Concepts of Socialization and Self-Identity

Personal Status It is primarily necessary to mention that every individual is assigned with a specific social status from their birth as well as achieves other statuses during their lifetime. The term status refers to the measurement of a person’s value that gives a chance to experience certain privileges and...

CPC Paper Draft: Teaching Students to Swim

Problem Swimming is a crucial skill that allows developing critical physical abilities, as well as provides one with an opportunity to improve one’s physical health to a significant extent, including training the muscular and respiratory systems. Therefore, it is important to give people a chance to learn to swim as...

Supporting Children, Families With Anxiety Issues

Introduction Anxiety is a major challenge affecting most children and families in the UK. It is a condition where an individual’s normal emotional wholesome changes at different stages or times in his/her life. It is closely related to fear. It is also connected with projected fear of something. Terms such...

Olde Worlde Charm: Business Law

Introduction Entrepreneurs should be aware of the major laws and legislation that have the potential to affect business performance. They can engage in lifelong learning to identify emerging policies and combine them with past legal pronouncements that might affect their investments directly or indirectly. Olde Worlde Charm is a small...

Diagnosis and Clinical Management Strategies of Congestive Heart Failure

Introduction Modern world is quick, rush and depressive and people cannot always follow it. The main organ in people’s organism, which suffer from such style of life, is a heart. People’s heart is in the highest danger then other organs, because of different stresses and constant pressure, and specialists from...

Healthcare Management and Leadership

The importance of healthcare management is being understood on the medicine front with various players and places. It works with a variety of health professionals. Medical experts do advanced researches and healthcare management is devoted to making the best use of the services of these people and places (Ronald Jefferson,2008,...

“Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Introduction Nowadays, ecological issues are acquiring more importance, and people all around the world are aware of global warming, endangered animal and plant species, ocean and air pollution, deforestation, and other environmental problems. The reason for all of them is humanity’s attitude to nature, which may be characterized as unappreciative,...

Implanon Failure Resulting in Ectopic Pregnancy

Introduction In recent years the rapid increase in global population and turn it has come to be a global issue. There have therefore been several devised ways to curb this problem of overpopulation through various method which has proved of great help although they have their shortcomings in the body...

Communication as a Front-line Supervisor

Introduction Effective communication is essential, especially if one is a front-line supervisor who has to engage with many people. Front-line supervisors handle staff members, facilitate them, and resolve various among them. Sometimes front-line supervisors also communicate with customers, although the circumstances of such interactions may not be favorable. The sheer...

Strategies for Performance Improvements in Operating Rooms and Emergency Rooms

Most of operating rooms (OR) in hospitals have limited capacity and incur huge costs. Improving the turnaround time is one of the most effective strategies that can be adopted to enhance OR capacity and reduce associated costs (Meyer et al., 2004, p.3). Another problem that hospitals grapple with is the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Symbolic Nature of Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”

Introduction Kafka’s The Metamorphosis is oftentimes seen as an allegorical, psychological, and quintessential exploration of the author’s inner state. However, despite the core of the story centering on the physical transformation of Gregor Samsa, the real metamorphosis occurs in his family which demonstrate a dramatic shift in attitudes at his...

Maternal vs. Fetal Rights: Case Discussion

The topic of maternal and fetal rights is one of the most complicated ones in terms of ethics. Numerous dilemmas in this area are associated with the fact that the decisions of a mother impact the fetus, who is considered to have rights as well (Cosgrove & Vaswani, 2020). From...

Social Factor in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

How do social factors influence the approach to clinical assessment? Communication between the physiotherapist and patient will determine a diagnosis. The use of effective communication will facilitate accurate and precise diagnosis. The physiotherapist should have good communicating skills to be in a position to have a patient beneficial relationship. Effective...

Vegetarianism. Literature Review

In recent years, vegetarianism and veganism, especially its stricter form, have been gaining popularity around the world. Some people adhere to a vegetarian diet for ideological reasons, whereas others feel its effectiveness and are exceptionally healthy. This is due in part to the possible benefits of this diet and growing...

Health Information System Quality

Introduction Health care information technology and systems are now major topics for health care reform but were rarely mentioned in the early 1990s. Almost $20 billion was allocated in the economic stimulus package for these systems (Olin, 2010). Health information system quality Paper medical records still dominate most medical practices....

