Relation Between Culture and Health in USA

Introduction Nowadays one of the major principles and standards for health care professionals is equity. For instance, Douglas et al. (2009, p. 258) put equity in the first place as the first “standard of practise for culturally competent nursing care” they define as social justice, which is based on the...

Advanced-Practice Nursing (APN) Philosophy

Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) are well known for the high degree of care and compassion that they usually offer to patients. In any case, all nurses are expected to offer a warm and welcoming environment to all categories of patients. My philosophy of nursing is geared towards offering caring and...

Community Health Network Analysis

Introduction The Community Health Information Networks (CHINs), according to the Ernest and Young health care practice are defined as “inter organizational systems that use information and telecommunication technologies to store, transmit and to transform clinical and financial information” (Payton, Brennan & Ginzberg, 1995, p. 1). CHIN is also defined as,...

Abbreviated Quantitative Healthcare Research Plan

Abstract The disparities in the American healthcare system have been depicted in the form of discrimination, which takes place when people from different socioeconomic, cultural, and racial groups try to access healthcare services. In most cases, the disparities in providing health services emerge when different or particular groups try to...

Giving Birth Assisted Methods: Implications and Concerns

Assisted Methods of Giving Birth: Implications and Concerns The fundament of every family is a creation of a new life. However, sometimes nature goes against the rewarding desire to have children and inflicts specific conditions on human health, which preclude women from experiencing maternity. Still, the contemporary medicine offers a...

Analysis of Fatal Errors in Nursing

One instance in the story where the patient safety error occurred is when the unfamiliar nurse enters Josie’s room and subsequently injects a methadone dose as a painkiller. Ms. King protests the act by opining that the previous doctor had verbally ordered that no narcotics should be administered to Josie...

The Problem of Shortage of Nurses

The context Patients pay part of the cost of treatment, while governments pay the rest in public hospital settings, which is a common outcome of many social health policies. I recently worked in a clinical environment with this characteristic. There was a nursing shortage at the hospital facility that catered...

Nursing: Issue of Obesity, Impact of Food

John Donovan examines the connections between American children’s obesity and the fast-food industry. Obesity is a pandemic problem in America. Though, most teenagers admit that gaining weight is their fault some are suing fast-food companies like McDonald’s for presumably causing their obesity. The fast-food industry is under pressure from critics...

Return on Investment of HIV Treatment Among African-American Women

Abstract This paper is a brief analysis of the Minnesota African-American Women with HIV (MAAH) program. The program aims to improve compliance and support among African-American women suffering from HIV and AIDS in Minnesota. Its new nature and the lack of skilled personnel emerge as the main challenges of quantifying...

Saliva and Dental Caries

Despite the availability of kinds of literature on etiological factors such as the effectiveness of prophylactic procedures and the processes of development of dental caries, the relationship between saliva and dental caries is not fully dissected. This is more poignant when critical questions behind the development of the disease and...

Infectious Disease: The CDC’s Malaria Program

Summary of the article The CDC’s Malaria Program focuses on the US government’s initiatives to fight malaria within its territories and abroad (CDC, 2013). This article asserts that since the formation of The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), infectious diseases in the US have been contained while others...

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

The AACN, the CCN, and MSN Program The AACN Essentials of Masters Education, the CCN mission, philosophy, and MSN Program Outcomes have a number of similarities in the concepts of educational accreditation and regulation, educational preparation, and scope of practice. Particularly, all the three nursing programs aim to prepare highly...

The Primary Objective of the Philosophical Analysis

Introduction The primary objective of the philosophical analysis is to evaluate logic and create theories of sense. A majority of the philosophers consider the commonalities of patient, nurse and environment in the bid to create a consequential philosophy of nursing practice. There are numerous approaches to creating philosophy. They include...

Healing Hospital as a Daring Paradigm

Introduction As stated by Chaplain Fowler (2014), healing hospitals have been some of the most convenient health facilities filled with a myriad of great health benefits to both the patients and the health practitioners in the military (Fowler, 2014, p. 11). This particular paradigm that involves the use of spiritual...

Type II Diabetes: Pathophysiology, Initial Signs, Symptoms,

Pathophysiology associated with Type 2 Diabetes Type II Diabetes results from insufficient insulin in the blood (Nolan, Damm & Prentki, 2011). In the pathophysiology of the disease, there are two conditions related to it. For example, patients suffer from increased resistance to insulin and impaired insulin secretion (Nolan et al....

Disease Processes. Traumatic Brain Injury

Background and Clinical Situation Traumatic brain injury (TBI), an acquired brain injury and not degenerative, takes place when there is an insult to the brain. TBI may result from a “sudden and violent blow to the head or it may occur when an object pierces the head and enters the...

Evaluation of Effectiveness of CT Dose Reduction Strategies

Introduction Various radiation reduction techniques researched to identify the most effective strategy for clinical utilization included kVp, mAs, Shielding, and Pitch. Each of these techniques was evaluated by determining the mean and standard deviations for different values obtained from different hospitals for different patients. Emphasis was laid on tests conducted...

Glycemic Control and Associated Factors

Diabetes management requires a comprehensive approach continuing medical care and patient education so as to prevent short-term and long-term complications (Labrose-Lhermine et al., 2007; Benoit et al., 2005). Glycemic control is the essential treatment objective for diabetes care. Glycemic control is a medical phrase that presumes to support blood glucose...

