Relation Between Public Health and Aging

Introduction The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a significant public health challenge, especially among the elderly, who are at the greatest. The number of older adults in the United States has been proved to be increasing, and by 2050, one in every five people in the United States...

Lobbying Mental Health Parity Act

This cover letter reflects the main idea and position of the research team regarding The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equality Act. Studies have shown that the application of this Act was the most crucial step towards achieving equal opportunities in obtaining insurance services for mental health. Nevertheless, there are...

Coronavirus and Related Scientific Issues

Reasons for Coronavirus Research Coronavirus is one of the most severe infections that has been reported to cause a global pandemic. The first case of COVID-19 was reported in Wuhan in December 2019, and since then, all the continents have been affected by the infection (Yuki et al., 2020). Many...

Opportunities for Service Expansion for Oak Street Health: Project Proposal

Introduction Healthcare services usually transform during the period of major scientific breakthroughs or global crises. However, the current COVID-19 pandemic challenged health delivery services worldwide. Indeed, many hospitals reported a 70% reduction in the use of primary healthcare services at the beginning of the lockdown (Cutler, 2020). Moreover, environmental pollution...

Influenza (H2N1) vs. COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease spreading across countries or globally. For example, COVID-19 and influenza outbreaks are pandemics that struck the world, affecting human lives. The influenza pandemic came in different forms, including H1N1, H2N2, and H3N2. Its mortality is associated with pregnancy, underlying conditions, and...

Esophageal Cancer: Description, Population Affected, and Prognosis

In esophageal cancer, malignant cells develop in the esophagus tissues, leading to tumor formation. Cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol use, and Barrett’s esophagus are all known to raise the risk of esophageal cancer. Weight loss, progressive dysphagia, retrosternal discomfort, hoarseness, and coughing are all signs and symptoms of esophageal cancer. There...

Revenue Cycle Processes and Pricing in Healthcare

Patient registration is the most crucial step in the registration cycle for billing specialists. Patient registration enables billing specialist to collect demographic, insurance, and eligibility data in real-time. Additionally, financial obligations of patients, such as payment plans and termination regulations, are highlighted (Jain & Panchal, 2019). Another critical step is...

CBT and Depression

Major depressive disorder (MDD), known as depression, is commonly characterized by relatively long periods of low mood that could last from two weeks to several years. Individuals affected by MDD experience a loss of interest in things that previously brought them pleasure and other mental struggles, such as low self-esteem...

Implementation of Patient Portals

Implementation of patient portals has helped eliminate some of the significant challenges experienced by providers and their patients. Before implementing the portals, health professionals had to deal with a huge number of calls from patients seeking various services. Patient portals made the process easier by allowing patients to contact their...

Arterial Hypertension: Complications, Treatment and Impact

Arterial hypertension (AH), being the leading risk factor for cardiovascular catastrophes, has recently become a serious burden for health systems of the country. Despite the wide choice of medical and invasive treatment, sufficient control of blood pressure (BP) can hardly be achieved. Consequently, the fight against obvious cardiovascular diseases is...

Schizophrenia Treatment With Fluphenazine Decanoate

Case Description Prescribing a medication that will be beneficial for a patient’s condition often requires significant effort from the physician. In specific cases where a severe mental disorder is present, choosing the right drug and its dosage is crucial for positively affecting the individual’s condition and alleviating the negative symptoms....

Current Procedural Terminology Concept

Introduction. Steps involved in CPT Coding Current Procedural Terminology is a form of medical language. The process involves seven main steps encompassing (Landon & Mechanic, 2017). A review of the report’s header. An examination of the index in CPT codebook. A scrutiny of documented report. Development of selected preliminary code....

ICARE Principles in Public Nursing

Introduction This paper focuses on the public health setting, which includes interprofessional teams based on decision-making and knowledge-sharing activities. However, within these teams, there are often limited means for effective communication that do not allow for achieving better patient outcomes and promoting relevant change initiatives. The use of iCARE components...

The Black Dog Video: Modeling Mood Disorders

Depression arises unexpectedly and unpredictably, and just as suddenly leaves a person. There is no cure for depression, and this uncertainty can be scary for many people. But the positive side is that the inability to completely control depression leaves room for a more eager life perception. In other words,...

Electronic Health Record: Resources and Tools

Simulated electronic health record (EHR) is a new information retrieval system focused on a streamlined, intuitive, and accessible electronic record scheme. Its integration into medical education is essential because it will allow future employees to access the different information bases they will have to work. These learning systems include documented...

Core Determinants of Health in the United States

Income and Social Status Social status Financial resources Level of education Social Support Network Assistance from communities, friends, and families. Emotional reassurance. Informal social support network. Overwhelming parenting and contemporary living that negatively influence their kids. Poor quality housing and homelessness also negatively affect children’s health. Education and Literacy Increase...

COVID-19: Epidemics in People’s Lives

History shows that humanity has faced numerous outbreaks of diseases, and some of them have changed the course of history. In the days when the whole world is caught in the coronavirus pandemic, it is essential to remember that in the history of humankind, some many epidemics and pandemics covered...

National Trends and Legislation

This country’s healthcare industry will require some innovative and creative approaches in the future. The economic and institutional environments in which hospitals in the United States have operated have changed dramatically over the last two decades. According to the American Hospital Association, government-mandated cost-cutting initiatives, movements from cost-based to prospective...

