A Beautiful Mind: A Film About an Outstanding Man

Introduction A Beautiful Mind is a film in which Russell Crowe superbly played a brilliant schizophrenic mathematician. The film is based on the book by Sylvia Nazar, the story of the thorny path of one genius, his ups, downs, love, and suffering. An excerpt from it was published in the...

Time and Space in “Memento” by Christopher Nolan

Memento is a captivating film noir directed by Christopher Nolan that has received worldwide acclaim. Complex and confusing in both structure and subject matter, the film still attracts considerable attention and many interpretations twenty years after its release. The film explores various topics such as personality, moral responsibility, time and...

The Battle of Algiers: Political Violence in Action

Introduction Countries embroiled in violent conflicts put the lives of their citizens at great risk. Political violence that arises during such conflicts, particularly during wars for independence and civil wars, serves to further the agendas of independent actors against a state or other stakeholders in the dispute. Regardless of the...

The Film “Dune” by Denis Villeneuve

Introduction Dune is set in a far-off future in which humankind has developed in many scientific ways while also mutating in many spiritual ones. Dune was a pro-government, pro-eco-radicalism, and Islamophilic future worldwide metaphor (Alvarez and Franklin, 2017). Denis Villeneuve’s latest cinematic version of the novel, produced from a script...

Beethoven’s 9 Compositions: Online Concert Analysis

Classical music usually delights listeners as the world’s greatest composers put all their efforts to convey different moods on their musical masterpieces. People in the modern world still listen to classical music to gain inspiration for their further life activities. One of the greatest composers is Ludwig van Beethoven whose...

The Movie “Good Will Hunting” by Hans Van Sent

A deep and impressive film directed by Hans Van Sent, Good Will Hunting, was made in 1997 in memory of a journalist Allen Ginsberg and a writer William Burroughs. The film is a sharp, psychological story with a philosophical subtext about a 20-year-old boy from Boston who works as a...

Drake’s “Gods Plan”: Visual Analysis on the Music Video

Music videos are created to accompany the songs and promote music artists. They often present specific messages or a story that musicians would like to tell their listeners. At the same time, the direction in which the performer works also significantly affects the clips. These videos are pretty common, and...

How Does Composer John Williams Unify His Films Through His Music?

John Williams is an American composer that is considered to have composed some of the most recognizable and beloved film scores in the history of cinema. His style might be characterized as an orchestral callback to classical Hollywood, with piano and trumpet at the forefront. John Williams’ music has the...

Appreciating Ancient Art from Museum Experience

Introduction Museums serve as important points where treasures are kept for public viewing especially for ancient sculptures, decorative arts, paintings among other collections. Many museums in the modern world today have included industrial arts of the 19th century especially the collection on quality industrial designs. In the museum, there is...

The Significance of Soul Train

My pop culture moment was Soul Train, a television music program that aired from 1971 to 2006. As George (2019) notes, the program was “a pop cultural pipeline that taught mass audiences how to dance, how to dress, and who to listen to” (para. 2). Soul Train allowed the general...

Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument

Introduction The Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument was installed in Central Park in New York a year ago, being the first public artwork dedicated to women. Moreover, the composition is also the first monument added since 1965 (Warsh). There are 23 monuments in the park to honor men who have contributed...

Rock Movement Through the Rolling Stones

Rock is one of the most outstanding movements in the music industry, which began to develop actively in the 1960s and is still present in music today. Historically, this genre has evolved from jazz with elements of blues and other genres (Kot, 2020). Combined with widespread social and political themes...

Takht and Dabke as Part of Musical Heritage

My family’s musical heritage Since my early childhood, my parents and especially my grandparents have taught me that music is an essential part of our culture. I agree with them because growing up, I have realized how much it influenced my identity. That is why I knew what music they...

“Trading Places” Directed by John Landis

The movie “Trading Places” is a story of two wealthy brothers, Randolph and Mortimer Duke, who bet on whether heredity or environment defines a person. Their game’s pawns are a rich investment manager Louis Winthorpe III and street-smart Billy Valentine. The wager of the Duke brothers involves ruining Withorpe’s life...

Discussion of Gender and Society Themes in Films

“The Power of Categories”: the episode on Paige’s story Summary Gender is a socially constructed concept that guides interactions within society. The “Power of Categories” describes several instances of categorization and links them to gender. From the choosing of either puppies or kittens to describing a child as either male...

Two Genres of Music: Rap Music and Jazz Music

Similarities Both genres of music once became a symbol of the protest of their time (Gioia 23). They were created by African-Americans who faced daily oppression and struggled to survive in a hostile system. Both genres were born as a way of entertainment (Gioia 20). Music became a language trough...

Music From the Renaissance Into the Baroque

Melody Melody in music is any single and complete note of countenance in favor of large intervals. The objective of melody is to circumvent any impression of tonality (Kerman & Tomlinson, 2019). In the Renaissance era, the melody was chiefly polyphonic, with each voice possessing a unique bass line (Cherevko...

“My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” Album by Kanye West

Kanye has released an album after disappearing for a while, and it has lived up to the suspense. It is safe for Kanye fanatics to proclaim ‘Kanye is back’ after veering off his brand with 808s and Heartbreak. The album is a signature of Kanye sampling genius; it is RZA’esque....

