A Social Worker’s Reflections on Power, Privilege and Oppression

Spencer’s main thesis Spencer’s article presents the plight of social workers and the aspect of self -identification. Social workers vary depending on the sector in which they operate and the nature of their business. They undergo adequate training and acquire skills based on their work. Social workers play crucial societal...

The Comedy Much Ado About Nothing: Beatrice and Hero Characters

Introduction One of the reasons why the comedy Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, continues to enjoy a lasting popularity with contemporaries, is that along with representing a high aesthetic value, it can also be considered utterly enlightening, in the philosophical sense of this word. After all, as this...

Little Havana’s Windshield Survey and Vulnerable Groups

Introduction of Community The community is located in Miami, Florida. Its territory is about 1,898.6 square miles meaning that 1,418.5 people live per square mile (Census Reporter, 2017). However, it is not always possible to meet so many people outside in the daytime because many of them are in their...

Eliezer’s Struggle to Keep His Faith in God

Introduction: Eliezer’s Trial Of all the torturous experiences that Elie has to face in the course of his ordeal, the one regarding his faith must have had the greatest effect on him. While the change in his relationships with his father is crucial to understanding the character and the pain...

Community and Government Collaboration

The rationale for the specific theories and practices of collaboration between community and government Collaboration between communities and governments depends on supporting the principle of diversity within the community and on the idea of combining the efforts of all the stakeholders to develop the community and contribute to its social...

Healthcare Inequity in Elderly Population

Abstract The problem of inequity in health care provision is particularly acute since it creates a barrier to the continual improvement of health care services. Despite numerous reforms and strategy updates, there is still a large list of vulnerable groups that experience difficulties accessing medical services. The paper at hand...

How Television Producers Engage Viewers?

Introduction The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that television producers are successfully engaging viewers in program-related second screen activities. In the past, viewers played a passive role when it came to watching television programs. They had to know the right time for their favorite programs and watch them...

Patient Education for Obesity Treatment

Introduction/Identification Important Findings Obsession with sweets Obsession with sugary treats Does not have health insurance Practices self-treatment Buys only cheap medicine The patient overuses different products that contain an enormous quantity of sugar in them. Also, the patient does not want to pay for her health insurance, as she considers...

Is Islamic Spirituality a Key to Psychological Well-Being?

Islam, in general, has three dimensions – Islam, Iman, and Ihsan, or law, theology, and spirituality. In other words, it may be said that the foundations of Islam are submission, faith, and spiritual perfection (Spevack, 2012). The first dimension is based on five pillars of ritual and practice of the...

Waldron Roux Silberstein Xao Agency’s PESTLE Analysis

Introduction This paper is aimed at examining the external environment of the advertising agency Waldron Roux Silberstein Xao or WRSX. It should be mentioned that this company interacts with various manufacturers or service organisations (Learning Dynamics 2011). Therefore, this work of this agency is partly dependent on the performance of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nurse Staffing and Retention Rates Relationship

Applicable Change The suggested change is an intervention focused on checking whether the increased number of nurses can promote employee retention, improve patient outcomes, and prevent medical errors. The problem of nurse understaffing in healthcare facilities is frequently reported to be the cause of severe outcomes both for employees and...

Liberalism in the New Political Philosophy

Liberalism has caused more suffering than positive changes through revolutionary hostilities compared to the former systems of governance including the imperialist absolute monarchy. Introduction There are several interpretations of liberal views based on the way people understand liberty. Nonetheless, liberal views are based on common acceptable freedoms. These include free...

Affirmative Action and Common Good

Racial and ethnic discrimination is always related to the violation of civil and human rights. The term discrimination is used to refer to any action aimed at differentiation, exclusion, limitation, or preference based on racial, national, or ethnic characteristics. Discrimination involves humiliation or derogation of social acceptance, an unfulfillment of...

Symbolism in “Disgrace” by John Coetzee

Introduction The Novel, Disgrace, revolves around David Lurie, a University lecturer who faces one disgrace after another. Disgrace follows David wherever he goes throughout the novel. The 52-year-old man faces life in a post apartheid South Africa where racial discrimination is still rife. David’s first scandal with Melanie at the...

John Updike’s Book ‘A & P’

Introduction After reading the short story ‘A & P’, one will be forgiven for believing that Sammy quit his job as a result of his immature, childlike behavior (Uphaus 23). However, a critical analysis of the character will reveal that Sammy did not quit his job on principle grounds. On...

Musical Exoticism of Opera in the 19th Century

Opera is a unique genre of art which uses the great variety of different methods to influence the viewer and make an impression much more stronger. It is a strange mixture of singing, acting, dancing and all other known remedies. Costumes also play a great role in this performance as...

Effects of Cocaine, Tobacco and Marijuanas

History of cocaine Historically, cocaine was consumed in the form of coca leaves. For instance, the Inca used to chew them to stimulate their working capacity. Also, they were used in such drinks as Coca-Cola. Moreover, such influential individuals as Freud advised their usage for therapeutic purposes to treat depressive...

Mental Health Services: Public Spending and Usage

Introduction The article is written by four scholars on the topic of the use of mental health services. The goal of the research was to find out whether a link exists between the public spending on mental health services and the state-level perceptions of these services, on the one side,...

