Humanity: Understanding and Observing Othering

All over the world, there is still discrimination against individuals and entire groups that differ in one way or another from the generally accepted norm’s notion and are perceived as Others. The emergence of a system of social perceptions is an integral part of cultural production and the exchange of...

“Death of a Salesman”: The American Dream by Arthur Miller

Introduction Even though many readers consider the American Dream as one of the core ideas in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, there is always a chance to find some new interpretation. In his article, Majid Salem Mgamis explains the American Dream as a part of social values “that...

Liberty, Freedom, and Equality in America

Introduction The history of the United States represents the mixing of various cultures and values shared by different peoples. This fact conditioned the necessity to formulate common values to unite all the population groups into one nation. Such values became liberty, freedom, and equality, but the process of their installation...

Immigration History: “Betwixt and Between” Identity

Introduction Accurate measurements require tools of precision. The more precise the tool, the more distinctions we could make in our attempts to produce knowledge. The study of American history is no exception. For many decades, a blunt toolset had informed our analysis of migration and identity whereupon historians adopted a...

Down Syndrome – Information

In spite of the fact that scientists have significantly improved their knowledge of various genetic disorders, Down syndrome (trisomy 21) still needs to be studied. Nowadays, it is widely known that this genetic condition develops due to an extra copy of chromosome 21. People diagnosed with this health issue are...

The Philosophy of Nursing Communication

Introduction The Philosophy of Nursing Communication is a new theory that defines the central role of nurses in the healthcare system. According to Grossman (2013), nurses play a very important role in the provision of care to patients. They also act as a bridge between patients, their friends and relatives...

The Information Transmission Through the Internet

Introduction The rapid development of computer technologies has fastered the process of the information transmission through the Internet. Nowadays, we cannot imagine our life without internet communication since it is closely connected with many spheres of our life. Thus, internet serves as a universal source of the electronic database that...

Contract Law: Analysis of the Concept

Introduction Law is usually understood as the structure of rules which are developed and carried out through various governmental institutions in order to regulate and bring overall harmony to the society. In the contemporary world, some people even describe the law as an art of integrity and justice since it...

Institutional Racism Against Native Americans: The Killers of the Flower Moon

Introduction The history of the United States is full of glorious and dramatic events that shaped the American spirit. In 2017, David Grann published The Killers of the Flower Moon about the murders that took place in Oklahoma in the 1920s and contributed to the creation of the Federal Bureau...

Reason for the Roman Military’s Success

The Roman Empire was the most powerful force in the Mediterranian area at its time, and one of the most significant ones in world history. The role of the military in the process of the empire’s expansion was crucial. The Roman army was maintaining the effectiveness for many centuries due...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Concept of Omnichannel Retailing

Omnichannel may be regarded as a completely new term in the sphere of digital marketing. At the same time, this cross-channel content strategy will play a highly significant role in the development of stores in the future. The development of online retailing and the emerging of additional digital channels that...

Understanding Our Gendered Selves

The issue of gender identity has always been topical and was developed not only by sociologists but also by representatives of many other scientific groups. Gender identity is a person’s internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). The...

Air Flow in the Respiratory System

Introduction Analyzing the surrounded environment it can be concluded that the law of physics are the same for both non-organic and organic world, where in living organisms these laws are under the control of biological processes. Humans as the highest forms of those organic forms are studied by a number...

The Precinct 3 Contest in Harris County

County Commissioner’s position is an essential office in Harris Region; therefore, winning Precinct 3 election is obligatory. The office upholds the Canton’s decision-making capacity, and as the State’s most populous County, the race to the office is highly contested by aspirants who are determined to win. Considering that nearly half...

Analysis of Enron Company’s Financial Fraud Case

Corporate culture defines communication between employees and leaders and approaches to problem-solving. A corporate culture based on ethical principles ensures open and honest interaction of all parties helps effectively respond to any changes in the internal and external environment. However, the corporate culture’s lack of ethical principles leaves room for...

Analysis of “David Livingstone’s Journey” by Janet and Geoff Benge

Introduction David Livingstone: Africa’s Trailblazer is a book written by Janet and Geoff Benge and published in 1999. It describes the remarkable and life-changing journey of David Livingstone across Africa’s uncharted regions to spread the gospel message to local inhabitants. This book belongs to the genre of Christian fiction that...

Medco International Firm’s Financial Analysis

Financial ratios are used in financial analysis to provide an overall picture of the financial performance of a company. Various categories of ratios show different aspects of the financial performance of a company. These categories are the liquidity ratios, asset turnover ratios, financial leverage ratios, profitability ratios and dividend yield...

“The Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction Hemingway’s The Soldier’s Home is a story of a war veteran who faces the dilemma of choosing between being a welcomed member of his old social circle and staying true to his morals and ideals. When the book’s main character Krebs returns to his hometown, he is forced to...

The Fancies of the Novels by Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde

Introduction Dickens and Wilde were both writers gifted in portraying human conditions in an individualistic and unique way focused on correcting residents in the Victorian period. By 19th century, these literature artists had become famous in articulating Britain’s societal aspects. The 19th century remains a memorable time for Britain, in...

