Emergency Department Discharge Instructions and Patients’ Understanding of Them

Is the framework clearly identified? The theoretical framework of the study “Patient understanding of emergency department discharge instructions: where are knowledge deficits greatest?” is not clearly identified. The authors have not included the thesis statement or research problems to support their research study. The fact that they have reviewed related...

The Trends Pertaining to Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters

Introduction PICCs are employed to administrate substances directly into the major vessels; however, their use is associated with a number of complications, some of which may be related to the techniques of PICC insertion. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the trends related to the utilization of PICCs and consider...

Health Crisis: Chemical Leakage

Introduction Healthcare professionals and leaders must be ready to deal with the issues affecting their people. The selected leadership role is that of a Director of the Public Health Department. This leadership role is critical because it determines the health outcomes of every targeted community. This paper identifies the best...

The Roles of Family Nurse Practitioner

The roles of family nurse practitioner have changed over time just like the responsibilities of other health care providers such as physicians. In fact, the increased availability of prospects within the specialty medicine is the major factor that causes the changing trends. In other words, private practice among the health...

The Issue of Regulating the Nurse-Patient Staffing Ratio

Introduction MedSurg Matters is the authorized associate newssheet of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (sometimes referred to as AMSN). It comprehends peer-reviewed medical courses along with the updates that apply to the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses participation and is released six times annually as an advantage of affiliation. It is...

Health Inequality in the United States

The improvement of patient outcomes and nursing practice entails providing efficient healthcare services for quality care. In the United States, Hispanics, commonly known as Latinos, are the second largest population after the non-Hispanic population. They are also the largest group that does not access healthcare facilities in the region due...

Head to Toe Overview and Assessment

Head How to conduct the assessment The researcher performed a complete head-to-toe assessment on Mr. Joe, a 75-year old neighbor. The assessment of the head focused on the issue of shape and symmetry, the condition of his hair and scalp. The process involved physical assessment of the entire head. Review...

Medical Ethical Dilemmas at the End of Life

The constitution prohibits anyone from taking his/her life. If one tries to take his/her life and doesn’t succeed he is taken to a court of law and then put into prison for attempted murder. Society does not also allow people to commit suicide by any means. Instead, one is supposed...

Health Care: The Situation in a Multi-Bed Hospital

The present description is about the paper that highlights the situation in a multi-bed hospital. Generally, the efficacy of a clinical setting rests with the management of patient information. With the ever increasing health problems and hectic work load growing over health care professionals, there is a need of efficient...

Policymaker Visit About the Childhood Obesity Problem

Policymaker Visit The most important result of the policy-making visit was a successful contact establishing with the policymaker. It appeared that the person is also concerned about the problem since she has the close ones affected by the negative outcomes of the problem. Besides, the identification of common positions in...

Biostatistics and Public Health Study Evidence

Biostatistics is the application of statistical knowledge to aid the interpretation of biological and public health related data. For research to provide scientific evidence, data should be correctly collected, analyzed and the findings interpreted. At this point, the role of biostatisticians becomes crucial because they engage in interdisciplinary collaborations through...

Reference-Test Bias in Diagnostic-Test Evaluation

Introduction Epidemiology consists of various processes that are similar to other health professions. These processes are like nursing process, scientific process, diagnostic process and quality improvement process. In each process, the epidemiologist entirely depends on accurate assessments of various disease states. This assessment occurs in almost all aspects of their...

Patient Health Care Outcome

Many changes have been introduced in the industry of health care over the recent past. Most of these changes aim at reducing expenditures in health care. This leads to a reduction in the quality of services offered such that the health care consumers may be worse off even with the...

Breast Cancer: Etiology, Signs and Symptoms

Introduction Breast cancer has become one of the most popular diseases among women all over the world. This form of cancer is characterized by the growth of abnormal cells in the breast tissues. Breast cancer is believed to have claimed many human lives in the last four decades, but its...

Effects of Toxins – Asbestos

Asbestos According to Ansari, Bihari, Rastogi, Ashquin, and Ahmad (2007), asbestos is “one of the naturally-occurring compounds” (p. 15). This mineral compound occurs in different products such as cement, ceilings, tiles, and transmission parts. Asbestos is heat-resistant. This “mineral compound has very strong fibers” (Ansari et al., 2007, p. 17)....

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Its Implications in Advanced Practice Nursing

The affordable care act adopted in April 2013 demands that all US citizens should be insured. Qualifying health coverage is also another requirement under the individuals’ mandate. In the case of non-Medicare eligible individuals, the same coverage is also expected to be extended to them (Tanner, 2013). The program also...

Healthcare Institutions: Staff Education

Changes in organizations are necessary but sometimes hard to make. Containing cost is becoming an interesting focus for changes, as health care institutions, families, patients and practitioners are facing a hard time in trying to survive the tumultuous environment. In order to maintain proper and quality services for the patients...

Manager Morale at Uptown Hospital

Regarding the case under analysis, organizational and operational issues are at the core of the problems within Uptown Hospital (Agoritas, 2009). The manager failed to define the root of the problem and provide the corresponding solutions to it. Lack of standardization indicates the shortcoming of the currently established managerial polices...

