A Review of Agnes Varda’s Cleo from 5 to 7

Agnes Varda’s Cleo from 5 to 7 portrays the experience of a “real-time” movie, following the life of a protagonist, waiting for biopsy results. The picture explores many themes, including a unique exploration of accepting a life with a severe illness and a mortality concept. Directed by the only female...

Personality Affected by Culture and Family Values

The personality and ambitions of the person are closely affected by their family values and culture. Since the family is one of the first concepts each encounters in life, its importance and propositions shape its progress and dictate his or her actions in future life. The background given during childhood...

”Argo” Directed by Affleck: Summary and Opinion

Introduction Movie plots are often based on real events, making the viewers’ experience even more exciting. Besides, the historical presence gives a unique glimpse at remarkable events in the world. The movie “Argo” proves the idea since it won several awards and many viewers’ appreciation. The purpose of this paper...

“House of Flying Daggers” by Zhang Yimou

House of Flying Daggers is a film directed by Zhang Yimou. The picture was released in 2004 and was nominated for an Oskar for the best cinematography in 2005. It combines the genres of action, drama, adventure film, and wuxia. The plot develops around the adventures of Chen, a young...

Touch of Hitchcock: Psycho and Vertigo

There are movies with an interesting plot and a strong cast, after watching which people change their lives. Some movies influence the way of how the whole filmmaking industry is developed, and the work of Alfred Hitchcock is one of such significant contributions. In the 20th century, this director demonstrated...

“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” by Verbinski

“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” represents a unique piece of work with an outstanding actor play, immaculate special effects and tricks, breathtaking scenes, and numerous aspects to consider. The movie is one of my favorites since it is an excellent combination of different genres and, in addition to...

TED Talk by Any Cuddy “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are”

The Ted talk by Any Cuddy named “Your body language may shape who you are” touches the topical theme important for many people in society. The majority of worthy individuals fail because of the wrong attitude or lack of self-confidence. The speaker refutes the belief unmerited achievements and honors by...

Stealing Africa: How Rich Companies Benefit from the Developing Countries

Stealing Africa is the documentary movie directed by C. Guldbrandsen, and filmed in 2012. It shows how Glencore, the Swiss company, operates with Zambian copper mining and manipulates its taxes, which are the primary way of getting revenue from copper for Zambia. The movie’s thesis is that multinational companies like...

Altruism in Video Clip “Spider Man”

Altruism is the philosophical term the video clip Spider Man speculates about. The video explicitly shows the implementation of altruistic concepts held by the hero. This is incredible how the movie clip unveils the philosophical meaning of a person who possesses altruistic features, and the foremost message is that every...

“Rampant: How a City Stopped a Plague” Film Reflection

During the times when HIV and AIDS were unknown to humanity, select social groups in the Australian city of Darlinghurst were leading a rather reckless lifestyle. Sexually transmitted diseases were a norm, and specialized clinics always had patients to work with. However, when people started to get infected with a...

A Conventional Japanese Family in a Film Tokyo Sonata

Introduction Tokyo Sonata is one of the most recent works of Kiyoshi Kurosawa that depicts a conventional Japanese Family. The 2008 film delves deep into a culture where there are strict roles meant for every member of the family and the consequences that might arise when one fails to or...

“Casablanca”: Creating a Plot with the Help of Sound

Introduction Casablanca – the greatest film of all times ironically has long been just another ordinary film. Adopting the unstaged play, the screenwriters barely made it profitable to keep the production on. However, the movie has ultimately won Academy Awards and Best Picture awards. Undoubtedly, it is now known as...

The Mirror (1975) Movie Review

The Mirror (1975) is one of the greatest Russian movies to be produced after the Second World War which still continues to attract crowds of viewers to cinemas and film stores even nowadays. Its setting and plot revolve around the story that happens during the war time in Russia; the...

“Lord of the Rings”. A Masterpiece by Peter Jackson

Lord of the Rings film is a captivating trilogy filmed in New Zealand. The novel was written by J.R.R. Tolkien and the film was directed and produced by Peter Jackson. The entire production lasted for eight years! The trilogy parts are The Fellowship of the Ring released in 2001, The...

An Inconvenient Truth by Davis Guggenheim

It is a documentary film aimed at creating awareness about global warming. It was released in 2006. One of the most interesting things about the film was the involvement of Al Gore the former US vice president who was responsible for the idea of the film. It became an instant...

The Simpsons vs. Family Guy

Both The Simpsons and Family Guy satirize the current problems of the contemporary family. Those animated television sitcoms are also aimed at revealing the major shortcomings and merits of the American lifestyle. Hence, the first show is more concerned with revealing humor imposed on cultural biases and a wide range...

“Odyssey” and “Troy”: Compare and Contrast

Introduction Odyssey is an epic poem on the adventures of the Greek hero Odysseus as written by Homer. Odysseus was the son of Laertes and Anticleia and he married Penelope the daughter of Icarus, who was the cousin to Helen of Sparta. They had a son named Telemachus. Odysseus fought...

Pipilotti Rist’s Controversial Artworks

Introduction Pipilotti Rist has been very significant in video art and installation media. She started making super eight films while she was still studying in college. Her works are generally very short lasting very few minutes and they usually have a lot of alterations in speed, sound and coloration. She...

“The Road” Film by Cormac McCarthy

Introduction The road is a film by Cormac McCarthy that talks about the struggles that a family had to go through in their effort to survive in a cannibalism society. Despite the fiction in the message, there are certain essential messages that have been conveyed in the book that reveal...