The Health Care Insurance Supervisor: Job Description

Discussion In staffing within the health care insurance sector, the first step is the manpower requirement estimation. This process involves establishment of the actual personnel in terms of the number, position, and job roles. The main elements considered in the estimation include analysis of work load and workforce in order...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing Communications and Role in a Marketing Mix

Key Definitions Marketing communications are one of the critical competitive business tools that encourage consumers to choose a specific company. Marketing Communications (MC) is essentially the process of transmitting information about companies, products, and services to the target audience using various channels. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a concept of...

Implementation Strategy in the Healthcare Sector: Implementation Stages Analysis

Implementation of specific strategies or solutions demands an effective and comprehensive approach that guarantees consideration of all issues vital for the improved outcomes. Under these conditions, the implementation strategy acquires the top priority as one of the major goals to attain success and avoid failures. For the healthcare setting, the...

Impact of High Labour Turnover on the Hotel Industry

Aims and Key Questions Industrial revolution brought with it a paradigm shift in the type of industries and increasing focus on service industry. Hospitality sector saw a great boost and a lot of action since the need for such services increased. Now with the spread of industrialisation and growth in...

Advertising of Chocolate Using TV as a Media Tool in the UK

Introduction TV medium is one of the most popular and effective media for advertising today. Advertising of chocolate is based on a unique tastes and demands of consumers and requires messages and images to attract potential target audience. The target audience for this product is women between 20-40 years. Selection...

Energy Information Agency: Overview on Gasoline

Introduction Gasoline is considered as one the most important commodity that surmised these days. It is the main ingredient in transportation, in industry and in household. During the time when the automobile is presented in the market, the gasoline industry at the same time was created. However, during that time,...

John Milton’s Concept of God in “Paradise Lost”

In the twelve books of John Milton’s Paradise Lost, the poet not only weaves an elegant story depicting the Biblical story of the fall from Eden and the nature of hell but presents his readers with a concept of God that remains somewhat ambiguous. Depending upon the way in which...

The Role of the Economy in the 2008 Election

The year 2008 is a presidential election year. Many people believed there would be a significant shift in government. This belief had a deep-rooted cause in the economy, and it was found that the economy became a fundamental and decisive part of this shift. The importance of the economy to...

1983 Invasion of Grenada: Reasons and Aftermath

Introduction Grenada is one of the southern Caribbean islands and the invasion of Grenada took place during the Cold war between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. During the Cold War period, the US was determined to control the spread of communism around the world. Tension between...

The Rule of Law vs. Obedience to Law

Rule of law is different from obedience to laws. This means that what is legal is not necessarily moral to be obeyed. It is however the nature of laws to expect to be observed or obeyed but there are requirements before they could become as such. These laws need to...

Information Systems. Electrical Contracting Industry

Introduction The electrical contracting industry consists of companies which offer services in installing fixed electrical wirings and fittings for electricity, lights, security alarms, equipment for communications and security systems. The electrical contracting industry and market is inseparable from the other main building and construction sub sectors like housing, communications, industrial...

E-Business Changes Organisation-Customer Relationships

Introduction Peter Drucker the world famous marketing authority has bee quoted as saying that the purpose of any business to create customers. In times of rising globalization and competition, the customer has become more important than ever before. Managing customers is never an easy task since they are comprised of...

Immigration: Today’s Situation in the United States

Illegal and legal migration has a great impact on economic system and social order in the developed countries including the USA and EU. The main reason for immigration is better standards of life, higher wages and stable political system. Thus, it is supposed that illegal immigration deprives many native citizens...

Thai-Lay Fashion Company: Marketing Plan Assignment

Executive Summary Thai-Lay Fashion Company is an existing garment manufacturing company in the UK having the business mission of achieving market leadership in the garment industry on a global basis with its well-designed and qualified garment products. The company’s objective is to get market acceptability through the production and marketing...

The Benefits of Decriminalization

America’s war against recreational drugs is an example of good intentions gone terribly wrong. While this country squanders billions of dollars annually on the efforts to stop illegal drugs, trafficking and use continue. The cumulative costs to society are high and widespread. Decriminalization would save states and the federal government...

Human and Other Assets for Business: Marketing Aspects

The marketing strategies and other aspects of the Oriental Organic Garments Company are being taken up for discussion and analysis. It is seen that this Company now wished to make forays into a wider market, both national and in the global context. In this paper, the marketing aspects in terms...

Anne Sexton’s “Cinderella” Analysis

Introduction Many people take pleasure from reading fairy tales, whose endings are normally happy and which depict the triumph of “the good” over “the evil”. Anne Sexton is among the writers, who have a non-traditional vision of fairy-tales, as she creates her own interpretations of fantasy narratives. As Sexton is...

The Issue of Maternal Mortality in the United States

Abstract Maternal mortality is among the most preventable deaths, which can act as a precise indicator of the quality of healthcare in the region. Although the global trend has been showing steady and gradual improvement throughout the years, there are still several regions where spikes can be observed. One can...

Comparison of Machiavelli and Don Quixote

Introduction Both Machiavelli and Don Quixote can be said to have contributed greatly to the period of the renaissance. In their different settings, they both seem to uphold the same views on the concepts of providence, prudence, fortune, and virtue. Don Quixote, in his madness, actually manages to defend the...