Effectiveness of Pharmacotherapeutics for Patients With Psychosocial Diseases

It has been proved that a person’s behavior can be modified through the use of pharmacotherapeutics and behavioral interventions. Some several evidence-based standards and guidelines prove the effectiveness of these interventions when applied on patients with psychosocial diseases or disorders (Rohde, Clarke, Mace, Jorgenson, & Seeley, 2009, p. 661). An...

Practice Change Using Rosswurm and Larrabee’s Model

Introduction There is a high rate of patients’ readmission to health facilities soon after being discharged which is rather expensive. Avoiding unnecessary hospital readmissions is imperative for patients, payers, families, as well as health care providers. The proposal entails the use of Rosswurm and Larrabee’s Model for change. The proposal...

The Issue of Critical Reflection in Baccalaureate Nursing Education by Butler

There is no use denying the fact that nursing is a very important aspect of the health service and society on the whole. Being an integral part of human life, this issue develops along with our society and technologies, obtaining new peculiarities. With this in mind, it is possible to...

Dilemmas Associated with a Client with Suicidal Intent

A care provider has a legal obligation to take the necessary measures when he or she knows of a patient’s intention to commit suicide. However, the legal system does not specify the steps that the provider should take although it proposes that such an intervention must parallel the standards of...

Causal Effects of Physical Health on Mental Health

The article under review was published in the 39th issue of the International Journal of Epidemiology in 2010, and it was written by two researchers from the North Carolina’s Duke University. The authors’ research problem is the link between physical and mental health, or, more specifically, the adverse impact that...

Poor Solid Waste Management: The Health Effects

Poor solid waste management is a common environmental issue that not only affects developed, but developing countries as well. Landfills, recycling failures, and poor waste transfers characterize it (Environment Victoria, 2015). Poor waste management is an environmental issue because it not only creates “eyesores,” but also emits toxins, leachate, and...

The Relationship Between HIV and Kaposi Sarcoma

Explanation of Main Results This paper investigated the nature of the relationship between HIV and Kaposi Sarcoma. The findings of this paper showed that rare skin cancer was the HIV-defining condition in only 48.7% of the cases sampled. Comparatively, 51.3% of the cases sampled did not show a direct correlation...

Exploration of the Nurse Care Plan of Elderly Patients

Patient care is the major concern for health care professionals where nursing intervention is mandatory. Attending to patients during a long stay in hospitals involves a lot of expertise. This is better addressed by nurse care in an evidence base practice approach. Patients suffering some acute conditions are often a...

An Assessment of the Nursing Statistical Trends

Introduction Nursing practice is very essential to a nation or state’s population in providing satisfactory services especially in the area of acute care hospital services. This makes the nurse-to-patient ratios equally important in assessing the various nursing trends. If one had to consider the general nursing practice statistics, one can...

The Issues Associated with Pressure Ulcers Among the Elderly

Pressure Ulcers-Introduction Pressure ulcers are of great health concern since they depict the quality of care in a hospital, and greatly affect the prognosis of a patient. Some of the pressure ulcers witnessed in hospitals are as a result of hospital care hence, the reason why they are used to...

Medical Ethics: Euthanasia Prohibition

Introduction The first thing that comes into mind when one thinks about euthanasia is an ethical contradiction. Euthanasia may be defined in two different ways. It can be viewed as an act of mercy. Some people, who suffer from chronic diseases and have no recovery prospection, tend to require death....

Childhood Overweight and Obesity

Introduction Howes has noted that childhood obesity is among the greatest health problem in the US with over 23 million children and teens affected (Howes, 2012). The figure shows a tremendous rise in the last few decades (Howes, 2012). Cunningham, Kramer, and Narayan (2014) concluded many cases of obesity in...

Nutrition Supplement Knowledge Among Low-Income Students

The article “Effect of Nutrition Supplement Education on Nutrition Supplement Knowledge among High School Students from a Low-Income Community” by Little et al (2002) discusses the problem of nutrition supplements and importance of education about this group of food intake among low income adolescents. The authors state that nutritional supplements...

Evidence-Based Practice and Global Health

Introduction Evidence-based practices involve recognition of evidence based on research, which had been done when making decisions. Evidence-based research is important to nurses because it makes them confident the decisions they make on the impacts it will have on the patient. In this paper, the term “evidence-based practice” has been...

Living With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Diagnosis and Management Plan

Abstract This study focuses on issues surrounding the diagnosis and management of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The paper examines a COPD patient called Mr. D.H. According to an article by Total Nutrition Therapy (n.d), Mr. D.H, who is now 68 years old, has been under COPD medication...

Concepts and Resources to Help When Facing Burnout

Combating Compassion Fatigue The health care industry has one of the most stressing and strenuous working environments. Caregivers often suffer from fatigue due to the complex nature of their work (Bush, 2009). They often experience various mental, emotional, and physical effects due to the nature of their work. Although caregivers...

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy in Parents

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP) is a condition where a caregiver induces mental and physical health problems to their patients. The condition is based on pure deception, with the caregiver in question even exaggerating the extent of pain and discomfort that the patient feels. Initially, the first thought that comes...

Guidelines Protecting Nursing Research Participants

Introduction Protection of research participants has evidently emerged as one of those potential areas that require close monitoring and control. In doing this, there has been a recent development and establishment of several legal and scientific agencies that operate to enhance the ethical standards of research initiatives (Ferderman, Hanna, &...

