Introduction The increase in medical conditions has negatively affected the quality of life and wellbeing of the population due to their effects. This is because medical conditions reduce life expectancy and compel individuals to seek quality care to overcome them effectively. One of the fundamental topics related to medical conditions...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 675
Pages: 2
Introduction Handwashing techniques are vital for enhancing physical hygiene among individuals. Mothers who deliver through the caesarian procedure constitute vulnerable populations threatened by the Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) (Galiczewski & Shurpin, 2017). In essence, this category of individuals requires objective handwashing practices to protect against avoidable post-caesarian diseases. This...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 837
Pages: 3
Introduction Patient safety is the priority of the healthcare system as a whole and any given medical facility in particular. Medicine reconciliation is a pivotal element of patient safety that ensures eliminating medication prescription errors and minimizes risks for harmful effects. The problem identified in the worksite is that the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1122
Pages: 4
Introduction Timely first aid can often be vital in saving a person’s life. Its provision through simple manipulations aims to prevent complications, human suffering, and, of course, death. First aid can be provided at the place of an incident while waiting for professional doctors. One type of emergency procedure is...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1202
Pages: 4
Although food allergies are most common in children, they may appear at any age. Allergies may even be developed into products a person has consumed for years without any issues. The foods most associated with food allergy in children are milk, eggs, and peanuts. Some products might be outgrown, such...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 318
Pages: 1
Healthcare has always been a critical area for humans, but its importance will only grow in the future. As a result of the development of this sphere, new professions appear on the labor market, which are becoming more popular and widespread every year. According to Healthcare careers in 2020: Medical...
Topic: Health
Words: 1175
Pages: 4
Introduction Research Background Several factors are known to contribute to low self-esteem among adolescents. According to Lowry, Sallinen, and Janicke (2007), body weight is directly related to low self-esteem among youngsters since they tend trying to fit the ideal image of physical perfection. Steiger et al. (2014) have established that...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1164
Pages: 5
The article by Watson (2010) is dedicated to never events, which are also called serious reportable events. These are the cases that should never occur during medical operations. The article also describes the actions of the National Quality Forum (NQF) aimed at preventing the never events. NQF has confirmed a...
Topic: Health
Words: 316
Pages: 1
Introduction Unfortunately, African Americans face health problems very often. From poverty to structural racism, many issues require government attention and immediate resolution as human life is at stake. This paper will focus on structural racism – its history, causes, consequences, and possible solutions to this problem. Finding structural racism and...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 2215
Pages: 8
People nowadays can enjoy numerous benefits that were not available to their ancestors. That includes living in warm houses, constant access to high-quality food and clean water, new technologies, and better healthcare service, to name a few. Additionally, with the continuously growing quality of life, its duration also increases. However,...
Topic: Health
Words: 394
Pages: 1
Physical, psychological, emotional, and mental suffering is ordinary for people living with a deadly disease; such patients often fear long-term incessant suffering. Chronic illness can bring many uncomfortable situations to patients, including pain, difficulty breathing, and depression. Nurses accompany the patient all the way from the initial discussion of the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 847
Pages: 3
Smoking and drinking alcohol is definitely a wrong decision for a pregnant woman who wants to heighten the chances of light delivery and good health for her child. Alcohol and cigarettes are substances that affect a child’s development in various ways. From the 3 to the 8 weeks of pregnancy...
Topic: Pregnancy
Words: 581
Pages: 2
The post discusses such metabolic bone disease as osteoporosis. Generally, older adults are at high risk of suffering from osteoporosis. Nonetheless, in rare cases, young people might also have this disease. The occurrence of osteoporosis at a young age is mainly associated with chronic diseases and the prescribed medications (Choong,...
Topic: Disease
Words: 252
Pages: 2
This essay reviews Claire Steve’s presentation on TED Talks which discusses healthy living. Claire is a Geriatrician consultant and senior lecturer at Kings College London. In this video, Claire talks about healthy aging and factors that determine an individual’s lifespan and rate of aging. According to Claire, the most significant...
Topic: Aging
Words: 317
Pages: 1
The research was conducted by 6 researchers from different medical specialties. The researchers were; Willmott, Nicholson, Busse, MacArthur, Brookes, and Campbell. All the researchers have a background in social and community medicine. Specifically, they are from the University of Bristol, School of Social and Community Medicine; thus indicating that they...
Topic: Hygiene
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Introduction Patients and residents in nursing homes and other long-term care (LTC) facilities may face challenges due to their deteriorating health conditions, mainly caused by old age. As a result, appropriate communication forms an essential part of their daily routines to ensure that they can have a better quality of...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1181
Pages: 4
Causative Agent – Ebola virus Fig.1 above is a microscopic representation of the Ebola virus belonging to the filioviridae family in the order of mononegaviruses (CDC,2021a). The virus is single-stranded and exhibits a distinct heterogenous threadlike structure (CDC,2021a). Upon entering the body, the virus causes cells’ death, which weakens the...
Topic: Disease
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Introduction Obesity is a global health challenge that contributes not only to the emergence of comorbidities in individuals but also creates a low quality of life among those affected by it. Lifestyle changes represent first-line therapy prescribed to overweight or obese patients. The most effective interventions resulting in weight loss...
Topic: Obesity
Words: 2474
Pages: 9
Introduction Apart from the native American young, Latino youth record the highest suicide cases among minority groupings with more significant percentages of depressive symptoms following the rapidly growing number of young Latinos aged younger than 18. The stressors among Latino teenagers might result from immigration, cultural heritage, poverty, and marginalization....