Three Gorges Dam: Project Analysis

Introduction In due time this project was named as one of the greatest engineering achievements of the twentieth century, but now the dam “Three gorges” on the mighty Chinese river the Yangtze threatens to turn into an ecological catastrophe. Over more than ten years China extolled the civil-engineering design of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Causes and Consequences of the Enron Scandal

Among the many financial scandals that rocked the world before 2001, the worst was the Enron Disaster. U.S Company Enron, which began as a small Midwestern gas pipeline company in 1985, spiraled into the world’s biggest energy trader by May 2001. Its dramatic collapse began in July 2001 and ended...

Heroin Distribution and Its Use Within the United States

In the past two decades, the United States has been facing an escalation in abuse of opioids, primarily heroin. According to Congressional Research Service, in 2016, approximately 0.4% of the U.S. population older than 12 years old reported having used heroin in the past year (2). Besides, the majority of...

The Depiction of Tragic Love in Poe’s “Annabel Lee”

Introduction Love, especially tragic love, appears to be a common theme in Romanticist literature. As a poet of this literary movement, Edgar Allan Poe contributed to the tendency with “Annabel Lee.” Its central themes are the youthful love and death of a beloved woman. The text seemingly became one of...

Recommendations for Future Language Development

Lesson Number Functional/ structural Skills objectives Phonological objectives Lexical objectives Rationale 1. To be able to use the present simple of the verb to be when introducing people. To develop the use of the verb to bein the present tense. To develop speaking skills to introduce oneself and introduce others....

How the Environment Plays a Role in Learning

Introduction Learning basically refers to a process of acquiring knowledge and information through interactions with people. This process is supplemented by the environment which is a key factor in any process where information is being shared especially in a class room. Environment refers to all our external surroundings and for...

Impact of PCAOB on Accounting Information System

Synopsis of Rule 3100 Rule 3100 deals with the follow-up of professional auditing standards set up by PCAOB for the registered public accounting firms. According to this Rule a registered public accounting firm has to follow professional accounting standards set up by the PCAOB, during their auditing processes. The auditing...

CDS: Professional and Scholarly Tasks

Executive Summary The report essentially entails how the CDS has helped the learners carry out researches and assignments in other modules of study. The report has discussed how the CDS prepares the learners for both the professional and scholarly tasks in the outside world. To a large extent, the report...

Strategic Organizational Communications in a Global Economy

Introduction The article in question is about formation of “organizational identities” through the organizational processes of communication. The author argues that the way in which we talk about work tells a lot about how our identity in the organization is formed as we move up the hierarchy. There is a...

Should the United States Abolish the Death Penalty?

Whether the death penalty, also known as capital punishment should be abolished or not from the United States penal system been the subject of debate for a long time now, ever since the early days of civilization. This debate remains controversial because of the diverse groups of stakeholders who hold...

The Problem of Faith in Parables by Kafka and Nietzsche

Introduction The problem of faith is a rather controversial one. Different people have different views on what faith is. Some consider it to be a code of moral principles without which one cannot exist; others find faith a human’s failure to explain the life around. As long as humanity goes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dr. DuBois and The Harlem Renaissance

Introduction Dr. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois lived an intense life; the ups and downs of that altruistic life and his all-prevailing personality were all conscientiously and passionately documented by him in autobiographies, essays, notes, journal articles, and lectures through several decades. The Harlem Renaissance a.k.a. The Black Renaissance or...

Italian Renaissance: Art and Architecture

Italian Renaissance is well known for its cultural and societal achievements which took place between 14th to 16th centuries and initiated from Tuscany, thereby affecting the Greek and Roman culture. However the mid 15th century is considered to be as a true and prominent renaissance era. Innovators of the Italian...

Conflict Between Jews and Arabs in Palestine 1947-1948

Introduction The conflict between the Jews and Arabs in the Palestine is dated back to the seventh Century A.D. The Arab population was higher than Jews in Palestine. After colonization, the Zionist wanted to form a nation for the Jews in Palestine. The Zionist assumed that the right to land...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodologies

Introduction The very word research gives us an impression of authenticity. It is not based on bias or prejudices neither it’s superfluous, nor is it a simplistic argument about any problem. The research employs quantitative and qualitative methodologies as tools to achieve this end. It is used in all walks...

Business Law: Case Studies Examples

Case Study No. 1 – Coca-Cola Co. v. Babyback’s Int’l, Inc., 806 N.E.2d 37 (Ind.Ct.App. 2004) Description of Facts The facts relate to a conflict of assertion and denial of the formation of contractual obligations between CCE (Coca-Cola Enterprises) and Babyback’s International Inc. In addition, whether the enforcement of a...

Cultural Difference in Leadership and Communication

The structure of the workplace is changing rapidly due to globalization. For example, Office for National Statistics reports that the workforce in the United Kingdom is presented by various groups of the population, including those coming from British, Indian, Chinese, and Pakistani backgrounds. The employment rate of individuals coming from...