Hinduism History and Links to Other Religions

Introduction Religion is the connection of man with the Divine and the ultimate goal of faith is the realization of Truth. Correspondingly, one of the religions is Hinduism, which took place over a long time and underwent several stages of development. The paper aims to provide a detailed description and...

Tort Law in the Robert Ray Courtney Legal Case

Introduction One of the major sub-branches found in law is that of the law of Tort. Unlike the other branches, the law of Tort entails civil wrongs that have been committed to an individual thereby causing harm (Showlter, 2007, p. 73). The law of tort has found its way commonly...

Bridging the Romantic and the Modern in Poetry

Romantic poetry started during the Victorian period and was characterized by a more plain language than previously, though still more formal and flowery than in twentieth century poetry. It was more conversational and emphasized high ideals. The poetry choose country over city and tried to reconcile animals and humans. It...

Sex Offenders and Rehabilitation

Background of the study Sex offenders may be unwelcome in most parts of society, but their treatment and subsequent rehabilitation is critical. Sex offenders have been on the rise over the past years. Attempts to classify these offenders into particular categories where each case can be viewed in isolation have...

William James – the American Philosopher

The Nursing Profession during William James Era William James was an American philosopher and a psychologist. He was considered the founder of the pragmatism school of thought and functional psychology. He was born in a wealthy family in January 1842. William James made a massive contribution to the field of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marine Pollution and Its Anthropogenic Factors

Marine pollution is among the most prominent concerns of scientists and environmental activists. Due to the development of technologies, the expansion of maritime transportation hubs and routes, and the increase in waste volume, human impact on the environment has become drastic. According to Arias and Marcovecchio (2017), changes in marine...

Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy

How do I define and employ the four basic meta-paradigms of nursing theory in my professional practice? Nursing involves more than book guidelines in taking care of the sick. A personal nursing philosophy is necessary to act as a guide to individual actions during practice. Nursing practice involves compassionate care,...

Teri Schiavo Case: Healthcare Directives

Introduction The issues of life and death have always troubled human beings. In the modern society, even such eternally important concepts as life and death are regulated by the laws and legislative acts. One of the ways to rule if a person should continue fighting for his/her life or be...

Florence Nightingale: To Pledge or Not to Pledge

Introduction Florence Nightingale is regarded as the founder of the modern nursing profession. This pioneer started the first training school in the late nineteenth century where nurses could receive professional training. Her efforts led to the emergence of professional nurses, who are major players in the health care industry. Owing...

The Words on Your Plate: Analysis of the Food Words

Food Words Food words in any language have completely different origins, as some of them are were borrowed and became an integral part of its vocabulary when the need for them occurred. Moreover, the meaning of any word drifts with time, just like its pronunciation. Nevertheless, people have a chance...

Advertising to Children & Social Responsibility

Advertising is a device by which “artificial” tastes are created. Advertising is one of numerous elements that influence a consumer’s spending decisions. Because advertising is available to all who would sell a product or service, no single message can possibly dominate our attention. This applies as much to decisions between...

The Changing Role of Nurses in the Modern Society

Research problem The article by Mills and Fitzgerald (2011) focuses on the changing role of nurses in the modern society. The authors’ focus was to determine the new position that nurses in the modern society are taking within their areas of practice as the demand for their services continues to...

“Alien” Short Story by Riley Brett

Introduction Alien presents a short science fiction regarding a strange individual being returned to Earth after supposed abduction by a UFO. Told from the perspective of a blogger that encounters and connects with the man by accident, the short story offers a lighthearted but also tragic narrative of someone being...

Nursing Application for an All Inclusive Family

Myra Levine described nursing as supportive interventions geared towards establishing healthy living. They are fundamental assumptions that are used in the basic execution of nursing (Levine, 1967). She indulged basic principles and knowledge that could be used in combating a better approach to nursing. With her ardent support to the...

Cultural Communication in the Medicine

Introduction Cultural communication is an essential part of nursing nowadays. Patients are becoming more heterogeneous with the varied cultural populace, and thus nurses should adapt to this changing population with the aim of providing culturally proficient care. Researching and getting knowledge on culture is vital for a holistic evaluation of...

“Wall Street on the Tundra” by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis is the author of the article titled Wall Street on the Tundra which attempts to describe events that led to the financial crisis that befell Iceland. Even though Iceland’s financial meltdown attracted scant global attention in relation to other calamities that reverberated through the global economic powers, the...

