The Family Nurse Practitioner’s Role and Trends

The role of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) is of particular importance in primary health care. According to Nurse Journal Staff (2021), a significant rise in nurse practitioner jobs can be observed over the recent years. This trend means that FNPs are becoming an increasingly essential part of the health...

Treatment, Diagnosis, and Management of Bacterial Translocation

Introduction Background of the Study The term bacterial translocation (BT) first referred to a transmission of viable bacteria from gastrointestinal tract to the mesenteric lymph nodes. However, this notion was later widened and included the passage of non-viable bacteria or other products with the intestinal endotoxin. The intestine serves two...

Global LGBTQ Health and Health Issues

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) populations worldwide experience various forms of discrimination, causing their poor health outcomes. Some of the health disparities among the LGBTQ community are higher rates of mental health problems, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and substance abuse and use (Baptiste-Roberts et al. 72). Although there...

Organizational Theory, Structure, Change, and Culture in Health Care

Overall, the critical task of organizational theory is to provide the managerial personnel with a set of models, strategies, and methods on how to effectively organize the internal structure of a company, fix the existing problems, and manage them more effectively. In health care, organizational theory is used by the...

Organizational Structure for Redeemer Residence Minneapolis

Introduction Several players with different duties and responsibilities constitute successful institutions. Organizations function as institutions with the integral responsibility of executing tasks to accomplish established goals and objectives. However, the success of meeting the goals and objectives is dependent on some factors. Therefore, sustained organizational behaviour for the success of...

Performance Management System in Healthcare

The mandate of the Joint Commission enhances the level of the healthcare services provided for the public. In particular, the entity ensures that hospitals have a good performance management system. This program assists in improving staff productivity, eliminating workplace challenges and promoting quality service delivery. It also provides an opportunity...

Chinese Traditional Medicine and Medication Use

The United States is a country where multiple cultures coexist and interact while retaining their cultural identities. However, in some cases, cultural differences can lead to worse outcomes in health care. Chinese Americans are a significant ethnic group with unique health beliefs, which can impact their interactions with the health...

Health Campaign Audience and Implementation

Engaging the Target Audience The proposed public health campaign aims to stop the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone. The target audience is Sierra Leone citizens. There is no demographic distinction of this population because the disease could affect anybody in the country. Sensitizing everybody about how to prevent new...

Case Study About the Patient With Geriatric Syndromes

Functions of the Head Supports the face Provides communication network Protects the skull Monitors the five senses Facilitates signal processing and interpretation Manages the five sense organs Abnormalities of the head Brain tumor Neural pathway disorder Symptoms of brain tumor Headache Memory loss Speech defection Visual failure Personality changes Nursing...

Clinical Practice Guidelines Overview

Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) refer to the analytically established statements that help support the choice of medical practitioners and patients about the proper health care for definite conditions. These guidelines are planned to offer summarized suggestions aimed at providing better healthcare services. A trustworthy CPG relies on a review of...

Stage Theory of Organizational Change in Public Health

The Injury-Related Public Health Problem The injury-related public health problem that will be discussed is the high incidence of injuries among teenager restaurant workers. Because restaurants become first formal place of employment for young workers, the rates of incidences there are also high. Approximately 30% of all workers employed by...

Programs Effective at Reducing Juvenile Recidivism

Introduction Juvenile recidivism is a major concern in the United States Justice system. Powell et al. (2019) define juvenile recidivism as the tendency of a minor to repeat an offence or antisocial behavior after going through the juvenile justice system. For a long time, the Department of Justice has been...

Nursing and Natural Disasters: An Emergency Planning Project

Many natural and human-made disasters occur across the surface of the planet every day. Forest fires, tsunamis, earthquakes, oil spills, hurricanes, and other kinds of cataclysms pose a significant danger to human and animal lives (“Disaster nursing,” 2011). In a case of an emergency, medical institutions are expected to provide...

The Production and Consumption of the Medical Care: An Economic Perspective

Aim of the Paper The healthcare industry is one of the biggest and most influential in the United States as of today. Its complex structure and billion-dollar turnover facilitate the complicated relationship between medical care system and the economic environment. The objective of this paper is to explain the structure...

Plastic Surgery Among Teenagers

Introduction More and more teenagers are seeking plastic surgeries in the United States and professionals believe that it stems from a lack of self-esteem and pressure from the media. These two factors affect the development of young people and prevent them from becoming healthy and confident adults. In this paper,...

Krahe Health Care Facility’s Quality Data Analysis

The staff needs to review information on patient satisfaction, quality, and likelihood to recommend because it will improve Krahe Health Care personnel’s understanding of how their work impacts the patient’s perceptions of this facility. For example, Thapa and Joshi (2019) report that patients recognize quality based on the nurses’ explanations...

Income as a Social Determinant of Health

Introduction Socioeconomic status (SES) affects different aspects of human well-being. However, its impact on health is profound. Many researchers understand this fact and seek to understand the relationship between the two variables. This paper joins this quest by investigating the findings of a documentary titled, In Sickness and in Wealth,...

Mental Health & Burnout Prevention in Nursing Training

Problem Statement Patients at hospitals mostly interact with nurses and hence share their mood and energy. If nurses are stressed or burnt out, it adversely affects the treated individuals’ situation worsening their mental state and the practical completion of necessary procedures. As a result, the subjects get disengaged in the...