Family Nurse Practitioner: Advanced Roles, Leadership Attributes, and Health Policy

Introduction The United States and other countries review the roles of advanced practice nurses in a bid to improve health care services delivered to the patients. The United States believes that developing more advanced roles for its nurses could be one of the most effective strategies to improve health care...

Nebulized Hypertonic Saline as an Alternative Treatment for Children Bronchiolitis

Brief introduction This paper provides a brief but comprehensive proposal for research into the use of nebulized hypertonic saline as alternative management of bronchiolitis in children. The proposed research method will be a qualitative review of current and recent literature, which has identified gaps in the existing knowledge. Currently, a...

Health Education and Group Process in the Community

Introduction The health care sector has continued to face numerous challenges in modern times. Nonetheless, the health care providers have had to establish innovative strategies to meet the challenges that are observed in the health care sector. In recent times, nurses have been forced to work outside the hospital environment...

Health Care Delivery Systems Issues in the US

Health care delivery systems face very many challenges; for example, the issues of cost, quality, and access remain critical for the delivery of health care services in the US. National health services continue to face a lot of strain because the health care system is market-oriented. Investing more in primary...

Genetics and Public Health: Disease Control and Prevention

Public health genomics may be defined as the field of study where gene sequences can be used to benefit the society. With the knowledge of genes and their functions being known to the scientific world, one can put those stored and retrieved data to a great use to tackle public...

Narcissism Test: Public Health Leadership

Introduction After completing the value assessment test, I realized that most of the things I value in life are products of my self-development goals. I also found out that my views of life also greatly influence my value system. Some of my most important issues, which I highlighted in the...

Innovations and Consumer Experience in Health Care

Introduction The ultimate goal of health care is to bring the patient through his or her medical condition and ensure full and swift recovery as efficiently as possible. As a result, patient experience is one of the most essential criteria allowing to evaluate the effectiveness of health care. A possible...

Electronic Health Records: A Critique of Two Papers

Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) play a critical role in any healthcare setting. The two papers presented dwell on issues surrounding the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in primary and tertiary health care. For that reason, this critique will use EMR and EHR interchangeably. The first paper, Electronic Health Records...

Type 1 Diabetes: Characteristics, Epidemiology

Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes is a rare form of diabetes. Between five and ten percent of patients who are diagnosed with diabetes suffer from this form of diabetes. It is an autoimmune condition that causes the immune system of the patients to damage cells that produce...

Ethical Health Promotion-Related Issue

In HIV treatment and prevention, confidentiality raises an ethical health promotion-related issue by creating the dilemma between safeguarding the privacy of the patient and protecting people who could be at high risk, for example, spouses. Upholding patients’ confidentiality signifies that their positive status should remain secret without being discussed by...

Leprosy (Hansen’s) Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

Abstract Leprosy is a highly contagious disease that is caused by M. leprae. The disease affects the cooler parts of the body, especially acral parts of the body. Leprosy is endemic and mainly found in low socio-economic communities across the globe. Leprosy evolves from a local to a general form...

Tooth Decay Problem in the United States

Selection of topic The topic selected is tooth decay in the US. Selection of the topic is based on the fact that it resonates with my field of study. Besides, it is an area of public concern because over the years, there has been growth in cases of untreated tooth...

Identification, Control and Prevention of Mesothelioma Disease in the UK

Introduction Following industrialization, the production of materials that would be used in development increased. Production increased development as the companies developed economically. Production involved making of chemical substances. Little information was known about the harmful effects of the substances hence, production continued. Company owners failed to take any precautions to...

Theory Use in Public Health Campaign

Introduction In the last decade, researchers have discovered the need for theoretical innovation in public health practice (Green, 2000; Glanz & Bishop, 2010). Most theoretical knowledge has largely centered on specific fields of public health, such as behavioral psychology and biomedical science (Glanz & Bishop, 2010). Some researchers have also...

Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type: 10 Warning Signs

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is a permanent, progressive illness of the brain, which gradually damages the memory as well as thinking ability. In due course, the capability to execute even the most undemanding everyday jobs is also destroyed. The ailment gets its name from Alois Alzheimer, the doctor who first diagnosed...

Leadership Challenges as the CDC Director

Introduction In the assigned article, Osterholm (2005) highlighted some problems associated with preparing for future influenza pandemics. Without going into the details of these problems, he also mentioned leadership challenges that underscore the existence of these problems. One of them was determining the format, or structure, for partners in the...

The Five Types of Meningitis

Types of Meningitis Viral meningitis is the most common and usually goes away without any specific treatment. Bacterial meningitis is another type of this disease; it is rather contagious, dangerous, and even fatal if left untreated. This type is caused by infection from particular bacteria (Lights, 2019). The third type,...

Conditions in Federal Healthcare Platform in the USA

Today, many Americans with pre-existing medical conditions can easily access adequate and affordable health coverage across all states, thanks to the Affordable Care Act. It prohibits employers and insurance companies from denying health coverage to any American with a pre-existing health condition(s). It also directs insurance firms to provide all...

Influenza Pandemic Outbreak Overview

Abstract This present paper has discussed how the systems approach can be utilized by the Director of CDC to establish an immediate response to influenza outbreak. Although the approach is effective in dealing with the pandemic, efforts need to be made to deal with arising leadership challenges Introduction Public health...

