Substance Abuse and Social Realities: A Deep Dive

Substance abuse is often considered a serious problem facing society today. Individuals who abuse various substances such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and morphine encounter difficulties accepting social realities (Gibson 16). A report released by the Harvard health institute indicated that substance abuse is high among frustrated individuals. Other literature has also demonstrated that it aggravates anger, stress, and lack of personal control.

Keane (8) is quite categorical that there is a lack of association between substance abuse and psychological well-being or happiness. To sensitize the masses against the dangers of engaging in substance abuse, adequate information is necessary so that an accurate message can be delivered.

Research questions

  • Q1: Does substance abuse reduce frustration?

In the research question above, substance abuse is a dependent variable since it relies on frustration. On the other hand, frustration is an independent variable.

  • Q2: What happens if a person continues to abuse drugs over a long period?

This research question seeks to find out the effects of substance abuse on frustration. There is a reciprocating effect on this research question. Therefore, substance abuse is indeed an independent variable while frustration is a dependent variable.

  • Hypotheses: Two hypotheses will be put forward to address the two questions.
  • Hypothesis 1 for question 1: Substance abuse does not reduce frustration.
  • Hypothesis 2 for question 2: Continual abuse of substances increases frustration.

Testing the hypothesis

Hypothesis 1

To understand that substance abuse does not reduce levels of frustration among affected individuals, it is essential to find out initial levels of frustration before engaging in substance abuse (Hanes 47). Obtaining accurate information is quite a difficult task but estimation of stress or frustration levels may greatly help in understanding the relationship between the two variables. Therefore, I will design interview questions relevant to extracting information from an interviewee.

The design questions will be critical in achieving this objective. I will then trace individuals who engaged in substance abuse due to frustration after which I will find out how their frustration levels have progressed since indulging in substance abuse. Thirdly, I will find out if substance abuse gave them the courage to face reality and solve their problems or not. If substance abuse will not show a positive correlation to handling immediate challenges and reaching a solution, there will be a direct implication that frustration levels have not reduced and hence testing and proving the hypothesis that substance abuse does not reduce frustration.

Hypothesis 2

In testing the hypothesis of the second research question, the frustration levels of individuals with substance abuse only will be taken into consideration. Numerous samples of data will be collected with a constructed scale of frustration against the time of consumption. For a given duration of consumption, frustration levels will be monitored such that a graphical representation will be provided. In the subsequent presentations of the results obtained from the study, durations of substance-abuse-time will be expected to be directly proportional to the level of frustration.

In other words, the increase in abuse time should be directly related to increased levels of frustration. If research data after analysis attest to this fact, then it will become obvious to the reader that longer times of substance abuse are responsible for increased frustrations. This will excellently test and prove the second hypothesis of the second research question.

Works Cited

Gibson, Janet. Research Methodologies, (2nd Ed). London, UK; McMillan, 2011. Print.

Hanes, Jane. Carrying out research. Houston, Texas: Wiley & Sons, 2010. Print.

Keane, Robin. Researching in Substance abuse. New York, NY: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Substance Abuse and Social Realities: A Deep Dive." January 28, 2021.

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