Personal and Professional Ethics in Psychology

Knowing one’s own ethical stance is essential for directing conduct and decision-making. Personal ethics serve as a foundation for moral decision-making and are molded by a person’s values, beliefs, and experiences. Both individual and professional ethics are intertwined in the study of psychology, and psychologists must be aware of both to uphold moral conduct in their work. This essay argues that personal ethics serve as a foundation for moral decision-making, and psychologists must be aware of both personal and professional ethics to maintain an ethical practice.

Professional ethics are the moral guidelines set out by a profession to guarantee that practitioners offer morally upright and expert services. In psychology, codes of ethics give standards for maintaining confidentiality, gaining informed permission, and averting conflicts of interest (Sharma et al., 2020). These codes of ethics serve as a reference for ethical principles. Both personal and professional ethics are an important part of human consciousness, which allows a person to create their moral guide. Ethical awareness is recognizing and analyzing ethical issues and making ethical decisions. From my point of view, my ethical beliefs converge with enforceable ethical principles, because I believe that people should not violate the rules of society and the laws of the state. However, people must also develop aspirational ethics to maintain clarity of mind and adhere to their own principles.

There are also risks associated with following exclusively personal interests and values ​​in the work plan, because, in this case, the professionalism of a person is significantly threatened. Personal values and beliefs may be biased and may not align with professional standards or the welfare of clients or research participants (Sharma et al., 2020). While making ethical choices in psychology, scientists need to take both personal as well as professional ethics into account in order to maintain and avoid violations of ethics.

In conclusion, understanding the personal ethical perspective and its relationship to professional ethics is of utmost importance in the field of psychology. By understanding their ethical perspective, psychologists can avoid potential ethical dilemmas and ensure that their behavior aligns with professional standards. Additionally, ethical awareness can aid in the identification of aspirational and enforceable standards that guide ethical behavior and decision-making. By maintaining an ethical practice, psychologists can ensure that they provide competent and ethical services to clients and research participants.


Sharma, S., Sahni, S. P., & Chahal, A. (2020). Ethical Fibre and Psychological Contract of Social Entrepreneurs. J. For International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 12(2/3), 199. Web.

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