Advanced Nursing Technology

Differences between CPAP and BiPAP CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) is a form of treatment used to deal with patients suffering from breathing problems when they are asleep (sleep apnea). CPAP machines take positive pressure and then apply it inside the patient’s throat so as to prevent them from developing...

Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Health

Introduction The general agreement is that wellness programs have profound positive benefits to an individual. Through wellness initiatives, an individual has the opportunity to live happier, healthier, longer and more productive life. Being the most important assets to psychological health, emotional intelligence offers a dramatic shift from culture of treatment...

Nicaragua, a Country with High Mortality Rate

Introduction As countries continue improving on the quality of health services, the mortality rate is drastically decreasing. Lack of access and/or poor health services are some of the factors that contribute to high mortality rates across the globe. Despite the improvement in healthcare services, the majority of the developing countries...

HIV: Populations and Factors that Affect Its Control, Prevention, and Treatment

Introduction In the present day, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may be regarded as one of the most serious health issues all over the world. This infection attacks the person’s immune system and weakens it against severe chronic and even terminal diseases. The appropriate and time0sensitive treatment of HIV prevents its...

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Seasonal Influenza Program

Introduction Influenza has been cited to cause considerable morbidity and mortality in the United States. The Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) launched a program intended to create awareness about the Flu and thus reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with it. Seasonal influenza is a program run by...

Nursing Quality Indicators and Their Application

The efforts to advance the quality of modern healthcare have led to the development of relevant tools that are being continually improved (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2014; Stukenborg, 2011). For example, the Quality Indicators (QI) proposed by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (n.d.) include four groups of...

Sexuality Reflection Forum

Personal Growth Reflection Reflecting upon sexual activity among adults, one has to understand what sexuality means. The author of the article about sexy seniors, Vicki Mabrey (2006) defined it as a long-life activity. The author underlined that having sex in any age is equal in significance to taking food. Besides,...

“Impact of Racial/Ethnic Differences on Child Mental Health Care”: Critique

This article attempts to shed light on whether racial or ethnic groups receive differential mental health and treatment in the United States. It refers to various research findings of the existence of disparities in mental health and treatment. The author argues that in the United States, racial or ethnic differences...

Myths Pertaining to Clinical Care

Myths can be defined as false beliefs or misconceptions that stem from personal experience or misinformation and diverge from the established evidence base. There are several myths pertaining to clinical care, part of which are associated with misconceptions about cultural diversity and cultural competence in health care. One such myth...

Leader-Exchange and Social Network Theory in the Healthcare Setting

Introduction Leadership in the healthcare setting is vital as it contributes to the development of efficient strategies and methods to provide high-quality services. It has been acknowledged that the development of the relationship between the leader and the group members affects the overall efficiency of the organization (Blake, Mouton, Barnes...

Patient Generated Health Data Use in Clinical Practice

Different types of data can be used in order to evaluate patients’ health outcomes locally in clinical settings, as well as at the national level. In a nurse’s working environment, data on patients’ health status, the best practices, medication prescription, medication adherence, health effects, and follow-up visits are regularly collected...

Nursing Expertise and Workplace Environment

Abstract The following paper analyzes a scientific article devoted to the problem of nursing education and expertise in which the authors hypothesize on the dependence of the latter on the workplace environment. The authors use a secondary dataset analysis to determine whether there is a positive association between the workplace...

Healthcare Institutions Overview

Compliance with the standards of the industry refers to the situation where the standards have been met by an organization. However, for an organization to be said to have shown exceeding standard expectations, there is much more that it must do. Standards are made to reflect or show the behavior...

Research Design: Quasi-Experimental Design

Abstract The paper evaluates how a pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design was used to undertake a quantitative study and the various types of validity that are important in this design. From the evaluation and discussion, it is evident that quasi-experimental designs can be effectively used in situations where it is neither...

Codes of Ethics, Nursing, and Professional Skills Development

Introduction The Code of Ethics is one of the essential elements of the profession for any specialist in any field. This statement is especially relevant for nurses since the lives of many people depend on them. That is why understanding and following the Code of Ethics provisions are student nurses’...

Managed Care in Behavioral Health

Introduction Managed care is a health insurance system dominating in the United States in all the spheres of medical services, including psychological therapy. Managed care has both its opponents and proponents, particularly when issues related to behavioral health are discussed. It might be, therefore, useful to consider managed care in...

Assisted Reproduction: Description

Introduction The rate of infertility among modern couples has increased significantly. This has caused most young families to turn to fertility–induced reproduction. Infertility refers to the inability to conceive for more than a year of unprotected intercourse. Induced or assisted reproduction refers to a treatment against infertility that involves clinical...

Health Systems and Working Together for Global Health

Introduction A health care system is an arrangement in which stakeholders come together to mobilize resources to improve health. It involves quality service delivery by an effective and sufficient workforce. This can only be realized through effective funding, planning, and fair distribution of health care resources (Basu, et al., 2012)....

The Thrombosis Process Research

Introduction The article ‘mechanisms of thrombus formation are authored by Bruce Furie and Barbara C. Furie is a 2008 publication in the New England Journal of Medicine, volume 359 from page 938 to 949. In this article, Furie and Furie (p. 938) attempt to describe the various ways in which...

Fast Food and Health Relations

Too much fat stored in the body leads to obesity and fast food, which is high in calories and sugar and contributes to weight gain. Those who like such food do not consume enough milk, fruits, vegetables, porridge, etc. Unhealthy edibles seem tasty and they can easily change eating habits...