Transcultural Psychiatry Rethinking Historical Trauma

The authors of the article argue for the need to rethink and reinterpret historical trauma as there is a significant difference in how people experience, approach, and transmit the instances of trauma. The conceptual intervention applied in the article relates to the person-centered ethnographic research intended to highlight the contextualization...

Mental Disorder as a Health Concept

The concept of mental disorder is inextricably linked with the concept of mental health. This is a condition in which a person is a socially useful person, realizes themselves and is able to withstand stressful influences. This term defines not only the psychological state of an individual and their self-perception...

Stakeholders’ Conflict of Interests in Healthcare Provision

Any person or an organization with interest in investing in a particular company is astakeholder. The business activities can affect or be affected by the stakeholders’ actions. Stakeholders in a business setup include customers, investors, suppliers, and employees. The advancements in business operations worldwide have attracted additional stakeholders such as...

Nutritional Necessities of Individuals with Disabilities

This article highlights the nutritional necessities of all adults, children, and youths with intellectual and developmental disabilities with special care needs. Ptomey & Wittenbrook (2015), center their discussion on patients with CYSHCN and IDD special care needs. The research aims at developing nutrition interventions suitable to these populations. The authors...

Independent Contractors in Nursing

An Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) is a type of medical profession in which there are two ways to find employment. There is a more traditional way called W2 and 1099 – an independent contractor. Considering the various aspects of these types of employment, it is possible to choose the most...

Stressful State and Its Negative Effect on Health

There are many different factors that affect human health and well-being. Stress is one of the most significant as it often comes from within and can be increased by external ones. Hence, this work aims to determine what contribution a stressful state makes to the state of health of the...

The Main Features of the Medicaid Plan

Medicaid is a joint program between the federal and the state program in which the former provides requirements and the latter implements the services. It provides healthcare coverage to American citizens, including low-income adults, pregnant women, seniors, and children (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2022). Key characteristics of the...

Psychological Experience of COVID-19 Patients

“Qualitative study of the psychological experience of COVID-19 patients during hospitalization” is an example of a report of a qualitative study that I personally read before the assignment. I encountered it while conducting a Google search with the keywords “psychological experience”, “patients”, and “pandemic”. My interest in the effect of...

Skin Disorders in Aging Populations

Skin disorders in aging populations are often characterized by physical symptoms, which can be interpreted as unattractive by both older and younger individuals. Because the appearance of the skin, as well as hair and nails, influences the self-concept. Due to this, changes to the skin due to aging that are...

What Are the Medical and Psychological Advantages of Using RFID Chips?

Chipping framework execution is relied upon to be helpful in the space of well-being, helping people, and against duplicating, as there have been instances of purchasing international inoculation IDs. RFID chipping can develop existing data storage methods, which need better protection (Sewell, 2018). Since information is being gathered and transferred...

Aloe Vera: Inside and External Use

Introduction Aloe vera is a plant from the succulent family, which is well known for its healing properties. Aloe vera will be an excellent helpful supplement for many dishes. Although the plant itself will not significantly change its taste, it will be able to improve the texture and make the...

Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Children and Adults

There is a difference between the AAC systems that people with degenerative diseases need compared to others using AAC. For example, if a child has cerebral palsy, then long and extensive motor training and practice may be necessary for ACC’s effective and full use. (Beukelman & Light, 2020). Patients diagnosed...

Mental Health Knowledge: Study Design & Statistics

Introduction The objective of the study is to find the correlations of the sociodemographic public stigma while putting into consideration life satisfaction and mental health knowledge (literacy). Public stigma is the universal attitude that the members of the public have regarding individuals having mental illnesses (Lo et al., 2021). The...

Trending Diets to Curb Obesity

Summary Over the years, humans have been struggling to observe their weight by getting involved in body exercises that are believed to maintain body shape and avoid the risk of getting obese. However, it is not easy to continue with gym exercises and the expenses that come with it. Therefore,...

Medical Organization’s Improvement Strategies

There are several reasons why it is important to assess the satisfaction of the population with the quality of medical services. Satisfaction is an indicator of the quality of medical care that can be used to make health prediction. In addition, patient satisfaction is connected with the organizational aspects of...

The Choice of a Medical Data Management System

The healthcare information system plays one of the most important roles. This concept implies a system for managing medical data. This implies the storage, management and use of medical information using the patient’s electronic medical record. Moreover, the information system in healthcare helps to conduct data operations more efficiently and...

Acute Respiratory Failure: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management

Introduction The human body is a system that depends on the coordination of all organs regarding the distribution of necessary elements throughout the structure. Oxygen is an essential element within a person’s anatomy due to its functional effect on the tissues. In this case, the insufficiency of the supply risks...

Interventions for Homeless With Mental Illness

Doulas, A. V., & Lurigio, A. J. (2010). Youth crisis intervention teams (CITs): A response to the fragmentation of the educational, mental health, and juvenile justice systems. Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations, 10(1–2), 241–263. doi:10.1080/15332586.2010.481893 In this article, the researchers conduct a non-systematic literature review to explore preliminary and anecdotal...

COVID-19: The Effects on Humankind

Since its outbreak in 2019, COVID-19 pandemic has brought great suffering to humankind. The virus has led to a dramatic loss of life worldwide, and it still presents a significant threat to public health, food systems, and economic growth. In the United States, COVID-19 has created both public and private...

