Oregon Community Healthcare Information Network

Background The case explains the origin of an organization called OCHIN (Oregon Community Healthcare Information Network). OCHIN provides and coordinates electronic medical records in some regions in America. The case explains how the idea was incepted, including the different stages that were taken to implement it. Management principles are used...

Case Study: Community Blood Center

The healthcare system is highly dependent on blood donations that hospitals receive from local and national centers. However, those supplies may be expensive, especially if a community has a monopolist. The case under consideration describes an attempt to establish a new blood center that would provide affordable material to hospitals...

Patient Safety: Caring for the Public’s Health

The safety of patients has been a global issue of concern especially for nurses as they work towards preventing the harm to be done to the patients receiving the treatment. Patient safety concerns have continued adversely eroding the trust that the public has in the nurses and healthcare profession as...

Care Plan: Quincy Town, Massachusetts With Childhood Obesity

Introduction Quincy is the 8th largest city in Massachusetts, USA, and is located in Norfolk County. As of 2009, Quincy town had a population of 91, 073 persons (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). The city is located to the Northern side of Boston and the Western side of Milton with the...

Heart Disease Is a Silent Killer

Prevention of Heart Disease in Adults Heart disease and its consequences are prominent health issues, both in the United States and worldwide. People with cardiovascular conditions have to limit their physical activities due to fatigue, lightheadedness, pain, and other issues. Moreover, heart diseases are associated with heightened risks of strokes...

Prognostic Implication and Functional Exploration for Microrna-20a

Introduction Cancer and its aspects have always been at the center of many research works. In this paper, the experiment by Peng et al. described in the article “Prognostic implication and functional exploration for microRNA-20a as a molecular biomarker of gastrointestinal cancer” is analyzed in detail. The study is based...

Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm

Components of a Healing Hospital and Their Relationship to Spirituality There are three main constituents of a healing hospital that include a healing physical environment, a culture of deep-seated tender care and incorporation of technology. These factors play an important role in the success of a healing hospital. This paper...

Analyzing a Scenario – National Initiatives

Nursing is a profession that encompasses empowering people in need and helping them to achieve social, physical, or psychological independence. The vast knowledge of the nurse practitioners provides them with proficiency in making diagnosis tests as well as administering treatment in the area of expertise. However, nurse practitioners cannot attain...

Personal Information of Patient Protection

NCSBN brochure preview describes the common myths and misunderstandings of social media. The most surprising misinterpretation is the acceptance to discuss or refer to the patient when they are not identified by name but use a room number, nickname, condition, or diagnosis. The article argues that this belief is a...

Long-Term Care and Managed Care: Meaning of ACTION

The Falls Management Program: A Quality Improvement Initiative for Nursing Facilities First of all, it must be noted that the program is considered to be extremely important in order to reduce the common causes of falls. The authors of the article highlight the importance of person-centered care and clarify how...

Hypertension: In Search of Effective Treatment

The principal outcome of the future project is the solution intended to decrease the number of hypertension events among patients aged 50 years and older. However, the objective is not limited to the examination of hypertension and suggesting how to address this problem more efficiently. It would also lead to...

Clinical Teaching: Concept-Based Curriculum and Exemplars

Program Description Nursing students will complete a clinical rotation that will last for two weeks (two clinical days per week) during their campus residency. A registered and qualified nurse preceptor will supervise and assess the performance of the students based on pre-defined learning outcomes (LO) This program has been designed...

Human Factor Engineering in Simulation Technology

Abstract Recent research confirms that the performance of novice nurses is generally poor due to limited experience. This makes them lack confidence in cases of emergency. It is clear from the research that the best way of improving the performance of these novice nurses is subjecting them to practical processes...

The Diagnostic Process: Differential and Priority

Abstract The current study covers a patient from a case study requiring identification of the patient’s condition based on presentations to the physician. Based on the case, the analysis identified the top four differential diagnoses, namely depression, generalized anxiety disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, and insomnia. This is followed by the...

The Influence of Social Determinants on Health

The population’s health depends on various factors, and social determinants are among the most crucial. It is common knowledge that emerging countries have low-quality healthcare services, whereas more developed regions exhibit higher health prosperity rates. Therefore, general determinants may be defined as the conditions a person was born and brought...

“The Future of Nursing” Report’s Purposes and Goals

“The Future of Nursing” indicates four primary problems with which nurses deal regularly and decelerate progress in the domain. The issues are the lack of partnership, incomprehensive education, state laws limiting the extent of nursing practice, and ineffective workforce planning (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010). They act as a barrier...

Care Conditions in Nursing Practice

Introduction The quality of pre and post-operative care provided to adult patients determines the outcome of the condition, the speed of recovery, and the long-term results of their management. Nursing care for patients before any operation should be focused on making the patient comfortable in a bid to prepare them...

Risk-Based Reimbursement in Healthcare

In most cases capitation is used to cut the physicians’ compensation. However, it can be utilized as a tool for providing proper reimbursement to reduce inpatient hospital stays and specialist procedures which patients may not need (Erdek, 2018). The hospitals where the primary physician work make per diem arrangement with...

MSN Objective Terminal: Personal Experience

The MSN terminal objectives are used to show recent educational and professional standards. These objectives guided me through out my practicum and I was able to achieve the anticipated practicum learning experience. My learning experiences include; identifying the needs for developing infection control and management program for health care facilities....