A Treatment for Coronavirus Patients: The Article’s Review

The current effects of global pandemic are disturbing since the number of people affected by the virus keeps increasing. However, after months of quarantine and social isolation, there is still no viable antiviral drug to treat Coronavirus. Apart from the dexamethasone trial conducted in Britain, the media’s attention has been...

Advocacy Campaign for Hypertension in African American Population

Abstract Nowadays, people are affected by many health risks which deprive them of the possibility to lead a lifestyle free from apprehension and complications from the diseases. However, such risks can be eliminated with the help of thoroughly designed and successfully implemented health advocacy campaigns. There are various types of...

Medical Misdiagnosis: Causes and Preventive Measures

Introduction Medical misdiagnosis is a serious diagnostic error that healthcare practitioners encounter. It is one of the biggest patient safety challenges that the US health care system faces. Each year, approximately 12 million people suffer as a result of misdiagnosis conducted by healthcare practitioners in emergency rooms and outpatient clinics...

Routine CT Scanning Protocols of Head, Chest and Abdomen

Introduction Better Health Channel defines a CT scan as A computed tomography (CT) scan is a medical imaging procedure that uses x-rays and digital computer technology to create detailed two or three-dimensional images. Unlike other forms of medical imaging, the CT scan can image every type of body structure at...

Medical Care and Public Health in the USA

The United States is the richest and the most powerful nation, with the standard of living being the maximum. Medical and healthcare supplies to the citizens being the responsibility of the state should come from the budgetary allocations to meet the required needs. The public health system functions in a...

The Modern Age and Health of the Nation

The modern age could be characterized by the growth of the level of attention given to tolerance and humanism. That is why, it is obvious that in terms of this process, the issue of the health of the nation and its main aspects are considered to be of great importance....

Peritonitis: Description of the Disease and Treatment

Peritonitis is an acute peritoneum inflammation, which is a thin membrane covering the surface of the abdominal wall and the organs located in the abdominal cavity. A slit-like hole is formed between the peritoneum sheets, containing a small amount of fluid, which facilitates the sliding movements of the abdomen’s internal...

The Compliance of Nursing Theories for a Healthy Environment

Introduction A theory refers to a provisional statement that addresses key issues in human life and plays a vital role in shaping their behaviour. Nursing theories are claims that explain the principles of this practice and originate from deductive or inductive interpretations. They enable nurses to predict and describe facts...

Integration and Synthesis of Relevant Ethical Theory and Conceptual Principles in Health Care

Introduction Throughout history, people have been using their reasoning to determine what is right or wrong in different circumstances and in justifying why it is so. This criterion is the basic foundation of normative ethics. In most cases, health care professionals encounter highly complex issues while dealing with their patients...

Continuous Professional Development in Contemporary Nursing Practice

Introduction This essay focuses on such a concept as Continuous Professional Development and its importance for contemporary nursing practice. It should be noted that the modern world is marked by technological innovations, which have served to improve the form of care provided. In addition, treatment procedures are constantly being improved...

Scientific Principles Underlying Decontamination

Introduction Water is an important and remarkable substance that makes all forms of life possible. Speculation about possible past or present life on other planets within our solar system, or any other extraterrestrial body somewhere within the universe, is conditioned on the evidence for or against the existence of past...

Analysis of a Preventing Chronic Disease

A chronic disease may be defined as a sickness that is continual in nature and the path of the disease runs into a few months. The chronic diseases include diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, asthma, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, etc. These diseases are distinctive of very slow development and patient suffering...

Pathophysiology of Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Introduction Diabetes insipidus is a type of diabetes that is characterized by a reduced production of the ADH (antidiuretic hormone) also known as vasopressin in the body. This type of diabetes is manifested in the form of water metabolism disorders. This means that a patient experiences excessive thirst and excretes...

Hospital Surface, Environment and Hospital-Associated Infection

Research statement A healthy and safe working environment is very essential in successful running of a hospital and minimization of poor environment associated with infections (1, 2, 4, 7). Ensuring that health workers have proper and clean working environment forms the main recipe for their effectiveness in production and the...

Effective Leadership Skills to Motivate and Empower Nursing Faculty

Introduction As Tate points out, “senior nurses are likely to engage in a range of leadership activities in their daily routine and some may find the concept hard to understand” (34). Leadership in nursing is an art that involves quality delivery of care and facilitating positive nursing growth among other...

Social Factors and Mental Recovery

Introduction The article is a review of various literature presentations that explain different issues about the effects of social factors and how they affect the recovery from mental health difficulties in patients. This article has identified a gap in this field and explains why most physicians ignore social factors and...

Emergency Department Staff Hourly Rounding Effects on Clients’ Satisfaction in a Pediatric Facility

The Purpose Statement A number of studies have noted that emergency departments of most hospitals around the world have poor patient satisfaction scores. According to Soremekun, Takayesu and Bohan, (2011, p. 668), satisfaction can be viewed as the difference between patients’ perceptions and their expectations”. Olrich, Kalman and Nigolian (2012)...

Provisional Diagnosis and Intervention Plan

Introduction Post-divorce loneliness and depression are common among people of different ages and both genders. According to Kendler et al. (2017), spousal loss either through a divorce or due to physiological causes is frequently associated with the consumption of alcohol or other substances like cannabis or sedatives. In this paper,...