Expanding Ultima Foods in China

Introduction The company selected for the assignment is Ultima Foods, which is a Canadian food company that owns two brands of dairy products: IĂ–GO and Olympic. The company was founded in 1971 as a small yogurt company (Ultima). In the 1980s, Ultima became the first yogurt producer to build a...

Crimes and the Federal Prison Comparison

Martha Helen Stewart (born 1941) is an American successful businessperson and media mogul. Having been sentenced to serve five months’ jail term, West Virginia federal prison camp was where she was put on counts of securities fraud. In 2001, she sold all her shares to avoid a loss after receiving...

A Community Health Action Plan

Introduction Health People 2010 constitute major health goals and objectives that the Nation formulated and its achievement was framed to be realized during the first decade of the new century. As a comprehensive health plan, Health People 2010 contain wide and systematic health promotion and prevention framework that has about...

High Mortality Rate Country: Review

Introduction (Why I Chose Somalia) After the civil war that saw the toppling of hitherto president of the country in 1992, Somalia has remained in the category of failed states torn by civil war and other natural catastrophes (World Bank, 2009). The country is located in the Horn of Africa...

Accurate Financial Statements: Analysis and Use

Financial statements act as a channel of revealing financial information about a business to individuals within and outside the business. They give a summary of the accounting process whereby the financial position of a business is made known at a time. The major reason for preparation of financial statements is...

Reflection: Team Project Peer Review

Insights Gained Through the Case Study Methods and Their Practical Value Analyzing complex situations, solving specific problems, and approaching relevant solutions are among the priorities that each manager should take into consideration while working in a health care environment. Using the case study method, therefore, is a great contribution to...

Thematic Analysis of Interview Data

The interview under analysis was conducted and three participants have been involved into the study. Six questions focused on defining participants’ goals, beliefs, and ability to logical thinking. While conducting the interview, similar thematic patterns were defined among the participants. Specifically, while thinking over the most favorite historical or famous...

Health Belief Model of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Introduction Health Belief Model is a theory that the health care practitioners use in health education and promotion. According to Carley (2009), the theory was developed in 1950s to explain why many people did not utilize the screening programs particularly for tuberculosis. The underlying principle of Health Belief Model is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Financial Institution in the Financial Crisis of 2008

Financial institutions play a pivotal role in shaping the economy of every nation. Nevertheless, their decisions may dip an economy into economic difficulties or turmoil. The activities of financial institutions may also contribute towards improving the performance of an economy. Over the past decade, financial institutions have played a significant...

Roger Cohen’s Op-Ed on Israeli-Palestinian Peace

An Op-Ed by Roger Cohen expresses the two opposing sides regarding the type of peace that can be recommended to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The author is in support of the two-state peace, an option that has received criticism and opposition from figures such as Beinart, the editor of Jewish Currents...

Conflicts in “Girl” and “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”

The stories with the girls as the main protagonists grew popular during the last couple of decades. They traditionally represent the problems girls usually meet during their lifetime (typically, teenage or young adult years). In “Girl” and “Where are you going, where have you been,” there are two protagonists with...

Radio Frequency Identification Technology Concepts

Introduction Identification and authentication are the most important requirements of any security system. Electronic systems such as computers and communication devices have some sort of identification and authentication capabilities. Radio Frequency Identification (RIFD) technology is a form of Real Time Location System (RTLS) that uses an object known as RFID...

Aspects of Communicating With Technology

Communication is essential to most human activities, including business, and, as a result, the available means of communication can either facilitate or undermine the performance of a given company. Thanks to the advances in information and communication technology (ICT), today’s companies have a wider range of communication tools available to...

Sleep Deprivation: Article Review and Reaction

Summary of the Article The primary purpose of the article by the American Heart Association is to examine the causes, dangers, risk factors, and possible treatment of sleep deprivation. The article describes sleep deprivation as the condition of not having enough night rest or sleep. According to the article, some...

Strategic Approaches in Managing Elderly Patient

Introduction Elderly people have special needs making them prone to devastating consequences at times of disasters. These special needs are in terms of both physical and cognitive aspects. The elderly face many challenges and they need help in carrying out simple things such as eating, taking a shower, cleaning, dressing,...