Home-Based Care For Frail and Ageing Patients Study Critique

Introduction The article reviews quantitative research studies on home-based families to care for frail and ageing patients. Stajduhar et al. (573) reviewed 129 studies on home-based settings. The authors utilise a systematic approach to exploring studies on home-based care. This paper will analyse the review done by Stajduhar with other...

Electronic Medical Record Project

Changes necessary to convert paper form into electronic document The two papers obtained from the health facility were scanned and saved as jpg and png respectively. To convert them into electronic documents, they had to undergo some changes using computer software. The first step involved opening the scanned documents in...

Can Doctors Say Enough

The patient presented in this case is suffering from a medical condition that makes her entirely dependent on ventilator support, hemodialysis, and total parenteral nutrition. When these medical interventions are removed, the likelihood of the patient’s survival outside the hospital setup is very slim. This patient’s condition is indeed incurable...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Various Populations

Creech, S., & Misca, G. (2017). Parenting with PTSD: A review of research on the influence of PTSD on parent-child functioning in military and veteran families. Frontiers in Psychology. Web. In this article, Creech and Misca write about how posttraumatic stress disorder affects both parents and children of war veterans....

Invasive Carcinoma of the Breast

Ms. Barker’s breast mass is described as firm, non-tender, non-mobile. On this basis, several benign conditions that have possibly caused it may be considered. Still, traumatic fat necrosis, fibroadenoma and fibrocystic breast disease seem to be among the most evident ones. As the patient did not mention any traumas and...

Components of Maintaining Healthy Boundaries Between a Counselor and a Client

Boundaries in Therapy The basis for counseling forms a fundamental part of the contact between a client and a counselor. Therapists tend to use their clients’ information to develop a sense of the patients’ difficulties and have various methods to reveal and overcome such problems (McNulty et al., 2013). The...

Breast Cancer and Exercise. Article Summary

Type of Study The article is a primary research study focusing on the impact of supervised exercise on cancer survivors after treatment. It focuses on how exercise can be used to deal with various side effects experienced by cancer survivors after treatment. The research study draws conclusions from its findings...

Kendall Regional Medical Center: Prevention of Complications

Forces whether internal or external delay the application of changes in the health sector on ways of administering health services. Rycroft-Malone et al. (2013) state that one challenge facing the realization of quality care based on evidence in health care involves coming up with effective ways of care delivery in...

Exercise for Obesity Description

Introduction Obesity is a condition that causes numerous health effects to the human body and thus reducing the life expectancy of an individual. The majority of the heart diseases also referred to as cardiovascular diseases are caused by obesity. There are numerous methods which obesity can be controlled and one...

Healthy People 2020: Promoting Positive Outcomes

Introduction Healthy People 2020 is the US government’s prevention agenda, which aims at building a healthier nation by identifying and addressing the most significant preventable threats. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP, 2020), one of the central problems in US healthcare is Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs),...

Health Promotion in the Preschoolers

An intervention is a means to health change. It is planned and targets a specific group such as the preschool children involved in the study. The study targets, eating and activity habits that are linked to the inappropriate weight gain, formed in early childhood. This study also targets health promotion...

Obesity and Disparity in African American Women

Background to the problem Several studies indicate that the rate of developing obesity is the highest in African American populations in the US. In fact, federal statistics, the centers for disease control and prevention as well as other institutions indicate various disparities in the prevalence rate and risk to obesity...

Migraine Headaches: Review

Migraine refers to a painful headache that is heralded by sensory reactions such as vomiting, light flashes, nausea, and amplified sensitivity to light. Research has revealed that genetics and environmental factors are two of the main predisposing factors with regard to migraine headaches (Tepper, 2004). The real cause has not...

Philosophies Underpinning Various Types of Mental Health Practices

While there are similarities in the overall concept of how thoughts, feelings, and actions are related, psychodynamic therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy have several key differences. First, the goal of psychodynamic therapy is to help patients gain an understanding of their conditions (INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications, 2006). On the other hand, cognitive-behavioral...

The Clinical Recommendation for Three Illnesses

In the above case study, the patient is suffering from Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Angina. Therefore, the clinical recommendation will involve therapies to help manage the condition. First statins such as Lovastatin, Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, and Rosuvastatin would deal with abnormal lipid levels and lower coronary artery conditions. According to Vamvakis et...

Electronic Health Record Overview

Introduction The electronic health record (EHR) has currently become popular due to effectiveness and efficiency associated with it in provision of health care services. This technology creates a support system that serves as a source of evidence, thus providing quality management of patients’ information and care (Ball 204). More so,...

Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Abstract This research focuses on the way HIV treatment compliance is influenced by social support among African American women with HIV. This paper reveals some background information about the issue (statistics about HIV prevalence, risk factors, and justification for the study). It will focus on the sample represented by African...

Role of Nurses in Preventing the Spread of Diseases and COVID-19

COVID-19 is an emerging infectious disease and a pandemic affecting millions of people worldwide. The article by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2021) discusses several aspects of COVID-19, such as protection from the virus, prevention of the spread, and recommendations for testing and symptomatic treatment. According to...

Social Networks and Support for Human Health

It was indicated that a percentage of deaths among the people that are more involved in social networks is much lower than the rate of those who mostly prefer loneliness. The certain investigations were arranged in the late 1970’s, which were about identifying the overall influence of social networks and...