New IT System for Use in Nursing Home and Assisted Living

The increase of aged people in nursing homes and assisted living has been alarming due to change in living standards. Most families would rather pay for their aged members of the family’s nursing care than be taking care of them at home. The overwhelming activities of tracing them and providing...

Educational Activities Plan for Diabetic Ketoacidosis Patient

The education plan described in this essay details the proposed educational activities that a diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) patient will undergo over a period of 3 days. The patient should attend two sessions every day for the first two days and one session on the last day. Objectives of the Education...

Glaucoma Pathophysiology and Vascular Factor

Introduction Glaucoma is among the major causes of blindness globally. Glaucoma is a persistent neurodegenerative condition that affects the optic nerve (Casson et al. 2012). The condition results from a progressive deterioration of cell fibers of the retinal ganglion and visual area abnormalities. Excess intraocular pressure has been identified as...

Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Children

Introduction Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common virus infections of the reproductive tract. There are over forty different types of the virus that may affect the genital area of both males and females. Some types of HPV are harmless while others (i.e. types 16, 18, 6, and...

Crataegus Oxycantha’s Impact on Heart Failure

Introduction The article “The effect of Crataegus oxycantha Special Extract WS 1442 on clinical progression in patients with mild to moderate symptoms of heart failure” is a 2008 publication in the Eur J Heart Fail, volume 10, number 6 from page 587 to 593. This article evaluates how WSS 1442...

Caring-Healing and Culturally Congruent Care

Effective healthcare entails much more than just the provider’s knowledge and mastery of nursing practice. Enzman and Gaughan (2017) assert that a medical intervention must be such as to alleviate pain and slow the progression of a medical condition, although the primary mission of healthcare is much broader than just...

“Practice Nurse Use of Evidence in Clinical Practice”: Synopsis of the Study

What was the purpose of the study? The purpose of this study was “to describe nurses’ perception regarding the attitudes associated with the use of evidence-based practice” (Prior, Wilkinson, & Neville, 2010, p. 14). The researchers also wanted to examine how educational preparation supports the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP)....

Health and Medicine: Facility Planning for South State Hospital

Regulatory requirements and their impact on the design and equipment To abide by the stipulated regulations of South Carolina State, THE SOUTH STATE HOSPITAL shall follow the prescribed code of ascertaining that it has; License from the government, Permits for operations, and that it follows the law as well as...

Sources of Literature in Nursing Problems

Nursing problems have greatly affected most health care systems in various countries. This is evident in both high-income countries and low-income countries. This paper seeks to find out whether the 15 articles have done the following: clearly identified and stated the problem, the nature of the issue of concern and...

Behavioral and Molecular Alterations in Mice… by Skupio et al.

The research hypothesis (question) The research hypothesis of the article is to investigate the molecular and behavioral effects of the administration of chronic DEX (dexamethasone) on C57BL/6J mice. The main study variable(s) The primary variables include chronic DEX administration (level), body weight, depressive-like behavior (despair and anhedonia), anxiety-like behavior, and...

Prevention Complications in Hypertensive Patients in Home Health

Introduction Research conducted by Solberg et al (2000) has shown that cases of hypertension are very common among home health patients. For this reason, numerous patients suffering from hypertension are at risk of developing other related complications. Bearing this idea in mind, there is a need to develop a thorough...

Hypothesis in Engel et al.’s Study on Emergency Patients

Does the study contain a hypothesis or hypotheses? Engel et al.’s paper “Patient understanding of emergency department discharge instructions: where are knowledge deficits greatest?” has one hypothesis. The study made assumptions that most of the respondents failed to fathom the discharge instructions given to them, which led to a deficit...

Implementation of Computerized Physician Order Entry

Introduction Electronic medical records system entails computerization of storage, retrieval, and modification of clinical or medical information by the medical care providers. Medical information is an essential component to the organizations providing medical care to the patients such as hospitals and clinics (Santell, 2004, p. 24). Computerization of the information...

Autism Complementary Treatmen: Diet and Relaxation

Introduction Autism presents several behavioral and functional anomalies (Cathcart, 1998). Participation of parents, structural modification, and dietary changes are usually administered as forms of psychotherapy to align these anomalies to normal behavior. Nurses do this fundamental role in ensuring the overall health of victims to hasten recovery. There are resources...

Efforts to Improve Public Health

Introduction Efforts to improve health constitute a wide range of interventions that should be implemented at many levels. For instance, when an individual receives preventive care, eats properly, takes vitamins, goes to the gym, and so forth, this person uses strategies to improve his or her own health. On the...

Pharmaceutical Science: Vicodin

Introduction According to Herper, it is interesting to note that the most popular prescription drug in the USA was prescribed 128 million times in 2010 (Herper 2010). This point is especially surprising given that a number of experts and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) called for its banning. The...

Professional Moral Compass and Spirituality

Introduction Ethical standards are essential in all employment settings. Consequently, nurses should be conversant with the guiding principles of nursing (Walsh, 2010). This would enable nurses to provide quality services to patients and work within an acceptable ethical framework. Usually, nurses cooperate with colleagues to provide efficient services to patients....