Disruptive Nature of Comedian Comedies

Introduction Comedy is a major form of entertainment in the world today. Comedians constitute some of the most known celebrities in our society. Today almost every television runs a comedy series; some of which are greatly adored by their fans. Stand up comedies are also in the increase with stand...

“There Will Be Blood” by Paul Thomas Anderson

Introduction The film, There Will Be Blood, is strange in a magnificent way in marking a noticeable departure by writer and director Paul Thomas Anderson. The film examines the character of a central California oilman in a somewhat insidious and intense manner. The film is framed in the backdrop of...

Leadership in the Film “Gladiator” by Ridley Scott

Leadership is an enigma for all supervisors who sooner or later face the challenge of managing the work of their subordinates. The sense of enigma becomes evident when it becomes evident that some people become leaders due to their authority, which is not that favorable, and others inspire people and...

What Blazing Saddles and Bamboozled Say about Race Relations

Mel Brooks’s Blazing Saddles (1974) ranks #6 in the top 100 comedies of the twentieth century, according to the American Film Institute, with Brooks’s Young Frankenstein ranked #13 and The Producers #11. Brooks is less interested in social commentary or satire than in laughs and yet Blazing Saddles does contribute...

MPAA Rating System: Issues Involved in Rating Movies

Introduction According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), movie rating involves movie production and editing to suit viewing for children and persons of a given age segment. In America an independent group of parents rate movies putting into consideration the content and relevant theme of each film (Attanasio...

Law and Order: Episode “Melting Pot” Analysis

Introduction The commonly used term ‘mass media’ encompasses numerous institutions and individuals that differ in method and purpose. In general usage, the term has been considered to define groups who make up the communications profession in both the entertainment and news industries. The specific role of the media in society...

“Billy Elliot” as a Play and a Movie

The work of cinematography I am going to analyze is called “Billy Elliot”. The film is about a boy who wants to become a ballet dancer. He meets his father’s and brother’s opposition; he has no person to support him except his grandmother. The dance teacher recognizes his talent and...

Goodnight and Goodluck: An Evaluation of Its Historical Accuracy

Introduction Films as any form of media convey a message or more that either informs, entertains or stirs its viewers to take action. Others such as historical movies present a narrative of a past era of which its producers need to convey a clear understanding of the situations, characters and...

“Downfall” by Oliver Hirschbiegel

The movie Downfall directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel is considered to be the historical reflection of the Third Reich epoch and disclosing the Hitler’s last days. The aspects of morality and responsibility described in the movie can be perceived as the kind of link between German history and present days. The...

The Analysis of the Rhetoric in Film “Henry V”

Rhetoric – originally a science about oratory, subsequently sometimes was understood more widely, as the theory of prose or the argument theory in general. The rhetoric is the scientific discipline studying the laws of origination, the transfer and the perception of good speech and the qualitative text. The rhetoric in...

Asian Film Industry Globalization

Before 1997, most of the East Asian film industry was purely based within the region and marred with little success. Two political and economic events that year marked a turning point for this industry. These events included the repossession of Hong Kong by China and the economic downturn in the...

Should Sex and Violence Be Restricted on Television?

Introduction It is impossible to speak about some negative sides of the influence of television without understanding the role of its impact on personality. Of course, the most considerable influence is made on people who are young or who are psychologically unstable. It is impossible to forbid watching TV for...

Short Movie “Darkness/Light/Darkness” by Jan Svankmajer

The author of this movie is Jan Svankmajer, the clip is called “Darkness/Light/Darkness”; it was produced in 1989. This clip can be easily found on the World Wide Web. From the first point of view, the main character of this short movie is a hand made of plasticine, it looks...

“Fast and the Furious 4” by Justin Lin

Introduction The recent movie named ‘Fast and Furious 4: New model Old parts’ has been a blockbuster among the teenage enthusiasts of racing in local colleges. The movie is directed by Justin Lin and written by Chris Morgan. It was released on the 10th of April this year and since...

‘Run Lola Run’ by Tom Tykwer

Run Lola Run (Lola Rennt) is a German thriller movie that was produced in 1998 and directed by Tom Tykwer. It was widely critically acclaimed, bagging 26 of the 41 awards that it was nominated for in Germany and in international film festivals, including Best Film at the Seattle International...

Theories of Culture in a Point of View of “Brazil” by T. Gilliam

Culture and works of art are influenced greatly by social tastes, preferences and unique vision of the world. During the 20th century, artists have been engaged in an anxious and harassed attempt to manage presence and views under conditions where everything threatens to fall apart. The concern surrounding the artistic...

Italian Neo-Realism: An Exclusive Film Genre

Introduction Italian neo-realism is a film genre is featured by stories of the people belonging to poor and working class, shot on position, regularly using amateur actors. Italian neo-realist movies frequently competed with the intricate financial and decent stipulations of post-World War II Italy, revealing the modifications in the Italian...

American Film Comedy. Slapstick Genre

The slapstick genre of comedy’s roots can be traced from the double paddle which when struck the other performer produced an amazingly big sound but only a small amount of actual discomfort. The male performers traditionally wielded this instrument and it is said to have evolved from a symbolic phallus...

Complex Technology in Reality TV Shows

Introduction It would seem that the society that exists in the 21st century is one of a population with a thirst for realism in everything that relates to their function as human being. More so when it comes to television viewing habits. All of a sudden, television has become an...

Minorities Portraying in Movies

Movies comprise pictures in motion created either by recording images using cameras, animations, or special effects. Movies come in different kinds; dramas, actions movies, horrors, comedy, and action dramas and involve different characters. Movies are created by culture representing those cultures and, in turn, may affect those cultures. These movies...

