COVID-19: The Impact on Mental Health

Around December 2019, in the city of Wuhan, China, there were reports of a virus called COVID-19 which caused severe pneumonia. A month into the new year, the cases started showing up all over China and Europe and, subsequently, turned into a global outbreak. In the beginning of March 2020,...

Health Insurance in the US

Health insurance is an essential medical document that an individual in the US must have to obtain easy and affordable access to health care services when needed. I have chosen an insurance plan with United Health Care, which allows me to spend less on my medical procedures. The insurance plan...

Implementation of Healthcare Organizational Design

Introduction In order to maximize the organizational value by matching the organizational objectives to the overall corporate strategy, there is the need to structure the organizational design. This takes the form of a process of integrating the people, information and technology available to an organization and organizational design is considered...

Heart Disease: Post-interventional Practice and Monitoring

Chest pain can be caused by a variety of physical conditions, including heart disease or nervous disorders. A 52-year-old male patient has several physiological abnormalities that are triggered by hyperlipidemia and first-degree obesity. In addition to necessary laboratory tests, the man needs additional blood and urine tests, such as creatinine...

Disease Research: Breast Cancer

Introduction Breast cancer is a multifactorial, complex illness that demands proper clinical understanding and a multidisciplinary way to determine diagnosis and treatment. Over 250,000 females in the US are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer every year (Watkins, 2019). The overall mortality rate for such patients has decreased; the disease remains...

Epidemiology Assessment in Miami

Introduction Big cities are tourist attractions from all over the world. One of them is the City of Miami (ZIP code 33010-33299), which is a cultural, financial, and economic center of South Florida in the United States, located on the East Coast of the Atlantic Ocean with a population of...

The Language of Doctors

Anyone who has ever spent enough time in the hospital has a good story about it; Perri Klass, in her article “She’s Your Basic LOL in NAD,” tells about her medical jargon experience. It seems like, for many centuries, doctors have been honing their skills of turning their both written...

HIV/AIDS: Prevention, Control, Treatment

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a global issue that can have a negative impact on healthcare and social dynamics. It leads to the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS, which emerged during the last decades of the 20th century. It is a major epidemiological disease that severely damages an...

Building Trust Within the Healthcare Setting

In the healthcare industry, trust is an important component because health involves risks and uncertainties from the patients. Since sick people purely depend on the intentions and competence of the healthcare workers for their wellness, their confidence is critical. High trust level has been associated with several benefits, which are...

Culturally Sensitive Care: The Purnell’ Model for Cultural Competence

The diversity of cultures and nations raises opportunities and challenges for health care workers and policymakers to develop and deliver more culturally competent services. In this context, cultural competence may be determined as the ability of health institutions to supply clients with the healthcare services that would meet their social,...

The Sociological Effect of COVID-19

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has generated an international medical crisis that has resulted in a profound influence on how we perceive daily lives and personal interrelations. This has gone a long way to creating sociological effects on individuals, families, and society. The levels of contagion, coupled with...

Nursing History: Brief Overview

The completed interview in Phase 2 presented numerous ideas that nurse practitioners can utilize to expand their philosophies and become more proficient in medical practice. Clinicians who want to succeed in their respective fields should be aware of emerging changes and apply appropriate theories. The first section of this paper...

Dr. Jones: Case Study Analysis

A situation in the case study demonstrates the facts that are in favor of Dr. Jones. First, Dr. Jones was not on shift and was resting with his family when the hospital needed help with urgent patients. At the same time, the hospital was paying members of a competing group...

Quality of Implementation of Health Care Programs

Introduction When implementing health initiatives, it is essential to evaluate their success after the fact. Quality and safety are two particularly relevant indicators, as they determine whether the intervention improves outcomes and is not associated with danger. However, the determination of each of these factors can be complicated due to...

Functioning of Urinary System to Maintain Homeostasis

The urinary system is significant for body metabolism because it regulates the content of blood and the fluids of the body. The major organ of this system, the kidneys, filtrates body fluids and contributes to the acid-base balance. For athletes, it may provide some insights into the strategies to reach...

Diagnostics: The Case of Mr. M.

Mr. M is an elderly man living in a facility who lately has been raising concerns among the medical staff. A few months ago, despite some difficulties with physical activities, Mr. M was able to take care of himself. He could get dressed, bathe, and feed himself without any assistants....

American Indians, Alaska Natives Health Status Analysis

Introduction American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) comprise about 1.3% of the American population. Thus, they are considered an ethnic minority group of the United States. Unfortunately, their health and needs have been neglected in many ways for years by the American healthcare system. Statistics show the poor physical and mental condition...

Adult Day Care for the Elderly

Effective leadership entails self-awareness, passion, and having a strong conviction in what one believes in. These convictions should be conveyed to the leader’s subjects. However, the leader needs to be tolerant and accepting of other people’s convictions (Reid, 2019). This paper discusses the organizational and personal vision for an adult...

Southern Regional Health System: Case Study

Introduction The mission of healthcare is to provide high-quality care for all, but the analysis of Southern Regional Health System (SRHS) has demonstrated the medical staff’s failure to deliver care equitably across different ethnic and racial populations. SRHS is located in Jackson, Mississippi, which is a very diverse area that...

