Project Management Techniques in Quality Management

The importance of project management in quality management in the modern world cannot be overestimated. Effective quality management ensures that an organization consistently delivers quality products and services. But this is often a complex and multi-level process, the construction of which requires significant efforts and resources. For this reason, project management techniques can be used to drive organizational change as it relates to quality management.

Project management techniques are a set of proven methods for proposing, planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating projects combined with the art of managing people. The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and methods to change as it relates to quality management allows you to build an effective quality assurance and control system. In order to manage minor or major changes in quality management, project management techniques can be applied to simplify planning. Since this process involves a large number of participants, departments, and processes, technicians can also help manage and ensure the success of the project.

Project management methodology in quality management at a healthcare organization is of particular importance. This is due to the scale of the industry, the rates associated with patient care, increased workload and responsibility. One of the most effective methodologies for change in quality management is six sigma, which focuses on continuous process improvement. The method’s main goal is to identify and eliminate the sources of faults and poor performance (Trakulsunti & Antony, 2018). To preserve the project’s quality, everyone from the top down is required to follow the process. This strategy works best in multi-level organizations, such as hospitals. A hybrid methodology that combines waterfall and flexible methods can also be used. Waterfall planning is used in hybrid techniques to create a clear roadmap for attaining quality improvement in a healthcare facility (Hakim & Fidsa, 2019). A clear plan also allows you to focus on the big picture. A structured rubric, for example, could be used to improve quality scores. This rubric is then broken down into particular sets of tasks for the healthcare organization staff. As a result, the hybrid method is suited for quality improvement programs in healthcare.

Healthcare project management helps a healthcare facility run smoothly, provide better patient care, and achieve high quality standards. It helps to address operational issues and develop policies that improve patient care while also strengthening positive relationships with stakeholders. Project management techniques, such as six sigma and the hybrid method, can be used to drive organizational change as it relates to quality management.


Hakim, A., & Fidsa, C. (2019). Hybrid project management has a role in health care. Physician Leadership Journal,6(2), 38-39. Web.

Trakulsunti, Y., & Antony, J. (2018). Can Lean Six Sigma be used to reduce medication errors in the health-care sector? Leadership in Health Services,31(4), 426-433. Web.

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