East Asian Cinema Development in a Regional Context

Introduction Kinnia Yau Shuk-ting wrote an article “The Early Development of East Asian Cinema in a Regional Context” that examines the stages of East Asian film industry development. The author of the article believes that significant events crafted East Asian cinema, and one can discover the formation of an Asian...

Chicanos in “Mi Vida Loca” Film by Allison Anders

Introduction For centuries, Chicanos, a Mexican-American people, have been viewed controversially. Popular media, such as TV shows, films, plays, and songs, frequently present Chicano culture either in a positive or negative way. This essay analyses Mi Vida Loca, an American drama film directed by Allison Anders in 1993. It focuses...

Arnheim, Eisenstein, Hitchcock: Film and Reality

Introduction During the last century, film studies underwent many considerable changes. Theorists developed their statements, introduced new approaches, and promoted debates to understand the role of the film industry in human life. In the 1900s, theorists were divided into formalists and realists with their intentions to prove the connection between...

Women’s Fates in Japanese Films

Introduction The Japanese society could be classified as patriarchal whereby women are seen as weak and their place is at home to take care of their families. This entrenched belief that women are subordinate and submissive has infiltrated the film-making industry where such themes continue to the perpetuated. The societal...

Trends in Japanese Horror Cinema: Evolution and Global Impact

Summary The chapter, “Recent Trends in Japanese Horror Cinema” by Jay McRoy is a detailed account of how this genre has evolved in the Japanese film-making industry to assert global influence. The author starts by giving an elaborate background and history of Japanese Cinema which dates back to the origins...

The Mainland Chinese Film Industry

Introduction There are many ways to understand Chinese culture, and its movies provide one option. During the last several decades, the mainland Chinese film industry has undergone considerable changes. However, even the most thoughtful researchers are not always able to give a clear explanation of the reasons why the film...

Time Travel in “Steins;Gate” and Other Sci-Fi Novels

“Steins;Gate” is an anime series based on the video game, which showcases Rintaro Okabe, a mad scientist who discovered a way to connect with the past. The proposed research aims to examine the concepts of time travel in relation to other works of science fiction that offer their outlook on...

Aniconism in “The Hidden Art of Islam” Documentary

Introduction The Hidden Art of Islam is devoted to the history of aniconism in Muslim culture and its influence on Arabic calligraphy, geometry, design, and contemporary art inspired by Islam. As the movie emphasizes, artists should not depict God, the Prophet Muhammad, human figures, and other living creatures alike, especially...

“A Doll’s House” the Movie by Patrick Garland

Introduction The main themes of the movie A Doll’s House are institutionalized sexism, misogyny, and women’s role in patriarchal systems. The story’s main character Nora was living a seemingly perfect life, but throughout the storyline, she came to the realization that she was a mere “doll” in her husband’s eyes....

Batman: The Story of Comics Superhero of the DC Universe

Batman is a comics superhero of the DC Universe, who is also called dark knight or vigilante. Cinema comics are at the forefront of the spheres of mass culture, and we can say that the superheroes represented in them fulfill a certain cultural task – satisfy the need of a...

American Movies and Foreign Policy: Analysis of International Relationships

Introduction The period after World War II to the present is characterized by several significant changes in the field of public relationships and foreign policies. The United States has to develop and maintain good relationships with the representatives of various nations and demonstrate their respect, power, and authority. Students can...

Secrets of the Dead: The Real Trojan Horse Episode

The story of the Trojan Horse has become much more than a legend. The phrase is used metaphorically to mean deceit, guile, and trickery. As depicted by Homer in Odyssey, the Trojan Horse was the last resort of Greeks who had tried everything else to enter the formidable castle of...

The Movie “The Devil Wears Prada”: Recommendations

Based on what has been presented so far, this analysis recommends that Miranda should attempt to pursue a leadership path that integrates sufficient relationship behavior into it. The fact of the matter is, the employee churn rate within the Runway is far too high to consider it to be a...

Horror Films: Articles Analysis and Comparison

This paper is aimed at comparison of two articles concerning horror films. While the article “The Horror Film as Social Allegory (And How it Comes Undone)” by Christopher Sharrett suggests the social and political implication of horror films the second article “Avenging the Body: Disability in the Horror Film” by...

Standpoint Feminist Theory

The feminist standpoint theory is a politically modeled theory that tends to lean towards social epistemology. The central premise of the feminist standpoint theory is that the people who are subjected to marginalization are more advantaged when it comes to possessing information than those people who are not subjected to...

Cultural Films’ Studies: Perception and Analysis

Cowboys & Indians: Perception of Western Films among American Indians and Anglos by Shively The American Indians admired the Cowboys and envied their lifestyle (Shively, 1992). The respondents considered the Cowboy’s lifestyle as a decent due to the variety of the existing freedoms (Shively, 1992). Many respondents underlined the ability...

Christian Symbolism and Imagery in “The Matrix” Film

Check out our essay sample on The Matrix symbolism. Learn more about what symbolism in The Matrix represents by reading our sample! Symbolism in The Matrix Essay Introduction The Matrix is a film, which depicts the condition of the world in the view of civilization in terms of machinery and...

Misrepresentations of Arab Women in Hollywood

Misrepresentation of various ethnic and religious backgrounds in Hollywood movies is not a new phenomenon: indeed, the only culture that Hollywood filmmakers can represent without bias or mistreatment is the modern American culture. Characters of other national, ethnic or religious backgrounds, such as Latino, Muslims, and even Europeans, are often...

