State Budget Deficit and Its Impact on Economy

According to Rose (2002), a budget deficit can be described as a situation that occurs when the government tends to spend more funds than the funds that are flowing into the economy. It can also be described as a situation where the government, private, public companies, and individuals’ total spending...

“When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism” Article Review

In his article entitled “When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism,” Jonathan Haidt explains why right-wing populism is increasingly gaining popularity in Western democracies. The article starts with the author citing the rise of Donald Trump in the US and the assortment of right-wing parties in Europe following the June 23...

Political Obligation of the American Citizens

Several injustices, such as racial discrimination and denial of voting rights, persist not only in the United States but also across the globe. Sadly, they weaken moral doctrines and constitutional principles that shape the prosperity of any society. The U.S. Constitution provides various rights and responsibilities to the citizens, helping...

Geographical Diversification and Globalization

Introduction Globalization has led to most business organizations shifting their operations to cover wide geographical areas. With current favorable terms of business operations between countries, it has been possible for businesses to diversify their market by venturing into other markets both locally and internationally (Stiroh & Rumble, 2006, pp. 2131-2161)....

UK Investment Fund, Morris Capital

Introduction The strategic asset of the allocation ranges, as well as the tactical assent of the investment fund is the generally accepted universal aspect of analyzing the investment environment. Originally, this type of analysis is considered to be the most effective tool for defining the realities of the investment environment,...

The Tech Temps Company’s Stock and Bond Valuation

To describe the stock and bond valuations that Tech Temps Company should invest in, it is essential to comprehensively analyze the factors affecting such valuations. This begins from their respective definitions of the individual terms and how the companies’ current financial status and objectives will influence buying specific stocks or...

The Gulf Cooperation Council: Internal Financial Reporting Standards Adoption

Introduction There has been a growing tendency for cooperation among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in the development of economic and financial institutions. The manifestation of the ubiquitous nature of globalisation has increased the need for embracing standardised accounting regulations in order to improve cooperation and enhance efficiency of financial...

1929-1931 Financial Crisis and 2007-2010 Financial Crisis Comparison

Introduction A financial crisis refers to a situation where there is a large loss of value by some financial institutions. Most financial crises are attributable to bank panics or sudden changes in the value of currency making it hard for it to serve its purpose. Many other situations may result...

The Euro and the Sovereign Debt Crisis

As can be seen from the US/Euro foreign exchange rate, the lowering by Alan Greenspan of the US Federal Funds Rate, which was inflationary to the US dollar (devaluation) created an increase in value for the euro. From 2003 to mid 2008, the euro appreciated at a 12.2% compounded rate...

Changes in International Accounting Standards 17

Introduction A lease is a contract enforceable by law which defines an agreement between a lessor (owner of property) and lessee (renter of a certain property). It defines things like the duration of the lease agreement, the amount of rent, and any other conditions defining the lease agreement. When a...

Small Business in an Ideal Capitalist Economy

Today, most of the countries do not possess pure capitalism but a mixture of free market and governmental regulations of the businesses. Owning a business in a mixed economy structure can be very challenging due to government intervention in the economy. In contrast, operating a small business in an ideal...

Financial Meltdown in the the Global Economy

Today the global economy is facing the worst financial crisis since the great depression in 1930’s. The crisis has ruined markets across the world starting in the US from late 2007. It resulted from the failure of huge firms to manage risks and was aggravated by relaxed regulations. The housing...

The U.S. Economic Development: The Significant Periods

Nowadays, America can boast one of the most developed economies in the world. The service sector is an important source of the country’s budget; the U.S. is also a world leader in many spheres of industry. However, the history of the U.S. success is complicated; the country went through periods...

National Transportation and the Economy

Introduction Transportation is integral as part of infrastructure to the economy of the nation as it is required for the numerous sectors of the economy to prosper. All the main sectors of the economy including the service sector, manufacturing industries and agriculture rely heavily on transportation. Its importance is further...

Overhead Cost Reduction: The Problem of Reducing Costs

Introduction Overhead is analyzed into three broad groups, these are, production overhead, administrative overhead and selling and distribution overhead. It is important to grasp that although overhead is the same from whatever angle we view it from, the methods of overhead reduction will differ from one group to another. In...

Rebuilding Public Confidence in Financial Reporting

Introduction Historically, financial statements have been the mirror reflecting the financial activities of a company. It is based on this information that shareholders, investors and the company’s board of directors themselves make financial decision regarding the company. The reported information mainly by the auditors allows investors for example to make...

“Unintended Perk of the Online Mattress Boom” by Yang

The key issue that Yang (2019) describes in her article relates to the losses that mattress companies suffer due to widespread at-home trials provided to consumers. Clients using the services of different sellers use the purchased goods temporarily and then return them, which is allowed under the terms of guarantees....

Proposed Tax on Sugary Beverages

A recent debate concerning the proposal of Tax on Sugary Beverages has created a huge controversy and divided opinion. This division emanates from predictable sources. On the one hand, leading manufacturers and distributors of soft drinks have formed a vanguard of natural opposition to the proposed tax. On the other...