Processed Meat Consumption Causes Pancreatic Cancer

Prevalence and Kinds of Pancreatic cancer Pancreatic cancer has lately been noted to be a major cause of death worldwide. In United States of America, more than 30,000 Americans are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer annually, whereas in Europe over 60,000 people suffer from pancreatic cancer yearly. Despite, the high prevalence...

Telenursing: Is It in the Future?

Abstract Telenursing can help medical professionals to improve their time-efficiency. Moreover, this practice is useful for monitoring the health of patients and identifying possible risks. Finally, the application of technologies can reduce the costs that patients and medical institutions should bear. Nevertheless, there are significant challenges such as the threats...

Analysis of Academic-Practice Partnership

Academic-practice partnerships appear to be a chief feature towards the consolidation of the nursing practice and providing assistance in nursing for implementing conversion and progressing the level of the health care in the societies. “The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Future of Nursing report, released in 2010, identified the need for...

Health Care Economics Analysis: The Price of Health Insurance

The price of health insurance is defined by the economic textbook as the fee for loading or the surplus after subtracting the premium from the expected payout. The price of health insurance can be measured using different ways. For example, as aforementioned, the price of health can be measured by...

Falls Among the Patients and Nursing Interventions

Caitlin, Gwen, and Kathy Articles Analysis Caitlin’s article analysis is a cohort study that examines 60 years and above who had taken a fall prevention program. According to a report in their analysis, 68% of the 1194 older people were investigated over a period of one year. The study took...

Tobacco Smoking Trend in Australia

Dried tobacco leaves are the raw material used in manufacturing cigars, cigarettes, and pipe tobacco. Not only do these products contain dried tobacco leaves, but also other ingredients such as added flavors. Studies indicate that tobacco smoke has more than 7,000 various chemicals some of which are carcinogenic. Carcinogens are...

Heart Disease Risk Factors and Assessment Approach

Introduction The discussion focuses on three risk factors associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases. Three factors associated with heart disease have been chosen for review. An integrated approach has been used to assess a patient’s needs and develop an education plan for each of the risk factor discussed for...

Moral, Ethical and Legal Conduct in Nursing

Nursing is one of the best professions in the world. It is also among the most important professions today. Its importance is clear from the services the nurses offer to other people. They are the greatest ambassadors of a health world in the whole world. Therefore, it is necessary for...

Mandated Nurse-Patient Ratio Legislation

Mandating Nurse-Patient Ratios Healthcare is an essential resource that the state and the government need to provide to its citizens. This is because a healthy society is capable of achieving its needs, goals, and objectives in the short run and in the long run at ease (Wolfson, 2009). However, when...

Childhood Obesity as an International Problem

Introduction Childhood obesity has become an international problem since the past few decades. There are several children around the world who are being diagnosed with obesity at early stages in life (Whitman, Shah & Benjamins, 2010). Seeking various solutions to resolve this problem is one of the major areas of...

Diabetic Teaching, Self-Directed Learning Theory

Nature of the Learner The society provides people with diverse exposures to life so that various individuals respond differently to a range of situations often due to their experiences. During growth and maturation, it is a psychological need for a person to become less dependent on others and more dependent...

Process of Wound Healing and the Factors Affecting It

Introduction Wound healing is an elaborate and cautious course where the skin and body tissue resurfaces after damage. In the human’s usual skin, the outer cover, which is called the epidermis, and the internal one called the dermis, prevent the wound from infections. The wound healing process is vulnerable to...

Online Resources in the Health Field

Introduction This paper is an article review of Healthy People: A 2020 Vision for the Social Determinants Approach by Koh, Piotrowski, Kumanyika, and Fielding (2011). It analyzes the article as a health resource by explaining the processes that preceded its identification, its main arguments, and how it contributes to public...

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Nowadays, more than one percent of the population of the Earth is affected by Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered to be one of the most widespread inflammatory autoimmune diseases affecting people after the age of forty or even earlier in a number of cases. According to Firth (2011,...

Preventing Injuries and Deaths from Tractor Overturns

Introduction Tractor overturns cause many injuries and death from agricultural activities. Statistics show that, from 1992 to 2005, more than 1,400 workers died from tractor overturns (Crosby et al. 303). Similarly, in 1997, there were more than 573 injuries from tractor overturns. Myers et al. (98) say the social costs...

Patient-Nurse Ratio and Nursing Practice

Nursing units often experience the problem of nursing paucity. The nursing shortage is an event that has for long, been a problem in the nursing fraternity. Shortages have crippled the nursing service and affected the nursing outcomes. Propositions of bridging the gaps left by inadequate nursing force are the only...

Federal Policies Role in Increased Sugar Content in School Breakfast

The health damage associated with excessive sugar consumption is a topic that seems to attract considerable scientific attention. It is well-established that immoderate sugar intake among children and adolescents is associated with numerous health conditions and illnesses such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases (Winpenny et al., 2017). This significant public...

Researching Retail Pharmacy

Summary Pharmacology can be defined as the field of science that deals with the source, essential qualities or characteristics, chemistry, consequences and uses of drugs; or the analysis of the science and clinical application of medications; the detailed critical inspection of drugs, their sources, essential qualities or characteristics and properties....

Health Communication for Public Health Leaders

Key Elements of Health Communication that are Essential for a Public Health Leader Health communication is an important aspect of public health leadership (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011). The Center for Disease Control has contributed to the general understanding of the key elements of health communication, which are essential for public...

Personal and Psychosocial Effects of Rape

Dynamics of rape Sexual intercourse or coming into close body contact with an individual without the consent of that person is referred to as rape. The perpetrator might use force or coercion to obtain sexual favors. The victim might also be incapacitated to resist being raped (Winkler, 2002, p.6). For...

