Van Gogh’s Art Appreciation: Starry Night

Art has always been one of the most complex subjects of human perception due to the multiplicity of concepts encoded in a single detail of an artwork. Some researchers believe that the idea embedded in the painting by the author should be considered by the recipient before the appreciation for...

Edward Hopper’s “Nighthawks”

Analysis and Reflection Name of the painting: “Nighthawks” Name of the artist: Edward Hopper Date created: 1942 Image of the painting: Edward Hopper is an outstanding American artist whose unique style vividly depicted the realities and specific features of American life in the middle of the 20th century. The time...

”The Tempest” Performance in St. Louis Review

Introduction Plays are written to be performed on stage, although it may be fascinating and enjoyable to read them as works of literature. However, when watching a theatrical performance, one may get emotions different from those which could be gained from reading. Moreover, impressions of performances of the same play...

Artistic Works: Genres and Examples

The division of artistic works into genres is a widespread classification applicable to any piece, and it covers all the possible forms of portraying reality. Its use facilitates the assessment of cultural products and the transmittance of the intended message through the means inherent in it. Hence, the analysis of...

The Mystery of the Mona Lisa: Who Was the Woman Behind the Painting?

Introduction Is there a painting that has received wider publicity and acclaim than Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa? I do not think so. Other than the masterful artistry that went into its making, the Mona Lisa has an intriguing past that makes it all the more interesting. The Mona Lisa...

The Concept of “Pop Art” in the Culture

Pop art can be viewed as a unique phenomenon that combines different trends peculiar to the modern world. First of all, it started to serve as a commodity and can be sold to generate value. Second, pop art reflects the evolution of business and is often used as a method...

Basilica Julia and Temple of Divus Augustus

Basilica Julia and the Temple of Divus Augustus were two monumental structures situated near one another in the valley of the Roman Forum. At present, the remains of Basilica Julia contain some fragments of the floors and a column from its initial construction; Temple of Divus Augustus’ remains are unavailable....

The “Hand” Drawing by Charles White

For this assignment, I have decided to choose a painting by Charles White which is called “Hand.” This and other paintings of this artist can be found on the official website of Jerald Melberg Gallery that is situated in Charlotte, North Carolina. This painting was the one that attracted my...

The Social Aspects Affecting Faith Ringgold’s Art

Introduction In the words of a great artist, “You can’t sit around and wait for somebody to say who you are. You need to write it and paint it and do it” (Ringgold). Faith Ringgold is one of the most well-known representatives of the modern African American creative community. Her...

Romeo and Juliet: The 2019 Version Play Review

Romeo and Juliet is one great historic story that is set on tragic romance. The 2019 version of the original play depicts much energy and character amongst the cast. This is seen from the onset of the play where the trapdoors burst open and from underneath the first two performers,...

Development of the Museum as an Institution

The concept of an institution requires that there is a mutual agreement on what kind of solutions are used to respond to the problems that arise as a part of everyday societal needs. To be more specific, the term “institution” could be related to either private or public organisms intended...

Reflection – What Is Art?

Art has always been used to prompt reflection in viewers by embodying the artist’s emotions and concerns. Controversial art is shocking and scandalous, as it pushes the boundaries of social consciousness to their limits. An example of a controversial artwork is the installation My Bed by Emin, created in 1998...

Jenifer Wofford “Flor 1975” Poster

Jenifer Wofford, a contemporary artist from San Francisco, has created a series of works dedicated to Flor Villanueva, an imaginary immigrant from the Philippines. The drawings were initially outlined in ink and later colored and positioned in a photo editor. They show a Filipino nurse who moved to the US...

“Much Ado About Nothing” by William Shakespeare

Much Ado About Nothing is a well-known comedy play by William Shakespeare dating back to the end of the sixteenth century and was first printed in 1600. It is predominantly written in the format of prose, while the substantial verse sections allow one to reach a sense of decorum during...

Symbolism of the “Bechdel Family” by Alison Bechdel

Introduction Literary works require consideration through the lens of various techniques used by their authors, and in the case of “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic,” symbolism is essential. In the book, the author, Alison Bechdel, narrates about her childhood and relationship with her father with the use of a variety...

Art Reflection Paper: Drawing vs. Photograph

For every individual, inspiration arises from different things; however, what is common to everybody is that it gives an artist an idea and enthusiasm and triggers the process of creation. It is difficult to predict where inspiration may lead the creator: it can result in the immediate image of the...

Romeo and Juliet Play at Globe Theater in 2019

The theatrical production of Romeo and Juliet at Globe Theater 2019 is a contemporary example of postmodern art. The proof of this statement is the mixture of styles shown to the audience. The modern theater is increasingly striving for experiments, and individual interpretations of certain directors are often expressed in...

”The Critique of Art Criticism” by Buchmann & Grow

Social discrimination issues and art criticism are intrinsically interconnected, reflecting each other. In their article, Buchmann and Graw (2019) explore the criticism’s fundamental predicament, which they define as its participation in the value production, and identify the need for it to distance itself from the market values. The article looks...

Is Art Beneficial or Distracting in the Religious Context?

Since the time immemorial, the art has served as one of the primary methods of world exploration, a way of spiritual expression and a sanctuary of beautiful. The art’s connection with the religion is especially significant. While some of the world’s greatest minds perceive the art as the way to...