“Where Is Everybody?” Episode of The Twilight Zone

In the chosen episode, the narrator begins by introducing the show to the viewers. From the first moments, it becomes impossible not to listen to the man’s voice as he talks in an exceptionally pleasant manner. He also speaks directly to the viewer, asks questions, and answers them himself, and...

Ballet Genre Marginalization of People of Color

Ballet dance traces its origins to the fifteenth century, during the Italian Renaissance. The genre has since evolved into a popular concert dance in many countries such as Russia, France, United Kingdom, and the United States (“Dance Resources”). Each country integrates its culture into the dance, which has led to...

Egyptian vs. Greek Human Sculptures

Introduction Greek and Egyptian sculptures were made at different periods, yet there are some resemblances between them. Many of their creative choices in the depiction of human figures are surprisingly similar. Nevertheless, there are major distinguishing characteristics of the design of human figure sculptures that set Ancient Greece from Ancient...

Mona Lisa and Its Impact on Humanity

The modern world cannot be imagined without the cultural aspect in all its forms and manifestations, as it provides people with the ability to think in paradigms that contravene the conventional patterns of outlook and perception of life. Hence, art, being an extremely extensive concept that encompasses various forms such...

Analysis of Beethoven’s Concerts

For my analysis, I have chosen two concertos in which Beethoven is performed: the first is Beethoven’s Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (performed by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra). The second is Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony (performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra). In the first case, the concert hall is small; it...

Deconstructing Kaphar’s “Another Fight For Remembrance”: A Racial Outcry

Over a century after the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, American society is still rife with racial injustice in flagrant defiance of the nation’s founding ideals. The Great Migration, Civil Rights Movement, and a large body of antiracism literature are some forms of activism pushing for aggressive...

Drawing Inspired by Michelangelo: Reflection and Comparison

Summary Art is a powerful tool for passing across information and sharing ideas. This paper begins by presenting and describing the background of Buonarroti’s The Creation of Adam. This inspiration piece forms the basis for the presented personal piece. The paintings revolve around the connection between the heavens and earth....

Issues Involved and Arising in the Brancusi and Veronese Art Trials

Introduction The link between art and its legal interpretation is quite complex. This is mainly because it encompasses issues relating to hybrid criminals as well as civil laws. It ranges from regulation of artistic expression to art market. These include intellectual property, art protection as property and morality offenses like...

Analysis of Songs’ Main Topics

“La Rage” The song La Rage by Keny Arkana explores different political and socio-economic aspects at both a national and international scope. The three main themes that can be picked from the song are politics, rage, and humanity. Politics The political topic is expressed both in terms of words used...

Theatrical Style in the “Oedipus Tyrannus” Production

Theatrical styles used by Tyrone Guthrie Oedipus Tyrannus was a playwork done and produced by Tyrone Guthrie in the late 1950s. The play is about the Greek tragedy with a clear focus on the Greek text and drama. It was done in mime with several choruses performed to introduce actors...

“An Introduction to Film Studies” by Jill Nelmes

In her article about the cinematic codes, Jill Nelmes (2003) describes eight main elements through which the film director may communicate with the viewers; these elements include props, costumes, sound, editing, performance of the actors, settings, lighting, and the scene in general. The exploration of the communication via editing was...

The Gangs of New York Movie Review

Introduction The movie “Gangs of New York” depicts a time during the Civil War when rivals fought for the control of the Lower East Side of New York. The film is characterized by two varied forces fighting. One side comprises of the native thugs led by a man referred to...

“Gone Baby Gone” by Ben Affleck

The movie “Gone Baby Gone” is an example of the moral dilemma of doing right things for right reasons. At the end of the movie, the main character, a detective Patrick Kenzie, has to answer the question what is morally right and what is good. This question can be analyzed...

Music Industry: A Revenue Plan for a Release

The music industry has an incredibly elaborated system since it includes multiple stakeholders. Moreover, within the last decade, its structure has undergone significant changes, and this rapid transformation demonstrated how innovations could ruin the existing sector of the industry. The mixture of audio technologies with computing technologies turned music into...

Edward Hopper’s “Nighthawks”

Analysis and Reflection Name of the painting: “Nighthawks” Name of the artist: Edward Hopper Date created: 1942 Image of the painting: Edward Hopper is an outstanding American artist whose unique style vividly depicted the realities and specific features of American life in the middle of the 20th century. The time...

“Twelve Angry Men” by Sidney Lumet

12 Angry Men is an American film directed by Sidney Lumet, based on a screenplay from the TV show by Reginald Rose. The film was produced by Westinghouse Studio One and was first released in 1957. The film’s genre is a courtroom drama, and its plot takes place mainly in...

Masters of Production: The Hidden Art of Hollywood

Each movie has its message to deliver to the audience, and there are many filmmaking approaches to doing it, such as the choice of genre, characters, design, and locations. The documentary Masters of Production: The Hidden Art of Hollywood is directed by John J. Flynn, and reflects the main concepts...

The Language of the “Citizen Kane” Film

The film Citizen Kane is notable not only with the story it uncovers for the audience but also with its effective use of cinematography techniques. The film’s deep-focus photography, mise en scène, lighting, and camera movements have earned numerous appraises by critics over the decades after Citizen Kane was filmed....