Electronic Health Information Exchange

Innovative information technologies introduced to the healthcare setting have simultaneously simplified the process of managing patients’ need and complicated it. On the one hand, the control over patients’ personal data and security has increased; on the other hand, the lack of skills that nurses need to administer the necessary services...

Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory for a Family Nurse Practitioner

The research process is one of the sources that derive theory development through the study of concepts and their related propositions. Notably, the research process answers many research questions and derives other research questions depending on the research outcomes. In the context of a study about Family Nurse Practitioner, we...

Interpersonal Theory and the Nurse-Client Role

The Role of a Nurse Peplau’s framework consists of four phases. On the orientation phase, the nurse provides essential information and guidance and establishes the communication channels. This phase is mostly one-directional and requires only a limited participation from the patient. The identification phase is where the patient involvement begins....

Documentation, Emr, and Patient Safety

Three major elements of the electronic medical record (EMR) include patient call log, prescription management system, and patient management (Kelley, 2016). The patient management component is important in patient registration, transfer, admission, and discharge from a hospital. It affects safety measures if improperly conducted or used to generate information that...

Preferred Provider Organizations for Dentists

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) are “insurance arrangements that allow participants relative freedom to select the best hospitals and physicians they want to visit” (McKernan, Reynolds, Singhal, Kuthy, & Damiano, 2013, p. 3). Basically, the enrollees or participants obtain health services from physicians within the listed preferred providers (Citters et al.,...

Mass Imprisonment for Aboriginals’ Mental Health

The blindness of justice is a subject challenged by the investigation of biases and patterns found in criminal justice systems worldwide. Australia’s Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders constitute an example of how economic and social discrepancies that colonialism entails can manifest in incarceration rates. Indigenous Australians are disproportionately imprisoned...

Practice Guidance of Medical Devices Decontamination

Introduction Effective decontamination of dental instruments is very critical for the safety of patients as well as management of infections within the premises of dental clinics. The decontamination is essential to ensure that all dental instruments reflect the highest quality for usage as well as reflecting modern day standard for...

Understanding and Treating Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders have been known to interfere with a person’s emotional, physical and psychological well-being. When a person finds themselves having difficulty sleeping, then they are known to suffer from insomnia. On the other hand, when a person sleeps excessively, then they are known to suffer from hypersomnia. Insomnia is...

Diabetes Community Health Programs in Florida

Introduction Chronic diseases affect the quality of life in many communities across the United States. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that results in significant societal, financial, individual, and economic burden (“Florida Diabetes Advisory Council”, 2017). Patients affected by the chronic condition have increased chances of having stroke, heart disease,...

Dental Caries Among Adults With Low Socioeconomic Status

Stakeholders Stakeholders are persons of interest in a project. The opinion or actions of stakeholders would affect the success, decision processes, and failures of a project (Garrett, n.d.). This means that all the stakeholders must be brought on board for the proposed project to be successful. In relation to the...

Isolation Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment

Abstract Isolation precautions and personal protective equipment are the two most common methods of infection control in most hospital settings. This literature review analyzes the data from 5 qualitative and quantitative articles, each dedicated to a particular part of the PICOT: effectiveness of IP and PPE in reducing HAI in...

Health Disparities and Health Promotion in Vulnerable Populations

Introduction Health disparities among the different populations pose a great threat to the progress of all countries in spite of their constant effort to minimize them. Reasonable access to health care has become very critical because of this. In the USA, even though it is the most developed country in...

Gender Differences in Public Health

Mental Health Problems and Gender Admittedly, cultural and gender differences affect the course of such mental problems as depression. Thus, females usually suffer from depression because of issues related to their children, marriage, housing, romance, etc. (Afifi, 2007). However, males usually suffer from such mental problems because of crises concerning...

Addressing Cancer: The Nursing Process

Among the range of illnesses that can affect the health of the population, cancer is among the most challenging and multi-dimensional. Cancer is characterized as a group of diseases associated with the abnormal growth of cells with the capacity of invading and spreading to other parts of the human body....

Crises: Everything People Should Know

Types of Crises Crises have different types: sociocultural, adventitious, situational, and maturational. Some people can experience different types of crises, as listed below. Maturational crisis can happen during any period of transition in biopsychosocial development and growth. A maturational crisis occurs when a person cannot envision their new roles and...

National Oral Health Surveillance System

National Oral Health Surveillance System (NOHSS) is one of the achievements made by the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors and CDC’s Division of Oral Health to track, analyze, and discuss oral diseases and various health surveillance indicators (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). One of the strengths...

Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing

Introduction Leadership is reflected as a comprehensive process that is used to realize goals, motivate other members to work, and providing support and inspiration to accomplish communally negotiated goals. In the nursing profession, leadership is the process of coordinating day and night shifts, and controlling the nursing team to ensure...

Ethics in Nursing Profession

The nursing philosophy, in general, can be referred to as the conceptual mold or framework; which nurses utilize in making a guide to their practice, interpretation of phenomena, observation making, and in general thinking. In general terms, the philosophy of nursing views both the client and the profession as a...

ObamaCare: The Affected on Managed Care

Introduction The ObamaCare is a reform that focuses on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and introduces shifts to the U.S. health system in terms of access to medical aid for all U.S. citizens, creation of new stimuli to alter clinical practice, and promoting better quality and coordination,...

