Nursing Problems – Identification, Project The Capstone

Nursing problems have greatly affected most health care systems in various countries. This is evident in both high-income countries and low-income countries. This paper seeks to find out whether the capstone project has done the following: clearly identified and stated the problem, the nature of the issue of concern and...

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

Children in rich countries Rich countries are also facing the wrath of poverty, economic development as well as welfare spending. Although the issue has been deemed secondary it might explode once the problem of economy has been addressed. Denmark and Finland are two countries with high children poverty index standing...

Child’s Auto Immunological Diseases

Children diseases have always been the sphere of my interest. The problems with health are always perceived with pain and disappointment, especially when the child is ill. We are not talking about cold or some other light diseases, which are also upsetting, but we are talking about diseases which make...

Nursing, Community Health

The family A family is a group of people related by marriage, blood, and adoption. As a result, they have strong bonds with each other. The family has a vital role to provide a sense of belonging to its members (Bianchi, Casper & King, 2005). A family’s major role is...

Surgical Technology and Equipment

Before a patient arrives, one of the factors of a successful and secure operation is to have the requisite materials and equipment in the working room for a surgeon and his or her team. Getting the correct instruments in hands of a proper surgeon often requires an excellent coordination of...

Review of a Nursing Research Article

The article Development of a Proactive Care Program (U-CARE) to Preserve Physical Functioning of Frail Older People in Primary Care (U-CARE) focuses on primary care for older patients and brings problems relating to care provision for the elderly under the spotlight. The authors aim to enhance the ways in which...

Impact of Healthcare Policy Changes on Health Delivery

Introduction Medical care systems are formed in order to meet the medical or health requirements of specific individuals. There are many different medical care systems within the globe. In some nations, the medical care systems have been established and are not yet planned, while in others appropriate plans have been...

Benefits of Medical Marijuana Over Other Prescription Medications

The article by Bradford and Bradford is dedicated to ascertaining the extent of legal marijuana use in the United States in relation to other drugs after the subsequent law went into effect. The authors state that after the legalization, the number of prescriptions of spasticity- and glaucoma-related drugs decreased substantially...

Chiropractic Treatment of Painful Menstrual Cramps

Chiropractic treatment considers a misaligned spine as the origin of illnesses and pains in the human body. The health sustaining energy flow of the body gets blocked when the spine is not aligned properly thus giving rise to several health issues or discomforts. Therefore, as Miller (2009) noted, chiropractic treatment...

Evidence Based Therapy of Psychosocial Disorders

Psychosocial disorders are a group of disorders characterized by mood and behavioral derangements. The exact etiology of psychosocial disorders is not known. However, it is thought that they are caused by or influenced by life processes (Carlson, 2010). Maladjusted cognitive processes are also thought to play a part in causation...

Medical Error in Telemetry Unit

Introduction Today’s situation in health care is characterized by a radical shift in nursing practices in terms of leadership skills and management abilities. Nurses should make a strong focus on developing themselves as leaders who take responsibility for several internal operations. Specifically, “nursing leadership and management are complementary skills that...

Emerging Standards of Care

Introduction Globally, health care systems have changed to provide quality care to patients but conversely, nurses have had increased workloads and responsibilities all together. Today, nurses have to contend with the fact that patients have an increased acuity and are more complex with regard to their health conditions. Due to...

Aspects of Polypharmacy and Aging

Introduction Most people start complaining about distress and pain when getting older. Trying to recover their health, the elderly consult different doctors and take various pharmaceuticals. Very often they forget the number of the pills they have already taken or decide to take some more if the discomfort does not...

Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common condition that occurs more often in women than in men. Symptoms include painful urination, lower abdominal pain, nausea, and fever however, they can differ depending on the type of infection.UTI is treated with antibiotics that fight bacteria and reduce inflammation in the bladder....

Family Assessment: Doane & Varcoe’s vs. De Mol’s Approach

Introduction Family assessment is inevitable for nurses practicing family nursing. Therefore, it is important for such nurses to be well equipped with the right knowledge and skills about different approaches that can be used in family assessment. In this study, we shall focus on Doane and Varcoe’s approach to relational...

The Project of Health Promotion

Health Promotion Game Depression diagnosed mainly among youths and children has facilitated this game (Gabe, 2004). The game applies to teenagers and young adults in schools and the classroom setting or as part of fun games that involve technologically advanced mechanisms specifically the computer (Swanton, Collin, Burns & Sorensen, 2007)....

Nursing and Health Care Informatics Ethics and the Law

Reflection on ethical and legal issues The use of health information technology (HIT) in health care organizations has transformed patients’ care in many positive ways. Nurses use HIT to provide quality care to patients through proper interpretation and evaluation of patients’ data (Croll, 2010; Withrow, 2010). However, the use of...