Climate Change: When Nature Is in Agony

Introduction: Global Warming Is Coming The issue of climate changes not new; it has already been on the agenda of the world ecologists in 1990s, and in 2010s, the issue seems to have gained a new significance. The phenomenon is traditionally defined as a “process strongly affecting the water resources...

John Heilpern’ Journalism Techniques

In the frames of the current journalistic trends, the participative approach to writing prevails, allowing authors to express their personal attitude to the events. Willis (2003) noted that “What you give up in terms of arms-length objectivity, you more than gain in terms of understanding and empathy” (p. 21). The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Disgrace” a Novel by John Maxwell Coetzee

Speaking about the world of literature, it is necessary to say that it is quite difficult to divide the most famous and appreciated books into two groups based on positive or negative aspects of life that their authors are focusing on; in fact, when it comes to good books, it...

Chronically Ill Elderly Training and Its Evaluation

Introduction Care for elderly patients requires increased responsibility from the nursing staff since people in old age, as a rule, cannot provide themselves with all the necessary conditions for life. Especially it concerns those who have severe chronic diseases and are forced to spend a long time in medical centers....

“The Birth of Eve” a Work by Judith Schaechter

In 2013, Judith Schaechter released a work of art named The Birth of Eve. This piece is an intricate combination of flash glass vitreous paint, silver stain, and copper foil. According to the artist, she is permanently inspired by the medium itself: glass is a highly challenging and time-consuming material...

Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing

What Are Some of the Reasons for Using an Educational Framework and/or Philosophy to Guide Your Approach to Developing Curriculum? Philosophy is one of the components of the curriculum. It means that it is impossible to develop one without using philosophy. That said, there are several reasons for deploying it...

The Affordable Care Act and Healthcare Improvement

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as the Obamacare, sparked off a lot of controversy dividing the people into two sides; some sing the praises to the act while others take a dim view believing that it has more cons than pros. With all the pros and cons, the...

Problem of the Alcohol Addiction in Modern Families

Introduction Over the recent past, the problem associated with alcohol abuse and addiction has increased. The increasing cases of alcoholism, also known as addiction, have led to a rising concern and a research on its challenges and remedies. It is important to note that alcoholism is a disease that requires...

The Case of Contamination by Kwame Anthony Appiah

Introduction The author brings to the limelight conflicts between cultures of the world. He begins by unfolding a traditional ceremony for the Asante king. Surprisingly, this ceremony is said to have happened in the 21st century when globalization should have eroded most traditional cultures. However, According to Appiah, Ghana remains...

The Great Depression and Its Effects on Minorities

This paper discusses the effects of the Great Depression on the American minorities. It describes the groups and individuals involved in the Great Depression and the efforts made to resolve the calamity. The main argument of this paper is that discrimination was the major cause of the extreme suffering experienced...

The Institute of Medicine’ Impact on Nursing

Introduction This essay reviews impacts of the IMO (Institute of Medicine) Report 2010 on nursing education, nursing practices, and nurse role as a leader. It provides critical, thoughtful insights on how students can improve or change their thoughts in order to meet the IOM Report recommendations. The Impact of IOM...

Humans Contribution to Global Climate Change

Scientists asserted that due to global climate change, average temperatures had increased measurably in the past century (Lunine 279). The impacts of global climate change are manifested through rising sea levels, shrinking polar ice, warmer winters, and retreating glaciers (Lunine 279). As a result, summers are growing hotter, and weather...

Auburn’s, Chopin’s and Updike’s Figurative Speech

When numbers and amounts of numbers receive their symbolic representation called figure, and various objects take a distinguished shape these representations or shapes are called figures. In the exact same way, the locutions can also change shape and become figures of speech. Such a phenomenon is called a figurative expression....

Early Childhood Swimming Education and Methods

Learning to swim at an early age is needed for the physical health of a child. It develops motor skills and muscle power, makes the lungs stronger, and shortens the reaction time. Swimming is also necessary for the emotions of a child because it gives them confidence. Teaching a child...

The Story of an Hour and The Storm by Kate Chopin

Introduction The two stories, The Story of an Hour and The Storm by Kate Chopin, are the representatives of the American literature of the XIX century. The author of the stories touched upon the problem of family relationships in her works. Thesis statement: Love, faithfulness, and the relationships between husband...

History of Colonial Williamsburg

The life of the Virginians during the 17th-18th centuries can be examined in detail with the focus on the life in colonial Williamsburg. Although there is a range of aspects and subjects which can be analyzed with references to the topic because of their historical significance, it is interesting to...

Gun Control: US Domestic Policy

Introduction The United States has a strong gun culture, and it is estimated that there are over 300 million privately owned firearms in the country. With this number, the US is a developed country with the highest proportion of private gun ownership. In recent years, there have been calls for...

Human Resource Management Goals in Corporations

Build a Better Board Public assessment of company boards has risen to unprecedented levels. Nevertheless, they are mainly centered on short-term gains, not sufficient for lasting planning. The four goals that all corporations ought to consider are diversity, a long-term strategy, executive compensation, and technology. Many companies fail in the...

Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets

National Strategy for Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets National strategies are meant to assist the government and other parties to deal with the implementation of the plan to combat terrorism. The national strategies were formed to assist U.S in combating and preventing terrorism. After September 11, attack several...