Levine Children’s Hospital’s Work

Atrium Health. (2021). Levine Children’s Hospital. Web. Currency (C). Although the considered page does not indicate the date of its creation, there is evidence for suggestions about its recent update in 2021. The page contains the COVID Safety update, which shows an update not much time ago (Atrium Health, 2021)....

Healthcare: Auditing Practices

Internal medical audits can be divided into prospective and retrospective ones. The benefits of the prospective audits include prevention of sending incorrect claims, reduced denials’ chance, and demonstration of the organization’s proactivity. The weaknesses are that it is only possible to review a small number of claims, and this process...

Confidence Interval in Medicine

Notably, the confidence interval (CI) can be applied to medicine to enhance the quality of clinical decisions. He and Fineout-Overholt state that healthcare professionals may use CI to interpret research based on reliability and validity. Briefly, CI demonstrates the level of uncertainty related to the sample statistic. CI helps healthcare...

Healing a Hospital’s Struggling Emergency Department

Project Charter Project Overview Executive Summary The struggling 205-bed general medical and surgical hospital that serves a community in Chicago is experiencing a decline in performance because of the huge demand that it is unable to meet. The parent firm is keen on implementing a project model that had been...

Immersive Living with the Elderly in Nursing Homes

Summary Nursing homes are vital in the care of the elderly population. The elderly have a place to be hosted and taken care of by professional caregivers who also provide them with guidance and counseling. Thus, the elderly are entitled to receive professional care and proper treatment from caregivers. The...

Community Healthcare Agency at Fairfax

The healthcare institution that was chosen for the present research is Fairfax Pediatric Associates. It is necessary to monitor children’s health conditions, especially during the first year of their lives, since their body systems are developing and regular visits to pediatricians help see the development. Reliable pediatric clinics that have...

Effects of Culture and Other Factors on a Health Care Setting

The cultural aspect of China that stood out for me is the belief that the body’s vital energy flows along channels that keep individuals’ emotional, psychological and physical health balanced. That notion is related to acupuncture offering clinical services to the Chinese. Acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system that releases...

Are Oral Anticoagulants as Effective as Subcutaneous Injections

Introduction PICO is a structure for formulating a sound clinical research topic before conducting a study. It is a short word for the four components of a practical interventional foreground question. According to Harris and Turner (2018), the topic should specify the patient or demography to be studied, the treatment...

Attention Deficit and Effective Treatment of Disorder

Effective behavioral and pharmaceutical treatments are available to help reduce the symptoms of ADHD. These treatments can assist individuals in doing better at home, school, and in social situations. Each child should undergo a full assessment before starting treatment to determine the diagnosis and treatment strategy. The American Academy of...

The United States, Switzerland, and Australia Health Care Delivery Systems

The United States is spending more per capita on health coverage than other developed economies. The quantity of resources allotted to medical care by a nation varies according to its political, economic, as well as social factors. These comparisons show that the U.S. spends a massive amount of money on...

Aspects of the Current Status of Aprns

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 underlined the importance of having a flexible and well-used healthcare workforce. The vast range of state rules governing advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) functioned as a roadblock to movement during this period (Buck, 2021). The consensus model for APRN regulation, licensure, accreditation, certification, and education...

The Adoption of the EHR Framework in Healthcare Facilities

EHR Functions The adoption of the EHR framework in most healthcare facilities has marked an essential point in the development of health support and the related services for citizens. The main function and uses of the EHR system and the data capture of the system can be summarized as the...

Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strains

A transmittable disease pertains to contagious diseases induced by various microorganisms. Moreover, minute organisms passed from one person to another, either indirectly or directly, include fungi, parasites, viruses, and bacteria (Chee, 2018). However, some of these infectious diseases are spread by insect bites, while others are triggered by swallowing contaminated...

The Effect of Medication Administration Through Barcodes on Nurses

Primarily, this paper is based on a case study of the existing actual and relevant literature. The article highlights the main and meaningful ideas regarding innovative methods and techniques of taking medications by patients. The authors of the study provide detailed descriptions, characteristics, and an assessment of the experience of...

Mindfulness as a Method of Treating Addiction

When it comes to thinking of ways to treat addiction, an abundance of various approaches has been proposed over the years of examining the issue. However, it is reasonable to assume that in order to treat a condition properly, one is to thoroughly investigate the reasons for its formation and...

Community Health Nursing Social Media Campaign

Community Health Nursing Diagnosis Statement Increased risk of mental illnesses among people aged between 18 and 39 years in Brevard County related to lack of access to mental health services demonstrated by the increased rate of diagnosed cases of depressive disorder. Health Inequity/Disparity Mental health is critical since it ensures...

Nursing History: Today and Beyond

Introduction Patients should be targeted to their specific requirements, not those of the healthcare workers who are providing it. An overhaul of the healthcare sector is necessary to accomplish this. Health care reform will necessitate a significant change in the duties of many health workers, especially nurses. When it comes...

The Joint Commission as a Non-Profit Organization

I enjoyed learning about the Joint Commission and its accreditation practice both in text and video formats. Moreover, I consider it extremely important to analyze the work of organizations that directly affect people’s perception of medical institutions and health care in general. The Joint Commission has many advantages and well-established...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder’s Treatment

Watkins, L. E., Sprang, K. R., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2018). Treating PTSD: A review of evidence-based psychotherapy interventions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12. The article, Watkins et al. review different psychotherapy interventions that can be applied in treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among adults. Most patients that experience...

