Tarroc LTD Points to note: Tarroc is making normal profits. The industry is at its ‘long-run’ equilibrium. The scenario is given of the industry in which Tarrot LTD operates implies a purely competitive market. It is characterized by a large number of relatively small firms. These firms are considered price...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1748
Pages: 6
Describe the use of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to measure the business cycle It is undeniable that the Gross national product can be used to measure the business cycle. The gross national product has occasionally been used to assess the US economy for a long time. This is as far...
Topic: Health
Words: 669
Pages: 2
Benkler Article Networked Information Economy. Benkler emphasized that the networked information economy requires physical capital for profitable production. The networked information economy is very important to human freedom and human development. The economy of production and transfer of networked information in the community significantly affects the way people see that...
Topic: Communication
Words: 2020
Pages: 8
Business Indicators for (Foreign) Investors Foreign Exchange Stability Chowdhury & Haque (2008) pointed out that the foreign exchange stability and virtual exchange rates of currencies in SAARC nations were more stable on average throughout the past decade than the US Dollars, Euro, and Yen, which prevail in the Special Drawing...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2829
Pages: 10
Introduction This essay on global political economy will present answers to the attached questions. The answer to the first question will illuminate the exact functions of World Trade Organization (WTO), the problems associated with the body, such as market access in developing countries, tariffs, and impacts of subsidies, barriers that...
Topic: Banking
Words: 1575
Pages: 5
Introduction Globalization is not a new term since it has existed for a long period. For many years, globalization has continued to grow through trade, travel, migration, transfer of cultural elements, and spread of knowledge. For over 500 years, monarchs, adventurous, and financiers have been committed to the creation of...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 1907
Pages: 7
The World Trade Organization is the sole global body that deals with fairness in trade among nations. It designs rules to ensure that large economies and small economies are at par in economic growth. However, its policies and propositions are not popular with most nations. Its aims are to facilitate...
Topic: Trade
Words: 424
Pages: 2
Competitive advantage is the ability one country has over another to produce a particular commodity with a comparatively lower opportunity cost. For example, Kenya has the necessary climatic conditions for the production of coffee. On the other hand, Switzerland has an advantage in the technology to manufacture refined coffee for...
Topic: Economics
Words: 302
Pages: 1
Companies refer to several market potential indicators in making market entry decisions. Michigan State University’s School of Business has developed eight indicators to help companies to make such decisions when considering entry into emerging markets. Emerging markets are quite critical as they form majority of the world’s population and account...
Topic: Economics
Words: 390
Pages: 1
Introduction The recent global financial crisis affected almost all banks in the world with very few banks shielded from this misfortune. Australia and Canada were not greatly affected by the crisis. This is a result of effective regulatory mechanisms that were in place. But this is not to say that...
Topic: Banking
Words: 2782
Pages: 10
Managing an investment project in the environment of the global economy is fraught with numerous risks. Primarily, the possibility of a crisis deserves to be mentioned. Herein the need to adopt the strategies aimed at investing in developing entrepreneurship lies. Objectives The key objective of the specified portfolio concerns increasing...
Topic: Construction
Words: 606
Pages: 2
Over the last 30 years in the US, the real price of a college education has increased by almost 70 percent. Over the same period, an increasing number of high school graduates have sought a college education. While faculty salaries have barely kept pace with inflation, administrative staffing (and expenditures)...
Topic: Managerial Economics
Words: 834
Pages: 2
Introduction Prior to the 1997 predicament, the Indonesian market was typified by a powerful financial presentation from 1989 to 1996 with a yearly GDP intensification average of 8 percent. This was because of well-built business enterprise activities exemplified by sturdy macroeconomic rudiments. The basic monetary equilibrium was in surplus after...
Topic: Economic Crisis
Words: 2224
Pages: 8
External factors such as Consumer Price Index (CPI), consumer behavior, and inflation rate play a very important role in stimulating economic growth. For instance, the rate of inflation of a given economy will affect its growth since a high inflation rate may lead to low economic growth. Though internal factors...
Topic: Economic Growth
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Introduction There are numerous definitions of frictional unemployment. It is essential to note that many of those definitions describe frictional unemployment and its elements. Frictional unemployment is also known as voluntary unemployment. It occurs in instances whereby the employed individuals have a continued habit of changing their job, career and...
Topic: Unemployment
Words: 562
Pages: 2
Executive summary The UAE global business world has been growing, and the economy of the UAE has been improving for the past few years steadily. The stability of the UAE economy has been on the increase, especially due to the capital resources available at the disposal of the UAE. Setting...
Topic: Banking
Words: 3622
Pages: 15
Introduction Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize winner, is the founder of the Grameen banking system; he had the aim of elevating poverty through financial empowerment of the poor in the society. The idea is moving fast in developing and developed countries. This paper discusses various aspects of the Grameen banking system....
Topic: Banking
Words: 876
Pages: 2
The position on Nicaragua portrayed in the video is fairly accurate, as it appears that similar sentiments have been observed by other individuals who have studied LDC’s (Least Developed Countries). It has been observed that the main motivation behind LDC states about international financial obligations is the international trade ties...
Topic: Trade
Words: 655
Pages: 2
Opportunity Cost of Getting Education An opportunity cost refers to the cost that is usually the next best option available to a person amongst a set of mutually exclusive choices. This cost which is a fundamental concept of economics describes the basic relationship that exists between scarcity and choice where...