Balanced Budget, Monetary and Fiscal Policies

Balanced Government Budget A balanced government budget is a budget, in which expenditures are on the same level as revenues; however, a budget can also be considered balanced if the expenditures are smaller compared to revenues. In this environment, there is generally no deficit, although there could be a surplus...

Mandela’s and Obama’s Heroism in Present Society

Abstract This paper explores the subject of heroism and its place in the present society. It determines that in the biblical and medieval societies, heroes were individuals with extraordinary abilities who saved their societies from evil and bondage. The paper goes further to determine that the present society has had...

Disney World Company Interests

Introduction Corporate social responsibility is becoming increasingly important in the modern society where companies are under pressure to give back to the society. According to Soule (2010), companies get all they need from the society in terms of customers, employees, security, and research services among others. It is only fair...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Computer Data Acquisition Related Issues

Knowledge of workstations and other processing devices Computer forensics involves the use of many workstations and other types of processing devices (Easttom, 2014). Thorough knowledge of the components and applications of the devices greatly enhances the chances of acquiring good data for forensic uses. However, some professionals working in the...

Childhood Obesity in the US

Childhood obesity is a known problem for many developed countries in the world. In the United States of America, the significance of this problem is very high as according to the facts and statistics regarding childhood obesity presented by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, at least one of...

5 Unexpected Ways to Find Content Ideas

The wonderful thing about writing a regular blog post is that you have a steady writing assignment. The challenging thing about such a gig is that you need constant streams of fresh content. How can you generate endless new ideas – ideas that seize reader attention, reel them back in...

Renting Apartment Versus Buying a House

Shelter is one of the primary needs in life. Certainly, it is acknowledged by Abraham Maslow as a physiological need, which plays a huge role in motivating a person’s behavior. Inferring from this, housing is one of the essential aspects that defines the life of an individual. It helps one...

Nurse Practitioners Core Competencies Comparison

In order to be a qualified specialist, a nurse is required to possess certain knowledge base, experience, and specific skills. When all of the above combines, the outcome is a competent expert in nursing, able to provide quality service to the patients. In order to be a knowledgeable specialist, the...

Constitutional Issues in Relation to Society and Religion

Introduction In Plano, Texas, families of several elementary school children sued the Texas school district for religious discrimination and impeding on exclusive rights and freedoms provided for in the first amendment of the constitution. According to the parents, the school allowed for winter and birthday parties but excluded Christmas parties....

Characters of Katherine Min’s “Courting a Monk”

Introduction Courting a Monk is a distinctive example of the Asian-American short stories. It is one of the most recognizable works of Katherine Min, an author famous for her ironic depiction of the cross-cultural issues together with the deep analysis of the psychological growth and evolving of the characters in...

Advanced Technology Investment Company’ Problems

Brief Description of Project Topic The problem is the need to improve performance of the Advanced Technology Investment Company, which is based in the UAE. In the last couple of years, the transformation process of the Advanced Technology Investment Company has been remarkable. According to many experts, the ability of...

Population-Focused Nurse Practitioner Competencies

The attention to task diversification can be listed among the most important principles that characterize the majority of institutions and companies. In fact, clear task distribution is extremely important in each sphere of human activity as it ensures proper coordination between team members and helps to achieve best possible results...

Immigrants as Vulnerable Population in the US

According to AJMC (2006), the vulnerable populations in the United States include multiple groups of individuals; in particular these populations involve the disadvantaged communities such as people, who live below the poverty line, homeless population, the individuals with severe health conditions and disabilities, children from low-income families, the elderly, people...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Hospital Setting Prevention: Fall in the Elderly

Falls in the Elderly in the Hospital Setting: A Quality and Safety Issue Falls are “the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide” (WHO, 2012, para. 1). In the US, 20-30% of falls in the elderly lead to injuries (WHO, 2012, para. 1). Falls in hospitals remains...

Business Writing: Business Letter, Memo and E-Mail

Business Writing Steps (Pringle & O’Keefe, 2003) Communication plays a pivotal role in all facets of life. As such, it is always important to consider various factors in order to ensure that the message being communicated is received and understood. While writing any communication within an organization, the following steps...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Character of Petrus

Introduction When the reader comes across Petrus, there is the development of the assumption that one is reading concerning a delegate of the countryside. In a given instance, David instantly recognizes his physical features as having a wrinkled, worn face and astute eyes, and estimated his age to be between...

Business Strategy in Supermarket Industry: Low Pricing

Introduction The quick development of various technologies and the establishment of open world trade regimes have changed the face of modern business (Teece 2010). Modern customers have more choices based on the easy access to alternatives to any product (Teece 2010). The supermarket industry is one of the most competitive...

Energy Independence in the USA

Energy independence and energy security are two of the most important objectives of the United States government. Energy independence affects America’s national security. At the present time, the United States is dependent on oil imports coming from politically unstable regions in the world, especially producers that are located in the...

US Medical Leave, Discrimination, Disability Acts

Abstract Employment laws are enacted for, they offer protection to employees and employers. Understanding and complying with the laws does offer societal benefits. When a company is seeking employees it is necessary to understand the laws to avoid conflict of interest and legal battle there after. The importance of understanding...