Goods Transportation, Distribution, and Warehousing Factors

Supply chain management processes play a crucial role in the profitability of a company. The supply chain procedures are associated with logistics costs and must be reduced by appropriate handling of goods. Managing the supply chain costs to low levels is crucial in maximizing profits of a company. As such,...

Quantitative Research: The Basis of a Statistical Model

Purpose Statement The purpose of this quantitative research paper is to develop the basis of a statistical model that can predict the relationship between the dependent variable – US Currency Exchange Rate against British Pound and three independent variables including US-UK Monthly Trade Balance, US Monthly Inflation Rate, and US...

The Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve which is also known as the Federal Reserve System or the Fed is the central banking system that is used to manage the financial and banking system in the United States. The reserve was established in 1913 to respond to the financial panic that had affected many...

Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Plans

Introduction In comparison, the number of defined contribution plans has grown in the past few years as opposed to the traditionally defined benefit plans. Additionally, many defined benefits plans have been converted to hybrid plans that incorporate aspects of both the defined contribution and defined benefit (Gale et al, 1999;...

The Effect of Hyperinflation

The article defines hyperinflation as an economic issue associated with a sudden increase in the prices of goods and services, causing pressure to the national budget. The author mentions some factors that lead to this phenomenon, including wars and post-war crisis, the collapse of export markets, and sociopolitical disturbances, among...

Is the United States Earned Income Tax Credit Fair?

Introduction The United States Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) refers to a government initiative that aims to improve the financial stability of citizens by giving tax refunds to citizens (Cordes, Ebel, & Gravelle, 2005). Individuals who get tax credits retain more of their income. For that reason, EITC lowers the...

Public and Private Sector Initiatives

Healthcare services Access to healthcare services has always been a topic worth discussing since, despite significant efforts, the availability of healthcare remains quite low for a range of groups, children being the most vulnerable ones. In this regard, the creation of initiatives aimed at increasing healthcare access is a very...

COVID-19 Crisis and Its Effects on the US Economy

Covid-19 is a global public health epidemic that has crippled most aspects of human operations, including lives, labor market and corporate functioning. All these upshots have a trickle-down effect on the economy, particularly with the announcement of lockdowns to contain the spread of the virus. Other measures that countries have...

Gas Cost Analysis for Power Generation

Introduction The efficient process of power generation is reliant on the choice of fuel and its cost. The world economy changes rapidly under the influence of multiple factors, fuel costs being one of the most significant determinants. In the field of gas and oil, the costs of oil predetermine the...

Volatility in the Stock Market

The term ‘volatility’ implies price variation, and the reasons for its growth are a tumble or appreciation of prices in the stock market. This topic is closely related to the material of chapters 8-10 and appears to be relevant. In present-day developments, there are multiple reasons for significant volatility in...

Managing Securities Offers

Introduction The security market is surrounded by a number of factors that may impede the performance of actively sold and traded securities. If firms are to be successful, they need to consider these factors while designing their capital acquisition strategies. Securities are instruments used by firms to raise capital and...

Trade Issues and Patterns of Mexico

Introduction Trade is one of the most important elements of a country’s overall economic success. It can significantly influence the federal budget and ensure the financial stability of a state’s regions. Moreover, developed trading relations and a sustained economic situation make a country powerful in different spheres of international collaboration...

Ruritania Project: Risk Management of a Multi-National Company

Introduction Ruritania is a beautiful country; however, its economy has been through a crisis. Over the past decade, the country has been experiencing a fall in the standard of living and the government is spending a lot of finances on unproductive jobs and wasteful subsidies. The main challenge facing Ruritania’s...

Concept of Stock Valuation, Risk, Markets Portfolio Theory

Introduction The paper addresses issues that were discussed and why they are issues of interest to the finance audience. The paper also links the articles to the concept discussed in class e.g. stock valuation, risk, markets portfolio theory, etc. Finally, the paper addresses the math in the article and gives...

Supply, Demand, and Government Regulation Impact on Prices

The market balance is fragile and influenced by many factors. There is the fundamental economic law of supply and demand, which explains how these two economic quantities affect each other and how they shape the prices of goods and services. According to the law, prices fall when supply exceeds demand...

The Main Aim of the Federal Reserve

In analyzing the influence of the actions of the Federal Reserve on investors, the current influence of the decrease in consumers’ confidence on investors and the reason for investors’ nervousness should be explained. Such explanation might be appropriate when related to the theory of aggregate supply and demand. The decrease...

COVID-19 Pandemic: Economic Factors and Consequences

The Coronavirus pandemic has become the hottest topic of the new decade. The microscopic virus has caused a considerable resonance in all areas of activity: health care, industry, technology, and especially in the world and national economy. Substantial reduction in labor capacity, damage to critical economic chains, and panic caused...

Changes in the Global Financial System

Introduction World history has witnessed several spells of dynamic and integrated global growth. At the same time, there had been many instances where the growth spells had ended because of financial instability and geopolitical disorders. There are examples of disturbances in British and French economies because of “social, military and...

Macroeconomic Equilibrium: International Economics

In this paper, I would like to consider the basic model of macroeconomic equilibrium—the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model, or the AD-AS model. Aggregate supply and demand affect the establishment of an equilibrium general price level and an equilibrium volume of production in the economy as a whole (Gerber,...