The DASH Diet for Blood Pressure Management

Background and Significance A dietary approach to stop hypertension, popularly known as the DASH diet, is often recommended by nutritionists and doctors as a good way of managing high blood pressure without the use of medication. The nutritional approach to managing hypertension has gained massive popularity not only in the...

Strategic Planning: Nursing Shortage

Introduction Since the profession’s emergence in the medical field, the notion of nursing has been one of the most challenging aspects for both management and job description outline. According to the researchers, today’s medical paradigm generally struggles to provide nurses with the workforce fundamentals required for beneficial health care (Anupama,...

The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health

Introduction This paper investigates the influence of socioeconomic status on people’s health. According to literature, socio-economic status refers to a measure of an individual’s rank in terms of income, occupation and education. Research has established a positive correlation between health and socioeconomic status. That is, people who are in lower...

Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Practice

Evidence-based practices (EBP) incorporate analyzed results from research to inform clinical practice. It is imperative for nurses to use EBP in practice to improve patient outcomes. However, with increasing demand to reduce healthcare costs while improving care delivery, the implementation of evidence-based practices in nursing faces many impediments both at...

Goals and Objectives Paper of Prevention Dental Caries

Today, dental caries is one of the most prevalent and critical oral illnesses in the modern world. For instance, the majority of adults (94%) tend to experience problems with their teeth (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Dental Caries” par. 1). At the same time, the significance of the issue...

Continuing Education in Nursing

Introduction Education is an essential condition for any profession requiring specialized knowledge. In healthcare, all medical staff working with the patients must have relevant training and qualifications to provide high-quality care. This essay will examine the importance of education for nursing and argue that continuing it should be mandatory as...

Role of Social Support Network

Introduction Social support is the way through which, individuals feel that others offer to them a sense of care, support, and assistance. This offers an individual a supportive social network, which can be either emotional or tangible. Emotional support normally entails care while tangible support could be financial, material, informational,...

Overview and Analysis of Nursing Theory

Introduction A theory is a concept or a group of related concepts that guides the nursing practice by proposing potential actions to be taken. According to Kerlinger, a theory is “a set of interrelated concepts that give a systematic view of a phenomenon especially an observable event or act that...

Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa

Introduction People do not always understand the severity of eating disorders and the difficulty of their treatment. Perhaps, that happens because, for the general public, food intake seems a natural and easily controlled action. Despite this misconception, Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN) are serious psychiatric disorders. They usually...

Smoking and Health Promotion in the UK

Introduction There is no doubt that most people in the world (especially those who live in developed countries) know that smoking is harmful to health. They know that it may lead to the development of cancer and painful death. Despite this awareness, the level of smoking remains high in many...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Awareness Campaigns

The issues of HIV and STD have been on the global health agenda for quite a while. Even though new problems have emerged, toning down the gravity of the HIV- and STD-related ones, there is still the necessity to educate young people about the threat of STD. For this purpose,...

Nursing Leadership and Management: Interview Analysis

Abstract Leadership may be defined as the process of socially influencing people to follow ones’ way. It can also be taken as a group of people who are influenced by a common goal to achieve a collective gain together. In nursing, leadership is very important as it sets out a...

Pediatrics: Frequent Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures

Documentation Assignments Initial focused assessment of Jackson Weber. The initial focused assessment of the patient consisted of the questions regarding his parents’ allergies, pain levels on the FACES scale, blood pressure and temperature measurements, and breathing. It was concluded that all the specified indicators except for breathing were normal at...

Hospital Acquired Infections: A Nurse’s Perspective

The clinical environment provides additional stress factors for patients and medical practitioners, and hospital-acquired infections (HAI) augment the risks in already stressful situations. According to Giuliano et al. (2019), hospital-acquired conditions remain a serious issue, contributing to the increase in healthcare costs and postponing the patient’s discharge. Battaglia and Hale...

History and Standards of Medicare and Medicaid

Introduction Medicare is a publicly funded healthcare program that ensures special groups, including the elderly and the physically challenged members of society receive medication. Individuals aged above sixty-five years are entitled to free healthcare services while those with disabilities are also allowed to access free medical services. Other groups included...

Healthcare Policy Change Implementation Plan

The health care system should be continuously evolving to keep up with the patient’s needs. Nevertheless, in the USA, there are several legislation pieces that may provoke the potential barriers to the improvement of medical services and the increase of the nursing practice efficiency. According to the report published by...

Nursing: Low Middle-Range Theories

In nursing, researchers and practitioners distinguish between grand, middle-range, and practice theories. Grand theories are broad and abstract and explain complex phenomena. Middle-range theories are composed of simple concepts, and they can be easily applied to practice. These theories may also be high-, middle-, and low-range ones, and the difference...

Middle-Range Theory Application to the Case Study

Case Study The clinical nurse practice situation that I was faced with was unique and it was the first time I was faced with such a scenario. Patient JB was admitted to JH Hospital complaining of severe chest pain. The patient was mute and was only able to communicate with...

Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 and Its Causes

Diabetes is a health condition characterized by extremely high levels of glucose in the blood circulation system. The body is therefore unable to deal with the high amount of glucose causing this chronic disease. There are two major forms of diabetes; Type 1 Diabetes (also known as Juvenile diabetes because...

