spill over effect.This happens...

Reflections on Managing Multicultural Teams

As a Tem Leader, what could you do to help a multi-national team work more effectively than a domestic team? What major problems might occur and how might you best handle them? Cross cultural conversations have become the basic pillars of the global business success or failures. At workplace, it’s...

Toward a Theory of International New Ventures

Introduction The modern world is characterized by the comprehensive and overall process of globalization that has managed to penetrate all the spheres of human lives, and business is not an exception (Shenkar and Luo, 2008, p. 187). The understanding of the fact that the globalization is the major feature of...

The Extreme Job Firefighter Jim Blaesy

Introduction From this case study relating to a full time firefighter engaged in the Fire Department of Rochester, New York, Jim Blaesi, 28 years, who is also the owner of an automobile garage in the inner city, it is apparent that he is putting his time and contacts to good...

“Remember the Titans” by Boaz Yakin

The movie Remember the Titans is an American sports drama released in the year 2000. The film is about an American football team from the T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. During this time period the American South had just begun to loosen its prejudices against African Americans. As...

The Importance of Ethical Basis in Business Functioning

Every organization wishing to function properly and in coherence with public interests has to stipulate the set of corporate ethics and a fixed, transparent moral code. The importance of ethical basis in business functioning has been proved long ago and has shown its efficiency in implementation. However, there is always...

“Cesar Chavez and La Causa” by Dan Labotz Review

In the history of the United States of America there are a plenty of cases connected with the fact of racial segregation and the ignorance of establishment to give work for those who immigrated to the US. Dan Labotz catches our attention on the case of farmer workers strike in...

“The Handicapped” By Randolph Bourne

Disability is in most social circles perceived as a hindrance to achievement. Disabled people are therefore from the onset viewed with prejudice and bias. This condition colors the way in which the handicapped person perceives his life mostly to his disadvantage. The false perception that disability is actually inability makes...

Program Planning Models for Adult

Introduction Let us start by saying, that planning on the whole and planning educational process in particular is a very complex thing due to a number of reasons that are characteristic for this type of activity. It must be mentioned that the context of planning and social factors connected with...

What Is Identity Theory?

Introduction Over the years, the brain has been known to significantly affect the mind. However, only recently it has been found out that the brain consist of different parts which perform different functions. The proponents of the identity theory are of the view that when we experience stimuli e.g. pain,...

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Covey

Introduction The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was published in 1989 and is one of the most wonderful books that I have ever come across in my life. It is a self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey. This book has allowed me to look into myself and bring...

Why You Need to Conduct Marketing Research?

Introduction The ground truth is that the success of any business by and large depends on market research (Greenstreet, 2006). First and foremost, it is critical to understand marketing so as to be able to appreciate why market research is crucial for viability of any business. Market can be said...

Spellbound: A Line to Line Explication

The night is darkening round me. The poet is standing at the edge of a moor. She finds the night turning darker. She gets a sense of being trapped. The wild winds coldly blow; Added to the carpet of darkness thickening around her comes to the blowing wind. She feels...

International Business Strategy: An Institution-Based View

Nowadays, there is the growing popularity of international business activities between both the developing economies and the emerging economies. Therefore, each company is searching for the appropriate strategies to interfere with the world market, as it opens new opportunities for development. Initially, there was an assumption that the industry-based approach...

Sight Words Method: Teaching Strategy

The topic that is chosen for the present work is about vocabulary enhancement with the application of the visual method (Sight words, environmental print, etc.). The choice of the current topic has been made on studying the booklet “A Focus on Vocabulary” (Lehr et al. 2004). The booklet provides necessary...

Outcomes of Divorce on Children: Infants to Adults

Introduction Divorce is no doubt a horrifying tragedy for children of whichever age to face. Regardless of the cause for the divorce, may it be an abusive situation, children suffers greatly. What may appear to be a solution to a problematic matrimony, can change the life of a child forever....