Evidence-Based Practice-Related Websites

Reason and goal for the selection of the activity There is growing emphasis on the imperativeness of evidence-based practice in medical and clinical healthcare. The clinical practice continues to face enormous challenges that need healthcare professionals to solicit, and implement evidence-based practice in their profession. Whereas increased attention to undertaking...

Nursing: Science or an Art

Introduction The concept of nursing was established many centuries ago; nonetheless, the modern conception of nursing had been enacted only since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The name of the first present-day nurse was Florence Nightingale, and she became known as a woman who had altered the whole perception...

Workout Plan for Successful Fitness

Introduction The lower body muscles are divided into five categories, Quads, Hamstrings, Gluteals, Hip Flexor, and Calves. A good exercise plan would begin with a leg press with a set of about 10 15 repeats then followed by leg extension with three sets of the same repeats as the leg...

Ethics in the American National Red Cross

The American Red Cross was founded on May 21, 1881, by Clara Barton, who was a hospital nurse during the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. Despite the lack of formal nursing education, she managed to perform perfectly under various conditions and was determined to create a US affiliate...

Low Vision for Optometry Program: A Residency Rotation

Low Vision Optometry Rotation 1 Low vision is described as a bilateral impairment of one’s ability to see. The impairment has a significant impact on the functionality of the affected individual. The condition cannot be adequately reversed or corrected with conventional interventions, such as contact lenses and standard glasses. As...

People Living With Chronic Illness Are at Risk of Experiencing Stigma and Social Isolation

Introduction Chronic illness is a term used to describe a group of long-lasting health conditions. In the current world, chronic diseases are comprises of various types of health conditions. Even though chronic diseases such as chickenpox and cold are short-term illnesses, the majority of chronic diseases don’t go away that...

Health Care Challenges for Racial and Ethnic Minorities

Media publication The Disparities Report Highlights: Health Care Challenges for Racial and Ethnic Minorities is a media publication by the Kaiser Family Foundation that contains a health message. It is notable that this publication is aiming at addressing the issue of health facing racial and ethnic minorities. Apparently, it is...

Nursing Career Plan Development

Introduction Decisions in life are sometimes influenced by the pedigree from which a person comes from. Sometimes certain families exhibit a distinct pedigree which is manifested in various ways including hereditary diseases, vocations, professional ambitions, talent characteristics and many other characteristics. Having been born and bred from a family with...

Health Care Using Health Information Technology

Introduction Health Information Technology (health IT) has enabled health care providers to administer patient care more efficiently. Evidently, there is increased utilization and sharing of health information. Constantly increasing amount of information is stored electronically. Indicatively, the previous period involved the storage of information on paper. The management of health...

Recruitment and Retention in the Medical Field

Abstract Medical institutions and healthcare facilities encounter challenges in recruiting and retaining qualified medical technicians, nurse aides, and other support staff members. The institutions do not provide competitive wages to these staff members making them hop from one institution to another in search of better wages. Others quit the profession...

Benefits of the Use of Advancements in Technology for Medical Experts

Technological innovation is having a big impact on the field of health sciences. There is a high growth that is being experienced in health informatics, which is transforming the way health procedures are done. The use of advanced technological procedures is making health systems incorporate health informatics, which guarantees efficiency...

Code of Ethics Provision: Professional and Ethical Duty of a Nurse

Code of Ethics Provision 4 is concerned with the principle of responsibility for nurses’ activities and treatment. It is the professional and ethical duty of a nurse to provide, to the extent of their competence, emergency medical care to anyone in need of it. In addition, nurses are personally responsible...

Type I Hypersensitivity as Self-Defense Mechanism

The case presented with a 24-year-old man, RT, who got a bee sting and had adverse consequences, has several essential points to discuss. When an individual interacts with an allergen, it can immediately respond to the immune system. It is defined as an allergy and is most likely associated with...

Bipolar I: Manic-Depressive Disorder Medical Synopsis & Treatment

Introduction Bipolar I, which is also sometimes referred to as manic depression or manic-depressive disorder, is a mental illness. The main feature of this condition is at least one manic episode during a lifetime. Researchers claim Bipolar I disorder to be “a recurrent chronic disorder characterized by fluctuations in mood...

Quality of Food Served to Children

Nacano, De Freitas, and Barbosa (2014) conducted a study to evaluate seasonal dietary exposures to arsenic, cadmium, and lead among Brazilian school-going children. The researchers analyzed the potential for toxic exposures through the consumption of foods served in public schools. The public health significance of the research question is the...

History and Treatment of Depression

Introduction Depression is currently one of the most common medical conditions that are affecting many people in the United States and around the world, regardless of one’s age. Shally-Jensen defines depression as “a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest and affects how one...

Speech about COVID-19: Data and Statistics

Do you believe in today’s medicine, its possibilities, and treatment potentials? Doctors help us to stay healthy for long, in such a way, giving us the opportunity to lead our daily life without worries. We all know that modern medicine is the fruit of research lasting for centuries, multiple attempts,...

Cerebral Palsy, Its Causes and Symptoms

Cerebral palsy (CP) constitutes a group of severe neurological conditions caused by brain damage that affect children and impact their movement and motor skills, as well as their coordination. Other common symptoms include delays in the development of speech, tremors, difficulty swallowing and walking, seizures, blindness, and problems with muscles,...