Topic: College Education
Words: 700
Pages: 2
Does Money Buy Happiness? According to the discovery of various economists and sociologists such as Adam Smith, money does not buy happiness where they have argued that the limited ability of people to achieve happiness through material wealth is not enough to guarantee them material wealth. Even though a majority...
Topic: Happiness
Words: 621
Pages: 1
Information about the house and neighborhood The single-property house which I have selected is located in Los Angeles at 1274 South Camden Drive. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms. Its exterior design strongly resembles the Spanish architectural style. This house has a very spacious living room with beamed ceilings and...
Topic: Economics
Words: 560
Pages: 2
Prepayment The importer pays for the goods before they are shipped for export. The supplier is fully protected from nonpayment for the goods as it gets done in advance. The importer is at a greater risk since the exporter may receive the payment, and either fails to deliver the goods...
Topic: Trade
Words: 537
Pages: 2
Demand and supply are obviously affected by the monetary tools of Fed Monetary supply is affected by Fed using three main tools. These tools include the rate target for the federal funds, lending practices carried out through discounts and finally, the reserve regulation as stipulated by fiscal laws. To begin...
Topic: Economics
Words: 553
Pages: 2
How can policies and regulations impact financial institutions? Whenever regulations are lifted, some financial institutions may most likely run into financial losses. In most cases, earnings are increased through protected monopolies. However, the introduction of policies and regulations often break this link and hence, financial institutions end up losing greatly...
Topic: Economics
Words: 877
Pages: 3
Net income which signifies the profits that a bank makes after taxes gives us a direct view of a bank’s performance in terms of its ability to pay dividends as well as retain earnings. However, the net income fails to adjust to the size of the bank and as such...
Topic: Banking
Words: 583
Pages: 2
Hegemonic stability theory Hegemonic stability theory draws its ideas from the realist, liberal and historical, together with the structuralists views. It is often regarded as a hybrid theory. It emphasizes that for an open and balanced international system to be met there should be a sole dominating or hegemonic nation,...
Topic: International Politics
Words: 565
Pages: 2
Why did Chavez decide to nationalize Cargill? Do you think he was justified? Though hardly anyone could expect the nationalization of Cargill to occur, the reasons behind the decision taken by Chavez are quite obvious. Seeing that the president has been known for his enmity towards foreign companies within the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 590
Pages: 2
Explain how an increased federal budget deficit resulting from a recession can actually help stabilize an economy Local governments and the states face tough fiscal times due to economic downturns. It has been observed that due to this, the state tightens up its fiscal belt and this leads to the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1526
Pages: 5
Explain the concept of the “Balance of Payments” (BoP), and how it relates to the foreign exchange (“forex”) market under a floating rate and a so-called “fixed” exchange rate. How does the latter regime cause problems for the Chinese economy? The balance of payment indicates all the transactions of a...
Topic: Macroeconomics
Words: 2458
Pages: 8
Abstract Most of the international monetary policies are formulated by the Bretton Woods institutions namely the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). While the core objectives of these polices are to create a level playing ground and sustainable economic growth across the globe, the anticipated economic returns have not...
Topic: Finance
Words: 904
Pages: 3
The last decade has witnessed an unprecedented number of mega-mergers in the banking industry. What are the potential cost advantages of these mergers? Mergers in business management are critical in generating enough resources for an organization to operate effectively while providing a platform for a harmonized management approach. In the banking...
Topic: Acquisition
Words: 660
Pages: 2
Reasons why Prices of Food Such as Rice and Grain are on the Rise The United Kingdom is one of the developed nations in the world. It has been able to ensure that food security for its citizens is guaranteed. The agricultural sector of this country is quite advanced, and...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1646
Pages: 6
Public budgeting leader in the public sector An effective public budgeting leader focuses on achieving particular goals and meeting certain groups’ needs. To be an effective leader and manager in the public sector, it is essential to be able to set clear goals, as well as develop plans to achieve...
Topic: Economics
Words: 835
Pages: 3
Selecting a foreign market The ability to select a viable foreign market is a crucial undertaking whenever there is need to expand and diversify operational strategies. Before expanding to foreign markets, it is vital to consider the level of demand for products being marketed by an organization. Market demand is...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 606
Pages: 2
No one would deny neither the importance nor the breadth of scope of Chinese societal transformations initiated by the country’s industrial reform. However, relationships between Chinse private enterprises and the state are far from being balanced. One can argue that these relationships are equally far from promoting environmental sustainability. Neither...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1111
Pages: 4
Executive Summary This report carries an in-depth analysis of Topshop and Matalan in order to help Caifu to choose the best company to buy stocks. The report noted that both companies are facing decreasing sales due to the deflationary crisis in the UK. However, Matalan has poor management, which has...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2711
Pages: 10
Introduction The global financial crisis of 2008-2009 was the worst economic calamity since the Great Depression. The crisis was an extremely complex event the causes of which are still disputed among economic scholars. Academic accounts of the economic disaster are characterized by disparate interpretations and a high level of heterogeneity...
Topic: Financial Crisis
Words: 888
Pages: 3
Based on the Chinese government’s standpoint, is it logical to impose the trade barrier? China is one of the most promising markets and it can affect the development of the global market. Palmer (2010) notes that the USA as well as other countries express their concerns as to China’s policies...
