Defining Workplace Harassment and Its Harmful Effects

What did you learn about workplace harassment that impacted you to know? Workplace harassment can take many forms but is always discriminatory and harmful. Abusive behavior results in adverse effects for companies, affecting productivity, morale, and turnover rates, and employees, impacting their physical and mental health (Bader et al., 2018)....

Unethical Behavior Avoidance and Detection

For this assignment, the author has reviewed two articles that discussed unethical practices. One highlighted scandals that happened in 2017, while the other identified five large U.S. corporations that it considered most unethical. From the article by Shen, the author has learned that most scandals appear to result from leadership...

Benefits and Detriments of Going Public

Introduction Between 2009 and 2013, numerous companies have changed from public to private, in order to avoid the financial backlash of the economic crisis that shook the global economy during those years. In order to respond to the various economic challenges arising during those years, many smaller companies were absorbed...

Organizational Behavior Analysis: Japanese Soccer School

Introduction Japanese Soccer School A is a world-class training and learning facility that pioneered soccer coaching in Japan and has a wide net of schools and training facilities in the country, with the total number of offices being 154 and 46 franchise licensees. The school is currently training over 21,000...

Conscious Capitalism Description: Humanity and Business

Conscious capitalism or marketing is gaining popularity as companies seek to embrace compassion in their business ventures. TOMS Shoes is one of the leading conscious companies with its “one for one” mission. The idea behind this company is to donate one pair of shoes to a needy child for every...

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Every project is a mutually-connected system that includes numerous operations. According to Jacobs and Chase (2014), a project is a set of related jobs that are directed toward a specific outcome. Usually, it takes some time and effort for a project team to achieve the desired goal. Thus, the principal...

Supply Chain Management: Global Expansion

Transportation Regulations and Policies Firstly, it is essential to examine the policies associated with the expansion. The goal of the Department of Transportation (DOT, n.d.), which oversees all transportation in the U.S., is to ensure that all the logistical activities nationwide do not harm the environment, the public, and the...

Workplace Conflict Resolution by a Human Resource Manager

Over the past few weeks, I have received a large amount of feedback from our employees who report a conflict situation in the workplace. According to numerous observations, the psychological climate and corporate morale in our company have recently been the primary concern of a considerable number of employees. The...

Classical Conditioning and the Consumer Culture

Introduction What kinds of influences affect the way people behave and act? There are several internal and external factors that can alter an individual’s behavior. People’s actions ultimately reflect their surroundings, their physical and mental wellbeing, and can be swayed by the opinions of others, as well as many more...

Should Companies Disclose Key Executives Medical Problems?

The issue of disclosing a key executive’s health problems to the public is a subject that has been widely debated. On one hand, the news would be vital to the company’s stockholders, suppliers, employees, and customers. On the other hand, the executives have the right to privacy, and any disclosure...

Leadership: Definition and Key Issues

Definition Leadership as a concept can be approached and defined form multiple perspectives. However, most of the existing definitions share a common characteristic of viewing leaders as agents of change, be it within the workplace environment or in staff members’ behaviors. From a general standpoint, leadership can be described as...

Statistical Decision Techniques for Managers

The ethical dilemma in the “Honest Harry” scenario includes receiving a sample from people who may be prejudiced as opposed to finding providers of more objective data. It corresponds with the Personal Integrity and Accountability rule from Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice. According to the American Statistical Association (2018), the...

Crucial Management Skills: Assessment and Development

Any person engaged in the sphere of management needs to have a variety of skills that contribute to the successful outcomes of business operations. To achieve the most favorable results, professionals have to implement all the necessary skills, such as technical, interpersonal, conceptual, diagnostic, communication, decision-making, and time management. Therefore,...

Belarusian Company AIMatters: Business Analysis

Introduction In the late summer of 2017, it became known that Google acquired the Belarusian company AIMatter that is engaged in developments in the field of computer vision. The most famous project of the company is the application of Fabby that allows changing the background for photos. The technology is...

The Case for Taxing Sugar, Not Soda

More and more cities and counties in the United States are starting to tax sugary beverages, which negatively affect Americans’ health. Even though it is an effective way to reduce sugar and sweetener intake, there is a more straightforward and practical one focusing on taxing sugar but not soda. The...

Growing Cases of Disgruntled Drivers at Uber

Introduction Uber Technologies, Inc., often referred to as Uber, is a multinational ride-hailing firm that has its headquarters in San Francisco, California, and operates in over 63 countries around the world. According to Ferrell and Hartline (2017), the company offers a wide range of services that include ride service hailing,...

Centers Health Care’s Organizational Culture and Readiness

Introduction Qualitative research methods of corporate culture are based on descriptive studies. Vveinhardt (2018) argues that they “are generally appreciated for being explanatory, detailed, and in-depth” (p. 54). They are carried out based on primary data collected by analyzing documents, including observing in-depth interviews. It allows employees to make suggestions...

Cinemark USA, Inc.: Problems and Solutions

Cinemark USA, Inc., also known as Cinemark Theaters, is a US-based cinema theater chain founded in 1984 in Plano, Texas. In 2016, its revenue amounted to $4.6 billion, making Cinemark Theaters the most successful cinema theater in the US. The three main revenue streams are ticket sales, food, drink, and...