Michael Eisner and His Reign at Disney

Introduction After nearly two decades as CEO and chairman of the board, Michael Eisner faced an internal corporate challenge. This work is aimed at researching organizational governance conflicts, disagreements in the highest echelons of power of Walt Disney, and leadership qualities. Also, the history of the conflict is closely connected...

“Gooseberries” by Anton Chekhov: Сharacter of Ivan Ivanovich Chimsha-Himalayan

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, a famous Russian writer, was a short story master who dreamed that people should be free and happy. Unfortunately, in real life, Chekhov had to deal with rudeness and callousness, which he called vulgarity. Chekhov made fun of philistines, stupidity, and the writer especially did not like...

Confederation and Constitution in the United States

The Formation and the Advantages of the New Constitution The federal convention of the United States formed the Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787. The Declaration of Independence allowed all the colonies to proclaim themselves as sovereign areas, or states, each with its own constitution, under the rule of the president...

Psychotherapeutic Group: Treatment of Mild-To-Moderate Depression

Introduction This manual is dedicated to a psychotherapeutic group that is intended for patients with mild-to-moderate depression. It will be a short-term psychoeducation group that will use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). The aim of this manual is to provide direction and employ high-quality sources dedicated to depression and group therapy to...

Inclusive Educational Classrooms for Students With Learning Disabilities

Introduction Problem Statement Lots of special education elementary schools do not fulfill their educational requirements, as students of these schools do not meet the academic standards in reading in research. These schools are involved in teaching students with learning disabilities, and these students do not show progress while studying in...

An Unusual Offer From Neighbor

William had never felt alive before he met Austin, his new neighbor, who was young, energetic, and handsome. His every gesture revealed absolute confidence and great zest; his words presented high intelligence and unusual broad-mindedness. William, who turned 30 a few days ago, admired the youth but was too shy...

NBA Season Suspension Due to Coronavirus Outbreak

With COVID-19 putting a pause on the majority of areas in the life of global society, it was only a matter of time for the pandemic to impact sports. Despite the fact that sports can provide comfort to fans under challenging times, the world has stopped, and the same has...

Intersectionality of Religion with Gender, Race, and Class

Religion is an act of devotion towards the existence of a true God. There are some aspects of faith, which make it susceptible to being a potential source of discrimination. As stated by Adams et al. (2013), every religion has its accepted dogma, which followers must accept without question. In...

Obamacare’s Impacts on Taxes

Obamacare is an act of the government of the United States of America that was formulated and signed into law in order to give affordable insurance services to the citizens. The health insurance act of 2010 has become very popular, not only to the citizens of the United States of America...

Enterobius Vermicularis: A Worm That Knows No Class, Race, or Culture

Introduction Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) is the most common among all helminths in the world with a prevalence rate of 20-40 million in the United States. Treatment of pinworm infection is fairly easy and medication can be provided at all public health facilities. This paper seeks to provide an analysis of...

Gender Roles: “Alice in Wonderland” (2010)

Introduction While women achieved some degree of equality with men in terms of economic, political, and social issues, their position remains stereotyped in many cases. The women’s movement that started in the 1960s allowed females to understand that they deserve equal rights and attitudes. Popular culture is one of the...

Female Condom Skills Training for HIV Risk Reduction

Introduction The number of women who are victims of the HIV virus amounts to almost half the total number of victims who live with the virus. Since its discovery, the virus has been the cause of numerous deaths across the globe. Among women, it is the greatest cause of death...

“The Unexpected Value of the Liberal Arts” by Anders

Liberal arts are a wide range of disciplines that attract millions of students worldwide. Despite being a popular choice for students each year, many people regard the area as unnecessary, useless, and low-paying. George Anders wrote an article titled “The Unexpected Value of the Liberal Arts” that attempts to eliminate...

Social and Detail Division of Labor

The social division of labor is the distribution of types of labor among particular social groups aimed at producing complete commodities. Each social group in a traditional society has specific tasks, such as the creation of a certain type of product. Braverman gives an example of the division of labor...

Multicultural Education in America: Benefits and Challenges

America as a country with diverse, racial, ethnic, and cultural groups has adopted multicultural education in its learning institution. Multicultural education has greatly improved unity among the different cultural groups in the region, especially among the youths. While James Banks gives the advantages of multicultural education in American society, Arthur...

Organization Policy and Management: Employment-At-Will Doctrine

Helping Slow Learners at WorkPlace People do not always take a similar amount of time to learn a concept. This sometimes puts managers in a frustrating position when some of their employees are not able to learn at the same pace as other employees especially when the subject being learned...

Human Resource Selection: Interview Questions

Introduction The process of interviewing potential candidates is a significant part of Human Resource Selection. Interviews vary depending on specifics of the job, but their main purpose remains to evaluate applicants’ abilities according to the same criteria. For this objective it is important to prepare a set of question, the...

Same-Sex Marriages: a Question of Legality or Morality

The existence of same-sex relationships and the eventual legalization of such marriages have been controversial in different societies around the world. In the US, before the Supreme Court’s ruling on June 26, 2015, that same-sex marriages are a right protected by the constitution, 13 states had illegalized this practice. On...

