Introduction A modest proposal is a film by Jonathan swift which has unveiled the poverty situation in Ireland. The setting of the movie was at a time when the population was increasing at a higher rate than the economy. The movie begins by displaying young children on the streets who...
Topic: A Modest Proposal
Words: 614
Pages: 2
Lord of the Rings film is a captivating trilogy filmed in New Zealand. The novel was written by J.R.R. Tolkien and the film was directed and produced by Peter Jackson. The entire production lasted for eight years! The trilogy parts are The Fellowship of the Ring released in 2001, The...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 789
Pages: 2
Modern cinematography is the world that perfectly reflects the problems of people and the situations that are created in the world now. It may be said that cinematography reflects the problems which are urgent to modern people or have some relation to appeared situations, such as poverty, war, money, love,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 3333
Pages: 11
In watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind one is bound to consider the film as constituting a mini-genre that excellently copes with reverse order storytelling and memory loss. It is very emotionally resonant in culminating with the best techniques and imagination used in the art of taking the viewer...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1088
Pages: 3
Lost: Transmedia Storytelling Lost functions as an example of transmedia storytelling in that the producers create an all-encompassing narrative, large and compelling enough to continually expand beyond the confines of its initial medium – television. Transmedia stories mushroom across numerous media platforms, ever expanding, and each manifestation contributes something deeper...
Topic: Television
Words: 1596
Pages: 5
As of today, the majority of movie critics agree with suggestions that the genre of auteur film, which gained a particular popularity with moviegoers during the course of fifties and sixties, should be discussed within the context of many European producers of the era having strived to endow their cinematographic...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 2503
Pages: 9
Introduction According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), movie rating involves movie production and editing to suit viewing for children and persons of a given age segment. In America an independent group of parents rate movies putting into consideration the content and relevant theme of each film (Attanasio...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 906
Pages: 3
First of all, it should be explained why the application of sociological imagination is necessary in this particular case that concerns the film under analysis. By means of “sociological imagination people …hope to grasp what is going on in the world, and to understand what is happening in themselves …”,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 685
Pages: 2
Introduction The recent movie named ‘Fast and Furious 4: New model Old parts’ has been a blockbuster among the teenage enthusiasts of racing in local colleges. The movie is directed by Justin Lin and written by Chris Morgan. It was released on the 10th of April this year and since...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 822
Pages: 3
The film Rocky Horror Picture Show was first released in 1975 in the UK and in America shortly afterward. Directed by Jim Sharman, it had an all-star cast including Tim Curry, Richard O’Brien, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Patricia Quinn, Nell Campbell and Meat Loaf. Officially classified as a comedy, the...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 670
Pages: 2
Introduction The art of movie-making is versatile and wonderful in the way of thematic and ideological coloring due to the genre peculiarities and the manner of representation. The world of movie is rich in the outstanding characters and persons who made and are still making movie art more magnificent, vivid...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1170
Pages: 4
Run Lola Run (Lola Rennt) is a German thriller movie that was produced in 1998 and directed by Tom Tykwer. It was widely critically acclaimed, bagging 26 of the 41 awards that it was nominated for in Germany and in international film festivals, including Best Film at the Seattle International...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 633
Pages: 2
Introduction One flew over the cuckoo’s nest is a novel that was written in 1965 and adapted into stage plays and even a movie in the 1971. Both the movie and novel are set in Oregon State in a mental hospital. This setting reveals the working of the hospital and...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1000
Pages: 4
Introduction The 1992 classic movie The Last of the Mohicans relates the tale of set in the 1757 French and Indian War when the British and the French are battling for control over North America. The Mohicans, as history holds, have a past intermingled with war, influxes of other tribes...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 984
Pages: 4
The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption, released in 1994, is an adaptation based upon a story by Steven King and directed masterfully by Frank Darabont. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman play the leads and this director “shows” us things about them. We are not told much at all. A young...
Topic: Movies Comparison
Words: 781
Pages: 2
Willis O’Brien is considered to be one of the first artists who started working with stop-motion photography. Before inventing the technique of stop-motion animation he worked as a cartoonist and a marble sculptor. His contribution into the stop-motion animation is difficult to overestimate. When creating the models for the movies...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 603
Pages: 2
Movies comprise pictures in motion created either by recording images using cameras, animations, or special effects. Movies come in different kinds; dramas, actions movies, horrors, comedy, and action dramas and involve different characters. Movies are created by culture representing those cultures and, in turn, may affect those cultures. These movies...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 904
Pages: 3
The movie Marie Antoinette was screened and directed by Sofia Coppola. The uniqueness of the movie is that it depicts the early years of Marie Antoinette and her relations with her husband, Louis XVI. The movie portrays that it was a chance that bound Louis, whilst still only half a...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1149
Pages: 4
Introduction It is worth noting that theorists have long been trying to resolve the issue of inaccurate genre affiliation of motion pictures. The lack of a strict terminological base and the difficulty of categorizing movies led to the fact that the same film can be attributed to different and even...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1113
Pages: 4
Introduction Chen Kaige belongs to the fifth generation of Chinese filmmakers. Just like his counterparts Zhang Yimou, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Zhang Junzhao, and Li Shaohong, he graduated from the Beijing Film Academy and contributed to Chinese cinema popularization. Chen Kaige films are appreciated by broad and arthouse audiences. Particularly, Martin Scorsese...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Introduction During the last century, film studies underwent many considerable changes. Theorists developed their statements, introduced new approaches, and promoted debates to understand the role of the film industry in human life. In the 1900s, theorists were divided into formalists and realists with their intentions to prove the connection between...
