Re-Engineering Photosynthesis to Stimulate Crop Growth and Productivity


With the growing population, meeting the necessary food demands needs improvement of crop productivity, possibly by enhancing photosynthesis efficiency. Photorespiration happens in most C3 crops, leading to toxic byproducts such as glycolate. Processing these toxins is costly as it utilizes a lot of the plant’s energy reducing the crop’s photosynthetic efficiency by 20-50% (South et al., 2019). Although there are several ways of reducing the cost of photorespiration, altering photorespiratory pathways in the plant’s chloroplasts has shown promising outcomes like increased plant size and photosynthetic rates. This study was done to determine whether alternative photorespiratory routes can effectively improve the productivity of C3 field crops.


The research was done by testing the performance of alternate photorespiratory pathways in field tobacco. The first pathway used five Escherichia coli glycolate oxidation pathway genes. The second one used malate synthase and glycolate oxidase from plants and catalase from E. coli, and the third path used malate synthase from plants and green algal glycolate dehydrogenase (South et al., 2019). RNA interference (RNAi) was used to downplay the native glycolate transporter of chloroplasts in the photorespiratory pathway, thus limiting metabolite flux in the native path.

The results indicated that the first pathway increased biomass by almost thirteen percent, while the second path revealed no change compared to field-grown tobacco. In the third pathway, there was improved biomass by twenty-four percent with RNAi and eighteen percent without RNAi. Field testing across seasons indicated a significant biomass upsurge in the third pathway; the path also showed increased efficiency in light-use during photosynthesis in the field by seventeen percent (South et al., 2019). The above results demonstrate that installing synthetic glycolate metabolic pathways into chloroplasts of tobacco plan led to significant elevations in biomass accumulation in both agricultural field conditions and greenhouse environments.


To conclude, inhibiting the native photorespiratory pathway while engineering the more effective tobacco paths increases both vegetative biomass and photosynthetic efficiency. The researchers are optimistic that similar outcomes may be realized in other C3 grain plants. For this novel application to impact society, people must be guaranteed proper knowledge and technology. With the excellent application of this hack, the world will sustain a bio-based economy through growing crops in environmental niches, adequate control of inputs, and efficient utilization of limited resources. A better comprehension of such fundamental processes, such as photosynthesis, is likely to lead to new scientific and technological initiatives in this era.


South, P., Cavanagh, A., Liu, H., & Ort, D. (2019). Synthetic glycolate metabolism pathways stimulate crop growth and productivity in the field. Science, 363(45), 1–9.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, August 11). Re-Engineering Photosynthesis to Stimulate Crop Growth and Productivity.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Re-Engineering Photosynthesis to Stimulate Crop Growth and Productivity." August 11, 2022.

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