Recruitment is the method by which organizations pursue and acquire personnel for their various job positions. The duration of the process depends on the company and the worker’s requirements, and the work urgently needs to be filled. Conversely, branding for employers attracts and retains employees, making it a crucial aspect of the recruitment process as a whole. Through the hiring process, businesses investigate and improve their brand position. Furthermore, branding enhances the organization’s responsibility to inspire its employees and the employer’s responsibility to impress job seekers and the community.
The recruitment procedure has considerable strategic significance; therefore, the organizations that claim superior staff recruitment and selection typically outperform their rivals. Recruitment can be viewed as gaining an unfair advantage within a company’s industry. This report provides an explanation of employer branding and best practices, and it presents the external hiring strategies of Apple Inc., Netflix Inc., Google Inc., and Amazon Inc.,
An Exemplary Company and One that Needs Improvement
The employer brands of Apple Inc, Netflix, Google, and Amazon Inc companies are all approached in various ways. Each one of them takes into account a different Employer Value Proposition (EVP). EVP fundamentally entails giving prospective workers a reason to want to work for a firm, similar to how marketing connects with consumers (Yacine, 2021). Of the four businesses mentioned above, I would like to work for Apple Inc. As such, this can be attributed to various factors that pertain to the organization setting. Basically, the world’s finest employer brand belongs to this firm. The formulas used to detect the enthusiasm workers bring to their jobs and how that passion is translated into actions set the Apple employer brand apart. The finest financial brand professional possibilities are produced by multiplying accounting knowledge and enthusiasm with fresh concepts. Additionally, Apple’s extensive worldwide presence, remarkable legacy, and lucrative rewards encourage world-class performance.
A candidate for a position expects to contribute to the company’s sustainable development, be creative, work collaboratively, and have a business-minded attitude. These trade secrets of Apple employer’s branding translate enthusiasm into practice, creating unmatched employment prospects and remarkable encounters. Generally, workers are inspired to provide the finest input, partnerships, creativity, and marketable ideas since the firm gives them the best industry, challenge, remuneration, and culture. In the same way that businesses use ads to sell their goods, each one aims to attract the best candidates to submit applications for open positions. Employer branding strategies are weak in companies with low-quality people or job applicants, resulting in financial losses due to higher recruiting expenses.
On the other hand, Amazon has comprehensive organizational frameworks that have been modified to facilitate adaptability, creativity, and the maintenance of a high level of efficacy in the workplace, given their level of dynamism. The organization boasts a robust platform that enables people within the entity to change or adapt their positions to meet business requirements appropriately. As a result, the organization employs an engaging and distinctive job advertisement that does not restrict applicants to the job description. Due to its market position and digitally oriented primary enterprise, the company is profit-inclined above all else. Regarding the length of the recruitment procedure, the company’s online jobs platform takes too long to update the application status.
Amazon has been charged multiple times for waiting too long to hire personnel; consequently, the submitted application condition can remain unchanged for months before the status is updated and the application is archived. Amazon recruits personnel primarily through its website and does not employ social media networks. The negative characteristics of its recruitment procedure have impaired the organization’s reputation. With respect to these variables working at Amazon is questionable, and preferably their work setting should undergo a major upheaval.
Incorporation of Social Media to Support Branding
Apple has consistently cultivated close ties with social media platforms. Apple’s social media channels use a bespoke hashtag with a gradient Apple logo and an accompanying video to refer to “a special #AppleEvent” on Twitter (Stroud, 2022). These features facilitate Apple’s rapid assimilation and influence on individuals. Almost everyone will be able to quickly and readily identify the name Apple and will be familiar with the firm in some way. Being steady with their business is the first method a company may utilize social media to develop. Consistency fosters trust among both existing and future clients. Customers want to feel confident doing business with a company, so using social media and projecting a good attitude is an excellent approach to instilling trust. Moreover, the company can use social media to develop goodwill by offering incentives to those who promote their business on social networks.