Topic: Health
Words: 1152
Pages: 4
Introduction The United States healthcare landscape has undergone various reforms ever since the nation’s adoption of federalism to advance the quality of care administered to its citizens. These reforms have, in turn, significantly impacted nursing practice and roles. This paper discusses the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a legislation that has...
Topic: Affordable Care Act
Words: 1113
Pages: 4
Introduction Medical coding is how services offered in healthcare are converted into billable revenue. Every service provided corresponds to its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System codes (Hunley et al., 2021). Claims for services offered are then submitted to Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance companies in possession...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1138
Pages: 4
The pandemic has revealed many weak points of the healthcare system. One of the pressing issues is the access to care resources the underserved communities. The three articles included in this paper analyze the effect of the hindered access on the health of the underserved populations. The authors offer policy...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 549
Pages: 2
The Population Health concern selected and the factors that contribute to it Foodborne illness affects at least one in every six Americans. Food safety issues claim over 3,000 deaths per year in the US (Doe, 2017). As per the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the approximate cost for foodborne diseases...
Topic: Health
Words: 759
Pages: 4
Introduction The authors of the article have focused on how healthcare providers have developed various approaches to provide excellent healthcare services. For instance, the use of BIS Monitor has been introduced to reduce postoperative recovery time and anesthetic drug consumption (Rüsch et al., 2018). In this case, the article’s authors...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 830
Pages: 3
Background Cancer is a menace that plagues our society, tragically leading to suffering. According to recent research published in the Cancer Journal for Clinicians, there were approximately 1,762,450 new cancer cases that resulted in 606,880 deaths in the United States in 2019 (American Cancer Society, 2019). When it comes to...
Topic: Cancer
Words: 364
Pages: 1
In order to most adequately prepare a child for school life in the era of raging strains of coronavirus, a parent needs to be aware of their position in current social processes. An understanding is required that the state, in turn, carries out the necessary procedures to minimize infection while...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The aim of the project is to answer the following question: “What is the effectiveness of increased patient education and participation with regular exercise-physical therapy versus current hospital fall prevention programs with limited exercise-physical therapy, in promoting balance and stability thus minimizing falls and fall-related injuries, in senior patients within...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 6247
Pages: 23
Thankfully, I have not faced serious bullying or incivility, such as physical abuse or verbal slurs within my clinical setting. The worst instances I can remember are several cases of unfunny jokes or seemingly unjustified negative comments on my or my peers’ performance. However, the fact that I have witnessed...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 383
Pages: 1
Introduction The U.S consists of the state boards and the national nursing board (NCSBN). The State Boards of Nursing (BON), develop and enforce nursing practice laws. Professional Nurse Associations (PNA) advocate for nurses during the development of these laws. The law development process allows nursing organizations to influence the outcome....
Topic: Nursing
Words: 539
Pages: 2
Are WMDs the Future? It is difficult to argue that the future of health care is still far away. On the contrary, humanity is already facing incredible scientific and technological advances every day that is significantly changing the agendas of medical science. Although by now these products of progress are...
Topic: Health
Words: 986
Pages: 5
Introduction Hypertension is a major health hazard that has been prioritized by the public health sector in many countries. All around the globe, hypertension has led to increased cardiovascular diseases and contributed to the death of many people across all races and ages. Although every race is affected by hypertension,...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1655
Pages: 6
Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on the American economy. The healthcare system of the country has not coped well with the crisis, which indicates that it is inherently inefficient. Some observers believe that countries with socialized care have coped better, with key examples including New Zealand and...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 1662
Pages: 6
Introduction Public health programs have to be adequately funded if they are to achieve their objectives and make a positive change to the targeted communities and populations (Rosenbaum, 2015). Based on this elucidation, it is important to look into the funding landscape to have a clear understanding of the funding...
Topic: Health
Words: 587
Pages: 2
TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) was developed in order to provide healthcare employees with the opportunities to advance patient safety, as well as to make work in teams smoother and more consistent. It should be emphasized that TeamSTEPPS is founded on the four core...
Topic: Patient Safety
Words: 327
Pages: 1
Diabetes mellitus is a rather severe group of diseases that may occur in both children and adults. This condition affects the way one’s body uses glucose and may lead to excess sugar in the blood, which typically results in serious health problems (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2020). Due to the fact...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction Good sleep is considered to be one of the keys to maintaining a healthy weight. Multiple studies prove that people who get too little sleep have a higher risk of weight gain and obesity. This is a particularly serious issue for children’s health because they are more vulnerable than...
Topic: Obesity
Words: 840
Pages: 3
Chronic pain can be potentially debilitating, reducing a patient’s functional status and quality of life. Available treatments for this condition include either multidisciplinary interventions or single-discipline approaches with varying levels of efficacy. Various studies have evaluated the effectiveness of opioid use, alternative medicine, cognitive-behavioral rehabilitation, and other therapies for pain...
Topic: Chronic Pain
Words: 1205
Pages: 4
Reimbursement and the Revenue Cycle What Reimbursement Means to a Healthcare Organization The U. S. healthcare system is rather complicated due to the existence of several approaches to paying for the provided care. Private payers (insurers and individuals) as well as the government (through Medicare or Medicaid) pay for the...