Criminal Investigations in the I-5 Strangler Case

Introduction Criminal homicides represent one of most grave crime categories against individuals, which investigation differs with considerable complexity and laboriousness. The general tendency to the growth of crime rate and the significant amount made in the field of murders against the percentage of criminal cases solved, establish the issue of...

The Sexual Criminal Case: Review

Introduction Criminal Proceedings are based on the presented facts that enable formulation of credible judgment by the presiding officers. Evidently, cases of criminal nature are complicated and require superior understanding of the presented issues by the parties involved in the suit. In practice, cases of criminal nature are becoming common...

Threats to Patient Safety in Nursing Practice

Introduction Patient safety is often a top priority to nurses. Patient safety is a top priority for nurses. There are leadership, teamwork, evidence-based, communication, learning, just, and patient-centered components of patient safety culture (Sammer, 2010). The need for quality healthcare globally is not questionable. Patient safety forms part of quality...

Evolving Nursing Practice

Nursing is a profession that has continued to undergo a rapid evolution. Nursing as a vocation touches on both social and economic factors in relation to humanity. Consequently, the current form of nursing practice is a product of changes that have sought to align the profession in relation to local...

Innate Human Aggression and Warfare

Introduction Warfare can be described as a set of techniques used by a group to cause war (Carnagey and Anderson, 2007). Ideally, the organized, armed, and prolonged conflict between nations and parties due to extreme aggression and social disruption is referred to as war. It is quite ambiguous to suggest...

Negotiations: Strategy and Tactics

Outline Introduction. The nature of the negotiations in the world. Prenegotiation planning and differences. Strategy and tactics of distributive and integrative bargaining. Communication, bias, managing difficulties and individual approaches Applying leverage in negotiation. Conclusion. References. Introduction In a narrow sense, negotiations should be examined as one of the methods of...

Reasons Behind Creation of Equity

Introduction Equity was developed more than hundred years ago to settle the claim of the dissatisfied litigants which arised from the harsh inflexible rules of law, which made the justice not prevailing. Equity is a set of legal principle of English law, which evolved from the English common law. The...

Trends to Piercing the Corporate Veil Among Courts

Abstract The aim of forming a corporation is to protect owners from the liabilities and debts of their ventures. This ensures the growth of the business. However, we must establish whether courts will reach a point where they will take a separate business enterprise as a means of achieving an...

Law of Tort. Breach of Duty Care

Introduction A tort is referred to as a civil wrong committed against any individual rather than the society or the tort (Bermingham and Brennan, 2008)1. The tortuous liability usually arises when a breach of duty is primarily fixed by the law takes occurs. The main aim of tort law is...

Conflict Between Transgender Theory, Ethics, and Scientific Community

Introduction It is safe to say that the transgender theory has experienced a new ideological rise in the American and European scientific discourses over the past decade. Most of the controversy revolves around the topics of conversion therapy for children and fraud in research methodology. It is noticeable that these...

New IT System for Use in Nursing Home and Assisted Living

The increase of aged people in nursing homes and assisted living has been alarming due to change in living standards. Most families would rather pay for their aged members of the family’s nursing care than be taking care of them at home. The overwhelming activities of tracing them and providing...

A Philosophical Puzzle from John Locke’s Perspective

Introduction The physical tangibility of material reality and the extent to which it is dependent on the personal perceptions of an individual is, perhaps, one of the most contentious topics that have been discussed throughout the history of philosophy. In the famous dilemma of a falling tree, the question of...

Professional Moral Compass and Spirituality

Introduction Ethical standards are essential in all employment settings. Consequently, nurses should be conversant with the guiding principles of nursing (Walsh, 2010). This would enable nurses to provide quality services to patients and work within an acceptable ethical framework. Usually, nurses cooperate with colleagues to provide efficient services to patients....

Finland: Country Review

Introduction Finland has a long history, with its people having rich cultural heritage, strong economic background, and a relatively stable political environment. The country enjoys a close relationship with the United States, particularly because of its geographical location and history. The country is endowed with numerous natural resources, which have...

Russian Immigrant Heritage Consistency and Acculturation Evaluation

Abstract Cultural identity is the most significant thing that differentiates one person from another. Culture is of great significance for all people as far as it predetermines moral values, beliefs, the way of life, and the perception of the world. The term “heritage consistency” is used to describe the level...

Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451”. The Light and the Dark

Introduction Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 was published in 1953, however, the reader can encounter relevant themes and conflicts existing in modern society. The novel accurately describes the twenty-first century as a world of technological advancement, social media, and the power it holds over people. Dictionaries define an anti-intellectual as a...

Research Writing Center and a New Contest

Research Writing Center recently launched a new Facebook contest for freelance writers to share their humorous stories for cash prizes. The folks at Research Writing Center successfully launched a new contest on the company’s Facebook page on October 13. The contest provides the team of freelance writers who work with...

The Different World Religion Summary

Judaism Judaism is considered to be the world’s most ancient monotheistic religion, which constitutes millions of worshippers worldwide. The core values of Judaism are outlined in the numerous sacred writings that bear a sense similar to the one of Christianity, being represented from a different perspective. Just like other western...

The Nightingale Pledge by Lystra Eggert Gretter

The Nightingale Pledge was written in 1893 by a committee chaired by Lystra Eggert Gretter (American Nurses Association, 2013).The committee was from a nursing school, Farrrand Training School in Detroit. It is modeled from the Hippocratic Oath which is an oath usually taken by physicians who promise to practice medicine...

The US and New Zealand: Healthcare Profiles Comparison

Introduction Health care in the US needs comprehensive reform, and one way to suggest the direction of change is to learn from other countries. A small island nation, New Zealand ranks above average in income, wealth, and health care (Cumming, 2017). Akin to the US health care, the system in...

“The Phantom of the Opera” by Webber

Introduction The phantom of the opera (2004) is one of the most successful artworks in the history of musical films. It is a British-American musical drama that was released in 2004, based on Andrew Lloyd Webber’s earlier musical with the same name. The reason for the film’s success is the...

Health Promotion to Reduce Lung Cancer: Grant Proposal Template

Executive Summary The grant proposal covers reducing lung cancer among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults in South Australia. Indigenous people had slightly high rates of lung cancer than non-Indigenous. Hence, the project aims to reduce the rate of lung cancer infection and deaths among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...

Fragile Anti-Heroes in Pain & Gain

Introduction Action films occupy an essential role in the world because they reflect cultural and historical issues that are present in society. Often, they are a response to some previous events and situations, and it is suitable for Pain & Gain. This movie depicts three bodybuilders, Lugo, Doorbal, and Doyle,...

Smartphone Application and Diabetes Reminder Management

The proposed intervention implies the implementation of smartphone applications aimed at managing diabetes. One suggests that the following practice is likely to be mutually beneficial for a patient and a practitioner. The intervention has a lot of advantages, including its wide availability, low cost, and innovative character. Nowadays, the fact...

HIV and AIDS Etiology and Management

Introduction HIV and AIDS are two different disease processes that are related but occur at different stages. HIV is short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus infects the human immune system and may cause adverse damage over time. This virus, unlike viruses that cause flu and the common cold, never...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Abstract When developing personal nursing philosophy, one should consider the four meta-paradigms of nursing, viz. the nursing practice, health, human beings, and the environment. These elements define the nursing practice and philosophy and they are highly interconnected to the extent that altering one of them causes a ripple effect on...

The Study of the Epigenetic Variation in Monozygotic Twins

The growth and development of an organism result in the activation and deactivation of different parts due to chemical reactions at strategic periods and locations. The genetic changes associated with the aging of an organism give rise to the concept of epigenetics. The concept of epigenetics deals with the heritable...

Religious Beliefs on Issues of Segregation

Introduction The 1950s were a challenging time for Americans concerning racial tensions. To many white Protestant Americans, the majority of which resided in the South, desegregation directly challenged their way of life. In the light of the Brown v. Board of Education, some chose to accept it while others continued...

Primary Care Clinic Case Study

Businesses are affected by internal and external forces to attain and maintain competitiveness business leaders have to make strategic decisions that address prevailing challenges. In the medical care industry, there are different regulatory bodies that govern how the industry should be managed. In the case of Primary Care Clinic, the...

“The Perils of Obedience” Book by Stanley Milgram

The relations between an individual and authority are complicated, and people have to learn how to behave regarding their personal principles and the social standards set. The work of Stanley Milgram (1963), “The Perils of Obedience” is one of the sources where captivating and educative information on how people should...