Hong Kong Market Update Analysis

The global financial crisis and the rise of trade protectionism appeared to influence the position of Hong Kong exports. According to the data provided by the Valuation and Rating Department current economical instability hits residential rents and prices which have shown the biggest drop since last month. Land Holdings of...

S-Corporations and C-Corporations Transition and Taxes

Introduction C Corporations are also known as a traditional corporation, a form of business that is founded as a separate and distinct entity in relation to its owners, once this kind of corporation is formed it can possess its own bank accounts, property, have the capacity to conduct business on...

Why Capitalism Is Superior to Socialism

The modern world is facing a myriad of cchallenges, including environmental issues, severe economic constraints, as well as global health-related threats. All these concerns fuel the discussion of the relevance and effectiveness of the economic agendas countries choose. The debate that involves comparing capitalism and socialism seems relevant these days....

Atlantic Bubble as an Economic Initiative

Introduction Since November 2019, different regions across the globe have encountered numerous challenges due to the ongoing coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19). Governments and local agencies have considered past case studies to implement economic strategies that have the potential to minimize the impacts of the imposed travel restrictions and lockdown...

Lack of Consensus in State Government

The global coronavirus pandemic has driven the global economy into a catastrophic nosedive. American financial well-being has been shattered by a slowdown in economic growth and labor market development. The article by Smialek et al. (2020) provides context for the funding challenges in the US and the states, which have...

Affect of Bond Prices in US Sub-Prime Mortgage Market

Introduction A bond price is the total amount of money paid to purchase a bond. The prices of bonds are negatively related to interest rates meaning that as interest rates increase, the bond prices will fall and when interest rates fall, the bond prices will increase. When interest rates rise,...

Investing in Real Estate in Germany: Factors to Consider

Assiduous business professionals will agree to the fact that a multiplicity of factors needs to be considered before any decision to invest at an international level is made. Business entities do not exist in a vacuum; they affect and in turn are affected by various cultural, geographic, physical, legal, political...

“The Right Time to Buy High-Beta Stocks” by Hulbert

The article titled “The Right Time to Buy High-Beta Stocks” published in the Wall Street Journal covers the issue of high-beta stocks and the four weeks of the year when they significantly outperform low-beta stocks. Hulbert (2020) explains that beta refers to the tendencies which a stock shows when the...

Aspects of Economic Concepts

Introduction The nominal interest rate is the real interest rate combined with the expected inflation rate. The definition of the ‘opportunity cost’ in nominal interest can be interpreted as the choice between alternatives of either holding the money, which provides payment protection but forgoes the alternative of gaining interest on...

The Us Dollar – Where Do We Go From Here

It was after World War II that a plan was formulated in Bretton Woods by the developed countries of the world to link all foreign currencies to the US dollar which implied that the exchange rate of all currencies will be fixed to the US dollar. The dollar was supported...

The Effect of Covid-19 and H1N1 Swine Flu on Cultural Industries

Introduction The COVID-19 outbreak has brought the entire world to a standstill in a matter of mere months. The new virus has negatively affected the major economic sectors. Those of them that rely on travel and gatherings of people such as tourism and entertainment have arguably been hurt the most....

Tax Issues Affecting Non-US Citizens

Abstract The purpose of the research paper will be to look at taxation issues that affect non-US citizens in the country. The first aspect will be to look at which residents in the United States are subject to paying taxes and which of their incomes earnings will be taxed under...

Supply-Side Policies and Market Productivity

Introduction Economic recessions are particularly troubling times for economies where growth is halted, incomes are lost, and households fail to afford products and services. A recession can be described as a tipping point in the economic cycle where an ongoing growth at the peak reverses and changes into an enduring...

Fair Market Value Overview and Analysis

Introduction Financial Accounting Board issued a statement permitting the use of fair value measurement for business as a measuring attribute but some entities such as the banking industry suspended the application on the basis that FABS 157 contributes to the current credit crisis. The application of this measurement would change...

Cost of Capital to Evaluate New Investment Opportunities

Introduction As the world becomes a global village, with technological advancements and liberalization of trade, many people in the business world are trying to increase and expand their market share whether locally or internationally. Whatever the case when one is seeking a new investment opportunity, extra sources of capital is...

Capitalism in Business and Modern World

The current world runs and operates within the capitalist theory and practice. Many countries have greatly benefited from the established globalization model and continue to build new ways of advancing their intertwined and interdependent economies. However, recent events relating to financial, environmental, and societal problems arising around the globe have...

The Aim of Annual Report in the Company

An annual report is a summary of all financial operations of a company and includes detailed information about its assets, loans, generated revenue, and market value of the company. An annual report serves as a financial statement that describes how successful the company is, and must be accessible to the...

China as the New Idol for Emerging Economies

China is the new idol for emerging economies because it has been able to show that fast-paced economic growth is possible. Western countries have urged that democracy and equal political rights are the prerequisites of prosperity. China has demonstrated that with state-controlled capitalism, it is much easier to solve socio-economic...

The Role of Government in the Economy

The 1930s were one of the most challenging times for America. The economic crisis and recession resulted in the emergence of 15 million unemployed workers (Patel 2016). The scope of the problem is proven by the fact that this period was called the Great Depression. For the first time in...