The Hit Pro Examinations

The HIT pro examinations are developed with the objective of evaluating the competency, knowledge and skills of workers in the Health Information Technology (HIT) subsector. Such skills include their ability to change health records from text to electronic form. The HIT pro examinations are divided into six categories in liaison...

Analyzing Disease Frequency What Impact on Mortality

Introduction In quantification of disease frequency, epidemiologists investigate the occurrence and dominance of an ailment. Disease occurrence is the figure of the recent illness in a population within an instance (Ibrahim, Alexander, Shy & Farr, 1999). It is significant in deciding if a given population is at risk of contracting...

How to Reduce the Incidence of Patient Falls

Patient fall prevention is an important topic when it comes to hospital care. In addition, there are a lot of factors in a hospital setting that contribute to patient falls, such as slippery floors, the amount of time spent lying down, and possible side-effects of medication. It is important to...

Anxiety and Stress Affect Pain Relief

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework A conceptual framework is meant to include systems of concept, assumptions, expectations and beliefs that are in support of a particular research study (Ariola, 2006). However, since a concept is a notion held in an individual’s mind it is difficult to measure. In instances where a diagrammatic representation...

Evidence-Based Programs Policy in Healthcare

Evidence-based programs become more often required and necessary in almost all areas of activity. The field of healthcare and mental health is most in need of such programs, since the introduction of new treatment methods requires accuracy and a high probability of their effectiveness because their main aim is people’s...

Range of Movement in Sports-Related Injuries

Background It has been suggested by previous research findings that surgery is an effective treatment for sports-related injuries. This study aimed to explore the improvement of range of movement of the arm after surgery at one month and 12 months, and examine the relationships between movement of arm at baseline,...

Researching the Hispanic Community in El Paso, Texas

Description of Community El Paso, Texas; on the border with Mexico Approximately 680000 population (El Paso, TX, n. d.) 82% is the Hispanic/Latino population (Quick facts: El Paso City, n. d.) Median age of 33 (El Paso, TX, n. d.) The Hispanic community is an ethnic group residing in El...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Pharmacological Treatment

Biological Theories John’s symptoms meet the criteria for a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis. One etiological theory is that neurotransmitter-mediated behavioral changes occur where decreased dopamine and serotonin induce exaggerated noradrenergic activity in subsequent exposures after initial shock causes neurotransmitter depletion (Wright et al., 2019). Another etiological model is that...

The Role of Teams in Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Reflection on the strategies for developing teams The healthcare industry is dynamic and quite complex and it requires the participation of different healthcare providers. Healthcare personnel works in teams so that they could improve the quality of healthcare outcomes (Clarke, 2010; Frawley, 2009; Kelly, 2007). The following strategies would be...

Maternal Health Literacy and Child Participation in Welfare Programs

Pati et al. (2010) carried out an empirical research study in Philadelphia to find out how maternal health literacy influenced child’s participation in social welfare programs. The sample under study showed that 20% of mothers had limited or no knowledge on their maternal health which in turn, influenced their children’s...

Diagnostic Assessment. Postpartum Psychosis

Diagnosis of any disease and assessment of symptoms in conjunction with risk factors is the first step to successfully determining the condition. Evaluated factors should assess a patient’s life, including the environment, psychology, and human physiology. This essay aims to evaluate the situation provided and make a comprehensive diagnosis. First...

Flaws in Epidemiology

Different spheres in the healthcare industry can face flaws and challenges due to different influencing factors. The consequences of the defects can impact various fields of the operations, and it is crucial to act to improve the situation. One of the areas that experience weaknesses is epidemiology, which requires careful...

A Value-Based System in Healthcare

Introduction In the context of present-day developments, medicine plays a crucial role, as it directly influences the standards of living and the average life span among the population. For this reason, the development of this field presents a matter of extreme importance, and the latest innovations introduced by researchers are...

Healthcare Ethics: Physician-Assisted Death

Physician-Assisted Death Physician-assisted death refers to the process where a physician facilitates the patient’s death by providing the required information or materials necessary to end their life. Patients facing chronic conditions, debilitating illnesses or suffering in pain, may opt to end their life by seeking assistance from their physicians (Quill,...

The Response to Japan Tsunami

Natural disasters, such as tsunami, which affected Japan in March 2011, caused the loss about 28,000 lives, injured thousands of Japanese, displaced thousands of families, and destroyed infrastructure utterly (National geographic, 2011). Since the injured and displaced populations had diverse needs, the situation of the tsunami depicts a scenario where...

Cost and Quality of Healthcare Service Provision

As noted by Hsu (2010), the roles of public and private sectors in the provision of healthcare services change over time. In the private sector, the benefits of the healthcare provision are estimated and evaluated based on the efficiency of the services and the generated profit (Hsu, 2010). Efficiency is...

Health Promotion and Students’ Well-Being Critique

The health issue and the intervention The article centers on the mental health of adolescents in schools. Mental health issues affect a teenager’s potential to live a full and productive life and lead to stigma, isolation, and discrimination. To execute a viable and feasible well-being advancement program in the auxiliary...