Topic: Alfred Hitchcock
Words: 1940
Pages: 7
Summary The chapter, “Recent Trends in Japanese Horror Cinema” by Jay McRoy is a detailed account of how this genre has evolved in the Japanese film-making industry to assert global influence. The author starts by giving an elaborate background and history of Japanese Cinema which dates back to the origins...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1149
Pages: 4
Film Summary The documentary focuses on exploring the foundations and concepts of the construct known as the Dark Web, a large portion of the internet that is hidden and requires special tools to access. The director attempts to uncover many mysteries, disprove strong opinions, and examine the potential utility of...
Topic: Web Technology
Words: 569
Pages: 2
Introduction Taxi Driver is an iconic noir film written by Paul Schrader and directed by Martin Scorsese in 1976. It featured Robert De Niro as the main character, named Travis Bickle. The movie focuses on the story of a mentally unstable Vietnam War veteran, who is struggling between his sense...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 641
Pages: 2
“It was as if the last day, as people say in the Bible, that there will be the last day, that Jesus Christ will come, and whatever on Earth will be judged. That was my imagination. I thought that God felt tired of people on Earth here, felt tired of...
Topic: God
Words: 1712
Pages: 6
This paper is aimed at comparison of two articles concerning horror films. While the article “The Horror Film as Social Allegory (And How it Comes Undone)” by Christopher Sharrett suggests the social and political implication of horror films the second article “Avenging the Body: Disability in the Horror Film” by...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1950
Pages: 7
Implications of Differences in Television Program Policy or Focus Television profitability depends highly on the attractiveness of the programs created. The key role of television producers is to make sure the viewers understand and enjoy what they are being shown. Viewers need to understand and be helped to distinguish what...
Topic: Television
Words: 2758
Pages: 10
Cowboys & Indians: Perception of Western Films among American Indians and Anglos by Shively The American Indians admired the Cowboys and envied their lifestyle (Shively, 1992). The respondents considered the Cowboy’s lifestyle as a decent due to the variety of the existing freedoms (Shively, 1992). Many respondents underlined the ability...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 649
Pages: 2
In the opening scenes of the film, Selma, Martin Luther King is in Oslo to receive the coveted Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. In Alabama, the fight for the inclusion of the black community in the voting process is ongoing. Ann Lee Cooper is denied the opportunity to become a...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Policymakers and scholars acknowledge that the media plays a fundamental role in the life of young people. The media shapes the dynamics of the cultures embraced by the youth. Youth everywhere, the Arab world not an exception, are frequent users of technology and watching movies being one of the main...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1431
Pages: 5
Why were the Nazis opposed to the swing music? In the movie, swing music is forbidden in Germany. This was because, according to Nazi ideology, all jazz music was regarded as offensive because its origins had links with African-Americans. Since it had linkages with blacks commonly called “negroes” and a...
Topic: Nazism
Words: 709
Pages: 3
The early era of cinematography was shaped by striving to achieve success in terms of creating masterpieces that are unique and precious. However, gradually, the primary priorities of creators involved in the film industry have shifted in favor of material profit. The contemporary cinematography is most known not for its...
Topic: Award
Words: 1311
Pages: 5
We Bought a Zoo is a 2011 comedy-drama film that follows the life of a single-parent family aiming to start a new life after the passing of the mother. The father, Benjamin Mee, faces many sociological issues throughout the film, including dealing with his loss and the pressure from the...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 831
Pages: 4
Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather always gets included in many critics’ top 100 best films list. It is hard to argue against its inclusion in a list that talks about the greatest achievements in cinematic history. It is not a good idea to ignore this film, because writers, journalists, and...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1417
Pages: 6
Introduction Soviet films and animation always had a particular style unique to the Russian school of cinematography. Due to the political nature of filmmaking, the history of the country, and peculiarities of the Russian mentality, some of the greatest works of cinematography to emerge out of the USSR revolved around...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1178
Pages: 5
Nowadays, many people suffer from poverty and cannot allow themselves to live in appropriate conditions all the time. They may earn big money, lose everything within the next day, and become homeless in a week. Such an idea becomes more terrible when poverty touches upon the lives of little children....
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 560
Pages: 3
Introduction The films ‘The Mummy’ produced by Karl Freund and ‘Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari’ are some of the earliest horror movies that based their plot on mysterious murders and the use of paranormal powers. ‘The Mummy’ is a film that blends the ancient Egyptian culture and practices with the...