Teens ‘Especially Vulnerable’ to Junk Food Advertising

Article Summary The article’s primary message is food advertising’s influence on teenagers and their exposure to those ads. Today, the US is facing a situation where a high percentage of adolescents suffer from obesity. Active marketing of foods that are full of sugars, refined carbohydrates, and fats substantially contributes to...

SEC Auto Exchange Company and Good Corporate Governance

The SEC Auto Exchange company is an organization based in Thailand that is involved in the import and purchasing of cars into the country which are subsequently resold. Its particular focus is on luxury cars ranging from coupes and sports cars to sports utility vehicles. Most of these are from...

Walmart Effect: Discovery of the Company’s Economy

This essay will examine the discovery of the economy of Walmart, an American retail corporation. The Walmart Effect is a term that refers to the impact that large companies such as Walmart make on local businesses (Kenton, 2019). The effect usually leads to the reduction of wages for employees’ competitors...

Power Autonomy as One of the Crucial Biosphere Rules: Enhancing Sustainability

The concept of business sustainability has been a buzzword for a while, as numerous companies have been implementing the strategies that allow them to reduce their impact on the environment. However, the lack of consistency in managing the issue of sustainability may be the result of the absence of understanding...

A Contract of Service or a Contract for Service Between Terri and Jackson Mortgage Brokers

A contract of service and a service contract are two distinct types of agreements that define a worker’s status in a company. A contract of service indicates an employer-employee relationship, while a service contract is preferred in the case of a self-employed individual (Canada Revenue Agency 7). Therefore, to understand...

Australian Freight Companies’ Ethics During the COVID-19 Pandemics

Freight companies have proven to be extremely important on account of the global pandemics caused by COVID-19 spread. In Australia, they are significant contributors to the local economy and market development. They have been helping businesses to keep shelves relatively full and prevented the escalation of the crisis (Mhalla, p....

Global Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

For successful development in 2020, global businesses have to think more about the customers and their needs. Despite the challenges, international companies must be ready to navigate the new environment. Global digital marketing has long gone beyond branding and advertising. In 2020, it must rely on customer experience to enhance...

Employees Management: Influence Tactics

The most common tactics I use when dealing with my boss are consultation and rational persuasion. In my opinion, their use when communicating with superiors is understandable. Consulting allows me to learn new things and perform tasks in a way that meets the manager’s expectations. Rational persuasion helps in situations...

S-Corp Limitations for Graeter’s

Graeter’s has established a flourishing business in its target setting, attracting as many audiences with as much diversity as possible. However, having reached the current success rate, the company might want to consider expanding or, at the very least, changing its status to a corporation. However, accepting the title of...

Mass Termination of the Employees in Glorious Florists

The Employment Standards Act of 2000 has to be followed in case of mass termination of the employees in Glorious Florists. To start with, all employees who are to be terminated must be provided either with a written notice or a termination payment or both. If employees do not receive...

Should Companies Engage Corporate Social Responsibility?

Introduction There is no doubt that the global companies’ impact on diverse aspects of life is enormous – social and environmental, as well as political and economic ones experience an immense contribution on behalf of the corporations. Be it an airline company or a coffee distributor – regardless of their...

Followership and Servant Leadership

Introduction As a relatively new concept, servant leadership poses numerous challenges for modern leaders seeking the best management approach. This style is often critiqued for being too similar to followership. While it has some identical core characteristics, understanding what is different is essential in shaping one’s approach to an organization....

The Nature of Current Psychological Contracts

Introduction When an individual starts working for a company, an official contract between them and their employer is formed. However, what people do not always realize is that a different type of a binding agreement takes place at the same moment. This contract is called a psychological one, and just...

Mobile Commerce and Changing Customer Behavior

The 20th century has witnessed technological progress, which influenced almost all aspects of life. The shopping process and the relationship between customers and retailers are no exception. This paper aims to discuss the influence of online shopping on the crucial steps of the consumer decision-making process and review the pros...

A New Policy Regarding Computer Using in the Workplace

Introduction Using computers in the workplace is an important aspect that allows optimizing operational processes, and in the banking sector, this measure is necessary. However, the analysis of the time spent by employees at the bank branch of Henrietta, TX, demonstrates uncontrolled and frequent access to potentially unsafe websites. This...

The Reason for a Conceptual Framework in Accounting

Thesis In this presentation, I argue that a conceptual framework in accounting is aimed more at protecting the accounting profession than at the improvement of accounting practice. There are three critical arguments to prove the thesis. Firstly, the framework is ambiguous rather than precise. Secondly, it is descriptive rather than...

The Providing of Amazon Prime Wardrobe

Recently, I have purchased a new fragrance from the Body Shop store, and I was hesitant by their prices. My friend told me that this company has high-quality products, while their prices are above the average on the market. My perceived risk was associated with the financial side of the...

Becoming a Leader: Exceptional Leader Qualities

Introduction Looking at prominent leaders that exist in this world, one might not notice that all of them differ from each other in regard to their characteristics and strategies. However, it is apparent that not any head of a company can achieve success. Therefore, there must be certain aspects of...

Apple: 10-K Report Analysis

Introduction The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is an independent agency of the federal government. It pursues many objectives, including protecting investors, maintaining efficient markets, promoting capital formation, and others. The SEC has multiple means to achieve its goals, and a 10K annual report is among them. Thus,...