Mental Health Parity and Services

Beronio, K., Glied, S., & Frank, R. (2014). How the Affordable Care Act and Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act greatly expand coverage of behavioral health care. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 41(4), 410-428.  In this article, the researchers reflect on the topic of the Patient Protection...

Lean and Six Sigma: Total Quality Management

The case study illustrates how a health organization in Texas utilized Six Sigma to discover and improve its N95 face mask reprocessing project. Lean Six Sigma is a systematic collective process that strives to boost production by reducing mistakes and waste. It associates the Six Sigma technique and methods with...

“Patients’ Satisfaction With the Social Work…” by Roberts et al.

A study by Roberts et al. in the article A survey evaluating patients’ satisfaction with the social work service provided at a rehabilitation centre talks about social workers and the importance of researching the level of patient satisfaction with the service provided. The authors provide many high-quality recommendations and the...

The Quality of Treatment Planning and Communication With Patients

Daily bedside whiteboard updating by nurses to increase patient communication and improve patient surveys through Hcalps scores after discharge. Patient satisfaction largely depends on the quality of communication with the nursing staff. Patient satisfaction largely depends on the quality of communication with the nursing staff. There are several tools and...

Windshield Analysis of Edison, New Jersey

The specificity of the infrastructure of the city of Edison lies in the fact that it is a city that provides large-scale transportation of goods. As a transit point, Edison is a city where the highways running through the city are particularly important. Walking in the city center and observing...

Quality Health through Proper Nutrition and Regular Physical Activity

Maintaining a healthy diet and regular physical exercise are recipes for quality healthy and improved well-being. These options can help reduce the chances of developing severe health complications, such as aging, cancer, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. A healthy diet and regular physical activity influence the prevalence...

Researching of Disorders: DSM-5 Summaries

Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct Disorders Overview Disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders are characterized by the inability of a person to control their emotions and behavior so that to conduct accordingly to societal norms. People with these disorders tend to neglect others’ rights and disturb the authorities. Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct...

Approaches to Community Health

Reflecting on the course, several concepts and issues were particularly important and are anticipated in further practice and career. Studying and tackling them is essential in order to develop communal healthcare and the healthcare system in general. Health discrepancies, social health determinants, public health, the logic model, and the collaboration...

Therapeutic Treating of Patients With Depressive Disorder

Introduction There are different ways in which healthcare professionals can treat people with depressive disorders. Depressive disorder is a mood that leads an individual to have a tenacious feeling of dejection or loss of attention in something, which impacts the person’s everyday life. The best approach to treat depressive disorders...

A Patient Data Dictionary: Description and Significance

A data dictionary contains metadata; in other words, it is a collection of elements in a database with a detailed description. It is helpful in the healthcare system, as “a catalog of available healthcare data is a great advantage to reusing routinely collected data for secondary purposes” (Bruland et al.,...

Features of the United States Health Care Industry

Introduction The US is a country where healthcare spending is several times higher than in other countries with comparable income levels. In particular, costs in the healthcare industry have been increasing at a much faster rate than the rate of inflation in general. Equally important, the role of the federal...

Unlisted Procedures and Services in Healthcare

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) restrictions mandate that health workers are obliged to determine the name of the medical practice or service that accurately specifies the assistance accomplished. In the absence of a complete and appropriate description, clinicians may use a procedure or service code that is not listed (“Unlisted...

Paresthesia and Its Effects on the Sensory System

Summary of the Disease There are some medical conditions that can be felt by most people, even on a daily basis, due to a number of causes. Typically, there is no reason to worry because eliminating the cause is easy, and after that, the symptoms disappear as well. However, in...

Artificially Administered Nutrition and Hydration

The article outlines a comprehensive guideline of ethical and legal matters to direct clinicians when using AANH on pediatric and adult patients. It also emphasizes the need to ensure that all AANH healthcare services are provided according to the ethical principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice. It also involves...

Psychopathology Through the Lenses of Distress and Disability

Introduction Psychopaths, as per prevalent ideas, are defective in their interpretation of social cues related to fear and anxiety. As a result, psychopathic individuals ignore indications that would normally prompt them to refrain from an offensive stance. The examination of the mental disease may incorporate a variety of characteristics, including...

Fundamental Nursing Care in Patients with the SARS-CoV-2 Virus

The reviewed article is a mixed-methods study, which utilizes both qualitative and quantitative data in its approach. This approach is self-evident from the methodology section of the study, which describes the survey as the primary method of data collection. Surveys can be used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data....

Creating Value in Healthcare Settings

Introduction Medical companies are faced with delivering value, while the latter is defined as the ratio of quality, quality to cost. For this mission to be achieved, it is necessary to reduce the cost of treatment, improve its quality and ensure wider access of the population to it (Burns et...

Antisocial Personality Disorder Case Study

There are numerous issues that may undermine the proper formation of a personality during childhood and adolescence. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the challenges that affect children and teenagers and lead to the development of a broad spectrum of symptoms that may indicate the early stages of mental disorders....

Parkinson’s Disease: Description, Causes, and Symptoms

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most prominent neurodegenerative complications, primarily affecting the individual’s motor system. There are five primary stages of disease progression, each associated with a specific variety of symptoms (“Stages of Parkinson’s,” n.d.). Stage one generally implies mild consequences, such as slight tremors in one side...