Comparing the Nursing Education of Kenya and China

In Kenya, nursing education began before the country attained independence. Missionaries were responsible for bringing it into the country. This was a time when the government consisted only of the whites. The missionaries were unable to offer education to the entire country and had to seek assistance from the government....

The Ontological Basis for Participant Action Research in Healthcare

Introduction Research can be defined as a “thorough and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or confirm facts, theories and their applications” (Philippa 2005). There are several types of research that are identified depending on the nature and purpose of the study. Participant action research...

Root Cause Analysis for the Patient

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) identifies the root causes of events as well as problems experienced by an organization with an aim of seeking problem-solving skills (Stamatis, 2003). Thus, the root cause analysis is based on eliminating or correcting the main causes of a problem instead of addressing the problem by...

Fast Food and Health Relations

Too much fat stored in the body leads to obesity and fast food, which is high in calories and sugar and contributes to weight gain. Those who like such food do not consume enough milk, fruits, vegetables, porridge, etc. Unhealthy edibles seem tasty and they can easily change eating habits...

Routine CT Scanning Protocols of Head, Chest and Abdomen

Introduction Better Health Channel defines a CT scan as A computed tomography (CT) scan is a medical imaging procedure that uses x-rays and digital computer technology to create detailed two or three-dimensional images. Unlike other forms of medical imaging, the CT scan can image every type of body structure at...

Medical Error and Patient Safety

Introduction Medical error and patient safety are critical factors in clinical medicine since they play an important role in enhancing care delivery and patient outcomes (Barach, 2000). In this respect, this paper will critically analyze the work presented by Woolever (2001) titled ‘The Impact of a Patient Safety Program on...

Organizational Structure of The Ambulatory Surgery Center

A Description of the Organizational Structure or Design of Your Practice Setting The Ambulatory Surgery Center I worked at was not sufficiently equipped with all technical devices necessary for performing daily operations. Though the Medical Director of this center was a good manager, the organizational structure left much to be...

Nursing: Community Health Project by Nola Pender

Introduction This paper focuses on the health promotion model introduced by Nola Pender in the 20th century. This model is aimed at protecting a given population against health problems (Marriner-Tomey, 2006, p. 452). This model perceives health as a dynamic concept which is merely characterized by the absence of disease...

Eating Disorders: Types and Causes

Introduction Eating disorders and obesity have become a serious issue in modern healthcare, as there seems to be a growth in their development. This paper will focus on such conditions as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, muscle dysmorphia, and obesity. It will include possible physical and psychological symptoms and warning signs...

Grounded Theory and Phenomenology

Introduction Grounded theory and phenomenology are two methods of qualitative analysis. According to Tracy (2020), grounded theory is used to explain a particular phenomenon through a “ground up” approach (p. 62). This way suggests addressing data without preconceived theories, building upon research through the concept of a blank slate (Tracy,...

The Changing Role of Nurses in the Modern Society

Research problem The article by Mills and Fitzgerald (2011) focuses on the changing role of nurses in the modern society. The authors’ focus was to determine the new position that nurses in the modern society are taking within their areas of practice as the demand for their services continues to...

Eliminating Lymphatic Filariasis in Haiti

Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) is a parasitic disease that affects more than 120 million people around the world. It is commonly known as elephantiasis and it is characterized by the abnormal enlargement of body parts including legs, feet, and arms (Lymphatic Filariasis, 2016). Several cases of LF have been reported in...

Sanitation, Inspection and Public Health Administration

Introduction Maintenance and promotion of good health has become a major concern. Public healthcare administration is the science of preventing, improving and promoting health of the community at large. In efforts to enhance this, public healthcare administrators have encountered a number of challenges which have hindered the propagation of better...

Applying Socioeconomic Model

Introduction Socioeconomic model is an effective model of public health, which effectively elucidates occurrence of health disparities in various neighborhoods owing to socioeconomic factors. Socioeconomic factors that are present in various social settings such as neighborhood play a significant role in determining health status of individuals in a neighborhood. Brenner,...

Palliative Care for Terminal Illnesses

Introduction Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is perhaps one of the most foreboding nightmares for mankind, young or old. Terminal illnesses refer to malignant conditions that cannot be adequately treated thus resulting in the death of the sufferer (Zimmerman, 1985, p. 65). The realization that you are going to...

Health Belief Model of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Introduction Health Belief Model is a theory that the health care practitioners use in health education and promotion. According to Carley (2009), the theory was developed in 1950s to explain why many people did not utilize the screening programs particularly for tuberculosis. The underlying principle of Health Belief Model is...

Multiple Sclerosis and Assistive Technology

Introduction A sizeable proportion of the young population is affected by the multiple sclerosis thereby predisposing them to a bleak future due to the progressive functional losses occasioned by the attacks on the nervous system (Blake & Bodine, 2002, p.299). Multiple sclerosis refers to the degenerative nerve disease that is...

Roy’s Adaptation Model for Family Nurse Practitioner

In an attempt to enhance research and practice in the field of nursing, a number of theories have been put forth to help advance the skills and experience of practitioners in this field. One of the most prominent grand theories in nursing is Roy’s Adaptation Model. Roy has been updating...

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) Assays

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) refers to the measurement of chemical or biochemical parameters in the lab to inform drug prescribing procedures. The precise parameters that are measured in TDM include drugs and their metabolites (Baktir 2017). These measurements are usually taken at predetermined intervals following the administration of a drug...