Topic: Trade
Words: 616
Pages: 2
Estate Planning Minimizing Tax Liability One of the main benefits of estate planning for businesses is the possibility of reducing tax liability. If an owner fails to account for these expenses before death, the firm may suffer a significant financial loss in the form of estate tax (Herzberg & Boone,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1157
Pages: 4
Chapter summaries This chapter begins by giving a brief overview of the benefits of international trade through the examination of the garment industry in Bangladesh. This chapter has also evaluated several theories that outline the advantages of a country engaging in international trade and the model of international trade experience...
Topic: Trade
Words: 549
Pages: 2
The chapter focuses on international trade and how most governments usually view free trade as ideal but may interfere with the trading for political and economic reasons. The instruments used by governments to regulate trade include; tariffs, subsidies on goods, import quotas on goods and services, voluntarily restraining some exports,...
Topic: International Politics
Words: 610
Pages: 2
Introduction It is apparent that entering an emerging market has a significant potential due to various advantages such as the increasing economic growth, the absence of serious competition, et cetera. However, it is also evident that numerous problems can occur in the process of entering. Therefore, it is essential to...
Topic: Economics
Words: 846
Pages: 3
Company Description Emaar Properties is a company from the United Arab Emirates that provides real estate management and development services. Founded in 1997, it quickly reached the status of the leader in the local market through diversification of activities to hospitality, residential, and commercial property segments. Following a successful IPO...
Topic: Economics
Words: 917
Pages: 3
The Great Recession The great recession started in December 2007 and ended in June 2009. The recession started when the 8 trillion housing bubble tumbled. There was lots of wealth loss that reduced consumer spending. There was financial chaos due to reduced consumption and the business investments collapsed. Due to...
Topic: Recession
Words: 1154
Pages: 4
Problems Facing AndFound The given case focuses on discussing AndFound start-up, the paramount aim of which is to connect investors with new and ambitious projects. Initially, the mentioned website offered its services for free, while its founders plan to introduce some charges for investors and other interested businesspersons (Nanda and...
Topic: Economics
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Introduction Structuralism theories propounded on the role of the state and the market in promoting development in an economy. It advocated for state activism in trying to solve problems of underdevelopment and especially in developing countries. It opposed to the idea that international or free trade helped in development by...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1683
Pages: 6
Unit Description Western Oahu Veterans Center is a local branch of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, a governmental agency that aims to provide various types of aid to veterans of U.S. military service. The center’s staff consists of seven employees who work eight hours a day, six days a...
Topic: Veterans
Words: 898
Pages: 3
Introduction Modern organizations use several types of budget creation. Each approach has its advantages and is suitable for specific tasks. The following paper identifies the differences between the most common approaches – a traditional budget and a zero-based budget. Concept Definitions In order to understand the differences, it is first...
Topic: Budget
Words: 620
Pages: 2
Introduction Human subjects are utilized in many fields of research. The primary sciences that are focused on studying human reaction and behavior are psychology and sociology. Consumer research is connected with either in equal measure, as its primary objective is to model and understand consumer behavior. The purpose of this...
Topic: Economics
Words: 841
Pages: 3
Introduction The article called Investing at Every Age raises the issue of investing that depends on the age and goals of a person. This is a highly relevant problem in most countries and communities. Investing is a complicated and very important process that requires knowledge and experience. However, most people...
Topic: Finance
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Economic Efficiency Economic efficiency is the use of resources such that maximum utilization of those resources is achieved in production of goods and services. It involves effective and equitable allocation of resources. An economy is said to be economically efficient if any change made to make one agent better off...
Topic: Economics
Words: 602
Pages: 2
Monetary and Fiscal policy Monetary and fiscal policies are policies of the central bank and the government. The policies are utilized by the two organs for maintaining economic stability in the country through maintenance of low inflation and positive economic growth. The monetary and fiscal policies are used to reduce...
Topic: Economics
Words: 3265
Pages: 12
Informal Economy in African Economic Development: Contributions and Drawbacks Though the informal economy is introduced as a vital and large part of the overall African economies, it is still hard to find one specific definition of this concept. Researchers and policymakers suggest using such terms as shadow, gray, black, or...
Topic: Economics
Words: 3624
Pages: 13
In 1-2 paragraphs, outline what the article is about? The article describes the occurrences in the Brazilian Economy in the recent period after the famous global crisis. The Brazilian economy has experienced GDP growth rates higher than was expected, and the pressure on prices as a result of the economic...
Topic: Economics
Words: 644
Pages: 2
Introduction International trade strategies have changed for Canada. In fact, 2017 is proving to be the year that define the country’s international trade policy. The US wants to renegotiate NAFTA and the dwindling outcomes of the Asia-Pacific trade policy, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), provide an opportunity for a review of trade...
Topic: Trade
Words: 3080
Pages: 11
Introduction The negative emotions such as embarrassment may significantly affect individual’s behaviour in different purchase situations. The article “Effects of consumer embarrassment on shopping basket size and value: a study of the millennial consumer” written by Nichols, Raska, and Flint and published in the Journal of Consumer Behaviour in 2015...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2520
Pages: 9
Introduction The North American Free Trade Agreement, which has been in existence for seventeen years, was signed in 1994. This agreement created a free trade area between Canada, the USA, and Mexico. Since its inception, there have been critics and supporters of this agreement. This paper seeks to examine both...