Mona Lisa: Meaing in Modern Life

Mona Lisa, also known as La Gioconda, is an oil on wood painting by Leonardo da Vinci, dated 1503. It depicts the wife of Francesco del Giocondo and is currently owned by the Government of France. The painting is one of the vital treasures of the Louvre in Paris (Figure...

The Parinirvana of Siddhartha Sculpture and Its Religious Aspects

One of the fundamental aspects of Buddhism is meditation. It allows people to concentrate on the current moment and notice the tiniest details of what is happening around them. This is a complex skill that requires patience and time, but its development allows people to be more balanced and conscious...

Warrior With Trophy Head Sculpture and Its Value

Abstract The tradition of figural sculpture that emphasizes the role of warriors presents significant research opportunities, especially in the context of Costa Rican art, the history of which relies heavily on militarism. Warrior with Trophy Head is a sculpture depicting a helmeted warrior holding a trophy head in the right...

Stephanie Syjuco’s Art Installation “Raiders” Analysis

The RAIDERS installation by Stephanie Syjuco is an example of how the art of the past can today be transformed into the art of the present, using modern technologies. She created two-dimensional replicas of the ancient Asian vases, utilizing the images that she found on the Internet. I believe she...

Artist Role in Twilight: Los Angeles and The Day of The Locust

Real-life with its dramatic events was always an object for real art which aimed to reflect the comprehensive tragedy happening now and then in a world around. Were those events of a large scale, such as war, epidemic, famine or were they of a local dimension, such as political and...

Photography Art: A Girl on a Bridge on Lake Garda

Reflection Photographs give information on what real-life scenarios look like away from human influence. In this case, a sketched photo of a girl on a bridge on Lake Garda is compared to that taken in real life. The picture shows a vast scene of an unending sea and a girl...

“Warrior With Trophy Head”: Analysis of the Piece of Art

Introduction Ancient people have not left a wide range of resources about their lifestyle. Modern people know a measurable number of written memorials, so archeological artifacts appear to be the most informative method of acquiring knowledge about ancient cultures. They involve architecture and sculpture, which specifics can be helpful in...

Edvard Munch’s Biography

According to research Edvard Munch was born on 12 December 1863 in a town known as Loten found in Norway. He was the son of a military doctor who was well known as Christian Munch. Edverd did spend most of his life time in Kristiana or Oslo, the capital city...

Visual Analysis – Editorial Cartoon

The student debt crisis raises an increasing concern in different segments of the USA society mainly because it places the enormous financial burden on both a distinct individual and the USA budget. The fierce debates primarily revolve around effective solutions on how to repay or reduce the debt and make...

Mona Lisa: What’s Special for Advancing Portraying Techniques

Mona Lisa is a portrait of a young woman, one of the most famous works of art in the world, which refers to the Renaissance and is exhibited in the Louvre (Paris, France). Full name of the painting is the Portrait of Madonna Lisa del Gioconda. The author of Mona...

John Gast’s Painting “American Progress”

John Gast’s painting “American Progress” (1872) is linked to the subject of manifest destiny. It was a political concept that first appeared in 1845 and became a part of the American foreign policy narrative in a relatively short period of time, managing to live through centuries, to some point reflecting...

Artist Profession: Relationship to Drawing

Michelangelo, The Painter It is often assumed that only a person who is very fond of art, in general, is engaged in the work of an artist. Part of this opinion is because drawing is often a hobby in the eyes of ordinary people. However, an artist’s work is hard,...

Art and Society: The Medieval Art

At all historical stages of development, art performed a number of ideological and educational functions. Society forms a “social order” in relation to art, which expresses the tastes and interests of various social segments. Art makes an undeniable contribution to the development and formation of the social system. Its influence...

The Role of Photography and Views on War

War has always been an integral part of human society. Since the emergence of civilized societies, it has been one of the major tools of foreign policy, and multiple nations fought to protect their lands, interests, or acquire better living conditions. The importance of this phenomenon and its significant impact...

“She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms” by Nguyen

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many issues to the world, while the theatre industry has demonstrated that it is possible to overcome every challenge with the help of creative decisions. Baylor University’s production of the play She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms that have been staged in 2020 is a suitable...

Edgar Degas: Ballerinas and Complex Portraits

About the Artist It was planned that he would become a history painter, but before he became famous, Edgar Degas changed his mind and decided to work in another style. Today, the artist is well-known for his depictions of ballerinas and psychologically complex portraits (Edgar Degas: The Complete Works). Degas...

“The Watch” by Gerald Murphy

The work under consideration in the following paper named “Watch” (Fig. 1) is completed by Gerald Murphy in 1925. It is accomplished in oil on canvas with dimensions of 199.39 x 200.36 centimeters. Currently the picture can be found in Dallas Museum of Art. The main themes of the paper...

Is Ornament Necessary in Architecture?

A famous and talented architect Adolf Loos considered simplifying various architectural objects his primary purpose. In his well-known essay “Ornament and Crime,” he suggested achieving a four-hour working day and easier shifts by removing ornament, and though many architects agreed with him, this idea has never been brought to life....

Vincent Willem Van Gogh: Life and Creativity

Vincent Willem van Gogh is a Dutch artist born on March 30, 1853, in Groot Zundert in the North Brabant province of Noord-Brabant, bordering Belgium. Memories of the famous artist about the beginning of life were sad, the childhood time was associated with darkness, coldness, and emptiness. The period of...