“COVID-19: Characteristics and Therapeutics” by Chilamakuri & Agarwal

Introduction COVID-19 has been widely researched throughout and in the final stages of the first pandemic cases. The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of St. John’s University conducted a meta-analysis of the virus’ investigated characteristics and vaccine efficiency. Moreover, the viral structure was studied, along with the main mechanisms of infection...

Trinity Community Hospital Treating Opioid Withdrawal

The Trinity health center is a 150-bed, non-commercial facility situated in the heart of town that offers a comprehensive range of medical, surgical, and health issue mitigation services to the surrounding area’s residents. Here is a link to a recent community health needs assessment completed by the hospital only a...

Emotional Distress and Physical Health Discussion

The findings revealed significant information about the general understanding of the mental issues linkage with physical health among the people who do not have any professional education in the field. It was established that people are aware of such a connection, which was expected earlier. More importantly, they perceive the...

Schizophrenic Patients as Social Misfits

Given the usefulness of visual effects in passing across an important message, movies have become an integral part through which society is educated on various issues. In modern days, entertainment scene, for instance, filmmakers use their skills to tell historical events, celebrate famous people, pass across political messages, or conduct...

Neurological Alterations and How They Can Be Managed

Problems that arise when the diseases become sphere cause alterations in the spinal code, causing stroke and status epilepticus. (Bohmwald et al., 2018). The paper aims to discuss some neurological alterations in detail by considering how they can be managed, aspects of nurse interventions, cultural considerations, and the patients’ teaching...

Healthcare Disparity in the African American Community

Background In the event of an epidemic, different individuals suffer differently. The prevalence and mortality rates between races have proved that some factors other than access to healthcare are involved. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the huge disparity in the African American community. While everyone is prone to the disease, medical...

The Introduction of a Vaccine Against COVID-19 Among Healthcare Staff in Moldova

About 180,000 Moldovans, encompassing over 9,000 children and around 900 expectant mothers, have been diagnosed with the coronavirus disease since the commencement of the pandemic, and over 5,000 people have died because of COVID-19. On March 7, 2020, a Moldovan female passenger returning from the Italian Republic was confirmed positive...

Brain Plasticity in the Elderly

Traditionally, it was thought that the neurology of normal aging was characterized by significant cell loss and dendrite information is protected degradation. However, when stereological concepts were applied to flow cytometry methodologies, it was shown that considerable cell loss does not happen throughout normal aging and that alterations in dendritic...

The Current Health Care Cost Milieu in the US

Introduction American health care is the most expensive worldwide, and it is a widely known sad reality. The U.S.’s health expenditure is twice as high as that of any other developed country (Yanushevsky, 2021). Although the U.S. has the most expensive medical care, patient outcomes are worse than in European...

Leadership Roles and Management in Nursing

Leadership qualities are essential for all spheres of work, and the nursing sector is not an exception. Learning to be an entrepreneur can help enhance personal qualities that might be useful with work duties management. The nursing practice involves a variety of functions uniting different chains of health policies. Medical...

Festivals in Kamloops: Safety and Security Issues Related to the COVID-19

Introduction Globally, tourism is one of the most affected sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the different niches in the sector, festival tourism is the most adversely affected by the pandemic, especially the measures put in place by different governments to curb the spread of the virus. Particularly in Kamloops,...

Nutritional Value of Wild Amaranth Grain

Indigenous people’s conventional foods represent a potentially new source of healthy dietary options in the contemporary world. The wild Amaranth plant resembles the soybeans in the early stages of growth. However, as the crop grows, it become taller, with purple-colored seeds producing amaranth grains, which can then be harvested (Kindscher...

Massachusetts General Hospital’s Growth in Boston

In the United States, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston is one of the renowned and old healthcare facilities that have offered different services to patients for over a century. The organization is well known following its extensive involvement in medical research activities aimed at improving the quality of healthcare...

University Students’ Mental Health in 2000-2020

Mental health has developed into a common concept within the scientific community. Previous studies have shown that when considerations are made on public mental health, attention is given to resilience construct and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis (Kleber 1). As such, developing an understanding of the relationship between mental health...

Neurocognitive Disorders: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

The term “neurocognitive disorders” refers to a set of conditions in which the predominant deficiency is cognitive functioning. The American Psychiatric Association (2013) depicts those neurocognitive disorders emanate from Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s. The typical symptom for all the orders in this category is the victims’ impairment in cognitive functioning...

Pandemic Challenge and Economic Inequality

Introduction The coronavirus pandemic has presented two significant challenges for American society: public health and economic crises. The two are closely connected as the challenges, which the healthcare sphere has experienced, have significantly reduced the capacity of communities for economic activity and general spending. Furthermore, COVID-19 has had broader distributional...

Uti Kulintjaku Project: Investigating Aboriginal Mental Disorders

Uti Kulintjaku is a British project that aims to work with improving Anangu’s mental health. This project is innovative and allows understanding mental disorders in the health of aborigines (Togni, 2016). Since the Torres Strait Islanders have virtually no access to medical services, unlike those who are not part of...

Lifting Mask Mandates: The Key Risks

CUNY has attracted mixed reactions after becoming one of the latest institutions to lift its mask mandate on March 7 in a premature decision that will likely put students at risk of getting infected. In an email dated March 4, the institution’s Chancellor Felix Matos Rodriguez gave the directive following...

Case Presentation: Schizophrenia

The client’s name for this case presentation is Clara Hunters. She is a thirty-three-year-old woman. She is white and has been married for five years. According to the client, she has come to see me because she has been “seeing things which are not there.” Additionally, she reports that “the...