The Film Zodiac and Ethical Concerns

David Fincher appears to be one of the most prominent contemporary film directors, and Zodiac is among his works too. It is a detective produced following the namesake non-fiction book of Robert Graysmith, published in 1986, and released in 2007. The film is based on a true story, narrating the...

Bach’s “Little” Fugue

Bach’s Fugue in G minor, commonly referred to as “Little” Fugue, is an organ piece and one of the composer’s best known fugues. Right from the beginning, the listener can distinguish four voices that enter the melody and continue to play throughout the work. The voices used in the piece...

Contemporary Islamic Art: Hojat Amani’s “Fallen Angels”

Introduction Today, Islamic art has a strong presence in the world. Contemporary artists continue to explore the line between the modern and ancient as they combine modern technology, political messages, and history. All art in the LACMA is traditional to a certain extent: it uses the Arabic alphabet and traditional...

Themes in the Movie ”The Godfather” by Francis Ford Coppola

The Godfather released in 1972 is a classic film of the crime and mafia genre, based on the novel of the same name by Mario Puzo. It is directed by the director Francis Ford Coppola and stars well-known and talented actors including Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert Duval, and many...

Review of Noel Carroll’s article “Forget the Medium!”

Introduction As soon as movies were identified as a separate, unique form of art, a number of theories, capacities, and laws were introduced to identify the components of moviemaking. Society entered an era of medium essentialism, the purpose of which was to study the essence of film as an art...

Sir Arnold Malcolm, the Composer

Sir Arnold Malcolm is a well-known 20th-century English musician, conductor, and composer. He was born in 1921, and at the age of twelve, he started to learn how to play the trumpet. Before beginning his career in 1941, he managed to enroll in the Royal College of Music, where he...

Music as a Reflection of History Since the 1960s

Music is inextricably connected to the context within which it is produced, with the inter-relationships between music, culture, and society being studied extensively throughout the decades. In cultural customs, music is among the core features of social celebrations, such as weddings. In social life, music serves as a tool for...

Personality Traits of Melba Pattillo Beals in “Warriors Don’t Cry”

Racial segregation remains one of the most shameful blemishes on the history of the United States. As introspect into the specified time slot shows, introducing regulations aimed at the integration of institutions and communities was failing due to the misalignment between the blatant racism of American society and the idea...

The Strain Theory in the Mobb Deep’s Song “Survival of the Fittest”

Robert Merton’s Strain Theory is a sociological and criminological theory that states that social structures may force people to commit a crime. There are five modes of adapting to strain that an individual can pursue: conformity, ritualism, innovation, retreatism, and rebellion, the last three of which are associated with criminal...

The Godfather’ by Francis Ford: Movie Review

Introduction The Godfather is a world-famous masterpiece directed by Francis Ford Coppola in 1972. According to multiple expert reviews and public opinion, the movie is nearly peerless film-making (Chiang). The film has a marvelous screenplay, flawless cast, excellent camera-work, and mindful composition. The present paper offers an analysis of the...

Landfill Philharmonic Project

Music is an expensive hobby, especially if one wants to play real instruments instead of using software applications that imitate them. However, it is also a beneficial one, starting with developing a refined taste and leading to a bright future. The price issue seems to have been resolved by the...

Edvard Munch’s Biography

According to research Edvard Munch was born on 12 December 1863 in a town known as Loten found in Norway. He was the son of a military doctor who was well known as Christian Munch. Edverd did spend most of his life time in Kristiana or Oslo, the capital city...

Concept of Interpretation in Art on Basis of Culture

The museum that attracted my particular attention is The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (Google Arts and Culture, n.d.). The three pieces of art that I like and chose for the analysis are “Study of a Young Woman,” “Study of a Young Woman” may be called “Girl with...

John Gast’s Painting “American Progress”

John Gast’s painting “American Progress” (1872) is linked to the subject of manifest destiny. It was a political concept that first appeared in 1845 and became a part of the American foreign policy narrative in a relatively short period of time, managing to live through centuries, to some point reflecting...

The YouTube Broadway Jazz Class

Bob Fosse’s dance style was introduced in the class, and its key features are isolations of body parts, numerous gestures, and turned-in movements. The famous song “All That Jazz” from the musical Chicago largely contributed to the understanding of Fosse’s style. Furthermore, I discovered many new moves, which are easy...

“She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms” by Nguyen

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many issues to the world, while the theatre industry has demonstrated that it is possible to overcome every challenge with the help of creative decisions. Baylor University’s production of the play She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms that have been staged in 2020 is a suitable...

“Troy”: Film Analysis From the Point of View of Organizational Behavior

The field of organizational behavior analysis is rapidly growing. A critical assessment of the OB present state is widely depicted in various academic journals. They show significant results in the behavior science. There are many psychological factors influencing behavior, such as learning, motivation and perception. In the current work for...

Contemporary Russian Folk Music

Among European folk music traditions, Russian folk music is the one with the most complex and exciting history. Having survived the centuries-long ban on instruments and the authoritarian cultural policy of the Soviet times, it now aims to find its place in modern popular culture while retaining its traditional spirit....

Capturing the Motion. Monet and Hockney

The attempt to capture the essence of changing into a still image is one of the great dilemmas of painters of all times. Theoretically, it is impossible to depict an imperceptible movement of a dancer, the color nuances at the sunset, or the light flight of a butterfly in a...