Health Outcomes of African Americans With Hypertension

Introduction Hypertension or arterial hypertension is a health condition characterized by high blood pressure in the arteries. According to Hekler et al (2008), hypertension is a major health concern in the United States, and despite numerous efforts being made to deal with the problem, cases of people with controlled hypertension...

Implications of Faith and Leadership in a Real-Life Experience

The real-life situation relating to faith and leadership Decision-making and different ethical thinking, problem-solving, human relations and values Nurses focus on the physiological, psychosocial, as well as spiritual aspects of persons during times of illness and in good health. Nurses fall in Grossman and Valiga’s (2009) definition of leaders for...

Is Insurance a Right or a Privilege?

Health care is one of the most important parts of the U.S. social system (Kovner & Knickman, 2008). Yet, many perceive the system as vague and not accessible to the poor. With millions of U.S. citizens uninsured, health care cost escalating, access to health care difficult, and health disparities eminent...

Spiritual Considerations in the Context of a Disaster

Natural and manmade disasters can cause substantial challenges in the context of health service delivery. Such events are often associated with particular spiritual considerations due to their strong relation to such concepts as suffering and death. As people reflect on the nature and purpose of their existence, community nurses, as...

The Effects of Food on ADHD

Patient Introduction: patient care practice The issue of ADHD and its relation to food has been a concern for quite a while. In their recent study, Plesser et al. (2008) have raised the topic in question once again. According to the outcomes of the study, the daily intake of food...

The Leadership in Nursing and Clinical Organizations

Introduction In every situation within the organization, the aspect of leadership is an essential element for the attainment of the organization goals (Alban-Metcalfe & Alimo-Metcalfe, 2000, p.159). One can best understand clinical leadership when its knowledge and insights are founded on the theoretical perspective or those paradigms that are particular...

About Salmonellosis: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Several infections that are naturally transmissible between vertebrate animal hosts and human beings exist. These infections result from being in direct contact with infected pets, or during daily activities. Ingesting foods or drinks that are contaminated with fecal matter can also lead to infections. Some gram-negative rods that are...

Acute Coronary Syndromes and Cardiac Rehabilitation

Introduction Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are an umbrella term for a wide range of conditions that result in reduced blood flow to the heart muscle, resulting in a medical emergency. These include heart attacks, with three primary forms of ACS encompassing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST segment elevation myocardial...

Addison’s Disease: Symptoms and Effects

Introduction Addison’s disease is a condition which develops in the human body most frequently as a result of autoimmune adrenalitis and damages adrenal tissue, which ultimately hinders the production of cortisol (Rumsby and Woodward 168). The adrenal cortex, which is unable to produce enough glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, may potentially cause...

Childhood Diabetes in Saudi Arabia

Diabetes occurs in two forms; Type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is the deficiency of insulin in the body, whereas type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) occurs due to the body’s inability to respond effectively to insulin in the blood. T1DM is most common in...

Fractures of the Metacarpals and Phalanges: Critical Appraisal of Articles

Introduction The article written by Benjamin Dean and Christopher Little is aimed at discussing the fractures of phalanges and metacarpals. In particular, they focus on the selection of the most appropriate management plan. The authors provide a sound and convincing rational for examining this question. They argue that these orthopedic...

Scientific Overview of Orthokeratology Technique and Safety

Introduction Orthokeratology is an innovative non-surgical, non-insidious, and adjustable treatment to tenderly reshape the cornea or remove refractive faults. It is also referred to as OK, ortho-k, or vision shaping treatment (CRT). The impressive high-tech improvements in nightwear contact lenses remove myopia, the necessity of reading glasses, as well as...

Nursing: A Critique of Three Articles

The present-day interpersonal preconceptions are to some extent come as a result of some psychological mechanisms that came up for the purposes of giving individuals protection from the danger of infectious disease. This system of behavioral immunity sufficiently promotes the avoidance of disease but also leads to an overgeneralized discrimination...

LGBT Populations and Health

In today’s world, there is so much in regards to sexuality. People have varied sexual behaviors and identities. Some of the categories that define the sexuality of a person include bisexuality, homosexuality, and trans-sexuality. People have moved from addressing Lesbianism, gayness, and bisexuality as alternatives. Today, people refer to lesbians,...

The Role of Nurses in Disaster Management

I am a Plastic and Reconstructive Nurse with the majority of my patients being Breast Cancer victims who have undergone mastectomy and are after Breast Reconstruction. Most of my patients have undergone the procedure successfully and have maintained healthier lives with them following the recommended practices expected of them as...

Medical Error and Patient Safety

Introduction Medical error and patient safety are critical factors in clinical medicine since they play an important role in enhancing care delivery and patient outcomes (Barach, 2000). In this respect, this paper will critically analyze the work presented by Woolever (2001) titled ‘The Impact of a Patient Safety Program on...

Health Service in New Zealand

Introduction The purpose of the study was to modernize health services in New Zealand by the effectiveness of nurse decision-making through the use of evidence-based approaches in clinical performance. This study aimed at describing the perceptions, attitudes, knowledge, and skills of nurses regarding the use of the evidence-based practice. It...

“Nursing Leadership Practices as Perceived by Finnish Nursing Staff”

Introduction The present paper provides a summary and analysis of the article by Eneh et al (2012), titled “Nursing Leadership Practices as Perceived by Finish Nursing Staff: High Ethics, Less Feedback and Rewards”, in terms of scholarly writing demonstrated by the authors, bias, opinions, quality of evidence and suitability to...