Financial Analysis of The University Ambulatory Care Center

Financial ratios may be clclassified into the following broad categories: Short term liquidity ratios, also known as working capital management ratios, Long term risks and capital structure ratios, also known as leverage or debt management or solvency ratios, Operating efficiency and profitability ratios, Investment ratios (Graham, J., Smart, S., Megginson,...

Money Supply in the United States

Introduction The economy of most countries in the world is based on the exchange of money in the market. There are few states left that rely on exchanging goods, or barter economy. Currency, in its different forms, is a part of everyday life for many people as they use it...

The Fearful Rise of Markets Analysis

The global financial crisis that gripped the world economy in 2008 and 2009 can be said to have been related to the Shanghai Surprise that sparked 80 years ago when the Shanghai stock exchange had a great fall arousing a global crisis. In this case, the value of currencies is...

“Corporate Payouts in Dual Classes” by Lei, Li, and Yu

The article “Corporate Payouts in Dual Classes” by Lei, Li, and Yu analyze the effect of payout decisions, including dividend payments and share repurchases, on dual-class firms. These firms imply two classes of shares, where insiders are given access to superior shares with control and voting rights, while the general...

Stock Market Investment Analysis

Investors are also advised to study other companies operating in the line of their preferred company. This is another alternative for predicting the sustainability of the company as the future of the company is determined by its capacity to withstand competition and continue making profit even in a competitive environment...

How and Why Interest Rates Change Over

The title of this article is appropriate for the writing. Leimberg et al. (2000, p.1) enumerates on how the internal revenue code continually change the interests every month. The valuing process is always much detailed and together with frequent revision of interest rates monthly, and the change of life interests...

Tax Research Problem: Determination of Taxable Income

Introduction A leasing agreement guarantees a firm or an individual to use certain specific assets for which payment is required. This contractual relationship between the lessor and lessee can be for an indefinite period or periodic where there is an automatic renewal or certain agreed-upon fixed duration by the parties....

The U.S. Trade Balance and China Trade War Challenges

Introduction Over the past two decades, there has been an active growth of global imbalances, manifested in the deficit of US foreign trade and, at the same time, in the large positive balance of many developing countries. Leaders of the modern world like the USA, as well as developing countries,...

Financial Reporting for Cadbury plc

Fair and true view The idea of a true and fair view means that the financial statement shows the true economic position of a company. The accounts are said to a true and fair view position when the opinion of the auditor is positive. The auditor considers the materiality of...

Investments and Loans Practical Insight

The ability to dispose of money and other resources in a proper way predetermines the wellbeing of every person. One might have 1,000 dollars and turn it into the extensive network of manufacturing facilities, while another person might lose the whole number of millions of dollars without an understanding of...

Subprime Mortgage Crisis 2007

Causes of Subprime crisis The federal reserves in the year 2001 started reducing the interest rates for federal funds, which went as low as 1% by the year 2003. When the interest rates went down, it was a chance for investors to borrow money at a low cost so that...

World Organisations and the Economic Outlook

Countries of the world, especially the larger economies, are passing through one of the worst economic crises since the Great Depression of the 1930’s. The global forecasts according to the major world lending bodies like IMF, WB and other credit agencies are that this may take more time to stablise,...

Lloyd’s Tsb Bank Is Under Fire for Money Laundering Offense

This research article discusses the role of the bank either knowing or unknowingly in laundering the money obtained by cheating. When massive money is transferred, banks should exercise utmost caution so that they cannot be later accused that indirectly helping the cheaters to cleanse their dirty money. Banking has now...

Stephen Schork and the Oil Industry

Stephen Schork is a famous trader in the oil industry. He has been speculating for the last several weeks that the oil prices would fall but instead they kept on rising. In the process he lost a lot of money due to the belief that the price of the valued...

The Creation of Budgeting Project

When creating a master budget several items are considered these items include various small budgets. The master budget includes the balance sheet and income and expenditure. It is integration between various budgets ranging from financial budget, material budget, cash budget, and many other budgets that are related to the organization,...

Sustainability: How Companies Can Contribute to Saving the Earth

The concept of sustainability is not recent, having appeared about environmental problems in the 20th century. It refers to maintaining the ecological balance in the world to save the planet and the future generations’ prosperity. Corporations have been taking advantage of the Earth’s resources for too long so that only...

Unsettled Conditions in Capital Markets Since 2007

Introduction The capital markets in the world are experiencing the worst crisis since 1929. This crisis originated from the subprime mortgage crisis of the United States of America (Cheung, Fung and Tsai, 2010, p 2). The crisis in the US economy, being the largest in the world, led to a...

Impact of Brexit on the United Kingdom Economy

Introduction The U.K.’s exit from the E.U. also marked a transition in its economic relationship with the bloc. The country intends to shift from close unification and co-operation with its neighbors and keep options of possible reopening opportunities for negotiating direct trade agreements with non-EU member states. The U.K. is...

International and Traditional Trading Theories

A trade war is a situation in which countries seek to harm each other’s economies, retaliate against each other by imposing import restrictions and other methods. The imposition of a tariff on imported products makes exports unprofitable for the second country-party to the conflict. Also, it increases the competitiveness of...