Topic: Trade
Words: 994
Pages: 3
Introduction The objective of this chapter is to describe the methodology employed by this study to collect and analyze data. Reyes (2004) recommends Watkins’ (1994) research methodology, which involves seven steps: novelty of the problem; investigator’s interest in the problem; practical value of the research to the investigator; worker’s special...
Topic: Banking
Words: 4800
Pages: 17
Abstract The halo effect in business is a kind of a cognitive bias, which is created as a result of the customer’s tendency to perceive brands, companies, or products relying on the overall impression. The effect appears when the rater develops a holistic opinion before performing a detailed analysis. As...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2829
Pages: 10
Milton was a pre-eminent American Economist who earned accolades for his free-market economic theory (407). A free market economy is a system in which the prices of goods and services are determined purely by the demand and supply in the market. There is no government intervention to determine such prices....
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 1112
Pages: 4
Abstract Data computation of computer price indices is a challenging issue because different jurisdictions adopt unique methodologies when doing so. This study explores how CPI is computed in Mongolia by investigating four main issues: services in the CPI, new data sources for compiling CPI, the importance of understanding and meeting...
Topic: Economics
Words: 4522
Pages: 15
This involves studying the interplay between trust and inequality in a dynamic game. In this case, efficiency is increased by trust, which allows a higher experimental growth of an economy. The study is set to find out how the relationship between inequality and trust affects economic growth. In this study,...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 929
Pages: 3
Introduction Aggregate demand is normally understood in the context of the total value of goods and services demanded by a given group of consumers at a given period and a given price (Brux 2007, p. 375). In other words, aggregate demand essentially refers to the value of goods and services...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2096
Pages: 8
Introduction Finances and exchange rates play a substantial role in the functioning of the international market while ensuring the circulations of goods and services. The importance of these economic matters cannot be underestimated, as the currency devaluation caused by the fluctuations in the exchange rates could be regarded as a...
Topic: Food
Words: 2803
Pages: 10
Introduction The Net Present Value Rule (NPV) states that in the case of a positive NPV, an investment is to be accepted and in the case of a negative NPV, the investment should be rejected. The NPV Rule stipulates that by investing in the projects that have the NPV over...
Topic: Economics
Words: 560
Pages: 2
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is considered an indicator of the overall economic wellbeing of the country. It should give a representation of the general welfare of the nation as the higher the level of production, the higher the country’s well-being. However, GDP does not reflect the social state of the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 615
Pages: 2
Milton Friedman’s astounding contribution to the U.S. economy is something that continues to affect the present day. One of the primary ideas he espoused focused on the value of liberalism in developing an overarching theory to govern modern society. However, Friedman lamented the fact that contemporary interpretation of the term...
Topic: Individualism
Words: 1140
Pages: 4
According to research, the rate of globalization across the world has escalated at an alarming rate since the turn of the century (Feasel, 2018). This observable fact has been influenced by factors such as technological advancements, economic empowerment, increased access to education, and improved relations between countries. One of the...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 1234
Pages: 5
These two articles present opposing views on how Marxism is manifested in the economy of the digital era. On one side of the argument, there is Christian Fuchs, who presented his views in the book “Digital Labor and Karl Marx”. The key concept in Fuchs’ book is that social media...
Topic: Marxism
Words: 1131
Pages: 5
Introduction A general understanding of macroeconomics shows that recession occurs when the business cycle of an economy contract. During the recession, there is a fall in GDP growth, household income, business profit, and investment point towards an economy that is in recession (Colander 11). Consequently, recession increases unemployment and corporate...
Topic: Recession
Words: 1157
Pages: 5
The Highway Trust Fund (HTF) is the main source of funding for American transportation programs. Despite a gradual increase in funding, HTF has shown signs of insolvency. The current paper provides an overview of the existing issues and identifies several solutions that may address the problem. History Prior to the...
Topic: Tax
Words: 910
Pages: 4
Introduction The United Kingdom is expected to go to a referendum in June 2016 to determine whether the country should remain a member of the European Union or not (Gifford 2015). A section of the society strongly believes that the United Kingdom should exit the European Union because the country...
Topic: European Union
Words: 1383
Pages: 6
Firstly, the tax incentives imply the reductions of taxes for the organization for performing the desirable and socially beneficial actions (Rubin 8). The primary reason for utilizing this approach is the easiness to attract various businesses and establishments, as the taxes define their potential income. It remains evident that the...
Topic: Tax
Words: 570
Pages: 3
Introduction Wal-Mart is an American-based retailing company that has ventured into the international market to take over some emerging markets. The company has dominated the local market in the United States. It is looking to dominate the international market by providing consumers with some of the cheapest alternatives to the...
Topic: Walmart
Words: 1092
Pages: 4
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyse foreign direct investment (FDI) in India. FDI refers to “the net inflow of investment to acquire a lasting management interest in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor” (World Bank 2015). Developing countries have focused on...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1921
Pages: 7
Market structure The regression results show that the coefficient of determination is slightly above average. This implies that the model explains the demand for the product well. The elasticity for advertisement is positive. This shows that advertisement plays a slight role in the demand of the product. The two elasticties...