Anaesthesia: From Its Origin to the Modern Times

Anaesthesia is a Greek term whish refers to ‘minus feeling’ and analgesia refers to ‘without pain’. The modern anaesthesia is thought to date from 16th October 1846, when a Boston dentist called William Morton administered ether successfully to a young man whose operation for a tumor on his neck was...

Consumerism in the Healthcare Industry

Difference between performance measurement and quality improvement processes Performance measurement refers to the process through which a firm’s outputs are quantified to determine the implementation and effectiveness of the various organizational strategies. Performance measurement aids in determining whether a firm programs are efficient in addition to analyzing the deviation between...

A Windshield Survey of Kiryas Joel Community, New York

Physical Environment Although available data shows that the Kiryas Joel community has a total area of 1.1 square miles (2.8 km2), physical observations do not reveal any boundaries within the community apart from the fact that it is located close to the neighboring towns of Blooming Grove and Woodbury. There...

New Methods to Diagnose Glaucoma

Executive Summary Early diagnosis of glaucoma enables an ophthalmologist to provide more effective treatment and control the progression of the illness. Patients notice the symptoms when the damage is significant; therefore, much research has been conducted on the diagnostic methods. There are several systems which recognize glaucoma, and doctors usually...

Social Factor in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

How do social factors influence the approach to clinical assessment? Communication between the physiotherapist and patient will determine a diagnosis. The use of effective communication will facilitate accurate and precise diagnosis. The physiotherapist should have good communicating skills to be in a position to have a patient beneficial relationship. Effective...

Translating Research Findings to Nursing Practice

In quantitative research, a variety of research designs are applied in order to provide nurses with important numerical information on relationships between phenomena, as well as on causes and effects of certain processes. Typical quantitative research designs that are actively used in nursing studies usually include non-experimental and experimental designs....

Philadelphia Public Health Department: Mosquito Issue

Mosquito bites are usually associated with common rash and itch, but also with the risk of mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria, West Nile fever, and Zika virus. Philadelphia is one of the top cities in the U.S. with a persisting mosquito problem, according to the national pest control company Terminix...

The Spectrum of Infectious Diseases

Introduction Years of evolution have led to the fact that every minute is threatened by thousands of infectious agents to cause both small skin irritation and death. Three cohorts of microorganisms, viral, bacterial, and eukaryotic, can be identified as having pathogenic effects on individual health. It seems that the search...

Risk Management in the Healthcare Environment

Risk management is an indispensable part of management in the healthcare environment. It came to the fore in the 1970s. At that period, numerous healthcare facilities of the United States lost cases in the court. The decisions made established “corporate liability of the hospital for quality of care and holding...

A Preliminary Care Coordination Plan: Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction Care coordination (CC) is an indispensable healthcare strategy providing the elaborated organization of patient care activities and information exchange among all stakeholders in inpatient treatment to deliver safe and productive care. Due to such plans, medical providers can ensure that the right people are familiar with the patient’s needs...

Decreasing the Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Abstract Ventilator-associated pneumonia is a common nosocomial infection that occurs in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). It is associated with increased mortality of up to 70%. VAP is defined as pneumonia that occurs 48 hours after admission in those patients put on mechanical ventilation. We elaborate the...

The Heart Failure Patients: Health Belief Model

Introduction Heart failure is a serious condition affecting many people in today’s society. The condition arises when this organ becomes weak and fails to function properly. Under such circumstances, the output of the heart is very low. As a result, the body of the individual suffering from the condition becomes...

Asthma: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Asthma is an allergic respiratory disease where the airways to the lungs swell preventing inflow and outflow of oxygen. The disease has various symptoms including but not limited to coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. Asthma can be caused by allergies such as pollen and dust...

Veganism Diet: Pros and Cons

Nutrition is a critically important part of human lives as it guarantees that a person will acquire nutrients and elements such as vitamins and minerals. They are needed for the preservation of the desired level of health and high quality of lifestyles. Unfortunately, literacy in this sphere remains low, and...

Preventing Iodine Deficiency Disease in China

Food fortification with missing vitamins, macro- and micronutrients is a serious intervention in the currently existing structure of human nutrition. The need for such intervention is dictated by the environmental factors associated with changes in the composition and nutritional value of the food we use, as well as the transformation...

Assessment of an Adenovirus Type-5 Covid-19 Vaccine

The article embarks on a randomized and controlled assessment of participants’ safety and immunogenicity in an adenovirus type-5 covid-19 vaccine. The research aimed to establish the appropriate dosage for the trial injection for an effective study. The researchers carried out the randomized experimental procedure for the vaccine in Wuhan, China,...

Nurse Assistance in Correcting Dysfunctional Family Communication

Communication in the family contributes significantly to the health of every member of the family. There is the sender, who gives the information, and the receiver of the message. When there are communications obstacles the communication patterns are altered. The patterns of communication should be corrected especially when roles change...

Suicidal Ideation & Depression in Elderly Living in Nursing Home vs. With Family

Introduction Many of the elderly individuals have found themselves living in nursing homes either by choice or as a necessity. Research has shown that over 20% of the older adults experience such relocations (Podgorski, Langford, Pearson, & Conwell, 2010). Such facilities are usually designed to accommodate lifestyle preferences in order...