Topic: Movies Comparison
Words: 2301
Pages: 9
Film Summary The animated film, Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi), by Hayao Miyazaki is of Japanese origin and was released in the year 2001. The animated film is based on the story of a girl called Chihiro Ogino who is ten years old. As Chihiro and her parents...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 561
Pages: 3
Abstract The paper provides the analysis of two pitches from Episode 11 in Season 6. The paper also presents a summary of the ideas discussed in the selected pitches. The comparison of the pitches’ features is supported by analyzing the business idea that is worth investing. Evaluation of Pitches Shark...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 678
Pages: 3
The Gone Baby Gone movie represents one of those pieces of art which leave the audience with contradictory opinions about the ending. While the whole film is full of dramatic moments, its final part is the most powerful as it brings about the crucial question: should the character’s decision be...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 542
Pages: 2
Introduction The life and adventures of Frank Abagnale were portrayed in the film Catch Me If You Can by Steven Spielberg. The movie was released in 2002. It represented the biographical and the detective genre. The aim of this essay is to analyze the plot of the film and to...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1112
Pages: 5
The Korean film industry is evolving rapidly, and filmmakers come up with new products that are positively accepted by the public. For instance, in 2011, 8.48 million Koreans watched national movies as compared to 4.98 million who watched foreign products (Dixon par. 14). The industry has transformed significantly throughout the...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1650
Pages: 6
Introduction One of the reasons why people enjoy watching movies, in the first place, is that, while exposed to the on-screen action, they are able to gain a number of insights into the essence of the surrounding social reality. In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1718
Pages: 7
Introduction The movie, Joy Luck Club, demonstrates the various aspects of Chinese women and their struggles to improve the perceptions of Americanized Chinese women. The movie commences when the mother of Suyan, who is a young Chinese woman, June, dies. The journey that June embarks on after she knows that...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1149
Pages: 5
Introduction The Teacher, directed by Jan Hřebejk, is a thought-provoking film that tells a compelling story of power, manipulation, and morality in a 1980s Slovakian school (Hrebejk, 2015). The film’s content is meticulously and artistically presented, with Zuzana Mauréry delivering a stirring performance as the titular character. This manipulative and...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 308
Pages: 1
Introduction Stephen King’s essay, “Why We Crave Horror Movies,” explores our attraction to horror cinema. This critical analysis delves into key questions regarding our fascination with the macabre and its intersections with urban legends within the horror genre. Main Body Horror movies serve as a unique outlet for our emotions...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 408
Pages: 1
Introduction In art and human endeavor, instances exist that transcend the ordinary, pushing the boundaries of human perception and engagement. Man on Wire is one such extraordinary instance, a documentary chronicling Philippe Petit’s audacious tightrope walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in 1974. To delve into...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 824
Pages: 3
Introduction The film Get Out, written and directed by Jordan Peele and released in 2017, is a psychological thriller and horror film. It narrates the story of Chris, a young African-American man who visits his white girlfriend’s family and encounters terrifying situations. Main Body The film is essentially a critique...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 306
Pages: 1
Introduction Auteur theory in cinematography refers to a framework where directors are seen as the driving forces in filmmaking who share their perspectives of creativity and add a personal touch to the motion picture. The criteria that make a director an auteur encompass unique filmmaking styles, exploration of unconventional topics,...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1203
Pages: 4
Monica Castillo’s Review: Key Claims and Evidence The main characters in the Booksmart film have a strong connection and mutual understanding. Castillo’s statement about the perfectly matched actresses and their reflection of each other’s characters is genuine. The specifics of the script and the crew’s approach to expressing themselves through...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 421
Pages: 1
Introduction The Square (2017) and Force Majeure (2014) are two films by Swedish director Ruben Östlund that, while representing different genres, open up similar themes to the viewer and use similar formal elements of style. Both films are intense studies of human behavior in unusual circumstances, revealing the contradictory nature...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 379
Pages: 1
The Role of Lighting in the Get Out Film Lighting is a crucial element in creating the atmosphere and mood of a film. In “Get Out” (2017), director Jordan Peele skillfully uses lighting to enhance the tension and suspense throughout the movie. One specific way lighting is used is in...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 436
Pages: 1
Setting The film’s setting is Chicago during Prohibition, introduced in the USA from 1920 to 1933. This period was the heyday of organized crime and the development of the activities of mafias and gangsters. The time and place of events give viewers a clear idea of the essence of the...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 333
Pages: 1
The Best Film of the Decade Film Description Inception is the best film of the decade between 2010 and 2019 that renewed cinephiles’ faith in the cinema. It is a fulfilling psychological thriller as it is an action drama movie and a mystery. It deals with something that all humans...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1129
Pages: 4
Identification of the Artwork The reviewed work is a short cartoon titled “Hair Love.” It was made by Matthew Cherry, Everett Downing Jr., and Bruce Smith and was presented in 2019 by Sony Pictures Animation. The short cartoon was awarded an Oscar, winning the short film award. The story itself...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 319
Pages: 1
Introduction Based on Solomon Northup’s 1853 autobiography of the same name, Steve McQueen’s drama picture 12 Years a Slave was released in the United States in 2013. The movie takes a solid and moving look at the atrocities of slavery, and its technical features are essential in delivering that message....