Topic: Managerial Economics
Words: 1987
Pages: 8
Introduction Overview This chapter covers the background to the study, problem statement, research objectives, questions and the significance of the study. Background to the study In early 2013, the British Prime Minister declared that the country will vote to decide whether the country should remain or exit the European (Whyte...
Topic: Brexit
Words: 4073
Pages: 15
Introduction The Chinese economy has been linked directly to the performance of its manufacturing industry for quite long. The connection between the economic growth of the state and its manufacturing sector is quite obvious; as the latter has been the source of employment options for most denizens of the Chinese...
Topic: Economic Growth
Words: 671
Pages: 3
“Hawaii’s Solar Wars”: Variable Pricing as a Solution Offered by Herman K. Trabish “Hawaii’s solar wars” is an issue that has emerged recently due to the installation of rooftop solar photovoltaic systems by some Hawaiian households and the resulting economic conflict between the owners of these systems and the rest...
Topic: War
Words: 1160
Pages: 5
Introduction Politics defines a country. The difference between a developed country and a developing country is how politics in each particular country are carried out. Politics also determine various core aspects such as economy, history, culture, and geography. Weak political leaders typically lead to a country that is not economically...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1669
Pages: 7
Abstract This paper explains the mechanics of how the so-called ‘Housing Bubble’ (believed to be the actual cause of the financial crisis of 2008-2009) came into being, and explains why, contrary to what many people believe, this crisis is best described as having been deliberately triggered by bankers. Introduction Nowadays,...
Topic: Financial Crisis
Words: 3425
Pages: 13
Opportunities and Challenges The opportunities and challenges which housing lenders and real estate agents face across ethnic subcultures are different. The reasons that buyers from the three ethnic groups surveyed gave for buying homes were diverse. The surveyed ethnic groups consisted of African Americans, English -speaking Hispanics and Spanish- speaking...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1127
Pages: 5
Introduction The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a large-scale initiative created under the leadership of China (Mishra, 2016). This international organization has two key objectives. First, its task is to enhance financial cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. Second, the activities of the bank are aimed at financing infrastructure projects...
Topic: Banking
Words: 1162
Pages: 5
Issue Government debt has become a concern for many developed countries in recent years. Economists, officials, and other stakeholders fear that the government debt will increase and become an unbearable burden for younger generations. Such issues as financial crises, aging populations, and quite inconsistent tax policies contribute greatly to the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1657
Pages: 7
Introduction Globalisation has been on the increase in the last couple of decades, as the world’s economy continues to grow. This has led to increased international trade. Most organisations are seeking to expand their customer base in the international market. International trade refers to the type of trade that occurs...
Topic: Pharmacy
Words: 944
Pages: 4
Introduction Unemployment is among the most significant challenges that influence contemporary economies. Indeed, even global economic giants suffer from the problem. For example, the 2008 to 2009 economic crisis in the US left the nation suffering from the problem of unemployment. After the recession, Rothstein and Valletta (2014) assert that...
Topic: Unemployment
Words: 1989
Pages: 8
Introduction Governments usually require taxes to meet expenses such as healthcare, security, and other public requirements. To raise the revenue, the government imposes taxes on goods and services as well as on the wages and salaries that employers pay and employees earn. In essence, payroll tax, such as the Federal...
Topic: Insurance
Words: 1145
Pages: 5
Introduction Profit is defined as the financial benefits one receives when the revenue gained from a business transaction is greater than the expenses that were necessary to perform said operation, including costs and taxes required for a business to remain sustainable. Regardless of the nature of the business, the end...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 1686
Pages: 7
The chapter on cryptocurrency by Greenfield is a comprehensive source of information regarding Bitcoin and the blockchain. It provides the reader with clear and understandable insights into these pressing topics that have been bothering many people (Huumo, Ko, Choi, Park, & Smolander, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to...
Topic: Cryptocurrency
Words: 568
Pages: 3
Introduction Over the past, the issue of terrorism and drug trafficking has posed a big problem in international trade. The drug traffickers have taken advantage of the international trade to sneak drugs across international borders. This has threatened the effectiveness of the international trade to a great extent. Discussion Recently,...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 615
Pages: 3
Kea Terms Definition Democracy is a form of the government elected by the majority of people and guaranteed equal rights for everybody. Democratization is the process of democracy development. A dictatorial regime is a form of the government when all the power is held by one person (a dictator). Economic...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 618
Pages: 3
Why are economic profits zero in the long run in a monopolistically competitive market? Economic profit refers to the difference between the overall income and the combined expenditure. The amount of expenses may be viewed from the business perspective of opportunity cost. In a monopolistically competitive business environment, such profits...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1188
Pages: 5
History of Changes in GDP, Savings, Investments, Real Interest Rates. Forecasts for the Next Five Years First, it is important to evaluate the historical changes in the US’s GDP that directly relates to the dynamics of the economic growth of the country. Beginning with the crash of the stock market...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2059
Pages: 8
Introduction Strong government-business ties are crucial in economic development. A country’s political establishment or government formulates and implements economic and regulatory policies that determine its developmental state. Political decisions and economic management are inextricably linked. In this view, a nation’s economic success depends on its political system and laws governing...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1158
Pages: 5
The purpose of this paper is to examine the history of financial reforms and its impact on the US economy. Thus, we attempt to limit our study to major reforms that sharply affect macroeconomic indicators. For a long time, private financial institutions were gaining the power to control and run...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2237
Pages: 9
Today, the collapse of state banks is the problematic situation which is often associated with significant economic and political problems in the country. Nevertheless, it is impossible to state that this situation is characteristic only for the modern development of business and economics. The problem is in the fact that...