Acute and Chronic Abdominal Pains

Introduction Age has been a critical aspect of human health as it determines the occurrence and severity of particular diseases. Causes, symptoms, and damage of some common diseases in human beings sometimes differ depending on age factors (Panagoulias, Tentolouris, & Ladas, 2008). Acute and chronic abdominal pain disorders have recently...

Seborrheic Keratosis: A Patient’s Examination

The patient is Mr. Gary T., who is 77 years of age Caucasian American. Mr. T. has been worried about a skin lesion. After a close examination of the lesion on the patient’s shoulder, I have identified it as seborrheic keratosis. When charting this lesion it has to be mentioned...

Activated Charcoal Detoxication

One of the most well-known methods of detoxication after excessive use of food or alcohol is the one with the help of activated charcoal. It remains controversial due to its partly unexplored nature that includes possible side effects. However, the people using this type of detoxication do not take into...

Counselling Sexual Minorities

Modern society is designed with the rough assumption that everybody is heterosexual, and, as a result, the interests of sexual minorities are not met. Consequently, there are peculiarities of the social structures that limit their rights and opportunities, which, in turn, adversely affect their health and wellness (Flenar et al.,...

Application of Health Belief Model in Dentistry

Health and wellbeing are essential for a community or population as a whole. A healthy population is a valuable asset to every country because it gives people the opportunity to live better lives, fulfill their potential, create families, and contribute to the country’s wellbeing. There might be an abundance of...

Organizational Culture in a Healthcare Facility

Introduction The topic that I selected for the research is organizational culture. The development of an organization is based on the credibility of its brand name. The entire process of selling is determined by the popularity and loyalty that a brand name has achieved (Alvesson, 2013). In perspective, the organization...

Health Care Information Technologies Applications

Three IT Applications within physician offices and hospital systems There are three forms of health care information technology applications, which are telemedicine application, E-prescribing, and personal health records. Telemedicine systems have made it possible to pass on health care or medical information to people who may be far away from...

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination for All

Introduction to the public The health care system in the United States introduced HPV to the public in 2006 following its approval by the Food and Drug Administration. Indication for medication All children aged 11 or 12 years, who are presumed to have not done sexual intercourse, should get routine...

Maria: Bronchitis and Pneumonia

Introduction Pneumonia and bronchitis are some of the common communicable diseases in the world today. They may have a devastating effect on the patient if they are not addressed early enough. According to Wright (2002), it is important to know some of the symptoms of these two diseases in order...

Foundational Frameworks of Quality Improvement

Introduction There are several foundational frameworks for quality improvement in healthcare. The major ones include continuous quality improvement (CQI), total quality management (TQM), and structure, process, and outcome (SPO). CQI is based on the notion that all aspects of the organization can be improved to enhance the satisfaction levels of...

Developing EBP Questions Requiring Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Introduction Evidence-based practice is an exercise that originated from the medical profession. It has however been implemented in other fields such as nursing and psychology. The scope of ‘evidence-based practice’ involves the application of research results in processes. It is used in medicine and nursing professions to ensure that services...

Acculturation in Immigrant Nurses in Israel and the US

Introduction Acculturation refers to the cultural changes to certain groups of people brought about by mixing cultures. For instance, immigrant nurse tends to experience various cultures hence being forced to undergo acculturation. At times, these nurses may be forced by the situation to learn and adapt to cultural practices from...

The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner

Healthcare practitioners have been experiencing immense pressure in the course of their work. In order to alleviate such pressures that are linked to increased patient perspicacity as well as medical endeavors, there has been operationalization of advanced nursing practice (APN) in various hospitals. The purpose and intend of the advanced...

Ventilation Associated Pneumonia

Evidence The Cochrane database of systematic reviews was used to obtain background information because the main interest was in evidence -based data that would help in deciding on the best course of action to take in an effort to reduce of VAP incidence. To this end, the search term ‘Ventilator...

Status With Authority in the Field of Nursing

When equating status with authority in the field of nursing, it is possible to cause some confusion in understanding nurses’ or leaders’ roles depending on the aspect of power. In the field of nursing, there is a hierarchy of roles that are associated with individuals’ professional status and assigned authority....

System Analysis of Health Information Management

Effective health care management is a challenging area of discipline, requiring that a correct approach should be used in each particular situation. One of the primary objectives consists of data collection, analysis, and storing. This process must be effective, convenient, and secure, meaning that health care organizations must choose the...

Genetic Disorder Cystic Fibrosis

Description of the disease Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that is passed from parent to offspring. It is a hereditary, autosomal and recessive medical complication. Its main feature is the accumulation of more dense and sticky secretions in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body (Wilschanski...

Employees with Potential: Grow in the Careers

Great candidates who are seeking jobs do not stay on the job market for long. Therefore, it is necessary for a human resource manager to be careful when recruiting employees to ensure that the right candidate for a given job is selected (Gatewood, Feild, & Barrick, 2015). However, selecting one...

Epidemiology: Controling Spread of HIV in China

Description of the Research and How It Represents an Epidemiological Study Chang (2009) conducted a study to evaluate efforts by the Chinese government to control the spread of HIV in China by narrowing down on effective preventive measures for controlling HIV among sex workers. This study was on CNN. Why...