Topic: Health
Words: 1227
Pages: 4
Introduction Governments across the globe implement powerful measures and allocate adequate resources to support their respective healthcare systems. The involvement of different stakeholders, professionals, and partners remains critical to ensure that timely results are recorded. The Spanish healthcare model remains one of the best in Europe and across the globe....
Topic: Health
Words: 2859
Pages: 10
Introduction The importance of care coordination in achieving a high-quality, high-value, patient-centered health care system is generally acknowledged. Improving care coordination is vital to stakeholders at multiple levels within health care systems. For example, for policymakers who want to deliver high-quality, high-value care to individual patients; doctors who wish to...
Topic: Health
Words: 1191
Pages: 4
Introduction Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a prevalent illness affecting more than 16 million Americans. Its commonness among adults is on the rise, but more worrying is the recent recognition of this disease among children and adolescents. Researchers know little about the varying epidemiology, management and etiology of T2DM...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 1398
Pages: 5
Legal Standards According to the case, a Pacific Islander family received a letter in which the apartment management company claims that Anamalia should move house because some of her neighbors are scared of noise during family arguments. As a reply to this issue, intervention in the care plan suggests legal...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 906
Pages: 3
Executive Summary The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) is dynamically increasing in the healthcare industry. AI experts believe that it is a revolutionary technology, and its impact in the medical sector is “life-changing” (Mills, 2020, para. 4). Its great potential drives a transformative change in the modern-day and future medical...
Topic: Brand
Words: 1083
Pages: 5
Summary After a thorough examination of comments left by Jordan’s residents, it is possible to say that the main health care issues of this community are connected with health care education, preventative health care, and its accessibility. Preventative health care and education helps minimize disease burden and the risk of...
Topic: Health
Words: 749
Pages: 3
The selected measure of morbidity, mortality, or natality The Natality index, or as some scientists claim fertility rate, is the indicator showing the number of children is to be born theoretically by one woman until she reaches a specific age when she cannot give birth to any child (OECD Data,...
Topic: Population
Words: 703
Pages: 2
Deaf and hard of hearing people are a particular group of the population that requires a unique approach, in particular, in nursing practice. The leading channel of perception of these people is the visual analyzer. As a result, they cannot or find it difficult to perceive spoken language. When trying...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 409
Pages: 1
Abstract Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a gene mutation that aims to impact the digestive and respiratory systems. It is a multisystem syndrome that damages mainly the lungs, but other organs such as the intestine, pancreas, and liver can also impact. The disorder of the disorder can be passed from one...
Topic: Malnutrition
Words: 1479
Pages: 6
An Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a significant element of an organization’s response to potential hazards. Although they may remain the same for one area throughout the years, new tools for vulnerability assessment and population warnings appear, potentially improving the strategy. The EOP under consideration is outdated and requires a...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 856
Pages: 3
Since this paper involves a description of RX drug addiction, two approaches will be used to enable addicts change their ways. These approaches are transformational and situational leadership approaches. The transformational leadership approach perceives change on two fronts: personal and societal (Roesner, 1990). Ideally, the outcome of transformational leadership would...
Topic: Health
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Acids are substances that can give off hydrogen ions, and bases are substances that can accept these ions. The acid-base balance is an important parameter that is maintained in the human blood within certain limits. This is necessary for the normal functioning of various body systems, biochemical reactions, and the...
Topic: Respiratory Disorders
Words: 242
Pages: 1
Endometriosis is a severe condition that affects the reproductive system of a woman. It is a chronic inflammatory disease when the endometrium is located outside the uterus. The endometrium is a tissue that lines the inside of the womb (Symons et al., 2018). Parasar, Ozcan, and Terry (2017) explain the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 941
Pages: 3
The scientific article “A Brief History of Twin Studies” (2016) compiles the most interesting research on twins. First, the article describes how the phenomenon of eugenic studies occurred. Initially, eugenics is the science of improving the human race. The founder of eugenics is the English scientist Francis Galton who lived...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 550
Pages: 2
For this discussion, I chose to analyze the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the United States and India. Communities in both countries have been severely affected by it during the past few decades, and many interventions have been implemented in attempts to reduce its occurrence. As the...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 291
Pages: 1
Abstract Despite the success of both cognitive-behavioral and pharmacologic interventions for the therapy of anxiety illnesses, the combination of these modalities in adults has not reached significant improvements in results relative to either approach. Consequently, there have been questions about whether there are interfering impacts that attenuate the magnitude of...
Topic: Anxiety
Words: 2392
Pages: 9
Background Information Developed technological know-how directly relates to better-quality patient outcomes and safety. The use of upgraded technology in hospitals and healthcare facilities is growing significantly. Researchers predict an upsurge in global data to 44 zettabytes, with 80% being unstructured while 60% duplicating the original information (Mohamed, 2017, p. 4)....
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 2054
Pages: 6
Introduction Childhood disorders refer to the emotional and mental issues that are diagnosed and often happen to younger or school-going children. Some symptoms begin early in a child’s life, although some develop during the adolescent stage (Dias et al., 2018). Some illnesses might progress and become problematic, while others end...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 1129
Pages: 4
Nicolas, 27 years old, is a Hispanic male who reports three years of anxiety attacks. Thus, the complete diagnosis is F41.1 Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and this issue does not imply any specifiers or severity measures. However, it is possible to highlight additional conditions that can deserve clinical attention. It refers...