Topic: Banking
Words: 810
Pages: 3
Abstract The research study attempts to reveal new details about the generation of Millennials and their effect on the purchasing behavior of the fashion industry in the UK. In this instance, the central objectives are to not only discover the buying behavior of Millennials but also propose effective strategies to...
Topic: Fashion
Words: 2740
Pages: 10
Abstract This paper is a critical analysis of the 2015 journal article “Effects of consumer embarrassment on shopping basket size and value: A study of the millennial consumer” by Bridget Nichols, David Raska, and Daniel Flint. The paper is divided into four sections, viz. the introduction, summary, critique, and conclusion....
Topic: Economics
Words: 2572
Pages: 10
Introduction In the paper called “The Relationship Between Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Some New Insights on the Openness Measurement Issue” Hutchet-Bourdon, Le Mouël, and Vijil (2011) discover aspects of measuring trade openness and its impact on economic growth. The review of the existing literature reveals the lack of a...
Topic: Economic Growth
Words: 434
Pages: 2
Introduction Warren Buffett’s annual letter to shareholders presents one of the most read and analyzed documents by investors within business calendar. The letter basically updates shareholders on Berkshire’s progress and at the same time gives investment wisdom to various investors (Buffett, 2013). Main Body Warren Buffett gives detailed explanations on...
Topic: Economics
Words: 821
Pages: 3
China is currently the largest manufacturing economy in the world. Its growth is mainly attributed to the country’s ability to position itself as a global hub for business activities. In 2010, around 19.8% of the total manufacturing output in the world came from China (Dempsey 2012). Major industries in this...
Topic: Manufacturing
Words: 456
Pages: 2
The rapid growth of China as a major powerhouse in the global economy is described by analysts as an example of one of the most significant economic success narratives in contemporary times. The growth has taken place within a span of fewer than three decades is. The Chinese economic reforms...
Topic: Economics
Words: 4453
Pages: 17
Introduction On the surface, it may seem odd that Islamic banking is in such demand but when looked at from a cultural and religious perspective, it embodies the very essence of Islamic law. To put it simply, what makes Islamic banking different from conventional banking is that it is based...
Topic: Banking
Words: 2348
Pages: 9
Executive Summary The report delves into the peculiarities of the current macro environment in Thailand. The rapid economic growth of the state that can be observed in the last several decades preconditions the increased level of investors attention and numerous attempts to enter the local market. However, the peculiarities of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2033
Pages: 8
Executive summary This report considers the relationship that the change in climate has with the pension fund. The pension fund is one of the largest consumer products, and there has been a concern on how to protect it from any possible material or financial risk (Jill 324). So many studies...
Topic: Climate
Words: 601
Pages: 3
Introduction Prior to the Great Depression, very few people would agree with the statement that the government can substantially impact the market. Nowadays, very few people would disagree with it. Monetary and fiscal authorities wield the most powerful weapons for shifting economic landscapes of a country. These weapons include but...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1151
Pages: 5
Real per capita income is among the values that indicate financial position of countries and people who contribute to their success. As it follows from the information presented in the report of the World Bank, twenty richest countries in the world (based on incomes per capita) include European countries, Asian...
Topic: Economics
Words: 595
Pages: 3
Introduction The current wave of globalization has transformed how business operations are executed. Within the past three decades, the number of multinational firms doing business in foreign countries has increased significantly. New practices such as offshoring and outsourcing have become common in the recent past (Gaspar et al. 12). These...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1122
Pages: 5
Introduction Warren Edward Buffett is an American businessperson. He is also a successful investor who ranks among the rich and prosperous investors. Warren Buffett’s aptitude for money and business started at unusually tender age. At the age of 13 years, Buffett started a business as a paperboy selling horseracing tip...
Topic: Economics
Words: 594
Pages: 3
Introduction PepsiCo is a corporation that includes a number of brands selling processed foods and beverages. The most famous products of the company include Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Cheetos, Doritos, and Lay’s. Other recognizable names are Tropicana, 7 Up, Lipton tea, and Mirinda (The Street 2017). The current state of the...
Topic: Pepsi
Words: 2577
Pages: 10
Introduction Purpose and context of the report The prime principle of globalization is featured by the interconnected holistic phenomenon. Due to globalization, the world has become a village in terms of politics, economic endeavors, and cultural interaction. Understanding the position of globalization in the Canadian society requires critical analysis of...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 2519
Pages: 10
Introduction For the last 30 years, bank institutions have represented more than half of the commercial lending sector and approximately a quarter of the entire corporate credit market. The institutions are cautious creditors and repeatedly work to make credit accessible to credit-worthy companies and individuals throughout the country. Bankers analyse...
