Personality Types & Leadership in Healthcare: Jung Typology Test Insights

In many cases, the leadership qualities of individuals depend on their personality types and associated characteristics that can determine their reactions and behaviors in different situations. The Jung Typology Test is one of the tools that help determine the personality type concerning Carl Jung’s theory and Isabel Briggs Myers’ analysis of personalities (“Jung Typology Test,” 2018). The purpose of this paper is to describe how the personality type determined with the help of the Jung Typology Test can affect leadership in healthcare settings and explain the four aspects associated with the personality type in detail.

The Impact of the Personality Type on Leadership in Healthcare Environments

After responding to the questions proposed in the test, the following formula associated with a unique personality type was determined: ENFJ. In this formula, “E” stands for “extravert,” “N” stands for “intuitive,” “F” stands for “feeling,” and “J” stands for “judging.” As a result, the personality type can be described as oriented to communication because of developed interpersonal skills and focused on intuition rather than senses. Moreover, people with this personality type refer to their feelings often than to thinking and analysis, but they are more oriented to judging than to perception. The variety of these characteristics allows for assuming that individuals with this personality type can develop their potential as leaders and communicators in different situations and settings.

While analyzing how this personality type can influence effective leadership in the sphere of health care, it is important to note that the ENFJ type is frequently possessed by leaders and managers who need to cooperate with people as well as organize their activities. These persons are described as having developed interpersonal skills because they are extroverts, and they can easily set goals for other people and motivate them to achieve higher results. These qualities are extremely important for effective leadership (Mash, Blitz, Malan, & Von Pressentin, 2016). Moreover, these individuals can perform multi-tasking and effective problem solving because of their focus on judging activities. They also can assist other people and stimulate their progress. All these qualities are important for leaders in actively changing healthcare environments where multi-tasking and the necessity of making quick effective decisions are usually observed.

As a result, an individual with the ENFJ type can achieve high results in not only performing managerial tasks but also leading other people. The qualities typical of persons of this type enhance effective leadership because they are flexible, inspirational, supportive, and able to work with many employees. In healthcare settings, these leaders can successfully motivate employees and stimulate them with those benefits and bonuses that are appropriate in particular cases.

Four Aspects of the Personality

Having described the formula of the determined personality type, it is also necessary to focus on explaining all four factors that are used to form the specific personality. The focus on extroversion means that a person can easily interact with other people, and what is more important, this individual prefers working with people and sharing tasks. As a result, these people usually demonstrate better results when working in teams (Waite & McKinney, 2018). The focus on intuition means that a person relies on his or her intuition when making decisions without paying much attention to analyzing associated rational aspects.

The focus on feeling is also typical of the ENFJ type, and these people refer to their emotions when they need to make decisions regarding communication with other persons, conflict resolution, and negotiation. All problems are resolved with the help of communication, empathy, and a person’s interest in other people’s feelings, emotions, and reasons behind this or that behavior. However, it is also important to pay attention to the fact that the focus on judging rather than on perceiving guarantees that representatives of this personality type also use a rational approach to analyzing situations and events related to their activities and everyday tasks. Thus, these people are inclined to check the theoretical knowledge in practice and make their judgments. They are effective learners, and they are always interested in finding new solutions and testing new ideas to select the most effective ones. These qualities contribute to developing leadership attributes in persons who belong to the ENFJ personality type.


In this paper, the results of performing the Jung Typology Test have been presented concerning the analysis of how a certain personality type can contribute or not to developing effective leadership in healthcare settings. It has been found that people with the ENFJ personality type are active extroverts with developed interpersonal and leadership skills and attributes. As a result, they can effectively communicate with different people and organize them for working to achieve the set goal. Moreover, these persons prefer multi-tasking, and they can realize their potential while working in challenging environments. These people’s orientation to change and progress allows them to organize different types of operations and lead a team to complete strategic objectives. From this perspective, it is possible to state that people with the ENFJ personality type can be effective leaders in any sphere, including healthcare.


Jung Typology Test. (2018).

Mash, R., Blitz, J., Malan, Z., & Von Pressentin, K. (2016). Leadership and governance: Learning outcomes and competencies required of the family physician in the district health system. South African Family Practice, 58(6), 232-235.

Waite, R., & McKinney, N. S. (2018). Personality typology: Understanding your preferences and striving for team effectiveness. ABNF Journal, 29(1), 8-16.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Personality Types & Leadership in Healthcare: Jung Typology Test Insights." May 29, 2021.

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