Fixed Versus Floating Exchange Rates

A key component of stable economic growth is a stable currency exchange rate. In recent times, there has been a debate about the economic benefits of fixed and floating exchange rates. One advantage of floating exchange rates is that it frees the macroeconomic policy from taking care of the exchange...

Meiji Holdings and General Mills Financial Statements Comparing

Introduction The food manufacturing and processing industry have become one of the biggest sectors in the business world. This has been greatly influenced by the increasing demand for processed foods in the current busy world where people have little time to spare for cooking. Urbanization has further influenced consumer preference...

Budget Plan of Smithville

Facts Summary The case study on Smithville’s budget issue indicates that the city requires improved approaches to plan a balanced solution for the next fiscal year. The provided information suggests that a significant number of businesses have left the town, causing disruptions in tax revenues. The situation damages public expenditures...

The Transportation Regulatory Threat to the US Economy

Transportation is related closely to economic and social changes because territorial accessibility, mobility of freight as well as movement of people are the actual basis of such relationship (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack, 2006, p.83). Wherever there are efficient transportation infrastructures to facilitate the accessibility of resources and markets and to...

Best Care Health Maintenance Organization: Balance Sheet Analysis

Introduction A balance sheet is an important document that might be described as a current report of a company’s financial and economic status (The Kaplan Group, 2013). Balance sheets summarize the information about what organizations own and their debts (The Kaplan Group, 2013). The data provides investors with the basis...

Free Markets and Pyramid Schemes

Introduction Different scholars have presented quality and practical ideas that can guide governments and investors to make evidence-based decisions and pursue their economic goals diligently. Milton Friedman argues that free markets are essential since they allow exchange to occur whereby the involved parties benefit in a symbiotic manner. Without consideration...

Process of Globalization and Nationalist Movements

Introduction Globalization is a vital process in the development of humankind, but its rapid spread is not necessarily a positive phenomenon. Everything in the world needs balance, and in this case, the change comes in the form of the rise of nationalism. Nationalist movements usually present a response to emerging...

Business Cycles and Economic Outlook

Introduction According to Mullineux, (1984) economic growth and development are an integral part of a healthy economy. The analysis of the economy’s health requires the use of economic indicators. Economic indicators are classified into different categories. These include; the leading economic indicators, lagging and coincident. This classification helps in the...

Public Opinion on Federal Spending

The federal budget is considered to be among the most powerful policy instruments that are used by the government. It is funded by the taxpayers and serves as governmental economic storage from which tax money is spent on accomplishing constitutional goals. Such goals include various programs that are vital to...

International Finance and Globalization

The exchange-rate determination of any country can be determined using theories such as the purchasing power parity, the balance of payment approach and the monetary and Portfolio Approach. A majority of the countries have now adopted the theory of purchasing power parity as a way of calculating the rate of...

COVID-19 Pandemic and a Globalized Economy

I never considered the fact that globalization can have major downsides because open markets and free trade always seemed to be the only way towards prosperity and economic growth. However, the current COVID-19 pandemic exposed the biggest vulnerabilities of a globalized economy. In such unstable conditions, it would be presumptuous...

Comparative Analysis of Net Income and Cash Flows

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the differences between cash flow and net income comparing two years of functioning of the company in 2008 and 2009. The first line of the table is an illustration of the fact that net income raised by 1.3 in 2009 about the...

Newmont Mining Corporation: Analysis of Risk and Return

Performance of the stock The graph below shows the performance for the stocks of Newmont Mining Corporation and Fossil incorporated as well as the market. It shows that Newmont Mining Corporation was doing well in the market as compared to Fossil incorporated. Both their performance is in upward trend apart...

Finance, Currency Alternatives, and Money in the Bible

Nowadays, most people see money and currency as interchangeable concepts. However, throughout history, many societies employed things other than currency as a medium of exchange. Hence, any means of payment can be defined as money. Other functions of money include being a store of value and a unit of account...

Long-Term Economic Growth in the East Asian States

The economic status of East Asia has increased drastically in the past few decades. Most nations in the region can currently be compared to Western European countries. Foreigners are lured into the region to seek better living standards which they are unable to experience from their native countries. Although immigrants...

Accounting Process and Financial Statements

Introduction, Review of accounting Process and Financial Statements Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) US GAAP is the generally accepted accounting principles followed by companies operating in USA and or listed in the Wall Street exchange. It involves enormous volume of standards, interpretations, opinions and bulletins, formulated by the FASB...

The Change in UK Pension System

Introduction The UK pension scheme started as a non-contributory testing scheme which began in 1908 and established under the Old Age Pensions Act (Bozio 2010, p. 7). This system later developed into a contributory scheme and enforced under the Widows, Orphans and Old Age contributor pensions act of 1925 which...

The Risks of Currency Exchange

The exchange rate The exchange rate between the U.S. and Japan might be defined as flexible rather than fixed since the values of the currencies change daily. According to the website of The Federal Reserve, on June 8, 2020, 1 U.S. dollar cost 108,46 Japanese yen, while on June 12,...

Globalization and American Productivity

Introduction Economic globalization is reflected in such trends as foreign sourcing, global markets, and multinational corporations. It has positively shaped many countries as they gain from mutually beneficial cooperation. According to Erixon, “globalization has improved businesses, living standards and the performance of the entire economy” (Erixon 2018, 3). Large American...