Topic: Banking
Words: 827
Pages: 4
Introduction New institutional economics which emerged in the 1970s, became a basis for the economic reform and the development of the contemporary economy. It gave birth to diverse theories that outlined the reforms and conditioned the future of the economy. The current paper reviews one of the famous institutional theories,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 629
Pages: 3
Review of the Topic Most governments around the world are under immense pressure to provide proper stewardship of their economies through prudent public financial management. Undertaking sound investments stems from the proper use of public resources and the maximization of returns from the same (European Commission, 2014). Public resources refer...
Topic: Goals
Words: 1413
Pages: 6
Introduction Various economic growth models have been developed over time. These models help us to understand the sources of economic growth and why there are differences in economic performance across countries. One of these models is the Solow-model, called the neoclassical growth-model. The concept became established in the fiscal 1956...
Topic: Economics
Words: 668
Pages: 3
Introduction In the wake of international cooperation and globalization, intercontinental movement of people has significantly increased. Current economic trends have compelled people to move to foreign nations to seek employment opportunities, education, and business among other reasons. However, economic immigrants have increased significantly in the last decade. Their relocation to...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 2793
Pages: 11
Introduction The issue of the minimum wage in the US dates back to 1938 when President Roosevelt introduced a 25 cents/hour wage as the lower limit earning for any employee. The intentions of introducing the minimum wage were noble as the move sought to protect low-income earners from exploitation by...
Topic: Minimum Wage
Words: 1977
Pages: 8
Circumstances that may Lead to the Opening up of Businesses to Exploit Europe’s Coal Mines Resources Europe still has an abundance of coal reserves that can be mined. The process should be economically viable. The coal mining industry improved productivity in the past. Today, oil and gas prices are increasing...
Topic: Economics
Words: 576
Pages: 3
Free market and mixed economy An economic system is important in allocating scarce resources. There are several economic systems that have distinct characteristics. In a free-market economy, there are minimal or absence of interventions. The market is controlled by forces of demand and supply. Further, the economy is self-adjusting. Thus,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1319
Pages: 5
Introduction This paper is aimed to make a currency report. It will consider a pair of the US dollar and the Russian ruble. It is going to analyze their relations in the currency market, as well as provide a short, medium, and long-term prediction on their future exchange. Currency Report...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 621
Pages: 3
David Donnison discusses the phenomenon of increasing income inequality, which has led to declining standards of living for a significant portion of Britain’s population. The author claims that the widening gap between the rich and the poor has introduced challenges regarding access to basic health care for most Britons (Donnison...
Topic: Income Inequality
Words: 831
Pages: 4
Generating theories is always inseparable from future debates. It can be explained by the fact that the world is constantly changing so that there is the need for the improvement of the generally acceptable postulates or making a particular theory more detailed in order to assure that it is still...
Topic: Karl Marx
Words: 1116
Pages: 5
The relationships between the currencies of different countries may be discussed in a variety of ways regarding the existing theories and formulas. Interest rate parity (IRP) theory is one of the methods that can be appropriate for the evaluation of the interest rates and exchange rates (Eun & Resnick, 2015;...
Topic: Economics
Words: 554
Pages: 3
It is common to believe that agriculture is a major sector for developing countries, especially rural territories because it does not require vast investment in the innovations and the implementation of the newest technologies. Nevertheless, regardless of a traditionally acceptable economic myth, there is a severe debate around this statement...
Topic: Agriculture
Words: 2142
Pages: 8
Introduction Background and context The modern business environment could be characterised by the unique diversity and tendency towards the globalisation. However, at the moment, we could observe the overwhelming prevalence of a small number of companies and the dominance of western economies when developing states have few opportunities to enter...
Topic: Trade
Words: 5524
Pages: 21
Scenario One An LCL shipment of motor vehicle parts from a UK manufacturer to an importer in Johannesburg, South Africa. The goods will travel by sea in a multi-modal ship, using the DDP Johannesburg Incoterm. This is the required documentation. Pro-forma Invoice: This is a document that is sent by...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1130
Pages: 5
Introduction In his paper entitled “Capital Mobility and Economic Performance: Are Emerging Economies Different?”, Edwards (2000) explores whether capital mobility influences different factors related to economic growth or not. His preliminary analysis focuses on arguing viewpoints of his colleagues that prove that capital mobility and the expansion of a country’s...
Topic: Performance
Words: 427
Pages: 2
There are a plethora of people who occupy such low-income positions as waiters, housecleaners, nannies, and so on. These individuals receive minimum wages that should cover their primary needs (food, utilities, and clothing). If the government considers raising the paychecks of citizens who work at low-income jobs, the quality of...
Topic: Minimum Wage
Words: 586
Pages: 3
Underlying Theme The book Freedomnomics by John Lott Jr. is an exploratory work of the economic principles that underlie the functioning of modern society. Much like Donahue and Levitt in their book Freakonomics, Lott Jr. makes his point by making an unexpected claim and providing astonishing yet scientifically accurate evidence...
Topic: Economics
Words: 878
Pages: 4
SuperFreakonomics is a book by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner which serves as a follow-up to their previous work, Freakonomics. Their second work is built mostly around the premise of providing real-life examples of economic principles in a convincing and accessible manner. However, unlike the first work, which took advantage...