Financial Statements and Their Preparation

Financial statements are records of all financial activities reflect the position of a person, business, or any other entity. Generally, they report an organization’s assets, liabilities, and owner’s capital at any given point. There are four types of statements: the owner’s equity statement, income statement, statement of cash flows, and...

Wal-Mart Stores: Logistics Within a Business Organization

Assessment phase Wal-Mart Stores has grown over the years to become one of the world’s leading discount chain stores dealing with a diversity of goods including grocery and other forms of merchandise (Kneer, 2009). With over three hundred stores spread in the US and internationally the company faces the hardest...

Linkedln: Strategic Positioning and Analysis

Introduction The purpose of this article is to strategically analyze and recommend the competitive strategy of the LinkedIn Company. The online business has been implementing an innovative positioning strategy whereby it has excelled in the competitive environment. The company is well known for its tremendous use of data. This situation...

Leadership in Extreme Situations: Iraq War

Introduction It is essential to have a leader who understands the needs of employees and the tasks assigned to them for any field of activity and any team. The combination of strict management and friendly exhortation pushes team members to do their job efficiently and feel comfortable with it. Examples...

The Relationship With Colleagues

One of the direct reports, N, has a strained relationship with colleagues. He has been working in the position for more than two years, and his attitude towards new employees has changed in the last few months. His duties include mentoring several new hires during their introduction to the profession,...

Forge Group Ltd Qualitative Analysis

The quantitative financial analysis of Forge Group Ltd has shown that for the year 2013, the value of assets has amounted to 464,210 (250,784 in liability and 213,426 in equity). As compared to the other years in the selected time period, the value of equity in 2013 is by far...

What to Do with a Colleague Who Is Resistant to Change?

Resistance to change is one of the most common and serious business challenges. Employees who discourage innovation can be reliable and talented, but their rigidness can sometimes become an insurmountable obstacle to the organization’s development. As noted by Shimoni (2017), resistance to change is both a personal and a social...

The Myers-Briggs Personality Test in Business Management Environment

Katherine Briggs, in cooperation with her daughter Isabel Myers-Briggs introduced a robust questionnaire that has become a powerful tool for psychologists to identify and classify individuals according to types of personality (Knights and WIllmott, 2007). The theory developed by the scientists is premised on the psychological types developed by Carl...

Staffing and Personnel Issues

Criminal justice officials hire personnel and protect their rights under the civil service rules. They both can be released from some civil rights laws depending on their location. However, before Woodrow Wilson presented this approach, all the decisions considering new employees were based on patronage appointments (Kania & Davis, 2011)....

Six Pillars of a Personal Selling Strategy

Even after creating an impeccable product and performing outstanding market research, one may encounter challenges when trying to sell the said product to the target buyers. The issue of sales management is particularly complicated due to the personal factors shaping customers’ attitudes toward a product or service that a company...

Charleston Target Market Analysis

Introduction Segmentation is one of the principal marketing strategies commonly applied in practice. After identifying the target audience and breaking down the 5 P’s of the marketing mix within Charleston’s scope, it is crucial to segment the target market along demographic and psychographic dimensions. In other words, to successfully implement...

Diversity in an Organization: Differences Among Employees

Organizational diversity encompasses a wide range of differences among employees. These include ethnicity, gender, culture, age, education background, race, organizational function, and cognitive style. It involves establishing an inclusive environment that allows employees to respect the differences of their counterparts. Diversity involves the perceptions of how people perceive others, which...

Developing as an Effective HRM

The practice of a Human Resource Manager (HRM) or a Learning and Development (L&D) Practitioner requires individuals to acquire a comprehensive set of skills, behaviours, as well as knowledge that would facilitate increased levels of effectiveness. HRMs are responsible for planning, directing, and coordinating the administrative aspects of an organisation...

International Accounting Analysis: Foreign Exchange Rates and Financial Statements

Impact of Foreign Exchange Rates When a corporation decides to conduct business internationally, it will be exposed to two significant accounting risks associated with export sales and import purchases. These risks are related to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. When speaking about export sales and import purchases that are...

How Coronavirus Impacts Recruitment and Selection

Summarizing the Articles The first peer-reviewed article by Himoud and Varallyai explains that the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the recruitment and selection processes became popular a few years ago. The authors state that it was so because conventional recruitment approaches offer numerous complications, including the reliance on printed...

SpaceX Company Sends Humans to the International Space Station

Nowadays, most of us are aware of the speedy progress in Space Exploration. Many international unions exist to develop aerospace science projects. However, one American company made a real breakthrough in the space industry while being private and moved by the initiative of one particular person. You probably guessed that...

LEGO: Innovation of Business Strategy

LEGO A Case Study Problems and Issues Faced by the Firm and Leadership The Lego Company faced its first financial crisis in 1998 and addressed the largest internal economic decline by 2004. The Lego Group’s supply chain did not manage to follow the changing dynamics within the market and timely...

The Price Formation in the Movie Theatres

Introduction In the theater environment, pricing strategies have not been claimed as an advantage for a long time. Currently, the situation is changing and the price formation is becoming a key component in the provision movie theaters with audience. Furthermore, price problems are significantly magnified for a commodity such as...

Branches’ Work and Problems the Agency Faces

The agency for analysis is called Branches and it is located in low-income communities. The organization is designed to help children from families with little income. Here they receive assistance in completing homework, learning healthy sports habits, communicating with friends, have snacks during breaks. Moreover, the program from Branches also...