The Banner Health Care System Strategic Plan

Introduction Strategic planning involves looking into an organization’s future and identifying issues and trends to align it with its competitors in the healthcare industry. The establishment of a proper strategic plan enables a firm to remain competitive while also ensuring consumer satisfaction. The company chosen for study is Banner Healthcare,...

Interpersonal Relationships and Risk Perception

Introduction Being in a close romantic relationship is a significant lifestyle change in comparison with being single. Apart from the self-evident impacts on loneliness and happiness, it may influence how much a person values another human being compared to all others or even themselves. This perception of a close one...

Instances of the Fingerpost by Francis Bacon and a Scientific Method

The Novum Organum is one of the most known philosophical works by Francis Bacon. This book was published in 1620 in Latin for the first time. With time, this work has been translated into several languages in order to spread the offered theory all over the world and provide other...

State Budget Deficit and Its Impact on Economy

According to Rose (2002), a budget deficit can be described as a situation that occurs when the government tends to spend more funds than the funds that are flowing into the economy. It can also be described as a situation where the government, private, public companies, and individuals’ total spending...

Sex Offenders and Their Prison Sentences

The first article under consideration is called Abusing State Power or Controlling Risk?: Sex Offender Commitment and Sicherungverwahrung written by Demleitner. In the article, the author addresses the problem of the civil commitment of sexual predators. This problem is of considerable importance despite the fact that the number of such...

The Importance of Addressing Climate Change

Introduction There are a plethora of problems humanity faces on a daily basis, and they all vary in their level of complexity and scope. Some of them have a systemic nature and pose a direct threat to the existence of millions of people on the planet. The issue of climate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Concepts of Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism, Democracy

Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism The form of the political power exercised in a state can be used to determine the ideology behind such power. In that regard, the analysis of the legal framework of Singapore and the events of 2009 leads to the conclusion that the form of power is authoritarian....

Having Integrity Importance in Professional Life

Introduction Integrity is important for every person as it stipulates his life choices and moral attitudes towards the world. The designation “professional” is highly desired in our society and has been for centuries. People will even take courses of action that seem on the surface to be against their economic...

Conscious Leadership: Self-Assessment of Leadership

Leadership Characteristics Leadership is not something that people can just grasp and gain during their lives – real leaders are born that way, they are created to be “number one” in different circles of fellowship or societies. These people are always engaging to follow and to support their ideas. “Conscious...

Airport Security Environment and Passenger Stress

Introduction Transport hubs and routes are in principle associated with particular safety concerns, as transport accidents are frequent causes of injury and death of passengers. At the same time, the airport administration is especially diligent in ensuring passenger safety. Numerous checks and security measures can cause anxiety among people, as...

Myocardial Infarction: Key Issues

Abstract Individuals with myocardial infarction experience abrupt blockage of coronary arteries leading to deficiency of oxygen supply in the heart. Due to numerous conditions arising from the reduction of blood flow in the coronary artery, doctors have adopted the use of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) to refer to the condition....

Athletes Testing and Training Program

With regards to speed training, there is the concept of speed strength that involves the application of maximum force when at high velocity. The primary objective of speed conditioning is to enable the athlete to sustain speed in the short runs. The speed training program focuses on the physical body...

Power of Advertising: Capitalizing on Human Inattention

Introduction Let me suggest that if you were told to buy a product that you do not need, you would say that you would not do it. Moreover, you would probably feel repulsed by such a notion. Yet, I would like to state that not only is it possible, but...

Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention in Intensive Care Unit Patients

The Strategy for Disseminating the Results The first strategy of disseminating the results will entail the use of brochures and newsletters. These periodic publications (quarterly) will serve the purpose of informing the nurses and other stakeholders about the progress of the project. The data will also highlight the areas of...

Lung Cancer among Indigenous Australians

Cancer appears to be the disease of the century, as it presents the most frequent reasons for deaths. Lung cancer is the most often type of oncological diseases, causing the greatest amount of fatal outcomes (Bilano et al., 2015). Due to poor social position, destructive lifestyle, unhealthy traditions and habits,...

Legal, Financial and Legal Issues Surrounding Meaningful Use

Goals of meaningful use The adoption of meaningful use of health information technology by healthcare organizations has the potential to improve patient outcomes across the world (Kaufman, Roberts, Merrill, Lai & Bakken, 2006; Hannah et al., 2011). Meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) by healthcare organizations is intended to...

Truman’s Most Difficult Decision

Introduction Truman was President for eight years and managed to make many significant decisions during his time. He was responsible for leading the country through the post-war era and rebuilding the economy. Truman made both popular and controversial decisions, and the most publicly supported choice was the most difficult to...

Geography of Slavery in Virginia

Introduction The research conducted in terms of the following paper has shown that the runaway patterns, frequent in times of slavery, were predominantly caused by the family connections of the enslaved American residents. The 21st century’s version of the United States of America has been modified to such an extent...

Minnesota Community Healthy 2020 Objectives

Introduction A SWOT analysis is an important strategic tool for managing health programs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). This section of the paper outlines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the Minnesota public health leadership program that strives to reduce heart disease and stroke in the state....