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1092
Pages: 4
Introduction Sobibor is a war film directed by Konstantin Khabensky to tell the story of concentration camps designed by the Nazi Germans and the uprising leading to their closure. The film shows the suffering the captives endured in the extermination camps, where they were exposed to hard labor and eventually...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1662
Pages: 6
Introduction Social inequality is one of the most consequential problems of modern society, which rises in various spheres of human activity and society, including culture. As one of the types of art in the modern world, films are a powerful media resource that promotes certain values and touches upon social...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 819
Pages: 3
Introduction Cinema is a significant part of modern culture, as films are replicated in millions of copies, and cinema influences the imagination, forming images of reality. The research question of this essay can be formulated as follows: «What are the main characteristics of the zombie movie image, especially its modification...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 2140
Pages: 8
Introduction There is no mystery why critics have given the Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit so many favorable reviews. The series pays special attention to the crucial components of effective storytelling, and it does it effectively. Also, it is a stunning example of a piece from the era with flawless...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 704
Pages: 3
The topic to be discussed seems simple and, on the other hand, frightening, namely the stories of African Americans who were forcibly transported as cargo to the New World. Henry Louis Gates Jr. and PBS explore difficult moments in history in “The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross,” a beautiful...
Topic: African American
Words: 487
Pages: 2
Introduction Climate change awareness has been quite high for a significant period. The effects of climate change, particularly, global warming, have been examined in media thoroughly, with most people having become aware of the drastic effects of ice caps melting. However, due to the lack of grasp on the full...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1404
Pages: 5
Putney Swope is a 1969 American satirical film directed and written by Robert Downey Sr. The film follows the story of Putney Swope, an African American man who unexpectedly becomes the chairman of an advertising agency following the death of the previous chairman. The agency is run by a group...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 797
Pages: 4
The documentary Scared Straight! examines many forms of crimes perpetrated by both adult and child offenders. Adult criminals conduct a variety of crimes, including drug-related felonies, robbery, burglary, and assault. The video focuses on how some of these adult offenders become career criminals, committing crimes as children and finally getting...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 847
Pages: 3
Introduction The documentary “We Are Not Princesses” (2018) is an adaptation of the Antigone myth. The play tells us about how female authority is portrayed in modern society. It tells the story of several women worldwide and their hardships of being oppressed in society simply because they were born female...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1202
Pages: 4
A web series is a scripted or unscripted collection of online videos published on the Internet in an episodic format. Web series are the new norm for creating content by the many upcoming artists who do not have the financial muscles to go the traditional way of video production. The...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 605
Pages: 2
Introduction The success of a film depends significantly on the choice of the theme tune. When considering whether “I’ll Change My Style” by Jimmy Reed is a piece of appropriate music for “Man of Her Dreams,” several points of contrast need to be considered. “I’ll Change My Style,” a famous...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 943
Pages: 3
Introduction The film chosen for study is “Song for Ourselves” by Tadashi Nakamura. It tells about a musician known in the 70s by the name of Chris Iijima, who, with the help of his music, raised quite severe and relevant topics of that time. One of the main topics that...
Topic: Music
Words: 641
Pages: 2
Introduction It is important to note that motherhood is a multifaceted experience in the United States. CNN docuseries “Giving Birth in America” by Every Mother Counts is a multi-part documentary series that explores the challenges and experiences of women giving birth in the United States. The series looks at issues...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Introduction 9500 Liberty Street is a thought-provoking documentary that highlights the struggles faced by a community in Virginia as they grapple with issues surrounding immigration. The documentary can be analyzed from different perspectives, including sociological, conflict theory, functionalist, and interaction theories. This essay emphasized the positive perspective of the documentary,...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 343
Pages: 1
Introduction Torture is the deliberate infliction of severe physical or mental pain and suffering upon a person (Peters 2). Torture is morally and ethically wrong and is against international law and human rights conventions, despite the fact that it may seem like an effective way to get information (Peters 142)....
Topic: Cinema
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Fargo is a 1996 film directed and produced by the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan. Though it can be ascribed to a number of genres it is primarily a dark comedy. It also shares features of a crime drama and a neo-noir. Fargo excels in combining the morose and horrific...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 887
Pages: 3
Addiction is a complex phenomenon that develops due to genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Compulsive drug use or engaging in an activity despite negative consequences defines addiction as a chronic condition. In some individuals, the brain’s reward system becomes dysregulated, and they start to associate certain substances or behaviors with...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 404
Pages: 1
Introduction The story I will analyze is “When Harry Met Sally,” a classic romantic comedy film. The film is about two friends, Harry and Sally, who have been friends for years and finally fall in love after a series of ups and downs in their relationship. They meet for the...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 615
Pages: 2
Introduction Despite the existing attitudes and opinions, most critics and ordinary people across the globe consider The Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola a classic movie that changed everything about gangsters in the film industry. In addition to professional stage direction, well-developed dialogues, and a perfectly chosen cast, the work covers...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 867
Pages: 3
Introduction To begin with, the Godfather II is a fascinating film from the trilogy. In Godfather II, two storylines are developed: the story of Vito Corleone and the foundation of his business, and the story of Michael Corleone and his transformation into Godfather. Vito Corleone’s history reveals his past, his...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 835
Pages: 3
Introduction: Maslow’s Hierarchy Maslow’s pyramid is a hierarchy of five categories of needs. Physiological needs for food, water and shelter form the very bottom of the pyramid. The needs for security, love and respect constitute a further hierarchy (Meier & Boivin, 2022). Self-realization is at the very top of the...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 609
Pages: 2
Films and TV shows in the genre of political drama are not only fascinating to watch but also to improve or change our views on many concepts. It can be gender, realism, violence, social expectations, gender norms, social issues, and political ideas such as political power (Globan & Ezgeta, 2017)....
