The Leak of Customer Data at Bookmart

Current Situation

Internet is one of the main sources of information in the modern world. Still, there are a great many different problems that occur with the easy accessibility of the information. Information protection, in general, is considered to be one of the main problems of the modern world. The BookMart Company is the one that deals with selling CDs, books, and video virtual sites. Functioning in the e-commerce sphere, the head of the company is aware of the danger that can come from hackers and viruses. That is why the customers of the company have their personal logins and passwords, thus they can see only the information that is necessary for them. Still, it is not the highest level of safety, the company protects all personal and business information under a high level of security.

The situation that has happened in the BookMart Company is frustrating. The customer of the company rang up to BookMart’s support service and informed about the fact that the company’s site displaced the list of people’s names and their personal information with contacts and billing data. The chief information officer of the BookMart rushed to the cabinet of the vice-president of the company and explained the situation. The site of the company was closed to understand what has happened. But weeks and months can pass till the reason and scope of the disaster will be considered. The main purpose of the company managers and responsible staff should be to create a plan. This plan should be devoted to the understanding of what has happened, how it could happen, what should be done to solve the problem, and at the same time what should be done to protect the company’s positive image and not ruin it.


Before trying to solve the problem, the company should choose the criteria according to which the company will have to choose the alternatives for acting.

The company’s priorities

First of all, the company should decide the factor that is more important for it, either the income or the security of the information. In case if the income is more important for the company, the customers’ interests should not be considered. Otherwise, the company should care about the protection of the customers’ personal information and prevent the possibility of the same situation appearing.

The company’s image

The company has created a positive image and it should be considered before choosing the strategic plan for acting. It is very difficult to create a positive image of the company, especially in the highly competitive present world. The company should think about strategies that will help it save its name and do not lose customers that can shift to the other companies that offer similar services.

The chance to prevent the problem in future

Choosing an alternative for solving the problem, the company managers should think about the plan of preventing the same situation in the future. It is possible to solve the problem and do nothing else. Thus, the BookMart Company should not just solve the problem now, but it should also assume the measures for protecting the company site from illegal access in the future.

It is significant to mention that the company’s image and the direction to the customer are the main criteria that should be taken into account when choosing the strategy for solving the problem. Moreover, the customers should know that their interests will always be in the first place for the company.


Referring to the situation that has happened with BookMart, it is possible to offer several alternatives for further company development. First, the company should stop its work, close the site, and do not continue working till the whole situation will not be considered.

Second, the company should just change the security system and continue its work trying to understand what has happened in the process.

The first alternative: site closure for some time

Analyzing the first alternative, it is possible to notice that if the company will close the site and stop the work, the scope of the problem will be considered. The company will be able to understand the reasons for what has happened and will be able to prevent the same situation in the future. Still, the closure of the site for weeks or even for months will lead to a number of problems. First, the reputation and positive image of the company will be spoiled. The more time the site will be closed and the company will not function, the fewer customers will return to it in the future when the service will be renewed.

The second alternative: the continuation of the work

In case if the company will choose the second alternative, to repair the site and continue offering the services, the company risks appearing in the situation that its reputation will be spoiled absolutely, in the case when the personal information from the BookMart database will come to light. Furthermore, the continuation of the site functioning will not allow the professionals to check the main reasons why the situation became possible and what should be done to prevent it in the future. Still, there are some positive moments in choosing this alternative. The company will continue functioning, the information about the problem-solution will be placed on the site, and the customers will continue using the BookMart services.


Having checked all the advantages and disadvantages of the offered alternatives, it is significant to mention that the company should close the site for some time, at least to understand the scope of the problem and get to know whether the personal information was harmed or not. Furthermore, this step will show that the company cares greatly about the customers and the security of their personal information. Being afraid of losing some customers due to reputation ruining, the company may get higher appreciation and receive the image of the company that cares for its customers.

According to the other alternative that was offered, it should be ignored as if the company will continue its work as if nothing has happened, the customers will fail to trust it. The company will appear as a passive member of the relations and most customers will refuse to work with such a company. The positive image will be ruined once and for all.

Implementation Plan

To solve the problem, the following measures should be conducted.

First of all, the site should be closed. The company should locate the information on the site about the situation that has happened. The apology to the customers for the situation should be also located on the site. The customers should be related to the other site which should contain detailed information on the situation that has happened. Customers should know what has happened and follow the company’s actions to solve the problem.

Second, the professionals should check the system to understand the following moments:

  • When has it happened?
  • Why has it happened?
  • Who is responsible for the appeared situation?
  • What personal information was copied, if any?
  • What should be done to prevent the situation in the future?

When the information is got, the company should change the security system with the change of customers’ logins and passwords. It is obligatory to protect customers from illegal access to customers’ and company’s personal information. Only when it is absolutely safe, the company should open the site and continue its functioning. It is important to keep customers informed while problem-solving. A positive image can be created if to tell customers about the problem but assure them in the absence of any risk for them.

Plan B

Nevertheless, the other situation should be considered when all company’s attempts to save their positive image and customers’ propensity are in vain. First of all, the company should try to renew its positive image via different marketing and promotion strategies. The company should enlist other companies’ support that function in the same sphere, as the hackers’ problem is a common disaster. The other internet companies of the similar industry should locate the information on the hackers’ danger on their sites. This will help customers understand that the same situation could happen with any company. Customers should not refuse the company’s services only because of this reason.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 27). The Leak of Customer Data at Bookmart.

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StudyCorgi. "The Leak of Customer Data at Bookmart." November 27, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "The Leak of Customer Data at Bookmart." November 27, 2021.

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