“Boyz n the Hood” by Steve Nicolaides: A Movie Review

The phenomenon of human development can be accessed from several theoretical perspectives, one of which is Piaget’s theory. Offering four stages of development as the foundational milestones in gaining essential cognitive skills, Piaget’s approach outlines the following developmental points: the sensorimotor object permanence), preoperational ((egocentric), concrete operational (conversational), formal operational...

The Importance of Family in “Mi Familia” by Gregory Nava

“Mi Familia” is a drama written and directed by Gregory Nava, which may make you wish that you were a part of Jose and Maria’s family. All three generations described by Nava are ready to put up with physical and emotional suffering for the family. Even though every family has...

42nd Street Musical by Stewart and Bramble

If you want to learn about some secrets of show business, you need to watch the brilliant musical 42nd Street. This musical was written by Michael Stewart and Mark Bramble in 1980. The production under consideration was performed by the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts in 2013...

“The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas“ by Carol Hall Review

The main characters in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” include the following: Mona Stangley – a “madam” or the owner of the “House,” presiding it over by rigid behavior rules both for the girls and their clients. She is charming, sweet, and well-known due to generous donations to political...

Benefits of Laughter: The Role of Humor Styles and Shared Laughter

Laughing is one of the natural reactions of a human organism on external triggers. Individuals stop talking and even breathing while laughing. However, the latter is always seen positively. Scholars keep proving its beneficial effect on the human organism. There is even a “laughter yoga”: as its creator, Madan Katarina...

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Performance: Cultural Experience

For this assignment, I have chosen to examine the 2014 York College theatre’s rendition of a classic Shakespearian piece, Midsummer Night’s Dream. The performance took place in Milton G. Bassin Performing Arts Center, in Jamaica, Queens. This particular facility is affiliated with the York College and works with the aim...

Romanticism, Patriotism and Chopin

Frederic Chopin was a great composer whose success in music was largely conditioned by his ability to accurately react, represent and reflect on the environment, and an inbuilt genteel, and graceful instinct of spontaneous creativity. Films which have attempted to recreate the Polish iconic composer Frederic Chopin have centered on...

Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” – Viewing and Reflection

The art of the theater is a unique kind of art that has not lost its popularity for many centuries. Among the well-known playwrights whose plays are considered to be the most celebrated, the English genius William Shakespeare occupies one of the leading positions. His works have not lost their...

Tattoos: From Social Taboo to Social Acceptance

Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to summary and comment upon the changes in perception with regards to tattoos by the society over the years. While the unanimous acceptance of tattoos in the society has not yet occurred, tattoos have moved from being a taboo subject to gaining...

“Paradise Now” by Hany Abu-Assad

The screenwriter of the Paradise Now and its director, Hany Abu-Assad, created the movie about two Palestinian men that want to detonate bombs at the military check point in Israel. In his script “Hany Abu-Assad raised important questions that connect gender, geography, politics, and culture in the West Bank” (Yaqub,...

“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” by Michel Gondry

In watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind one is bound to consider the film as constituting a mini-genre that excellently copes with reverse order storytelling and memory loss. It is very emotionally resonant in culminating with the best techniques and imagination used in the art of taking the viewer...

“Inception” by Christopher Nolan: Human Mind Mysteries

Introduction Nine years in the making, “Inception” premiered in the summer of 2010 as an intense and convoluted but entertaining warning about the promise and perils of understanding human dreams. It is too soon to tell whether the critical acclaim that greeted the movie will translate to Oscar, Golden Globe...

Signs’ Movie Analytical Critique

Introduction Signs is one of the most exemplary movies of how people lose and regain faith in God. This movie “uses the threat of alien invasion as a means of eliciting its protagonist’s personal crisis of faith” (Deangelis, 2006, p. 27). Signs presents Graham’s loss and regaining of faith in...

Movie Censorship and Ratings in America

Introduction It is not possible today to think of a time when there were no movies or motion pictures. We can’t even afford thinking how people used to entertain themselves those days. We are fortunate that we have such a wonderful medium of entertainment in the form of motion pictures,...

“Pan’s Labyrinth” by Guillermo del Toro

A Spanish language fantasy film set in post Civil-War Spain (1944) during the Franquist repression, Pan’s Labyrinth was written and directed by acclaimed Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, who, along with fellow Mexican filmmakers Alfonso Cuaron and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, is known as the Three Amigos of Mexican/Spanish Cinema. The...

Analysis of the Images Created in Painting Arts

Introduction The analysis of picture and art semiotics is generally associated with the necessity to read the meaning of an image from the perspective of several assessment factors. Thus, any particular element on an image may give or take specific sense, and the aim of this paper is to analyze...

Chinese Painting in Shi Tao`s “Hua Yulu”

Introduction Working on this assignment I have gotten deeper into the gist of Chinese landscape painting solely on the example of Shitao. The overall analysis of features discussed in his Huayu Lu helps in delineating particular points in the style of painting. Further still it is quite clear to me...

Landscape Depicted in Pastoral Symphony by Beethoven

Introduction Beethoven is one of the most successful classical artists. His symphonies such as symphony erotica have remained relevant for a long time. Nature and natural landscape were important to classical and romanticism artists. Beethoven’s love for nature and natural landscape is especially featured in his sixth symphony, Pastoral symphony....

