The Role of Family in Ancient Greece

Thee research study of the history of historical events is of great interest. Despite the fact that the history of Ancient Greece can not be called entirely reliable, since many books were lost or damaged. The main topic of interest is Greek family life, where the rules were clearly distributed among family members, and everyone was responsible for something specific. The ancient Greeks believed in many gods, and each of the gods meant a particular characteristic in life. Most of all, of all, to which many works of that time were dedicated.

For the ancient Greeks, a special place was occupied by the family and taking care of it. Thus, many people have loved ones, and the extended family plays a strong role in life (Plant ). Moreover, despite some shortcomings that are inherent in all people, the Greeks have always been proud of their family and origin. Another essential feature of the life of the ancient Greek people was religion. This aspect of life still has an imprint on every person.

As the source emphasizes, there was an extraordinary, almost divine attitude towards the woman. The ancient Greeks regarded a woman as intelligent and beautiful. It was also highlighted that only with respect from the wife’s side it is possible to preserve well-being. However, if a woman cheated on her husband, then she sleeps separately, and then either get kicked out of the house altogether, and Tom takes everything under control. Another valuable mention of ancient Greece is the principle of caring for parents, regardless of age. In the same way, child education takes place following the example of the treatment of a woman.

Work Cited

Plant, Ian. Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome. 2019. An Anthology.

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