Shakespeare’s The Tempest in the Savage Rose Theater

A comprehensive assessment of a theatrical performance is a convenient mechanism for gaining new experiences about which elements of a spectacle deserve particular attention and can influence the impression of what viewers see. As an object of evaluation, I have chosen the online play The Tempest created by the ingenious...

Photography Impacts on Cultural Identity of Native Americans in America

Introduction The photos of Native Americans often turn out to be disadvantageous to the appearance of the indigenous Americans, especially in this era of photography. The delineations often propagate undesirable stereotypes and characters about them. Numerous elements of their beliefs, including the private devout rituals, emanated from the photographs. Hitherto,...

Famous Artists of the 18th Century: Jacques-Louis David’s Life

Jacques-Louis David is one of the most famous artists of the 18th century, not only for his art but also for the participation in France’s revolutionary movement. He was born in Paris in 1748, and throughout his life, he was a supporter of neoclassicism, which was reflected in his work...

The Definition of Art and Visual Art

I do not consider a beautifully made tool a work of art because the intention for its creation is dissimilar from producing an art object. In my view, art serves the purpose of communicating the author’s thoughts through the objects that he or she creates. I do not think that...

“Fall Tiling” by Warren Chang

The painting of the famous contemporary American artist Warren Chang “Fall Tilling” is exhibited in the Monterey Museum of Art. This narrative artwork, painted in 2010, depicts typical agricultural workers who are tilling the soil in Monterey County, California. This portrayal of common people doing their daily work in the...

Representation of Colombian Marginal Life in “The House of Maria Duque” by Botero

Introduction The quality of an artwork is hard to evaluate, and the importance of doing so may seem doubtful. In contemporary art history, a sort of agreement has formed upon the subjectivity of art perception, which does not establish the existence of a finite interpretation and allows the existence even...

Claude MacKay and the Harlem Renaissance

It might be assumed that the Harlem Renaissance is among the brightest and noticeable movements of the first half of the 20th century. It emphasizes the peculiarities and struggles of African American culture that are vital to know and understand to gain an in-depth comprehension of the phenomenon. Claude McKay,...

Egyptian Art: A Form of Entertainment or a Source of Purpose

Introduction It is undoubtedly true that ancient societies have a significant impact on the contemporary world. Millions of people all over the globe are excited about discovering new pieces of art and architecture. Artists receive their inspiration and motivation from their unknown ancestors, intending to refine works created during ancient...

Time Line: Design Examples

Introduction The examples of design works that will be provided below in chronological order can be discussed as closely related to each other. They illustrate various approaches to combining textual and graphic components in one work that were used during different time periods. Examples of such works include illuminated manuscript...

Defining and Redefining Art: Discussion of the Problem

Introduction Defining abstract concepts, such as beauty, art, success, family, is often connected with uncertainty and multiplicity of meanings. Different understanding of the people may shape their interpretation in numerous ways. In the case of the concept of art, there are several interrelated definitions of it established by society. Reviewing...

Simplification Is the Best Way to Express Ideas

The material presented during the five week really impressed me. All visual art covers the main problems of our reality. Looking at the picture or digital video we begin to understand really important things. Nevertheless, the way of our understanding differs from the other people’s point of view. We observe...

Art History. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

Title: The Mona Lisa (La Gioconda) Artist: Leonardo da Vinci Date: c. 1503–1506, probably continuing until c. 1517 Culture: European Art, Italian Renaissance Scale: 77 cm × 53 cm (30 in × 21 in) Subject Mona Lisa depicts a young woman sitting in an upright position in a piece of...

Modern Art Surrealists and Abstract

Surrealism brings out the art in its purest form and this is an advantage as the imaginations of the artist are candidly expressed rather than their rational thoughts. Freud in expressing his averments on Surrealism intimates that art under this direction is used to express the hidden or pressed feelings...

Daphne Odjig Paintings: Art and Style

Introduction The problems of indigenous people in the context of the ethnic revival process activation, the spread of the ideas of multiculturalism as an integral characteristic of a modern legal state are gaining increasing political importance. In this regard, the experience of a country such as Canada, due to some...

Proposal on Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth

I chose the painting Christina’s World because of the strong emotional appeal I think it has. It impressed me very much when I saw it for the first time. The painting was printed in an art book that I was reading, and the moment I opened to the page where...

Analysis of Lee Friedlander’s Photographs

Friedlander is famous primarily for his street photography – raw, real, brazen. Lee Friedlander’s photos are like music, and that music is jazz. Through a few notes, previously nonexistent space is built up, beginning to live its own closed and self-sufficient life. In the free improvisation of light spots, the...

Olafur Eliasson’s Exhibition: Aesthetic Strategies and Interpretive Approach

Olafur Eliasson’s Exhibition The unique relationship between an artist and an artwork is largely defined by the idea lying at the foundation of an art piece, as well as the unique perspective and the tools that the artist adopts to convey the idea in question. The message behind Olafur Eliasson’s...

Paleolithic Cave Art: The Use of Irregular Grounds

People are undoubtedly a part of the animal world, but they are somewhat beyond it as they are capable of reflecting it in diverse forms. Paleolithic cave art can be seen as one of the first attempts to reflect on the world around them and reveal it in some ways....

