Parenting: The Family Resource Guide


Who are the parents to their child? Teachers, mentors, friends. A child is a big responsibility, so parents are responsible for putting resources into them and helping them develop. Parents need to handle difficult situations so that their children can grow up psychologically healthy. This quick guide will help parents understand their role in their child’s development and help them in different situations.

Health and Nutrition

Your child needs to grow up healthy, get good nutrition, and get the medical services they need on time. Be sure to see a medical consultant at a specialty clinic or see a public health nurse. They will be sure to help you select services for your child and provide evidence-based information about the conditions in which your child should grow up.

Is your child’s diet varied and rich, but is he still feeling weak and not active enough? Are you sure the food contains healthy micronutrients? For example, if children lack magnesium, they often do not concentrate well on tasks. The challenge for parents is learning how to choose the right foods and watching their children grow. Check out the information at Healthy Children. It is a valuable and informative site where parents can learn information about nutrition, sleep, and sports for the child.

Growth and Development

Every child needs help learning about the world and direction because sometimes the parents’ actions determine how a child will develop. Learn more about how your child will grow: learning games, physical activity, and personality traits. Here are some helpful sites:

Healthy Parents Healthy Children. It is a site where parents can learn all about their child’s developmental needs and meet them. It is also a good resource for parents-to-be: The writers have cleverly chosen information about pregnancy and how to plan for a healthy child.

Center on the Developing Child. If you want to learn general information and go deeper into understanding the biological peculiarities of child development, this is the site for you! Harvard researchers have prepared a great deal of material on child psychology, physical characteristics, and health.

Child Development Institute. For over 20 years, the Institute’s staff has provided helpful information about child development through the Internet. The site features articles on current developmental problems such as ADHD or autism. In addition, the site will be helpful for you to develop as a parent and therefore create favorable developmental conditions for your child.

Children with Special Needs

Children are not always born healthy, but that does not mean that such children do not need support. On the contrary, their parents become the main companions and supports who support them for these children. Many support programs in the United States help children with special needs. All parents should check it out because they present information that will be helpful even to healthy children.

Child Find. A support program for children with disabilities dedicated to funding educational programs. They also help spread the word about medical services, social support, and schooling for children. You can get in touch through staff emails: e.g., administrator Alice Schmitges ([email protected]).

Early Steps. It is a problem-solving system for children under 36 months that provides early intervention services. The program helps children learn and parents be actively involved in their child’s life. You can contact me through general mail ([email protected]).

Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD). Florida’s program supports people with disabilities, which includes children with chromosomal or other disabilities. The center also assists parents in finding schools and individualized education programs. Contact through [email protected].

Kids First of Florida (KFF). It is a community-based organization that provides child care and developmental counseling. The agency is dedicated to supporting children after domestic violence, helping young parents, and promoting public awareness. Contact via [email protected].

211 Special Needs Connection. It is a program designed to help children with developmental disabilities. Parents can get counseling on various issues and order in-person counseling services at any time.

You can contact your local family support center by going to one of Florida’s public health centers:

Children’s Medical Services Health Plan. You can call 1-866-799-5321 (TTY 1-800-955-8770).


Healthy Children. (2020). Childhood nutrition. Healthy children, Web.

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