The Attributes of Critical Thinking in the Nursing Practice

Critical thinking refers to the ability to independently and rationally estimate the actions, arguments, and other information. Critical thinking should become an unalienable skill of a person who wants to make sound decisions. As Claywell (2018) puts it, the only way to learn how to think critically is to constantly...

Understanding Radiography: Instructional Brochure

Radiography (including mammography and cardiovascular interventional technology) Radiology technologists use X-ray techniques to make visible the internal parts of the body. X-ray technique implies x-ray beams that are passed through the body showing its internal structure (presence or absence of a particular disease). Besides, radiography can be employed to plan...

Patient Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace

Culture of Safety There are a lot of dangers to hospital staff and hospitals in general when it comes to patient safety. Poor patient safety management often results in nurses and physicians experiencing a lot of stress and losing potential revenue. More importantly, poor patient safety may lead to patient’s...

High-Flow Oxygen Therapy to Speed Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation

Introduction This article sought to evaluate whether high-flow oxygen (HFO) therapy improves efficiency when weaning patients from mechanical ventilation (Liu et al., 2019). This therapy has been used widely in clinical practices, but its application in weaning patients from mechanical ventilation is not reported sufficiently, hence the need for this...

The EMR: Efficient Medical Care or Disaster in the Making?

Background Statement The case presents the apparent issues within the healthcare system that are related to the inefficient mandatory implementation of the Unified Medical Record System (UMRS). It is vital to understand the current position and value of electronic medical records within the healthcare setting. Glied and Sacarny (2018) state...

Nurse Empowerment, Self-Efficacy, and Patient Safety

Introduction Patient safety, as defined by the National Patient Safety Foundation, is “the avoidance, prevention and amelioration of adverse outcomes or injuries stemming from the process of health care” (National Patient Safety Foundation, 2016, para. 12). Patient safety is an expected characteristic of hospital stays. Although patients, their families, and...

Freedom of Breath, Foundation of Life: China’s Neonatal Resuscitation Program Review

Birth asphyxia remains a major concern in developing countries, with seven deaths per 1000 births caused by asphyxia, compared to less than one death in developed countries (World Health Organization, 2006, p.3). This fact highlights the need to create and sustain national programs to reduce childhood mortality rates and to...

Tissue and Organ Transplants

Introduction The human body is composed of an intricate system of cells, tissues and organs. During the embryonic stage, the cells undergo a complex process of differentiation to form more specialized tissues. A tissue is composed of various cells from a common origin which are not necessarily the same. These...

Principles of Bioethics Relations

Introduction The “Practical Decision Making in Health Care Ethics” has been at the focal point of research across the many fields of studies, precisely in the disciplines of Religion and Theology, Bioethics, Medicine, and Nursing. Raymond Devettere, one of the most renowned researchers and authors in this field, contends that...

Nursing Course Reflection and Future Plans

The knowledge acquired in the advanced nursing course is essential and valuable for every student to develop their professional philosophy in the future. The participants of the class were taught to differentiate between direct and indirect care providers. However, the following paper is intended to explain the right perception and...

Nursing During World War I: The Importance of the Discipline

Introduction During the early 1900s, the world was rapidly experiencing changes. For instance: one, the US economy was growing, while in Europe, Germany was busy arming itself and the rest of Europe seemed to ignore the threat at that time; second, women especially in the US received vote rights and...

Universal Healthcare System: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction The United States is the only country in the developed world that does not have a universal health care system. The United States pursues a predominantly private health care system with little government intervention. However, the system is in a deep crisis. High insurance premiums and high out-of-pocket user...

Patient Deaths Caused by Fault of Nurses

Health care strategies are central to patient life in various clinical settings where nurse care has a pivotal role to play. Efficient nursing skills and an overall soothing hospital atmosphere contribute to the conduciveness of various departments. This may require a harmony between the working schedule of nurses and the...

Healthcare: New Treatment Methods

At the beginning of the 21st century, the healthcare system in the USA has changed dramatically because of new technologies and new treatment methods available for millions of patients. The USA should not have a healthcare reform when citizens are working because it will be a great burden for the...

Gunshot Wound Types and Treatment

Introduction Currently, the number of people delivered to hospitals with gunshot wounds is ever-increasing. A gunshot wound can be defined as a blunt trauma “caused by a very powerful force acting on a small focal area”. Severe gunshot wounds lead to immediate death with paramedics sometimes being unable to deliver...

McGill University Model of Nursing

Introduction Traditionally, most nursing theorists failed to recognize the importance of the strengths within nursing practice to appreciate the value of working with strengths. Currently, there is the steady growth of recognizing the importance of a strengths-based against a deficit-based approach to nursing but it had been observed that very...

Mechanism of Action and Clinical Application of Antiviral Drugs

Introduction Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was first reported in 1981 by the Centers for Disease Control, with the identification of the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) as the causative agent (CDC, 1981). To date, approximately 60 million individuals around the world are infected with the HIV-1 virus and this infection has...

Impact of Technology on the Healthcare System

Introduction Over the past ten year there has been a drastic change within the health care set up a factor that has greatly influenced the trend within the health care setup. The increment in the use of technology has greatly contributed to the immense changes and influences in the patient’s...

