The Apple Products Popularity Analysis

Every time an Apple product is released, there is a frenzy of press coverage and long lines of eager customers waiting to get their hands on the newest model. I frequently purchase Apple things, like many other people. The top market rivals of Apple are Huawei, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Samsung (Mao et al., 2020). Apple has consistently outperformed its rivals in terms of customer service tactics, employing reusability and device support as important aspects of consumer culture (Rasul, 2018). Apple’s customer service team handles any problems, assuring clients they will get all the support they require for any products they buy.

Middle- and high-income consumers who are able and ready to spend more for a superior user experience are the main target market for Apple products. Apple also targets professionals in the fields of film, music, and design who need specialist applications. Due to the light weight of the products, seminaries and college students also employ the company’s offerings (Mao et al., 2020). Target customers, in turn, expect the organization to work, be consistent, and grow. When it comes to functionality, Apple is skilled at designing products that are incredibly simple to operate. A person will not need to exert much effort to learn how to use an iPhone or an iMac. Apple is a firm with a reputation for prioritizing usability when building a product (Rasul, 2018). Apple continues to develop products that perform flawlessly for every single user, even as technology advances.

Apple technology is a constant brand that changes with time, but these changes don’t take away from the company’s overall aesthetic. A corporation must continually grow to be a leader in its industry. And this does not imply that it must observe what rivals are doing and imitate them. Apple is appointing researchers and creative thinkers to advance the business and create new items that people would adore in order to suit the wants of its target market.


Mao, Y., Lai, Y., Luo, Y., Liu, S., Du, Y., Zhou, J. & Bonaiuto, M. (2020). Apple or Huawei: Understanding flow, brand image, brand identity, brand personality, and purchase intention of smartphone. Sustainability, 12(8), 3391.

Rasul, T. (2018). Social media’s growing influence on relationship marketing and corporate culture. The Journal of Developing Areas, 52(1), 261-268.

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