Technology and Communication in Today’s World


Technology is making communication easier in today’s world, but at the expense of personal contact. More and more people choose to interact from home in front of a computer screen as this type of communication allows them deal with their own business, stay at home, and talk to people who are in thousand of kilometers away.

However, many people begin to use technology for communication when they do not need it. In fact, people violate technology for communication in expense of personal interaction. Information technologies and various means for distant communication have created an opportunity to talk to those who are away, however, many people abuse this type of communication and sacrifice personal contact which is really important.

Technologies make communication easier

Culture and technology are two specific points which impact human communication. There are six main types of communication where innovation technologies are involved, intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, small group communication, organizational communication, mass communication and public communication. Each of these types does not exist independently and the collaboration is possible.

It is obvious that several years ago each of these types of communication was limited by the personal contact, telephone conversations when a person was limited by the place or letters (West and Turner 9). Nowadays, the communication at each of these levels has become easier as people can use the Internet for spreading information. For example, a company should not gather all people to make one simple announcement.

It is just necessary to send emails for all employees via corporate mail. Public and organizational boundaries in communication were the most complicated and nowadays the possibility to send the messages via information technologies make these spheres easier.

Organization managers do not have to restrict from job and deliver information to other employees. It is possible to send a message or create a video conference where all the members of the meeting will be able to express their opinion. It is easy as people save time of transportation. Moreover, all the working materials remain at hand.

Technologies create complication in communication

The Internet and various additional programs and software along with the Internet domain have created good support for distant communication and have made it easier. The Internet, by no means has simplified communication, even though it is based on too complicated programs and domain (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 165). The use of such opportunities as ICQ, Skype, Facebook, etc. helps people talk to each other no matter whether they are.

All these facilities make the communication easier, faster and more convenient. Communicating over the Internet, people are given an opportunity to think before reacting on something. Moreover, a decision may be made some time later when a person consults something or someone online (Yearwood and Stranieri 99). Therefore, it is possible to say that communication over the Internet helps people make weighted decisions.

The Internet communication is also a good opportunity to stay close to those who are not near due to some circumstances. Moreover, it is possible to see friends and relatives as the technology can deliver not only voice but a video. Isn’t it a great opportunity to feel a close location of those who live thousands of kilometers away?

However, the Internet communication also helps people hide their personalities, act in a mask and do not show their personalities living strange lives. Innovation technologies restrict communication at the same time as people do not talk to each other personally, preferring to use the Internet or the mobile phones which leave people without contact which is important for human beings (Hoven and Weckert 81).

Personal contact is important as being social beings people need this contact, they need to feel others, to feel their touch, to see their gestures, etc. Communication via written messages does not deliver the intonation, it cannot show people reaction to the words which were said. It makes the communication more difficult, in some cases people fail to understand each other and they have to explain more that takes too much time.

Human emotions while communication becomes less expressive as people understand that no one is able to see their reaction, so why should they express it? These small points make human communication more difficult and harm it. People are unable to say what they want when they talk from eye to eye. People are unable to share their emotions without smiles and other graphic supportive elements. It kills human sociability in its initial form, where people are to interact with each other. Live communication is destroyed and this is a disaster.


Therefore, it should be concluded that even though innovative technologies have made the communication easier in the terms of place and time, people feel difficulties with it. Online communication does not deliver the intonation and mimics which are important while human conversations.

The communication nowadays experiences a paradox as having become easier and faster, people do not really communicate in the terms they have to. They seem to share information without feelings. The reaction is substituted with smiles and other graphic pictures which do not reflect the real emotions. Besides, people may not feel any emotions as they do not have to show their reaction.

Works Cited

Hoven, Jeroen Van Den and John Weckert. Information Technology and Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Print.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Social Sciences for Knowledge and Decision Making. New York: OECD Publishing, 2001. Print.

West, Richard and Lynn H. Turner. Understanding Interpersonal Communication: Making Choices in Changing Times. Stamford: Cengage Learning, 2010. Print.

Yearwood, John and Andrew Stranieri. Technologies for Supporting Reasoning Communities and Collaborative Decision Making: Cooperative Approaches. New York: IGI Global, 2010. Print.

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