Responsibility in the Work Environment and at Home


The sense of responsibility is often exemplified as the practice of social authority in the course of which an individual can procure the assistance and support of other people in order to fulfill a common objective shared by them. This is applicable in both workplace and home at the same time. Some of the most important qualities in a responsible person can be enumerated as person of self-reliance, cognitive competence and awareness about the settings, workplace or home.


Responsibility may and surely does emerge in several diversified profiles and forms. Effective and first rate responsible individual do not adhere to a conventional template. However, such individuals make life easier for others in the vicinity. These criteria are not only applicable in professional life only and can be implemented in family life too making it a healthy and reliable place to stay.

Responsibility in workplace

When an individual enters the professional world, ideally, his growth and development course depends on the sense of responsibility of the person. No individual becomes an outright responsible individual at the onset of his career. Even with all willingness and inherent quality of an able employee, an individual is a follower rules and duties and this is where the need of responsibility becomes mandatory. The most significant lesson a person, who aspires to be seen in the role of a future successful employee, learns is that no matter what the objectives are, one cannot acquire all by in a day. To be a successful and efficient person one has to realize and acknowledge the fact that support of those an individual works with is of the essence under all circumstances. This is the teaching of being responsible and it is a great knowledge for success. (Cameron and Green, 113)

Responsibility in home

Regarding responsibility and family works it can be stated that since family is such a basic and vital social unit in all societies, persons of all political persuasions have at-times visceral opinions about what things promote the institution and what forces degrade it. In the United States, conservatives and liberals view family very differently. Nevertheless, the views on family responsibility have no disagreements. The primary family ideologies associated with the United States are novelty, entrepreneurial like job flexibility expertise and honesty where interpersonal relationship comes first, humility viewed as a virtue time horizon accountable by the generation, respect for seniority, astuteness and aptitude and above all the sense of responsibility. (Robertson, 56) The respected and successful individuals are always the persons who show their family values and hold the sense of responsibility on high esteem.


Apart from all the aspects mentioned in this discussion, one must remember the importance of ethics and its role in effective responsibility. Ethical perspective is immensely critical and indispensable attribute of an effectual responsible person. True sense of responsibility must encourage the surrounding to build up a set of values and guiding ideology and publicize them for the neighbors and relatives at home and customers and stakeholders to know at workplace. This has a positive impact on the ultimate outcome of a person and also spreads a positive sense across the work environment and the home at the same time. This in turn leads to better productivity of the employees and a better life for an individual.

Works Cited

Cameron, Elaine and Green, Frank. Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools & Techniques of Organizational Change. NY: Kogan Page Publishers, 2004.

Robertson, Ian. Society: A Brief Introduction. New York: Worth Publishers, Inc, 1989.

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