Degenerative Diseases: Alzheimer’s Disease – Causes and Treatment

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a degenerative disease characterized by a sharp decline in intellectual ability. It is one of the most common reasons for the development of dementia in elderly and senile persons. The prevalence of this disease is steadily increasing with age. According to global trends, in the next...

Nurse as Educator of 36-Year-Old Female Patient

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to explore elements of patient’s learning needs using the case of Barbara Lund, a 36-year-old woman recovering from a recent surgical resection of a malignant thoracic spinal cord tumor. Two methods of assessing the patient’s learning needs Different methods of determining Lund’s learning...

Parish Nursing: Health Promotion

Introduction The meaning of the community and the collective way of thinking has been revisited by the health care service providers and professionals over the last decade to find new approaches to healing. Orientation towards the community is nursing, and health care is a way of studying and treating individuals...

Promoting Healthy Heart Policies for Children

There is a range of factors resulting in cardiovascular diseases among children. The important aspect is that the unhealthy lifestyle and dieting during childhood can affect the health of the cardiovascular system and cause the vulnerability in the long term, even if the damage is not obvious immediately. Children can...

Medication Errors Analysis and Effective Preventive Measures

Admittedly, medication errors are rather common and they pose significant threat to the patient’s healing (and sometimes survival). Novice nurses as well as students can witnesses numerous instances of medication errors. It is an effective option to develop certain strategies to detect and address medication errors. Thus, nurses should be...

Schizophrenia Treatment With Approved Drug

Disease Overview Schizophrenia is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States and the world at large. An individual suffering from this condition usually exhibits abnormal social behaviors. Additionally, such an individual will find it difficult to differentiate between reality and hallucination. As such, common symptoms of...

Spiritual Needs Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Caregivers should “respect the cultural diversity of their patients” (Mueller, 2010, p. 198). This practice will encourage them to offer quality support to their patients. The Spirituality Assessment Tool (SAT) can produce the best relationships between nurses and patients. Nurses should be aware of their patients’ religious beliefs. Caregivers...

Synthesis of Information for Nursing Practice

Clinicians can improve their practices by embracing the new technology and the use of art and science in their operations. Most of the issues that affect nurses have their solutions in the literature, but practitioners rarely invest in the acquisition of information from written literature to inform their practice. On...

The Bio-Psycho-Social Model Application

The bio-psycho-social model (BPS) was proposed by Engel (1977) in response to the crisis that, according to the author plagued the medical society as a result of “adherence to a model of disease no longer adequate for the scientific tasks and social responsibilities” (p. 129). This outdated biomedical model was...

Contact Dermatitis and Atopic Eczema

The difference in pathophysiology between contact dermatitis and atopic eczema Contact dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction on the skin that is acute and triggered by contact with an irritant or a substance that is allergen-producing. It is neither life-threatening nor contagious. The common parts affected by this disease are those...

HIV and AIDS Pathophysiology and Management Comparison

Introduction More and more are being discovered about diseases that have been a nightmare to scientists, but researchers are yet to discover vaccines for some diseases. Cures for some diseases have also remained equally elusive. “HIV, an acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and AIDS, which stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency...

Nursing Education Systems

Introduction Globally, nursing education is distinct among the nations. The nursing education of Poland is obviously different from that of Sri Lanka. This essay chooses the two nations because of their variations in economic development, educational growth, nursing management systems, and historical backgrounds. In presumption, the nursing education systems of...

Ethical and Justice Considerations of Triage of Critical Care Resources

The current public health crisis associated with the global pandemic of COVID-19 imposes significant ethical considerations related to justice and equality for the patients. The rising scale of the pandemic causes problems with resource allocation when providing health care to the continuously increasing number of patients impacted by the coronavirus....

A Home-Based Nurse-Coached Inspiration Muscle Training Intervention in Heart Failure

The purpose of this paper is to review and analyze the article “Home Based Nurse-Coached Inspiration Muscle Training Intervention In Heart Failure”. The article presents relevant information that can help inform the general nursing practice in clinical care. Regardless of the relevance of the information presented in the article, the...

Therapeutic Model at Healing Clients That Have Experienced Emotional Abuse

Introduction According to the trait theory, people exhibit different personalities depending on the nature of upbringing, social environment and genetic predisposition. Individuals who possess a strong personality in life exhibit confidence and a resilient self esteem which enables them to overcome bad influence and wrong judgment. The trait theory therefore...