International Business: Ethical Standards & Corporate Culture

The creation of corporate culture For international business management, the creation of corporate culture and the achievement of social responsibility goals depends on the ethical perspective the organization takes. In terms of emerging globalization in multiple spheres of economics, companies that operate internationally need to adjust their policies and codes...

Diverse Employees: Attraction, Selection, and Recruitment

All people are different, and this fact has a significant influence on people’s performance at their workplaces. Neglecting the individual characteristics of employees results in ineffective use of their capabilities. Therefore, it is vital for managers to maintain diversity correctly. Furthermore, diverse companies are more able to attract and retain...

Big Brothers of Fairfax County

The Big Brothers of American is an organization that seeks to help boys without fathers to have a meaningful and positive relationship with adult males. The organization needs volunteers who are willing to help these boys, but the management issue is that there are very few male applicants who are...

SAMS Hotel Group v. Environs, Inc.

The case of SAMS Hotel Group, LLC v. Environs, Inc., decided May 31, 2013, bears interest to U.S. contract law, specifically where it concerns limited liability clauses. The case summary is as follows: SAMS Hotel Group contracted Environs, Inc., an architectural firm, to design a building. The contract also included...

New Markets in Foreign Countries for CHEERS

Executive Summary Companies that want to maximize their profits or attract additional customers can identify new markets in foreign countries. However, leaders should conduct detailed analyses to understand the potential opportunities for maximizing results and possible risks that can affect performance. The discussion below examines how CHEERS has recorded notable...

Lord, Day, Zaccaro, Avolio, and Eagly: Leadership Theories

Every conceptual construct devoted to the study of leadership has endeavored to identify the factors that influence effective leadership. Researchers state that at the current time, the field of leadership theories “is very broad and fragmented” (Lee, Chen, & Su, 2019, p. 88). This is not surprising, given the more...

Cultural Expectations in the Globalized Market

When addressing the issue of cultural expectations in the global market, managers should be ready to encounter quite high demands concerning business ethics and business communication. Namely, it is fully expected from companies entering the global market to have high diversity rates and be open to all cultures without displaying...

A Travel Management Application Targeted to the Business Travelers

When assessing marketing initiatives, Ambler (2003), cited in Ambler and Roberts (2008), argues that the main metrics for marketing performance mostly focus on net profit or cash flow, added to brand equity during the period of marketing. The argument for the use of financial metrics can be seen justified in...

The Strategic Management Concepts

Vision, mission, goals, objectives, tasks, strategy, tactics, and policy are the concepts that help the company to define their work in terms of culture, values, and ambitions, and present them to the world. However, quite often, the difference between these terms is quite vague and needs clarification. This paper aims...

Google in China: Global Technology Concerns

Introduction Transcultural global ethics is a subject that raises several heated discussions in the field of business. The situation with Google quitting China contributes to that topic since it raises a conversation about how global companies should conduct their business while respecting human rights. After all, Google is a worldwide...

Marketing. Coolhunting vs. Practicality

The present-day business world dictates its rules to the companies and their customers, and they imply the focus on specific parameters defining the appeal of items for purchase. One of the principal characteristics of desirable goods is their coolness, and it explains the first impression a product makes on a...

Spend Analysis, Six Sigma, and Business

Introduction The professionalism of a specialist, especially in the field of business, is determined not only by experience but also by available skills. Their quantity, as well as their specificity and uniqueness, are equally important. In particular, they are necessary for different assessments and calculations of varying degrees of complexity,...

Logistic Trends: Business Challenges

Introduction Client satisfaction is the major concern for any business activity as it is the key factor of its profit. Consumer needs can be met on the condition that the product is cleverly developed, properly manufactured, and promptly delivered. As far as the main logistics’ function is to connect these...

The Definition of Request for Proposals

Proposals are an inherent part of business, which is why planning and submitting them is an essential skill in the field of business communication. To master it, one has to understand the internal structure and logic of this type of documents as well as the differences between its multiple and...

Reliability of Amazon Reviews

Third-party sellers need to get good reviews and high search rankings for being noticed on Amazon. Meanwhile, attracting real buyers is not easy; consequently, some sellers use reliable deception-paid reviews. According to the research by the ReviewMeta platform, a considerable percentage of all reviews from e-commerce leader Amazon were fake...

Nextera Energy Culture and Reward Structure

“You get what you pay for” is a very apt truism for organizational culture, employee well-being, and business performance. Organizational culture is what the employees think, how they act, and why they work for the company in the first place. To create and uphold a desirable culture, executives and managers...

Industrialization Impact on Men and Women Relationship

In the current piece, the effect of industrialization on working-class family life will be addressed. The effect on the relationship between men and women will be described in more detail. Firstly, a brief on the beginning of industrialization will be provided. Further, the impact (or its absence) on men’s and...

Analysis of the Commonly Used Expatriate Compensation Strategies

Introduction Globalization is gaining more and more impact on institutions, ranging from small companies to multinational corporations. The shrinking of international boundaries among enterprises and their markets has made it necessary for institutions to come up with the possible strategies for dealing with the demands of such diversification. The element...

