The Features of the Christian Approach to Medicine


Understanding the features of the Christian approach to medicine and treatments may seem complicated if the information is structured incorrectly. However, your response presented the information in a clear sequential order that fully reflects the main elements of the Christian worldview and its connection with medical ethics.


I think the organization of the information in four separate stages makes it much easier for readers to understand how illnesses can be perceived d with Christianity. Furthermore, the concluding part of your response effectively summarizes the findings and emphasizes the importance of the Christian worldview for the believers’ healing process.

Next, I think that comparing the physical and spiritual dimensions enhanced the response’s reasoning and argumentation base. While modern society is only beginning to come to the idea that any treatment requires accompanying spiritual healing, the idea that all illnesses require physical and mental cures was long acknowledged in Christianity (Stahl, 2020, p. 170). Furthermore, it is helpful that your explanation defines at which stages the physical and mental treatment takes place because it defines the moments when patients are in higher need of spiritual support. Similarly, it explains how spiritual healing can positively influence physical healing.


Lastly, featuring information about biomedical ethics in the response helps develop the reader’s knowledge about spiritual brokenness and its association with sins and punishments. While it is questionable if diseases present a form of punishment for sins, it is implied that spiritual brokenness is associated with physical brokenness (Hoehner, 2020, para. 40). Therefore, I agree with your conclusion that regaining physical health requires finding hope because it presents a form of spiritual healing which should be aligned together with physical treatment.


Hoehner, P. (2020). Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in health care. Grand Canyon University. Web.

Stahl, D. (2020). Reimagining the healing service. Theology Today, 77(2), 165–178. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2024. "The Features of the Christian Approach to Medicine." January 20, 2024.

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