Health Leadership and Management Innovation

Introduction A patient care facility has the responsibility of delivering health care to patients in a timely, safe and effective manner. However, often, the overcrowded and unpredictable nature of care settings coupled by the fragmentation of care delivery system makes effective care delivery problematic. In particular, medication errors often arise...

Problems of the Global Health

All the wars for equality are long gone, but still their achievements are far from ideal. There is no rule or law in the world stating that one should be healthier than another or that one’s wounds are more important than another’s. If a person is in need of help,...

Healthcare Administration: Nursing Activity

Seavers vs. Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge is a case that took place between Mrs. Seavers and the negligent behavior of nurses towards her, during the treatment at the Medical Center. It raises the issues of medical responsibility and res ipsa loquitur. This means that the result of the...

New Moves Program. Healthy Lifestyle

Stakeholders The stakeholders of any program can be divided into three groups that are primary (the users of the findings), secondary (affected by the findings), and tertiary (interested in the findings). In case of the New Moves Program that targets the obese female high school students and promotes a healthy...

Health Traditions in Different Cultures

Different cultures are characterized by following various health traditions based on the aspects of the cultural heritage. The role of the heritage assessment in the health care practice is significant, and much attention should be paid to the cultural differences of such groups as the Indians, Chinese people, and African...

Healthcare and Risks: The Hospital of Nashville

The following is an analysis on the Nashville hospital that has Jewish owned Private Hospital whose case study has been provided in the Goldfarb’s and Nash book on Quality Solutions for improving healthcare. The scope of this analysis shall delve into the issue of healthcare and risk management and how...

Clinical Ethics, Business Ethics and the Law in a Health Care Organization

Introduction The phenomenon of ethics is a big concern in the health care sector. A lot of efforts and literature have been directed towards clinical ethics. However, there are other forms of ethics, which are of great importance and have attracted little attention. These include business ethics, legal/law ethics, research...

Center-Based Child Care Facility for Preschoolers: Review

It is hard to disagree that early childhood development plays a significant role in the whole future life of a kid. Since parents may be busy with work, they do not always have much time to teach their sons and daughters some necessary skills, so it is our child care...

Community Health Intervention Study Design

Dwelling upon the study design for our community-intervention trial, it should be stated that the research should be conducted in a specific community and among a particular age group. Therefore, attention should be paid to Miami Dade, Florida, and to Chlamydia infected adolescents aged 14 -18. Using the information from...

Changing Health Behavior in Current Pandemic Situation

In light of the current pandemic, specific measures have been implemented in social life. Most of them, such as wearing masks in public places, limiting groups, washing hands frequently, and social distancing, cause inconvenience for people, which results in resistance to them. As the attention to their implementation is of...

Public Health Interventions and Economics: Obesity

The public health intervention to address obesity has highlighted weight loss as an effective intervention to minimize the incidence of obesity-related diseases. The intervention is cost-effective because it is preventive as opposed to curative. The curative cost for obesity is $147 billion annually. However, the cost of weight loss is...

‘Patient Referral Patterns…’ by Donker et al.

Summary The article ‘Patient Referral Patterns and the Spread of Hospital-Acquired Infections through National Healthcare Networks’ by Donker, Wallinga, and Grundmann (2010) investigates the contentious issue of health acquired infections. The goal is to show how the infections are spread across national healthcare networks due to referrals from hospitals. The...

Diabetics: Types, Symptoms, Diagnostics, Treatment

Introduction Diabetes is a terminal disease that is caused by increased sugar levels in the blood. It leads to a rise in blood glucose (sugar) levels. The food that we eat gets converted into simple sugar i.e. glucose. Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the beta cells of...

Long-Term Care Funding

With aging, the need for long-term care appears; therefore, for many people, the problem of financing such programs is currently essential. Long-term care services assume a wide range of health support and assistance, which are “needed by individuals over an extended period of time” (Congressional Research Service, 2018). Such medical...

“Pathogenic Organisms Associated With…” by Hedderwick

Abstract Healthcare workers should uphold cleanliness in the course of their work. Currently, artificial fingernails amongst healthcare workers are restricted in certain settings. The authors of this article carried out research work to determine the premise of this requirement. The article meets the criteria outlined for a scientific paper. This...

Associate Degree Nurses’ Work Possibilities

Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study was to identify the factors which prevent associate degree-prepared nurses from pursuing further education in a quest for a higher-level degree or baccalaureate. The research question was about the factors in health care institutions that dissuade nurses who are associate degree...

The Influence of Quality on the Demand for Medical Care

Introduction For many years, health care sector has remained a very important aspect of a nation’s economy, creating the need for a well managed system and quality services. This can be attributed to its role in ensuring good health and overall welfare for the population. The sector has continued to...

HIV Among Adolescents: Nurse Practitioners Intervention

Statistics on HIV among adolescents According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), people who are aged between 13 and 24, account for approximately 26 percent of newly-acquired HIV infections in America (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). Yet, one should mention that teenagers make only 17...

The Environmental Issues Significant Impact on Health

Abstract In this paper, it was revealed that the environmental issues have a significant impact on health. It is apparent that both positive and negative factors take place. However, the adverse aspects such as air pollution, poor quality of water and, natural hazards were emphasized. The topic was carefully discussed...

The Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in Young Women

Research issue and purposes The researcher has clearly outlined the essence of the referenced study as aimed at reviewing the epidemiology of breast cancer in young women. He has limited the ‘young’ to involve women who are below the age of 40 years. He intends to explore the incidence, mortality...

Urban-Rural Differences in Medicare Health Promotion

Purpose of the study The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of a multi-component health promotion and disease self-management intervention on physical function and health care expenditures among Medicare beneficiaries and to establish if these outcomes differ by urban or rural residents. The study was conducted through...

Factors of Older Adults’ Decision on Cancer Treatment

Introduction There are many chronic health conditions that affect older adults. One of the chronic health conditions is cancer. Due to the conditions, the elderly have varying health priorities, which influence their acceptance or rejection of treatment. There are few studies that have examined the factors that influence the decision-making...

Nursing Caregiving Research Analysis

Sanford, J., Townsend-Rocchicciolli, J., Horigan, A., & Hall, P. (2011). A process of decision making by caregivers of family members with heart failure. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice, 25(1), 55-70. In order to describe the procedure used to make decisions by caregivers of heart failure patients, data had to...

The Prevalence and Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Diseases Among Hispanics

Introduction Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the main cause of death in the world. It accounts for about 17.3 million deaths annually. The figures are projected to increase. It is also the leading killer in the US where about 375,000 Americans succumb to it every year. In every 90 seconds, CVD...

Ways to Facilitate Wellbeing by Stimulating the Body’s Self-Healing Ability

Introduction Alternative medicine is nowadays becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Alternative medicine refers to non-tested, non-approved treatments that entail remedies such as oils, herbs message as well as acupuncture among others. Alternative medicine has been noted to be very effective in the treatment of disease. In addition to the treatment of...

Population-Based Care Method Overview

Many physicians used to view healthcare from an individual perspective. However, there has been a recent departure in the individual provision of health care services, and the focus is now on the provision of healthcare to entire populations. The concept tries to come up with techniques to improve the health...

Proper Medication Administration by EMS Importance

Introduction Patients seeking medical interventions are subjected to different risks and potential harm due to increased dependence on medication therapy. The risks associated with medication therapy may occur as a result of accidental errors from the nurse and practitioners when administering medication. The purpose of this report is to review...

Smartphone Application and Diabetes Reminder Management

The proposed intervention implies the implementation of smartphone applications aimed at managing diabetes. One suggests that the following practice is likely to be mutually beneficial for a patient and a practitioner. The intervention has a lot of advantages, including its wide availability, low cost, and innovative character. Nowadays, the fact...

Quality Management in Healthcare Organization

Observed Activities The interview took place at the Ambulatory Center, an up-to-date and technologically advanced facility. The hospital is available 23 hours and our nurse staff are ready to provide high-quality services effectively. The interview demonstrated that our quality manager was keen on sustaining a high level of daily operations...

HIV and AIDS Etiology and Management

Introduction HIV and AIDS are two different disease processes that are related but occur at different stages. HIV is short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus infects the human immune system and may cause adverse damage over time. This virus, unlike viruses that cause flu and the common cold, never...

Sodium: The Imbalance in the Body

Sodium supports the electrolyte balance of the body and plays an important role in the work of muscles, nerves, and the cardiovascular system. Hyponatremia occurs when a person has low or extremely low levels of sodium in his or her blood (Buffington & Abreo, 2016). Some of its common signs...

The Older Americans Act’s Critique

Older Americans are an important part of American society because of their contribution to the economy through adding vital experience and voluntary service as community work. However, they face several challenges to their health and financial status due to their old age. The Older Americans Act was enacted in 1965...

Optimal Care For Patients With All Forms of Cancer

Introduction In an article by Lee et al (2011), patients diagnosed with lung cancer were taken through an empirical assessment on how they could improve their quality of life despite deteriorating health. The main benefit of the study to participants was that the psychometric health profile measure would indeed be...

Theories on the Coagulopathy Causes in Trauma

Introduction Coagulopathy refers to a blood clotting disorder whereby the body is unable to respond to an injury by clotting the blood to reduce the level of blood loss. The blood clotting mechanism is very crucial in the body and it is affected by the Thrombocytes (Brohi, Singh, Heron &...

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Community of Charleston, South Carolina

Introduction The spread of COVID-19 considerably affects the community of Charleston, South Carolina, in many ways. The pandemic hurts economics and potentially would cause the decline of population growth as a result of social isolation. Besides, many people, in the current situation, are obliged to face such challenges as insufficiency...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Key Points

Chronic diseases are a significant matter of concern to both healthcare organizations and financial institutions developing state budgets and allocating resources not to mention the patients themselves. Similar diseases have a negative influence on the everyday life of people decreasing the quality of their lives because of constant discomfort and...

The Correlation Between Air Pollution and Health

Many researchers have explored air pollution as an environmental disaster in many industrialized economies (the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1991; World Health Organization, 2014). However, most of them have failed to draw the link between specific types of air pollution and their health impacts. For example, few researchers explain...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Abstract When developing personal nursing philosophy, one should consider the four meta-paradigms of nursing, viz. the nursing practice, health, human beings, and the environment. These elements define the nursing practice and philosophy and they are highly interconnected to the extent that altering one of them causes a ripple effect on...

