Social Facilitation Principles and American Next Top Model

America’s Next Top Model is one of the best examples of TV shows when analyzing the social standpoint. Firstly, the general goal for those who participate is to “survive” because there is typically one contestant who leaves the show at the end of the week. Turning to the show’s main premise, there is a group of perspective photo models who strive for reaching the top of the industry. The contestants travel through different locations and take part in photo-shooting for some “brand line” or “journal.” Those who had the best behavior in front of the camera may count on a bright future in the modeling industry. The country where this show was created is the USA, and it is mainly seen by the US women from different age groups and racial patterns. Usually, as this show is the most widespread in the US, the contestant’s demographics is mixed, and there can be found people of all races, age (but in most of the cases, young), and gender (Willen, 2020). This is made to increase the tolerance in this show and remain compliant with TV show requirements.

  • The basic alignment of the theory is that when a group of people takes part in some action that requires teamwork the competition, most individuals perform more effectively when doing easy tasks.
  • However, they begin failing when trying to manage the hard one, such as positioning in front of a camera in unusual situations, or staying humble when passions get high (Belletier et al., 2019).
  • The result of social facilitation and its application, which is the name of this effect, is that by gathering many people to tackle the collaborative task, only genuine professionals remain the best performance, and stay in the show until the end (Higs et al., 2019).
  • This effect also illustrates the real atmosphere during the professional photo session, and the main task is to ignore the effect to keep maximizing the personal value.


Belletier, C., Normand, A., & Huguet, P. (2019). Social-Facilitation-and-Impairment Effects: From Motivation to Cognition and the Social Brain. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28(3), 260–265. Web.

Higgs, S., Ruddock, H., & Darcel, N. (2019). People in context—The social perspective. Context, 1(1), 19–38. Web.

Willen, C. (2020). “America’s Next Top Model” is getting backlash years later as people realize there was blackface and problematic commentary on the show. Insider. Web.

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