Quality Healthcare and Its Aims

Organizations and healthcare providers develop analytic frameworks for assessing quality that improves outcomes. Patient-centered care is one of the aims proposed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) that focuses on the improvement of patients’ health (Joshi, Ransom, Nash, & Ransom, 2014). This component requires healthcare facilities workers to treat their...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common chronic disorder that affects the large intestine. It has a prevalence of 10-20% in the western population with 12–14% of primary care visits being associated with IBS (El-Salhy, Hatlebakk, Gilja, & Hausken, 2014). In other words, the disorder is more common than diabetes,...

What Is E-Health: Discussion

Introduction The role of information technology has only been growing over the period of time in virtually every aspect of the life of human beings. The case with healthcare should be no different. But in reality very little practical application of IT that will open up the possibilities of improved...

United Healthcare Organization and Citizens’ Needs

The current healthcare environment is complex and interconnected. Organizations have to remain innovative to improve access, cost, and quality outcomes. Large hospital systems or networks are formed as a response to mounting pressure to provide optimal patient care and share risk. This paper examines United Healthcare’s readiness to address changing...

Wuthering Heights: A Medical Case

The mental illness of Heathcliff has its roots from the early childhood. In listing the emotional experience that he had gone through some facts ought to be mentioned. The first major impact in Heathcliff life is the fact that he was an orphan, that fact which might have put forced...

Governmental and Quasi-Governmental Agencies that Affect Public Health Systems

There are many governmental and quasi-governmental agencies that affect public health systems and nursing in the United States. For instance, the Health Resources and Services Administration is responsible for funding various programs and services, as well as for establishing goals for the U.S. healthcare system (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2018). The...

Betty Neuman’s Systems Model in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing as a science is largely determined by specific approaches used in the care of patients. Various models developed by theorists suggest different types of behavior and assistance. A vivid representative of the theory of systems is the model by Betty Neuman where nursing is defined as an action...

Health Maintenance, Protection, and Restoration

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, social, and mental well-being, but not only the absence of disease and physical defects (Ray, 2016). The culture of health in any society is a part of the society’s vision, and family relations are of great importance...

Patient Safety in the Healthcare Workplace Culture

The provision of quality healthcare services is one of the primary goals of nursing practice. The establishment of a healthcare environment that upholds the essence of patient safety is crucial to fostering the realization of the nursing goal. Patient safety culture in the healthcare environment acknowledges the high-risk characteristic of...

Recommendations for Breast Cancer Screening: USPSTF Guidelines

Introduction Screening nowadays became a prevalent method for early detection of predisposition to certain diseases. It is highly beneficial for patients as it helps to reduce the risk of illness and receive timely treatment. Although health workers widely recognize the effectiveness of screening, they emphasize that unneeded additional testing can...

Obesity Management: Hypothesis Test Study

Hypothesis testing is an essential part of the research, as it helps in making conclusions and recommendations. In evidence-based practice, care providers rely on research findings when prescribing treatment (Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, 2018). This paper will show how a hypothesis test study can help inform evidence-based practice regarding obesity...

Team and Primary Nursing Care Models in Practice

Introduction Researchers in the field of healthcare has managed to design evidence-based models and strategies to meet the changing medical needs of different patients. Nurse practitioners (NPs) should be aware of such findings whenever working in their respective units. The discussion presented below identifies several models of nursing that can...

Classism in Patient Care Provision

Modern U.S. society lives according to the principles and ideas of meritocracy and individualism, which imply that every person is responsible for their success and happiness. Unfortunately, such a system of values leads to significant class-related disparities, as the population is not motivated to help each other establish good living...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Nursing Activities

The selected important health issue for the Miami-Dade community is increasingly high rates of sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV amongst the population. The rate of STD and HIV prevalence has continued to increase in the past two decades. The total incidence of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and infectious syphilis levels has risen to...

Pronouncing a Brain-Dead Patient’s Death: Yusef Camp’s Case

Introduction Yusef Camp is a nine-year-old child who has been brain dead for four months. Several compounding factors have developed: one of his feet has become gangrenous, and maggots have infested his respiratory tract. However, his father insists that treatment should not be stopped, and the boy may recover from...

The Epidemiology of Obesity

Problem Statement Obese and overweight people who would like to lose weight but lack the awareness of healthy options that may be implemented to achieve this goal may often be misled by the excess information about fad diets. Nowadays, these weight-loss strategies are promoted in modern media as the quickest...

Health Issues Caused by Climate Change

Introduction Climate change is induced by the rise of Earth’s temperature. In recent years, it has globally increased by almost 2ºF (“Climate changes allergies and asthma,” n.d.). Its main reason is the burning of fossil fuels, which produces heat-trapping toxic agents and carbon dioxide and creates the greenhouse effect on...

Healthcare Disparities and Potential Solutions

Introduction Healthcare disparities present a significant problem surrounding the delivery of medical services. Inter-group differences related to access to care or the quality of treatment run counter to the principle of equality. Considering this problem’s significance and impact, the purpose of the paper is to expand on disparities, contributing factors,...

Community Health: Obesity Prevention

Target Population: Children from low-income African American and Hispanic families living in Miami-Dade County aged between three and seventeen The Size of Population: according to the last census, 2,712,945 people live in the county (“Miami-Dade County profiles: American,” 2017). Geographical Location and Climate The community is located in the state...