Sparrow Pharmaceuticals’ Advertisement Strategy Analysis

Introduction Sparrow Pharmaceuticals has acquired its client base by advertising credible and thematic articles and offering a high-quality selection of medical research findings. The given measure has granted the trust of its customers as it was useful for them together with the excellent performance of the company’s products. There is...

Organizational Culture and Its Components

Organizational culture occupies a critical place in the existence of any institution. A wrong approach to this issue can quickly destroy any enterprise. The purpose of the essay is to analyze the components of organizational culture using various examples. This problem is essential not only for business enterprises but also...

AXON: Analysis and Implementation of the Strategy

Building Competencies and Capabilities AXON’s competencies are mostly adequate to achieve its goal of international expansion. All of the products that the company makes are used around the world in police and security work, and significant adjustments are unlikely to be necessary. Some expansion of its production capabilities to match...

Stark Street Pizza Company’s Business Analysis

While conducting business, it is important to take into account the strengths and weaknesses. A firm should focus on strengths and create new advantages that competitors are lacking. Stark Street Pizza Company is a small restaurant in Portland which has a small regional footprint. Nevertheless, it has been around since...

Modern Supply Chains Organization Dynamic Capabilities

In their article, Masteika and Čepinskis (2015) analyze the relevance of the roles of dynamic capabilities in organizing modern supply chains and how they are expressed today. The researchers present the characteristics of supply chains and dynamic capabilities and compare the two in the context of their relationship (Masteika &...

Identifying Root Causes of Business

It is a primary goal of every business to improve its quality and productivity while reducing costs and overcoming any inefficiencies. In some cases, there is a specific job position, Continuous Improvement Manager, that deals with the task above. Such managers are free to choose the existing methodology and tools...

Needs Analysis Plan For Vendor Selection

The process of globalization has changed how both suppliers and vendors imagine successful manufacturing and business management in general. Nowadays, the existence and rapid expansion of the free market implies high competitiveness among business units in order to obtain the most cost-efficient and quality-assuring workers in the segment (Azadeh et...

Computer Applications for Managers: Using PivotTables

Pivot Table is a tool that allows a user to present data in a form that is convenient for analysis. The view of the pivot table can be quickly changed with just one click, placing data in rows or columns, choosing grouping levels, filtering, and dragging columns from one place...

Ethical Dilemmas as an Integral Part of Business

Introduction Ethics has become an integral part of any business due to the prevalence of interpersonal relationships that span multiple cultures, genders, and socioeconomic strata. As the domain of interpersonal communication enlarges, ethical issues are growing in number. Therefore, it is essential to consider business ethics as the required framework...

Tricky Negotiations: a Strategy of Handling Requests and Planning Working

Being a good team member, a leader, and a manager is possible to develop an effective strategy of handling employees’ requests and planning working schedules for holidays. The first step is to analyze the situation without being emotional and to discuss possible alternatives with Karen, who works directly with employees...

Corporate Ethics: Creating an Ethical Workplace

Ethical behavior at the workplace seems to be one of the top topics in the world agenda, considering the number of scandals occurring in the world-known enterprises. The trend of the ethical workplace spread is still in process: the developing countries are still getting acquainted with the new ethical standards...

The Democratic and Participative Leadership Styles

Introduction For my future career, I plan on developing and implementing the democratic and participative leadership styles. I believe that this is the most effective way to manage an organization and guide it to success. With this approach, I will be able to encourage the team members to participate in...

Micro Issues. Company Go-To-Market Strategy

Ways of Entering the Market The world has experienced multiple changes, especially in technological advances that have facilitated the integration of the economy in different countries. Changes such as traveling, information sharing tools like the Internet, computers, and smartphones, as well as distribution channels, have facilitated the concept of globalization....

How People Make Economic Decisions

Principles of individual decision-making Individual decision-making is a process where a single person makes a decision without necessarily consulting other parties. This increases the chances of making ineffective decisions and it is for this reason that there are principles which have been developed to act as guides to the individuals....

Value Shift: Merging Social and Financial Imperatives

Before I read Lynn Sharp Paine’s Value Shift: Why Companies Must Merge Social and Financial Imperatives to Achieve Superior Performance, I had not paid much attention to the values in business management. However, after reading this book, I have realized that the principles of business ethics are an important tool...

Sales and Promotions Relationship

Trade shows are critical as it allows for direct B2B connection between manufacturers and retailers, providing a platform where industry players can display and demonstrate new offerings to not only retail organizations but media as well. Trade shows are common industry-specific allowing a manufacturer to evaluate competitor products and identify...

K. Kelly Hancock: The Servant Leader

Introduction Both the individual in particular and society as a whole equally form and lead each other. In my case, K. Kelly Hancock, Executive Chief Nursing Officer, became that individual, namely a mentor or a leader. She greatly inspired me and influenced my worldview by her leadership style and qualities....

Sports Strategic Planning in the UK

The study focused on determining whether UK university athletic departments engaged in strategic planning. It also wanted to investigate the key areas of focus in strategic planning. The third objective was to analyze the relationship between university size and strategic planning as well as athletic director’s background and strategic planning....

Overview of the World of the Marketing

Summary The paper acts as an introduction to the world of marketing and its elements, which form the foundation for the entire marketing course. The aim of marketing is to ensure that needs of customers are satisfied. What is being marketed must also have value to the customer. The manner...