Quality Improvement and Transformation of Healthcare

Introduction and Background With spiraling medical costs and poor quality of health care services, government and private payers sought the need to improve the quality of health care delivery. In the early 1970s, the science of quality measurement and improvement first emerged as an organized field. Studies show a high...

Health Care Act as It Apply in Surrogate Pregnancy

The issue of surrogacy is a controversial one. The World Health Organization Commissions as well as Canada Public Health Officers have recently issued reports on health care and surrogate pregnancy. As a result, this paper will analyze an article about surrogate pregnancy together with the Health Care Act. The purpose...

Washburn’s “What the Ocean Eats” and Stevenson’s “The High Road”

Introduction Both of the selected stories, Kawai Strong Washburn’s “What the Ocean Eats” and Bryan Stevenson’s “The High Road,” are interesting to read and focus on important topics resorting to one’s emotions and feelings. However, a detailed analysis of the two pieces allows noticing structural differences and making conclusions as...

Causal Effects of Physical Health on Mental Health

The article under review was published in the 39th issue of the International Journal of Epidemiology in 2010, and it was written by two researchers from the North Carolina’s Duke University. The authors’ research problem is the link between physical and mental health, or, more specifically, the adverse impact that...

Evidence-Based Practice and Global Health

Introduction Evidence-based practices involve recognition of evidence based on research, which had been done when making decisions. Evidence-based research is important to nurses because it makes them confident the decisions they make on the impacts it will have on the patient. In this paper, the term “evidence-based practice” has been...

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy in Parents

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP) is a condition where a caregiver induces mental and physical health problems to their patients. The condition is based on pure deception, with the caregiver in question even exaggerating the extent of pain and discomfort that the patient feels. Initially, the first thought that comes...

Distribution of Fake Drugs: Analysis of a Criminal Case

Introduction People tend to come up with the most unusual ways of perceiving their desires, which in some cases may not be legal. Others pursue criminal life willingly, putting innocent individuals and their well-being in danger. Certain conditions allow to negate some elements of the crime, intent, for instance, however,...

Telenursing: Is It in the Future?

Abstract Telenursing can help medical professionals to improve their time-efficiency. Moreover, this practice is useful for monitoring the health of patients and identifying possible risks. Finally, the application of technologies can reduce the costs that patients and medical institutions should bear. Nevertheless, there are significant challenges such as the threats...

Cyber Attack Scenario Development

Introduction In the cyber world, cyber-attacks are quite a common occurrence. The attacks target computer hardware such as scanners, computers, servers as well as software programs such as operating systems and protocols. The recovery of data is made increasingly difficult by the encryption and steganography programs (Britz, 2009, p. 217)....

Racial Discrimination in “White Fragility” and “Black Men”

One of the greatest challenges facing society is racial discrimination. This is the act of discriminating against one based on their physical attributes, such as skin color or racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. In “White Fragility,” the author explores how white people are at a high risk of being discriminated...

Human Genome and Application of Genetic Variations

Human genome refers to the information contained in human genes. The information is stored in DNA sequences within cell nuclei and mitochondria (Michal & Schomburg 2013; Veltman & Brunner 2012). Human diploid genomes are found in body cells that are not involved in sexual reproduction while human haploid genomes are...

Cargo Management Re-Engineering (CRM)

An overview of the Integrated Cargo System This was an ambitious project initiated in the year 2000 by the Customs in conjunction with the government. Now it is called cargo management re-engineering (CRM). The Integrated Cargo System (ICS) is part of the CRM. By 2004, the export functionality was successfully...

Managed Care Trends and Issues Analysis

Introduction Managed care system controls the financing and provision of healthcare services to individuals enrolled in a specific type of health care plan. Managed care was established to harmonize healthcare and minimize costs. Managed care trends are continuously changing in America. Healthcare cover costs indicate varying trends in the past...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Telemedicine Concepts and Essentials

Introduction Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication technology to provide medical services to people remotely, but sometimes can be used to provide medical information between doctors in different places. This type of technology can be as simple as two medical doctors discussing over the phone, or as complicated as the...

Identifying a Health Care Issue

Introduction The US health care system undergoes significant threats because of the increased number of medical errors. Negligence and poor services standards heavily influence patient safety and quality of treatment that has worsened significantly lately. Patience safety recession is largely caused by the growth of health care associated infections that...