Shark Tank’s Impact on Entrepreneurship: Education, Gender, and Security

Shark Tank Shark Tank is a reality show on American television. It is a business show that has a certain impact on the development of new entrepreneurship. Its goal is to allow young entrepreneur-contestants to present their projects and, in case their business ideas are promising, they have a chance...

“The Lies That Led to War” and “To Sell a War” Documentaries

Introduction The two documentaries – “The Lies that Led to War” and “To Sell a War” display the way mass media present information and falsify facts to distort the representations of people and mislead them into supporting a position favorable to a certain political party. Apart from that, they explicitly...

Love and Marriage in “The Philadelphia Story” Film

Introduction The film industry has played a critical role in society by not only entertaining but also educating and positively criticizing social evils within the community. Films before 1945 played a significant role in society, especially those produced during the Second World War. The society was going through a transition,...

“Sleepers” a Film by Barry Levinson

Introduction In every society, there are certain values and conditions that are usually established, and it is expected that they are naturally followed by every member of the society and passed through generations without active questioning or suggestions of radical changes. In assessing Immanuel Kant’s theory on morality, we shall...

The Film “Story of a Puppet”

Introduction Soviet films and animation always had a particular style unique to the Russian school of cinematography. Due to the political nature of filmmaking, the history of the country, and peculiarities of the Russian mentality, some of the greatest works of cinematography to emerge out of the USSR revolved around...

Oscar Ceremonies: Bias and Benefits

Introduction The Oscar ceremonies became a proverbial event in the history of the American culture quite a while ago (English 73). Defining the cultural choices made by the critics and the viewers alike and serving as the means of summing up the progress that the moviemaking industry has made, the...

Masculinity in the Film “Saturday Night Fever”

Introduction Saturday Night Fever is a movie that revolves around a young man, Tony Manero, who acts as John Travolta. John works as a clerk at a hardware that is in the heart of the New York City. He regularly breaks his routine activities of the week on the weekends...

Cold War Comedy: Kubrick & Jewison’s Nuclear Satire

With the international nuclear fear during the Cold War, the culture was politicized. Stanley Kubrick in his movie Dr. Strangelove and Norman Jewison in his movie The Russians Are Coming used comedy genre for expressing their criticism of the nuclear strategies, showing the absurdity of the irrational fear of the...

“Out of the Past” Noir Film by Jacques Tourneur

As of today, it became a commonplace assumption among many film-critics that the era of classical Noir films extends from the year 1941, which saw the release of John Huston’s film The Maltese Falcon, to the year 1958, when Orson Welles produced his movie Touch of Evil. Nevertheless, it was...

The Television Series “South Park” Analysis

Introduction Communication is one of the greatest aspects that make human life enjoyable by promoting understanding and interactions of individuals from similar or diverse backgrounds. It forms one of the agents that bind the society together despite the many personal and cultural differences that exist among human beings. The media...

Slasher and Gothic Horror Film Sub-Genres

The articles Slasher films and gore in the 1980s by James Kendrick and The Gothic revival (1957-1974) by Rick Worland discuss the evolution of two distinctive sub-genres in the genre ‘horror film’ throughout the mentioned historical periods – specifically, ‘slasher’ and ‘Gothic.’ Nevertheless, even though Kendrick and Worland addressed the...

Moral Behaviours in the Movie “Inside Job”

Moral Reasons behind Salary Differences The essay centers on the movie “Inside Job” directed by Charles Ferguson whose key message is the portrayal of moral behaviours, as presented by the director, in relation to the real-life job scenario. The movie exposes the economic flaws that the US government had perpetrated...

“The Shawshank Redemption” Film by Darabont

Era and Setting The Shawshank Redemption is a movie revolving around the life of a banker by the name Andy Dufresne. The plot of this film begins in 1947. This is a clear indication that the film describes the issues and events experienced in America’s postwar era (Marvin & Darabont,...

Racism and Masculinity in the Film “A Soldier’s Story”

Discrimination and prejudice always result in pain and suffering. The magnitude of these can vary from the Nazi genocide of Jews, the American use of Blacks as slaves – which could involve e.g. using them as test subjects, for instance, to perform more than thirty gynecologic surgeries on a 17-year-old...

Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television

Introduction to the Topic TV-related popular culture functions on the correlations between the customer appeal to popular shows and revenues of broadcasting networks and companies. The article ‘Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television’ focuses on the popular culture of sharing television files among peers through various online platforms...

Investing in the Film “Escape from Rio Japuni”

Project Proposal 1: My Life with Dalai Lama When it comes to identifying the viability of the movie, one must mention the fact that it is bound to have rather low production values as it will focus mostly on the life story of the main character, which, though admittedly having...

“Catch Me If You Can” a Film by Steven Spielberg

Introduction The life and adventures of Frank Abagnale were portrayed in the film Catch Me If You Can by Steven Spielberg. The movie was released in 2002. It represented the biographical and the detective genre. The aim of this essay is to analyze the plot of the film and to...

Modern Film Version of “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

Various attempts are made to create a modern version of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. However, it is also important to retain the original emotional and moral conflicts explored by the author. The Royal Shakespeare Company’s adaptation directed by Gregory Doran achieves this goal due to the excellent cast of actors and camera...

Lord of the Rings’ and ‘Harry Potter’ Film Analysis

Introduction Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are two of the most popular fantasy movies produced over the last few decades. These movies have a number of common themes that include good vs. evil, bravery and friendship. The similarity in themes and genre has caused comparisons to be made...