Features of Schizophrenia as Neurodegenerative Disorder

The selected neurodegenerative disorder is schizophrenia, which is primarily manifested in a patient’s mood and behavior. It is a chronic progressive mental illness characterized by an increasing dissociation of cognitive functions with the formation of a kind of defect. In schizophrenia, the vast majority of symptoms and syndromes described in...

Statistically and Clinically Significant Evidence

Researchers conduct testing that establishes statistical significance, whereas clinically significant evidence should be proven by experts in the field. They determine whether a statistical significance is essential for clinical practice. Therefore, the researcher should carefully interpret whether the results are clinically significant. Statistical significance is one of the main aspects...

Ethical Concerns and Managed Care

With the growth and development of managed care, several new ethical dilemmas and complexities are introduced. The relationship between the patient, payer, and provider is a complicated and severe process that may also change over time and face new challenges. There are three areas of managed care, including financial incentives,...

Ways to Affect the State’s Medicine Legislature

The health care sphere’s effectiveness is strongly influenced by the state’s legislation. For instance, the law that establishes the minimum nurse-to-patient staffing ratio implemented in California significantly increases the quality of health care in hospitals (Aiken et al., 2010). We will describe some ways an ordinary nurse could influence the...

Electronic Medical Records: Benefits and Advantages

Introduction The Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is a comprehensive longitudinal electronic record of patients and depending on the individual system’s design; it may incorporate the patients’ demographics, progress notes and other relevant medical records thus providing a streamlined workflow for the clinician. With proper design and implementation, the EMR can...

The Texas Oral Health Program and Policy Effects

Effects of the Policy on the Oral Health program in my State The policies brought about will benefit the people of my state immensely. Many have had to go through great pain and long healing processes due to a lack of proper policies in the past. With new policies, there...

For Humana Incorporation: Health Care Insurance and Financial Status

I am currently working for Humana Incorporation. Humana Incorporation is a non-profit organization providing “managed health care” in 50 states across the United States. Currently, the company offers different health care plans and insurance policies to over 11 million customers in the country. The organization accepts various health care insurances....

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

Introduction Today, emotional intelligence (EI) is a crucial competence for the leader in any field, and nursing is not an exception. The level of the leader’s EI has the tremendous impact on one’s team performance, as well as the effectiveness of the leader oneself. In the following paper, the effects...

The Importance of Right Personal Student Experience

Introduction As a nurse administrator, one has the duty to make ethical decisions regardless of the circumstances. The completion of the Ethics Games case studies and DiSC® changed the way I view my professional role as a nurse administrator. Through the process, it was evident that as the administrator, one...

Accountability Within a Medical Organization

Nursing practice has always been associated with making various decisions within a limited period of time. The recent demographic shifts have led to a shortage of nursing staff, which results in nurses’ work overload and a high turnover rate. Nurses overwhelmed with numerous tasks, long working hours, and numerous consecutive...

U.S. Health Care From a Global Perspective

Introduction The article “U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective” by the Commonwealth Fund provides the reader with the information on the research of cross-national comparison in the health care system including such countries as Australia, France, Germany, New Zealand, United Kingdom, the United States, and some others. A Statement...

Information Technology Application: Electronic Health Record

An Electronic Health Record is a system that has the capability of collecting health information in an electronic form related to various patients. Kamoun (2006) explains that the information is digital hence enabling it to be distributed and shared across a wide variety of health care outlooks. For it to...

Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Virginia

Introduction This is a review of an article, Relations Between Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Virginia by Hendryx and Ahern (2008). The review focuses on the purpose of the study, methodology, strengths, weaknesses, presentation of the findings and implications. Purpose Hendryx and Ahern (2008) identified...

Asthma: Pharmacology and Medicines Management

Introduction Chronic conditions account for a high proportion of mortality and morbidity in the modern world. Asthma is a chronic condition that has now become a global health issue. The knowledge and management of asthma has however remained a mirage to various stakeholders in the healthcare industry. This is because...

Plan of Care: Nursing Goals and the Importance of It

Introduction A care plan is essential especially to persons with long-term ailments. Under a care plan, a healthcare professional and a client enter into an agreement for provisions of healthcare services; for instance, nursing services on the day-to-day basis. Since these services are demand-focused, the clients are highly required to...

The Baptist Medical Center’s Quality Improvement

Introduction The persistent flexibility within healthcare institutions requires more robust empirical methodologies for monitoring as well as evaluating programs. These include both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures within the hospitals or other healthcare provision centers. The emergent public health problems within developed and developing nations have led to increased global monitoring...

Radiation Protection: Measures to Minimize Potential Hazards

The provision of high-quality care is often associated with certain risks and the use of potentially hazardous measures. Patients and healthcare professionals have to evaluate a myriad of possible benefits and hazards when choosing the most appropriate treatment. Radiation exposure is one of the risks people have to consider when...

Impact of Evidence-Based Medicine on Unnecessary Testing

Medical malpractices which occur in many healthcare facilities across the US have created challenges for the healthcare system. Erroneous tests and procedures done by doctors have exposed patients to harm. Some of the tests done by doctors are said to be unnecessary and they increase the possibility of erroneous treatments....

Juxtaposing the US and French Healthcare Systems

Introduction Healthcare systems in the United States and France are peculiar for the implementation of the latest technologies and theoretic findings. France is an international leader of in the field of the healthcare. However, both systems still face a number of complicated issues such as the growing number of the...