Asthma Control Education: Research Evaluation

Evaluation Plan Purpose The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program aimed at improving the quality of life of children suffering from asthma. It has been estimated that approximately 7 million of American children are diagnosed with this disorder (Rapp et al., 2017). Asthma...

Artistry, Choice and Leadership in Organizations

Management plays a major role in the success of every organization. The growth trend that an organization takes is attributed by the type of the management system used to run the organization. Management approaches differ depending on the manager’s perception and the level of exposure. According to Bolman and Deal...

Epidemiological Research Design: Nosocomial Infection

Introduction The research under analysis is aimed at the examination of the epidemiology of nosocomial infections in the framework of the Fiji region. The study was carried out by the local health care workers in the Colonial War Memorial Hospital that has the largest Intensive Care Units (ICU) adult ward...

Religion in the Public Sphere: Morality and Law

Introduction The relations of Church and secular society have been a matter of discussion for centuries. Both spiritual and civil aspects are important for society. Scholars debate on how to bring them together without running to extremes. There are two dangerous approaches to the relations between church and state, which...

Italy’s Economic, Financial and Political Risks and Prospects

The economic, financial, and political situation in Italy can be discussed as affecting the development of the tourism and hospitality industry in Italy significantly because the changes in the economic environment influence the businesses’ growth, profitability, and competitiveness; the aspects in the financial policies influence the possibility of investing into...

Educational Preparation in Nursing

The ultimate goal of nursing is to ensure more individuals in every corner of the globe get quality care. Nursing education prepares and equips learners with adequate competencies in order to provide the best health support. Every educational level is defined by unique skills and competencies (Russell, 2012). Individuals pursuing...


Introduction The American government faces many challenges in trying to contain illegal immigrants from gaining access to America. Though there are mechanisms in place to enable people legally to get visas into America, some people will not qualify. Some of the unqualified people usually decide to cross the American borders...

Medical Ethics: Implications of a Confidentiality Breach

Breach of Confidentiality: Ethical Implications As a rule, a breach of confidentiality entails a range of ethical issues for both the patient and the therapist. The breach of the Hippocratic Oath, which the therapist took as they started their practice, as well as the violation of the patient’s right to...

Sociolinguistics Principles and Patterns

The principle of sociolinguistics It is possible to distinguish several important principles that underlie sociolinguistics. First, one should mention the premise according to which many changes within the language can be attributed to “socially relevant forces and facts” (Spolsky, 1998, p. 4). For instance, they can be attributed to various...

Affordable Housing Programs in “Poverty in America”

Introduction The documentary that was chosen for the reaction paper is called “Poverty in America”; the movie was filmed in 2017, and it aims to analyze the real situation with affordable housing programs in the United States (“Poverty in America Documentary 2017”). As for the main points of the documentary,...

Community Health Nursing: Chikungunya Threat

History of the Condition Though not quite well-known among the general audience, Chikungunya has recently become the scourge of humanity, as it is one of the diseases that no treatment can be provided so far and that triggers the eruption of vast epidemics. The disorder manifests itself in a fever....

Soraya in “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

Introduction Disgrace was written by Nobel-prize winning author John Maxwell Coetzee. The novelist was born in South Africa and has gained fame thanks to the serious subject matter of his works. There are different views on the central idea of Disgrace, and the ethics of the characters are often questionable...

The Painting “Disbelief” by Lun-Yi Tsai

The catastrophe on Tuesday 9/11/01 ripped the life of the American society on what had been before and what would happen after that. The Twin Towers stood like pillars of stability and power of the nation. They appeared in numerous Hollywood films and became a symbol of New York and...

Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction

In this article, Participation of Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities in the General Curriculum: The Effects of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction, the main aim of the study was to find out how Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI) affects the performance of the children with varying degrees...

“Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer

A discussion topic Given the demands for additional factual books in high schools, Into the Wild is ideal in meeting the learners’ needs. Jon Krakauer wrote the book in the year 1996. As such, the literature is the first fact-based text to be taught in American secondary schools. The book...

Medicine: Birth Control Devices for Teenagers

Introduction One of the greatest challenges associated with parenting is dealing with teenage pregnancies. Health care experts have noted that the number of teenagers getting pregnant has increased a lot since the turn of the century (Gillham 13). Most teenage pregnancies are unintended and end up compromising the future of...

Alternative Medicine: Musical Therapy

Introduction Musical therapy refers to a process applied by healthcare practitioners to provide treatment through music. The aim of musical therapy is to meet patient needs through social activities that encourage communication through sharing and practice (Smith 38). A patient undergoes musical therapy only if a doctor recommends it. Numerous...

Entry-Level Nursing Programs and Differences

Introduction Every person who take up nursing as a career faces the necessity of the choice among entry-level nursing programs, which finish with associate or baccalaureate degrees. Nurse managers of healthcare facilities also have to make a choice when hiring nursing graduates because their task is to create a professional...

Gender-Neutral Upbringing: Reasonable and Possible?

Introduction The new trend of gender-neutral upbringing seems to gain popularity in the modern world focused on the ideas of equality and the balance of opportunities. More and more parents decide to employ this approach in view that the relevant manner of upbringing will help to facilitate their children’s’ integration...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Conflict Resolution

Introduction The novel “Disgrace” is set in post-apartheid South Africa and revolves around David Lurie, an older male professor who is at a crossroads in his life and career due to emerging social and political realities. The main narrative in the novel projects several themes, which include social and political...