Penguin Sleuth, a Forensic Software Tool

Introduction Computer security and data safety have become the stepping stone for most organizations and individuals. In general data protection and informational safety require increased attention and awareness of the users. Forensic software may be used for various aims, however, the key functionality range is closely linked with data safety,...

“Ghost From the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence” by Karr-Morse

Introduction Juvenile delinquency has been discussed thoroughly in the United States in the last decades. There have been several notorious cases of juvenile crime in the history of this country. Some of the most famous of them are the high school shooting in the small town of Columbine and the...

Problems and Concept of Mass Transit

Transportation is definitely a critical input in the economic activities of a nation. The choice or portfolio of the different modes of transportation adopted in a country or region is an important determinant of the proportion of the costs of production which go towards the transportation. In cases where this...

Unauthorized Intrusion Into a Database: The Strategies for an Emergency

The companies, which specialize in the development of software solutions, have to attach great importance to business continuity planning because they are exposed to many internal and external threats, for example, the failure of hardware, virus attacks, power cuts, mistakes of the personnel and so forth. Each of these threats...

Environmental Ethics. Technology and Values

The term “Anthropocene” was coined to refer to the era in which human beings became the main driver of environmental change. While scientists argue about whether a new geological era should be officially distinguished in the history of the Earth, the atmosphere is rapidly changing. An increase in the level...

Comparison of Healthcare Agencies

Introduction Public health refers to the science and art of averting diseases, extending life, and promoting health via the implementation of organized efforts and informed choices by the public, associations, public and private communities, and the individual persons (Institute of Medicine, 1988). The field is concerned with the general health...

The Main Aim of the Wound Care Nursing

Introduction Wounds are breaks in the outer layer of the skin, epidermis, or any injury caused by physical means that result in disruption of normal continuity of tissues and structures. Wounds are surgical, distressing, vascular, associated with disease, or result from the forces of cut, rubbing, strain, and/or wetness. Wounds...

English Law: Principles, Impacts, Areas

Main Principles that Underpin the English Contract Law The English law of contract is a product of common law. It started as a tradition by the English people and was later codified into laws. The law of contract has basic traits that distinguish it from any other law in other...

Qualitative Article Analysis: Characteristics, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Introduction Qualitative research has unique characteristics that set it apart from quantitative research. The fundamental difference between qualitative research and quantitative research is the nature of the data that each of them uses. While qualitative study deals with narrative data, the quantitative study deals with numerical data. In addition to...

The Speech “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King

Introduction There are a number of speeches that were delivered by various people in the history of America. “I Have a Dream” is a speech in history that was conveyed by Martin Luther King at the Lincoln Memorial. King was compelled in his address to talk about black Americans who...

Marriage Oppression and Freedom Signs

The 19th century is characterized by women discrimination in society, whereby the role of women is to offer basic services at home. Female prejudice increased during the 1800s, leading to the drawing of occupational lines regarding the exact jobs that women and men could handle. As a result, women commenced...

Beyond the Binary Sexual Identity

Multidimensional Sexualities of Modern Youth Human sexuality is a complex of emotional, social, erotic behaviors, and feelings that people express toward other individuals. According to Westbrook, such categories as “sex, gender, and sexuality are… socially constructed systems, changing over time and varying across cultures” (33). Given the intricacy of the...

Treatment of Women in Society in Shakespeare’s Plays

The audience of all art forms perceives and forms different ideas from the works of art. In this context, some readers may find the treatment of women in William Shakespeare’s play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, unreasonable and, therefore, troubling. The readers may have several reasons for forming the opinion. Some...

The Concept of Healing Hospital Paradigm

Components of the Healing Hospital Paradigm The Healing Hospital Paradigm is a holistic approach aimed at providing effective medical support and care to different patients. This paradigm focuses “on the needs of the whole person” (Ashcraft, Anthony, & Mancuso, 2010, p. 1). This notion explains why “physicians should consider the...

Neighborhood Deprivation and Exposure to Fast Food in a Large Rural Area

Introduction Families and individuals have significantly continued to depend on foods prepared outside their homes as substitutes for foods prepared at homes due to various factors related to economic and social issues, such as costs, convenience, and time. In this context, foods from fast-food restaurants lead to other sources of...

Researching Children’s Advertising: Impact on Children’s Growth and Development

Abstract Children’s advertising is a type of communication aimed at persuading children into loving and purchasing some types of goods. Currently, they are extensively used to meet the increasing market in society. This paper provides detailed information on what children’s advertising entails. It also provides detailed information on the negative...

E-Education: Mobile Learning Affordability and Efficiency

Introduction Enhancing mobile learning can shape the entire distance-learning program by improving techniques of communication among distance apprentices, instructors and supporting personnel. The major benefit of this technology is that it can be utilized everywhere, anytime and its utility can easily be acquired by distance apprentices. Affordability Educational affordances of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Promoting Team Effectiveness and Investigating the Causes of Decreased Productivity

Overview/Introduction Invitation by the manager to discuss reasons for the decrease in productivity prompted the writing of a report on that matter. This was blamed on the increase in the number of sick leaves, which decreased the working rate of employees. All the examined documents supported the decrease in productivity....