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Performance: Cultural Experience

For this assignment, I have chosen to examine the 2014 York College theatre’s rendition of a classic Shakespearian piece, Midsummer Night’s Dream. The performance took place in Milton G. Bassin Performing Arts Center, in Jamaica, Queens. This particular facility is affiliated with the York College and works with the aim...

The Engraving “The Great Wave” by Hokusai

The selected object for this podcast analysis was Hokusai’s The Great Wave, a famous print of art from 19th century Japan. I chose this object as I have seen the art in various media forms numerous times, and although I was aware that it originated in Japan, I had little...

Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches by Creswell

The quality of the introduction is of great importance for any piece of academic writing just as for any piece of writing in general. In his book Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, Creswell offers a variety of practical information on how to achieve great results in the...

“Jar With Figures and Faces” Moche Culture

It is not always easy for a person of the 21st century to understand the meaning of artworks that come from foreign cultures and nations. According to Trever (2019), the Moche civilization was one of the representatives, the works of which “appear to modern eyes as a grotesque curiosity” (23)....

Pablo Picasso’s “The Old Guitarist” and the Concept of Life Journey

Every person is faced with a creative or professional crisis at some stage in their life. The nature of these events is diverse, as well as their further influence on individual development. The Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso has influenced my personal life and career, as it symbolizes the movement...

The Theme of Jealousy in Relationships Reflected in Art

Jealousy is one of the strongest emotions which is often portrayed in the arts. It often causes people to experience a wide range of feelings, from insecurity to fear of rejection and anxiety. Jealousy is a destructive emotion that has the power to ruin relationships and threaten the trust between...

Museums in United States and Overseas

Introduction While researching museums in the U.S and other countries overseas, I came across quite a number. Museums are of great significance in people’s lives as they act as both recreational and educational centers. In this paper, I am going to discuss two museums that one can visit in the...

The Twilight Vision Exhibition and Tsara and Brenton’s Essays

Photographs have hidden meaning Photographs have been known to contain hidden “meaning” (Dowler; Kelsey, Stimson, 1). It is even at times “hard” to understand the meaning of photography (Hossaini). The main idea propagated in the Brenton reading is that of imagination. Imagination is a very important aspect in the event...

“Meditating Female Shaman Effigy”: Formal Analysis

One of the characteristics of Native Americans is the intention to live in harmony with nature. As a result, many artworks of the Ancient Americans before the 1500s were devoted to the theme of spiritual connection between humans and nature, and the role of shamans was underlined. In this paper,...

Japanese Painting Styles and Their Development

Japanese art can be acclaimed as having its unique style and special spirit inspiring by its sophistication and fineness which can be hardly confused with anything else in the world. Japan is especially known for its three styles of painting which are yamato-e, sumi-e, and ukiyo-e. These styles developed as...

Development of the Figure in Ancient Greek Art

Throughout history, Greek and Roman Empires have been considered to be the origin of Western culture. The art from these times lies at the foundation of the modern ideals of beauty, perfection, rationale, and balance. The rise and fall of Greece shaped a unique approach to artistic forms. This essay...

Review of Paper Routes Exhibition

One of the art missions is to express public opinion and draw attention to acute social problems through vivid and memorable images. Some art people use shocking images or performances to demonstrate the imperfection and cruelty of reality. However, other artists express their ideas by helping viewers see the beauty...

Meaning of the Dadaist Disgust

Introduction Dadaism is a cultural movement that was initiated in Zurich, Switzerland. It is a nihilist movement of arts that thrived mainly in France, Switzerland, and in Germany from around 1916 to1920 (Ades 2006). The movement was based on the ideologies of illogicality, anarchy, and scorn, in addition, this movement...

Arts of Italian and Northern European Renaissances

Art is a very wide discipline that is used to convey messages in current communities or remind people of how things used to be some years back. Through art, the current generation can learn the culture of earlier generations. The future generations will also be able to know the culture...

“Three Women” by Joan Miro

Joan Miro is a well-known surrealistic artist earning his international acclaim for a series of self-portraits written during varied periods of his mastership. The collection of the National Gallery of Art is furnished with his numerous works. One of them is Three Women. It was completed by Joan Miro in...

“Not Mad”: Totally New and Fresh Remake of “King Lear”

Introduction On Friday, July 31, 2015, I had the pleasure of watching the Not Mad show directed by Matt Hune. The event took place at 1210 Stanford Street, in Houston, Texas, the location of the Hune Company’s Living Room. It started at 8 PM and lasted for 50 minutes without...

“Eugene Onegin” Opera by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin is an adaptation of Alexander Pushkin’s novel of the same name. The book consists of eight chapters, each of which is composed of stanzas written in verse (Doran 7). Pushkin’s book has been praised for vivid storytelling and innovative approach to structure (Doran 10). The...

Henry Moore: Study of the Family Through the Prism of the Artist’s Works

Henry Moore During this study, we have analyzed various artists and their works. There is a significant relationship between artists and their works. Different factors influence the works of different artists. In this study paper, we take an insight into Henry Moore’s pieces of art. Just as other artists of...

“The Horses of Pech Merle” Ancient Painting

The painting selected for discussion is called the horses of Pech Merle. It is located in the caves of Pech Merle in France. The cave contains other fascinating works of prehistoric art but the spotted horses are the most famous ones. The painting is dated approximately 25,000 BCE (“The Horses...