Moms Connect Foundation’s Goals

Description and Goals of the Organization Moms Connect foundation is a recently registered company limited by guarantee foundation. Its operations are currently based in Nigeria but focused in only a few states including Abuja, Lagos and Enugu. However with the growth of the company the focus is expected to expand...

The Emergence of Professional Disputes and Conflicts

Main Post Emergence of professional disputes and conflicts is inevitable because of existing cultural, social, and experiential discrepancies among employees and employers. To avoid such misunderstandings, a hospital should establish specific ethical and moral codes (Roussel & Swansburg, 2009). However, I had a bad experience of being involved into a...

Tooth Decay in the Community: Statistical Data

Scientific and research concepts, methods, and tools of data collection A form of statistical analysis that is required for collecting, describing and examining the sample of public health data related to a variety of audiences relies on a number of concepts and tools. In terms of analyzing statistical data in...

Violence Against Nurses and Its Impact

Ethical Aspects of a Study The study was approved by an institutional review board. The ability of a study to give highly acceptable results is pegged on a researcher’s capacity to observe high ethical levels. The study by Gates, Gillespie, and Succop (2011) does not only incorporate willing participants but...

Hypothyroidism Pathophysiology and Treatment

Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by low levels of thyroid hormones. The underproduction of thyroid hormones can result from an abnormality either in the thyroid gland itself, the pituitary gland, or the hypothalamus. Congenital hypothyroidism is not common. This paper will discuss the etiology, pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, treatment, and...

Managed Care Trends and Issues Analysis

Introduction Managed care system controls the financing and provision of healthcare services to individuals enrolled in a specific type of health care plan. Managed care was established to harmonize healthcare and minimize costs. Managed care trends are continuously changing in America. Healthcare cover costs indicate varying trends in the past...

Turnover of Nurses and Implementation Plan

One of the most burning issues at Intermediate Care Unit (IMC) of Kendall Regional Medical Center is the turnover of nurses especially novice professionals. Brewer, Kovner, Greene, Tukov-Shuser and Djukic (2012) stress that the turnover of new nursing professionals is especially alarming as it negatively affects both the employees and...

Newborn Screening Programs: The Importance to Public Health in the US

Introduction According to the CDC, almost 6,000 babies in the US are born with severe disorders every year, most of which can be treated, and can be identified through newborn screening programs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). Local, state and federal healthcare facilities play critical roles in newborn...

Stress in Women Before and After Myocardial Infarction

Abstract Stress is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD); which is found in women before and after myocardial infarction (MI). Unfortunately, very little is known about the insight of women’s daily life. This study aims at explaining and investigating women’s awareness of stress before, and after an MI....

Iron Deficiency Anemia Condition in a Woman

Anemia is the most common blood-related diseases affecting a wide range of people in the world today. Anemia affects people of all ages, including children and adults. All genders are prone to anemia as well. Most people associate anemia with lack of blood, which is partly the cause of the...

Healthcare Issues: The Cultural Assessment Framework

Cultural assessment in healthcare is important. Different authors stress on various frameworks for assessment which may define many particular aspects. Having selected a gender framework for cultural assessment, we would like to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this specific method. To conduct an assessment in a correct way, it...

Genesis Healing Center and PCC Natural Markets: Holistic Health

Abstract Healthcare practice should focus on the physical, social, emotional, and psychological aspects of every patient. This paper identifies two organizations that have been promoting the concept of holistic health. The targeted organizations offer quality resources and information in order to support the needs of many people in the society....

Environmental Health Status of Population

Environment plays a central role in the health status of a population because it comprises determinants of health that interacts in a complex manner. Owing to the complex interactions of the determinants of health, environmental assessment is necessary to establish major determinants of health that have significant influence on the...

Researching the Value in Health Care

Introduction Value in health care involves interplay of various important factors including cost, quality, safety, outcomes, and innovation. However, health care stakeholders are faced with challenges in striking a balance between these factors. In this light, this paper is based on the 2009 IOM’s report on Value in Health Care,...

Jenny: Medical Decisions

Directions Making health insurance decisions may sometimes be challenging for an individual who is making an application for the first time. The Medicare plan options offered by the government vary in many ways. As Barry (2014) notes, people can choose to take insurance policy option A, B, C, or D...

Chemical Peel and Microneedling in Cosmetology

Introduction Advances in cosmetology have led to the development of novel ways of dealing with skin issues such as acne, scarring, solar lentigines and wrinkling. Chemoexfoliation (chemical peeling) is the directed cutaneous ablation produced by precise caustic agents (Soleymani, Lanoue and Rahman, 2018). Conversely, microneedling is a dermaroller procedure that...

Identifying a Health Care Issue

Introduction The US health care system undergoes significant threats because of the increased number of medical errors. Negligence and poor services standards heavily influence patient safety and quality of treatment that has worsened significantly lately. Patience safety recession is largely caused by the growth of health care associated infections that...

Pain Management During Postoperative Laparotomy

Post-operative laparotomy situations entail acute pain and critical care concerns. The first 24 hours during the aftermath of an operation expose the patient to excessive agony which makes them struggle to regain normalcy (Cuvillon et al., 2020). The prescribed drug, oxycodone 10 mg every 4 hours, will help relieve the...

Progressive Issues in Health

Sustainable human health relies on the capacity of the earth’s life-support systems. For human beings, attaining proper global environmental health is the primary aim of continuously achieving sustainability and accommodating social, economic, and environmental considerations. Nowadays, human-stimulated international environmental variations are known to cause hazards to health on extraordinary spatial...