Sexual Harassment Predicament and Analytical Solutions

Introduction Sexual harassment violates both State and Federal law (Marshall 104). Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination that involves sexual advances that are unwelcome and sexual favors requests. Sexual harassment can be physical or verbal. Sexual harassment is regarded as physical when it involves energy while it is...

Business Strategies for Healthcare Organizations

Introduction Business strategies can be more or less effective with regard to different phases of change. These phases concern the process of change in a certain organization in terms of stages which the company falls into at the moment. It is necessary to take into account health care as a...

Organizational Behavior Motivation of Employees

Motivation is the enthusiasm to apply high levels of effort towards the goals of an organization, trained by the skill to satisfy an employee’s needs. In most organizations, the management views employee motivation as a fruitful technique to increase employee productivity. When employees get motivated, they try to strive even...

Models of Small-World Social Networks

The rate of the spread of HIV infections in a population is proportional to the number of individuals with multiple sex partners at the same time within the population. Although most individuals in a social network will have a few sex partners, a small percentage of individuals will have a...

Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease: Conditions

Drexler, Y.R. & Bomback, A.S. (2013). Definition, identification and treatment of resistant hypertension in chronic kidney disease patients. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 0, 1-9. Drexler and Bomback aims at discussing the conditions of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the impact of resistant hypertension in order to offer an appropriate...

The Presidency of Harry Truman

Harry Truman assumed office as the 33rd president of America after the death of Franklin Roosevelt. His swearing-in as the president was in line with the country’s Constitution, which allows the vice president to be sworn in as the president following the latter’s demise. As it is recorded in historical...

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Are Fundamental to the Life Sciences

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is a course area, which has contributed hugely to life sciences. To affirm this, some molecules are often recognized as building blocks for cell formation, implying that they are fundamental to the physiology of humans. Biochemistry primarily involves the study of such molecules, and this underlines...

Applying Theory to Public Health Practice

A Definition and Description of the Four Theories The theory of reasoned action, health belief model, theory of planned behavior, and the trans-theoretical change model are the most commonly used theories in public health (Glanz & Bishop, 2010). The theory of reasoned action predicts human behavior by analyzing human attitudes....

Sources and Levels of Organizational Conflict

It goes without saying that conflict situations within organizations are currently inevitable. Conflict may occur at different levels – within people, between individuals within one group, and between various groups and organizations. Incompatible vision and objectives are frequently regarded as a powerful source of multiple conflicts between colleagues. In addition,...

Oedipus Rex and Hamlet: Compare and Contrast

Oedipus Rex and Hamlet are prominent literary characters who constitute the example of brave men under challenging circumstances, they experience tragic events in their lives concerning their family members, which eventually leads to their fall. Oedipus is the man whose life is in the hands of fate, he murders his...

Medical Law and Ethics. Increased Claims

Introduction The case of medical malpractice under examination describes the inappropriate actions of health care professionals that resulted in the patient’s death. In 2001, Arturo Iturralde went to HMC, a Hawaiian state-owned hospital. He was diagnosed with degenerative spondylolisthesis and scheduled for surgery after several days. The surgery went wrong...

Impact of Alcohol Abuse on Breast Cancer Risk in Women

Introduction Alcohol abuse is a common problem in most societies that leads to serious health problems. However, many people are aware of the negative effects of alcohol on the liver and cardiovascular system but do not know about the link between alcohol and an increased risk of cancer. The connection...

“Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You” by Dr. Gosling

Introduction Items people purchase and the way they arrange them in their dwellings have long been considered instrumental in understanding a person’s identity. “Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You” centers around an experiment, which was performed by Dr. Gosling, a professor at the University of Texas. He believes that...

International Business Transactions: Major Barriers and Concerns

Introduction Over the past years, International Business Transactions have continued to grow as a result of the rapid expansion in technology. International business transaction is basically trade that is carried out among nations in order to expand and diversify their source of sales and obtain more resources. These business transactions...

Clinical Integration: The Physician Model

Modernization and improvement of the healthcare system in any country is the process that never stops. However, medical facilities face a number of different challenges while trying to achieve the goal of developing efficient approaches to healthcare services. Before deciding where to move next, managers must have a good understanding...

The Racist Views on Community Integrity in Bruce Norris’s Clybourne Park

Bruce Norris’s play Clybourne Park touches upon the issues of racial discrimination, political correctness, prejudice, segregation, and gentrification illustrated by a story of two generations living in the same neighborhood. As the characters get into heated arguments to protect the integrity of their communities, Norris explores the development of racist...

Rap Artistry and Production Concept

Introduction My career of choice is rap artistry and production; while this may not be the traditional answer you would get when asking someone what they want to be when they grow up, this has been my dream for a few years now. Rap has been an integral part of...

The Main Theme of Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables

The House of the Seven Gables is a romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne, an American novelist of the first half of the XIX century. The romance tells the story of the Pyncheon family and the life of the family members in the mansion in the small town in New England. This...

Psychological Struggles of the Main Character from the “Ben X” Film

Introduction The modern cinematography industry has produced numerous pieces of art that depict an accurate representation of mental struggles and intend to give viewers an insight into other people’s minds. These films can be used to engage the audience in conversation regarding various vital topics that can be puzzling for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation Analysis

The stories of popular fictional characters are often filled with adventures and challenges intended to entertain the audience. At the same time, their authors mimic real life, exploring internal and external conflicts people face. Thus, such characters are suitable candidates for practicing psychoanalysis – especially if a person displayed has...