The School of Athens as Renaissance Art Embodiment

The Renaissance is the period of European history, characterized by significant progress in sciences and humanities, as well as philosophy. This has been reflected in all forms of art, including music, painting, literature and architecture. Originating in Italy, the Renaissance took inspiration from the Greek and Roman antiquity and coupled...

Parallel and Serial Search and Monocular Depth Cue

According to Wolfe, et al.,( 2008) a visual search exercise is normally measured by the length of time the search takes. When only a single feature of the target is different from the distractors, the time spent identifying the target is the same regardless of the number of distractors. This...

Sistine Chapel Style and Attitude

Michelangelo created the frescoes for the Sistine Chapel over four years from 1508 to 1512. These paintings are considered some of the most influential works of Renaissance art. They depict several Biblical plots: the Creation of the Heavens and Earth, The Creation of Adam and Eve, the Expulsion from the...

Zoe Leonard Works – Analogue Photo Series

Introduction Zoe Leonard has been very creative in her photography art though her works were ignored for quite sometime before they begun gaining recognition. Her works are critical in assessing the disappearing face of the 20th century lifestyle of the urban centres. They also highlight the increased obsolescence that non-digital...

Pre-Columbian Art: Mexican Wall Relief

The Mexican Wall Relief accomplished in the limestone around 795 will be addressed in the following paper. This excellent artwork belongs to the art of Maya and can be acclaimed as a traditional piece of Maya art addressing religious themes along with authority adoration ideas. Evaluating this relief, it can...

Duke Ellington and Francis Bacon: Comparative Analysis

Duke Ellington Duke Ellington was an American composer and performer. He was born on April 29, 1899. At this period of time, the Wright Brothers were trying to build the first sustained flight with a powered, controlled aircraft. Aviation history can be found online Aviation history, no date. Black people...

Development of Humanities and Its Impact on World

Important works of Art and Written Text The period between 1800 to 2000 BC was characterized by great development in the world of arts. Many works of art, which included paintings and written texts, came into being at this time. However, there were three most important works of art, and...

Opera in 19th Century

Opera in America’s past often conjures up old-fashioned, Victorian images of ample divas poised in extravagant settings. This larger than life musical genre elicits memories of a Tristan and Isolde singing their glorious love duet but too fat to embrace convincingly; an Aida richly costumed despite her slave status; foreign,...

Jasper Francis Cropsey Schatacook Mountain Painting

Introduction The Schatacook Mountain, Housatonic Valley, Connecticut painting is a product of Jasper Francis Cropsey who was born in February 18, 1823 in Rossville, Staten Island, New York. His style of painting was significantly under the influence of his upbringing, bearing in mind that he grew up in the countryside....

Art & Culture. Monet’s Waterlilies & Hirst’s Shark

Introduction In the modern-day world of prevailing dynamism, that is moving from progress to greater progress, or better said, beauty to higher beauty in an endless motion, underneath all ostensible pandemonium and bewilderment. The trend, which dominates the globe, is its demonstration of orderliness and maintenance, which display their external...

Dada, Surrealist Movement and Artistic Production

Introduction Dadaism or the Dada movement was a cultural movement which originated in Switzerland. Although it began during the First World War, it reached its peak between 1916 and 1922. (Wood & Frascina, 173) It not only included art theories and manifestos and visual art but also poetry, theatre, literature...

Chinese Calligraphy: Zha Shibiao and Mao Xiang

Introduction The works of Chinese calligraphers of the late 17th century are rather fascinating and well-shaped in their details. The main message is implied in the delivery of Chinese mature style that was particular to dynasties of Ming and Qing. In this respect the deepest desire of mine was to...

Philippe Starck. Designer’s Interview and Response

Philip Patrick Starck is, probably, one of the best of the best designers known for his mastership in patterning and reshaping everything, from a toothbrush to a spaceship. In this respect the interview given by Philip Stark to the Die Zeit newspaper catches an eye of a mature observer. The...

Guided Tour of Early Christian And Byzantine Art

Introduction Byzantine art refers to the art that originated from Byzantine Empire. This empire resulted from the division that occurred in the Roman Empire, splitting the empire into two halves; the Eastern and the Western empire. This splitting also affected Italy since some parts of Italy fell under Byzantine rule....

Visit to the Museum of Figurines on Wheels

A museum is a nonprofit making organization that is established in a certain locality and dedicated to serving society. It contains a collection of exhibits of animals and artwork. These exhibitions are used for various purposes such as education, enjoyment and research work. In addition, they help people to appreciate...

TV Buddha Artwork and Iconography

Introduction The term Buddha refers to the most respected form of religious and philosophical spirit in the Asian continent. On the other hand, TV Buddha is an artwork interpreted by a famous Video artist whose name was Nam June Paik. Wardrip-Fruin & Montfort (127) noted that “the artwork consisted of...

Shirley Gorelick and Principals of Design

Shirley Gorelick (1924-2000) was one of the most prominent female artists of the 20th century. This American painter developed a distinctive realist style that enabled her to create “penetrating psychological portraiture” (Hottle). Gorelick studied at Brooklyn College and Columbia University. The artist’s early work was affected by surrealism, cubism, and...

‘Girl With a Pearl Earring’ and ‘Girl With a Wine Glass’ by Vermeer

Introduction The paintings ‘Girl with a pearl earring’ and ‘Girl with a wine glass’ are examples of the most famous works of Dutch painter, Johannes Vermeer. The ‘Girl with a pearl earring’ is believed to be one of his most brilliant works. In addition to this, it is widely believed...