Topic: Television
Words: 309
Pages: 1
Introduction There will be a number of scenes from the movies and, accordingly, from the Indiana Jones Ride that Clarissa, Patti, and I will imitate while sitting on the three-person sofa leaning on each other. One of the most entertaining scenes in any Indiana Jones film is the rescue from...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Scandinavian Film Tendencies The Autumn Sonata, directed by Ingmar Bergman, was chosen to analyze the film. First, it will be important to determine the features of Scandinavian films’ tendencies and highlight the characteristics of Autumn Sonata that correspond to these tendencies. First, Scandinavian films focus intensely on social realism and...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1240
Pages: 4
Gary Ross is responsible for writing, co-producing, and directing the American teen fantasy comedy-drama film Pleasantville, released in 1998. The plot revolves around two siblings trapped in a television show from the 1950s that takes place in a fictional Midwestern town populated by seemingly ideal citizens (Chitwood, 2022). Although they...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1447
Pages: 5
Introduction Dawn of the Red Arrow refers to a documentary that explores the change of the Wisconsin Guard from insecurely organized regiments into the 32nd Division at the outset of WW1. The documentary featured pictures, stories, and videos of soldiers who were fighting in the trenches. More than 15,000 National...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 650
Pages: 2
A scary creature causes fear, albeit brief, in its audience. With their classic plots and enduring popularity, Nosferatu and Coraline are examples of this deliberate strategy. Those who do not adore them at least admire and accept that they perfectly encapsulate the concept of monsters, to the point where they...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 665
Pages: 2
The goals of journalism include highlighting current news, informing citizens, and covering recent events. People want to believe that they access interesting and, what is more important, credible material in the local media. In their turn, writers, editors, and other experts create institutions that study the world and decide on...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1200
Pages: 4
Introduction The film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the fourth movie in the Harry Potter franchise. The main character was returning for his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, together with his allies, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) (Warner Brothers, 2020a). At...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 959
Pages: 4
The Cold War tensions between the US and Russia were at an all-time high when the 1982 documentary The Atomic Cafe was originally aired. The Atomic Cafe, a compilation of original materials, examined the nuclear weapons race in the past with equal measures of dread, criticism, and amusement. It depicts...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Examining the film Pleasantville (1998) through the lenses of the writings of Cornelius Plantinga Jr. and Bruce Epperly, their discussion reveals the Christian’s understanding of God. This is expressed in their daily lives and how the perfection of this world compares to God’s standards. Plantinga encourages his readers to accept...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1681
Pages: 6
Introduction Participating in cultural immersion is crucial for all individuals. While engaging in such activities, people immerse themselves in a world distinct from their own to increase their understanding of someone else’s culture, values, and way of life. Aspiring counselors must participate in cultural experiences. There is a significant likelihood...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1127
Pages: 4
Hollywood changed its content and aesthetic due to the film industry’s rapid changes following the Second World War. Between 1939 and 1946, the Hollywood film industry saw considerable growth in producing science fiction films such as Forbidden Planet (Langford, 2010). Their attendance and box office earnings thus fell to approximately...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1962
Pages: 7
The movie Hidden Figures is set in the 1960s during an age in the United States (US) dominated by racism and racial segregation. The film reveals the struggles of three African-American women – Katherine Goble (a mathematician), Mary Jackson (an engineer), and Dorothy Vaughan (a technician) (Melfi & Shetterly, 2017)....
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1698
Pages: 6
Introduction One of the most outstanding examples of an American ecological dystopia is the 1973 film Soylent Green, produced, directed, and edited by Richard Fleischer, Walter Seltzer, and Russell Thacher. It is based on the plot of a 1996 book by Harry Harrison. To craft this exciting tale, the director,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1435
Pages: 6
Introduction It is important to note that one of the core objectives of kinesiology is to promote health. Therefore, it is in current and future kinesiologists’ best interest to engage in the battle against the obesity epidemic plaguing Americans and even the world. The documentary titled ‘Fed Up’ by Stephanie...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 833
Pages: 3
Religion certainly plays a vital role in the life of the world community. It is not only a mechanism for connecting each person with spirituality but also carries a whole background of beliefs and values that integrate the individual into the community and differentiate 894o5-0pfrom others. However, the influence of...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 630
Pages: 2
Introduction Disney’s Encanto is full of minute details that give the story of the characters a lot more depth. One such feature that appears in several locations throughout Encanto is butterflies, which have unique significance. Disney has experimented with many different genres and techniques, but the company is still best...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1796
Pages: 6
A historical film may be produced to entertain audiences, educate viewers about the past, evaluate the present through the lens of the past, or shed new light on the past as it is being recounted by dispelling misconceptions. Sofia Coppola’s intention in making Marie Antoinette was to depict France’s 18th-century...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 567
Pages: 2
In today’s world, there is a distinct difference between gender and sex, the spread of which is especially important. Increasingly people are faced with the problem of identifying themselves as male or female. As a consequence of this fact, adults have an opportunity to make a transition to living a...