Topic: Economics
Words: 872
Pages: 4
Abstract This paper provides the discussion of a training evaluation model that was selected for analyzing the success of the program implemented in EFG Amalgamated. The focus is on describing Jack Phillips’ evaluation model that provides information regarding the return on investment as the main measure to assess the initiative’s...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1124
Pages: 5
Introduction FDI is a form of “investment inflows that involve obtaining a lasting interest by a resident entity of one economy in an enterprise that is resident in another economy” (Reinert 2011, p. 67). The lasting interest means that a long-term relationship exists between a foreign investor and a local...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2105
Pages: 8
Introduction Democracy can be defined as a political regime that is characterized by the supreme power belonging to people. The opposition is an autocracy, which is a region where all the power belongs to one person. The promotion of democracy tends to boost hopes for the improvement of the level...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 598
Pages: 3
The strategy adopted by Vue Cinemas to acquire Ster Century posed a potential threat to ticket prices because the company would gain monopoly power to control the pricing of products in the industry. Monopolies are companies with exclusive control in the market and in a monopolistic competition market prices are...
Topic: Monopoly
Words: 1434
Pages: 6
Article Discussion The article Advantages and disadvantages of IFRS compared to GAAP by Anna Jordan aims at giving a complete picture of the ongoing switch to the new reporting system in the United States. While the author does not summarize its statements or try to weight the listed arguments and...
Topic: Economics
Words: 617
Pages: 3
Introduction Organizations in all industries are interested in maintaining their levels of competitiveness for continued delivery of value to their owners (shareholders). In fact, “any organization in today’s fast moving environment that is looking for the pace of change to slow is likely to be sorely disappointed” (Bertscherk and Kaiser...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2280
Pages: 9
During the last several decades, Russia has been one of the leading importers of agricultural products globally. The country developed business relationships with different countries and established trade agreements in different sectors. However, the geopolitical events of 2014 created certain changes in the relationships between Russia and other countries (Liefert...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1902
Pages: 7
What is GDP? Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of the value of all services and goods produced in a certain period of time. If GDP is negative, the contraction of the economy occurs, while if it is positive, the growth of the economy is observed (“Gross Domestic Product,”...
Topic: Economic Growth
Words: 671
Pages: 3
In most cases, if it is about financial pyramids, unstable, and usually rather weak market economies are meant. At the same time, when financial relations were not yet typical for the population, and the majority of people started to master the capitalist principles of the market, the chances for fraudsters...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1365
Pages: 5
Introduction China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is an organization intended to support infrastructural development in the region. Despite its evident positive implications, several major actors, including the U.S. and Japan, voiced their disproval of the endeavor. The following paper outlines three global connections related to the phenomenon. Economic Growth...
Topic: Banking
Words: 926
Pages: 4
This paper is a summary of the Distinguished Lecture on Economics in Government: Exchange Rate Regimes: Is the Bipolar View Correct? article published in The Journal of Economic Perspectives in 2001. The article by Stanley Fischer describes the problems of reforming the global financial system. Precisely speaking, he notes that...
Topic: Economics
Words: 602
Pages: 3
Recent Investments The presented article opens with a review of recent investments at the time of its writing. The authors state that the position of the United States as the largest investor and recipient of foreign direct investment is unique and only second to the European Union as a whole....
Topic: Trade
Words: 586
Pages: 3
Introduction This paper is based on the topic of elasticity. It explores the topic by looking at the concepts of own price and income elasticity of demand. The paper also evaluates how the understanding of these concepts may help me as the manager of a luxurious family owned hotel in...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2206
Pages: 9
American society has to face a number of challenges in economics, politics, and healthcare. Human relationships depend on different factors, and economic factors play an important role. Society is divided on rich and poor, and this kind of inequality develops in the United States in its own way. During the...
Topic: Income Inequality
Words: 2790
Pages: 11
Raul Prebisch was an Argentinean economist who contributed greatly to the international debates on economic development in the period between the 1940s and the 1970s. Although he was a theorist, he is known more as an economic diplomat who contributed significantly to debates in regards to development and international trade...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1072
Pages: 4
“Middle East Oil in Uncertain Times” is a presentation by Bassam Fattouh, which is dedicated to the specifics of the dynamics in the global oil sector. The presentation reviews the most recent trends in the sector, provides illustrative examples, and makes relevant suggestions on the potential responses of the countries...
Topic: Economics
Words: 632
Pages: 3
The problem of deficiency in relation to the national budget and financing the social spheres is typical for many countries. Therefore, the most controversial question is the choice between funding the social sphere and fighting the poverty in the country and improving the national defense. In spite of the fact...
Topic: Budget
Words: 570
Pages: 3
Introduction Security measures can enhance the supply of goods and the transportation of people for trade. After September 11, attacks many people, companies and the government have been putting effort in protecting of U.S from terrorists attacks. The attacks greatly affected trade globally as the supply chain was affected due...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2014
Pages: 8
Introduction China is growing at an unprecedented rate in the history of the world. It stands to cause ripples in the world as its presence in various aspects of the global economy grows. The policies that the Chinese government makes going into the future have to reflect on a globalization...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1025
Pages: 4
Nowadays, the development of air, rail, and road transport contributed to the development the worldwide delivery of the products. As for the fabrication, it might be conducted nationally and internationally while the whole process involves various matters such as intellectual capital, sophisticated design, and manufacturing. In this case, the maintenance...
Topic: Trade
Words: 636
Pages: 3