Obesity Treatment in Primary Care: Evidence-Based Guide

Introductory Part Obesity is one of the major health conditions affecting people in every developed country. This disease has become a major problem because professionals and experts in the field of health do not take it seriously. Consequently, it has become a leading cause of many illnesses today. This paper...

Jackson Health System: Description and Analysis of the Medical System

Introduction Jackson Health System (JHS) is a medical system, which is regulated and managed by Public Health Trust. It is a non-profits organization that aims to provide high-quality medical service to all people, including those who cannot afford such services. JHS is comprised of a number of hospitals and care...

Nursing Research and Its Components

Introduction Nursing research is an important aspect of nurses’ professional practice since the possibility of studying a specific topic or problem in detail makes it possible to improve individual qualifications. For employees of this profile, it is essential to be aware of the key principles of work in this direction...

The Roles of a Community Health Nurse

Community health nursing is an integral part of providing care to patients in different set-ups. This nursing discipline incorporates evidence-based research and other established scientific approaches to deliver quality and timely care to patients. The assigned community setting for this assignment is a home hospice. The primary role of a...

Community Health Nursing Definition

Community health nurses (CNHs) offer timely services to different people depending on their health demands. The selected community setting for this discussion is a hospice facility that provides medical support to patients with a wide range of terminal conditions. Every CNH in such a facility is expected to offer both...

Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model in Family Practice

The model of nursing care The observed nursing model is Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model focuses that caring relationships which are often lacking in modern professional nursing due to overwhelming responsibilities. The model views health as a dynamic state that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual factors, thus providing nurses with value-based methods...

Registered Nurse Course Reflection

Before enrolling in the RN-BSN program at WCU, my perception of nursing leadership and management roles was very limited, as I viewed managing positions as distant and authoritarian at its core. However, with the introduction of the nurse management role in patient care during classes, I learnt a multitude of...

Nurse Understaffing and Medication Errors Project

Practice concern/problem The practice problem selected for this project is that insufficient nurse staffing leads to medication errors. A medication error is a preventable occurrence in the hands of a healthcare provider leading to or causing inappropriate medication use, potentially resulting in patient harm. Medication errors in healthcare environments may...

Influenza: Treatment and Prevention Methods

Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus that affects respiratory organs, including the nose, throat, and lungs. The illness can cause mild to severe complications and it is primarily spread through the transfer of respiratory fluids from an infected person to a healthy person during...

The Nursing Profession: Public Image, Self‐Concept and Professional Identity

Introduction Nursing is a profession that focuses on providing medical patients with proper care. It involves many aspects, including ethical standards, continuous learning throughout the career and even conducting research for improving the quality of care provided in the hospitals. In addition, nurses communicate closely with the patients and their...

The Concept of Orem’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit

Meaning The main idea behind Orem’s theory is that the vast majority of the patients desire to be able to care for oneself and the individual members of one’s family. Some of the major assumptions behind the theory are as follows (Alligood, 2017): Every patient is a distinct individual with...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Introduction Caring for patients is a core element of practice in nursing. Not only can the lack of caring behaviors in a hospital lead to individuals’ dissatisfaction with rendered services and ways of treatment, but it also may threaten the healthcare quality in general. The Theory of Human Caring developed...

Marlaine Smith’s Theory of Unitary Caring

Introduction The provision of high-quality health care is an integral part of contemporary society, and it is essential to observe that nurses are directly responsible for this task (Dyess, Prestia, & Smith, 2015). One of the primary contributors to the development of the modern healthcare system is Marlaine Smith, who...

Nursing Understaffing as a Capstone Project Topic

Nurses should collaborate and apply their competencies to meet the health needs of the greatest number of patients. Unfortunately, the current patient-practitioner ratio remains low in many parts of the United States. This issue explains why healthcare professionals continue to experience increased workloads. This project gives a detailed description of...

Cultural Competence as a Nursing Leadership Issue

As multiculturalism becomes a global trend, it is abundantly easy to imagine how a nurse and a patient experience certain misunderstandings due to their use of different cultural codes. For this reason, modern nursing education makes it a point to emphasize the importance of cultural competence in clinical settings. In...

Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing

Introduction The role of nurses in the American healthcare system has changed dramatically since the first part of the 20th century. Nurse practitioners provide a wide range of healthcare services and perform a key role in the process of communication with patients. Registered nurses (RN) have a set of responsibilities...

Nursing Art, Science, and Philosophy

Introduction The gap between theory and practice in nursing may be quite tangible, yet the effects that a solid theoretical foundation has on the efficacy of interventions are undeniable. Therefore, for a nurse, it is an absolutely imperative step to create a system of values, beliefs, and ethical principles that...

Postpartum Depression: Evidence-Based Practice

PICOT Question The emotional wellbeing of mothers is linked to the positive upbringing of children in the first several months of their lives. However, the physical, hormonal, and psychological changes that occur after labor can significantly undermine women’s well-being, with adverse symptoms preventing them from having a positive outlook on...

Shift Work: Negative Effects on the Health and Performance of Nurses

Nursing is notoriously known as a profession with erratic scheduling and constant fatigue from a lack of or inconsistent sleep. This is largely due to shifting work which forces nurses to work long hours to meet the staffing needs of a hospital. There is a myriad of negative effects on...