Topic: Gender
Words: 561
Pages: 2
A Second Chance is a short film produced by Manny Jimenez in 2018. The film’s plot highlights the life of a young teenage boy called P-nut from juvenile detention who is forced to live in a violent world. Teenage boys living in violent neighborhoods face critical challenges growing up, which...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 315
Pages: 1
Mad Love is a film from 1935 directed by Karl Freund. The film is notable for its expressionist style, which was unusual for Hollywood films at the time. The film tells the story of a doctor obsessed with a woman he cannot have. The film was a box office success...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1656
Pages: 6
Introduction Twilight Zone (2019) Episode 4 is a Native American TV series directed by Ana Lily Amirpour and written by Glen Morgan. A police officer, Yuka, selected her brother as the candidate for ceremonial pardon during the Christmas party. The prison has a culture of pardoning an offender during the...
Topic: Television
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction Hollywood Indian Western was a genre that, in times of its flourishing, pleased the audience with images of brave Americans who conquered America. In 1939, a film Stagecoach with the notion of Indian leader Geronimo, was produced: while Geronimo is not portrayed explicitly, he is constantly present in the...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 341
Pages: 1
Introduction The director’s commitment to strict symmetry explains the many orthogonal lines in the frame’s construction. Diagonal compositions, camera movements, and camera deviations from the horizon are almost not found in the film. A limited fictional world in which the strict arrangement of objects and people is practically a fundamental...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 307
Pages: 1
The documentary “A Brilliant Genocide” shows how the Ugandan government killed over 800,000 people in just 100 days. I enjoyed this documentary because it was eye-opening and informative. I like how it provides many details about the killings. Additionally, the film gives a voice to the Acholi people, who are...
Topic: Genocide
Words: 152
Pages: 1
Introduction The problem of cultural bias and unwillingness to accept other nationalities and traditions is relevant to this day. Thus, the study of various filmographic works is valuable because it can provide an understanding of the reasons why these mechanisms arise. The painting “A Passage to India” in 1984 is...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 949
Pages: 3
Introduction The film has been made into two different versions: the original from 1993 and a remake set for 2020. The original picture was a famous horror film from the Golden Age of Hollywood, based on HG Wells’ 1897 novel of the same name, and is a genuine horror picture...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 355
Pages: 1
Introduction A seventy-eight-minute animation film, Pocahontas, by Walt Disney, is about a Native American heroine who saved a British man, John Smith, from execution by her father. The movie has received criticism, especially from Arab Americans (Goldberg & Gabriel, 1995). The film is analyzed on three concepts; libel, privacy invasion,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 337
Pages: 1
Introduction Human society cannot be imagined without art and its various forms. It always accompanies individuals, evolving with their needs and responding to the changes in world view and mentalities. At the same time, art is impacted by external factors, and technology is one of them. Discussion The scientfific discovery...
Topic: Photography
Words: 593
Pages: 2
Issues affecting communities and their well-being on a large scale are quite difficult to approach when shedding light on them in public media. On the one hand, the context and extent of the issue need to be provided; on the other hand, maintaining objectivity and neutrality remains a concern. However,...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 307
Pages: 1
Public speaking is an emotionally and physically challenging task. Not only does it frighten inexperienced speakers, but it can also cause anxiety in public figures. The King’s Speech showcases the strategies used by the ascendant monarch of the British Empire to overcome his own fear of public speaking. Out of...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The documentary, The Hadza: Last of the First, highlights the hunting and gathering practices and way of life of the Hadza tribe in Tanzania. I like how the film reflects the natural lifestyle of the Hadza, such as construction, social life, and hunting techniques. The historical prologue of the tribe...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 280
Pages: 1
While expressionism has some universally accepted features, peculiarities exist in its regional versions. That is why German expressionism has a few distinct features. According to Lecture #1, they are fantastic sets and settings, exaggerated acting styles, melodramatic plotlines, elaborate use of light and shadow, and a dream-like atmosphere. All these...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 442
Pages: 2
Introduction Documentaries are nonfictional films or records that document reality. Documentaries’ principal purposes are to educate audiences, preserve historical documents, or provide viewers with instructions. Some of the fundamental parts of a documentary are subjects, objectives, production techniques and processes and the type of experience they impart to the spectator....
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 940
Pages: 3
Upon its release, the documentary Food, Inc., produced by Kenner (2008), profoundly impacted society, showing the true realities of food production under the capitalistic conditions of the modern USA. The major objective of the given movie is to investigate the corporate farming business in the USA and factors that are...