Women and Chlamydia in Nursing Studies

Introduction Chlamydia in Women Chlamydia trachomatis, which is typically referred to as chlamydia, is a sexually transmitted disease that causes serious complications by permeating the reproductive system and damaging it, therefore, causing infertility. Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted diseases among the American population, as recent findings show (Centers...

Nursing Staff Reduction: Problem Statement

In medical organizations, the cutbacks related to the decreasing patient number and resources inevitably lead to the nursing staff reduction. The decision-making process of the nursing leader that I involved in the accomplishment of this task is always rather complex as it is impacted by multiple factors such as QSEN...

Healthcare Quality Improvement: Managing and Improving Quality

Relative to the current issues in the healthcare sector regarding the need to improve clinical quality and the safety of patient care, there has been an increase in the use of different methodologies for the promotion and evaluation of performance practices and various quality metrics across different healthcare organizations. These...

Foundations in Professional Healthcare Practice

Introduction According to Seedhouse 1993, health can be defined as means through which people are enabled to participate fully in society hence finding means through which they pursue their goals. According to World Health Organization 1995, good health could best be defined as the state of complete physical, mental and...

The Occurrence of Ebola Virus

Introduction Ebola is a viral disease that was first detected in 1976 in Central Africa. The disease is normally associated with high fever an hemorrhage. The disease has a fatality rate of nearly 90% when contracted by humans. The Ebola virus is said to have originated from animals before it...

Estrogen Replacement Therapy in Menopause

Menopause is the duration of time marking the culmination of women’s menstrual cycles. Climacterics is identified twelve months after a lady has gone without a menstrual period (National Health Service, 2020). It usually happens when ladies are in the age 40s or even 50s among fertile women. Hot flashes form...

Adolescent Pregnancy in the USA

Teen pregnancy in the US is a major problem that impacts society in many ways. Adolescent pregnancy leads to serious health problems and underachievement in school for the teens and an increase in public expenditure for the government (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2019). The key factors contributing...

Nursing Politics in US Health Care System

Introduction The proponent of this study will examine three articles. The first one is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ report to the U.S. Congress (Health Resources and Services Administration, 2003). The second one is a report generated by the combined efforts of the AARP Public Policy Institute...

Professional Growth Plan for Nurses

Nurses in various practice environments are encouraged to engage in continuous professional development and make a personal commitment to pursue learning throughout their professional careers (Rishel, 2013). Participation in practice-relevant continuing professional growth enables nursing professionals to not only broaden their knowledge, expertise, and competence in care delivery, but also...

An Exploration of Current Practice of Cervical Spine Trauma Radiographs

Introduction The author of this article was Michael Fell. He wanted to determine the cervical spine radiographic imaging practices that were used in more recent examinations. These were used on patients who were suspected to have neck injuries. The author also examined the various causes of the variations in dosage....

Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice

Introduction A concept refers to generalization of knowledge about a particular phenomenon. It can be either abstract or concrete. Concept analysis entails classification of ideas based on their attributes and relation to observable or intellectual phenomena. For instance, nurse competence is a concept that is essential for healthcare professions, and...

“Integration of Social Epidemiology…” by Wallerstein, Yen, and Syme

Summary There is no doubt according to Wallerstein, Yen, and Syme (822) that health inequalities have prompted researchers and practitioners to engage in activities aimed at reducing the same. Public health is the main branch hit by health inequalities. Precisely, social epidemiology and community-engaged interventions are the main areas of...

Emotional Intelligence Assessment in Terms of Leadership

Working through the Assessment To assess one’s emotional intelligence, the following aspects need to be tested: awareness and management of emotions, the ability to motivate oneself, empathy, and interpersonal skills. Discussing the emotional intelligence as a concept and a skill Stein and Book (2010) characterize it as one’s ability to...

The Politics of Health in the United Kingdom

Introduction Public health provision in the UK continues to face a myriad of challenges which have impacted quality, access and cost. As a result, there are so many issues which need to be addressed to enable the country to attain its short-term and long-term healthcare goals. The ‘Healthy Lives Healthy...

Pharmacovigilance in Hospice, Palliative Care

This paper critically analyzed a research study that was conducted to identify the various side effects of haloperidol on delirium patients receiving hospice care. The researchers largely followed the scientific method in conducting and presenting their study. Success was registered by the researchers because they were able to identify the...

Policy Development in Nigeria

Introduction Policy development in the health care system has been an issue in Nigeria, which is a developing country. Policy makers and other important stakeholders in the health care system of Nigeria have been grappling with many issues that relate to the delivery of healthcare services to the population. Uneke,...

Information Security System for Twinkle Health Organization

Introduction Twinkle Health Centre is a private organization whose main objective is to provide health services to the society. It was established in 2005 and has been running smoothly in its operations particularly in offering health services to patients. However, in the recent past, the organization has had problems with...

Innovative Care Delivery Models in Nursing: Evidence-based Research Model

Evidence-based research model for acute and chronic diseases Nursing concerns have been reported in the literature on acute and chronic care (Dewing, 2007). Evidence-based literature revealed that nursing education improves the wellness of patients (Kerr, 2007). However, clinical reports revealed that health care need is a growing concern in nursing...