Using social media to promote offers can pique the curiosity and interest of consumers. Lastly, a business can employ social media to develop consumer trust by being truthful with them. Being direct and open with consumers on social media is an excellent method for gaining their allegiance. Thus, it is essential for recruiters to be forthright and honest with customers if they make an error. Two regulations should be followed when using social media appropriately: the employee must be genuine and competent, and if they have an issue of their own, they should not disseminate it on social media. It is crucial to maintain a professional image on social media by avoiding defamation and prejudiced content, as well as arguments. Consequently, the use of personal social media ensures that the staff member refrains from referring to their current employer for personal reasons and does not discuss their present company. Google, Netflix, and Amazon Inc. use Instagram, and Twitter accounts for hiring and educating new employees by routinely modifying their working environment and accomplishments.
Instagram is used by businesses to market their profiles and inspire the next generation to work for them and launch a new career. Numerous businesses also utilize Facebook to advertise their accounts. Google is not particularly well-liked on social media, and its achievement is frequently dismissed as unfavorable. The platform serves as a means of interaction between the current generation and the next, as well as a tool for employee motivation, thanks to its variety of benefits.
Best practices
These businesses utilize a variety of procedures, but the common standards include hiring qualified executives who can find talented personnel. Hence, to oversee the hiring process, there must be a structure, and the interview panel must adhere to it. To prevent online applications from being compromised or lost, a candidate pool must be established, and online recruiting must be safeguarded. The organization must strive to hire the most powerful leaders to teach the new employees, and the managers must have a positive connection with the staff. The recruiters who can pick the best people for the organization must be paid, and their correspondence must be secured.
Recruiters must comprehend the company’s expectations and hire personnel to increase the firm’s profit margins and expand into international markets. When one becomes a staff member of Apple in any capacity, they will receive up to a price reduction of 25% on iPod, iPad, iPhone, and Macbook items. As Apple employees, they will receive a discount of up to 50 percent on software products (Tran & Dan, 2022). Importantly, relatives of employees who complete the hiring round are also eligible for the limitless preferential price. In addition, these enterprises will provide an additional $250 voucher when purchasing an iPad or a $500 voucher when purchasing a computer (Tran & Dan, 2022). The result is that employees return from such leaves with enthusiasm.
At Amazon Inc., Netflix, and Google, the policies of the HR department details that female employees who successfully completed the hiring process and are now formally employed by such companies are entitled to 4 weeks of maternity leave and six weeks of prenatal leave (Tran & Dan, 2022). Businesses will arrange a few weeks of paid leave for husbands whose wives are pregnant. Firms want to select the best candidate who best satisfies their stated hiring criteria, which may include abilities, desires, values, and the future direction of the firm.
Steps to Recruiting a More Diverse Workforce
The recruitment personnel must be created and educated in order to recruit capable and efficient employees; the hiring procedure must incorporate innovation and diversity. With their existing commitments, technology companies can attract candidates. Employees are to be rated in order to be rehired, and online recruitment can be enhanced to be more diverse by permitting people from all backgrounds to apply on a single platform. Communication with prospective employees must occur via social media, and applications for employment must be handled without discrimination or bias. The workforce must be made competent through recurrent training measures.
The recruiters must facilitate the selection of a sufficient interview pool determined by the skills and abilities of the candidates. Apple should establish a recruiting path for young people by defining the qualifications for the positions available within the company. It is advantageous to be able to distinguish between the skills and competencies that are required from the start and those that can be created on the job. After defining the available positions, Google selects candidates and evaluates their skill level and employment history.
As a consequence, the organizations’ diversification statistics have improved. Apple, for example, has increased its underrepresented communities (URCs) by a staggering 74%, which equates to over 18,000 individuals, and they make up close to half of Apple Inc’s personnel (Inclusion & Diversity, 2021). Nevertheless, as Netflix expands beyond the Western world’s borders, it appears that this focus on diversity, henceforth the diversity framework is a chief component of Netflix’s transnational expansion (Asmar et al., 2022). Netflix generates an international appeal via its branding of diversity. Amazon and Google actively recruit candidates from diverse backgrounds by partnering with historically Black colleges and universities. Amazon, for instance, has thirteen affinity organizations with over 87,000 workers spread across hundreds of chapters worldwide (Diversity, 2020). This dedication appears to support the organization’s decision to diversify its content to appeal to a broader audience.