The Healthcare Availability in the USA

The debates about the healthcare system that would embrace all communities not depending on people’s income have raged in the USA over decades. Today, with the pandemic on the march and healthcare bills steeply increasing, the debate is as bitter as ever. Many people believe that it would be better...

Practicing Nurses in Emergency Departments

Advanced practicing nurses (APNs) play a significant role in medical care in all hospital units. Indeed, they participate in treating patients with a wide range of conditions, including traumas, falls, and advanced-degree pressure ulcers. Falls and concussions are among the most common causes of visiting emergency departments (ED) among the...

Triple Therapy: Lung Function and Symptoms

Introduction The PICO is a process, a mnemonic, or technique used by nurses in evidence-based practice to address, answer or frame health care or related clinical questions. Researchers use the framework of PICO to develop and formulate literature search strategies like solution-based reviews. The acronyms used in this word have...

The City Center Hospital: Improving Productivity

Introduction Defining the most beneficial activities that could aid in tackling the presented issue is a crucial element of the Organization Development (OD) approach. When appropriate instruments are used, it becomes possible to productively address the given complication, ensuring that the necessary changes are introduced effectively and will remain in...

A Case of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Subjective Biographical Data: Name: Mr. Smith. Age: 70yrs. Race: British Male. Marital Status: Married. General Appearance: Fair general condition. Source/Reliability: Retired from the local university where he was the supervisor of the Building & Grounds department. Chief Complaint (CC): Increased frequency in urination. Incomplete bladder emptying. Hard time starting a...

Human Papillomavirus: Structure and Transmission

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a viral infection passed from one person to the other through contact with the skin. More than 100 varieties of HPV exist, with about 40 being transmitted through sexual contact. HPV passed through sexual intercourse can affect the mouth, throat, and genitals (Chaturvedi et al. 265)....

Estimating Life Expectancy: Pros and Cons

The health and longevity of a person depends on health care, genetics, ecology, the state of the environment, and style of life. Each of these areas brings together many extra factors and circumstances. The human body is such a complex multi-level and multi-factorial system that so far, no system of...

Stay Safe and Sexy: Chlamydia and Other Infections

Statement of Need Chlamydia and other similar infections are common problems in the US, which are usually caused by unsafe sexual activities. According to Wiesenfeld (2017), the infection is spreading at a high rate every year, and in 2015 the number of new cases was about 1.5 million. A new...

How Nurses Can Create Healthy Communities

Introduction Nurses play a critical role in improving societal health outcomes. They possess the knowledge and skills to deal with illnesses and eradicate factors leading to poor health outcomes. Nurses can also empower individuals and societies with knowledge and skills to preserve their health and well-being, reduce disease burden, and...

The Privacy of the Medical Records

Introduction Medical state structures and commercial organizations have daily access to any personal data, including date of birth, first and last name of patients and staff, and marital status. The issue of security is particularly acute in front of medical institutions, where data such as diagnoses, research results, and medical...

Improving a Healthcare Compliance Program

Last year I secured employment with Baptist Health Centre as a therapist. The focus of the organization was to facilitate effective service delivery to the patients and the community. To minimize the possible setbacks in the institution, the management team facilitated ethical conduct in the facility units. To ensure the...

Strategic Planning in Healthcare

A stakeholder is anyone with interest in an organization’s value. In developing strategic plans, it is important for organizations to set objectives that are anchored on the needs of all their stakeholders. In the healthcare industry, for instance, stakeholders include physicians, nurses, front-line staff, finance, governing board, and patients. Having...

Fetal Growth Retardation as a Pressing Issue in the Modern Medicine

Fetal growth retardation (FGR) might be considered a pressing issue in the modern medicine framework. A plethora of scholars and practitioners are dealing with this phenomenon to a great extent nowadays. Below, a thorough discussion on the essence of fetal growth retardation will be provided. The placenta is a provisional...

The Use of X-Rays Technology in Dentistry

The use of x-ray technology is extremely prominent in different areas of medicine. Often used to access a person’s bone structure or find potential injuries, the process has long since become a staple of hospital procedures. However, its use in dentistry is not something people discuss often. There are potential...

Depression and Anxiety Among African-American Children

Place your Research Topic below: African American Children Suffering from Anxiety and Depression Place your Thesis Statement below: Depression and anxiety are common among African-American children and adolescents, but they face significant barriers to receiving care and treatment due to their age and race. Place your Follow-Up Statement/s below (be...

Researching of Codes in Medicine

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) is medical nomenclature that is vital for laboratory test requests and findings. It is one of a series of recognized standards for usage in United States Federal Government systems for the digital interchange of medical patient data. The Standards Development Organization designated LOINC...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Research

Introduction Pressure ulcers (PUs) often become a research subject, yet they continue to harm many immobile patients. PUs are considered to be an indicator of the quality of care, as they require highly efficient nursing personnel (Ebi et al., 2019). There is a need to determine how to alleviate PUs’...

The Healthcare Situation in the USA

Health Care in the USA The system of health care in the United States of America (USA) is among the best in the world, offering good quality at an affordable cost and embracing global technological advancements. However, the healthcare situation raises many concerns, especially regarding long-term care, mental illnesses, a...

Thalidomide Sedative: A Short History

Thalidomide was first licensed in July 1956, intended as sedative, treats many conditions. Initially it was considered safe for pregnant women. Caused significant developmental issues in babies. 1961: withdrawn after a major scandal. Thalidomide was greatly affected drug testing and approval. Birth defects if taken during pregnancy Can also be...