Mongol Operations against Xi Xia and Zhongdu

Mongol Operations against Xi Xia in 1207 Xi Xia used to be an ancient state, located in China, on its northwestern border. The state became the first to fall into the Mongol hands, once Genghis Khan began his campaign of conquest. He planned to wage war against Jin and had...

Hepatitis A, B, and C and Healthy People in Miami

Introduction Every healthcare intervention program seeks to ensure that the community does not continue living in an environment characterized by the ever-rising number of diseases. In the last few decades, my community, Miami, Florida, whose zip code is 33012, was in the list of regions where communicable diseases had claimed...

Aristotle’s and Machiavelli’s Views on the Virtue

Introduction There are many discussions and contradictions in the attempts to understand what virtue can mean and how it can define the quality of a human life. The ideas developed by Aristotle seem to be one of the oldest examples of how people should behave in regards to the virtues...

Cardiovascular & Hematologic Disorders in Children

Evaluation and management of a pediatric patient who has a painful swelling of the hands and feet, fatigue, or fussiness The evaluation process of the pediatric patient would involve the collection of information about his past health records. I would be particularly keen to ask for any details about the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street – Film Study

Introduction In the episode, The Monsters are due on Maple Street, Rob Sterling highlights some of the pertinent issues in the United States during the 1960s. In the film, the Maple Street is engulfed in darkness following the falling of a meteor. In the ensuing confusion, individuals turn on each...

Childhood Obesity and Governmental Measures

It is imperative to mention that childhood obesity has turned into a crucial problem over the last few years, and it is especially problematic in the United States because the number of individuals that suffer from this condition has quadrupled over a relatively short period of thirty years (Sabin &...

Institutional Violence – Psychology

Introduction Institutional violence is one of the issues that are of great concern to psychologists, medical workers, business administrators, and many other stakeholders. It is vital to understand the underlying causes of this phenomenon and the ways in which such incidents can be averted. The problem is that they can...

Community Interventions for Public Health

Introduction Research studies should withstand criticism. The paucity of research information is evident on the impact of clinicians on dietary intake and physical activity improvement, and tobacco use reduction using community intervention methods. Anthony et al. (2016) conducted a study titled “Community Interventions for Health Can Support Clinicians in Advising...

Manual Therapy: Definition, Techniques, Practitioners

Manual Therapy: Definition Manual therapy (MT) is the “application of accurately directed and selected set of ‘hands-on’ non-invasive physical therapy techniques with minimal equipment” (Ward, 2015, p. 158). It is a major component of physical therapy and can be employed by various practitioners including “orthopaedists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, manipulative therapists,...

Friendship as a Two-Way Process

THESIS: Friendship is a multi-faceted process that requires everyone be more attentive to needs of others; a good friend is one who less egoistic and selfish and more comprehensive and empathetic because a friend is not the one who had been given for another person from one’s birth as parents...

The Impact of Social Media Technologies

Definition of Social Media Andreas and Michael (2010, p. 59) define social media as internet programs and applications structured from ideas and technological fundamentals which consent to the development and exchange of information. Social media allows for interaction and communication fostered by readily available, accessible and affordable means of communication....

The Provision of Social Amenities for Illegal Immigrants

Introduction Over the ages, the US has been regarded by many individuals as a land of great opportunities. For most individuals, it is a fantasy to reside in the United States, a nation in which opportunity beckons at the corner. Even though a majority of individuals have actualized their fantasies...

Rational Decision-Making Model

The rational decision-making model The rational decision-making model provides a systematic approach to making decisions using logic and cognitive functions such as creativity and imagination (Morcol, 2006). The word “rational” means that the process applies logic and aims to get the most feasible solution to a problem. The method can...

An Indian History of the American West by Dee Brown

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West is the book that covers the historical events the Western Americans had to survive and describes the betrayals and conflicts of people. The peculiar feature of this book is the language and style chosen by the author,...

Co-Evolutionary Gaming in Organizations

Introduction Researchers and business administrators attempt to develop models that can best support decision-making within organizations. Their main objective is to construct a framework that enables every member of the team to express his/her opinions and make valuable recommendations. In this way, they strive to improve the strategies of a...

Psychology of Healthy Grief: The Kübler-Ross Model

Introduction Kübler-Ross introduces grief as a five-stage emotional process that people go through when faced with suffering or death. The stages outlined in the Kübler-Ross grieving model are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (Kübler-Ross, 2005). People experience the stages in different ways, and it is not constant to all...

Racism and Constructing Otherness in the US

The society that existed two or three centuries ago has evolved. Today more things divide people than in those days. As a result, there is more construction of otherness than pulling together as a community. Religion has now taken center stage in the construction of otherness. The first step in...

Nutrition: Obesity Epidemics in America

Introduction The American Continent has been in the headlines for the high prevalence rates of obesity among adults and children. Unhealthy eating habits have been cited as the main cause of this disease. Obesity was declared a national disaster since it was the major cause of deaths on the continent....

The Enron Scandal: Watching the Commercial Bubble Burst

Abstract The Enron scandal has become a notorious case of the 21st-century entrepreneurship. Although the concept of a financial fraud itself cannot be considered something out of the ordinary, it was unexpected to witness a global company deciding to choose this avenue to manage its financial issues. Despite the fact...