Fry Method Assessing Readability of Documents

Fry Method Paper A readability test is essential to audience because it determines the level of difficulty in reading materials. Moreover, it ensures that reading material is prepared in accordance with the reading skills of the targeted audience (Center for Disease Control [CDC], 2012). This paper will calculate the reading...

Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice: Dealing With HIV & AIDS Patients

Introduction An ethical dilemma in nursing occurs when a nurse is faced with conflicting options. There may either be a hindrance to do what the nurse knows is right or uncertainty of the consequence of the action which the nurse may take (Scribd, 2011). Nurses must ensure that they have...

Swan’s Case as an Example of an Eating Disorder

The presented case can be considered as an example of an eating disorder. Being focused on success in ballet and becoming a recognized dancer, Swan demonstrates anxiety because of the possible weight gain. The high level of stress because of expectations and the need for the perfect shape to remain...

Specific Disease Condition of Women Life Span

Osteoporosis is a widespread skeletal disease distinguished by reduced bone strength and quality. The disease increases the likelihood of bone fractures in the patients. Even though men do get the disease, 80% of those suffering from the illness are women (Compston & Rosen, 2009). Other factors that may increase the...

Health Disparity Advocacy: Clinical Depression in the U.S.

Depression is one of the most prevalent mental illnesses in the U.S. Recent statistics show that approximately more than 10 million people suffer from severe depression each year in the U.S. It is further predicted that at least 5 million people suffer from subsyndroma depression which is a precursor to...

Aspects of Public Health Contexts

Available literature underscores the need for researchers to develop a comprehensive understanding of statistical terms and methodologies if they are expected to develop evidence-based public health policies, achieve optimal social and health outcomes, as well as minimize health inequalities affecting populations in contemporary contexts (Dancey, Reidy, & Rowe, 2012). Although...

Aged-Care Worker Burnout: Strategies to Alleviate

Abstract Aims and objectives. To define, explore, and alleviate the factors that contribute to the phenomenon of burnout among nurses for in Sydney, as well as expand on the theories of workplace burnout among nurses. Background. The significance of resilience among nurses that tend to the needs of aged people...

Stress in Nursing Practice

How Stress Affects the Quality of Patient Care Nurses work in extremely sensitive environments. This means that if one works under stress, then they are bound to make errors. Stress can be attributed to many factors in the nursing profession, the principal one being extended work schedules. In the medical...

Brain Disease: Bipolar Disorder

Introduction The website offers useful information about the common brain disorders and conditions affecting mankind today. The website achieves this goal by listing some of the best health and neuroscience resources. The provided links can equip the reader with new ideas about some of the major brain diseases. The selected...

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Models

The Evercare Care Model is a care coordination program that operates in 38 states as a part of Ovations or a “division of UnitedHealth group” (Health Workforce Solutions [HWS], 2011). Within this program, nursing specialists offer primary and preventive care to aged clients with long-term disabilities and diseases (HWS, 2011)....

“Missed Nursing Care” Article by Kalisch

This is a critique of a qualitative study in nursing of the article Missed Nursing Care. The critique attempts to investigate whether the nursing research journal about the study is effective in the presentation of the findings, biased, and relevant in the nursing field. However, a better critique requires the...

Mindful Meditation as Reducing College Students Stress

Introduction Teenage college students are mostly living away from their families for the first time. These students have to balance their social life and study life in a challenging environment. Apart from getting used to the new environment, the students have to handle the pressure of finding a favourable profession...

Morals and Ethics in New Jersey Dental School

Nowadays, it is critical to use universal ethical and moral dogmas as guidance, as it will help avoid conflicts and find effective solutions. This matter is highly important in dentistry and other branches of medical sphere since the safety of the patient is highly dependent on following these principles. Apart...

Using Community-Based Participatory Research for Public Health Campaigns

Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) is an integrated public health framework for different stakeholders to take part in decision-making processes (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2004). The framework premises on fair partnerships among different stakeholders, such as community members and organizational representatives, in the health sector (Liu et al., 2011)....

Health Disparities Studies in the United States

Abstract The disparities in the American healthcare systems have been depicted in the form of discrimination, which takes place when people from different socioeconomic, cultural, and racial groups try to access the healthcare being provided. In most cases, the disparities in providing health services emerge when different or particular groups...

Nursing: Rafael Emancipatory Knowledge Development

Introduction The study reflects the central ideas of the nursing manifesto that became an illustration of healthcare reforms. According to Kagan, Smith, and Chinn (2009), the concepts that were described by the authors did not evolve sporadically, but they were based on the theories of consciousness-raising, diversity and inclusivity, and...

Tort Reform and Its Public Policy Influence in Texas

According to tort law, the reform focuses primarily on personal injury issues that should be compensated in financial terms. Therefore, tort demands that people, who are responsible for harm or damage to another person, should reimburse the loss. The damages usually imply income loss, medical costs, and reimbursement for physical...

From an Interfaced System to an Integrated System in a Hospital

The advent of improved technologies coupled with the higher demand for healthcare services has called for urgent needs for better methods in which organizations handle and manage information systems. This is necessary not only for improved care for patients but also for the sake of boosting the experience of employees...

Analysis of Health Care Delivery Models

The models that apply family-centered care principles can result in the creation of positive changes among patients. According to Mackenzie, Carey, Sanson and D’Este (2012), models aligned with the family-centered care (FCC) normally reduce anxiety among the family members and lead to improved communication. Thus, the following paper is an...

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Development, Treatment, and Prevention

Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis is among the common ailments destabilizing the community today. The disorder is autoimmune and provokes the body to attack the membranes lining of human joints mistakenly. This disease causes abnormal inflammation, which can be chronic, and even worse it primarily affects human joints. In the past, diseases...