Topic: Anxiety
Words: 370
Pages: 1
Bibliographic Information of the Book Title: Medical apartheid: The dark history of medical experimentation on Black Americans from colonial times to the present. Author: Harriet A. Washington Publisher: Doubleday Books Date of publication: 2007 Edition: 1st edition Number of pages: 569 Summary of the Book The book Medical Apartheid is...
Topic: Apartheid
Words: 1164
Pages: 4
Introduction Ethical theories are visions of our ethical responsibilities and guidance to a person’s decision-making. Ethical theories set standard rules to make people behave reasonably and discreetly when trying to clarify what is right and what is wrong. There are many types of ethical theories that affect every person differently....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 571
Pages: 2
The number of nurses practicing in the United States has considerably declined over the years. It is estimated that in the next 20 years, there will be a shortage of 400000 practicing nurses in the United States due to the high nurse turnover (Halter et al., 2017). Hospital finds it...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1718
Pages: 6
In terms of healthcare issues, Jewish Americans are most concerned about genetic diseases. These include such conditions as Tay – Sachs disease and Familial dysautonomia (Sun Sentinel, 2010). It is also necessary to mention the most common one, which is Gaucher disease (NFG, n.d.). Experts note that “one out of...
Topic: Health
Words: 400
Pages: 1
The COVID-19 vaccine can protect people from getting infected by the virus. However, the scientific examinations of the vaccine side effects show that many dangerous conditions could cause severe illnesses among the vaccinated people (Kleine-Tebbe et al., 2021). The author of the practical research points out that the most significant...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 563
Pages: 2
The connection between the education of BSN-prepared nurses and improved patient outcomes can be explained not only by the advanced writing skills and critical thinking of professionals but also by the long-term effects of their activity. In the first place, they are related to lower readmission rates in the facilities...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 281
Pages: 2
Review Process The village of Gold is a case study experiencing a life-threatening condition to its population after numerous deaths are reported amongst children in three villages of Zamfara Province, Nigeria. The case involves a Disease Detective who has a role in identifying the cause of deaths after getting the...
Topic: Death
Words: 1159
Pages: 4
Name, Sponsor, Link to the Event Name: U.S. drug prices: Why are they so high? Sponsor: Reuters. Place, Date, Length of the Event Place: The Forum, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Date: September 26, 2018. Length of the event: 1 hour (Noon-1pm ET). Names of Participants and Their...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 775
Pages: 2
Introduction In the 20th century, nutrition research was mainly concentrating on devising ways and means of curbing health problems related to deficiency of food components as well as the necessary food elements vital in solving health complications. These were the commonly found nutrition-related problems. However, the situation in this field...
Topic: Health
Words: 3014
Pages: 11
The Principles of Finance First of all, it is necessary to mention that the financial statement of Omega Health Foundation, as well as the financial principles, are based on the rules of successful financial management. Consequently, the combined financial statement is controlled by the entity of the financial management team,...
Topic: Health
Words: 539
Pages: 2
Mentors have arguably the most significant role in the professional development of novice educators. They need to ensure that their mentees stay the course of their career growth through a holistic approach. In this scenario, even though all students can pass with perfect scores, it is improbable. Furthermore, there is...
Topic: Health
Words: 373
Pages: 1
With the recently discovered coronavirus and a pandemic caused by it, many people found themselves dependent on public health services. The main strategies generally used in public health to control the incidence of disease include medical countermeasures and public health interventions (Institute of Medicine et al., 2007). Vaccination is one...
Topic: Disease
Words: 300
Pages: 1
Introduction Traumatic experiences that military personnel encounter during their profession predispose them to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research has shown that PTSD that military personnel experience in their lives emanates from cumulative stressors of pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment experiences (Fisher, 2008, p. 50; Fullerton, & Ursano, 2004, p. 1374). The...
Topic: Military
Words: 4131
Pages: 15
Dementia is considered a general term for impairments in mostly remembering, moving, and thinking that serve as obstacles in a person’s everyday activity. However, the term is also strongly associated with the following problems: reasoning, problem-solving, attention, and communication. Furthermore, dementia is extended to numerous diseases with the most accurately...
Topic: Alzheimer’s Disease
Words: 831
Pages: 3
Introduction Lung cancer is a disease manifested in malignant tumor located in lungs. Like any other type of cancer, tumors in lungs have a characteristic of an uncontrolled cell growth that takes places in lung tissues. Because of the effects of metastasis, lung tumors may spread far beyond tissues of...
Topic: Cancer
Words: 1879
Pages: 7
Those nurses who work with chronically ill patients need to pay much attention to these patients’ autonomy, desire, and will. Therefore, the most effective organizational environment should include many opportunities for respecting patients’ interests, views regarding their disease, and independence. In spite of the fact that all patients’ rights should...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 279
Pages: 1
Aristotle’s modes for influence, also called expository offers, are known by the names of ethos, poignancy, and logos. They are methods for convincing others to accept a specific perspective. Through strategies like substance examination, overview philosophy, and ease of use testing, specialists in the circle medication perceive the significance of...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 856
Pages: 3
Introduction The effectiveness and efficiency of reimbursements in healthcare organizations are of extreme importance for all stakeholders. A model revenue cycle helps care providers offer services of the best quality, which positively affects patient outcomes and satisfaction. Timely reimbursements also help hospitals to create additional incentives for employees. In other...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 2598
Pages: 13
Introduction As the leading cause of disability and death in the U.S. and the entire world, chronic conditions can be considered a significant public health problem in modern society. In fact, they are usually associated with constant pain, fatigue, and mood disorders, which worsen the overall quality of life. At...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 4189
Pages: 15
Chase, the schizophrenic patient, exhibits both positive and negative symptoms during the interview. Regarding positive signs, he reveals auditory hallucinations, which are evident when he says that there are people he talks to, but they are now asleep. The scenario means that Chase hears them talk and makes comments in...
