The Walt Disney Company’s Organizational Culture


Organizational culture is a multifaceted phenomenon that is also difficult to define. Generally, it consists of the elements that can characterize an organization’s beliefs and values, as well as its key practices and principles (Warrick, 2017). The Walt Disney Company (2019) vocally upholds the significance of creativity, but its practices are mindfully constructed to benefit its stakeholders, which shows that people are another central concept of the company’s organizational culture.

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Indeed, creativity is a vital concept for Disney, but it is always discussed from the perspective of people. For example, according to its website, Disney’s mission is to “entertain, inform, and inspire” (Walt Disney Company, 2019, para. 1). This statement encapsulates Disney’s focus on creativity and its clients. Disney has also been using the four imperatives of “Dream, Believe, Dare, Do” in instructing its employees (Capodagli & Jackson, 2016, p. 10).

This statement shows that new ideas have always been at the core of Disney’s organizational culture (Capodagli & Jackson, 2016; Sandlin & Garlen, 2017). However, it also indicates Disney’s attention to its employees, who are the ones to dream and act.


Another element of the company’s culture, which is its management principles, can further prove this perspective. The Walt Disney Company (2017) has four main principles. The first one is integrity, which is defined as one’s commitment to Disney’s standards and rules. The second one is trust; it consists of one’s commitment to clients and is expressed by protecting their privacy and safety. The third one is teamwork, which stands for commitment between employees. Finally, honesty is reflected in the company’s commitment to the shareholders. The principles demonstrate Disney’s dedication to its stakeholders, who enable its mission of fostering creativity, which connects the two central values of Disney.


Capodagli, B., & Jackson, L. (2016). Disney way: Harnessing the management secrets of Disney in your company (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Sandlin, J., & Garlen, J. (2017). Magic everywhere: Mapping the Disney curriculum. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 39(2), 190-219. Web.

Walt Disney Company. (2017). Standards of business conduct. Web.

Walt Disney Company. (2019). About

Warrick, D. (2017). What leaders need to know about organizational culture. Business Horizons, 60(3), 395-404. Web.

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