Strategic Human Resources: Contemporary Nursing

Introduction It is necessary to mention that the role of labor unions in the healthcare industry has been rapidly increasing, and they are focused on the interests of nurses. The problem is that many institutions have to deal with resource shortages, and management teams are trying to minimize the expenses....

Obesity Negative Influence on Public Health

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the number of people suffering from obesity has been steadily increasing in recent decades. Many health organizations around the globe expressed their concerns regarding this issue, appealing for some measures to be taken in order to curb this trend. The growing...

Clinical Information on Professional Nursing Practice

Introduction Clinical information systems have played an important role in adding value and redefining patient care. This has been enhanced by various programs that can be shared among different facilities and healthcare providers. Many processes and activities are performed using these programs (Rais, 1991, p. 76). Such processes might include...

Non-Polio Enterovirus: Emergency Management-Mitigation

Event: Non-Polio Enterovirus The United States officials in the ministry of health are struggling to cope with the spread of Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68), which affects the respiratory organs. The government reported the virus for the first time in mid August 2014 and it has affected slightly over one-thousand people to...

Preoperative Fasting Against Complications in Children

Preoperative fasting before undergoing surgical procedures that necessitate the use of anesthesia is meant to minimize the severity of complications. These complications are usually associated with regurgitation and aspiration. The ASA task force published practice standards, which dictate preoperative fasting procedures. These guidelines have also been approved by the CAS....

Survey of Medical Institution Personnel Regarding the MAGNET Program

The quality of health care in the United States is a big concern for the public. Many times, you find people asking questions about the cost of the health services offered in hospitals, the quality and how it is affected by staff shortage, especially shortage in nursing staff (Lewis &...

Nurse Understaffing: Problem Identification

Introduction The problem of nurse understaffing is a serious financial issue in the U.S. healthcare. Nurses working in understaffing conditions often experience stress and fatigue, and may suffer from burnout. Nurse understaffing increases the turnover rates and forces hospitals to spend more resources on nurse hiring and training. Nurse understaffing...

Epidemiology Overview: Miami

Different states suffer from various illnesses. It is apparent that they have a vital influence on the communities, as they change the lifestyles and attitudes of inhabitants. A primary goal of this essay is to analyze what illnesses affect the citizens of Miami, Florida (zip code: 33125). Three diseases such...

Serum Neurotrophic Factors in Adolescent Depression by Pallavi et al.

The research hypothesis (question) The research hypothesis of the article is to compare the serum concentration of neurotrophic factors in depression patients and healthy control. Besides, the article analyzes correlations between serum neurotrophin levels and clinical severity. The main study variable(s) The primary variables are serum level, brain-derived neurotrophic factor...

Gender Differences in the Treatment and Outcomes of Patients With ACSs

Kunadian, V., Qiu, W., Bawamia, B., Veerasamy, M., Jamieson, S., & Zaman, A. (2013). Gender comparisons in cardiogenic shock during ST elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. The American Journal of Cardiology, 112(5), 636-641. The research compares the gender intervention toward the hospitalized patients with acute myocardial...

Investigating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Summary Most people experience traumatic events during their lifetime. For the first time, the phenomenon of post-traumatic stress disorder was examined among the participants of the different wars. Over the last decades, a certain amount of studies of this type of disorder was presented in the literature. The topic to...

Contact Dermatitis Versus Atopic Dermatitis

A disease is any abnormal condition of the body usually caused by alien pathogens or viral infections. In other words, disease is any condition that tends to affect the normal functioning of the body. Contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis are both infections related to skin disorders. They also have almost...

Alcoholism: Analysis of Drinking-Related Disorders

The article represents a reflection on the drinking problem as well as its social and nursing implications. According to the primary assumptions, it was offered to investigate a connection between shyness and alcohol-addictive problem motives. The tendencies of drinking ill-use were verified every six-month period during two years. The study...

Urinary Tract Infections in Nursing Homes

Introduction This paper aims to critically analyze fifteen different research articles that addressed the problem of urinary tract infections (UTI) in nursing homes. Agata, Loeb, and Mitchell (2013) The primary aim of this study was to characterize how UTI presents itself in advanced dementia nursing homes and how these features...

Are Nurses Becoming Influential in Health Care Policymaking?

Introduction Many people associate politics with the government and political aspirants. However, politics exists in the healthcare systems. In this case, we will consider the biased politics in the healthcare systems that oppress the nurses to an extent that they are unable to voice their pleas. In the contemporary world,...

African American Cultural Group’s Health Beliefs

Overview The African American community is the second-largest minority ethnic community in the United States after the Hispanics. It comprises of people whose ancestry can be partially or fully traced back to the Sub-Saharan African ethnicities (Anderson & Stewart, 2012). Although the group may appear as a one-dimensional cultural entity,...

Congestive Heart Failure Patients’ Length of Stay

Introduction Most healthcare providers have shown interests in demonstrating quality improvement (QI). According to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), QI is “an interdisciplinary process to raise the likelihood of the delivery of best practices for preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative care to maintain, restore, or improve health outcomes...

Strategy for Guiding Nursing Practice

Introduction State laws have affected primary care workers, especially nurses, negatively over the years. State laws consider primary care workers as equals, despite their differences in education, training, and specialization. Thus, the nurses lack a chance to work based on their educational qualification. The realization of these problems resulted in...