Human Resource Management Essential Competencies

The role of HR managers in an organization is difficult to underestimate since they manage the company’s most valuable resource – the workforce. Effectively managed employees are committed to their organization and do their best to help it achieve its strategic goals. To succeed in human resource management, HR professionals...

Sustainable Business Model Innovation

Sustainable Business Model Innovation Sustainable business model innovation comprises new business units, diversification to other business versions, and the purchase of new investments. Based on this definition, sustainable business innovation targets features such as sustainable value production, active shareholder management, and long-term outlook. Based on this analysis, this paper proposes...

A Company’s Ethics Guide: The Document’s Name and Its Content

To function in the business world setting with its challenges, a company needs well-developed ethics. Traditionally, ethical principles by which company’s decisions are guided are explained in a company’s ethics guide, which lists key principles of the company’s ethical standards. Typically, the content of the specified document is mostly the...

Market Research for Gain in Africa

Economic development in Africa has the potential to create a new consumer class shortly. This latent market could be a future source of prosperity for Gain if marketed correctly. The first analytical technique suited for this task is cluster analysis. In short, this method puts together similar variables inside a...

Business Report vs. Academic Research Project Writing

There are many ways of presenting information about a factory or a company in the business environment. Most of the companies resort to compiling a business report, which is an evaluation of a specific issue or financial transactions that relate to the performance of a business (Gray, 2019). Others recur...

Marketing Techniques Influenced by the COVID-19

The article by Walton addresses the social and demographic aspects of the marketing techniques used by the contemporary markets by synthesising the data on mortality induced by COVID and police brutality with the perception of diversity. The author expresses the opinion that marketers in “total markets” utilize the social and...

Authentic leadership, Team leadership, and LMX Theory

The juxtaposition of Authentic leadership, Team leadership, and LMX theory in relation to team management revealed their close correlation. It is vital to conduct such comparisons and test them in real life because it is the way to create practices that suit one’s own managerial or subordinate experience. Each company...

Different Ways the Recruiting and Hiring Process

Introduction Evolutionary and globalization processes determine the trend in the modern labor market, characterized by a growing diversification of the workforce, which carries both certain difficulties and advantages. Thus, it should be used by management to improve the efficiency of using human potential and the company’s competitiveness. However, to get...

Marketing Pepsi in Italy

On Hofstede’s chart of the dimensions of National Culture, Italy differs from the United States in two areas, the distance of power and uncertainty avoidance (Green & Warren, 2020). Italians accept the power to be distributed unequally as opposed to the more egalitarian Americans. Furthermore, Italians are likely to seek...

Employers’ Perspectives on Workplace Communication Skills: The Meaning of Communication Skills

The article primarily focuses on the perceived and actual relevance of cross-cultural communication for United States business program undergraduates. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to assess the students’ attitudes towards cross-cultural communication and its potential importance for their careers. The findings illustrate that majority of undergraduate students believe...

Strategic Plan of Arizona University Technology Office

Introduction The Arizona State University Technology Office has been making strategic plans and setting annual goals for future academic years for many years. Such initiative helps structure the educational process and have clear goals, which contributes to the development and modernization of the university itself. The strategic plan and goals...

Decision-Making: The Prospects of a Business Project

Kamil, your post evaluates Mike’s potential decision-making strategies and the outcomes of each. The substantial piece of your work is to assess the prospects of a specific business project, namely the long-term investment activity. Taking a hypothetical situation that was not described in the scenario adds missing facts and shows...

Elimination of Hazards at Work

Hazard of electrical equipment During the facility’s electrical inspections, the following hazards were noted: Instant access to the service panel is highly limited as it is blocked by various cardboard boxes. All parts of the electrical system should be easily and rapidly approachable for an electrical technician, especially in the...

UK Multinational Telecommunications Company Activity

Introduction British Telecommunications plc that is more known today as BT is one of the biggest British companies. Its foundation in 1984 became a turning point in the advancement of British and European telecommunications. Due to its privatization, BT has begun to play the role of the dominant provider of...

Leadership and Management in the Patient-Centred Care

The terms of leadership and management are often used interchangeably within the nursing environment. Both leadership and management are crucial for high-quality delivery of health services (Francis, 2013). Though these notions are often seen in the same respect, they differ in behaviour, skills, or perspectives. Both qualities are demanded to...

Bayer AG’s Company: Sustainability Information, Integrated Reporting and Corporate Giving

Sustainability Information (SI) Bayer AG is committed to disclosing both financial and non-financial reports to all its relevant stakeholders, especially its potential investors and the government. The company discloses its sustainability information as part of its annual non-financial statements in line with the CSR Directive Implementation Act (Bayer Global, 2020a)....

Bushwood Count: Strategic Human Resources Management and Leadership

Tapomoy defines human resource management as “the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization’s most valuable assets the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business” (23). The author continues to point out that a business’ human resources...

The Issue of the Multi-National Project Management

There are various obstacles that the manager of a multi-national project has to occasionally deal with. In this specific case, the problem relates to the inefficient communication process. Despite advanced English language skills, the members of the project team cannot develop an effective way of exchanging information due to different...

The Role of Investing in Personal Financial Planning

Personal financial planning incorporates several important steps, which separately and mutually predetermine the success of the venture. First of all, one should determine the current economic situation and set financial goals. Next, it is necessary to identify alternative courses of action and evaluate them carefully. Further, it is crucial to...