Electronic Exchange of Information

Introduction Innovative technologies have altered the landscape of healthcare significantly, leading to alterations in the management of patients’ data and needs. The creation of the Health Information Exchange (HIE) has affected the healthcare environment especially strongly since it has allowed storing patients’ data so that it could be shared and...

Obesity Overview and Ways to Improve Health

Introduction The main focus of this paper is to analyze the problems of vice marketing and some unhealthy products to teens and children. Vice marketing has been chosen as one of the issues that enhances a health promotional massage. Some of the unhealthy products are those that cause obesity among...

Adressing the Healthcare Crisis Through Telehealth Evaluating Needs

Introduction Many people miss out on adequate care; Key barriers: lack of insurance, high costs of care, long wait times, lack of transportation; Challenges addressing chronic conditions; Patients in rural areas do not receive the needed level of care; Need to treat patients regardless of access barriers; An immediate and...

Communication Techniques for Medical Errors

Majority of the medical errors arise due to communication problems during doctor or nurse shift change. The journal explains that hospitals do not have proper arrangements to facilitate these transfers. This result into misdiagnosis of some illness leading to a wrong medication given to a patient or carrying out patient...

Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse’s Role Delineation

According to AACN, the role of a nurse practitioner (NP) in adult- gerontology acute care includes such components as the leadership implications, collaborative implications to ensure effective interdisciplinary partnership, and direct patient care provider role (7). This means that the unique scope of practice for this type specialist is considerably...

Breast Cancer: Pathophysiology, Types and Treatment

Abstract Breast cancer is a common malignant neoplastic disease in women and mostly develops in the stage of women postmenopausal. Introduction Breast cancer is the most disseminated cancer disease and a primary cause of death among women. Though, a substantial number of younger women are grievously affected, commonly in families...

The Determinants of Health

The determinants of health are closely related to the needs and issues of a particular community. According to ODPHP (2020), the determinants of health are personal, economic, social, and environmental factors impacting health status. There are several determinant categories, including policies, social factors, health services, personal behavior, and biology. Community-wide...

Global Health Policy Issue: Africa

Introduction The World Health Organization’s constitution stresses that health is an elemental right for all people. (Jacobsen, 2008a) This means that regardless of a person’s religion, race, political belief, social or economic condition, he or she has the right to proper health services. Death from preventable causes is high in...

Applying Ethical Principles in Determining Vaccination Decisions

Vaccines have often been used to boost young children’s immunity, generally below 3 years. Regarding the non-maleficence principle, the vaccination process does not harm children but instead enhances their immunity. Children are able to behave in a stable health system and would not be exposed to diseases. Also, the beneficence...

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone Mechanism in Terms of Disease Prevention

Clinical investigations into the use of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to slow the effects of diabetic nephropathy and the subsequent use of angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) to reduce the progressive decay of GFR in Chronic kidney disease (CKD) to treat diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 have shown...

Anorexia and Eating Disorders Treatments

“Eating Disorders.” Teen Health Series: Stress Information for Teens, edited by Siva Ganesh Maharaja, Omnigraphics, Inc., 3rd ed., 2017. Credo Reference, Web.  The article explains three main eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. For all conditions listed above, the author provides short encyclopedic entries...

Acquiring Cheaper Healthcare Insurances

Introduction Public healthcare in the United Kingdom is provided by the National Health Service where all citizens with permanent residence status have free access to healthcare. The provisions of public healthcare differ from one territory of the United Kingdom to the other (Triggle, 2008). Healthcare programs throughout the United Kingdom...

“Identifying Dietary Patterns Compatible With the Reduction of Cancer Risk” Article Review

Using the positive deviance (PD) approach as the conceptual basis for their study titled “Practical Limitations to a Positive Deviance Approach for Identifying Dietary Patterns Compatible with the Reduction of Cancer Risk”, M. Vossenaar and colleagues aimed to evaluate the viability of constructing healthy eating guides in four international settings,...

An Improved Strategy as an Implication of an EBP Study

Executive Summary Meeting the needs of patients in the setting of a nursing institution is a rather challenging task since it requires both a very sharp focus on the unique characteristics of the target audience, particularly, a significant improvement in the information management process, and the upgrade in the contemporary...

Barriers to Access Dental Care

According to the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) all people must have access to oral health care, at that, people are accountable for their own health, and it is their responsibility to make healthy choices (Burt & Eklund, 2005). The majority of the people in the United States prefer to...

Polychlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans Contamination: The Health Risks

This paper is a critique of a study by Aberg et al. (2010), which assessed the level of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) contamination at a Swedish sawmill site. The health significance of the study was to outline the nature of health risks affecting people who lived around the contaminated...

HIV/AIDS: Etiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus which kills body cells aimed at helping people combat with different kinds of viruses. Human body is protected by the immune system which helps fight with viruses and illnesses. HIV destroys this system. AIDS is an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a disease a person gets...

Models of Magnetism and the Nursing Workforce

Introduction Healthcare services management aimed at improving the effectiveness by using a set of principles, methods, and means of activating the force and motives of nurses. In order to reveal the topic, it seems appropriate to consider magnetism and the nursing workforce. Initially, components and forces of magnetism appeared in...