San Francisco Photograph by George R. Lawrence

This photograph is a daguerreotype of San Francisco taken right after the 1906 earthquake and fire. The photographer, George R. Lawrence, used kites to get photos of San Francisco after the quake. He specialized in large formats and designed his cameras. Amazingly, he got this shot with no plane and...

“The Color Landscape” by Kayne

The story of color landscape talks about a photographer who through a process upgraded or developed from taking white and black pictures, to a level of not only taking colored pictures but also being a teacher of photography in several schools and colleges. The story began when the author was...

Inuit Art: The “First Goose of the Spring” by Houmak

Introduction to eskimo art In the words of the renowned folklorist Henry Glassie, “All art is an individual’s expression of culture. Cultures differ, so art looks different” (Rafferty 78). This is essentially true in the case of the Eskimo art which has captured the world’s imagination by virtue of its...

Setting Description Within a Dramatic Plot

The delicious restaurant is situated on a very busy street in the town center. On its left-hand side is a mosque and on the right an entertainment club which makes no apologies for the loud noise it makes every evening. It is relatively large compared to the restaurants within its...

‘Turismo’ Artwork by Judi Werthein

Through several strategies of implementation and technique, art has become a great source of social change and influence with the primary material of this deviation coming from the person-to-person exchanges, relations, and participations. ‘Turismo’ is the name given to the photography technique and installation created, developed, and displayed by the...

Artwork Through the Prism of Civilizations

Art is a very wide discipline and it has evolved into many stages since the start of the existence of mankind on earth. Art can be into two major categories: Auditory art which consists of any artwork that can be heard and visual art which includes all artwork that can...

Acting Out “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”

Cast of characters: Dorothy; Witch; Little Men; Narrator. Narrator: After a terrible cyclone, Dorothy woke up in her house turned upside down in some strange land. It was a country of marvelous beauty. Dorothy stood up to see the land. She went outside her home and began to look around....

Procurement Management: Selecting Your Wedding Photographer

Now that Team B has been selected as the wedding consultant, this paper will provide a briefing of the factors that should be taken care of in the process of soliciting, selecting, negotiating with, and launching the wedding photographer. The light shall be shed upon this four-stage project from the...

Ana Mendieta’s Works Analysis

This research work aims to analyze the works of a famous Cuban-American artist, Ana Mendieta. In particular, we need to focus on such issues as the dominant motifs in her photographs, sculptures, and performances. Secondly, it is of the crucial importance to trace the sources of artistic influence, and the...

Examination of Pablo Picasso’s Painting ‘Les Demoiselles D’Avignon’

In the textbook Understanding Art (2000), author Lois Fichner-Rathus argues that the purpose of art is for people to understand themselves better and to preserve a sense of history. She says, “It is in the sciences and the arts that we strive to weave our experiences into coherent bodies of...

French Landscape Painting: Main Artists

Much of the art of France in the first part of the 19th century was dominated by the academic schools of the Academy, the School of Fine Arts and the Salon. A great deal of the accepted artistic approach either followed the example of Ingres or that of Delacroix. Ingres...

Piet Mondrian. Works Comparison From Naturalistic to Neo-Plastic

Art is an essential part of people’s life. Art relaxes and fills our souls with feelings of beauty and peace. There are a lot of artists whose masterpieces people have been admiring for many years and continue to admire now. Artist is a part of his painting. We may see...

Photography’s Effects on Modern Art

Since its invention, photography has been hailed by the masses as one of the best means of bringing the rest of the world to the public, affording them views of far-away places and peoples they would never have known about otherwise. The public appearance of the photographic process in 1839...

North American Indian Native Art

Introduction Indians is the name of the indigenous population of America (with the exception of the Eskimos and Aleuts). The name arose from the erroneous submission of the first European navigators, who considered that they discovered transatlantic land of India. Scientists have begun to interest the Indians, as soon as...

Japoniste Influence on Impressionist Art

The world of the Impressionists was one in which all types of art forms were explored to discover the best means of rejecting the machines of the Industrial age and emphasizing the human emotional reaction to the natural forms and shapes discovered in the non-fabricated world. As a result of...

Michelangelo’s Famous Sculpture “David”

Introduction Nowadays, it does not take a whole lot for just about anyone to claim itself being an “artist”, simply because the very definition of the term “art” became the subject of numerous interpretations. Nevertheless, it is namely the art pieces associated with Greek-Roman antiquity and with the time of...

“Untitled” by Smith and Marden’s “3 Hydra Rocks”

The painting Untitled by Smith is incomparable for its use of space all over the canvas and the application of dimension in form of space is unique. Smith’s Untitled is Color screenprint, 57 x 76.8 cm (22 7/16 x 30 1/4 in). She made space speak a language and narration...

Columbia Tribute Sculpture by Chakaia Booker

Columbia tribute sculpture is a sculpture done by Ms. Chakaia Booker in the year 2006 and placed in the custody of the NASA Art program, to commemorate the lost space shuttle Columbia, on 1st February 2003. The sculpture is done mainly from rubber cut from tire remnants sourced from Columbia’s...