Topic: Food
Words: 381
Pages: 1
Alfred Farwell Bemis was an American architect and educator best known for pioneering work in developing modular systems to standardize building elements. Ernst Neufert was a German architect and educator best known for his work on architectural standardization. This essay analyses the theories suggested by the two architects, the response...
Topic: Architecture
Words: 414
Pages: 2
Science fiction is a popular genre in many art forms that connects humans’ desire for knowledge with artists’ imagination of future society. Understanding the common tropes, iconography, and themes allows one to gain an understanding of what elements contribute to the unique experience science fiction provides. The appeal of such...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 557
Pages: 2
Introduction The spheres of culture, art, and creativity are mainly social and human activity areas to embody aesthetic values and develop objective knowledge about the world through specific methods and means. Undoubtedly, these spheres continue to grow and improve, and it is not excluded that new opportunities for their improvement...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 2820
Pages: 10
The documentary True Justice tells about the inferiority of the judicial system in the United States. The US criminal justice system is far from perfect and is often seen as unfair to poor people and people of color. Justice should be concerned with the protection of citizens and not lawlessness,...
Topic: Equality
Words: 473
Pages: 2
Introduction James Cameron’s monumental movie The Titanic continues to stand out as one of the crowning film production achievements of the 90s. The film is extremely profitable and has received several awards over the years. The Titanic movie was the first few productions to apply a blend of practical and...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 676
Pages: 2
Introduction One of the most important elements of human experience addressed and explored in Purple Hearts by Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum is love. The latter perspective is critical because it serves as a driving force throughout the film, especially for the character Cassie Salazar. The film addresses the character’s evolution from...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 366
Pages: 1
Introduction The film, Parasite, is directed by Bong Joon-ho and was released on May 21, 2019. The viewer follows the lives of individuals who choose to pursue employment opportunities from wealthy family. To achieve their goals, these family members design an ingenious plan of posing as qualified workers. The storyline...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 885
Pages: 3
Crip Camp is a 2020 documentary directed by Nicole Newnham and James LeBrecht. It depicts the story of Camp Jened in New York and its attendees, as well as explains its role in the shift within the realm of disabilities rights. The main point that the documentary aims to present...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 273
Pages: 1
Greek tragedy is a film whereby the main character falls into circumstances that are challenging to deal with. If my parents accidentally commit a crime, I will not report them to the police because the misconduct did not hurt anyone. Instead, I will wait for the experts to investigate everything...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 291
Pages: 1
The Babadook is an Australian horror film released in 2014. This film is characterized by a strong psychological impact, showing the real suffering of modern life. The film mainly focuses on the revealed problems of paranoia and constant anxiety regarding personal life. It can be understood that in this way,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 894
Pages: 3
Topic and Issue The Corporation is a documentary that aims to show the audience several sides of this organization. The viewpoints expressed in the mass media diverge significantly from the facts connected to corporate enterprises. Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott collaborated and produced the film based on Joel Bakan’s book...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 614
Pages: 2
Westerns represent a significant layer in American culture for several generations. Among the directors of this genre, one of the most famous filmmakers is John Ford. His work has become a new branch in the history of cinema and has inspired many modern directors. During his formative years, Ford developed...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 901
Pages: 3
Many folktales, particularly the account of “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter,” contain one of the only surviving elements of Jase folklore. In 2013, producer Yoshiaki Nishimura adapted the story into “The Tale of The Princess Kaguya,” retelling the myth of a princess who was banished by the moon to...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 606
Pages: 2
Introduction It is hard to disagree that there is a tendency to categorize various art forms, which may benefit both the creators and the audience. The former can better understand what ways they want to develop or what characteristics to attribute to their works. The latter can also learn what...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Crime thrillers and CSI movies appeal to a wide audience because they feature captivating stories and realistic situations that match real-life scenarios. However, these programs overlook several critical aspects of the actual crime scene and criminal investigations because they mislead individuals into thinking that professionals have an easy time. Contrary...
Topic: Crime Investigation
Words: 305
Pages: 1
The medical drama Awakenings (1990) is based on a real-life event. The movie focuses on Dr. Oliver Sacks’ work treating people with catatonia, a disorder marked by excessive stiffness and a lack of responsiveness to stimuli. Dr. Sacks began administering L-dopa, a medication generally used to treat Parkinson’s disease, to...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1182
Pages: 4
The different movies and shows depict criminal justice from different perspectives. The first work chosen for the analysis is the movie called Taking Lives (Caruso, 2004). Criminal justice is depicted through the cooperation of the FBI and local police department. The crime control is realized through the state’s legal procedures...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 371
Pages: 1
Movie adaptations of literary works have received popularity since the invention of cinematography. Many directors tried to expand the well-known stories, explore characters’ personalities or give redeeming plot arches for antagonists, evolving their motivations and experiences. The adaptation of Agatha Christie’s short detective story The Witness for the Prosecution opened...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 904
Pages: 3
Introduction Memories of Murder is the second feature film directed and written by Bong Joon-Ho. Released in 2003, the film failed miserably at the box office, but this did not prevent the film from gaining cult status over time because a truly national movie was hidden in the Hollywood detective...