Community Development Financial Institutions

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are specific community-based financial institutions that aim at the promotion of the economic development of individuals by providing loans, services, and consultations to people and communities that are not able to get help from traditional financial intuitions because of the inability to meet strict demands....

United Kingdom-Ghana Economic Growth Disparities

Introduction The economy of a given country will influence the experiences and lifestyles of its citizens and how they address emerging challenges. Nations will have diverse rates of growth that are determined by various factors, including productivity factor and the rate of growth in the available triggers of development. With...

Market Failures and Governmental Interventions

Introduction The free market model based on voluntary exchange is assumed to be beneficial for all parties. However, markets are not perfect, and often they fail to meet social efficiency, and that is why the role of governmental regulation is justified. The cases when markets do not correspond to society’s...

Rental Market Conditions

Introduction This paper utilizes data published by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation‘s (CMHC) rental market. The CHMC report gives a comprehensive analysis of trends revolving around the availability and costs of rental units throughout Canada, with regards to its provinces and metropolitan areas (Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 2020)....

Fiscal Policy on COVID-19 Response

The Coronavirus pandemic has spread globally, and the United States is not an exception. Nations have been facing various impacts of the virus, especially its economic effects. According to Parkin’s article, the Federal Reserve market reactions show trembling market forces (Parkin, 2018). The economist has expressed fear and called for...

Return on Investment

Ergonomic programs targeting musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) as the most common workplace injuries require time, as well as human and financial resources to succeed. The improvement initiatives are more likely to receive support if they involve cost justification. Ip et al. (2016) claim that the return on investment (ROI) is a...

The Significant of Financial Reports

Introduction Financial reports are extremely significant to any organization since it assists in evaluating and gauging the economic strength of an organization. These reports are crucial irrespective of the nature of the company i.e. whether profit-making or nonprofit making. Financial reports are often evaluated before decisions on the best recommendations...

Capital Budgeting in the Organization

Being a manufacturing company and as the manager concerned with asset financing and maintenance have been allowed to acquire souvenir branding equipment as a backup of the already existing machine due to the surge in the product demand. I had decided to acquire a higher number producing asset that can...

Competition Within Political Monopoly Theory

The article Two Theories of Monopoly and Competition: Implications and Applications bases the discussion on the claim that monopoly makes sense on the foundation of the political monopoly theory. In other words, Simpson suggests that monopoly exists only when the government applies force so that one or a couple of...

The Effects of the Minimum Wage on Overall Unemployment

There has been a lot of discussion concerning the positive correlation between the minimum wage and unemployment rates. Economists debate on the nature of these two notions and create contradicting arguments. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the minimum wage on unemployment rates in general...

Concepts of Debt and Equity Relations

Financing decisions are some of the major decisions that the management of a company must make. There are two sources of capital for any company, they are debt and equity financing. According to Gotthilf, (1997), “Debt financing; a company acquires new capital by borrowing from external sources i.e. by paying...

Overview and Analysis: Texas Budget

The necessity to plan the budget is evident and undeniable, especially in conditions of democratic states. It not only helps to arrange the possible and predicted expenditures effectively and organize saving accounts, but also contributes to the trust in the government from the population (Senate Research Centre, 2017). It is...

Diversified Investment Opportunities in Hong Kong

Introduction Hong Kong economy is characterized by diversified investment opportunities. It is considered as a chief fund management centre in Asia and thus there exists in this country a high concentration of fund managers. The entire investment operations in the country are under the strict guidelines and regulations of the...

Coronavirus-Related Free and Fair Trade Issue in News

Summary This paper is a discussion of the article, “Coronavirus: China Yet to Meet Key Phase One Trade Deal Target Due to Covid-19 Lockdown”, which was published on South China Morning Post (SCMP) on April 8, 2020. The article was written by Finbarr Bermingham and Wendy Wu. The article talks...

US Withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnership

Introduction The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was central to President Obama’s strategic pivot to Asia. The trade agreement was signed by twelve Pacific Rim countries, including the United States, which together covered almost 40 percent of the world’s economy. The TPP generated a great deal of controversy: while its proponents predicted...

Personal Finance: Professional Financial Planner

Abstract Investments are an important part of financial planning. When looking at investments there is a need to examine the different options available to people. Different people have different investment needs. The investment option chosen should address the specific needs of the investor. For example, there is the case of...

Investment: A Shift in the Financial Markets, Credit Derivatives

Introduction Over the past few decades, the financial markets have witnessed rampant product innovation. One of the reasons for this shift arises from increased demand for investment by both individual investors and institutional investors. A large number of investors are considering financial assets as a viable investment destination. The banking...

Chinese Currency Growth in Value: Exchange-Rate Determination

Introduction The Chinese currency (Yuan) has been recording a relatively strong performance against the US dollar. Recent data from the year 2007 has indicated that the exchange rate between China and US has been fluctuating with China gaining in most of the cases. At the beginning December 2007, the Chinese...

Income Inequality in Developed Countries

The work payment proportion excessively expanded among people who have high profits, further adding to the development of income inequality. The difference between individuals characterized by schooling and professional training provides them with benefits in work, creating capital payment imbalance. Lately, while the income inequality in Germany and China developed...