Paresthesia: Current and Future Treatments

Overall, there are several possible ways to treat chronic paresthesia. First, it is essential to determine this disease’s specific cause and understand what should be treated. In some cases, it may be enough just to eliminate precisely the cause or several causes of this disease, and after that, paresthesia will...

Fournier’s Gangrene Case Study

The diagnosis shows that JC is suffering from Fournier’s gangrene. This is based on the patient’s systemic symptoms and physical examination, which indicates a rapid heartbeat, high fever, and blood pressure, as well as intense pain and swelling in the genital regions (Joury et al., 2019). Conversely, the differential diagnosis...

Career Development at the Sidra Medicine Facility

Introduction Sidra Medicine is a world-class health facility in Qatar providing medical and research services focused on women and children. The facility introduced a career development plan to increase employee proficiency and productivity as part of a probe by the Qatari nation at large to increase and competency of workers....

The IOM Recommendations: Transforming Nursing Practice

The first recommendation presented by IOM is transforming nursing practice (Institute of Medicine, 2011). The reform of nursing in the state of Georgia has unfolded in several directions. First of all, it is conducting scientific research in nursing. It also includes the reform of practical activities and self-management and consolidation...

Abortion: Effects and Legalization

Introduction Abortion has remained a legally regulated health procedure in most countries over the years given the growing concern of deaths resulting from it. Despite efforts by countries to increase the liberal abortion policies, the growing dangers of unsafe abortion have prompted greater regulation some of which are based on...

Human Resource Management: Healthcare

Introduction Primarily focus – healthcare – Washington University School of Medicine. The organization – values human resources – determinant of the quality of healthcare services. Washington University School of Medicine – comprehensive talent acquisition and development policies that focus on “independence, boldness and originality of thought” (Washington University, 2021, para....

The Use of Physical Status Modifiers

Physical status modifiers codes represent the way a patient’s physical condition affects the procedure. In other words, physical status modifiers for anesthesia describe the level of risk of the procedure taken. Hence, by using modifiers from P1 to P6, an anesthesiologist is able to include it into a formula for...

The Nurses in Washington University School of Medicine

Introduction Washington University School of Medicine is a medical institution founded in1891 in St. Louis, Missouri. Since its inception, the university has accommodated students seeking a degree in medicine without the need for a joint Doctor of Philosophy or even another postgraduate degree. It also provides doctoral degrees in biology...

Tuberculosis Transmission, Manifestations and Social Concerns

Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that has the potential of having serious impacts and primarily affects the lungs. According to research, approximately a quarter of the population of the world is infected by TB (Harding, 2020). In other words, there are those individuals with TB bacteria; however, they are...

Risk Factors for Pressure Ulcers

Introduction Pressure ulcers are a result of constantly applied pressure on a certain region of skin continuously, which creates localized erosion, tear, and necrosis of the tissue. Pressure ulcers can be categorized as a major and significant burden in both the national and global healthcare field since their implications are...

Identifying Endoscopy Procedures for the Digestive System

Endoscopy procedures constitute an important part of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions related to the digestive system of patients. The administration of different types of endoscopy depends on the symptoms experienced by the patient and the particularities of the condition. In particular, several customary types of endoscopy exist, including endoscopic retrograde...

The Nurse Case Management Department in Washington

Advance directives are essential for patients of various ethnicities, beliefs, and religions. In the modern world, humans should be provided with the possibility to choose the way of treatment and the person responsible for their healthcare decisions on special occasions. Advance directives, including a living will, healthcare proxy, and durable...

Telehealth for Vulnerable Population: Pros and Cons

Any healthcare or medical achievement is characterized by certain advantages and disadvantages, and the promotion of telehealth for the vulnerable population is not an exception. On the one hand, people like the idea of having access to professional care in person at a hospital or another specialized facility. There are...

Issues of Obesity and Food Addiction

Nowadays, the most famous sins in society, regardless of religion, are pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust. They gained wide recognition due to their mention in famous literary works, for example, in the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Meanwhile, these seven vices are not simply condemned by religion...

Postpartum Anxiety as Problem of Mothers

Introduction Mothers are often worried about their newborn babies after birth. They always want to know whether their newborns are eating well, having a sufficient sleep, and hitting all their precious milestones. It is natural for mothers to become more concerned about their newborns. However, the anxiety may be out...

Pros and Cons of Diagnosing Patients in Mental Health Practices

The rapidly changing world requires special attention to the sphere of mental healthcare since now such problems are more relevant than ever. The attention raises numerous questions regarding the effectiveness of applied tools and practices, such as relying on diagnoses in treating individuals with mental problems. Some believe that “labeling”...

Why Does Infantile Amnesia Occur

Introduction Infantile amnesia is one of the phenomena that have been extensively studied for decades. Explanations have been sought with multiple empirical studies focusing either on human or nonhuman subjects. The term infantile amnesia has been defined as the condition where adults are unable to remember their early-life experiences. Much...

Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD) are among the most commonly diagnosed behavioral health disorders prevalent in children. Children with the oppositional defiant disorder are at risk for eventually developing other problems besides conduct disorder, including anxiety and depressive disorders (Association, 2013). The symptoms of both these conditions...