18th Century Art and Design

One of the most fascinating and multifaceted periods in art and design is the 18th century. This is because, the global civilization grew more conscious of each other, cross-cultural pressure increased. During this period a lot of main diplomatic and financial revolutions had extensive penalties for art and design. During...

Procurement Management: Selecting Your Wedding Photographer

Now that Team B has been selected as the wedding consultant, this paper will provide a briefing of the factors that should be taken care of in the process of soliciting, selecting, negotiating with, and launching the wedding photographer. The light shall be shed upon this four-stage project from the...

Leadership in the Film “Gladiator” by Ridley Scott

Leadership is an enigma for all supervisors who sooner or later face the challenge of managing the work of their subordinates. The sense of enigma becomes evident when it becomes evident that some people become leaders due to their authority, which is not that favorable, and others inspire people and...

French Landscape Painting: Main Artists

Much of the art of France in the first part of the 19th century was dominated by the academic schools of the Academy, the School of Fine Arts and the Salon. A great deal of the accepted artistic approach either followed the example of Ingres or that of Delacroix. Ingres...

Pink Floyd: The Rock Legends

Pink Floyd is an English Rock Band that was formed in 1965 with its active years being 1965 to 1983 and 1987 to 1999 and several one -off reunions between the years 2003 and 2007. The band originated from Cambridge and London England (Keno). Pink Floyd first started as a...

Japoniste Influence on Impressionist Art

The world of the Impressionists was one in which all types of art forms were explored to discover the best means of rejecting the machines of the Industrial age and emphasizing the human emotional reaction to the natural forms and shapes discovered in the non-fabricated world. As a result of...

“Conspiracy” by Frank Pierson

The movie Conspiracy introduced in the USA in 2000 is devoted to the disclosure of the Wannsee Conference being one of the most secret and mysterious historical meetings. The movie appeared to have ten nominations and it won two awards. It is important to stress that the storyline is aimed...

“Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands” Film by Bruno Barreto

Introduction Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands is a film by Bruno Barreto which had become a sensation in the 1970s. The acting in the film by Sonia Braga stands apart in a category of its own in view of being the refined personification of Brazilian coarseness in the context...

“Untitled” by Smith and Marden’s “3 Hydra Rocks”

The painting Untitled by Smith is incomparable for its use of space all over the canvas and the application of dimension in form of space is unique. Smith’s Untitled is Color screenprint, 57 x 76.8 cm (22 7/16 x 30 1/4 in). She made space speak a language and narration...

Bauhaus: The Beginning of Modernism

On any given day in today’s society, a man can climb out of a neatly polished vehicle after having patiently made his way through the traffic moving box by box up the road. He looks up toward the sky but sees only exorbitantly massive rectangles blocking all but a small...

The Phantom of the Opera: A Performance Review

The art of stage performance has been attracting people since times immemorial, appealing to their imagination and evoking an emotional response that nurtures the sensitive part of human beings. To fulfill its complex esthetical purpose, the stage sets extremely high demands both for the ones performing on it and for...

Filmi: Indian Music Unique Element

Music is a form of art created via the medium of sound and comprised of an variety of components which include pitch (harmony, melody), rhythm (meter, tempo) and sonic qualities such as texture and timber. Culture and social context are the essentials that determine or constitute how music is defined,...

The World of Art: Categories and Types

The word art means imaginative work or opinions, which is a responsibility to make things that exhibit beauty, appearance and uncommon insight. It is the ability to create or make things, which brings a difference between human beings and the world of nature (Your Dictionary.com, 2006, par.1). According to Answer.com...

Shawshank Redemption by Frank Darabont Review

As it is well known the plot of this brilliant movie is based on Steven King’s story which he created in abundance. Unlike most of his thrilling and head-breaking works, Shawshank Redemption is not so mystique and fearsome, however, it creates a great deal of intrigue and action. As most...

‘Run Lola Run’ by Tom Tykwer

Run Lola Run (Lola Rennt) is a German thriller movie that was produced in 1998 and directed by Tom Tykwer. It was widely critically acclaimed, bagging 26 of the 41 awards that it was nominated for in Germany and in international film festivals, including Best Film at the Seattle International...

Eddie Adams’s Photo of Shooting a Viet Cong Prisoner

Introduction Expressing emotions and impressions from looking at a photo can be quite a difficult task. This statement could be arguable because the main goal of such work is to have the people go through some sort of visual analysis. However, such analysis could stay private, rather than being described...

The Lost World Movie Review

Willis O’Brien is considered to be one of the first artists who started working with stop-motion photography. Before inventing the technique of stop-motion animation he worked as a cartoonist and a marble sculptor. His contribution into the stop-motion animation is difficult to overestimate. When creating the models for the movies...

Ansel Adams’s Environmental Philosophy in Photos

Throughout the history of American conservation, few artists have worked as effectively and as hard to communicate the ‘wilderness idea’ as Ansel Adams. For the photographers, the wilderness has always been an intangible and non-materialistic experience. Through his works, Adams has managed to tough numerous people with a sense of...

Precursors of Impressionism: Barbizon School

Introduction Movement in Impressionism is generally believed to have begun the onset of the contemporary era in art and it stemmed due to the discontent with the conventional and emotional themes and dehydrated specific methods of paintings which were endorsed by the ‘Académie des Beaux-Arts’ in Paris. Famous impressionists The...