The Home Depot Inc. and Subsidiaries

Introduction Home Depot Incorporated is an American retailer of products and services related to construction, home design and home improvement. The products offered by the company include hardware supplies, paint, plumbing materials, gardening tools, plants and home appliances. The company is the largest retailer of home improvement services in the...

Business Development: Workplace Dynamics Overview

In the age of capitalism, people are increasingly developing their businesses and starting new ones. With so much competition, every company has to come up with strategies to increase income, improve overall performance, and improve its position in the competitive world of business. One of the most critical areas for...

To Loan or Not to Loan: Taggert’s Bank Plans

Background Information Mary Taggert is contemplating extending subprime loans for her bank. According to Johnson et al. (2010), her competitors have enjoyed increased profits since entering into this market. Therefore, she is exploring new lending approaches to gain a competitive advantage by growing the number of borrowers. The two percent...

Income and Living Situation of a Dentist Prediction

Introduction Considering the declining economy, it is important for young aspiring undergraduates to consider their future in their professional field. Ideally, their prognosis should include the time it will take to build one’s career, the theoretical income of the chosen job, and the possible living situations one will be able...

Fyre Festival Project Strategy

The Fyre festival in August 2022 is planned as a large-scale event with thousands of guests. As a basis for the program development, the SMART methodology will be applied, which includes setting clear objectives and implementing them in a specific period. Firstly, the style of the festival should be chosen...

HR Research Methods and Their Effectiveness

Introduction It is impossible to underestimate the importance of strategic compensation plans for present-day companies’ sustainable development. In the case of Starbucks, it covers all aspects related to employee satisfaction and the desire to keep their job. Indeed, monetary awards do not define the presence of the above-mentioned intentions in...

Sports and Energy Drinks Market

Sports and energy drinks sales are growing around the world. With new countries like India and China becoming relevant, analysts estimate the market will grow with CAGR of 10% in the near future (BCC Research 2015). This paper will analyse whether there is a place for new companies in this...

Organizational Change Leadership Theories

The Contingency theory and The Path-Goal theory are two ways through which we can evaluate leadership. The Path-Goal theory operates on the assumption that the effectiveness of leadership depends on what the leader does. A leader uses his skills to exercise influence and change the behavior of his subordinates. The...

Apple, Its Present and Future

One of the biggest and wealthiest companies, Apple, has reached unexpected heights with Steve Jobs, being the major moving force of the business. Steve Jobs has left a legacy behind him and now all the attention is on Phil Schiller and if he can take the company in the right...

The Job of a Certified Public Accountant or CPA

Introduction The job of a certified public accountant or CPA is to provide accounting services to individuals. By its nature, this profession requires cooperation with different kinds of people from a variety of social, economic, ethnic, and cultural groups. Promotion of diversity and equity are essential to ensure stable development...

Oil Extraction as an Ethical Dilemma

Nowadays, oil extraction and exportation has become a significant factor for the wealth of the world community and the economic situation of a particular petroleum-exporting nation. Recently, the amount of oil extracted has increased greatly and its use has expanded, too. For example, in 2018, the Oil Fund of Norway...

ITT Educational Services Inc.

Basis of Company accounting practices Notably, a majority of the accounting principles adopted by ITT Educational services exist within the GAAP specifications. Non-GAAP specifications that have been used during the presentation of reports have always been considered alongside compliant reports, and not as a substitute of the same. This implies...

Communication Management: Analysis and Integration

Introduction Communication management is an essential element of any business project since it relates to the efficiency of spreading ideas, sharing a particular organizational message, and keeping the necessary stakeholders informed. Inefficient communication, in turn, can have an adverse effect on the productivity of the company and the success of...

Material Lab London Specifiers and Design Analysis

Introduction Material Lab is one of the modern studios showcasing technological innovation in the design world. It is one of the collection centers for various assortments of tiles and innovative art and design materials in continental Europe. The Lab represents more than 60 design manufacturers and thus acts as a...

Leading and Managing Change in Business

Introduction Nowadays, the importance of change is emphasised by many business researchers. This tendency is explained by the rapid development of the world. Companies need to adapt to these changes to maintain high positions in the market and stay ahead of their competitors. However, in order to achieve this goal,...

The Strategic Planning in Business

Strategic planning determines the strategy or framework of actions. There are several ways to execute the dealings and strategies that preset the schema which allows for a more planned and exact plan of action. It sets the regulations with certain parameters and they are followed until the transaction is finished....

Alfresco and Butter Oil Productions

Al Freshco Al freshco is a leading producer of dairy as well as food products. It is fully owned by farmers’ cooperative. The firm produces an array of dairy products. Additionally, it produces fruit juices and fruit related beverages. Processed products include butter, yogurt, and desserts among others. Food ingredients...

The Ways to Automate Lead Responses for a Business

Introduction Software as a service (SaaS) company is springing up because of its relevance in the modern business environment. Many businesses are currently relying on online platforms to promote their brands and sell their products. Unlike the traditional brick-and-mortar model of operation, SaaS companies are required to demonstrate their capacity...

Discrimination in the United States

Gupta, Gallakota, and Srinivasan (2005) have discussed how to ensure the long-term viability of discrimination strategies. They argue that organizations in the United States can apply various mechanisms through their structures to achieve this goal. Discrimination is evident in the formal structure of an organization. According to Paludi (2012), the...