Treatment Compliance Among African American Women With HIV

Introduction HIV has been a topic discussed in the closet, especially in the early 90s. With the evolution of technology and science, HIV has become a disease like any other but only requires serious medical attention. Women living with HIV from the African American community ultimately disregard the HIV medication...

Work Like the Midwives

Description of the Study The entire study is well organized and concise. The author uses various headings and subheadings to guide the reader. As such it is easy to skim through the article and evaluate if it has the information that the reader intends to acquire. The article is also...

The Nursing Interventions Classification in Brazil

Research Problem The research by De Lima, De Baros, and Michel (2009) validates the contents of the priority interventions for excess fluid volume contained in the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and expected outcomes based on the Nursing Outcome Classification (NOC) in Brazil. The paper focuses on the effectiveness of nursing...

Neurology and Neurosurgery: Pseudotumor Cerebri

It was a challenge discovering the heart of the medical condition. Thus, for many years the syndrome was called by many names, such as 1) hypertensive hydrocephalus; 2) otitic hydrocephalus; 3) hypertensive meningeal hydrops, and 4) pseudoabscess (Sullivan 1991). In the beginning, physicians were puzzled by the etiological factors associated...

Organizational Change Plan: Managed Care and Nursing

Introduction Nurses are considered to be amongst the core personnel who are charged with the direct responsibility of taking care of the patients (Cesta, 2006, p.130). Therefore, the success of a healthcare institution is dependent on its effectiveness in utilizing nursing services. As a healthcare institution, VA is currently experiencing...

Culturally-Competent Care in Health Care

Introduction Patients require evidence-based care in order to achieve their health goals (Bednarz, Schim, & Doorenbos, 2010). Medical practitioners should use appropriate skills in order to empower their patients. According to Betancourt, Green, & Carrillo (2002), nurses should be aware of the diverse needs of every patient. Culturally-competent care focuses...

Taparia’s “How Covid-19 Is Making Millions of Americans Healthier”

It seems reasonable to claim that a balanced diet is a key to significant health. At the same time, malnutrition means not only a calorie deficit, but also its excess, in particular in the consumption of salt, sugar, and the lack of whole grains and fruits in the diet. An...

Description of the Problem Poliomyelitis

Introduction At the beginning of the twentieth century, one of the most feared and dangerous diseases in most countries was poliomyelitis. Every year, it used to paralyze thousands of children temporarily or even permanently, and a significant number of them died (“History of Polio,” n.d.). The purpose of this paper...

The US Medicare vs. the French Healthcare System

Introduction Healthcare is doubtlessly one of the most crucial systems in the mechanism of a state. Being the recognition of the state authorities of one of the citizens’ basic human rights, i.e., the right to obtain free services for the health related concerns, this is an integral part of the...

“Preemptive Isolation Precautions of Patients at High Risk…” by Hallac et al.

The purpose of this literature review is to analyze a peer-reviewed quantitative article dedicated to effectiveness of isolation precautions techniques and the use of personal protective equipment to determine how these measures can be used, both together, and individually, to drop hospital-acquired infections among male and female patients between 70...

Evidence-Based Practice: Nusring

Introduction Evidence-based practice is one of the recommended clinical practices that health practitioners should follow in administering clinical services. The World Health Organization and national health bodies have continuously advocated for the application of this approach. However, there have been claims that some nurses do not follow this approach. Instead,...

The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Among the variety of themes in medical field, I was always interested in different types of disorders and their influence of human life and further communication. This is why it is not a surprise that the topic that I chose for this assignment is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). My searching...

Reducing Unhealthy Behaviors Among Community Members

One of the most burning issues of contemporary society is that children learn early about drugs and unprotected sex. These problems affect teenagers at an age when they are not supposed to know that from their own experience. That is why health education should be aimed at providing students with...

Crohn’s Disease Pathophysiology and Treatment

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disorder of the alimentary tract. It can affect almost all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the ileum tends to be more affected than other parts of the alimentary tract. It is characterized by lesions affecting the entire thickness of the intestinal wall. The lesions...

The Essence of T-Tests in Osteoporosis Treatment

About 1 in 2 of women and 1 in 4 of men over the age of 50 years are reportedly at a risk of developing osteoporosis (American Bone Health, 2014). Further, the American Bone Health Organization reports that about 52 million people of the American population have or are at...

The Most Important Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is one of the essential healthcare careers that offer a wide variety of services to patients who are in need. This speciality has grown from the traditional support role for other health practitioners to one that is universally respected. This growth has also led to improvement in training...