Topic: Schizophrenia
Words: 304
Pages: 1
Introduction Understanding the models and trends in the burden of diseases is crucial to solving the problems in global health. Speaking about the burden of diseases, it is needed to define its fundamental factors within different regions. To see the reasons of the most important changes in health caused by...
Topic: Goals
Words: 526
Pages: 2
Introduction The Corona Regional Medical Center (CRMC) is a for-profit large medical hospital in Corona, California. Corona Regional Medical Center is an accredited organization offering medical emergency services. The interview was conducted with Barbara Lane, Manager of the HIM (Health Information Management) Department for Corona Regional Medical Center (Corona Regional...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1172
Pages: 4
Overview A stroke usually occurs due to decreased or interrupted blood supply to the whole or part of the brain, which prevents the brain from getting enough nutrients and oxygen. When this is not corrected immediately, brain cells begin to die within few minutes. A stroke is considered a medical...
Topic: Stroke
Words: 1439
Pages: 5
Introduction Electronic health records (EHR) are a widespread and practical application of information technology in healthcare. They contain data about the patient in digital format while protecting the privacy of the person. Information in this form can be effectively used by providers to treat one patient and be transmitted between...
Topic: Health
Words: 2670
Pages: 10
Potassium, as a chemical, obeys the principle of “the dose makes the poison”. This hypothesis implies that a chemical may be useful in one type of exposure but toxic in another. Several chemicals comply with the logic. The beneficial and toxic effects of such chemicals are directly proportional to the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 565
Pages: 2
Nurses function as both leaders and managers in their organizations. Nurse leaders’ role is to improve healthcare quality and to increase patient satisfaction. These can be achieved through transactional and transformational leadership methods. Nursing leadership is associated with better-quality patient outcomes, enhanced staff retention, promotion of a better workplace, and...
Topic: Health
Words: 317
Pages: 1
Introduction Healthcare management is one of the most essential facets that society strives to deal with in the best way possible. New technology and ideas continue to drive health care to high levels, thus making it a very dynamic field. Health care management has become competitive. The changes are attributable...
Topic: Health
Words: 1434
Pages: 5
Introduction Fetal alcohol syndrome is a disorder in an infant that develops during the pregnancy period of the mother due to exposure to alcohol. Fetal growth complications and brain impairment are some of the eminent effects linked to the condition. Though the difficulties triggered by the syndrome differ from one...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 3394
Pages: 12
Introduction The various technological innovations have entirely changed the world. Moreover, these advancements have lead to rise in medical conditions. However, appropriate handling of these medical conditions; it is mandatory that the medical practitioners have appropriate information, and expertise to ease the amount of energy that they require in handling...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 3244
Pages: 12
Positive changes in the demographic situation, as well as the multinational composition of the population give rise to particular concerns about cultural issues in medicine. Effective doctor-patient interaction is associated with increased patient satisfaction, adherence to recommendations, and a subsequent health improvement. Many people think of cultural competence only as...
Topic: Culture
Words: 888
Pages: 3
Introduction Narcolepsy is a rare and unique condition that affects the sleep patterns of a person suffering from it, which disrupts their sleep-wake pattern. The prevalence of this condition in the western states is approximately 200-500 cases per million inhabitants. However, the highest prevalence is in Japan, where 1,600 individuals...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1392
Pages: 5
The pandemic of COVID-19 emerging globally showed weaknesses of the healthcare systems worldwide. The rapid spread of the unknown virus, lack of medical equipment, and protection tools put constant stress on medical workers. During the time of the global pandemic, the priorities of healthcare workers changed from providing the needs...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 925
Pages: 3
The direct practice improvement (DPI) project is dedicated to fall prevention in hospitals among patients older than 65. In some cases, falls have serious consequences, such as a broken bone or brain concussion. Older people are especially prone to falls due to their fragility, illnesses, and side effects of prescribed...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 285
Pages: 1
Introduction Boards of Nursing (BON) are the institutions responsible for protecting the patient’s well-being by ensuring high-quality nursing services. These professional bodies regulate the scope of practice of nurses within their jurisdiction. They offer licensure examinations for the preparation of nursing in each state. This organization comprises nurses, physicians, attorneys,...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 615
Pages: 2
PICOT Problem Description PICOT Question: In patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) who travel frequently (P), does education about the management of their condition (I) compared to the absence of such education (C) reduce the incidence rate of exacerbations (O) within a year of having undergone the intervention (T)? Evidence-Based...
Topic: Heart Disease
Words: 583
Pages: 2
The central objective of healthcare is to maintain and improve the health and well-being of the population by treating, diagnosing, and preventing numerous diseases, injuries, and physical or psychological impairments. To address its issues and tasks, the sector comprises well-maintained facilities and an appropriately-trained workforce involved in various specialized departments,...
Topic: Health
Words: 348
Pages: 1
Anatomical Structure and Functions Having a rather complicated structure, the human digestive system consists of eight distinctive parts, namely, “the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, and the large intestine” (Kibble & Halsey, 2020, p. 321). The nature of the anatomical structure of the digestive system allows obtaining...
