The Positive and Negative Impact of Technology on Human Life


Technology has become part and parcel of our day to day lives, human beings are heavily dependent upon technology. Mobile phones is probably the most used gadget across the globe, people rely heavily upon their mobile phones and can’t imagine even a day without their phones. There are various advantages of using technology but at the same time the use of technology makes people heavily dependent. For instance the use of calculators is very common, even for a calculation which can be done without the calculator more and more people still use a calculator for the same, this makes them lazy as well as this hampers their growth. This paper will throw light upon some aspects of the use of technology.

Evolution of computer

The evolution of computer is in front of everyone to see. Earlier there were computers which occupied a lot of space and were of little use to the people but all that gradually changed and these days we have computers which carry out various tasks within a blink of an eye. The processors have become faster and can process many tasks simultaneously. The latest technology has made life much easier than before for the human beings. There are various soft wares which help people complete important assignments. The stock markets of various countries are heavily dependent on the computers for the successful completion of their day to day activities. It is needless to say that life would be much more difficult without computers. When it comes to my perspective on technology, it is as follows:

I am very familiar with tally, MS Word, PowerPoint and a couple of other soft wares, there is no doubt that these soft wares help the students and the professionals but the same technology makes people heavily dependent which is never good. I use MS Word and PowerPoint very frequently and have found that the soft wares have got better with time, the latest soft wares are far more better than the previous soft wares. The assignments which are to be done on MS Word can be completed faster than before and same is the case with any other latest software.

Computer for recreation

Computer is also used for recreation and playing games on it is probably the most popular form of recreation. Computer Gaming industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and more and more companies are trying their best to capture the market share. EA Sports is a very popular company which is into making sports and adventure games. The FIFA series id the most widely sold by the company. FIFA is liked by so many people across the globe and I am no different. Playing games gives a person relief from all the tension in the world, it refreshes an individual and make him/her ready for the challenges ahead. It is a proven fact that playing games makes the young children sharper but playing the right games does that. The parents have to be very careful in making sure that the children make the right use of the technology, even a small mistake in this regard from the perspective of a parent can be devastating. So the computer technology is pivotal in making the children sharper. They can learn a lot by making the right use of the technology available at their disposal. The same can be proved with the help of a personal experience of mine, I have a 8 year old Nephew who is in standard 5, I noticed significant changes in him when I bough him a computer. Earlier his grades were not as good as they are now. He was very poor at Maths and Science but the introduction of a computer in his life has changes a lot of things for better. There are various soft wares on the Internet which help kids in various subjects. I just did a little bit of research and downloaded a good software for him and since then there has been no looking back. He has started getting top grades in his class in all the subjects. There is set timetable which he follows, he uses the computer for recreation too. But here again there is another perspective, the excess use of Computer has made him a little Obese, he does not like to go outside and play this has resulted in him being a little overweight. There is no doubt that the computer has helped him a lot but again if we look at the same from another angle, it is quite clear that the technology has certain disadvantages too.


Technology undoubtedly has helped people in more ways than one, this is quite clear from the examples in the paper but at the same time it has made the people excessive dependent and lazy. So the most important thing which should be kept in mind while using technology is striking a right balance. An individual must know when technology starts affecting him/her in a negative way and the individual must take steps to counter the same and if this is followed than the world would grow by a faster rate than what it is growing by now.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, October 15). The Positive and Negative Impact of Technology on Human Life.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "The Positive and Negative Impact of Technology on Human Life." October 15, 2021.

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