The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring Film Analysis

The lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is an adventure, adaptation, action or a fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson and released in the year two thousand and one. It is an epic adventure in prehistoric times that contrasts the moral vs. malicious forces and role of...

“Solitary Nation” – Documentary Film Analysis

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the documentary film called Solitary Nation which throws light on the way in which segregation and isolation can affect convicted people. The central purpose of this movie is to increase viewers’ awareness about the use of solitary confinement in prisons and demonstrate that...

“The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant” Film Analysis

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant showcases an intellectual sensation where sexuality blossoms to propel Werner Fassbinder work. The stylish cinematographic narration offers the film a sense of illustrious activity based on creativity. Probably, Fassbinder’s filmmaking explores the very foundation for which style makes cinematography exceptional. The film is...

Cultural Diversities in Double Happiness & Do the Right Thing

It is apparent that various countries, ethnicities, and researchers have different views about the cultural diversities. A primary goal of this essay is to compare and contrast the points about different attitudes towards diversities, which were presented in two movies, Double Happiness and Do the Right Thing. It is apparent...

The Color Wheel Move Critique

Introduction Directed by Alex Ross Perry in 2011, the movie The Color Wheel fits well within the confines of the French New Wave films. The movie chronicles sibling war between a sister and brother on their way to Boston from Pennsylvania. The French New Wave aspects portrayed in this film...

“Lone Survivor”: A Critical Review of Peter Berg’s Cinematic Approach

Introduction One of the reasons why people enjoy watching movies, in the first place, is that, while exposed to the on-screen action, they are able to gain a number of insights into the essence of the surrounding social reality. In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that...

Chinese cinema: Two Stage Sisters and Yellow Earth

The film, “Two Stage Sisters” is a 1964 Chinese production by Xie Jin, staring Cao Yindi and Xie Fang (Connolly). It is a production made shortly before Chinese Cultural Revolution. “Two Stage Sisters” tell of feminine story, “Yue Opera” practitioners, who happened to be from the same cast, but who...

“Hotel Rwanda” and “Equilibrium” Films Similarities and Differences

Introduction Hotel Rwanda and Equilibrium are two much-spoken movies centered around the controversial issue of questioning the option for choice in nowadays realities. The movie directors and scriptwriters convey diverse meanings in their works and want people to comprehend them carefully when they are overwhelmed with controversial emotions in a...

“The Shining” and Its Impact on Horror Genre Conventions

Introduction Genre theory is a framework that enables understanding and categorizing films based on their shared characteristics. Genre theory is crucial since it aids in creating precise standards for a movie (Barry, 2012). One of the most popular genres, horror has produced several critically acclaimed films. Common Conventions of the...

“Inception” and “Black Panther”: Cinematic Masterpieces of a Decade

The Best Film of the Decade Film Description Inception is the best film of the decade between 2010 and 2019 that renewed cinephiles’ faith in the cinema. It is a fulfilling psychological thriller as it is an action drama movie and a mystery. It deals with something that all humans...

The Crash Film: Ethnic Stereotyping, Racism & Social Issues

Introduction Crash is a drama film that came out in 2004 and is based on a true occurrence following the carjacking of Paul Haggis’s Porsche in 1991. Paul Haggis played a key role in the movie, where he was involved as a director and producer. He was also involved in...

Technical Mastery in the “12 Years a Slave” Film

Introduction Based on Solomon Northup’s 1853 autobiography of the same name, Steve McQueen’s drama picture 12 Years a Slave was released in the United States in 2013. The movie takes a solid and moving look at the atrocities of slavery, and its technical features are essential in delivering that message....

Class Divide: Exploring Socioeconomic Gaps and Gentrification in New York City

Introduction Social inequality is one of the most consequential problems of modern society, which rises in various spheres of human activity and society, including culture. As one of the types of art in the modern world, films are a powerful media resource that promotes certain values and touches upon social...

Analysis of Patricia White’s “Sketchy Lesbians: Carol as History and Fantasy”

Introduction Patricia White is a famous author of Women’s Cinema and feminist pieces of literature. She is popularly known for analyzing and discussing films and film experiences about feminism and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community (LGBTQ). Some of the author’s famous works include A Feminist Reader in...

The Queen’s Gambit Show: Impact, Character, and Global Chess Revival

Introduction There is no mystery why critics have given the Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit so many favorable reviews. The series pays special attention to the crucial components of effective storytelling, and it does it effectively. Also, it is a stunning example of a piece from the era with flawless...

“The African: Many Rivers to Cross” – PBS Documentary on African American History

The topic to be discussed seems simple and, on the other hand, frightening, namely the stories of African Americans who were forcibly transported as cargo to the New World. Henry Louis Gates Jr. and PBS explore difficult moments in history in “The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross,” a beautiful...

Role of Food in Moonstruck and Beauty and the Beast Films

When watching a movie, people usually enjoy and analyze the cast, settings, and plot, leaving many details without special attention. However, the worth of the film can be properly understood through the prism of trivial things like dresses, haircuts, and food. In fact, the role of food is mostly diminished...

“Haulout”: A Journey Through Melting Realities

Introduction Climate change awareness has been quite high for a significant period. The effects of climate change, particularly, global warming, have been examined in media thoroughly, with most people having become aware of the drastic effects of ice caps melting. However, due to the lack of grasp on the full...