Epidemic: An Analysis of Factors of the Opioid Crisis

Introduction After the FDA approved the use of opioid drugs in 1995, many companies have multiplied their revenues through sales. It led to citizens becoming more and more dependent on painkillers. The narcotic properties of opioid drugs have led to the onset of an opioid epidemic since 2000, including increased...

Planning in a Post-Pandemic World

It is undeniable that the global pandemic affected businesses worldwide. With the need for new, stricter health regulations in the workplace for a safer internal environment in the office come limitations on the number of persons of staff present. Furthermore, there is an added cost of maintaining the areas clean...

Assessment and Management of Nutrition in Older People: Analysis of Article

The article provides an in-depth discussion of nutrition and its significance in older adults. According to the article authors, nutrition is a crucial health module in older people and tends to distress the aging process (Ahmed & Haboubi, 2010). In this population, the malnutrition prevalence gradually increases and is mainly...

Lewy Body Dementia: Diagnosis/Condition

LBD is a condition that leads to the development of dementia and which predominantly affects people over the age of 50 (Taylor et al., 2020). In the United States, over 1 million patients, with higher prevalence among men when compared to women (Sanford, 2018). The etiology of LBD is the...

Why Pharmaceutical Industry Is High-Tech and Knowledge-Intensive

It seems reasonable to advocate for the pharmaceutical industry due to the following. Pharmaceuticals is one of the most high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in the global economy, which is determined by three groups of interrelated factors. First, it is the rapid development of human sciences and a number of important...

Asthma: Definition, Forms and Symptoms

Asthma is a disorder that causes the nasal airways to constrict and swell, as well as generate excess mucus. This results in breathing complications, leading to patients having fits of cough, wheezing while exhaling and being short of breath. In less severe cases, asthma remains at a level of relatively...

Americans’ Strong Support for Euthanasia Persists

Introduction The subject of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has seen much controversy and debate on its legality, morality and ethics in recent past. Even the definition of the term euthanasia is itself subject to debate as it is a borrowed word. The term came into use after Francis Bacon...

Lewy Body Disease in Aging Patients With Dementia

When entering the stage of aging, people become increasingly prone to the development of health issues. The alterations in the functioning of affected organs lead to the deterioration not only of physical functions but also of mental ones (Kurasz et al., 2020). Therefore, dementia becomes a tangible threat to aging...

Discussion of Extraordinary Treatment

None of the possible meaning of the distinction explains why the distinction should directly determine whether treatment is morally obligatory or optional. For example, a treatment that is statistically generally accepted or involves the use of low technology might be beneficial to an individual patient in specific circumstances. However, it...

Pathological Gambling as Mental Disorder

In many countries, gambling is legal and associated with some economic benefits, albeit to a small percentage of the population. Gambling has become problematic, mainly with the growth of the technology that made it accessible to almost anyone with Internet-enabled devices. This activity is evidenced in communities as many people...

Reducing the Pressure on the Registered Nurses

Smith’s (2020) doctoral dissertation is the scholarly resource about non-physician health professionals (NPP) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) chosen for this assignment. Due to the rapid increase in the aging population, the demand for nurses has skyrocketed. Governments have been trying to use nursing practitioners to ameliorate the health...

Fluid Balance in Human Organisms

Evolutionarily, human organisms developed well-controlled regulatory mechanisms that maintain fluid balance because water is an essential medium for all biochemical reactions in the body. Indeed, specific hormones and signaling molecules, like aldosterone, cortisol, and antidiuretic hormone, are known to regulate water-salt balance in the body by promoting or stopping diuresis...

Implementing Artificial Intelligence and Managing Change in Nursing

Change Healthcare industry has undergone many changes in recent years, especially in the implementation of new technologies, which proved to enhance operational efficiency and improve patient safety and satisfaction. Still, from the healthcare workers’ perspective, it is a complicated process of constant learning and adaptation of these cutting-edge innovations, which...

Geriatric Care and Assisted Living Facilities

Summary The guest speaker’s name is Jenifer Almodovar, and she works at the Palace Garden Assisted Living facility. Her job title is Director of Activities, and she mainly engages in work with older adults who have cognitive problems. Jenifer decided to work in an assisted living facility because she has...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Robotic Surgeries

Robotic or robot-assisted surgery is a new technology that allows surgeons to operate with better control, precision, and flexibility. Since its introduction, it has been used for a wide range of procedures by hospitals in Europe and the United States. However, complications can occur despite the reports of surgeries’ better...

Researching of Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare

Healthcare fraud is an intentional practice of misusing the healthcare system for unlawful gains, such as billing patients for services that were never provided or performing unnecessary medical procedures. The difference between fraud and abuse is that the latter is not done intentionally, despite the fact that both incur additional...

Why Being Kind to Others Is Good for Your Health: Analysis of Article

Martha Zaraska wrote an online article for the BBC in which the author shares the results of ongoing research on the health effects of kindness. The woman is a science journalist whose work has been published in numerous journals, including the Atlantic, Discover, and others. The article was published a...

Aspects of Controlled Substance Morphine

Introduction Controlled substances are illicit or prescription pharmaceuticals that are governed by the Controlled Substances Act in the United States (CSA). In response to the potential for certain medications to be abused and become addictive, the CSA was enacted as part of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act...

Aspects of the Health Awareness

The healthcare setting of the 21st century can be characterized by the intensifying dialogue between clinical experts and the population. More specifically, the professional community increasingly recognizes the bilateral nature of medical relations. In this regard, people must be taught the key principles of personal and public health through effective...