Conductor’s Preparation for Rehearsal

One of the essential attributes of a good conductor is not so much a conductor’s wand as a highly developed musical ear. The conductor should be able to separate the individual tones and chords in the polyphony of sounds, as well as be able to summarize them all together when...

History of World Cinema. “A Tale of Two Cities” Film

Abstract Whereas Hollywood is now recognized as the biggest film industry in the world, initially, other countries had equally large and influential cinemas. Films from France, Japan and even Germany have secured a spot in some of the very first and most influential movies of all time. During World War...

The Era of Hitchcock: “Number 17” Film

Abstract The film industry of the 1920s and 1930s was considerably influenced by the political and economic situations in the countries. For example, in Great Britain, much attention was paid to the emergence of sound films and the necessity to create new approaches, plots, and projects. Alfred Hitchcock was one...

Is Ryan Coogler an Auteur Director?

Nowadays, the term auteur in moviemaking is commonly assumed to be referring to the director’s ability to leave an unmistakable mark of his/her individuality on the cinematographic pieces that he or she oversees being put into production. As Van Der Pol noted: “Directors are given the distinction of auteur for…...

Arnheim, Eisenstein, Hitchcock: Film and Reality

Introduction During the last century, film studies underwent many considerable changes. Theorists developed their statements, introduced new approaches, and promoted debates to understand the role of the film industry in human life. In the 1900s, theorists were divided into formalists and realists with their intentions to prove the connection between...

Chapters 25-26 of Jordan’s “Fundamentals of Choral Conducting”

Basics for choral conductors working with instrumentalists include such aspects as verbal and gestural communication, using the baton, articulation, and bowing. Verbally, the conductor is recommended to address instrumentalists in the same fashion he or she would attend a choir. The best course of action in terms of tuning the...

Religion, Cults, and Rites in Roman Art

Faith in the existence of the impalpable and infallible divine being was a common theme among Roman artists during the time of the empire. During this time, people did not have sacred texts, and thus they relied on art to express their thoughts concerning religious matters. As such, sculptures and...

Roman Art and the Ways It Excelled

Introduction During the vast Roman Empire, which lasted for hundreds of years, artists created widespread forms of outstanding artworks that have continued to be popular even in modern times. Roman art excelled in different ways due to its diversity, availability to the masses, and embracing of trends from all over...

“Moby Dick,” a Film Adaptation of the Novel

Introduction The 1956 film adaptation of the famous novel Moby Dick, starring Gregory Peck, is considered one of the most iconic Hollywood movies of the era and the best novel-to-screen adaptation of this story to date. The film was one of the first theatrical releases that took on the huge...

Ancient Greece at the Met: Marble Column From the Temple of Artemis at Sardis

Description of the Selected Example The selected example is one of the central objects in Ancient Greece exposition that can be found at the Metropolitan Museum. It is a marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis, which dates back to ca. 300 BC (“Marble column,” 2018). It is...

Accidental Horror in Smith’s “The Black Tower” Film

John Smith’s The Black Tower (1987) is a confusing and haunting short film that combines qualities of structuralism and simplistic illusionism. Smith is renowned for his films and video installations, for which he was awarded numerous prizes at festivals: Hamlyn Foundation Award for Artists (2011) and Film London’s Jarman Award...

Time Travel in “Steins;Gate” and Other Sci-Fi Novels

“Steins;Gate” is an anime series based on the video game, which showcases Rintaro Okabe, a mad scientist who discovered a way to connect with the past. The proposed research aims to examine the concepts of time travel in relation to other works of science fiction that offer their outlook on...

“The Voyage of Life: Manhood” Painting by T. Cole

Introduction The Voyage of Life: Manhood – is the third in a series of paintings by the American landscape artist Thomas Cole created in 1842 and presented in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. It is performed with oil on canvas with the overall size 134.3 x 202.6 cm...

American Noir Tradition in the “Oldboy” Film

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the borderline between genres of horror and thriller in contemporary cinema is a subject to continuous merging. The primary reason for this phenomenon is that both genres appeal to the same core human emotion of fear, and they both use quite similar techniques...

“Miss Representation” the Film by Jennifer Siebel Newsom

Introduction Miss Representation is a documentary directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom in 2011, which focuses its attention on the problematic representation of women in modern media. It is a series of interviews with different people from schoolchildren to influential women, including Jane Fonda, Rachel Maddow, and Katie Couric. The film’s...

The Duel After the Masquerade: Formal Analysis

Introduction The formal analysis represents a form of artistic exploration that requires a viewer to look at a piece of art and try to understand what the author tried to convey. Therefore, there is no unified way in which things can be interpreted; rather, the observer will present information based...

A Historical Movie Accuracy: “Dunkirk” by Christopher Nolan

Dunkirk (2017) was directed by Christopher Nolan and released in 2017. The movie is a depiction of the Dunkirk evacuation that took place in 1940. The protagonist is a British soldier who survives an ambush of German troops. He makes it to the beach and joins the Allied troops that...

Wynton Marsalis: Jazz in Marciac 2009

Concert and Performers This report will cover the performance by Wynton Marsalis and the ensemble at the Jazz in Marciac festival in 2009. Wynton Marsalis is an internationally acclaimed vocalist, musician, and composer from New Orleans, Louisiana, with an impressive repertoire ranging from jazz to classical music. The musician’s vision...