Material Preparation for Literary Synthesis

To form a more detailed and comprehensive synthesis of the literature, work should first be done to find the source and discuss its importance and relevance to the current study. An in-depth study of this issue among peer-reviewed scientific papers reveals the very high popularity of unidirectional works on the...

HIV Intervention in South Africa: Awareness and Campaign

Introduction The HIV/AIDS pandemic has caused significant global threats. These threats are imminent within most developing nations. The nations have encountered severe consequences of HIV infection. South Africa is one of the most affected states. Observably, the country has continuously faced the impacts of the disease. The country has struggled...

Nursing Regulations in Virginia, Texas and Michigan

Virginia vs. Texas In 2018, Virginia passed a bill that visibly extended the scope of practice for APRNs. House Bill 793 established relative freedom for nurses in the framework of basic practice – starting from obtaining a health history and ending with diagnosing a patient. APRNs are allowed to treat...

Philosophy and Science in Practice Discipline on Nursing

Influence of Philosophy of science on nursing Philosophy of science has contributed a lot to nursing. It has acted to bridge the gap between theory and practice of Nursing. Just like all other professionals, nurses seek knowledge to improve service provision and also to define their role in society. Philosophy...

Change Project in Healthcare: The Introduction of Smartphone Apps

Introduction Modern technologies have the potential to transform medical procedures and nursing practices to maximize patients’ experiences. These innovations can guide practitioners to guide and provide timely information to more people within a short time. Emerging medical systems and inventions are overcoming most of the challenges associated with the current...

The Research of Analgesics Work

Analgesics are a collection of drugs that are used to relieve pain or in medical terms “attain analgesia.” These drugs reduce pain by acting on the central and peripheral nervous system of the body; examples of analgesic drugs include acetaminophen or paracetamol, opioid drugs, and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The...

HIM Department Competency Assignment: Benchmarking

An in-depth performance study, implemented through functional benchmarking of a company’s internal processes, is part of a successful strategic analysis to identify potential development paths for an organization or department. The object of the study in this paper is the HIM Department of a hospital that is planning to develop...

Mergers and Acquisitions in the Health-Care Industry

Introduction Mergers and Acquisitions are becoming a common trend within the corporate arena and the same may be said of the health industry. However, poor strategic planning may fail these trends unless the human resource management plays its contributory role in such engagements. The paper shall look at what these...

50 Livers in 2 Years: Ummc Transplant Program Thriving

The recent article titled “50 livers in 2 years: UMMC transplant program thriving”, provided good insight into the area of organ transplantation. Nevertheless, the author did not incorporate any mentions of the role of nurses in this medical procedure, thus failing to recognize their tireless efforts in delivering services to...

Nursing Role in Public Policy Analysis

Limitations of the approach Over the years, various changes have been made on nursing policies to suite their working environment. These changes have had adverse effects on their duties and such includes the expansion of hospitals which have exerted pressure on the number of nurses, who could barely manage the...

Clinical Problem of Falls in Older Patients: Change Project

Clinical Problem Falls in older patients is one of the critical clinical problems that can frequently be faced in the current nursing practice. Despite the efforts made by nurses and other healthcare specialists, the evidence suggests that falls are the main cause of fatal injuries among senior individuals (Centers for...

The Practical Leadership Application in Health Care

The implementation of the capabilities of informational technologies in healthcare is the most prominent area of technology that provides opportunities for leadership. The applications of IT in healthcare are numerous, with electronic healthcare records being probably the most recognizable one. However, of even greater interest is the process management field....

Special Needs Children: Pediatric Dentistry

Dental health care should be available to everyone. The peculiarity consists in the fact that people with special needs have to receive care under certain circumstances. For instance, surgery or other dental services can be problematic to deliver when dealing with people with physical disabilities (Gargiulo & Kilgo, 2014). From...

Risks and Benefits of Healthcare Technology Trends

Digital health care depends on the stability of the internet connection. However, even stable internet does not promise high-quality service because such care has to rely on specific technologies. System bugs are common with the use of internet-dependent equipment, and even a highly stable network connection does not guarantee that...

An Overview of Meningococcal Meningitis

Abstract Meningococcal meningitis is a serious health condition. It is characterized by inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes. The two form the central nervous system. As such, the disease causes serious neurological problems. The condition is caused by a bacterium commonly known as meningococcus. In most cases, it...

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Theory: Practice Gap

Introduction Evidence-based practice is significant in nursing practice. Evidence-based practice provides the base for acquisition of best practices. For instance, advanced practice nurses (APNs) are tasked with the responsibility of analysing research materials to come up with the best nursing practices. In this regard, APNs needs to explore best practices...

HIV & AIDS Among African-Americans in the United States

Introduction The African Americans are also referred to as Afro- Americans. In earlier times, they used to be known as Negroes or the Black Americans. Studies prove that this group of people who are also part of the citizens of the United States is composed of people who have some...

Insurance Comparison: Dental Plans and Benefits

Dental practitioners must demonstrate adequate understanding of the existing Dental Plans and types of Dental Benefits if they are to succeed in providing optimal care to patients and receive sufficient reimbursement for the services provided. Direct reimbursement and indemnity insurance are two types of benefit models offered in the American...

The Medical Office Business’ Financial Health

Assessment of the financial effectiveness of business is crucial for strategic planning. It is also important for understanding whether the business has the necessary funds to realize its mission and vision. This simple financial truth is also applicable in the field of medical business. The following paper will discuss the...