“Scared Straight!”, Directed by Arnold Shapiro

The documentary Scared Straight! examines many forms of crimes perpetrated by both adult and child offenders. Adult criminals conduct a variety of crimes, including drug-related felonies, robbery, burglary, and assault. The video focuses on how some of these adult offenders become career criminals, committing crimes as children and finally getting...

Female Authority in “We Are Not Princesses” Documentary

Introduction The documentary “We Are Not Princesses” (2018) is an adaptation of the Antigone myth. The play tells us about how female authority is portrayed in modern society. It tells the story of several women worldwide and their hardships of being oppressed in society simply because they were born female...

Analysis of Flipgirl Web Series Episode One Content

A web series is a scripted or unscripted collection of online videos published on the Internet in an episodic format. Web series are the new norm for creating content by the many upcoming artists who do not have the financial muscles to go the traditional way of video production. The...

Choosing a Song for the “Man of Her Dreams” Film

Introduction The success of a film depends significantly on the choice of the theme tune. When considering whether “I’ll Change My Style” by Jimmy Reed is a piece of appropriate music for “Man of Her Dreams,” several points of contrast need to be considered. “I’ll Change My Style,” a famous...

Identity and Music Commercialization in “Song for Ourselves”

Introduction The film chosen for study is “Song for Ourselves” by Tadashi Nakamura. It tells about a musician known in the 70s by the name of Chris Iijima, who, with the help of his music, raised quite severe and relevant topics of that time. One of the main topics that...

CNN Docuseries “Giving Birth in America”

Introduction It is important to note that motherhood is a multifaceted experience in the United States. CNN docuseries “Giving Birth in America” by Every Mother Counts is a multi-part documentary series that explores the challenges and experiences of women giving birth in the United States. The series looks at issues...

The 9500 Liberty Street Documentary

Introduction 9500 Liberty Street is a thought-provoking documentary that highlights the struggles faced by a community in Virginia as they grapple with issues surrounding immigration. The documentary can be analyzed from different perspectives, including sociological, conflict theory, functionalist, and interaction theories. This essay emphasized the positive perspective of the documentary,...

Aspects of the Film “The Battle of Algiers”

Introduction Torture is the deliberate infliction of severe physical or mental pain and suffering upon a person (Peters 2). Torture is morally and ethically wrong and is against international law and human rights conventions, despite the fact that it may seem like an effective way to get information (Peters 142)....

The “Fargo” Film by the Coen Brothers

Fargo is a 1996 film directed and produced by the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan. Though it can be ascribed to a number of genres it is primarily a dark comedy. It also shares features of a crime drama and a neo-noir. Fargo excels in combining the morose and horrific...

Creation of Stereotypes in Film: Moana

Introduction It is significant to mention that author Wesley Yiin wrote an article, “Is Disney’s portrayal of Maui, a Polynesian demigod, in ‘Moana’ culturally insensitive?” June 28, 2016 (Yiin, 2016). Moreover, the author is a former Washington Post reporter who now lives and works in Sitka, Alaska. The article’s main...

Addiction: Genetic, Environmental, and Psychological Factors

Addiction is a complex phenomenon that develops due to genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Compulsive drug use or engaging in an activity despite negative consequences defines addiction as a chronic condition. In some individuals, the brain’s reward system becomes dysregulated, and they start to associate certain substances or behaviors with...

Business vs. Personal in Francis Ford Coppola’s “The Godfather”

Introduction Despite the existing attitudes and opinions, most critics and ordinary people across the globe consider The Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola a classic movie that changed everything about gangsters in the film industry. In addition to professional stage direction, well-developed dialogues, and a perfectly chosen cast, the work covers...

The Our Time Is Up Film Analysis

“Our Time Is Up” is a short film made in 2006. It was nominated for an Academy Award in 2006-2006. This film depicts several days in the life of a successful psychiatrist, Leonard Stern. However, he finds a new way to communicate with his patients after receiving unexpected news. Thus,...

Misogyny in The Godfather II Film

Introduction To begin with, the Godfather II is a fascinating film from the trilogy. In Godfather II, two storylines are developed: the story of Vito Corleone and the foundation of his business, and the story of Michael Corleone and his transformation into Godfather. Vito Corleone’s history reveals his past, his...

Maslow’s Hierarchy Principles Applicable to Survival Films

Introduction: Maslow’s Hierarchy Maslow’s pyramid is a hierarchy of five categories of needs. Physiological needs for food, water and shelter form the very bottom of the pyramid. The needs for security, love and respect constitute a further hierarchy (Meier & Boivin, 2022). Self-realization is at the very top of the...

The Handmaid’s Tale: TV Show Discussion

Films and TV shows in the genre of political drama are not only fascinating to watch but also to improve or change our views on many concepts. It can be gender, realism, violence, social expectations, gender norms, social issues, and political ideas such as political power (Globan & Ezgeta, 2017)....

Mughal-E-Azam: Indian Film Analysis

Introduction Mughal-E-Azam is an Indian film directed by Asif, which was made in 1960 and became a record-breaking box-office success in India. This work of cinematic art received high critical acclaim and earned many awards and nominations in many countries around the world. The plot of the picture unfolds within...

Scenes From the Movies: Indiana Jones Ride

Introduction There will be a number of scenes from the movies and, accordingly, from the Indiana Jones Ride that Clarissa, Patti, and I will imitate while sitting on the three-person sofa leaning on each other. One of the most entertaining scenes in any Indiana Jones film is the rescue from...