Eminem’s “Stan” as an Example of Browning’s Monologue Format

Poetry is one of the most popular literary forms since it allows authors to express vast ideas in a short form. Whether written with rhymes or as blank verse, poems can have a profound effect on the reader. In modern artistic ways of expression, songwriting is probably the most popular...

International Relationships and Foreign Policy in American Movies

Introduction The period after World War II to the present is characterized by several significant changes in the field of public relationships and foreign policies. The United States has to develop and maintain good relationships with the representatives of various nations and demonstrate their respect, power, and authority. Students can...

Frederic Chopin and His “Minute Waltz”

Historical Background Chopin was born in the Grand Duchy of Warsaw in 1810, and this territory became a part of the Kingdom of Poland five years after his birth (Bellman & Goldberg, 2017). A son of an immigrant and a Polish aristocrat, Chopin attended the University of Warsaw (Bellman &...

Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism: Guided Art Tour

Representing the objective reality through the lens of a particular culture and the personal vision of its author, art has always provided a plethora of topics for discussion and the methods of developing insight into a particular socio-cultural context. The transition from the Neoclassical period to Romanticism to Realism can...

Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” and “The Sea Coast”

Introduction The paintings of impressionists are bright and imaginative. The art encourages creativity and promotes inspiration. The Starry Night painting is used as the object of inspiration. Individual work is based on the technique of Van Gogh. The comparison of two pieces of art can be performed. The analysis of...

Travis Bickle in “Taxi Driver” Film by Scorsese

Introduction Taxi Driver is an iconic noir film written by Paul Schrader and directed by Martin Scorsese in 1976. It featured Robert De Niro as the main character, named Travis Bickle. The movie focuses on the story of a mentally unstable Vietnam War veteran, who is struggling between his sense...

Mozart Meets Beethoven: Influences in Music

Introduction Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the greatest composers and pianists that had a significant influence on Classical music (Wooley 34). His music career started at a tender age, and his parents did everything to ensure that he achieved the level of success he desired. Scholars have argued that...

Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” by Savage Rose Theatre

Introduction The plays and sonnets of the great bard of Avon have no time constraints. The most admirable Shakespearean works are staged around the globe and continue to conquer worshipers’ hearts even nowadays. The majority of critics and art admirers treat such masterpieces as Othello, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream,...

Media in “V for Vendetta” Graphic Novel by Moore

“V for Vendetta” is a comic book that features scenes that were imagined in the 1980s. The book was written by Allan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd. It was set in the futuristic United Kingdom. The book chronicles the actions of a masked revolutionary who calls himself “V.” This...

Pablo Picasso’s Biography

Introduction Pablo Picasso is a well-renowned artist from the early 1900s. He was born on October 25 1881, in Malaga, Spain, where he learned and went to college. Through his father, Don Jose Ruiz Blasco, Pablo Picasso learned new skills and got exposure since his father would take on the...

Auteurism in Film-Making and Art Film Features

Auteurism in Film-Making Many directors prefer to demonstrate their styles and approaches in the production of the chosen work. Such attempts lead to positive results, and creators are defined as auteurs within a large system. The term auteurism was frequently used in the 1960-the 70s to underline the uniqueness of...

The Effect of Music on Serial Short Term Memory

Abstract To find out the effect of background music on short term memory, an experiment was carried out on two groups. This was to investigate the hypothesis that background music when played during cognitive processing would disrupt the participants’ level of concentration for the memory recall test compared to the...

Humanistic and Naturalistic Ideas of Art

How did the arts express humanistic and /or naturalistic ideas during the Renaissance? Explain using one example of art. While it is agreeable that the renaissance’s framework was laid by political, social and economic factors, it is also clear that the talent of artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Brunelleschi...

Photography as Kind of Art

Photography is an art and a science. Reflectively, the process is more than just capturing images. Instead, balancing, coloration, proportionality, and introduction of effects determine the quality of an outcome. To produce a masterpiece, experience, and understanding of the CameraCamera is necessary. Over the years, my passion for cameras has...

A Rock Concert by Kansas

The Concert by Kansas Recently, on the evening of Friday, February 19, I attended a rock concert by Kansas. Kansas is an American rock band that gained its popularity as early as in the 1970s, and is still active today, albeit it had a short break in 1984-1985. The band...

E-Concert Report: 20th Century Music

Introduction Music has always been a sensitive mirror of major social processes, attitudes, and trends. So was the case in the twentieth century, when the tendency to the scientific perception of the world, employment of technology, and progressing mechanization of life characterized contemporary society. At the same time, composers did...

Collectors and Pre-Raphaelite Art: Design Project

Abstract This paper describes my final year design project. The project will be founded on several aspects that will try to make it unique and high end. The project is founded on John Fowles book, “The collector”, and how various factors in the book interact. The project draws upon the...

Marxism in “Viva la Vida” Poster Interpretation

Introduction In the poster, a section of members of society is seen oppressing some individuals, by threatening and even eliminating them. The strong have weapons that are used to subjugate and force the weak to obey. Some of the weak members of society are unhealthy, as can be viewed from...

Art: “Attitudes Towards Photography” by Gisele Freund

The massive social and cultural changes of the previous century challenged many of the established traditions, including the perception of art. The introduction of innovative tools such as photography further complicated the matters and initiated a debate on its artistic merits. The current paper analyzes a chapter from the book...

“Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope” by George Lucas

Lead Actors Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Peter Cushing. Plot “It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire” (Lucas, 1977). Imperial forces, commanded by Darth Vader, capture on the rebel ships with...

Van Gogh’s “Vase with 12 Sunflowers” and “Still Life with Absinthe”

Words Applied to Work Art 1 (Vase with 12 Sunflowers) Words Applied to Both Artistic Pieces Words Applied to Work Art 2 (Still Life with Absinthe) The painting is presented predominantly in yellow, warm colors, except for the blue background. It has no contrasts. The painting consists only of one...

“Renaissance Rivals” a Book by Rona Goffen

The Best Thesis for the Article The book “Renaissance Rivals: Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, Titian” by Rona Goffen explores the nature of competition among the masters of the 16th century European art. The thesis below summarizes this article by Rona Goffen. The regional competition with both the dead and the living...

Reggae Music and Its Aspects

Introduction Reggae is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the 1960s. Nowadays, the term encompasses the contemporary popular music of Jamaica and the international Jamaican diaspora. Among the primary influences that shaped the genre are traditional mento as well as American jazz, rhythm and blues, and African folk...

Art in the Early Renaissance and Today’s European Society

Renaissance is the era of intellectual and artistic flourishing, which began in Italy in the 14th century. Everything that was created in the Renaissance still impresses and interests people today. The Renaissance’s highlight is that sciences, crafts, and arts began to develop in all European countries. Culture has revealed new...

Nazi Germany in “Swing Kids” by Kang Hyeong-Cheol

Why were the Nazis opposed to the swing music? In the movie, swing music is forbidden in Germany. This was because, according to Nazi ideology, all jazz music was regarded as offensive because its origins had links with African-Americans. Since it had linkages with blacks commonly called “negroes” and a...

“Blue Horses” by Marc Franz

Marc Franz was an outstanding representative of German expressionism. He created “Blue Horses” in 1911 (“The large blue,” n.d.). The unique style of this work inspires artists throughout the world. The specific atmosphere of “Blue Horses” motivated me to create a painting “Love of a Companion.” The purpose of this...

Edgar Allan Poe and Jean-Michel Basquiat Comparison

Introduction Art has accompanied people throughout the entire human history. It has changed many shapes, grew and developed in many ways, and gave birth to multiple forms, streams, and genres. However, there is something that unites all forms of art from all historical periods – the creative thought hidden behind...

The Beatles’ “Let It Be” and Youth Music Culture

Introduction The 1960s in Europe are associated with several historical and cultural changes that are often reflected in European music popular at the time. One of the most popular cultural icons of the 1960s in Europe was the band known as The Beatles. Originated in the United Kingdom, this band...

Predicting the Future of Film Narrative

The History of Film Introduction What started as a novelty in the 1890s with the innovation of the cinema cameras has become a popular culture in the world. The art of cinema making has experienced tremendous innovation, growth, and development since the first less than a minute-long silent clips were...

The Tempest Play at Savage Rose Classical Theater

Introduction The Tempest is one of the many plays written in the 17th century by William Shakespeare – one of the most famous English writers and playwrights of all time. The Tempest is a story of magic, revenge, political trickery, intimidation, and arranged marriages to secure a position of power....

Oscar Ceremonies: Bias and Benefits

Introduction The Oscar ceremonies became a proverbial event in the history of the American culture quite a while ago (English 73). Defining the cultural choices made by the critics and the viewers alike and serving as the means of summing up the progress that the moviemaking industry has made, the...

“Out of the Past” Noir Film by Jacques Tourneur

As of today, it became a commonplace assumption among many film-critics that the era of classical Noir films extends from the year 1941, which saw the release of John Huston’s film The Maltese Falcon, to the year 1958, when Orson Welles produced his movie Touch of Evil. Nevertheless, it was...

Hip-Hop Evolution of Rap Movement

The Foundation Hip-hop is a global phenomenon that permeates the fabric of society. However, it had a long and arduous history before becoming mainstream. Hip-hop is based on overcoming hardship. Disco was the premonition of hip hop in the 1960s, a music genre that took everyone by the craze. The...

Modern Art by Pam Meecham and Julie Sheldon

The book Modern Art: A Critical Introduction by Pam Meecham and Julie Sheldon is aimed at discussing various aspects of the contemporary art and the factors that influence its evolution. In the first chapter of the book What, When, and Where was Modernism, the authors discuss the origins of this...

The Terracotta Statuette of Eros Flying

The Chosen Exhibit Description For my reflection essay after visiting the Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I have chosen one of the ancient Greek pieces of art presented there, namely, the terracotta statuette of Eros flying (see Figure 1) (Karoglou, 2016). The statuette represents Eros,...

Avant-Garde Art, Urban Capitalism and Modernization

Introduction The avant-garde artists are significant to the modern society because they provided experimental and innovative arts, which transformed social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of the society. Essentially, the avant-garde artists formed the basis of modernism and post-modernism as their works focused on capitalism, modernization, and industrialization. Through their...

“The Two Fridas” and “Destruction of the Father”

Introduction and Thesis Statement For a long time, art and aesthetics have been used to denote political and social happenings in the society. However, the presentation of the issues has varied from one art movement to the other. The twentieth century art resulted in a change from what many described...