The Managerial Duties in Business

A great manager must be effective and practical in his management. The knowledge of the “trade” is very important but the ability to use the information and apply it to practice is a skill that is just as important, if not more. They must have a friendly and fair relationship...

Wellbox: Introducing a New Product

Target Market The crucial part of marketing is the identification of an organization’s consumer base. To achieve this one has to employ STP analysis or the use of market segmentation. It is crucial since an organization needs to develop long-term relationships with its clients for the business to be successful...

Efficient Team Management Overview

Effective leadership and management are crucial in encouraging wait staff to become a team while providing exceptional service. After learning more about effective leadership, I acknowledge that impartiality and consistency are essential for efficient staff management. Workers feel especially unmotivated after being unfairly treated. Various situations can stimulate this feeling,...

Motivation and Improving Employee Behavior

Introduction All companies and managers face issues regarding leadership, conflict resolution, and motivations of employees. My name is (Name Surname), and my partner is (Name Surname); we will talk about crucial questions related to the company Wayfair, the e-commerce retailer that sells furniture. Today we will discuss essential topics related...

Fracking: An Indisputably Dangerous Practice

Introduction In the age of heightened environmental awareness, our growing concerns are calling for an appropriate and timely assessment of new technologies and their impact. Throughout the last sixty years, hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has gained its fair share of traction and grown to be a widespread technique in the...

Omni-Channel Marketing: Overview and Analysis

There are many strategies to gain consumer attention and thereby increase business revenues. Corporations can choose from various ways to reach a customer, from street announcements to personalized online advertising. One of the latest trends that the company is following in communication with clients is omnichannel marketing. This paper aims...

Crisis Incidents That May Impact an Organization

Case Study: Capay Valley Naturals This company specializes in processing and distributing fruits around North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia. The company has a fleet of 45 trucks that distribute the products to different destinations the farthest of which is 14 hours away from the central hub. It outsources the services...

The Davis Plant TQM Case Analysis

Introduction Total Quality management, as well as organizational development of a team are regarded as the key engines of managerial and organizational process. If TQM principles are implemented, this means that all the hindrances and barriers associated with the company’s regress should be removed. The aim of this paper is...

Ethical Differences in Business

To begin with, in his article, Martin Zwilling (2013), the Founder and CEO of Startup Professionals, offers five rules vital for transforming one’s business into a more ethical unit. Overall, these recommendations appear to be quite vague and common for other situations requiring changes or conflict resolution. Zwilling (2013) discusses...

Ethics, Reputation, and Compliance Gain as Corporate Priorities

To begin with, the area of compliance and ethics is gaining importance for various businesses. There is a growing interest in such business transparency among their clients (Hagel, 2015). According to the Deloitte Millennial Survey (2016), 56% of up-to-date consumers are likely to exclude a company from a shopping list...

Implementing New Business Models in the Manufacturing Industry

Introduction A business model is a complex process or rationale that an organization uses for producing and marketing of finished goods to its customers. Companies tend to revolutionize their strategies by monitoring the economic, political, cultural, legal, and social recorded in the external environment. This paper gives a detailed analysis...

Big Data Fraud Management

Introduction The growth of eCommerce systems has led to an increase in online transactions using credit cards and other methods of payment services. These transactions mainly require that a user provide their personally identifiable information, which significantly increases risks associated with credit card frauds and identity theft. The article by...

E-Business Systems and Customer Needs

The internet is an avenue that comes with immense opportunities for growth. Essentially, the internet is a business platform that enhances efficiency in terms of operations and market presence. Doing business on the internet presents vast opportunities for expansion. Rapid spread of information on the internet is beneficial to online...

Reflections on the Team Learning Process

The Importance of Leadership A project team can work well and achieve high results or work poorly. Of course, the personal competence of each participant plays a significant role in the discussion of team productivity. However, the importance of leadership remains a determining factor. Even when everyone inside a team...

Ethical Issues in Marketing Infant Formulas in Developing Countries

Particular ethical issues that should be considered in this case include health issues and the cost of the products. With regards to health issues, infant formulas have been associated with disease vulnerability among children in developing countries. The products have been considered as the major causes of serious infections and...

Structural Empowerment and Leadership

Introduction A leader has leadership roles to play. In this case study, Ted is charged with the responsibility to motivate, empower, communicate, and develop his employees. This essay looks at how he can act as a team builder, manage cultural diversity, and give a plan he can use to create...

Using Capital to Satisfy Unlimited Wants

Introduction The purpose of every business is to generate income by using available resources to satisfy unlimited wants. Each company and entrepreneur possess financial, physical, and human capital and aims to allocate and utilize them effectively to achieve maximum profit. Organizations and entrepreneurs differently manage human capital, with companies focusing...

CEO Failure: Bernard Ebbers

The position of a CEO is a top of the corporate ladder, which means that a person not only receives great power to take over a large company but also has responsibility for decisions. The evidence shows that the highest leadership is prone to significant mistakes, which should be analyzed...

Transactional Leadership for Organizational Performance

Leader-Follower Relationship in Creating a Performance-Based Organizational Leadership Relationship building between leaders and followers in a work-based environment serves a critical role in determining the nature and scope of organizational performance. Over the past years, many researchers have devoted considerable efforts to exploring this concept in the view of organizational...