Topic: Murder
Words: 745
Pages: 2
Introduction A movie is a detailed recording that entails a series of moving images depicting a story that the directors purported. Movies have numerous themes expressed in the form of pictures in motion. Movies can be watched on the screen display by the respective audiences. Several components make a good...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1683
Pages: 6
Introduction There are many different conspiracy theories, some of which draw their ideas from the “Food, Inc.” documentary. However, the main point of this video is the problems with the supply and production of food in the United States. The video consists of ten scenes, each raising a critical theme....
Topic: Food
Words: 395
Pages: 1
Film studies became an essential way of rethinking feminist theory in the late 1960s. Earlier film studies developed within the framework of cultural studies. The latter made its intellectual debut in the early 1960s with the founding of the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies in Birmingham. Feminism is the most...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 3874
Pages: 14
The topic of poverty and the portrayal of people living in low social and economic conditions are not so popular among TV series creators and producers. Although the number of people who lives beyond the level of poverty and suffers from social inequalities is rising annually, they are either underrepresented...
Topic: Television
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Decameron is one of the most well-known pieces, the adaptation of which has brought the author great success. History is constantly unfair, and in confirmation of this, Decameron has a well-established reputation as an obscene book. Despite such views, the creation and its adaptation cannot be regarded as such. Eroticism...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 750
Pages: 3
House of Cards is an American political thriller that was first aired online on the streaming service Netflix in 2013. The production of the show ended in 2018 after a total of 6 seasons, composed of 73 episodes. Producer Perspective House of Cards’ executive producer was Beau Willimon, its director...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1718
Pages: 6
The director of the films Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill are Quentin Tarantino. In each Tarantino created an entire universe in which the heroes of his movies live. True adherents of the director’s work find a connection between the films, and indeed, there are more similarities in these films than...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 320
Pages: 1
Cleopatra is a historical figure that has a frequent appearance in modern media. She is often associated with the tropes of power, beauty, and keen perception. This is one of the characteristics that are demonstrated in the 1972 film called Antony and Cleopatra. However, these descriptions may not be fully...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1120
Pages: 4
There are no such things as alternative facts: this is the central theme that prevails throughout the mini-series created and narrated by Raoul Peck. This idea implies that the history of humankind should be examined through the lens of objective facts that are not distorted by revisionism. Nevertheless, certain pages...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 321
Pages: 1
Raul Peck says in his work that a large chapter of the world story has been told from a biased Eurocentric point of view. This approach cannot be accurate and proper since one of the greatest sins, genocide, remains out of sight (Peck, 2021). It applies to such complex topics...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 283
Pages: 1
The concept of race remains one of the most contentious issues of the 21st century. Even with the progress made, the pain and suffering inflicted upon racial minorities by the colonialist West cannot be overlooked. Therefore, understanding the nature of the current disparaging attitudes toward people belonging to racial minorities,...
Topic: Race
Words: 1237
Pages: 4
Get Out is a 2017 horror film written and directed by Jordan Peele. This work is not only a critically acclaimed movie that can both entertain and capture audiences with its stunning cinematography and plot line. It has also been widely considered a satire and a commentary on race relations...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 576
Pages: 2
Introduction Two films, “Cesar Chavez” and “Dolores,” tell the story of the founding of the first labor union and the plight of agricultural workers. Both films are documentaries and discuss the two most influential figures in the workers’ struggle for their rights and freedoms. Despite the common themes, the films...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 856
Pages: 3
The film evoked a wide range of emotions in me, and I felt both shocked and enlightened while watching it. I was surprised by how Lamm and Berne (2013) expressively revealed the topic of sexuality in the film. This approach and style are quite extraordinary and brave for modern cinematography....
Topic: Performance
Words: 350
Pages: 1
The film Thelma and Louise tells the viewer the story of two friends who decide to go on a fun weekend. However, they are drawn into a criminal situation when one of the girls kills the man who molested Thelma. After that, the women must hide from the police throughout...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Cinema canon is understood as a place untouched by human critique, malice, and displeasure where some films belong. Indeed, there are some acknowledged masterpieces of the film industry with thousands of fans ready to silence anyone speaking against their favorite movies. However, the criteria to include a film in the...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1096
Pages: 3
Taxidermy is the art of creating animal representation through the preparation, padding, and mounting of some parts of animals, such as skins and bones. The process is prefaced with the preservation of animal parts after being acquired through hunting. A well-maintained taxidermy can remain intact for over fifty years. People...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Introduction The themes of equality and diversity in visual culture were selected due to several reasons. In particular, the development and production of visual art can be considered essential human practices that benefit society by educating the audience, improving one’s creativity, and stimulating the global economy in general. Visual culture...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1102
Pages: 5
Introduction Created in 1974 and directed by Peter Davis, the documentary movie Hearts and Minds tells its audience the terrible truth about the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. It is hard to disagree that the purpose of this movie is very significant, and it is vital for the filmmakers...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 337
Pages: 1