Safe Patient Handling for Rehabilitation Professionals

Introduction This project has several different objectives and aims to satisfy each of them as completely as possible, with none of them having a higher priority than any of the others. As such, it is critical to understand the distinctions between the various goals and the methods that can be...

Systemic Racism and Its Impact on Development

Introduction Topics such as xenophobia, chauvinism, ethnocentrism, extremism, terrorism have become firmly established in modern discourse; both specialists and the public are actively involved in their discussion. However, the problem of racism is clearly out of the focus of public attention. However, racism is still on the periphery of scientific...

The Book “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe

Introduction Chinua Achebe is a renowned author not just in Africa but also in international literature. With the help of his writings, Chinua Achebe thrills readers across the globe with the creative application of language, structure, form, and precise insider accounts of modern African history and way of life. With...

Relational Practice: Reflections on Family Nursing

Introduction Engagement with resource family provides nurses with opportunities to apply perspective theories learnt in class. Scientists have developed theories to govern the domain of family nursing. Doane and Varcoe (2005) posit that experience with family is the best source of knowledge for family nursing (p.4). However, a nursing student...

Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary

This paper focuses on the Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA). Specifically, the paper covers benefits of EFDA, laws and regulations in Ohio for EFDA, and it presents a single case scenario in which EFDA was particularly useful. An EFDA personnel are highly trained and competent dental hygienists or dental assistants...

Brain Disease: Bipolar Disorder

Introduction The website offers useful information about the common brain disorders and conditions affecting mankind today. The website achieves this goal by listing some of the best health and neuroscience resources. The provided links can equip the reader with new ideas about some of the major brain diseases. The selected...

Sociolinguistic Concepts: Definitions, Concepts, and Theories of the Speech Community

Outline The existing different categories used by sociologists to study society include; economic characteristics, class, regional characteristics, and ethnicity. Sociology defines a community as a dimension of shared possessions, knowledge, and behaviors. Linguists however use another dimension of social organization by using speech community to refer to the community. Sociolinguists,...

“The Wizard of Lies”: Bernie Madoff’s Unethical Leadership

Introduction The year 2009 was marked by the resonant case of the investment advisor Bernie Madoff who admitted to committing eleven federal crimes and received a 150-year prison sentence. The convict ran the biggest fraudulent scheme in the history of the United States known under the name of the Ponzi...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka in the Light of Freud’s Theory of Psychoanalysis

Introduction In his documentary and diary writing, Franz Kafka professed his knowledge and fascination, rather than belief, in Sigmund Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis. According to Freud, people’s mental health through making their unconscious thoughts conscious, thus gaining an insight into what is going ‘under the surface.’ Such insight can help...

Cultural Context of “Don Quixote” by M. de Cervantes

In the history of classical literary pieces, Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes enjoys one of the prominent positions among the masterpiece works and it is rightly considered as the foremost piece of fiction ever to be written by any important authors. The piece also holds the credit to be...

Betty Smith Williams Reinventing the Theory and Practice of Nursing

Defining the revolutionaries in nursing, one must mention Betty Smith Williams as one of the most prominent contemporary contributors to the development thereof. Born July 22, 1929, she has the Doctoral Degree (UCLA) in Public Health, the Master Degree (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH) in Nursing, and the Bachelor...

Family Nurse Practice Promoting Patient Safety

Abstract Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) should get the best education in clinical practice. These practitioners possess powerful skills and concepts that can improve the nature of nursing. This essay gives a detailed description of this advanced practice role. The essay explains how FNPs can promote patient safety. The essay also...

Website Proposal Document: Green IT

Introduction Green IT is the important issue in the world of ICT today, and most of the organizations are taking the lead in the adoption of strategies that will boost Green IT for the sake of the climate. Green IT has some initiatives in order to apply it, such as...

“A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway: Core Elements and Themes

Introduction The limitation of short stories prompts authors to focus on the essential contents of their narrative, stripping away unnecessary descriptions and explanations. One of the best examples of such a prudent approach to writing is the short story by Ernest Hemingway, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” written and published in...

Design and Management of a Pilotage Service: A Case Study of Port Belfast

Outline This work aims at establishing the procedures involved in the design and management of appropriate pilotage services such as pilotage requirements and the standard criteria for expected ship status. It will also highlight the factors to be considered such as pilot boarding, info to be provided, anchorage area and...