Concealed Handguns in Texas Colleges

Introduction Over the last few months, the debate on gun control has increased especially after recent high profile shootings such as the shootings in the University of Texas, the Connecticut school massacre, and Northern Illinois University. Such horrific deeds have raised political, social, moral, and legal debates concerning gun laws....

Public Policy’ Management Issues

Assignment 1 The federalist papers comprise 85 essays intended to ratify the constitution. These papers highlighted some of the roles and proposed structures of the government. Additionally, they evaluated some of the expected implications of political constitutions to the governance of the republic. The essays were meant to provide a...

Illegal Immigrants to the US: Receiving Social Services

Introduction Illegal or undocumented immigrants are people who gain entry into a country through illegal means. The challenge of illegal immigrants for the United States has been around for years. While some people are convinced that undocumented immigrants should be deported back to their countries, others are of a contrary...

Competitive Intelligence and Marketing Analysis

Marketing Research Marketing research is essential for all business organizations. An organization must conduct research on the sectors that they intend to expand to. Research is also conducted in order for all stakeholders to know if the organization can flourish in certain areas before funds are allocated for opening a...

Artwork Description: Column of Trajan

The artwork is normally one of the ways of keeping history. Artwork can be of different forms, including paintings, statues, carvings, columns, and monuments. The ancient people preferred to raise monuments in order to preserve their history for as long as the monument will be in existence. The builders considered...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Alan Mulally’s Personality and Leadership at Ford Company

Using the Big five personality dimensions, diagnose Mulally’s personality. How have these dimensions influenced his leadership at Ford? Personality is complex and varies according to different people. The big five personality dimensions are usually broad categories of personal behaviors and traits and though most of the researchers do not agree...

All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy Literature Analysis

Introduction John Grady Cole is a young person with a set of values and morals who is eager to find his place in this world. The young man has to face a lot of obstacles, and he learns that the world is different from what he expected. The author reveals...

Zeng Company’s New Product Development

Introduction The following is a new product development strategy and analysis that was designed by Zeng Research and Development Company. The company is developing hospitality management software for the hotels to enable easy execution of their services. The software name is the Easy Tour designed to improve tourists’ experience in...

“Long Walk Home” a Book by David Laskin

Key Argument Summary The onset of the 20th century was marked by incursion of immigrants into America. The majority of the immigrants, thought by most Americans to be naïve, came from non-English speaking countries (Laskin 6). The migration was caused by persistent conflicts at home and religious persecutions in mother...

Pepsi Company’s Sustainable Policies and Criticism

In this era of technology, many companies are grappling with the issue of environmental conservation and sustainability. Sustainability is the ability to use resources sparingly for the sake of the future. Many of the companies emit effluents without considering the effects of such actions on the environment and the lives...

Gonorrhea, Syphilis, AIDS and Healthy People 2020

Introduction Communicable diseases are defined as ones spread from one individual to another through such ways as breathing, bodily fluids or blood contact, as well as an insect’s bite. It is crucial to report inflectional diseases to prevent their outspread among the community. The strategies of preventing communicable illnesses are...

Todd McFarlane, an Entrepreneur and Leader

A business environment has an incredible influence on the success or failure of startups; however, individual characteristics of leaders and their management styles are even more predictive of entrepreneurial outcomes. A story of Todd McFarlane, who founded several successful companies such as McFarlane Entertainment, McFarlane Production, and Image Comics, holds...

Henry Thoreau’s The Battle of The Ants’ and Virginia Woolf’s The Death of The Moth’

Introduction Henry Thoreau’s ‘the battle of the ants’ and Virginia Woolf’s ‘the death of the moth’ are two exceptional essays that depict the life of small creatures. The two writers humanize the life of the ants and moth in an extraordinary manner. The two writers use imagery to communicate human...

Digital Books Impact on Print Publishing

Introduction In working at my essay, the source that I found most useful for the project is the article titled, The Impact of Digital Books upon Print Publishing, which was written in 2002 by David McAllister, Nancy McAllister and Steve Vivian, and published by Boston Books and CM Online Media...

HIV/AIDS: Public Administration of Western Nations

Introduction HIV/AIDS arguably represents one of the biggest pandemics that humanity has faced during its existence. The disease has plagued mankind for years now with the first reported incidence of the disease in the US being in 1981 (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services., n.d.). However, the HIV scourge...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthcare Needs of the LGBT Community

Introduction Focusing on improving healthcare service quality for a diverse population is a crucial element of the modern healthcare. Indeed, with the shift of the focus to the patient-centered approaches and the propensity for an increase in diversity levels in communities, there is a necessity to identify the specifics of...

How to Groom Your Pet?

Introduction Dogs need to have good hygienic care. The dog owner can learn how to groom his or her dog (Miller, n.d.). There are professional groomers whose sole responsibility in life is to groom dogs at a fee. Some of the tools that one needs for grooming are the curry...

“The Girl in the Window” by Lane DeGregory Literature Analysis

Nature / Nurture Danielle – Dani was almost seven years old when detectives Mark Holste and his partner were called in to investigate the child abuse case. At only 46 pounds and anemic, this malnourished little girl had seemingly suffered from parental neglect for a long time. Their home was...