Endocrine Disorders: Diabetes Mellitus

Etiology and Pathophysiology Type 1 develops when the immune system denatures pancreatic cells and impairs insulin hormone production responsible for glucose regulation. In type 2, the body demonstrates insulin resistance, and the cells do not produce or utilize insulin in the body (Tilg et al., 2017). The main risk factors...

Creating a Nurse Utilization Management Program

Introduction Many healthcare organizations experience either overutilization or underutilization of their resources. These challenges create further problems with costs. In this particular scenario, the organization under consideration is experiencing underutilization of its resources hence the organization incurs high costs. The paper proposes a new service called Managed Care. The focus...

The Essence of Palliative Care

Introduction Palliative Care is a form of medical care that tries to reduce the disease symptoms instead of providing cure to the disease suffered by the patient (Pathmavathy, 2004). It attempts to mitigate the severity of the symptoms rather than halting the disease itself to boost the quality of life...

America’s Response to Covid-19

Introduction The exponential spread of Coronavirus, complacency and delayed response by the Americans contributed to the devastating effects of the pandemic witnessed today. Since the Chinese authorities publicly acknowledged the first case of Coronavirus in early December 2019, different countries adopted varying measures to mitigate the spread of the scantily...

Electronic Medical Records: Is It the Wave of the Future

Introduction Medical records are a crucial tool for clinicians in the provision of health care to patients. For more than a century, these tools have been used to record observations, provide knowledge, justify the proposed medical intervention, and monitor the performance of a patient. Traditionally, doctors all over the world...

Pharmacogenomics and Chronic Illnesses

The topic of pharmacogenomics and chronic illnesses was selected for the following discussion. The problem of pharmacogenomics use for the treatment of mental illness is relevant because one in four people suffer from this type of medical condition (Wax, 2012). The article by White et al. (2018) investigates the impact...

Use of Central Venous Catheters

Introduction The use of central venous catheters makes it possible for medical professionals to provide long-term care for patients who need frequent doses of injected medicine. These catheters provide a reliable means of administering drugs and facilitating medical tests. However, catheters, in general, can lead to infection if not properly...

Caring for Mr. Nguyen: Case Study

Mr. Nguyen is a 56-year-old male patient visiting the Family Medicine Center for his first full physical examination in ten years. The client is a construction supervisor, and his job is physically challenging. His main complaint is the pain in both knees that he experiences daily, whereas his wife is...

Lyme Disease: Causes and Treatment

History of Lyme disease Lyme disease was first detected in the Lyme district in Connecticut, United States. The disease occurred in form of rheumatoid arthritis. It puzzled researchers and medical practitioners because it was a new disease with an unknown cause. Researchers began searching for the cause in 1977and their...

Moral Hazard in Healthcare Insurance

Abstract Health care insurance is an important facet in one’s life because it increases one’s access to health care. However, individuals tend to take advantage of this fact by seeking services even if it is not necessary, all because it is being catered for by an insurance company: Moral Hazard....

Doctor-Nurse Relationships

The interaction between team members in the health industry is extremely important as it might have an impact on the life of the patient. Healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants, have to act together to perform in the most efficient way and to achieve the required results. The purpose...

Healthcare Information Systems Analysis

Healthcare organizations are using automated information systems to manage healthcare needs of populations which depend on them. Therefore, some healthcare providers are implementing population health management practices to add value to the quality of services they provide to their clients. The use of online registries has been explored as an...

Certified Professional Midwifery Practice and the Home Birth Freedom Act

Brief history The Home Birth Freedom Act seeks to accredit Certified Professional Midwifery (CPM) practices (Fischbein, 2013). The act aims at protecting the CPM practitioners from being prosecuted. In addition, the act advocates for no supervision of midwives by the physicians. Senator Tom Goolsby filed the bill on 19 February...

Electronic Health Records and the Future of Medicine

Athena Health is an electronic health records (EHR) system created to help medical institutions and physicians with coordination and delivery of care, particularly order transmission and revenue cycle management. Athena Health includes a variety of modules: Athena Clarity, Athena Coordinator, Athena Communicator, Athena Collector, and Athena Clinicals (“AthenaHealth Reviews”). Each...

Women’s Health in Underdeveloped Countries

Maternal death rates are extremely high. According to World Health Organization (WHO, 2016a), about 830 women die due to complications associated with pregnancy or child delivery every day, and over 90 percent of the fatal incidents occur in the underdeveloped countries. The statistical data indicates at the correlations between the...

Medical Importance of Vitamin D3

Introduction Vitamin D3, which is referred to as cholecaciferol is the form of vitamin D that is gotten when the human skin is exposed to direct sunlight (Adams & Hewison, 2010). This form of vitamin D is thought to be superior to the other form of vitamin D referred to...

Venous Thromboembolism: Action and Effect

The article presents an empirical evaluation of the action and effect of the venous thromboembolism (VTE). This is a vital to health and lives of hospitalized individuals and generally remains preventable. As noted in the article, it is critical to note that there is considerably limited research on the action...

Evaluation Grid Critique: Master Plan Different Perspective

Introduction: The Purpose of Evaluation and Related Issues People need standards. Even when these standards are too high, they are still, crucial for the development of society; unless there are certain levels of assessment, there is nothing more to strive for, which leads to stagnation. Moreover, in such spheres as...

A Thematic Analysis of Denise Trumbauer’s Interview Critique

Introduction Nurses are among the important players in health care provision around the world. Their positive contribution to the medical industry cannot be emphasized enough. Zerwekh and Claborn (2006) affirm that nurses are an essential part of the health-delivery systems adopted all over the world. Despite their overall importance in...