Transactional Model of Stress and Coping and the Effect of the Pandemic on Nurses’ Well-being

Health care workers have experienced increasing stress because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The transactional model of stress and coping can be an effective instrument of stress relief for them. Several studies confirm the severity of the issue in relation to the medical workers’ psychological well-being. Simultaneously, there is scientific evidence...

Measurement Level in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing research involves exploration of best practices, which are aimed at improving service delivery. To achieve best practices, nursing incorporates research on evidence-based practice. Additionally, nursing research explores new areas to find possible inputs in care giving. Consequently, nursing practice is part of research. Moreover, research involves analysis of...

On the Importance of Advanced Training in Nursing

The professional development course in nursing is vital for equipping nurses with knowledge and skills. These skills and knowledge are extremely significant in career advancement and personal development. Therefore, professional development involves all sorts of learning chances, which vary from informal learning chances to conferences, formal class work, and university...

Health and Medicine in Thailand

Introduction The prevalence of diseases is one of the current global challenges. However, the provision of superior medical services has remained a significant challenge in many countries. Thailand is one of the Asian countries that have made tremendous developments in health services (Sanguan, 2009, p. 245). Before the introduction of...

Confidentiality in Nursing Practice

Health care providers often deal with the issues that are related to requiring the personal information about the patient. Modern technologies used in the health care system, including electronic databases, give the specialists access to private information. Following ethical and legal rules is of vital importance for any primary caregiver...

Alberta Health Services: Organizational Structure

Introduction For any institution to operate effectively there must be some sense of leadership. Leadership is normally hierarchical in the sense that all managers, supervisors and any other form of authority in place cannot be operating on the same level. There has to be a sequential flow of authority from...

Synthetic and Natural Vitamins

The selected article considered the effects of synthetic and natural versions of B group vitamins on one’s metabolic processes. The study involved two groups of people who took a daily dose of either vitamin analog, which exceeded the recommended amount by 2.5 (Lindschinger et al., 2020). The variables relevant to...

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Nursing Practice

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is widely debated as one of the controversial and less-researched medical conditions. The prevalence of GDM is at an all-time high of 15%, which is expected to grow significantly due to the increasing amount of obese women of reproductive age (Mensah et al., 2019). The reason...

Statistical Analysis: Independent Samples T-Test Explained

Introduction This paper contains the solutions to week 8’s application assignment, namely, Independent-Samples t Test with SPSS. In that assignment there are nine tasks to be done. The first task is to state the statistical assumptions that underlie an independent-Samples t Test test. The second task is to select a...

Fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Abstract Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technology that has revolutionized the medical field. With this technology, high-resolution images of internal body parts are produced without the need for x-rays. The use of radiofrequency light during this procedure is said to be safe since it does not pose any known...

Vulnerable Populations: Homeless People and Health Inequalities

Gardner, J., & Emory, J. (2018). Changing students’ perceptions of the homeless: A community service learning experience. Nurse Education in Practice, 29, 133–136.  As an underserved, vulnerable part of society, homeless people can take advantage of a service learning experience for nursing students. The article’s main argument implies that the...

The Link Between Bipolar Disorder and Creativity

Introduction Humanity has known the bipolar disorder since the epoch of ancient Greeks. Nevertheless, it was until the 20th century that people were able to differentiate bipolar disorder from other forms of psychiatric disorders. Berns and Nemeroff (2003) argue, “The German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin was the first to draw attention...

Baptist Hospital’s Organizational Analysis

Introduction In this paper, the organizational system of Baptist Health (BH) will be analyzed. Baptist Health is a community, faith-based hospital that serves the Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia community. The analysis of Baptist Hospital’s organizational system will be based on Collin’s framework for advanced organizational analysis. It will focus...

The Importance of Needs Assessment Analysis

Introduction Nurses and other health professionals often undertake a needs assessment analysis before initiating change efforts aimed at bringing about improvements in the healthcare setting (Mitchell, 2013). This paper details a needs assessment that aims to increase the satisfaction of patients visiting the oncology (cancer) clinic. Data Points The data...

Nursing Philosophy: Meta-Paradigms and Concepts

Introduction Nursing is one of the most important careers in human healthcare. The profession has led to the employment of thousands of qualified nurses. This line of work complements other professions in healthcare to ensure that patients get the best care. Just like most other professions, theories have been developed...

Measurement and Instruments for the Quantitative Research Plan

Levels of Measurement that are Important for the Research Study There are different levels of measurement in research studies. They include nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio levels. The proposed study will use the nominal and ordinal levels of measurement to study the research phenomenon. The nominal level of measurement would...

Heart Disease and Stroke: Project Proposal and Budgeting

Introduction This paper is a project proposal for the management of heart disease and stroke in Minnesota. It outlines a leadership and strategic plan for addressing the high incidences of the health conditions in the state. The first section of the paper describes the community’s health problems and explains why...

Is Bottled Water Safe for Public Health?

Introduction Although people believe that bottled water is safer than tap water, according to the report released by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) bottled companies are actually less regulated than the water that people get from municipal (, 2008). Similarly, according to the United State Congressional report released currently the...

Partnering to Heal: Healthcare-Associated Infections Prevention

Introduction Control of healthcare-associated infections requires concerted efforts of healthcare providers, caregivers, visitors, and patients. Healthcare-associated infections emanate from the spread of pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites, from one person to another in a hospital environment. These pathogens usually cause catheter-related urinary tract infections, central line-associated bloodstream...