Topic: Anatomy
Words: 569
Pages: 2
The details of the pregnancy and birth history are instrumental in defining the possible health risks of the child. For instance, the pediatrician or the preschool healthcare professional may understand whether the child is at risk of developing vascular disorders based on the child’s birth weight or previous congenital malformations....
Topic: Pregnancy
Words: 377
Pages: 1
When training health practitioners for autonomous practice, experienced professionals in healthcare play a crucial step in stimulating their interpersonal skills. This implies that education programs incorporate units of means of improving relationships with other people. Through clinical supervision, a health organization can improve on its professional support by encouraging self-assessment,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 550
Pages: 2
The role of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) is of particular importance in primary health care. According to Nurse Journal Staff (2021), a significant rise in nurse practitioner jobs can be observed over the recent years. This trend means that FNPs are becoming an increasingly essential part of the health...
Topic: Family
Words: 560
Pages: 2
Monitor on Psychology Article on Research Topic In my paper, I address a global topic in nature: binge drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic. Self-isolation can lead to increased consumption of alcoholic beverages. Humans are now surrounded by “potential stressors that can foster more reliance on alcohol” (Huff, 2021, para. 2)....
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 739
Pages: 2
It is important to note that chronic pain is a major issue, which affects the general population in several layers. The implications can range from mild discomfort to a severe decrease in quality of life as well as impairment. Although the current measures rely on the use of pain killers,...
Topic: Chronic Pain
Words: 1392
Pages: 5
Dąbrowska, J., Wójcik, M., Samek, I., Jańczyk, M., Bator, D., & Milanowska, J. (2020). Obesity and mental health. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 10(6), 199. Web. This review aims to accumulate and analyze existing and new data on obesity and its impact on mental health. To review the literature...
Topic: Obesity
Words: 631
Pages: 2
A nurse is a specialist with a medical education in the field of nursing, who is a specialist and a member of the medical staff. A nurse plays an essential role in every medical institution, which performs a large number of functions. These functions include the implementation of therapeutic and...
Topic: Culture
Words: 395
Pages: 1
Introduction A medical failure is the improper activity or omission of a doctor. The reason for performing mistakes is the imperfection of modern medical science, ignorance, or inability to apply existing knowledge in practice. A medical mistake is considered to be the most contradictory phenomenon of legal understanding of the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1142
Pages: 4
Introduction Poor quality of healthcare delivery and incompetence due to lack of innovativeness and inconsistent processes put the healthcare system at risk and endanger the patient. Investing in information technology has the potential to enhance the quality of healthcare delivery (Joseph et al., 2018). However, failure may arise even after...
Topic: Health
Words: 884
Pages: 3
Introduction The problem chosen for this assignment is the issue of teamwork in healthcare organizations. The effectiveness of the provision of medical services is influenced by factors such as the composition of the team of medical specialists and the relationship between them. Such a complex activity cannot be achieved solely...
Topic: Health
Words: 1145
Pages: 4
Trust is one of the vital elements in the building of relationships between the doctor and the patient. If trust is absent, the whole treatment can lead to worse than desired outcomes. It is safe to assume that the creation of trust requires honesty from both sides, so the doctor...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 319
Pages: 1
Ethics has a fundamental value to nurses in their professional lives. The ANA Code of Ethics can be used by them through applying the essential values, realizing the boundaries of loyalty and obligations, and responsibilities beyond individual patient contact. ANA can help nurses through ethical education, allowing to make informed,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 276
Pages: 1
Introduction We are living in a world whereby every person requires the best healthcare services and support. Many people are facing different healthcare needs and challenges. This situation explains why we should come up with the best programs and promote the quality of care delivered to different patients. This paper...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 868
Pages: 3
Introduction In modern society, where certain groups are institutionally provided with privileged treatment, power dynamics are most often unjust. Uneven distribution of resources and social capital leaves the minority groups vulnerable against the power violations and discrimination within educational, political, and, most relevantly for this paper, medical institutions. Reported levels...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 601
Pages: 2
Introduction Background of the Study The term bacterial translocation (BT) first referred to a transmission of viable bacteria from gastrointestinal tract to the mesenteric lymph nodes. However, this notion was later widened and included the passage of non-viable bacteria or other products with the intestinal endotoxin. The intestine serves two...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1755
Pages: 6
Health is one of the most valuable attributes for humans, and they tend to be curious about it. Nowadays, using the Internet seems easier than consulting a specialist, so many people are exposed to unfiltered information. Some of it might include false claims, which are further perpetuated by conspiracies. A...
Topic: Autism
Words: 839
Pages: 3
This site is called “FamilyDoctor”, and it is dedicated to various family tips. This site contains materials with various tips and recommendations for pregnancy. The articles are also related to the topics of the course. Thus, some topics reveal the essence and meaning of pregnancy for novice parents on this...
Topic: Childbirth
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The six payment modes related to healthcare, namely: Fee-for-Service, Pay-for-Performance, Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Accountable Care Organizations, Bundled Payments, and Global Budgets, have their advantages and disadvantages (Table 1). Each of the models can perfectly suit a particular situation, which this essay aims to demonstrate. Payment Mode Name Summary Strengths Weaknesses...
Topic: Health
Words: 924
Pages: 4
Health is the most valuable asset that one can have and, therefore, understanding health and associated problems is crucial for acknowledging the critical concepts of health. When the individual is informed about underlying health concepts, he or she demonstrates the capacity to engage in self-care and better manage the potential...