“Knowledge … of Sepsis Among Pediatric Nurses” by Jeffery et al.

Introduction Though the title of the article is short, it comprehensively expresses the impact of the study. The introduction affirms that though information regarding pathophysiology, in addition to treatment of sepsis in individuals across the lifetime exists in health and nursing studies, the capability of nurses and other health professionals...

Grounded Theory and Phenomenology

Introduction Grounded theory and phenomenology are two methods of qualitative analysis. According to Tracy (2020), grounded theory is used to explain a particular phenomenon through a “ground up” approach (p. 62). This way suggests addressing data without preconceived theories, building upon research through the concept of a blank slate (Tracy,...

The Concept of Humor in the Healthcare

Importance of the Concept Contemporary medical care does not limit the positive effect of cure to mere medical treatment. The humor used is a very important condition for the patients and terminally ill patients especially. It is proved that people who have an opportunity to voice their fears and feel...

Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy

How do I define and employ the four basic meta-paradigms of nursing theory in my professional practice? Nursing involves more than book guidelines in taking care of the sick. A personal nursing philosophy is necessary to act as a guide to individual actions during practice. Nursing practice involves compassionate care,...

Biostatistics in Public Healthcare Sector

Introduction It is no doubt that biostatistics is applicable in all sphere of life, the public healthcare sector not being an exception. Public health has been thought of as the science that encompasses protecting as well as improving the health status of a given group of individuals (Sullivan, 2007). This...

Price Setting and Price Regulation in Health Care

Identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity to be advocated through legislation. Research the issue and complete the sections below. For each topic that requires the listing of criteria, a minimum of two criteria should be identified and discussed. Add more rows...

Nursing Practice: A Science or an Art?

Introduction In recent decades, there have been widespread deliberations in the nursing literature about the art and science of nursing practice (Parker 52). As the conflict on whether nursing is an art or science still persists, academics suggest that nursing is seeking to articulate itself as a discipline in its...

CT Angiography in Pulmonary Embolism

Case Study Melissa Moser, a female aged 22 years indicated symptoms of unconsciousness and shortness of breath when she was first admitted to the community hospital. The patient data as recorded on admission showed that she was 70kgs heavy, 66 inches tall and her BSA was 1.81m2; two weeks ago...

Evidence-Based Practice Project on Diabetes

Extant literature demonstrates that a fundamental component of early Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) treatment is patient education, which in turn sets the foundation for effective treatment and management throughout the disease continuum (Robertson, 2012). It is reported in the nursing scholarship that, due to lack of effective education, many...

Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections: Prevention and Reduction of Infection Rates

Introduction The first thing that should be done is the analysis of five peer-reviewed evidence-based articles on the issues of central line-associated infections with older adults and ways of preventing and reducing the rate of infections. 1a. Read and review five articles for the strategies and interventions known as the...

Palliative Care: Trends and Issues

Introduction In the past few decades, Palliative Care (PC) has emerged as an important movement that addressed the needs of the sick in terms of relieving suffering and enhancing the quality of life. The World Health Organization defines palliative care as “an approach that improves the quality of life of...

Healthcare System for Native and African Americans

Historical events contributing to mistrust of the health care system The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, conducted for three decades between 1932 and 1972, is of appalling in American history. The study contributed significantly to the existing mistrust of the health care system. The Native American researchers conducting the study did not...

Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema Relationship

The terms atopic dermatitis and eczema are used interchangeably to refer to noncontagious skin conditions characterized by itchy, red, dry and rough skin since both conditions cause inflammation and irritation (Drucker et al., 2017). Though their use may overlap, eczema is technically different from atopic dermatitis since the latter is...

Drinking Soda and Weight Gain: Linear Regression

Research question Linear regression analysis is used to describe how a dependent variable (sometimes known as the criterion variable) is controlled by an explanatory variable (sometimes known as the predictor variable). The dependent variable Y is plotted against the independent variable X to obtain a scatter plot (Jackson, 2012). Plotting...

Orem’s Theoretical Model

Family assessment involves evaluation of factors that affect families. It may assess the family history, mental health of the family members, and other provisions. It is a continuous process of identifying these factors and making intervention decisions so as to help the family. There are various theories that have been...

Country With High Mortality: Afghanistan

The health of individuals and communities relies on a combination of factors. Health, or lack of, depends on circumstances facing people, in addition to environmental factors. Factors such as the social environment, genetic access to health facilities, government policies and intervention, personal behavior, and coping skill play a crucial role...

Cardiovascular Health Promotion in the United States

The increased importance of cardiovascular (CV) disease is one of the topical factors affecting the modern healthcare sector. For this reason, for public health officials, it is vital to introduce specific measures that can help to improve the situation in the given sphere. Health promotion and risk prevention are possible...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overview: Diagnosis, Treatment, Care, and Condition

Introduction Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung condition that mostly affects people who are older than 40 years (Garvey, 2011). Albeit contentious, some researchers argue that COPD is not a disease, but rather, a description of changes in lung functions (Hall, 2012). Nonetheless, COPD often combines chronic bronchitis...

Social Marketing Strategy for Public Health

The creation of the social marketing system, associated with the public health practices generally requires thorough analysis of the social processes and the market environment, for arranging proper marketing activity. On the one hand, the marketing processes, as well as the business analysis of the healthcare sphere may be regarded...