Evaluating and Preventing the Risks of Fall

Introduction The aim of carrying out the study was to evaluate the risks of falling in hospitalized patients. In addition, the study wanted to describe the risks of falling based on the personal attributes of the individual patients. The research started in Portugal in 2013 and completed in January 2014....

The Role of Nurses in the Health Care Environment

The nursing profession aims at providing the best health care environment for every patient. Such a goal can be a challenging task as far as it presupposes the ability to manage and lead successfully. Every nurse should be a leader in his or her working environment. The development of leadership...

Nursing Problem: Burnout and Patient Outcomes

Work Setting Associated with Burnout I have encountered numerous problems as a caregiver. Our health institution provides a wide range of medical services to many patients. The number of physicians and nurses in this organization is very small. This gap explains why the caregivers cannot support the health needs of...

Physical Restraints in Acute and Intensive Care Units

Though the use of physical restraints in acute and intensive care units is predetermined with the objective factors and working necessity, the complications resulting from the implementation of the method question its effectiveness and appropriateness. The issue of using physical restraints in health care institutions is a rather debatable topic,...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Overview and Analysis

Anonymous. (2009). Alzheimer’s and automobile safety studied. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 35(4), 6. This study aims at determining the suitability of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease in performing activities such as driving. It is suggested that evaluating the remembrance, visual and movement capabilities of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease away from the road...

Call the Midwife: Analysis

Plot Prominence Portraying the professional and personal life of midwives, Call the midwife shed a lot of light on the significance of an APRN’s role in the hospital setting, as well as the effect that a nurse has on the wellbeing of the patient Particularly, the fourth episode of the...

Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity in School-Aged Children

Introduction Obesity in school-aged children negatively influences their health, educational accomplishment, and quality of life. Children who have obesity have a high possibility of proceeding with the problem into adulthood, over and above the danger of chronic illnesses. Augmented screen time raises the probability of children developing pediatric obesity because...

The Health Status of a Population

Health indicators are important tools used to understand the health status of any population. Health indicators mainly help in understanding the trends of population health through monitoring and surveillance. Subsequently, information obtained from these indicators is imperative for planning resources, targeting populations and prioritizing health care needs. One common indicator...

EBP and Global Health: U.S. Healthcare

Abstract Being a relatively recent change to the existing nursing system, the adoption of evidence-based practice (EBP) as the key tool for nursing specialists in addressing the needs of their patients has triggered a range of issues, the necessity to reconsider the process of nurses’ training being the key concern....

Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding: Advantages and Disadvantages

As a natural act of feeding newborn and young children with the mother’s milk from her breast, breastfeeding is practiced worldwide. At the same time, in the present day, with the development of technologies, it has become optional. It goes without saying that breastfeeding has multiple obvious advantages, however, there...

EMLA or Sucrose: The Best Analgesic in Circumcision

Introduction Scientific evidence suggests substantial health benefits of male circumcision. The procedure, however, is painful and appropriate analgesia is always required. There’s an increasing need for clinicians to selectively administer an effective analgesic to alleviate such pain. Evidence shows that infants who are circumcised without the administration of an appropriate...

Public Health Leadership: Dealing With Epidemic

Abstract The use of participative leadership guided many public health workers to deal with Ebola in West Africa. New resources, ideas, and disease management practices were embraced by all participants. Local teams were also empowered to support every affected community. This discussion examines how servant leadership was effective in dealing...

Alteration of Cardiovascular System

Mr. P’s case is an exceedingly difficult situation that needs superior nursing skills and knowledge. As a nurse, I will develop an instrument for assessing Mr. P and his family’s knowledge of congestive heart failure (American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 2010, p. 57). Together with the patient and family members,...

Evidence Based Practice Overview

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) entails the application of the best clinical facts in order to make informed decisions about care delivery. According to Newhouse and Spring (2010), EBP entails the selection of interventions by the use of available scientific evidence in order to ensure that patients receive the best care....

The Diabetes Study of Northern California

Introduction Several population-based studies show that Latinos in the United States are disproportionately affected by diabetes type-2 and that they have poor glycemic control. As a result, Latinos face more complications arising from diabetes compared to their white counterparts (Fernandez et al., 2010). The authors point out that many social...

Leininger’s Culture, Diversity and Universality Theory

Introduction Culcture and cultural diversity can e considered burning issues of contemporary society. People often think about cultural differences and discuss this issue in public in order to draw more attention to the importance of the matter and necessity of evaluating and implementing it in different sectors of human activity....

Ulcerative Colitis in the United States

Introduction Millions of people worldwide visit emergency departments with abdominal pain as their chief complaint and are diagnosed with one of the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). As soon as chronic inflammation reaches a colon, there is a risk of having IBDs, either ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease (Roberts-Thomson et al.,...