Mayan Art: A Codex-Style Vase and a Plate

The culture of Maya civilization remains one of the biggest questions of the modern scientific world. Having been developed in cultural and scientific spheres, Maya civilization was destroyed and did not remain till our time, except some materials evidences of its existence, sculptures, buildings, paintings, and ceramics. Considering Maya art,...

Influential Leonardo and His Significant Contributions

It may seem strange to look to someone so far back in history as a historical figure with the ability to influence others still. Still, the formation of Leonardo da Vinci continues to inspire me. He lived during a time in which there was a renewed focus on the symbolism...

Society in Leonardo Da Vinci, Goya and Hirst Works

Introduction In the modern-day world of prevailing dynamism, that is moving from progress to greater progress, or better said beauty to higher beauty in an endless motion, underneath all ostensible pandemonium and bewilderment. The trend, which dominates the globe, is its demonstration of orderliness and maintenance, which display their external...

The Phantom of the Opera: A Performance Review

The art of stage performance has been attracting people since times immemorial, appealing to their imagination and evoking an emotional response that nurtures the sensitive part of human beings. To fulfill its complex esthetical purpose, the stage sets extremely high demands both for the ones performing on it and for...

Michelangelo and Later Renaissance Art

The world know Michelangelo as a Renaissance painter, poet and architect. All his works without exception are masterpieces of art that inspired many other artist of that period. Anyway, his real talent was brightly revealed in art of sculpture. As a sculptor, Buonarroti created numerous chef d’oeuvres that became the...

Painting the Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

The Birth of Venus is a complex structure realized by deciphering meanings in multiple elements of the painting. In the most general sense, the primary objective of the art as such is perception and reflection of existing and subconscious reality. In practice, various genres and trends of art often intermingle...

Jackson Pollock’s Painting “Convergence”

The creative activity of Jackson Pollock raised much criticism and doubts concerning its significance in the world of art and the level of professionalism and artistic talent included in it even at the time of Pollock’s life. The reason for such prejudice can be seen in the unique, individual style...

The Works of Baroque Period

Abstract Baroque period is distinguished by the depiction of space and movement where expression was of great importance. Exaggeration and luxury are the major distinctions of that period that were revealed in painting as well. However, the Italian Painting of the early period illustrated the religious theme where an emotional...

A World of Art: Laylah Ali`s Paintings

This paper aims to analyze the works of such contemporary artist as Laylah Ali. She was born in New York in 1968. At the present moment, she lives in Williamstown, Massachusetts. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Williams College and later continued her studies at Washington University (Art...

A World of Art of the Renaissance Period

Introduction Analyzing art works of the renaissance period, the list of names of the most popular artists of that time would not be complete without Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo Buonarroti. David, which considered as one of Michelangelo’s most famous works, is a 5.17 m. marble statue depicting the biblical...

Renaissance and Baroque Epochs Analysis

The course of human history and the process of the development of human society may be schematically represented as the stairs, where each stair is a definite historical epoch. Such stairs or stages of the development are the Renaissance and Baroque. If the reasons for choice of these particular epochs...

Greek and Egyptian Ceramics Art Comparison

Introduction The world of art is a versatile entity of different implementations of imageries and creative thoughts fixed in a proper time, event, and epoch. This outlines art in its history as a succession of thought within artistic people so that to illustrate the gradual steps in changes. In this...

A World of Art: Greek and Roman Masterpieces

Introduction Art is the product of human development and is one of the human peculiarities that differentiate human beings from animals. The peak of artistic skill and talent is rightfully considered to be the so-called Ancient epoch in the history of mankind, during which two major civilizations developed and left...

Analysis of Aesthetics Applied to the Theme of Love

Art is one of the unique forms which reflect the personal, social, and cultural values of society. Art, in different forms and genres, can be seen as a philosophy of life reflecting the values, traditions, and feelings of people. The philosophy of art can be seen as individual opinion buttressed...

Banksy and Scott Wade: The Impromptu Artists

Most official art aficionados do not consider graffiti to be a recognized form of art, but they are missing something important and energetic that is occurring among the populations of the world as some graffiti is definitely qualified art. A case in point is the graffiti art of an artist...

Graffiti: Whether It Is a Good or Bad Side of Society

Graffiti is one of the most exciting and thrilling type of modern art. Different people consider art in different ways. Some understand it as the expression of people’s souls and ideas about society and life in general, the others are afraid of it and express their mistrust to people who...

Analysis of Arts of 20th Century

Hans Hofmann was an abstract artist who transformed the art world due to the way he synthesized the traditional methods of painting with the new avant-garde ideas regarding the philosophy of painting. His work was based to a great degree upon the earlier works of famous Modern painters such as...

“Pieta” Painting by Sandro Botticelli

Introduction Art is a part of people’s life. People used to admire different pieces of art. Sculpture, paintings, architecture, music are all types of art which have different aims, main of which are entertainment and history review. All pieces of art give the viewers the understanding of the historical processes...

Portraits of Paganini, Napoleon, Marie-Antoinette and Countess Tournon

‘Paganini’ by Delacroix and ‘Napoleon in his Study’ by Jacques-Louis David In comparing the portraits Paganini by Delacroix and Napoleon in his Study by Jacques-Louis David are full-figure portraits, but the resemblance ends there. While the propaganda portrait of Napoleon is brighter and has more detail, the portrait of Paganini...

Man Ray’s Photograms as Art

Man Ray, who was born in the USA is a Russian-Jewish emigrant, who became a prominent photographer in the 20-th century. He is being acknowledged to be one of the 25 influential artists of the 20-th century (Chilvers, 136). His versatile works fascinated people of that time and gave him...