The Experience of Viewing Oneself in the Mirror After a Mastectomy: Review

This discussion presents a critical analysis of a qualitative study named: ‘The experience of viewing oneself in the mirror after a mastectomy’. The paper focuses on the purpose of the study, literature review, research question, theoretical framework and problem statement. The authors of the article wanted to examine the experience...

Medical Services Quality & Healthcare Providers

One of the most challenging issues encountered in the healthcare sector is the ability to obtain accurate information about the quality of healthcare services dispensed healthcare providers (McClellan & Staiger, 1999, p.1; Grandison & Bhatti, 2010, p.1). Moreover, the quality of care is affected by the number of care personnel...

Diabetes Insipidus: Causes, Treatment, Pathophysiology

Causes of Diabetes Insipidus The lack of sufficient antidiuretic hormone (ADH)in the body results in diabetes insipidus. Genetic inheritance, brain tumors, head injuries, meningitis, blood vessel complications, and stroke are some of the factors associated with the development of diabetes insipidus. The hormone acts as a regulator of water absorption...

Certified Nurse Midwife

Medical treatment and healthcare technology are developing and improving, which leads to the extension of nursing specialties. Now it is possible to get both education and certification in such spheres as “clinical practice, including medical-surgical nursing, pediatrics, anesthesia, midwifery, emergency care, mental health, public health, critical care, neonatal care, and...

Outcomes Associated With Chlamydia Prevention Programs in the U. S.

First, Chlamydia is not a widely investigated STI compared to other sexually transmitted diseases, for example, HIV infection. Intervention programs have been biased towards women due to associated cost-effectiveness, and the reason why most studies on STIs focus on women. Hence, this could be the reason for the continued increases...

Social Cognitive Theory in Public Health

Possible Interventions Recycling has become an important part of citizens’ daily life in many major cities because today citizens are more aware of their impact on the environment and climate change. Moreover, people also recognize the impact that the environment has on their health. One of the most popular interventions...

Finances and Budget of Cosmetic Center

Main Post Being the Director of nursing, I must be in charge of all financial and budgeting processes of our medical center. I am aware of the fact that central functioning can be sustained through effective analysis of revenues, expenditures, and reimbursements. Due to the fact that my center specializes...

Decisions, Nursing Judgment, and Inter-Professional Team Role in Quality Patient Outcomes

Nurses have the responsibility to make clinical judgments and decisions. Decisions and judgment reflect how nurses come to comprehend the health issues and concerns of patients and develop effective intervention strategies. Nurse decisions and clinical judgment are required in a complex situation to improve patient quality of care. In such...

Leadership Project Summary: Categorize Theories

High rates of nurse turnover currently persist all around the world. The issue of the nursing skills shortage in various medical organizations and facilities is a known concern. Nurse turnover may occur due to the influence of many different factors or their combinations. The professionals and leaders all around the...

Future of Nursing and Profession’s Development Factors

Nursing is one of the most humane professions, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. Registered nurses work in diverse healthcare settings, providing medical care, support, and advice for patients. They maintain high standards in their practice, applying their professional skills and ethical values. This paper aims to discuss...

Combining Nurse Leadership With Advocacy

The healthcare system is both complex and dynamic considering the increasing demand for patient safety and quality assurance (Cramp & Carson, 2009). Sims (2009) has reported that health care organizations are now advocating nursing leadership to address the current challenges. As such, it is essential for every health professional to...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing: Difficulties in Decision Making

Discussion of the Ethical Decisions Many critically sick patients are in uncontrollable pain and encounter an unbearably deprived quality of life (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2008). Many of them would choose to terminate their lives instead of continuing till their bodies at last give up. Is it ethical for anyone to...

Coexistence of Ethics and Law in Medicine

Just like other fields, breaches of laws and ethics are not an inevitable event in the health care setting. When the breach of law and ethics happens at the helm of the health care organization, negative consequences are likely to occur. To curb this, health care organizations have to ensure...

The United States Immunization Policy

Introduction Immunization policy refers to the public health policy that the government has adopted about immunization. In 1774, a Dorset farmer tried the first vaccine when he inoculated cowpox to his family in protection against smallpox. However, vaccination was first used in medical practice during the year 1796 by Edward...

State of Human Health and Sociocultural Conditions

There is no use denying the fact that coherent society takes human life as the greatest value. That is why, huge sums are spent in order to develop different medicines or just support the health of people. However, there are still many various problems connected with the health of people....

Interview With Nursing Information Expert

Directions: After completing your interview, you must use this form to submit your assignment to Dropbox. You may use the form to capture information as you conduct your interview, or fill it in later. The form is expandable and will enlarge the textbox to accommodate your answers. Do not rely...

Public Health: The Issue of HIV/AIDS Pandemic

Introduction The issue of HIV/AIDS pandemic has resulted to myriad of speculations. Researchers have linked the scourge with irresponsible sexual behavior resulting from factors such as drug abuse and other environmental effects (Schneider, 2010). Research by scientists has shown that, this sexually spread infection results to a syndrome that reduces...

Addressing Nursing Shortage and Nurse Turnover

Introduction Nursing shortage is a major issue across the globe. In the United States of America, it is projected that the shortage of registered nurses (RNs) will intensify (Rosseter, 2012). This is due to increased need for health care catalyzed by the aging Baby Boomers. This is also influenced by...