Leadership and Change in Healthcare Management

Executive Summary The system of caring is undergoing several changes in modern society. But the need for leadership in this sector is well recognized for further growth and development. Nursing is one of the most essential professions in the healthcare industry. The paper outlines the essence of leadership and change...

The Importance of Health Literacy

Abstract This paper discusses importance of health literacy. It also compares health literacy to literacy. It is apparent that everybody needs to acquire health literacy to enhance his or her life. Health literacy helps individuals understand health terminologies and situations. The paper also gives an example of a situation that...

Biology Food Chain

The animal brain contributes immensely to the normal functioning of an individual. Any impairment with its normal actions lead to drop of the expected goals due to halt of conductions of nerve impulses involved in the management of the organism system. The body coordination in an organism are carried out...

Behavior Change and “Lifestyle Disease” Era

Introduction Scientific progress and advancements in society have significantly changed the way human beings live their lives. This situation has resulted in numerous lifestyle diseases. Many countries have over the years been able to eradicate and eliminate some of the diseases that existed initially. However, lifestyle diseases have been around...

Why Health Insurance Should Cover Art and Music Therapy?

The artistic compositions can influence more than we can imagine. The individuals subject to art therapies indicate their arousal in both physical and mental levels. Considering the mentioned, music and art therapy are not simply for pleasure, but they can also bring a remedy for patients who went through trauma...

Fostering Civility Among Nursing Staff

Incivility means unacceptable and rude behavior within a workplace which results in psychological distress and becomes an obstacle for good work. It is a serious issue in the healthcare sphere affecting both the doctors’ welfare and the quality of provided services. It may seem strange that in such a profession,...

Russian and American Healthcare Systems Comparison

Features In most countries around the world, access to health care is taken as a right of the citizen. In the communist and socialist countries, the emphasis of this right was demonstrated even more with healthcare being the sole responsibility of the government. Though the Soviet Union era has ended,...

Quality Improvement for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Overview of the Problem Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a nosocomial infection that starts after 72 hours of endotracheal intubation of patients’ in intensive care units. This type of pneumonia is linked with a high mortality rate, increased cost of care, and length of hospitalization. The disease incidence in a critical...

Psychological Therapy: Analysis of Covariance

Introduction Analyzing data is of the essence in science (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). This paper supplies an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for the data from the file “Stalker.sav,” which can be found on the web page labeled “Datasets” (n.d.). After stating and testing the assumptions for ANCOVA, the author provides...

Benchmarking as Risk Management

Benchmarking is a largely new concept in the healthcare industry. Benchmarking is also a tool of management that can be used to accomplish several goals. There is no standard definition for benchmarking but the concept underlines “the process of collecting and analyzing data to identify trends in performance, and when...

Comprehensive Care Plan For a Patient With Asthma Problem

Patient Initials: JK Age: 9 years Sex: Male Complaints: The patient reported to clinic complaining of a heavy cough, shortness of breath, and audible wheezing. The patient was also having difficulty breathing when sleeping and complains of regular chest congestion. In addition, the patient regularly suffers chest pain. The patient...

Mental Illness: The Case Study

This document presents the results of John Doe’s mental illness assessment histories. The interview was conducted to collect information about the client’s mental health condition. It contained open ended questions about John Doe’s mental history. The first part of this document highlights the assessment histories that will be performed while...

Pediatric Nursing Overview and Analysis

At first, the nurse should mention that atraumatic care is supposed to minimize the physiological and psychological distress experienced by children and their parents (Perry, Hockenberry, Leonard, & Wilson, 2014). In particular, one should consider the impacts of hospitalization on families. Additionally, atraumatic techniques can help George and Martha overcome...

Evidence-Based Healthcare Practice and Technologies

Evidence-based practice relies on the increasing amount of previous research that provides a substantial database of expertise, which can be used in other cases. In general, this approach to treatment is considered to be one of the primary competencies a healthcare specialist should acquire. It implies that the decision-making process...

Outpatient v. Hospital Services: Accessibility & Affordability

Introduction The USA is the recognized world leader in the application of high technology and innovations in the health care system. Medical industry of the country produces and supplies the market with a variety of medical services, access to which is open, mainly through private health insurance existing under the...

Myocardial Infarction: Key Issues

Abstract Individuals with myocardial infarction experience abrupt blockage of coronary arteries leading to deficiency of oxygen supply in the heart. Due to numerous conditions arising from the reduction of blood flow in the coronary artery, doctors have adopted the use of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) to refer to the condition....

Research on Pain Medication

Introduction Quality healthcare is important in the development of the country. This is achieved through prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of various diseases (Houser, 2013). The role played by medical practitioners is crucial in the treatment process. This is because they play significant roles in administering treatment to patients. The ministry...

Linking Activity Theory and Aging Adult

Introduction Since Havinghurst and Albrecht’s first study of the importance of activity engagement in successful aging in 1953, activity theory has become an important area in gerontological research. The notion that successful aging is inseparable from active lifestyle is as old as social gerontology. As people age, they are forced...

Dignity Health – A Non-Profit Health Care System: Case Study

Introduction Dignity Health is a non-profit health care system that operates a network of hospitals and other health care-related facilities in Arizona, California, and Nevada. The headquarters of the health care organization is located in San Francisco, California. Dignity Health was founded in 1986, and today the organization provides such...