The Autumn Sonata Film by Ingmar Bergman

Scandinavian Film Tendencies The Autumn Sonata, directed by Ingmar Bergman, was chosen to analyze the film. First, it will be important to determine the features of Scandinavian films’ tendencies and highlight the characteristics of Autumn Sonata that correspond to these tendencies. First, Scandinavian films focus intensely on social realism and...

The “Pleasantville” Film by Gary Ross

Gary Ross is responsible for writing, co-producing, and directing the American teen fantasy comedy-drama film Pleasantville, released in 1998. The plot revolves around two siblings trapped in a television show from the 1950s that takes place in a fictional Midwestern town populated by seemingly ideal citizens (Chitwood, 2022). Although they...

Infantry in the “Dawn of the Red Arrow” Documentary

Introduction Dawn of the Red Arrow refers to a documentary that explores the change of the Wisconsin Guard from insecurely organized regiments into the 32nd Division at the outset of WW1. The documentary featured pictures, stories, and videos of soldiers who were fighting in the trenches. More than 15,000 National...

Gaiman’s Coraline Novella and the Nosferatu Film

A scary creature causes fear, albeit brief, in its audience. With their classic plots and enduring popularity, Nosferatu and Coraline are examples of this deliberate strategy. Those who do not adore them at least admire and accept that they perfectly encapsulate the concept of monsters, to the point where they...

The History of Bugs Bunny Cartoon

Introduction Bugs Bunny, an animated character, was created back in the 1930s by Leon Schlesinger. It gained popularity after featuring in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series released in 1930 and 1931 respectively. For instance, Merrie Melodies started airing in 1931, during the golden age era of American animation...

The Film “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” by Newell

Introduction The film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the fourth movie in the Harry Potter franchise. The main character was returning for his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, together with his allies, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) (Warner Brothers, 2020a). At...

Colangelo’s “Worth”: Drama Movie Review

Introduction Worth is a biographical drama based on events perfectly captured by Sara Colangelo. The 9-11 terror consequences horrified the national systems since stability and protection were no longer valid guarantees. Lawyers, insurers, and bankers had to suffer as well: they were forced to perform a humiliating job – assess...

The Pleasantville (1998) Film by Gary Ross

Examining the film Pleasantville (1998) through the lenses of the writings of Cornelius Plantinga Jr. and Bruce Epperly, their discussion reveals the Christian’s understanding of God. This is expressed in their daily lives and how the perfection of this world compares to God’s standards. Plantinga encourages his readers to accept...

Cultural Immersion in Duvernay’s “13th” Documentary

Introduction Participating in cultural immersion is crucial for all individuals. While engaging in such activities, people immerse themselves in a world distinct from their own to increase their understanding of someone else’s culture, values, and way of life. Aspiring counselors must participate in cultural experiences. There is a significant likelihood...

The Film “The Forbidden Planet” by Fred M. Wilcox

Hollywood changed its content and aesthetic due to the film industry’s rapid changes following the Second World War. Between 1939 and 1946, the Hollywood film industry saw considerable growth in producing science fiction films such as Forbidden Planet (Langford, 2010). Their attendance and box office earnings thus fell to approximately...

The Film “Point Break” by Kathryn Ann Bigelow

Actor Keanu Reeves has appeared in movies, TV shows, and video games. His first leading part was coping with his closest friends as a young man. He had a lead role in Point Break, which was his big appearance as a character. Point Break proudly embraces its status as a...

The Movie “Hidden Figures” by Ted Melfi

The movie Hidden Figures is set in the 1960s during an age in the United States (US) dominated by racism and racial segregation. The film reveals the struggles of three African-American women – Katherine Goble (a mathematician), Mary Jackson (an engineer), and Dorothy Vaughan (a technician) (Melfi & Shetterly, 2017)....

Symbolism in Disney’s Movie “Encanto”

Introduction Disney’s Encanto is full of minute details that give the story of the characters a lot more depth. One such feature that appears in several locations throughout Encanto is butterflies, which have unique significance. Disney has experimented with many different genres and techniques, but the company is still best...

The Book and Movie Versions of “The Martian”

Introduction The Martian, by Andy Weir, is a science fiction novel adapted into a 2015 film directed by Ridley Scott. It has been adapted into a critically acclaimed movie and has become a worldwide sensation. Both the book and the movie present the story of astronaut Mark Watney, who is...

Is Binge-Watching Television Bad for You?

People spend a significant amount of their time watching TV. Moreover, the emergence and evolution of streaming services increased the number of hours individuals spend in front of screens. The popularity of TV series and shows proves that millions of people like this content and wait for new episodes. For...

Children and Gender: Growing Up Trans by Frontline PBS Review

In today’s world, there is a distinct difference between gender and sex, the spread of which is especially important. Increasingly people are faced with the problem of identifying themselves as male or female. As a consequence of this fact, adults have an opportunity to make a transition to living a...

“A Second Chance” by Manny Jimenez Review

A Second Chance is a short film produced by Manny Jimenez in 2018. The film’s plot highlights the life of a young teenage boy called P-nut from juvenile detention who is forced to live in a violent world. Teenage boys living in violent neighborhoods face critical challenges growing up, which...

Twilight Zone Episode 4: TV Series Review

Introduction Twilight Zone (2019) Episode 4 is a Native American TV series directed by Ana Lily Amirpour and written by Glen Morgan. A police officer, Yuka, selected her brother as the candidate for ceremonial pardon during the Christmas party. The prison has a culture of pardoning an offender during the...

Hollywood Indian Western Obituary

Introduction Hollywood Indian Western was a genre that, in times of its flourishing, pleased the audience with images of brave Americans who conquered America. In 1939, a film Stagecoach with the notion of Indian leader Geronimo, was produced: while Geronimo is not portrayed explicitly, he is constantly present in the...