Reproductive Technology in Ethical Debates

Surrogacy is a complicated matter, both legally and ethically, because of the variety of aspects that factor in, each of which is complex enough on its own. Both the advocates and opponents of surrogacy have appealed to cultural and social tradition, law, psychophysiology, and religious belief, without coming close to...

Impact of Simple Words

Introduction There is no such a thing as a simple word. Severally, misunderstandings have occurred among people as a result of their word diction and argument context. While many people believe that bombastic words make an argument or passing information complex, simple words cause more confusion and impair messages more...

Lenses for Close Reading of Narrative Texts

The variety of lenses provided by Lehman and Roberts (2013) in their book about close reading is expected to be a powerful tool in teaching students about close reading and its impact on text comprehension. The authors discuss different lenses for narrative and informational texts and include them into six...

Master’s Education in Nursing

Abstract The current paper explores the essentials of Master’s education in nursing as provided by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. After a brief introduction, each of the essentials is discussed individually; the meaning of these essentials is explained, and their effect in the practical setting is elaborated. It...

Peasants’ Struggles and Scarcities

Introduction The major purpose of this study is to explore the struggles and scarcities that were witnessed by the peasants according to Terry (1992). Renard the fox is an interesting book that highlights the carnivorous behavior of Reynard who had made numerous attempts to consume other animals. Reynard the fox...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Prediction and Recognition

Obrador, Mahdavi-Mazdeh, and Collins, in their 2011 research dwelled on the worldwide civic health association dedicated to inspiring the efforts to upsurge the cognizance and acknowledgment of kidney disease, perceive it rapidly, and deliver treatment to avert illness development and reduce expenses. This paper shows great evidence of the fact...

Kirloskar India Limited: Organizational Behaviour

Organizational behaviour refers to the study of how people interact within an organization. It is important to indicate that this study is applied with the aim to make business organizations more efficient. In this case, the chosen company is situated in India and is known as Kirloskar India Limited. This...

“Grease” Musical by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey

Grease is a dynamic school musical written by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey that got its name from the American youth subculture of the 1950s known as greasers. The action takes place in Rydell High School and involves working-class students, whose relationships are closely examined while they attempt to find...

The Great Depression and Military Spending

In its comparatively long history, humanity had passed through numerous crises that altered the world and resulted in the appearance of new entities, values, phenomena, etc. There were different causes for the appearance of hard times. Starting from the ice age and ending with the 2008 financial crisis, human beings...

Mandiant Cyber Security Company’s Leadership Style

Mandiant Cyber Security Company, renowned for forensic expertise and computer security programs, was founded in America by Kevin Mandia in early 2004. Its formation was based on the computer insecurity that was predicted to take place in the future (Harms, 2006). Currently, Mandiant Cyber Security Company’s headquarter is located in...

Technology and Communication in Today’s World

Introduction Technology is making communication easier in today’s world, but at the expense of personal contact. More and more people choose to interact from home in front of a computer screen as this type of communication allows them deal with their own business, stay at home, and talk to people...

Jonathan Swift’s Hidden Satire in Gulliver’s Travels

Introduction Many scholars agree that Gulliver’s Travels was written as a bitter satire designed to parody the human race, with particular emphasis to England and Europe. However, despite this, the satirical significance of this book has over time diminished with its secondary meaning, as a children’s book emerging as the...

Fascism in Nazi Germany and Islamic States

Volkswagen as a fascist object Post-war Germany appeared to be a very miserable habitat, as the enormous war compensations had to be reimbursed. These expenditures have altered the economy of the nation, and poverty was prevalent. As a result, a lot of citizens were not able to afford a car,...

Youth Life and Social Changes in Developed Countries

Introduction Social change refers to the transformation in social structure and social order in society Giddens (2006 pp 43).In his study, France (2007, pp 8) found out that the pre-modern society was characterized by strong social classes and social order. It was also characterized by strong differentiation in gender. Young...

Kenya Exercise Equipment Recommendations

Introduction In today’s competitive business world, businesses have to be at par with what is happening in the business field, for instance, in regard to the demand and supply levels in the market. This is because failure to move with modern developments and change of taste and preferences among the...

SIDS and Safe Sleep Practices

Introduction Infants are exposed to numerous environmental and physiological risks that may at time threaten their survival. As such, ensuring the safety of infants has been a priority to parents and other stakeholders. In the United States, infants’ deaths as a result of poor sleeping practices have been on the...

Northern Miami Community’s Health Resources

Introduction of Community I live in Miami, Florida. The community I will use for the assignment is the northern part of the city. Their atmosphere is friendly, and the community is largely peaceful. There are many families with children, middle-aged people, and also elderly citizens. Windshield Survey Vitality Since I...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Dynamic of Suicide

The understanding of the dynamics of suicide play a critical role in helping troubled individuals in coping with ideation and behaviors that are likely to cause suicide. Any person should make a concerted effort to help people who are likely to commit suicide by offering diagnostic services. Assessment of a...

Healthy Marriage and Family Relationships

Introduction Marriages and family relationships are the forms of conceptual institutions in which different personalities play roles to ensure that people of the opposite sexes form spousal unions. These unions are based on psychological functions that deal with mental and emotional parts of human beings. A keen examination on the...