Art History: Los Angeles Museums

Introduction I would like to discuss two museums that I am really interested in. Both are located in Los Angeles. First of all I would like to tell you my impressions about the Los Angeles County Museum of Art generally called LACMA that you can see on the picture, which...

The History of Post Modernism Era

Introduction The post-modernism era is easier described than defined. One of the postmodernism principles states that there are no definite terms, boundaries, or absolute truth. Therefore, to define the notion would mean a violation of the postmodernist’s premise. In general, the post-modernism era is a term used to denote the...

Western Civilization: Renaissance Art and Architecture

Introduction Most people today recognize the term ‘Renaissance’ as meaning a specific time period in Western European culture. If they’re fairly decent with dates, they’ll remember it as a period that began around 1400 and ended in the 1600s, appearing earlier in the Italian city-states. The word actually means “rebirth”...

Carl Schulz’s Biography and Artworks

Introduction Carl Schulz represents the cohort of those artists, whose works are read with humor, or a cartoonist. They bring joy, lighten spirit and make reader consider perennial philosophical or moral issues like friendship and love. Charles Schulz is an inspiration in my career goals in the area of computer...

Riots & Premiers of “Ubu Roi” & “The Rite of Spring”

Introduction Two major premiers which have been observed in Paris in 1896 and 1913 caused real outburst of emotions. “Ubu Roi” by Alfred Jarry and “The Rite of Spring” by Igor Stravinsky are considered to be the greatest performances having been remembered in the history of theatre. The paper is...

Interpreting Art: Term Definition

Defining art can be one of the most difficult yet enjoyable tasks that any person can ever undertake. There are so many factors to consider, and so many different methods of artistic thought. Some say that art is an expression, but not everyone agrees that an expression is art 1....

The Works of Auguste Rodin Analysis

Renowned, yet controversial 19th century French sculptor Auguste Rodin infused new life and direction into a dying art. His bronze and marble sculptures depicted the liveliness of spirit in inner human beings in two unique styles. ‘The Age of Bronze’ and the nude of St. John the Baptist gained him...

Picture “Vatel” by Roland Joffe

The history of such a country as France is of special difficulty in this respect as far as this country has a specific history which closely related to the social changes and cultural development in the whole world. Thus, to understand better the peculiarities of the formation of the modern...

Animated Cartoons: Term Definition and History

Although it is widely believed by many art historians, that animated cartoons appeared only in the twentieth century, it should be mentioned that even two thousand years ago people succeeded in creating moving pictures. Certainly, the advent of animated cartoon is closely connected with the arrival of cinematography. Animation, being...

Art Appreciation: Alfred Stieglitz’s Photography

Alfred Stieglitz spent his life in photography just to credit it as a compelling form of art. At these ages, photography was disregarded as a form of art since it was believed that art was not made by machines but was done by work of hands. He tried to imply...

Pair of Jeweled Bracelets: Object Analysis

The object selected for analysis is a Pair of Jeweled Bracelets, 500-700. The object belongs to Byzantine art and probably was made in Constantinople. It is displayed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In general, the character of this art and the ideas underlying it are entirely opposed to the...

The Biography of Diane Arbus

Introduction Diane Arbus was a US based photographer who used still photography, essentially black and white to bring out the diversity and travesty of life. Her subjects were ordinary citizens, fringe society members such as prostitutes, dwarfs, transvestites and other people who did not exactly keep to the mainstream society....

Art and Sociopolitical Comment. Daumier and James Marshall.

Daumier Daumier emerged in the late nineteenth century as a painter of the people and for the people. His paintings managed to capture the much deeper level with which he viewed his world. A close examination of his painting “Third Class Carriage” reveals how his painting technique reinforces his meaning....

Albrecht Durer’s “The Four Horsemen οf the Apocalypse”

Introduction In some respects, it is difficult to claim Durer as a Reformation painter. On the one hand, οf the three leading figures οf German Protestant art, Durer, Cranach, and Holbein, it was Durer who left the clearest evidence οf personal commitment to the new faith; a conversion experience as...

Japanese Art. Hokusai’s “The Great Wave”

Introduction The Japanese artwork comprises of very many interesting features. Their products have been produced in a range of materials, which includes wood, clay, and paints. These have to give rises to outstanding art articles of national and international interests. These articles are careful and prudently made so as to...

Precursors of Impressionism: Barbizon School

Introduction Movement in Impressionism is generally believed to have begun the onset of the contemporary era in art and it stemmed due to the discontent with the conventional and emotional themes and dehydrated specific methods of paintings which were endorsed by the ‘Académie des Beaux-Arts’ in Paris. Famous impressionists The...

The Making of Modern Life: Art and Design in the Nineteenth Century

Introduction The expression of emotions and moods, as well as a call to the feelings of the viewer, are one of the essential tasks of visual art. A competent artist uses not only the plot of a picture but also drawing techniques as a medium of expression. Vivid examples of...

Comparing Kritios Boy & Dying Gaul: Art Historical Analysis

Comparing and contrasting works of art throughout history is expected to shed light not only on the different approaches of separate artists but also reveal the evolution of society through the ages (Kleiner 78). The current analysis will focus on comparing the sculpture of Kritios Boy, which is dated 480...