Impact of Shift Work on Nurses’ Performance

Introduction Nursing is notoriously known as a profession with erratic scheduling and constant fatigue from a lack of or inconsistent sleep. This is largely due to shifting work which forces nurses to work long hours to meet the staffing needs of a hospital. There is a myriad of negative effects...

Nursing Malpractice and Liability for Negligence

The selected article presents two cases that focus on nursing malpractice and the issue of liability. In the first scenario, several primary problems led to the suits. The first one was that nurse Lunsford failed to act by the provisions of the state’s nursing code of conduct. The issue of...

Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Care Theory

Introduction For this assignment, I chose to watch the video about Madeleine Leininger and her transcultural nursing care theory. I decided to select this particular theorist because I believe that cultural awareness is vital to nursing if one aims to achieve the best possible outcomes. The video contains significant insights...

Roy Adaptation Model for Nursing Care

Introduction The theoretical concepts of nursing care models are closely related to practice. Many of the models have been developed by nurse practitioners who based their theories on real-world contexts. It is important for registered nurses to observe and apply nursing care models in workplace settings to identify positive characteristics...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Katie Eriksson’s Theory

Introduction The nursing profession is a responsible occupation that requires commitment and hard work. Despite the fact that this area is entirely related to medicine, it has some philosophical concepts that can be applied in order to analyze the essence of this field and its key aspects. Moreover, in addition...

Community Health Promotion as a Nurse’s Role

Community health has become a critical part of overall public health policy and strategies. It is necessary to protect the safety of populations within communities through disease protection and health interventions. The impact that nurses carry on influencing both policy development and patient behavior provides a need for community health...

Smoking Cessation and Patient Teaching Plan

Introduction Risk factors Genetic eyesight problems High blood pressure family history Current low blood pressure Smoking (uses one pack of tobacco per day) Several surgeries, head trauma Increased risk for developing a preventable disease Myopia, cataract, and glaucoma Hypertension Hypotension Lung cancer, diseases of heart and blood vessels Depression, continuous...

Children’s Weight Estimation in Intensive Care Units

According to the study narrative and Figure 1 in the Flannigan et al. (2014) study, does the APLS UK formulae under- or overestimate the weight of children younger than 1 year of age? According to the narrative and Figure 1 in the Flannigan et al. (2014) study, the APLS UK...

Theories and Quality Improvement in Nursing

What EBP Activities Have ARNPs in Your Area Spearheaded? The recognition of evidence-based practice (EBP) activities and competencies remain one of the main aspects of nursing education at different levels. Hande, Williams, Robbins, Kennedy, and Christenbery (2017) underline that evidence-based practice is usually characterized by certain challenges and warrants, and...

Patient Education as a Nursing Care Issue

Nursing Care Issue Nurses are ineffective at providing patient education and consultation about the medical care that is being received. The information is often presented via standard recitation and may be incomplete or too complicated for the patient to comprehend. A vast majority of nurses do not believe patient education...

Physical Assessment in Health Care

Patient History and Physical Examination Patient Name: Jessica Chief Complaint: losing vision in her left eye. It began this morning when she woke up, and it is progressing. It is painful for her to look around. History of present illness: The patient denies any trauma or injury. Losing vision started...

Nursing Mission, Vision, and Personal Goals

Walden’s and the School of Nursing’s Perspectives My academic and professionals have been reshaped significantly by the perspectives of Walden University’s School of Nursing. To begin with, my academic goal is to become a competent practitioner who can use evidence-based ideas to influence or promote patient care and wellbeing. As...

The Role of Community Health Nurse in Canada

Introduction It should be noted that the role of the community health nurse (CHN) in Canada is multifaceted and complex. CHNs contribute to the enhancement of the population’s well-being in multiple ways and take on various responsibilities to be able to address the essential needs of people. CHNs in Canada...

Integral Nursing Theory in Master’s Education

The Application in Scholarly Sources In general, the Theory of Integral Nursing developed by Dr. Barbara Dossey in 2008 is a model that provides a global perspective on how to address the wellbeing and health of nurses and other healthcare professionals, healthcare systems, communities and families, and patients, (Dossey, Keegan,...

The Island Nation of Tekram: Health Strategy Analysis

Question 1 What do you recommend as the basis for the new health strategy in Tekram. Discuss the reasons for your recommendation and the policy evidence from the literature that supports these recommendations. Answer The situation in which the citizens of Tekram have found themselves is truly dire. Without the...

Anthem Blue Cross: Strategic Healthcare Planning

Introduction The environment analysis and TOWS matrix both contribute to creating a strategic plan for an organization since they synthesize the factors that influence the operations. The external components of an industry (such as major trends) are crucial to consider when designing a strategic plan for a company. TOWS matrix...

The Patient Health Questionnaire

The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is one of the tools that are used to evaluate patients’ psychological state. The questionnaire is also usually applied to measure depression symptoms in adolescent patients (Richardson et al., 2014). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the PHQ-9 with the focus on its...

Professional Organizations and Ethics in Nursing

Professional organizations in nursing The given article dwells upon the role of professional organizations in nursing, reviewing their activities from the historical perspective. The author sums up the key features of the profession, provides a list of organizations formed since 1873, and classifies them according to their activities (Matthews, 2012)....

Perioperative Nursing and Patient-Centered Care

Introduction Nursing work cannot be built solely on an intuitive level, and certain theoretical bases should be used as a justification for specific interventions. For these purposes, today, in the healthcare system, it is customary to resort to special models of nursing care, which have different objectives and orientations and...