Dental Caries Among Survivors of Childhood Cancer

Children who survived cancer are generally believed to be weaker than their healthy peers. It means that they are more likely to have health issues, including dental ones such as caries. In order to see whether having cancer in the past and suffering from caries are connected, professionals conducted several...

Organization of Dental Care and Practice

How Dental Care is organized at the Local Level Dental care at the local level is organized around several institutions and programs, namely local city and county governments, local foundations, nonprofit organizations, school departments, dental and dental hygiene schools, dental residency programs, and private dental practice. Local city and county...

Car Seatbelt Legislation for Teenagers in Maryland

The epidemiology of injuries in the society, both occupational and not, are conditioned by way of life of the citizens. That is why the lifestyle approach is suggested to analyze the epidemiology (Krieger, 2011). The lifestyle means the choice of behavior strategies by a person. In the context of health...

Core Competencies of Clinical and Nurse Educators

Core Competencies of Clinical (Nurse Practitioner) In a typical healthcare system, nursing practitioners perform the actual provision of healthcare services to the patients. There are particular competencies required for any nurse practitioner to deliver quality services to patients and the general healthcare industry. Such competencies undergo periodical reviews to guarantee...

Ebola Campaign Message

Ebola is a non-discriminatory disease. For instance, it has affected health professionals and their patients alike. Its severity and non-discriminatory nature explain why, globally, people fear the disease (World Health Organization, 2015). The lack of a cure, or vaccine, has further compounded this problem. These factors explain why communities have...

Factors Increasing the Risk of Obesity

Thank you for your informative discussion post covering the issue of obesity in developed and developing countries. I agree with your opinion that the consumption of fast food or processed products is one of the major factors increasing the risk of obesity and associated health outcomes. Nardocci et al. (2019)...

Business Plans’ Role in Healthcare Institutions

It is imperative to note that the role of business plans in healthcare institutions has been increasing over the years, and their importance has been recognized. Moreover, core aspects need to be discussed to get a better understanding of their purpose. A business plan format is a set of rules...

Discussion of Goals in Organization

Efficient management and leadership depend on a wide spectrum of factors and conditions, including theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence. While working in hospital, a good manager and a nurse leader should learn the peculiarities and approaches to enhancing communication between nurses and patients, as well as between managers and their...

Preventing Mistakes in Healthcare: First-Do-No-Harm

One of the basic problems with the first-do-no-harm concept is that it may possibly contradict the organizational behavior typically accepted within the healthcare setting. Therefore, to change the situation, it will be necessary to shape the employees’ behavior by appealing to their motivations. For this purpose, the charismatic leadership of...

Sexually Transmitted Disease: Chlamydia Trachomatis

Description of Project Among black women aged 15-24 years in Illinois (P), does health education and counseling (I) compared to no information (C) lead to increased use of condoms (O) over a period of six months (T)? Clinical Question Planned Intervention: This project aims to determine the effect of health...

Choosing the Best Dental Plan

When choosing a dental plan, it is necessary to consider such factors as the type of the plan, premiums and deductibles, services included, waiting time, and so on. It is noteworthy that many dental plans can be used, and it is essential to choose the one that is the most...

Quality Measures Implementation, Standards, and Barriers in the Healthcare Services

Introduction Quality measures for improving health care services provided The situation concerning the health care services provided by the staff members of the Health Science Center described in the case study suggests that quality improvement measures should be implemented about the needs and expectations of the organization and its staff...

Obesity, Diabetes and Self-Care

Introduction We posit two research questions: Being overweight or obese is a high-risk factor for diabetes mellitus. Self-care among middle-aged diabetics is a function of education and income, irrespective of insurance coverage. Intergenerational obesity rates are worrisome and continue to rise in both North America and Europe. As of 2006,...

An Overview of the Roy’s Nursing Framework

Introduction Roy nursing framework is a concept to healthcare established by Callista Roy while undertaking her pediatric course in Los Angeles. Motivated by the psychological flexibility of children under medication, Roy proposed the objective of medical care was to aid a patient cope emotionally and psychologically with his/her condition. From...

Anticholinergic Burden in Elderly Patients

Introduction The elderly patients are susceptible to various drug reactions and infections. Indicatively, the anticholinergic burden has been observed within these elderly patients. Particularly, this is with regard to cognition as well as fall. A lot of research and extensive investigations in this field are eminent (Aizenberg, Sigler & Weizman...

Medicare Reimbursement: Medicare Program

Introduction Hospital-based in a rural area is significantly affected by Medicare laws and legislation (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2007). These legislations are enacted not only to create parity among the Medicare providers but also to show a clear guideline in payment of individual hospitals. A Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997...

Researching of Medical Tourism

Patients that cannot gain the required healthcare services in their home state can explore options abroad due to the expansion of the concept of medical tourism. With the rise in globalization, medical tourism has expanded the scope of its options and services, which implies that patients such as George can...

Why Do Patients in Acute Care Hospitals Fall?

The journal ‘Why Do Patients in Acute Care Hospitals Fall?’ Can Falls Be Prevented?’ by Dykes, Carroll, Hurley, Benoit, and Middleton (2009) is based on a true-experimental based study that involved obtaining views from nurses and their assistants on why patients admitted for acute care in hospitals fall. The research...