”Money Supply” Article by Enam Ahmed Analysis

In this article, Enam Ahmed explains why central banks should use the Divisia approach to measure the effectiveness of the monetary policies. He argues that while the concept was developed almost a century ago, it remains a viable alternative to the tools used in modern economics. The idea to employ...

Held to Maturity Accounting Investment

Accounting processes demand that companies categorize any investments or funds in equity securities or liability when they are acquired. These investments bought particularly equity securities can be put into custody until they mature, held also for buying and selling, or accessible for the transaction. Held to Maturity is the ability...

Senator Chris Dodd’s Finance Bill Key Points

Introduction The financial crisis that traces its way back to 2007 led to the collapse of large financial institutions and prompted national governments to bail out many from imminent collapse. The crisis affected other sectors of the economy like housing which led to the suffering caused by evictions and foreclosures....

Housing Stability Task Force Recommendations in Texas

Texas has been known as a place where real estate is cheap, and the cost of living is lower compared to other states. However, this reputation has been deteriorated by increasing property prices, especially in large metropolitan areas, including Houston. Since a significant portion of the state population resides in...

Plotting Demand and Supply: A Reflection

Understanding the correlation between demand and supply is one of the fundamental requirements for gaining competence in economics. The specified correlation represents the primary ratio that defines the emergence of new companies, the choice of business strategies, and the changes in communication approaches. Therefore, determining the demand and supply curve...

White Collar Crime – Madoff Affair

Introduction White collar fraud is best depicted in the activities of Bernard Madoff who ran an elaborate Ponzi scheme that swindled billions of dollars from unsuspecting investors. In the disguise of a stock brokerage firm, Madoff lured wealthy investors to his cage and robbed them off their billions leaving no...

Multinational Company Financial Market

A chief financial officer (CFO) of an international company is responsible for analyzing and mitigating financial risks. Castello (2016) suggests that to minimize global risk, a CFO should accurately plan and prepare for the possible risks and have a contingency plan that will be used to address issues if they...

Multijurisdictional Tax Planning

The choice of jurisdiction to which taxpayers, individuals, and business representatives resort may be based on several principles. According to Weinreich (2016), they include selecting jurisdictions with minimum tax audit requirements and an opportunity to choose tax rates for the totality of taxes. In other words, the possibility of giving...

Revenue Management: Term Definition

Introduction Pastry World Ltd is a company that is engaged in the sphere of semi-prepared and preserved foods. Although pastry is not the key component of a ratio of an average human, high-quality pastry is highly valued all over the world. The paper aims to analyze the revenue statement of...

What Does the Salary in the USA Depend On?

Top Three Career Choices: Personal banker Professional football player Doctor 2020 Salaries: Personal banker: $38,497 Professional football player: $860,000 Doctor: $278,753 1990 Salaries: Personal banker: $36,595 Professional football player: $356,382 Doctor: $164,300 2000 Salaries: Personal banker: $38,431 Professional football player: $1,116,100 Doctor: $143,698 2010 Salaries: Personal banker: $41,000 Professional football...

The China-United States Trade War

During the trade war between China and the US, the former seeks to promote lower tariffs in international trade. China is currently lowering tariffs on other countries to find new trade partners and enhance relationships with existing ones. This paper provides information on trade barriers and the ways the countries...

The Theory of Capitalism: Hayek’s Arguments

The Authors’ Arguments Friedrich Hayek strove to defend traditional concepts of morality in economics and fought the progressive representatives of the new era who sought to destroy the classical canons. In his book, he compares rationalizers to Christians who tolerate human sinfulness but do their best to prevent it (Hayek...

The Role of Investments: Analyzing the Market Situation

For an investor, the ability to analyze the market situation to assess financial risks and get the most out of investments is critical. This requires careful analysis of interest rates, including for government bonds. First of all, it is necessary to remind that bonds traditionally mean securities issued by the...

The Problem of Inflation: Crucial Aspects

Of primary importance is the recognition that inflation is not an unnatural or harmful mechanism for a country’s economy. Certainly, from the point of view of an ordinary citizen who pays taxes and gives their private money for goods, it may seem that the absence of pre-election inflation or even...

Consumers’ Attitude towards Slave Labor

Large retail markets such as Walmart, H&M, and Zara are well-known to provide the whole population with affordable clothing. Textile factories need a lot of workforces to cover the demand of the customers. Unfortunately, not all employees are paid fairly, and even worse, are being forced into labor. According to...

Raising the Minimum Wage Research

Opinion on Raising the Minimum Wage From a personal viewpoint, increasing the minimum wage is great for the continued protection of workers against unduly low pay. However, this plan works best if the salary floor is set based on supply and demand for labor as opposed to other factors such...

Economic Measure of United States Economy’s Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI) The current indicator is 255.77 (May 2020) (United States Consumer Price Index); a monthly parameter (255.90 in April). The decline is caused by the current epidemiological situation. The quarantine regime has led to economic difficulties. Unemployment Rate The current data is for June 2020 – 11.1%...

On the Impact and Forecasting of the Economic Crisis

The 2008 financial crisis shocked the entire world, severely damaging many economies and showcasing the importance of both domestic and international markets in societal well-being. Considering its relatively recent occurrence, the global financial crisis was believed to become a milestone and a reference for adopting measures to prevent economic breakdowns...