Managing Chronic Pain in Primary Care

Introduction The problem of this study is the challenges for nurse practitioners associated with pain management in primary care settings. The topic of pain management and the difficulties associated with it are underexplored. Pain is the primary reason for individuals to seek care providers’ help. Nahin, Boineau, Khalsa, Stussman, and...

Diabetes Type 2 Treatment and Health Promotion

Introduction Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires specific treatment and appropriate self-management actions. Over the past years, the evidence-based practice proved the importance of individual dietary patterns, nutrients, and foods in the management of diabetes and the prevention of complications. It is noted that self-management is known to be...

Nursing Job Market and Educational Levels

My current career and personal goals explain why I definitely fit into the IOM’s Future of Nursing recommendations. To begin with, the fourth recommendation focuses on the best ways to increase the percentage of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80 percent. After completing my current degree program, I will...

King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Nursing

Introduction Nursing theories have emerged as an attempt to systematize the nursing practices and the knowledge relevant to the field. Since then, many of them were modified to include other healthcare fields or focus on certain aspects of nursing. King’s Theory of Goal Attainment is one example of such frameworks,...

Palliative Care: Issues, Challenges and Solutions

Introduction Palliative care is a multidisciplinary field that specializes in providing relief and assistance to people with life-limiting conditions. In most cases, palliative care is provided to patients with untreatable conditions. Thus, its main objective is the improvement of the patients’ quality of life rather than the curative effect. Life-limiting...

Preconception Counselling for Diabetic Women

Introduction Before a woman conceives, it is important for her to seek preconception counseling for the acquisition of professional advice regarding potential pregnancy complications. Notably, Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes poses a significant threat to the health of women during and after pregnancy (Elsinga et al., 2008). The considerable...

Concept Analysis: Preoperative Anxiety

According to Rodgers’ approach to concept analysis, this process involves seven stages (Foley & Davis, 2017). The third of these phases involves choosing a suitable realm (sample) of data collection. For the selected concept, the process was realized through the review of the literature. Such professional medical databases as MEDLINE,...

Childhood Obesity Study and Health Belief Model

Theoretical Framework Because childhood obesity presents the greatest challenge to the community and the sphere of healthcare, it is important to outline a solid theoretical framework, on which the research will be based. Development of obesity in children can emerge from multivariate factors such as parents’ cultural perceptions or genetic...

Evidence-Based Practice Quality Improvement Project

Introduction Today, burnout and occupational stress are often associated with the nursing practice because of the number of tasks that nurses should perform daily (Khamisa, Oldenburg, Peltzer, & Ilic, 2015). Working in stressful environments, nurses experience significant physical and emotional pressure. Such stress leads to nurses’ burnout, and then, to...

Childhood Obesity Causes: Junk Food and Video Games

Regarding the incorrect diet among children, there is a growing concern that the availability of junk food in schools serves as a premise for childhood obesity. The problem of “competitive foods and beverages” that are sold in schools outside the existing breakfast and lunch programs has been discussed for a...

Frailty: Geriatric Syndromes and Chronic Illnesses

Geriatric Syndromes The elderly are generally known to be a population that is rather vulnerable in the framework if its health. One of the reasons why such an issue is observed is the presence of geriatric syndromes. Unfortunately, professionals are not yet able to state if geriatric syndromes underlie chronic...

Water Quality Improvement for Global Health

Executive Summary This proposal aims to determine the necessity of water quality from the perspective of global health. For this refugee camp with 5,000 inhabitants, it is necessary to set up a safe water source that will enable access to 19,000 gallons per day through 50 community taps. The funding...

Public Health Program Planning

Introduction Healthy People 2020 health indicators can guide different agencies to identify high-priority concerns and implement adequate initiatives to deal with them. The ultimate goal of such indicators is to guide stakeholders to assess people’s health conditions and design adequate action plans. One of the leading health indicators (LHI) is...

Team vs. Primary Nursing Care Models

Introduction Various nursing care models characterize healthcare delivery in the contemporary healthcare centers. Some of the models that medical practitioners undertake as they deliver services to patients include team nursing, total patient care, functional, and primary nursing. During my time in a certain hospital that is near our home, I...

Little Havana Health Programs: Caring for Populations

Little Havana is a neighborhood that has sufficient health facilities but lags in terms of health educational programs. The high poverty rate of the region further aggravates the issue, restricting the population from the health insurance and affordable medical services. Community Overview Little Havana is a central neighborhood of Miami-Dade...

Reason of Wound Infections

Study Wound infections are extremely common among patients; sometimes, they can have symptoms similar to sepsis or cellulitis. It should also be noted that Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus also becomes more widespread. This infection is extremely resistant to antibiotics and often cannot be cured by them, which leads to complications. Case...

The Feeling of Powerlessness Among Workers

Feeling of powerlessness The feeling of powerlessness is a rather common complaint among employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs. First of all, the feeling usually accompanies stress in the workplace. While sometimes it is the defensive reaction of the human psyche and thus appears as a result of stressful...

Improving the Quality of Patients Life

Introduction The research article seeks to assess and determine the importance of nurse care and self-care intervention programs in the management and improvement of patients’ health conditions and quality of life. Nurses are the primary care specialist in a hospital set up with fundamental expert-patient relationships forming the first and...

