Rhetorical Analysis: Google Analytics App


The genre selected for the present analysis is a knowledge base article. The chosen source is a support page for Google’s Analytics application (“How can we help you?” n.d.). The intended audience is represented by the users of the Google Analytics app, which means the people who want to search, systematize, and save data on specific subjects. Thus, the representatives of the intended audience may belong to such groups as marketing specialists, company CEOs and CFOs, statistics organizations, and website optimization specialists. These users are interested in reliable information and an efficient analytics platform that will enable them to possess only verified data and operate these data in the ways they find most helpful for them.

The secondary audiences may be presented by scholars and students who need to make use of the analytical tools available in the application. Researchers might be interested in finding particular tendencies associated with some organizations, segments of their activities, and changes that occur in their processes. Students of higher educational institutions may utilize the services of Google Analytics in two cases: either to analyze the way the platform has been created and is being managed or to look for information about specific statistics required by their syllabus.

In the former case, they will be students of information technology (IT) departments, whereas in the latter case, they will be students with a financial, managerial, or economic focus of study. As well as the primary audience, these groups of users value trustworthy information and the ability to operate data quickly and efficiently. The reason why the selected audiences seem to have such values is that they are all busy and hardworking individuals who have no time to waste and can only afford reliable sources to deploy in their work or education.

Concerning the demographics of the target audience, it is viable to say that the text is suitable for both local and international issues, as well as for education-related aspects. Gender-, race-, and ethnicity-related issues, along with diverse cultural needs, are not a problem for the text users since it is universal. When it comes to technology-related issues, the product can be reached from both web and mobile devices, but it is not meant for use by differently-abled individuals.


The overall purpose of the text is to inform the users about the diversity of functions available in the application and to teach them how to set up an account and use it. The reason for such a conclusion is a substantial number of options available on the web page, such as “Set up Analytics,” “Manage accounts and users,” and “Report and analyze” (“How can we help you?” n.d.). Other important menu components are “Remarketing and audiences,” “Integrations,” “Tools,” and “App + Web Properties Beta” (“How can we help you?” n.d.).

Finally, the source also contains the options on data protection and analytics education, such as “Policies and data privacy,” “Solutions guides,” “Learn Analytics,” and “Analytics 360” (“How can we help you?” n.d.). Each of these points is further subdivided into a number of articles describing every aspect of the application in detail. Thus, the general purpose of the text is most likely to instruct and educate new users about the application and help them solve any issues they may come across while installing the app.

Along with the primary intention, the text seems to pursue a few additional goals. Firstly, the web page informs Internet users about one of the applications designed by Google, which might be interesting for programmers and IT specialists or even students who can learn about the structure of a website, its components, and the way of presenting the material to the audience. Secondly, the text shows how to arrange communication with the community, collect feedback, and help users solve their problems. Hence, the additional intentions of the text refer to educational and problem-solving aspects.


The text is located online and is a web page on Google’s support website. Hence, the text is not printed material, but it is interactive with a variety of pop-out tips and PDF files, which makes it rather convenient and easy to read the information. In case if a user has difficulty understanding some aspect of the text, there is an opportunity for them to enter an issue in a search tool and receive advice on it. Additionally, at the bottom of every page on the menu, there is a “Was this helpful?” box, with the help of which the authors collect feedback and find out which of the subpages have been the most useful for the readers.

It is fair to say that the authors intend the audience to read the text in a variety of ways. Since there are both web and mobile versions, one can read the text virtually in any environment possible. One can use it sitting at a desk at home or in an office, during a car ride (obviously, not in the driver’s seat), or comfortably lying on a sofa. Whatever option one chooses, the text’s levels of informativeness and usefulness will not be diminished. It all depends on the user’s habit of learning about new things and downloading applications, as well as on the level of one’s IT skills. If a person feels comfortable working on a tablet, he or she can download a mobile version. However, if it is easier for someone to look at a large screen and be able to take notes simultaneously, he or she will predictably select the full web version.

The colors of the text are rather neutral, which makes it easy to read everything and notice the differences between the levels of topics. Black letters on the white background are used, with blue hyperlinks to indicate that one can click on them and find additional information there. There are no images or other cultural connotations, the text being equally suitable for users from different cultures and countries.


The credibility of the author is established through its being created by the most powerful and influential technology company that specializes in a variety of products and services. There is no reason not to trust the source since Google’s Analytics application, as all other apps by the company, was created and is being monitored by Google’s professionals. The credibility of the author matters quite much since the one with a low level of trustworthiness can offer a product of poor quality, which can lead to wasted time and disastrous results.

The author has the reputation of creating clear-cut applications easy to use and maintain and allowing to ask for clarification or support in case of any misunderstandings. The text works to support this reputation by frequent suggestions to report on problems and give feedback on the product. It is not possible to identify the actual authors, but one can assume that their reputation and credibility are rather high, just as those of all Google’s team members.


The genre of the text may be defined as a knowledge base article on information technology. Since my discipline is computer engineering, I cannot say that this text is unique to my discipline. On the contrary, the genre is rather interdisciplinary since it pertains to a variety of users with different backgrounds and education. Undoubtedly, not every person could understand the text and utilize the application.

A certain knowledge base is required to become fully acquainted with the text. However, the genre, in general, may be considered interdisciplinary since many subjects include the information contained in the text. The text is similar to others in this genre since it offers knowledge on a certain subject with various details and explanations. The difference from other text within the genre is that it is located online and can be used on a laptop or a tablet rather than read in a book or a journal.

There is a number of features making the text a part of the identified genre, including linguistic aspects, design, and layout peculiarities. The text’s syntax and diction were meant to make it comprehensible for readers. Every step of the setup process is logical and easy to follow. All the words that may pose difficulty for those not entirely acquainted with terminology are further explained upon clicking on hyperlinks. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that interdisciplinary members’ needs are being met by the text to the full extent.

Concerning layout and graphics, the text is also convenient and accessible. The main page is arranged in the form of a list of aspects that are most relevant to the topic. Upon selecting any of the issues on the list, one comes across a page with a distinct layout, divided into paragraphs and subtopics with headings. To the right of the main text, the reader can find a toolbox and the help desk menu. Tables, videos, graphs, diagrams, and other numerical, textual, and representational graphics are present on the pages where appropriate and necessary. Overall, the identified features of the text allow assuming that it clearly imagines its audiences’ needs and pays all efforts possible to meet these requirements.


How can we help you? (n.d.). Support.Google. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Rhetorical Analysis: Google Analytics App." March 17, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/rhetorical-analysis-the-google-analytics-app/.


StudyCorgi. "Rhetorical Analysis: Google Analytics App." March 17, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/rhetorical-analysis-the-google-analytics-app/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Rhetorical Analysis: Google Analytics App." March 17, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/rhetorical-analysis-the-google-analytics-app/.

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