Psychology Issues: Stop Time

Introduction ‘Stop time’ is an unforgettable time that is considered as a person’s beginning of comprehending certain personal issues in life. Some particular issues in a person’s life only make logic through interventions of a resourceful person. The realization and interpretation of such memories enable a person to understand certain...

The Stamp Act Resolutions and Declaratory Act Analysis

The Stamp Act Resolutions The Stamp Act of 1765 was developed during the meeting later called the Stamp Act Congress. The purpose of the Stamp Act Congress was to address certain concerns and discuss the possible ways to terminate them. The difference between the Stamp Act and the Acts before...

McDonalds Company’s Aspects of Efficiency

Introduction The strategic focus and organizational management have positioned McDonald’s on the principles of calculability, control, efficiency, and predictability. This paper attempts to explicitly examine the extent to which my life is McDonaldized. McDonaldization Influence The aspect of efficiency as a McDonaldization value revolves around the process involved in reaching...

Rwanda Conflict and Its Resolving Options

Case Analysis On April 1994, after the assassination of Hutu’s President, Juvenal Habyarima, the state of Rwanda fell into political turmoil. The turmoil is said to be instigated by the Hutu community, who are 85% of the majority and thought to be the Minority group against the Tutsi’s, who are...

Work-Life Balance in Nursing

One of the biggest challenges faced by nurses in the public and private health care sectors is the development of work-life balance. The main challenge in this process is that the nursing profession is a caregiving field that operates under ethical guidelines that compel the nurses to embrace the needs...

Cuban Revolution and Seven-Step War Model

Introduction The Cuban Revolution can be considered one of the most famous events in the history of Cuba. The name of Fidel Castro is also known throughout the whole world. The revolutionary’s actions towards the Cuban government reshaped Cuban politics and reformed the country. It is safe to assume that...

Miami Gardens: Caring for Populations

Introduction of Community (20 points) The selected community for this survey is Miami Gardens. This is a suburb are located in Miami City, Florida. Most of the people in the community are African Americans and Latinos (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2014). Windshield Survey (75 points) Vitality The majority of the...

SilkQueen Company Leadership Styles and Cultural Differences

At the present moment the SilkQueen company faces the organizational difficulties caused by the misunderstanding between the line manager and the employees of the enterprise. In spite the vast working experience in Asian companies and the undeniable professional skills, Sally Dawson has the definite difficulties in relations with the staff...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Joel Morales Suicide Case

Suicide is a fatal incident that is unwarranted in an attempt to solve a problem. Due to the high rate of suicide cases, especially in the developed Western states, Schneidman had to come up with ‘suicidology’, a study that holds that the victims of suicide experience a psychological issue prior...

Defining Domestic Violence Reasons – Family Law

Introduction The social phenomenon of domestic violence has given rise to scholarly debates concerning its main causes and consequently, the methods for handling the issue. The measures offered for solving the problem depend upon the definition of the primary reasonsthe for abusing a spouse or a child which range from...

Nurse Manager Skills Inventory

“Nurse Manager Skills Inventory” provides nurses with a good opportunity to evaluate their leadership skills in such areas as personal and professional accountability; career planning; skills assisting in developing a leader; and preferable practices and behaviors (Nurse Manager Skills Inventory, 2006). Focusing on personal strengths and weaknesses in developing mentioned...

Nurse Leader and Advocacy Combining

Nurses utilize their competencies and leadership dexterities in different healthcare settings. Nurse practitioners should also engage in lifelong learning to develop new concepts and improve their care delivery models. This paper begins by describing my leadership strengths and weaknesses. The discussion outlines the best approaches to promote change and improve...

The Educational Route to India

Visit India Please kindly consider the educational route to India aimed at educating the students on cross-cultural influences in global cultures. India is a country of diverse cultures, religions, languages, and races. The identity of Indian people and the social structure of this country are nourished by the rich cultural...

Major Sport Event Bidding Process: the Olympics Games

Bidding process for host cities was unknown until 1984 during the Los Angeles Olympics. Cities that previously hosted were selected based on their financial capability. It was after this event that organizers realized about the surplus income earned and a calendar of events, which require host cities to bid, has...

The Work “Punished by Rewards” by Alfie Kohn

The practice of using bonuses and praise to motivate students is directly associated with the principles of behaviorism. However, in his work Punished by Rewards, Alfie Kohn claims that rewards can have adverse effects on students, and the author provides many arguments against the core ideas of behaviorism in this...

Nursing Future in the Institute of Medicine’s View

Over the years, the healthcare sector has grappled with numerous challenges such as nursing shortage, chronic conditions, and sentinel events. These obstacles continue to affect the quality of health services available to different populations across the country. Such issues explain why the Institute of Medicine (IOM) presented its findings in...

Robert Nardelli Leadership Style

Introduction Business ethics covers various aspects of commercial enterprises. The concept deals with the responsibility of businesses to comply with legal, environmental, and socioeconomic requirements. It also deals with the responsibility of a business towards its employees, customers, partners, and the community. Businesses should promote ethical practices through their leaders,...

The Narrative Form of Sarah Scott’s Millenium Hall

During the 18th century, the topics of creating the perfect social model and developing a strong friendship among the representatives of the high social class were popular. However, in her novel Millenium Hall (1762), Sarah Scott focused on the specific approach to discussing the above-mentioned topics and presented the story...