Childhood Obesity Risks, Reasons, Prevention

In the modern world, obesity is the most widely spread health problem among children. That is why it should be the primary concern of the public. Since 1960, the predominance of obesity and overweight among teenagers and children in the United States has increased four times (Goran, 2017). The problem...

Congestive Heart Failure and Orem’s Theory

Incorporating Theory Agboola, Jethwani, Khateeb, Moore, and Kvedar (2015) found that the Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) could be controlled effectively through outpatient follow-up and patient education. The proposed treatment is in line with the Orem’s theory, which was developed by Dorothea Orem in 1950s (Manzini & Simonetti, 2009). The theory...

Nano Robotics in Hospitals

Nanotechnology refers to the study of tiny structures that have a size of less than 0.1 nm. This technology is believed to be extremely useful in health care to deliver medication through blood or treat various types of tumors. Therefore, it is important to research the capabilities of the application...

Normal Dieting and Eating Disorders

Introduction Healthy dieting behaviors are essential for people’s health and well-being. However, abnormal eating habits are very common nowadays. Therefore it is necessary to increase awareness among the general public regarding normal dieting. The main goal of this paper is to discuss the difference between normal dieting and eating disorders....

Chronic Kidney Disease Patient Nursing Care Plan

Target Group: CKD Patients and the Healthy People 2020 Objectives Patients with renal failure are the target population the needs of which will be addressed in the course of the study. Particularly, adult representatives of low-income Hispanic families will be considered during the analysis. The identified goal aligns with one...

Efficacy of Telemedicine and Its Application in Healthcare

The technology of telehealth or Telemedicine is being applied actively in healthcare. There are various studies that examine the influence of telemedicine on participants: the results demonstrate that telehealth can provide better results than an on-site treatment. Although it might sound doubtful, Davis et al. (2011) conducted a study about...

Personal Health Records in Examples

Personal health records (PHRs) are specific programs or tools that help patients record, store, retrieve, and review the personal information about their health and health status. Using these programs, patients can also exchange data; their aim is not only to help patients maintain useful records but also to stimulate action...

American Nurses Association: Professional Membership

Being the chairperson of membership in American Nurses Association (ANA), it is necessary to design a paper to recruit new members. Function of Organization ANA is a non-commercial professional organization that aims at representing the interests of the entire nation and, in particular, those of registered nurses (RN) by the...

University of Utah Health Care’s Customer Feedback

Overview In February 2008, the University of Utah Health Care (UUHC) launched a transparency campaign that would have its physician’s post feedback about customer satisfaction online. The initiative was dubbed an Exceptional Patient Experience (EPE). Some stakeholders expressed doubts about its ability to improve the hospital’s approval ratings. It was...

Healthcare Disparities in the LGBT Community

Introduction Apart from the disparities representatives of the LGBT community face in everyday life, they also deal with some major challenges as to their access to appropriate health care services. Consequently, they are experiencing worse health outcomes, as stated by Kates, Ranji, Beamesderfer, Salganicoff, and Dawson (2016). Some of the...

Fad Diets and Their Dangers for Mental Health

Introduction Because the epidemic of obesity in the USA has not been eliminated, the debates about developing healthy and effective diets still occur. Fad diets have emerged as a miraculous tool for quick and easy weight loss. There are lists of various fad diets, and the most famous ones are...

Florence Nightingale’s Theory

Introduction Florence Nightingale, the great humanist and the sister of charity, is one of the most prominent figures of nursing theory and practice. After attending the Deaconess Institute at Kaiserswerth, Germany, Nightingale decided to become a sister of mercy while the Crimean War made her a national heroine. The soldiers...

Major Beliefs and Domains of Personal Nursing Philosophy

Definition Nursing denotes the support, protection, and betterment of healthiness and capabilities, prevention of diseases, enhancement of recuperation, mitigation of pain and suffering via diagnosis and treatment, and facilitation of the care of patients, their family members, and communities. It centers on care providers to boost the quality of life....

Adolescence and the Social Determinants of Health

What essential elements should be included in a health teaching plan addressing physical, emotional, social, and spiritual challenges in adolescents? Today, adolescents face a number of health risks that could impact their further life. However, most of these health risks are preventable. Therefore, comprehensive health education could help to lower...

Nursing Empowerment in the Interpersonal Theory

Introduction Empowerment is an essential element of multiple modern theories in nursing. However, despite its growing popularity, the lack of proper understanding of the concept has led to its misattribution and misidentification in a practical setting (Slatyer, Coventry, Twigg, & Davis, 2016). The following paper provides a comprehensive analysis of...

Effects of Education on Student Health

Demographic statistics and literature steadily point to a correlation between formal education and various adverse individual health outcomes, including diseases, accidents, picking up bad habits like smoking and drug abuse, mental disorders, and even mortality due to different causes. Most sources point to the fact that people who have received...

Restraint and Seclusion in Healthcare

Introduction Restraint and seclusion (RS) are some of the controversial methods that are commonly used in healthcare. Restraint stands for the physical restriction of patients’ ability to move freely with the help of chemical, mechanical, or physical means (Muir-Cochrane, Baird, & McCann, 2015). Seclusion represents the confinement of patients in...