Medical Emergencies in Dental Setting

Introduction A medical emergency refers to a disease or harm which is acute and presents a great risk to the life of an individual or the long-term health. These emergencies might need help from personnel who must be appropriately and ideally qualified to carry out the exercise, though some of...

The Great War and America’s Entry and Contribution

How the Forces of Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism Led to World War I? The contribution of Militarism Before the start of World War I in 1914, there was already a considerable military buildup among the nations of Germany, France, and Russia. Weigel (2014) described it best by calling it a...

The Notion of Deterrence: Review

The entire humanity is conversant with the notion of deterrence. Deterrence refers to the employment of retribution as a threat to deter folks from committing offenses. We see cases of many forms of deterrence in everyday lives, all over from the grocery store where we buy serials to the banks...

The Necessity of Self-Contemplation

Introduction While modern technology and social media have done wonders in terms of connecting people, it can be argued that this integration has come at the price of one of our least celebrated necessities. Time strictly devoted to oneself is time spent analyzing beliefs, values, and the purpose one takes...

Genital Herpes Case Study Analysis

Jill, a 29-year-old female patient went to her doctor complaining of painful blisters on her labia. Jill was in a monogamous relationship of 8 years with her husband. However, she admitted that they had recently been separated for a few months, but they were currently back together. Jill was unsure...

Hemingway and K. Chopin: Stories Comparison

Introduction Life has many turning moments that make people realize that there are on the wrong path, and that allows them to change their lives for the better. “Hills Like White Elephants” written by E. Hemingway and “The Story of an Hour” by K. Chopin both tell stories of such...

“What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” by Raymond Carver

Introduction What We Talk About When We Talk About Love is a concluding story in a self-titled collection of short stories written by Raymond Carver. It sets to explores various notions humans have about love. The title itself suggests that there are different perceptions people can have about this concept,...

The United States and East Asia Since World War II

Introduction World War II inevitably changed the world forever for the key players in the global political arena. While the United States and the Soviet Union fought together against the Nazi regime, the relationship between the two remained a tense and complicated one. Capitalistic America was concerned with the rising...

Research Designs: Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis

Introduction The choice of the research design is extremely important. Before getting down to conducting a research, it is important to review the information about possible research designs and state which one is the most appropriate for a particular case. All the problems which exist in the society are considered...

Online Press Websites: Comparing and Contrasting

Introduction In the globalized world of rapidly evolving information technologies, designing and maintaining websites gained several forms, combining machinery and creativity. As a matter of fact, the website’s effectiveness depends on multiple undebatable factors, such as convenience, organization, and appealing design. Comparing and contrasting the websites of two prominent American...

Escaping the Endless Adolescence’ by Joseph Allen

Introduction Teenage is considered to be the most important stage of development. This stage has a very significant role in an individual’s physical and psychological development. It is commonly agreed that the kind of life that an individual lives at this stage has a great influence on the future life....

The Notions of Misogyny, Feminism, and Sexual Freedom in Sam Mendes’s Skyfall

Introduction The world of art and cinematography has always been highly correlated with the issues that tackle society and make its members feel either brought together or isolated. One of such major social concerns that exist beyond any timeframe is the aspect of depicting human sexuality and women in the...

Solar Saturn 1MW Gas Turbine Generator

Abstract Solar turbines have dominated industrial market all over the globe for decades thanks to their high efficiencies in conversions as well as elevated solar shares. In Solar turbine systems, compressed air is heated for up to 1000 degrees Celsius, this is instrumental in delivering between 40% and 90% of...

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Treatment of Eating Disorders

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Obesity: Cause and Treatment

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Attending Court: Personal Experiences

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The Fermenting Properties of Yeast Cells

Abstract This paper sought to identify the fermenting properties of yeast cells. Yeast can be identified as a tiny plant-like microorganism (Cox 122). The main purpose of yeast is to “serve as a catalyst in the process of fermentation, which is essential in the making of bread” (Nieman 570, par....

Mars: Exploration and Description of the Red Planet

Introduction Mars is one of the members of the planets that make the solar system. It is the fourth planet from the sun and is often termed the Red Planet. Its soil, rocks, and sky have a red color. This was discovered by astronauts. Romans named this planet in respect...