The Analysis of Three Films

Introduction In Love is Never Silent play, set during the Great Depression, entails a young lady who battles her longing for freedom and her responsibility to take care of her deaf parents. A friend tells her that she must seek happiness on her while in turmoil (“Love Is Never Silent”)....

The Style in “The Grand Budapest Hotel”

Introduction The director’s commitment to strict symmetry explains the many orthogonal lines in the frame’s construction. Diagonal compositions, camera movements, and camera deviations from the horizon are almost not found in the film. A limited fictional world in which the strict arrangement of objects and people is practically a fundamental...

The Documentary “A Brilliant Genocide”

The documentary “A Brilliant Genocide” shows how the Ugandan government killed over 800,000 people in just 100 days. I enjoyed this documentary because it was eye-opening and informative. I like how it provides many details about the killings. Additionally, the film gives a voice to the Acholi people, who are...

Animation Film Pocahontas by Walt Disney

Introduction A seventy-eight-minute animation film, Pocahontas, by Walt Disney, is about a Native American heroine who saved a British man, John Smith, from execution by her father. The movie has received criticism, especially from Arab Americans (Goldberg & Gabriel, 1995). The film is analyzed on three concepts; libel, privacy invasion,...

Elements of Photography and Cinematography

Introduction Human society cannot be imagined without art and its various forms. It always accompanies individuals, evolving with their needs and responding to the changes in world view and mentalities. At the same time, art is impacted by external factors, and technology is one of them. Discussion The scientfific discovery...

News Coverage of the Jackson, MS, Crisis

Issues affecting communities and their well-being on a large scale are quite difficult to approach when shedding light on them in public media. On the one hand, the context and extent of the issue need to be provided; on the other hand, maintaining objectivity and neutrality remains a concern. However,...

Rhetoric Tactics in The King’s Speech Film

Public speaking is an emotionally and physically challenging task. Not only does it frighten inexperienced speakers, but it can also cause anxiety in public figures. The King’s Speech showcases the strategies used by the ascendant monarch of the British Empire to overcome his own fear of public speaking. Out of...

The “Metropolis” Film by Fritz Lang

While expressionism has some universally accepted features, peculiarities exist in its regional versions. That is why German expressionism has a few distinct features. According to Lecture #1, they are fantastic sets and settings, exaggerated acting styles, melodramatic plotlines, elaborate use of light and shadow, and a dream-like atmosphere. All these...

Chaos vs. Nova Great Math Mystery Documentaries

Introduction Documentaries are nonfictional films or records that document reality. Documentaries’ principal purposes are to educate audiences, preserve historical documents, or provide viewers with instructions. Some of the fundamental parts of a documentary are subjects, objectives, production techniques and processes and the type of experience they impart to the spectator....

Use of Policing in “Modern Times” (1936)

Chaplin’s “Modern Times” (1936) is rightfully considered a masterpiece of satire as the means of criticizing sociocultural and technological trends within society. Though one could argue with the message lying at the core of the movie, Chaplin’s incredible performance and outstanding use of filming techniques made it possible for the...

Food, Inc., Produced by Kenner Review

Upon its release, the documentary Food, Inc., produced by Kenner (2008), profoundly impacted society, showing the true realities of food production under the capitalistic conditions of the modern USA. The major objective of the given movie is to investigate the corporate farming business in the USA and factors that are...

The “Ascension” Documentary by Jessica Kingdon

Ascension is set in China, which is regarded as a global economic powerhouse in the race to become the largest economy in the world. China is on the pathway to becoming a high-income country, which would paint a glamorous picture of a highly prosperous nation. However, that thinking would only...

Science Fiction in Qaqish’s “Before Arrival” Film

Science fiction is a popular genre in many art forms that connects humans’ desire for knowledge with artists’ imagination of future society. Understanding the common tropes, iconography, and themes allows one to gain an understanding of what elements contribute to the unique experience science fiction provides. The appeal of such...

China Films’ Influence on Cultural and Creative Industries

Introduction The spheres of culture, art, and creativity are mainly social and human activity areas to embody aesthetic values and develop objective knowledge about the world through specific methods and means. Undoubtedly, these spheres continue to grow and improve, and it is not excluded that new opportunities for their improvement...

Why the Titanic Film Is Overrated

Introduction James Cameron’s monumental movie The Titanic continues to stand out as one of the crowning film production achievements of the 90s. The film is extremely profitable and has received several awards over the years. The Titanic movie was the first few productions to apply a blend of practical and...

“When the Levees Broke” Documentary by Spike Lee

As Spike Lee’s documentary attests, inconvenient realities were allowed to exist that contributed to the societal tragedy that Hurricane Katrina so dramatically displayed. When the Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts, directed by Spike Lee, illuminates the complex network of social, legal, and environmental blind spots that contributed to...

Meaning of Symbolism in the Film “Parasite”

Introduction The film, Parasite, is directed by Bong Joon-ho and was released on May 21, 2019. The viewer follows the lives of individuals who choose to pursue employment opportunities from wealthy family. To achieve their goals, these family members design an ingenious plan of posing as qualified workers. The storyline...

The Social Dilemma by Jeff Orlowski Review

With the advent of modern technology and social media networks, communication has become much easier. However, as Sophocles, a Greek tragedian, once said: “Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse” (The Social Dilemma 00:00:17). The Social Dilemma, a documentary released in 2020 by Netflix, examines the expansion...