Nursing Informatics and Leadership Competencies

The quality of the health care can be increased with the help of implementation of new management systems aimed at making the storage and use of information about the patients, innovations in medical practise, current events, and other issues useful for healthcare staff freely available, easily accessible, though more secured...

Huawei Technologies Co.: The Road to Rise

Introduction Huawei is an international telecommunications and technology corporation based in China which has experienced extraordinary growth to become a leader in providing various products and services. The company is characterized by its innovation and strong dedication to the consumer market. However, Huawei’s close ties to the Chinese government have...

Ethics in Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction Ethics in the medical and pharmaceutical industry is a vital component of providing quality services and developing products that will benefit the patients. The interactions between a healthcare provider and a patient, or a researcher and study participants, should be based on the principles of ethics to ensure the...

Implementation of a Customer Relationship Management

Introduction Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the approach and the process that an organization chooses to adopt and implement in order to maintain customer loyalty amongst current customers and to attract in prospective customers. Purpose of CRM CRM strategies are designed to build upon current customers and to ensure that...

Beyond Hand Hygiene: Preventing Cross-Contamination on Hospital Wards

The article discussed in the paper is devoted to the topics of patient safety and specific measures implemented to prevent the spread of infections in intensive care and surgical units. The qualitative study by Hor et al. (2017) was published in the BMJ of Quality and Safety, a peer-reviewed journal...

Future of Nursing and Its Implementation

Daily activities of nurses are essential for enhancing patients’ well-being and improving the quality of care. This issue is stressed in The Future of Nursing report published by the National Academy of Medicine (2011) that was previously called the Institute of Medicine (IOM). This paper will first discuss the work...

US Marketing Strategy for KFC

The utilization of proper marketing strategies is crucial for a business environment as it ensures the growth of profits, increases the market share of an organization, and strengthens brand awareness. The marketing phenomenon, which occurred when Popeye’s Chicken introduced a new spicy sandwich, can serve as an excellent example of...

Death & Dying Ethics in Hinduism and Christianity

Introduction Death and dying are essential notions in many belief systems. In some religions, death brings an end to a person’s existence, whereas, in others, the soul continues to exist in the afterlife. Hinduism and Christianity are among the most popular faiths in the world, although they vary greatly in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Interpersonal Communication Skills in Healthcare

Introduction According to the Joint Commission (2015), the problem of miscommunication in healthcare persists and tends to have negative impacts on patient outcomes, including those related to safety. Consequently, it is important to analyze one’s workplace from the perspective of communication and collaboration. This paper will focus on the literature...

The Importance of Motivating Knowledge Workers

This paper will be discussed the importance of knowledge workers in the whole process of Knowledge Management; a discipline that has gained a lot of importance in the current times with the importance attached to managing information in contemporary times. So ways in which companies can retain those knowledge workers...

El Portal, Florida: Community Assessment

Defining the Community The given paper is devoted to the detailed community assessment with the primary goal to determine its current state and problems that might affect its further development. The selected community is El Portal, Florida. It is a comparatively small diverse enclave placed between Miami Shores and Miami....

Community Health Factors and Plan of Interventions

Factors Defining Patient Health Health is largely determined by the environment in which people live and by the members of the community with whom they interact. When substantial support sources are missing, and if potentially harmful environmental factors are present, the involvement of community/public health nurses in an intervention is...

Nuclear Family’s Assessment in a Low-Income Area

Introduction It was chosen to select a nuclear family in a low-income area for the present assessment. The choice was based on the fact that families that live in an environment that lacks resources for prosperity are more likely to have worse health outcomes compared to those who have access...

Educational Theories Analysis: Vocational Training

Bearing in mind that the main purpose of education is the overall wellbeing of mankind both at individual level and at societal level. Vocational education tends to achieve contrary goals than what is expected of it in terms of individual and societal development. This paper presents an argument on why...

The Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act

Dear Senator Rick Scott, I am writing to you as an American citizen and resident of your district regarding the Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act. I am writing to urge your support and ask you to co-sponsor the bill that can bring equal opportunities for all Americans to benefit from...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Epidemiology Principals

Introduction The chronic kidney disease is the state when a person gradually loses the functions of his or her kidneys so that the latter fail to eliminate the waste from the person’s blood and cause various complications ranging from faint and weakness to heart diseases, commas, and deaths. The chronic...

Verizon Company’s Information System Proposal

Introduction Verizon is a telecommunication company in America providing services for wired and wireless communications beads on third-generation technology (Verizon, 2011a). The organization is innovative in the telecommunication sector and it provides video and broadband communications and other modes of entertainment through an advanced fiber-optic network. The organization is committed...

The Use of Computed Tomography Angiography for the Assessment of In-Stent Restenosis

Introduction Most researches tend to select significant tests based on the nature of the data under analysis and the process of sample selection. Conclusions made in such papers normally depend upon the value of the corresponding statistical values. The two papers chosen will further illustrate these points. Whether the procedures...