Topic: Health
Words: 404
Pages: 1
The Woman’s Hospital of Texas needs change through strategic plan implementation in ensuring that the quality of care provided to patients improves with time. Strategic planning provides a glimpse of the path to achieving the set standards that have been approved by the Woman’s Hospital of Texas (Kozleski, 2017). The...
Topic: Strategic Planning
Words: 315
Pages: 1
In most cases, aging is an inevitable stage of people’s life span, which is accompanied by various noticeable changes in the body, psyche, and the perception of themselves and the surrounding world. In this regard, the primary role of registered nurses (RN) is to determine patients’ conditions and help them...
Topic: Communication
Words: 332
Pages: 1
Research Process The investigators created an exhaustive search methodology that was useful in the identification of articles from specific databases. They collected data on a variety of qualitative and quantitative studies published from 2005 to 2015 (Tölli et al., 2017). The sources of information included PubMed, PsycInfo, Scopus, Cochrane, and...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 246
Pages: 1
Diagnosis K. W. is a 26-year-old female who complains of vaginal discharge, painful intercourse, and irregular bleeding between menstrual periods during the last month. The young woman is single, no children, and she takes tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia annually. She was diagnosed with chlamydia (positive urethral swab) two years...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The current situation of air pollution and climate change results in almost 7 million premature deaths yearly, making it a significant priority issue for several global health organizations. The state of the air pollution issue is worsened by the possibility of future change in climate that would end in...
Topic: Climate
Words: 909
Pages: 3
Introduction Asthma is a highly prevalent disease among the U.S. population, especially in the case of school-age children. According to Magzamen and Tager, it is the main reason for non-injury hospitalization and missing school (583). Asthma is considered to be a spectrum disease due to the multiplicity of its manifestations....
Topic: Asthma
Words: 1184
Pages: 4
Accreditation in healthcare is an evaluating process of healthcare organizations that encourages them to stay at the specific level of standards and maintain progress. According to the research by Carrasco-Peralta, Herrera-Usagre, Reyes-Alcazar, and Torres-Olivera (2019), health professionals perceive the accreditation process positively as it furthers the organizational change, improves patient-centered...
Topic: Healthcare
Words: 362
Pages: 1
Introduction In the United States, approximately 28 million people, or about 8.5% of the national population lacks health insurance. The health care system is one component of the federal government that exposes the inequalities that abound in the nation, originating from the effects of private insurance, politics, and public initiatives...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1740
Pages: 6
Patient safety and healthcare quality are deeply linked and central in improving the well-being of patients. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) (2020), healthcare quality encompasses effective, timely, safe, patient-centered, efficient, and equitable care. Patient safety is considered a priority and an essential aspect of...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Introduction Background of the Problem The novel coronavirus pandemic has put the world to an ultimate test. These challenges encompassed an array of spheres, as no corner of the planet remained unaffected by the outbreak. In addition, the pandemic had a strong impact on most spheres of human activity. Entertainment...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 4681
Pages: 17
Case Overview Health promotion is a practice of encouraging particular types of lifestyle choices and habits in people as a way to improve their general wellbeing and lifespan. The action allows knowledgeable individuals to better enable and support the public, increasing their control over their health and living. In general,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1027
Pages: 3
Abstract Reliability and validity are important constructs in quantitative research. Researchers must enhance the validity and reliability of the study test, scale, and measurements to generate significant findings. This paper examines the approaches the researcher will use to boost the validity and reliability of research examining the effect of social/medical...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2038
Pages: 7
Bloodstream infections take a tremendous toll on patients’ health and reduce their chances for recovery by a large margin, which is why the problem of CLABSI needs to be addressed in the clinical setting. Typically caused by intravascular devices, CLABSI represents a significant health concern, which is why the proposed...
Topic: Infection
Words: 293
Pages: 1
Changes since the 1970s in healthcare marketing During the last several decades, much attention has been paid to the development of healthcare advertising. This process undergoes multiple changes because people find it effective to replace traditional principles of marketing with innovative ideas. American organizations are ready to spend billions of...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 371
Pages: 2
Caldwell, E.S., Lu, H., & Harding, T. (2010). Encompassing multiple moral paradigms: a challenge for nursing educators. Nursing Ethics 17 (2), 189-199. Aim This is a case study conducted on a Chinese student studying in a European nursing school to explore the challenges that this student and his instructors face...
Topic: Legal Issues
Words: 1234
Pages: 4
The selected social media application for this task is Facebook since it is one of the most common social media platforms. Moreover, Facebook can be used to spread information across different people in various regions within a short period. Diabetes has become a significant threat to modern society. Consequently, the...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 775
Pages: 2
Introduction Nursing can be considered as one of the most important parts of medicine since the representatives of this profession are closely connected with both patients and doctors. The lack of nurses is now a vast problem globally, and enough knowledge to teach others is one of the key strengths....
Topic: Nursing
Words: 369
Pages: 1
Introduction Diverse populations within the United States face dilemmas regarding accessing health insurance. Such an issue is bound to have drastic ramifications that cause adverse health outcomes for individuals and financial burdens for patients and health care institutions. The rise in numbers of uninsured American citizens translates to consequences, such...