Role of the Pediatric Nurse in Family-Centered Care For Toddlers

Introduction Pediatric nurses play an important role as intermediaries between the family, the child, and the healthcare system. Their job is very multifaceted and is crucial to ensuring the health and safety of the population, as many diseases and illnesses that could develop during the first years of life transfer...

Approaches to Addressing Health Issues

Introduction This paper explores different approaches for addressing the rising incidence of new HIV infections in San Francisco. It describes the health issue by using the social-ecological model to understand the best interventions for introducing an effective public health intervention to curb the pandemic. Using the same framework, this study...

Public Health Nurses and Their Critical Role in Emergencies

The role of the major public health personnel, including the public health nurse, involved in the disaster As soon as a disaster strikes, public health personnel and public health nurses should report to their stations and assume their various roles. Floods can be foreseen several days or hours before they...

Health Care Organizational Leadership

Effective health care organizational leadership is required to ensure smooth operations during the process of hospital mergers or acquisitions (Longest & Darr, 2014). Such leadership is based on the knowledge of essential functions and components of health services management, including the function of organizing and universal design factors. Leadership is...

Educational Plan for Prostitution as Health-Related Issue

Identified Health Issues The windshield survey revealed unhealthy eating habits among the population due to prevalence of many fast food outlets in the community compared to other amenities such as farmers’ markets and grocery stores. The types of food sold in these outlets often lead to lifestyle diseases. Additionally, it...

Patient Chronic Condition Management: Grounded Theory

Introduction Scientists who are new in the field of research can result in grievous mistakes if they adopt certain methods without first identifying the method in the context of a wider methodology concept. This includes an understanding of the philosophy and the related methods of study. The Chronic Disease Context...

Infants Born Prematurely and Learning and Behavioral Problems

Rationale Studies from the literature review suggest that an increasing number of infants who were born prematurely would have learning and behavioral problems when they reach school age. This may be due to various reasons such as parental education, family income, and marital status. Objective To determine whether children who...

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Obama Care

Introduction Roughly three years ago, President Obama ratified the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’, alternatively referred as the healthcare reform act or Obama care, into law” (Flaer et al. 181). Among many other concerns of the act, the chief goal of the healthcare reform was to avail a healthcare...

Establishing the Pain of Children With Cerebral Palsy

This was qualitative research conducted to establish the pain of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Since children who suffer from CP cannot talk for themselves, the study was carried out by interviewing the parents of those children who were suffering from CP. This study was carried out by Umea University’s...

Accountable Care Organizations

Accountable Care Organization as Described in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Since ACOs are concerned with transforming non-financial and financial incentives as far as health care providers are concerned, it is anticipated that health care costs will gradually reduce. If ACOs use some of the provisions...

Monitoring a Case Plan in Specialised Healthcare

Collaborative Empiricism In this technique, the care worker engages the client in setting his or her goals and agendas through a process of shared responsibility. For instance, after the care worker sets goals for the case plan, the client gives his or her feedback to the care worker. The care...

Dental Plans and Dental Insurance

How does the ADA Plan Save Money for the Consumer/Patient? American Dentist Association Direct Reimbursement (DR) plan is one of the innovative programs advanced in the quest to improve the dental care and treatment received by individuals in the United States. The plan has a number of benefits that patients...

Affordable Care Act’s Effects and Marketing

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is considered one of the most significant federal statutes in the American healthcare system. The reform was aimed to protect customers, lower the costs of healthcare, and improve its quality (Duggan et al., 2019). The main cause of this decision was a significant number of...

Distribution of Oral Diseases

Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is a significant difference in the prevalence of oral diseases between the developing and developed countries (WHO, 2016b). Despite the substantial progress or advanced programs aimed at periodontal disease treatment, there is still a lack of preventive measures that would lead...

Integrated IT Solution for Medical Assistance

Introduction The constant developments in the field of medicine are always related to information exchange. In that regard, it can be stated that one of the concerns in the medicine, IT, and patient triangle, is information exchange. One example is emergency medical responses. Thus, “[e]lectronic medical record technology has been...

HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Russia Overview

Abstract An epidemic, also known as a pandemic refers to a situation where new victims of a disease or infection occur in a specific human population at a given time. This is always devastating and is above the expected rate as indicated by statistics of the previous cases witnessed. A...

Organizational Cultures in Healthcare Facilities

Organizational culture is one of the fundamental aspects that organizations need in order to improve their performance and quality. In the health sector, organizational culture is important because it helps employees deliver services that match the needs of patients. A good combination of organizational cultures is essential for any health...

Healthcare Reform by Barack Obama

The health care reform has been provided and Barack Obama can celebrate this victory. But, there is still much discussion about the issue. Moreover, some innovations are going to be applied only in 2014 (Loven, 2010), so there is much time to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the...

Telehealth: Implementation Plan

Introduction Healthcare forms a large and irreplaceable part of every person’s life, supporting their well-being and ensuring that their needs throughout the years are met. Medical professionals make it their job to examine and aid people for the sake of improving public health and making sure that society stays operational....

Examples of Adaptations Made by the Organization

Since organizations do not exist in a vacuum, it is essential for them to adjust to changes occurring in their business environment. According to Liebler and McConnell (2017), to adapt to new conditions, an organization may apply such strategies as reducing costs, modernizing equipment, or restructuring its departments. The health...