External Recruitment Method
Create accounts using an email account for external hiring. After that, credentials are obtained from candidates and evaluated by online job boards. Candidate user profiles are chosen by organization boards, and more information is sent to the candidate via emails or texts. Before applying for a specific position, a candidate might consult the day branding that has been produced for the candidate pool. A huge selection of chances is made accessible through the platform when the intent job board asks the individual about their preferences. The organization can build its profile and brand to draw in creative and fresh candidates. Recruiting passive applicants is also possible via this platform which requires an EVP and employer profile in order to recruit every candidate bit by bit, retain the relevance and integrity of the description, and protect applicants’ interests.
Furthermore, examples of external sources for recruitment include higher education institutions and job seekers. The hiring process at Google includes self-reflection, job research, resume writing, online application, interviews, decision-making, and offers (Build for Everyone, 2023). By using these channels for recruitment, the company can guarantee a constant flow of candidates while also matching their qualifications to the need of the company in terms of human resources.
Google, Apple, and Amazon all use a combination of internal and external sources in addition to direct and indirect recruitment strategies. For example, HR management uses the direct method of hiring fresh graduates from colleges and universities. Thus, to inform recent graduates about available internships and career possibilities, representatives from the organizations organize outreach activities at educational facilities and universities across the world. Similarly, firms use their employees to recommend candidates for open positions. Regarding indirect recruitment, which is the most used, Google, Apple, and Amazon use employer review sites (Patel, 2021). As such, keeping a positive presence on job review sites such as Glassdoor, where prospective employees can read evaluations and get a feel of the company’s culture and values.
A combination of overt and covert strategies, as well as a combination of internal and external recruitment channels, are used to suit the firm’s human resource demands. A critical aspect of Google’s expansion as a hub for origination is the recruitment strategy it uses when hiring employees. The steps of the Netflix hiring process are distinct and well-defined. The Netflix recruiting process has four basic steps. In order to assess the candidate’s coding skills, the third step is split into two sections and consists of two rounds of interviews (Unstop, 2023). The steps in the Netflix hiring process are as follows: Prescreening with the recruiter, a phone interview, an on-site interview with rounds 1 and 2 of coding, and lastly, an HR interview (See Image 1).
A Netflix Recruitment Process

Companies’ identity and recruitment processes go hand in hand for their prosperity. It is challenging for organizations to distinguish between the two activities, and the perception among customers and the larger community begins with the recruitment process. Organizations that prioritize this are more likely to succeed than those that choose to disregard such elements. Companies with a thorough yet streamlined recruitment method are more likely to attract the most talented employees. Companies that fail to do so frequently wind up with employees who do not exceed expectations and instead do only the bare minimum. Therefore, organizations must pursue substitutes for most organizations’ typical recruitment procedures. It requires moving above and beyond the norm.
Asmar, A., Raats, T., & Leo Van Audenhove. (2022). Streaming difference(s): Netflix and the branding of diversity. ResearchGate. Web.
Build for Everyone – Google Careers. (2023). Google. Web.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. (2020). US about Amazon. Web.
Inclusion & Diversity. (2021). Apple. Web.
Patel, J. (2021). Employer Review Sites. PeopleScout. Web.
Stroud, S. (2022). Apple’s social media: The tech giant’s marketing. Giraffe Social Media. Web.
Tran, N.Q., & Dan, C. (2022). Apple’s strategic approach to the issues of employer and human resource branding. ResearchGate. Web.
Unstop – Competitions, Quizzes, Hackathons, Scholarships and Internships for Students and Corporates. (2023). Unstop. Web.
Yacine, L. (2021). Employees-as-customers: Coupling the employee value proposition and millennials’ experience in the construction of the internal brand. Web.