Topic: Health
Words: 1923
Pages: 7
Introduction The aim of this study is to analyze the site of a cleaning company in terms of the risks the environment presents to it. Over the course of studying risks and control measures, three objectives will be covered: understanding the general risks cleaning workers experience, understanding occupation-specific hazards, studying...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1749
Pages: 6
Introduction Congestive heart failure, which is often abbreviated as CHF, is a condition that one’s heart is not able to pump sufficient blood to the other parts of the body (Kinchin 204). The condition can happen in a gradual process or a in a rapid process. The CHF conditions can...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 6030
Pages: 24
Health care facilities manage patients’ life and health daily; quality medical care relies on ably trained nurses and doctors, high facility equipment, and good record keeping. Health care documentation records the facts about a patient’s health involving both past and most recent examinations, tests, illnesses, treatments, medical records. Medical patient...
Topic: Healthcare
Words: 583
Pages: 2
The use of gene therapy is expected to replace or fix mutated genes to cure diseases. The key advantage of this therapy is that it provides the possibility of treating diseases that cannot be cured by traditional approaches. For example, leukemia, hemophilia, or severe immune deficiencies can be potentially treated...
Topic: Gene
Words: 278
Pages: 1
In this case scenario, Mr. P.K is a 50 years old man, known as a diabetic patient for ten years. He is currently on insulin of 12 IU units in the morning and 6IU in the evening, and the abdomen is his preferred injection site. Mr. P.K reports that he...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Fraud and abuse schemes in medicare have been a serious issue for many years. These are especially dangerous since the victims risk not only their money but their health and, sometimes, lives. The most common methods of deceit are billing for appointments that did not take place, procedures that were...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 280
Pages: 1
Global Health Issue Despite seemingly overwhelming amounts of food and consumable products, one of the major global health issues remains food insecurity and malnutrition, with the number of people affected by famine rising since 2014. It is just as much a social issue as it is a health problem. Causal...
Topic: Food
Words: 1524
Pages: 5
The current COVID-19 pandemic caused significant distress on healthcare organizations and clinicians. The daily increase in hospitalizations and death resulted in more duties and longer working hours, causing physical and emotional exhaustion among medical personnel. Moreover, inadequate management led to breaching ethical norms in some hospitals. Therefore, this research paper...
Topic: Management
Words: 552
Pages: 2
The coronavirus pandemic has had not only devastating physiological but also undesirable social consequences. In particular, many doctors and representatives of other professions among Asian Americans face stigma and racial prejudices expressed by pandemic-anxious people. Sometimes, the patients refuse to receive care from Asian American doctors or do not adhere...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 398
Pages: 1
There are different kinds of qualitative research methods. Soriano (2013) says the most common methods involve collecting research information using key informants, focus groups, interviews and secondary data. For purposes of addressing the questions raised in the vignette, focus groups emerge as the best qualitative research method. According to Stacciarini...
Topic: Health
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Policy Issues of Public Healthcare The state health policy is aimed at creating conditions for the health system that allows for health education of the population, prevention of diseases, provision of medical care to citizens, the conduct of scientific research in the field of health, and training of medical and...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 590
Pages: 2
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic and potentially disabling disease with significant negative social and economic consequences. According to modern classifications of diseases (ICD-10, DSM-IV), OCD is an independent category that combines psychopathological formations of the circle of obsessions (Taylor & Jang, 2011). Its main clinical manifestations are obsessions (repetitive,...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 1681
Pages: 6
Mrs. Wheeler is a 54-year-old woman suffering from colon cancer. She has undergone a surgery known as colostomy which involves opening the abdominal wall to get access to the colon. The patient requires particular care because the colostomy involves the removal of the colon from the human body to prevent...
Topic: Cancer
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Introduction Several players with different duties and responsibilities constitute successful institutions. Organizations function as institutions with the integral responsibility of executing tasks to accomplish established goals and objectives. However, the success of meeting the goals and objectives is dependent on some factors. Therefore, sustained organizational behaviour for the success of...
Topic: Organizational Structure
Words: 902
Pages: 3
Article #1 Kim, M.S., Kim, S.Y., Kim, J.H., Park, B., & Choi, H.G. (2017). Depression in breast cancer patients who have undergone mastectomy: A national cohort study. PLoS One, 12(4). Author’s Credentials Min -Su Kim: Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University, Seongnam, Korea, So...
Topic: Breast Cancer
Words: 4585
Pages: 17
The mandate of the Joint Commission enhances the level of the healthcare services provided for the public. In particular, the entity ensures that hospitals have a good performance management system. This program assists in improving staff productivity, eliminating workplace challenges and promoting quality service delivery. It also provides an opportunity...
Topic: Healthcare
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Besides advocating for their followers, nurse leaders are also responsible for promoting their workplace vision and being available to their employees. A substantial amount of nurse leadership strives for the integration and development of patient care, formulation and assessment of treatment plans, and leading by example for the newer nursing...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 297
Pages: 1
This academic work is a laboratory report summarizing the results of a practical simulation of the epidemiological dynamics of a simulated population. Thus, the report’s central tasks are to summarize the data obtained, answer the questions posed, and analyze the results critically. Results This lab report’s main results were obtained...
Topic: Disease
Words: 797
Pages: 2
Significance to Nursing Practice and Nursing Research Considering the necessity of helping people addicted to drugs to either fight this addiction or live with it healthier, it is likely to suggest that the qualitative proposed research findings on the phenomenon under study will contribute meaningful evidence in clinical settings and...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 605
Pages: 2