Healthcare Competencies: Leadership & Ethics in Practice


Healthcare professionals should engage in continuous learning in order to develop superior competencies that can make them successful. The completed course activities have empowered me to pursue my personal and career aims. This discussion identifies and analyzes the major ideas learned from various class materials and exercises and how they can make me more effective in my future organization. Several competencies that will be put into practice are also described.

Lessons Learned

The course content has equipped me with adequate ideas that will support my future objectives. The first one is that of ethics (Collins, 2017). As a practitioner, I have understood that the rights of all patients and workmates should be respected. It is appropriate to respect the diverse needs of all people. The second attribute is that of effective communication. The studied course content has encouraged me to relate positively with other people. It is also appropriate to listen attentively, engage in problem-solving processes, and support the needs of different colleagues. Leadership is a powerful strategy that can deliver positive results and address emerging challenges. An effective nursing philosophy is important since it guides nurses to embrace evidence-based practices while at the same time remaining professional.

The undertaken exercises have equipped me with various skills that can be used to strengthen my capabilities. For instance, I have understood why practitioners should always engage in critical thinking. They should also be able to implement change successfully and focus on the changing needs of their patients (Kinicki & Fugate, 2015). The use of multidisciplinary teams has been appreciated as a powerful strategy for delivering timely medical services. Respect, charisma, empathy, and open-mindedness are meaningful attributes that have been developed after undertaking various class activities.

Personally, I believe that each of the above strengths will make me efficient and successful in my organization. Such competencies will empower me to join different groups and deliver high-quality services (Kinicki & Fugate, 2015). I will also undertake numerous leadership roles in my department or unit. This approach will make it easier for me to develop specific, measurable, and attainable goals for my team. I will also address the challenges my colleagues face using my problem-solving competencies. I will remain charismatic and empathic when focusing on the changing needs of different patients. I am planning to utilize my personal philosophy to pursue every objective and empower my patients. It will be appropriate to establish multidisciplinary teams and engage in lifelong learning. Such approaches will eventually make my organization successful.

Application of Attributes


Individuals who possess adequate leadership competencies to achieve their objectives much faster. As an employee, I will use this attribute to focus on every outlined goal. I will remain self-motivated and empowered in order to meet my patients’ health demands. The same concept will become part of my nursing philosophy. Additionally, this attribute will be applied in my unit to support the vision of the organization. This is possible because different colleagues will be guided and empowered to achieve their potential (Kinicki & Fugate, 2015). I will use my leadership abilities to introduce new changes that can make the hospital successful.

Management Skills

Medical workers should develop adequate managerial skills if they want to succeed (Kinicki & Fugate, 2015). I am planning to use such competencies to organize, plan, and execute evidence-based strategies that can deliver my goals. As a practitioner, I will manage time and resources efficiently. I will introduce new concepts and ideas that can deliver positive results. The best environment for interpersonal collaboration and decision-making will be created. I will liaise with different organizational leaders to support every caregiver’s needs. These initiatives will support my goals and those of the facility.

Code of Conduct

Employees should act in accordance with their organizations’ codes of conduct (Collins, 2017). Personally, I will engage in ethical practices, support the welfare of different patients, maintain the highest level of confidentiality, and respect the rights of my colleagues. I will also avoid malpractices such as taking bribes or misusing the organization’s resources. I should be accountable and responsible whenever completing my roles and tasks. These practices will support my career objectives. I will also acquire superior competencies that can eventually make me successful. The strategy will also support the organization’s mission and make it admirable in the region.

Ethnic and Religion

Hospitals serve individuals from diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds. As a practitioner, I will use this item to identify the cultural needs of my patients. I will also use it to develop multidisciplinary teams composed of professionals from different ethnicities. This initiative will ensure that high-quality medical services are available to all patients (Collins, 2017). Issues to do with religion will also be taken seriously when providing health care. This means that the organization will uphold people’s spiritual beliefs and eventually achieve its goals.


The completed class activities have guided me to develop adequate skills that can make me successful. The outlined leadership, ethics, managerial, and cultural competencies will make me a skilled provider of quality care. I have also decided to engage in lifelong learning in order to acquire superior competencies. My future organization will also benefit from these abilities and eventually achieve its goals.


Collins, D. (2017). Business ethics: Best practices for designing and managing ethical organizations (2nd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Kinicki, A., & Fugate, M. (2015). Organizational behavior: A practical, problem-solving approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

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