Hypovolemic Shock and Septic Shock

CC was suffering from hypovolemic shock. It was brought about by the sudden loss of body fluids, which were caused by the frontal contusion, and fractured clavicle and ribs resultant from the car accident. An array of symptoms can also confirm the shock that he exhibited. These include rapid heartbeat,...

Evidence-Based Medicine Analysis and Policies

Introduction Evidence-based medicine is the use of systematically reviewed cases to make the best decisions concerning the health of a patient. It involves integrating personal expertise with available best clinical evidence from systematic research in treatment. This practice aims at improving the quality of healthcare and reducing the gap between...

Professionalism and Professional Values of Nursing

Introduction Professionalism can be understood as the concept that demands special knowledge, as well as an elaborate academic experience in carrying out certain duties. In nursing, professionalism may entail the ability to have considerable skills in caring, diagnosing, treating, counselling, and imparting health education to individuals who require medical assistance....

Tuberculosis: Desciption and Role of Nursing

Tuberculosis A large part of the world’s population is reported to be infected with tuberculosis annually. According to Dyer (2010), over 13 million cases of chronic tuberculosis were reported globally in the year 2007, and in 2012 over 8.5 million cases were reported. This implies that tuberculosis is a disease...

End-of-Life Care

Introduction The article by Ranse, Yates, and Coyer (2012) explores the perceptions and practices of Australian nurses caring for patients with terminal illnesses under critical care. The study aimed to examine the views and experiences of nurses providing end-of-life care to patients under intensive care1. The study involved RNs with...

The Use of I-Stat Hand Held Blood Analyzer

Introduction In the present –day health care environment, patients continue to attend emergency departments(ED) with diseases of increasing complexity and acuity. With reductions in the number of inpatient beds in many hospitals, the ED has become a place of significant bottlenecks in patient flow. Not until the introduction and use...

Aseptic Technique: Review

I took part in the performance of two endoscopy procedures; esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD and colonoscopy. The procedures involve the passage of a camera either down the esophagus or into the colon respectively. Endoscopy is a diagnostic and exploratory procedure intended to identify abnormalities which caused the patient to seek medical...

Theory of Caring by Jean Watson

Introduction In the present age of modernization health care system in the world around is undergoing massive changes in structure as well as application. While this process continues most of the patients are exposed to dehumanization from the individuals who are bound to impart care and well being. Therefore, it...

Physical Versus Chemical Restraints in Intensive Care Unit

Introduction The use of physical and chemical restraints in acute and intensive care began ages ago. Of these two restraint methods, physical restraint has attracted the most negative attention and criticism from both the health care sector and the human rights organizations. However, both chemical and physical restraints continue to...

Family-Focused Functional Assessment: Yaryshev’s Family

A functional assessment of the family is a part of the nursing practice that helps establish a family’s health perception. Gordon’s functional health patterns is typically used to address well-being problems and their possible solutions (Weisman & Montgomery, 2019; MacDonell & Prinz, 2017; Al‐Motlaq et al., 2018). Yaryshev’s family chosen...

Genetic Tests: Pros and Cons

Technological advancements enable people to access high-quality healthcare services and a larger bulk of data related to their health status. One of the recent innovations that are seen as revolutionary became the democratization of genetic testing. This kind of service was once associated with diverse restrictions but is now available...

Annotated Bibliography: Hypertension and Kidneys

Agarwal, R. (2005). Hypertension and survival in chronic hemodialysis patients-past lessons and future opportunities. Kidney International, 67, 1-13. This study review looks at reverse epidemiology between hypertension and mortality among chronic hemodialysis patients. The author conducts a critical analysis of the most recent research studies, which show that there is...

Primary Prevention: Public Health Concept

Introduction Primary prevention is a public health concept of intervention that is used to eliminate the causes of a disease or a certain condition that could be affecting an individual and even a community. The concept is historically founded on the fact that removing the proven causes of a disease...

Nursing Understaffing : PICOT Question

For a long time, the labor market has experienced a severe shortage of medical personnel, especially nurses. Hospital staff suffering from a lack of labor is forced to work longer and with many patients during the day, which affects the effectiveness and quality of services. Moreover, the world pandemic of...

The Link Between Culture and Nursing Practice

Like most professions around the world, nursing has undergone extensive transformations, with concepts previously practiced in the past currently replaced with newer and more flexible ones. For instance, the nursing profession has been traditionally taught around concepts of apprenticeship and behaviourally-focused concepts, such that, postmodern philosophies like feminism and humanity...

Barriers to Practice: Advanced Practice Nurses

Despite the 2010 report by the National Academy of Medicine (previously Institute of medicine) Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) continue to struggle against barriers of practice (Schober, 2019). APNs with the same national certification and educational preparation face various restrictions when relocating from one state to another, thus limiting their scope...

Nurse Manager’s Role in Conflict Resolution

Workplace conflicts occur in all organizations, requiring managers to develop conflict resolution skills. Conflicts among health care providers pose an especially urgent problem, as they can adversely affect patient outcomes. The causes of conflicts can range from simple misunderstandings and communication failures to more profound clashes of values, personalities, or...

Application of Bioelectromagnetics in Medicine

Introduction The utilization of bioelectromagnetics has been a topic of discussion within and outside of the medical community. Due to the latest scientific findings, there has been a surge in the popularity of electromagnetic therapy integration to treat arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, various types of cancer, and diabetic neuropathy. The practical...