Brain Music System: Standardized Brain Music Therapy

Sound can be looked at as the habitual mechanical pulsation that moves or travels though a substance that has weight and occupies space. Sound usually has the common features of a waveform that is in the longitudinal mode. Sound waves having specific features can be seen as music. Changes of...

Professional Nursing: Personal Background

A professional nurse is described as one who has expansively studied the course of nursing hypothesis and practice. Additionally, for a person to be considered a professional nurse he or she must have clinical proficiency. Personal Background Related to Professional Nursing The art of professional nursing is diverse. For many...

Hospital Information Management Systems

Hospital information management systems (HIMSs) are vital for improving healthcare quality. Currently, healthcare organizations need to deal with a large amount of data that needs to be distributed among a wide variety of stakeholders. According to Ross and Venkatesh (2016), a HIMS is “an integrated information system which improves patient...

Globalization of Nursing: Infant Mortality Rate in the US and Other States

Modern day society is confronted with several issues where health care problem occupies a significant proportion. Among the health care issues, infant birth and death indices are of considerable importance. They reflect the impact of underlying abnormalities associated with a network of complications which lead to adverse outcomes. In such...

Stress in Law: Reasons and Solutions

Abstract The role of stress in high divorce rates and suicides among law enforcers has been demonstrated by research. The most common causes of stress for law enforcement include; work conditions, poor relationships with family and the community, poor conflict resolution mechanisms, shift work, rigid behavior patterns, perfectionism, and trauma...

Residential Carers’ Burnout in the Intellectual Disability Services

Aerts, D., 2001. Transdisciplinary and integrative sciences in sustainable development. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Baldwin House, Aldates, Oxford. This article puts emphasis on the need for an interdisciplinary approach to human endeavor in the quest to identify a solution for a given problem. The article emphasizes the issue of finding...

Psychoactive Substance Addiction Treatment

One of the most acute social issues of modern society is the problem of chemical addiction. The spread of drugs worldwide is growing at an accelerating pace and is turning into a global threat comparable to nuclear and environmental. The data of the World Health Organization show that out of...

Health Care is a Birthright

The provision of healthcare services for the world population is a challenging task. It is complicated by insufficient coverage of people, whereas this circumstance is a clear violation of their rights. As follows from the World Health Organization’s principal conclusions, the observance of access to medical facilities should be a...

Partners and Stakeholders for Health Advocacy in Kenya

Kenya is currently among the countries with the highest rates of HIV transmission rates, with 1.5 million known instances of HIV (Avert, 2016). Despite the steady progress in the field, achieved primarily via dynamic development of the healthcare infrastructure in the country, the latest mortality rates are estimated at 36,000...

Health Care Issues and the Economics

Introduction Health issues have continued to attract the attention of many people, especially lately when the human population seems to be facing more complicated health challenges daily. Certainly, these concerns from several analysts are of help to the improvement of measures applicable to addressing health challenges. Some issues of prime...

Legalization of Euthanasia: Key Arguments

Conventionally, people used logical arguments to induce others to take some actions or change their opinion. Technically, persuasion refers to the same methods, however, it uses emotion-appealing techniques. Nowadays, real-life debates include the components of both logic and emotions. Some researchers suggest that the argument is only successful when there...

Programs to Increase Physical Activity in Miami, Florida

Promoting physical activity (PA) and combating obesity represent two essential objectives in the healthcare sector. A sedentary lifestyle can result in cardiovascular disease and increase the risk of diabetes, while physical activity has proven to be effective in disease prevention and health improvement.1 In this regard, it is crucial to...

Best of Breed Approach Versus Monolithic Approach

The best of breed approach to the health care information system was designed to provide support in the emergency department, where workforce requirements are complex. The key benefit of using the best of breed approach for IT systems implementation is its ability to allow healthcare providers to share information in...

Eliminating Lymphatic Filariasis in Haiti

Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) is a parasitic disease that affects more than 120 million people around the world. It is commonly known as elephantiasis and it is characterized by the abnormal enlargement of body parts including legs, feet, and arms (Lymphatic Filariasis, 2016). Several cases of LF have been reported in...

Healthcare: Lumbar and Sacral Region

The Sacrum The sacral spine is a large bone that consists of five vertebrae fused below the lumbar region. It is also referred to as the sacrum. A spinal canal stretches towards the sacrum. Sacral nerves exit the canal through a thick region known as the foramina. A lumbosacral disk...

Hypertensive Patients in Evidence-Based Practice

Research Support In the PICOT question for this project, the constituent parts are as follows: The specified population is important for this project because older adults are more subject to hypertension and its complications. The adherence to antihypertension drugs has been proved to increase patient outcomes; therefore, it has been...

Cultural Communication in the Medicine

Introduction Cultural communication is an essential part of nursing nowadays. Patients are becoming more heterogeneous with the varied cultural populace, and thus nurses should adapt to this changing population with the aim of providing culturally proficient care. Researching and getting knowledge on culture is vital for a holistic evaluation of...

PTSD: Coping Mechanisms and Recovery Paths

Another very important predictor of PTSD is peri-traumatic dissociation in which the individual loses sense of self,/has a problem with images, and also lacks a sense of realization. That is, the person starts living an imaginative life that makes him/her relive past traumatizing events. PTSD can also be predicted by...

