Researching Childhood Obesity Issues

Childhood obesity is a persistent problem that poses a threat not only to the US but to the global system of health care. Researchers that studied the issue have all reached a consensus that the condition has reached the levels of an epidemic in both developed and developing countries (Koyuncuoğlu Güngör, 2014). However, the opinions regarding the causes of the issue have split: while some blame parents for failing to establish healthy lifestyle habits, either put globalization and the increased number of services, technologies, and conveniences that make children lazier than they used to be. Despite the reasons for childhood obesity, the issue requires immediate attention.

Research Questions

To study the topic in great detail, a list of research questions for the current project has been developed. The questions are as follows:

  1. What is the relationship between family dynamics and childhood obesity?
  2. What are other causes of childhood obesity (for example, location, socioeconomic status)?
  3. Are schools and local health providers responsible for educating parents about the importance of managing obesity in children?
  4. How has the issue been managed? Are the implemented strategies effective?
  5. What new developments have been introduced in the area of childhood obesity prevention?


The importance of the topic has reached both scientists and the general public. It may affect anyone, from nurses to children’s parents, especially when it comes to treatment and management. In researching childhood obesity, it is hoped to identify the gap between real-life practices of the disease’s treatment and prevention and the suggested strategies that researchers have developed. It is important to make readers understand that the efforts of all people count when overcoming the illness. From policymakers to parents, the issue requires a multi-faceted approach. Therefore, it is desired that all stakeholders come together in addressing childhood obesity.

Research, Audience, Thesis

After conducting some preliminary research, two academic articles on childhood obesity stood out. Sahoo et al. (2015) studied the causes and consequences of childhood obesity, concluding that the condition led to adverse health issues. The main argument of their article was that to avoid the outcomes of childhood obesity, it was imperative to address its root causes. Such subtopics as poor dietary choices, the lack of physical activity, environmental factors, and socio-cultural prerequisites were explored. Sahoo et al. (2015) provided some examples of childhood obesity consequences, such as body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. Wang et al. (2015) explored childhood obesity prevention programs that worked. The authors’ main argument was that combined interventions delivered to children would have the most impact. The researchers’ subtopics included school-based interventions, primary care-based interventions, home programs, and several others.

The target audience of the current project is wide and includes anyone from policymakers to parents. They can be influenced by news media publications, TV programs, as well as research articles, which points to the large scope of the project. To appeal to the audience, it is important to structure the project logically, provide up-to-date information, and reference reputable sources. Overall, the project will provide a unique perspective on the issue of childhood obesity by identifying barriers that prevented existing interventions from being successful. Although there is a variety of programs to address childhood obesity, most of them have a narrow focus, and the development of multi-faceted interventions that address several factors is needed.


Koyuncuoğlu Güngör, N. (2014). Overweight and Obesity in Children and Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology, 6(3), 129-143.

Sahoo, K., Sahoo, B., Choudhury, A. K., Sofi, N. Y., Kumar, R., & Bhadoria, A. S. (2015). Childhood obesity: causes and consequences. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 4(2), 187-192.

Wang, Y., Cai, L., Wu, Y., Wilson, R. F., Weston, C., Fawole, O., … Segal, J. (2015). What childhood obesity prevention programs work? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews: An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 16(7), 547-565.

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