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

The year 2019 will forever be engraved in many people’s hearts and minds as the time when a deadly virus known as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) invaded almost all the sectors, thereby disrupting daily activities. It is described as a communicable respiratory illness which is triggered by a new...

Problem of Vaping Is Colleges

It is hard to disagree that almost everyone from children to aged people is aware of the danger and harm that smoking cigarettes do to people. Those who cannot give up because they have become slaves of nicotine or this habit itself try to find any possible ways to stop...

Dental Radiology: Critical Review of Journal

Introduction Direct (CCD or CMOS) and indirect (storage phosphor plate) digital systems for intra-oral radiography are now commonplace not only in dental research but also across diverse research fields. A recent article investigated the image quality and radiation dose of the two systems. This paper gives a critical review of...

The Evolution of Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

The impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) The impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) on the development and constant improvement of modern health care cannot be overestimated. EBP enables healthcare professionals to standardize their work by scientific evidence, which results in eliminating adverse health outcomes. In this respect, it is viable to...

Practices of Older Adults: The Role of Diet in Healthy Aging

Introduction Aging is an issue that has attracted the interest of various researchers in the past, who have defined it differently. Da Costa et al. (2016) described aging as breaking down a self-organized system, causing a reduced ability to adjust to the environment. Lemoine (2020) considered aging a progressive accumulation...

Environmental Analysis and Industry Trends

Executive summary The following report intends to create a picture of what is happening in our institution and our current position in the provision of quality health care to the sick in our society. As is well known, the utmost challenge facing our health caregivers is in finding and tracking...

A Case Analysis of a Mental Patient Sandy

Introduction This study is a case analysis of a mental patient who goes by a fictitious name, Sandy. The patient has a history of mental disorders and therefore has undergone several psychosocial, social, and biological interventions to treat his condition. According to the patient’s mental history, he has previously been...

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness in Healthcare

Introduction The impromptu nature of their occurrence makes it almost impossible to prepare for emergencies and other challenges. It follows that most medical attendants, especially nurses need to be equipped with the requisite knowledge for this endeavor. It is regrettable that most practitioners graduate from medical school without any knowledge...

Ethical Issues: Decision-Making Process in Medical Setting

Consequence-oriented decision-making and duty-oriented decision-making are two main types of choices that one would have regarding ethical issues. According to (Bedzow, 2020), consequence-oriented decision-making indicates an action is either right or wrong depending on its consequences. Thus, using this approach, one can decide whether to take action when they know...

Health and Spirituality Overview and Analysis

Introduction There is a growing interest in spirituality in healthcare and it is perplexing to attempt to define the difference between spirituality and religion as it is often defined differently by everyone. A problem that affects this is the ever-changing world around us and how that affects our spirituality as...

Mental Health Care System Gaps and Challenges Analysis

Family Unit Approach The Parkers case highlights the significant shortcomings of the current US mental health care system. One is the mental health care system’s structural approach to patients with chronic mental illnesses as isolated objects. Health care and social professionals treated Sara and Stephanie as unrelated patients, although they...

The Merits of Value-Based Care System

Introduction The approaches to the establishment and organization of healthcare systems may vary based on the selected central priorities. As opposed to fee-for-service systems, value-based healthcare or accountable care shifts emphasis from the volume of services to their quality and the extent to which the offered services promote health improvement...

IT in Healthcare: Barcode Medication Administration System

Use of information systems in healthcare In 1970’s computers were first used in the departments to support functions such as accounting, and general administration works just like any other department. In the 1980’s the cost of computers started going down allowing many people to be in a position to afford...

The Importance of Sterility in Pharmacies

The Risks and Problems Caused by Non-sterile Pharmacy Procedures On the whole, the risk to patients appears to spring from three main elements: quality of the compounding materials, non-compliance with compounding best practices, and non-sterile facilities. Fatalities Concerns about the health and safety of confined patients were heightened in the...

Data Mining in the Medical Field

Introduction Data mining is the process of sorting out data in order to identify their patterns and to establish their relationships. Data mining deals with the use of complex data analysis tools to unravel previously unknown patterns and relationships in huge amounts of data sets. The tools used are mainly...

Medical History Patient With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is among the leading causes of death globally and is estimated to be the fourth leading cause of morbidity and mortality in 2030. Even though the obstruction of airways characterizes COPD, it is linked to metabolic disorders, which include obesity, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia, and...

Maintenance of Health and Nursing Intervention

Introduction In accordance to my medical experience, health maintenance is necessary for any individual, and most importantly, to persons suffering from chronic conditions. This is because of several unpleasant conditions that persons disregarding health maintenance, can possibly face. A common example in my line of expertise is metastatic breast cancer,...

Ethical Considerations of Organ Conscription Policy

The issue of organ donation is acute in most countries, since transplantation has undoubted benefits and can save hundreds of people, but at the same time, it raises moral questions for many people. The organ conscription policy causes many controversies because the state takes organs from all deceased people who...

Sickle Cell Anemia and Its Symptoms

Infant healthcare has always been one of the most extensive fields of scholarly research, as professionals are eager to define all the possible predispositions for all the possible health conditions as early as possible. However, one of the fascinating aspects of research concerns the investigation of genetic disease development, as...