Leasing Equipment Effect on Financial Analysis

Introduction Leasing equipment instead of buying it is a factor that affects depreciation charges, inventory costs, and firm value overall. Thus, it can significantly affect the analysis ratios used to compare two different firms or the same company at a different time. Usually, start-up companies and businesses with strictly limited...

Protectionism in East Asian Countries

Protectionist measures are policies enacted to safeguard domestic industries from competition with foreign firms. They are executed by introducing subsidies, trade tariffs, import quotas, and other trade barriers on imports from foreign business competitors. Remarkably, nearly all typical economists concur that free trade is essential for the thriving of the...

Financial Growth of Labedo Berries

For over three years, Labedo Berries has experienced steady financial growth owing to its customer retention policies and comprehensive management; however, the shareholders felt the need to expand its services across Europe. Labedo Berries is a family enterprise that collects high quality, perfectly ripe strawberries from farmers; the berries are...

Hierarchical Market Economy in the Philippines

I have to disagree with this argument since the development of this country did not yet reach the transformation required to change its economic model. Despite the noticeable increase of skilled laborers on the Philippine market and recent foreign investments, the amount of low-skilled, low-wage, and low value-adding workers is...

Public Housing in Lower Manhattan

Introduction This is a project aimed at describing and discussing the conditions of public housing for families of different classes in New York City. The selected areas are intended to represent the living conditions in the entire City. The foundation for this project is the hypothesis that the living conditions...

Federal Reserve Strategy and the Exchange Rate

Exchange rates refer to the price at which a currency is being bought or sold using another currency. It is the national currency’s value in relation to foreign currency. These being the case exchange rates operate in accordance with the normal demand and supply curves. This implies that in cases...

Governance in Investment Field

Governance is considered a vulnerable area for multiple businesses, especially for the spheres involving investors, since many functioning mechanisms remain invisible to the broad audience and stakeholders. Therefore, each organization controls every team daily to establish systemized work; such an approach proves board employees’ value (Lan & Heracleous, 2010). Over...

Stock Market Values and Stock Repurchases

The management of any large organization implies the control of its assets and shares. By issuing new stocks, redistributing, and repurchasing old ones, it is possible to regulate the financial position of the company and change its policy depending on the current economic situation. However, there is the possibility that...

Tax Planning for Executive Compensation

The efficiency of executive compensation for shareholders is something that boards of directors and companies strive to achieve by maximizing their tax deductibility. The tax code (Internal Revenue Code) includes several provisions that apply to executive compensation such as Tax Code §162(m) – Deductibility of Executive Compensation and Tax Code...

Homeownership as the American Dream

Purchasing a home is often challenging as buyers can encounter many unforeseen issues, especially if they do not research the market, the seller, or the property’s history. Moreover, real estate is not only a place for living – it is also an investment opportunity. Thus, it is vital for one...

Economic Growth of East Asian States: The Impact of Foreign Workers

In recent years, there have been increased levels of international labor migration in various nations. Eastern Asian countries, such as Thailand, have seen a considerable surge in migrant workers, raising interest in individual nations’ impact. Walmsley et al. (2013) mention that immigrants comprise people with varied skill levels. He further...

Hospital of Saint Raphael: Financial Analysis

Introduction The following financial statements ratio analysis report is based on the available financial statements of the Hospital of Saint Raphael for the years 2004 and 2005. The comparisons will be made with the financial information for the two years. The analysis will be based on the ratio of the...

Ford Motor Company’s Present Stock Value

Trend of Ford shares for the last five years is shown below. Based on the trend of the graph below, I will state that the stock price was fairly stable with little fluctuations except during the period of the financial crisis. From the trend shown below, I will state that...

The Sources of Tax Revenue in the US

Taxes represent involuntary charges imposed on people or companies and controlled by a government agency, whether local or national, to fund different operations within the country. From an economic perspective, taxes fall on the one who caters to their burden, be it an establishment such as a business or consumers...

What Aspects Investors Should Consider in Starting a Business?

Background to the study The concept of entrepreneurship is increasingly being appreciated by investors in an effort to maximize their wealth. According to Kuratko (2008, p.9), the financial school of thought in relation to entrepreneurship asserts that investors seek for growth of their capital and hence the emphasis on entrepreneurial...

Application of Consumer Behavior: A Guide for Marketers in the Hospitality Industry

The current report aims to explore the different ways in which consumer behavior may be applied in hospitality business marketing. Marketing as a whole implies the utilization of a set of methods and strategies to facilitate demand and ensure clients’ favorable activity. Since the hospitality industry mostly deals with services,...

Nominal Anchor: Monetary Targeting and Inflation

Introduction Nominal anchor is the behavioral regulation used by Central Banks on the verge of alleviating nominal variables such as a country’s general price level. To be more precise, these mechanisms are adopted to check on either deflation or inflation in the country. The commonly used nominal anchors by the...

Towards a Successful Personal Income Tax System in Hong Kong

Introduction The primary purpose of any form of taxation practiced across civilizations the world over is to raise revenue needed to finance public services. But there exist numerous tax systems that can be used to achieve this noble objective, including property tax, personal income tax, inheritance tax, sales tax, and...