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Strategies for Access to Care

Abstract Many countries like the U.S. have failed in providing equal opportunities in accessing healthcare. In Part I of the assignment, it was noted that the Southside Community in Chicago is one of the most underserved communities in the U.S. with over 800, 000 constituents suffering from easily preventable ailments....

Nursing Philosophy of Advanced Practice Nurse

Whenever a patient is brought to the hospital, his or her family members are the first to get to the hospital to give the required support. The role of a nurse is to ensure that the patient regains his or her state of wellness as quickly as possible. I am...

The Yersinia Pestis Pathogen Investigation

The modern world still faces a number of biological threats which impact the state of health of the nation. The current stage of the development of healthcare and technologies serves as a certain guarantee of the protection from the most dangerous and complicated diseases or viruses. However, one realizes the...

Nursing and its Ethical Issues

Introduction Nurses encounter numerous dilemmas in their daily life notwithstanding the working environment. Regardless of where the nurses work, they face multiple ethical dilemmas, which affect them as well as the patients. Bandman and Bandman (2002) argue that there is no “correct” answer to an ethical dilemma. According to Bandman...

Evidence-Based to Reduce Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Assessment Evidence-based practices to reduce VAP have been known to critical care nurses for some time. Unfortunately, these widely prescribed guidelines do not all the time result in alterations in performance. The reason is that critical-care nurses are not repeatedly integrating the evidence into their practice. As a result, VAP...

Personal Nursing Philosophy

A philosophy of nursing offers guidance with regard to the best practices that define and characterize the nursing profession. It consists of values and practices that cover the four metaparadigms of nursing that include health, nursing, human beings, and environment. My personal nursing philosophy is based on values that include...

The Choleycystits: Review of Literature

“The description by evidence-based medicine (EBM) principles and methods was used to analyze the literature of using Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) for treatment of Choleycystits” (“ZY, D., GL, W., X, L., J, L., DZ, Z., & CQ, L.”, (n.d.).). Eight medical research databases were searched including Chinese Clinical Registry Center,...

William Farr Contributions to the Field of Epidemiology

Epidemiology defined Epidemiology is the study of distribution and factors of disease occurrence in the human community and the treatment of this study to manage health issues. The information got on the basis of epidemiologic methods is widely adopted. William Farr is considered one of the modern founders of epidemiology...

Emotional Intelligence Level and Its Significance

Introduction The significance of the ability to read the patient’s emotions can hardly be overrated. A nurse must be able to identify the patient’s mood; the given ability helps understand the needs thereof. As a result, the quality of nursing can be improved significantly, and the services delivered will promote...

Infant and Mortality Rate in South Africa

South Africa Currently, South Africa is one of the leading countries in Africa with the highest death rates. The trends in key indicators of mortality suggest that infant and adult mortality will increase in South Africa. According to Karim and Karim (2010), there are high expectations of death rates increase...

The Potential Benefits of the Agile Team Model for Acute Care Delivery

Introduction Hospitals are considered centers for acute care delivery for more than one hundred years (Fuller & Drenkard, 2011). An overview of a typical hospital care setting will allow the wary observer to detect the flaws in the health care delivery system. It is the responsibility of nursing practitioners to...

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Models: A Transitional Care Model

There are 24 innovative care delivery models with each model having unique features. The 24 models fall under three care delivery strategies which include acute care, bridging the gap in health care, and care planning to address patients’ needs (Joynt & Kimball, 2008). Our focus will be on the transitional...

The Nursing Manifesto: Environment for Nursing Practice

The Nursing Manifesto presents numerous ideas that reveal the importance and urgency of changes needed to be made to provide the most suitable environment for nursing practice and change the face of healthcare for better. The Manifesto provokes many feelings and inspires the reader for many thoughts. I was impressed...

“Aging Well” by Vaillant Review

Discussing generativity and aging, Vaillant (2002) states, “If the task of young adults is to create biological heirs, the task of old age is to create social heirs” (p. 114). Hence, the statement describes the tasks of adult life by Vaillant. When presenting his six adult life tasks, Vaillant placed...

Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare

Introduction Management of risk in health care institutions seeks to reduce any potential negative occurrences to all stakeholders such as patients, staff and, generally the entire organization (Lighter and Fair, 2000). This is done by engaging the nursing department to identifying quality improvement initiatives in nursing. One of the initiatives...

Caregiver Burden for Adult Children Whose Parent Has Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction For many years, immediate family members and other informal caregivers have acted as the primary source of care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). As primary caregivers, families of patients with AD experience enormous stress because the disorder requires intensive supervision of patient behavior and support of daily living,...

Mental Health Diseases: Diagnostic Assessment

Case # 1 Diagnosis In the case under analysis, the patient, Zev, is a 45-year-old man who is obsessed with performing specific rituals many times each day, explaining this need as a possibility to prevent terrible things. Focusing on repetitive behaviors to reduce anxiety and persistent thoughts, it is possible...

The Corona Virus and ‘Shock Doctrine’ by Naomi Klein

In the essay, the present situation with the Corona Virus is addressed in terms of the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. To be specific, the current paper refers to price gouging, the governmental reaction. Besides, a simple comparison between Shock Doctrine and the Second Precept is drawn. “The Shock Doctrine:...

Teenage Pregnancy After Exposure to Poverty: Causation and Communication

This paper analyzes a study by Harding (2003), which used the counterfactual causal framework to explain the rate of teenage pregnancy after exposure to poverty. Harding (2003) used the framework to explain “the difference in outcome between the world in which the subject receives treatment and the counterfactual world in...