Cardio Vascular Accidents

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that cardio vascular accidents, which are usually called strokes is regarded to be rather dangerous pathology, which may cause irreversible consequences, and even death. The fact, that there are several types of cardio vascular make it difficult to diagnose and treat. The...

Hypercholesterolemia: a High Level of Cholesterol

Hypercholesterolemia refers to a high level of cholesterol in the blood. This health condition occurs when the inner walls of blood vessels accumulate and store too much cholesterol, which is released to the bloodstream when it reaches excessive levels (Vettor & Serra, 2018). Coronary arteries, the blood vessels supplying blood...

The Definition of Blood Transfusion

Introduction Blood transfusion is a technique that replaces blood that was lost after injury or surgery, or it can be used to replace blood, which does not maintain its function properly. A person might need a blood transfusion in case of sickle cell disease, anemia, and clotting disorder such as...

The Issue of Ethics in Healthcare

Healthcare ethics is a set of basic principles and values that are applied when making decisions about medical procedures. These ideas include such bioethics notions as autonomy, justice, beneficence, and nonmaleficence. These important factors should be taken into consideration to make recommendations and decide on the best course of action....

Healthy People Initiative 2030 vs. 2020

Introduction The Healthy People (HP) program envisions a healthier nation with a lower preventable disease burden. For decades, this initiative has guided federal efforts to prevent specific diseases and promote healthy behaviors. Priority health issues are first identified before formulating measurable objectives for preventing diseases and promoting health. Then, concerted...

“When the Five Rights Go Wrong” Article Critique

In the health care settings of the United States, medication errors are one of the most frequent errors that occur. The Institute of Medicine reports that more than 1.5 million people are harmed every year. According to this report, on average, one patient will suffer one administration error each day....

Ethical Professional Codes of Healthcare

In recent decades, developments in medical practice made it possible to prolong human life, sometimes even past its natural limits, which entails various end-of-life dilemmas. Brain death, for instance, is associated with several ethical and legal controversies. A person’s brain is no longer functioning, but their heartbeat may be maintained,...

“Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing” by Rainer

The problems of ethical regulation of modern nursing practice are relevant today. The ethical dilemmas that a nurse may face are varied, and understanding the core concepts behind them will help the nurse find solutions to these issues (Butts & Rich, 2019). Rainer et al. (2018), in their integrative review...

The Impact of PEG Feeding on Patients and Carers Daily Lives

Abstract For a short-term purpose the feeding tubes can be introduced through the nasal cavity of the patient known as the nasogastric tubes when surgery and treatment of some patients affect their ability to eat their food properly. This type of tube is known as Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy tube or...

Extraneous Variables in Experiments

Introduction There are some variables in experiments besides the independent variables that usually cause a variation or a change to the dependent variables. These variables are referred as extraneous variables in research parlance. For instance, when studying patients and their response to medication, the researchers could realize that age affects...

Scientific and Mathematical, Analytical Perspectives of Inquiry

Abstract COVID-19 has made hospitals face the challenge of inadequate personal protective equipment (PPE) supply to guarantee the safety of medical workers. This problem should be examined from two perspectives: scientific and analytical ones. From the scientific perspective, it is necessary to address the questions on the nature of physiological,...

Community Health Nursing: Home Care

The health and general well-being of citizens should always be a priority for local authorities. It is hard to deny that it is not enough to give people equal access to the healthcare sector. Besides making the healthcare system simple and available for patients, it is also important to control...

Nutritional Analysis and Recommendations

The current report contains the analysis of the food intake for one week, from June 2 till June 9, and the recommendations on how to improve the diet and make it more nutritious and balanced. It should be noted that the average caloric intake during the indicated period equals 1798...

The Importance of Value-Based Care in Health Promotion

Introduction The foundational principle of the value-based care approach is the focus on the quality of medical care provided in healthcare organizations rather than its volume. It was designed to serve the double purpose of promoting cost-efficiency and increasing the effectiveness of care. The approach was implemented as the opposition...

Nursing Development: The Transition From a Student to Nurse

Modern tasks assigned to the nurse make this profession multifaceted and technologically complex. If, in accordance with the laws of dialectics, our society is now entering a new round of development of the attitude towards diseases, i.e., focusing on their prevention, it is necessary to accordingly form and develop a...

Pros and Cons of Abortion

Abstract The world has changed drastically over the past few years; the culture across the globe has drastically changed. There are far too many abortions taking place these days when compared to the previous years. Abortion is mainly opted by women who choose to avoid becoming pregnant and most of...

Analysis of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator

The impact of nurse care on the patient’s quality of life cannot be underestimated. Moreover, it is an important factor in the efficiency of the functioning of a healthcare organization. Nurses provide a comfortable environment for the staff members and visitors of the hospital. However, their influence is hard to...

HIV and AIDS: Treatment Management

HIV/AIDS is a virus that quickly multiplies and mutates, therefore, making it difficult to fight if off. While no cure exists for the disease, effective treatment and management vital to maintaining good health are available. Moreover, it is essential to note that the administration of antiretroviral treatment (ART) is recommended...

Impact of Smoking on a Pregnant Woman

Smoking has various effects on a pregnant woman; it affects both the unborn child and the expectant woman. Prolonged or excessive smoking is even more detrimental to the health of a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, there is a sizeable number of women who still smoke when they are expecting a child...