Nurse Manager’s Role in Staffing and Team Building

Staffing Considerations A nurse manager is a professional who is in charge of building effective teams that are satisfied with their occupation. In this way, I am supposed to ensure that all members understand one another and work towards a shared goal. My task is to focus on a common...

Nursing Metaparadigms and Practice-Specific Concepts

Four Metaparadigms of Nursing The personal nursing theory highlights those aspects of care that are most important for a nurse to visualize. In my nursing philosophy, there are four metaparadigms, including a patient as a person, health, nursing, and environment. This philosophy of nursing reflects the attitude of the nurse...

Childhood Obesity and Public Policies in England

The occurrence of childhood obesity in England has been increasing in the past decade. As a result, the government has set up various preventive measures to ensure that the incidence of obesity in children is zero. Thus, the proposed study will seek to identify the preventive measures put in place...

Ace Star Change Model in Nursing Development

Description of the Ace Star Change Model the key device for developing skills; the model incorporates five crucial stages; stages 1- 2: discovery research, evidence summary; stages 3-4: translation to guidelines, practice integration; stage 5: evaluation of outcomes (Schaffer, Sandau, & Diedrick, 2013). The ACE Star Model is the major...

Telenursing: Pros & Cons for Patients and Nurses

Abstract Telenursing is a contemporary method of providing care services to patients in remote locations using information and communication technologies (ICT). The main advantage of telenursing is that it reduces the cost of accessing nursing services by reducing hospitalization rates. It also improves health outcomes by equipping patients with the...

E-Cigarettes Smoking: Threat or Solution?

Vaping, Threat, or Solution? Smoking has become a serious challenge having a catastrophic influence on human health. As there have been massive anti-smoking campaigns, it has become less acute because more people are concerned about the negative outcomes of this bad practice. Nevertheless, the new challenge looms on the horizon...

Hospital’s Image Recovery and Public Relations

Overview The unfavorable situation was caused by the improper actions of the administrator who failed to focus on the reasons for the downsizing and its impact on the nurses during the interview. As a result, the information was interpreted wrongly. The main facts of concern are the video showing several...

Nursing in Media Representation and Perception

Nurses and the profession have been stereotyped all along the history of the career. One of the widespread fallacies is that nurses have to be female, and this has resulted in the stereotyping of male nurses as not masculine. Such generalized notions of nursing have created a distorted image of...

Osteoarthritis, Its Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Osteoarthritis is a “common disorder of the human joints that is characterized by degeneration of the entire joint or the articular cartilage”.2(1445) The affected parts of the joint include the ligaments, the synovium, and the articular cartilage, and the subchondral bone.2 This discussion gives a detailed analysis of the...

Master’s Education in Nursing

Abstract The current paper explores the essentials of Master’s education in nursing as provided by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. After a brief introduction, each of the essentials is discussed individually; the meaning of these essentials is explained, and their effect in the practical setting is elaborated. It...

Nursing in a Community Environment: Learning Plan

Nursing in a community environment is a complex and empowering work that requires a keen understanding of the principles of equality and collective action. Therefore, the provision of care in a community characterized by a multifaceted interaction between social and economic circumstances has to be based on an inclusive partnership...

The Master’s Degree Programs in Nursing

Abstract The essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) focuses on the continuous call to creative thinking and change in graduate education. Master’s Degree is expected to prepare nurses for the effective leadership and critical action by equipping with necessary knowledge and...

Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Parse’s Theory

Introduction Modern nurses know and implement numerous different frameworks into their clinical practice. From Nightingale to Henderson, these frameworks largely revolve around four pillars of nursing and assist in framing both clinical practice and clinical research by outlining goals and purposes of interventions, as well as providing an ethical and...

Fetal Abnormality and Ethical Dilemms of Abortion

Introduction In the case study “Fetal Abnormality”, four characters face the same problem that is an abnormal condition of a fetus and the necessity to decide if to save a child or to consider abortion as the only appropriate solution. Each character takes a certain position and finds it necessary...

Nursing Education and Practice

What Does It Mean to Be a Nurse? Nursing is a profession that involves taking care of people who suffer from various problems. Nurses have a wide field for practice, working with patients of different ages, and providing assistance to attending medical doctors and surgeons. Contrary to the common opinion...

Discharge Planning in Nursing Practice

Introduction The problem of the lack of effective discharge planning, as practice shows, negatively affects patient outcomes and adversely influences recovery rates. As a solution to the issue, a special plan will be analyzed where the intervention model will be presented with its full justification and a description of all...

Application of Nursing Theory Guidelines

There is no doubt that nursing remains one of the most important fields of the human activity as specialists related to the sphere help their clients to cope with their physical issues and make significant contributions allowing to maintain an appropriate level of health in the society. Obviously, it can...

National Institutes of Health: Talent Development Plan

Abstract The paper provides the proposal for the talent development program the parts of which can be implemented in the National Institutes of Health. The paper presents the evaluation of the current talent development program that is used in the organization with the focus on the analysis of employees’ needs...

Nursing Leadership and Management: Isaac’s Case

Nursing Leadership in Case of Isaac As an assistant nurse manager, I am responsible for addressing the problem, mediating the health care environment, understanding bullying dynamics, and intervening in a conflict or any other conflict-related situation if necessary (Lee, Bernstein, Lee, & Nokes, 2014). Furthermore, it is also important to...