Usefulness of Glycated Hemoglobin HgbA1C Testing

Introduction Glycated hemoglobin (HgbA1C) is the primary indicator used by physicians to determine the average glucose concentration in a patient over a prolonged period. HgbA1C is a crucial pointer of the changes in the average blood glucose because it fluctuates proportionally to the amount of plasma glucose. The increase in...

Lived Experience of Diabetes Among Older, Rural People

The purpose of the research This study purposed to address the challenges facing older diabetic patients living in rural settings by using their narratives to illuminate their lived experiences and perceptions as they relate to the self-management of insulin-dependent diabetes (George & Thomas, 2010) The research question The implied research...

Health Care and Public Safety in California

Health care and public safety are important areas of social development (Finkler & Ward, 2006). The main organizations that deal with these areas in California include the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and the California Medical Facility. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is responsible for the operation...

Nursing Education Overview and Analysis

Introduction The roles of nurses have considerably expanded during the last two decades. For example, these medical workers should act as educators. Additionally, they often need to coordinate the activities of other healthcare professionals. However, many researchers argue that there is a gap between the education of nurses and their...

Hospital Preparedness in Community Measles Outbreaks

The management of diseases has always been problematic, particularly in resource-limited setups due to several factors. Among the main challenges affecting the control of treatable diseases is the preparedness of health facilities to deal with emergent outbreaks. An example of a treatable disease that hospital preparedness mainly impacts is measles....

Intentional Exaggeration: Healthcare Plans and Products

Introduction Exaggeration is when a product mimics as if it has benefits, while in reality, they are not present. While exaggeration may result from an unintentional misinterpretation of research results, some entities intentionally manipulate information to attract customers or attain financial support. Exaggeration can be considered a form of deception...

What Makes Humans Mortal Genetically?

The causes of aging have been studied and debated about by various experts for centuries. There multiple views and ideas about the reasons of aging and the factors that make humans mortal. The genetic causes of death from aging today are multiple. Among them there are such factors as the...

Documenting Medical Errors in Pediatric Patients

Introduction Medical error reporting is an important component of enhancing patient safety in hospitals. Efficient and reliable systems track, identify and report medical errors that compromise the safety of patients. Many medical practitioners fail to report medical errors or conceal certain errors because of the legal implications of reporting. Studies...

Championing Quality and Patient Safety

The study by Mastal, Joshi, and Schulke (2007) reports that chief nursing officers (CNOs) need to be provided with an opportunity not only to play a key leadership role in closing the knowledge gaps and reshaping values about quality and patient safety in the boardroom, but also to apply leadership...

Theoretical Basis for Nursing

Nursing’s Metaparadigm Person, environment, health, and nursing practice, all these concepts of nursing’s metaparadigm are equally significant to my nursing practice and philosophy of nursing. A person is the receiver of nursing care and thus, is the primary focus of attention for my nursing practice and philosophy (McEwen & Wills,...

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders Analysis

Introduction In this particular case, S.H. suffers from a number of different symptoms, including insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, and hypertension. For this reason, the initial goals of therapy would be the reduction of such symptoms and stress that is connected with sleep disorders. Moreover, the improvement of function during...

Global Health Ethics and State Development

Nowadays, being ethical is highly important in the multicultural environment, as people tend to have different opinions regarding similar issues. At the same time, the countries are interested in cooperation, and international trade is gaining its popularity. The phenomenon of globalization has driven the need to develop a universal approach...

An Algorithm for Coronary Artery Disease

Introduction Coronary artery disease affects the heart. The aorta is the main supplier of blood in the body. It branches into two main blood vessels. Coronary artery disease affects the arteries whereby plaque or fats are deposited on its walls. Plaque on the walls of the arteries restricts the flow...

Sexually Transmitted Disease Overview

Importance of the Topic Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) have a significant role to play in every healthcare setting. APNs should empower and enable their clients to achieve the best health outcomes. The targeted topic for this discussion is Chlamydia trachomatis. Hammerschlag (2011) defines “Chlamydia trachomatis as a gram-negative bacterium that...

Chronic Prostatitis Diagnosis and Further Treatment

Pathophysiology of acute prostatitis Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate organ and the surrounding tissues. Urologists believe that 60-80% of men are affected by chronic prostatitis. Several physiological factors lead to the development of prostatitis in men. The prostatic bacterial factor (PAF) is the main biomarker in chronic prostatitis....

Scope of Practice of Nurse Practitioner

Introduction Historically, nurse practitioners practiced under the direction or orders of the physicians, and without a specific order, their practice was usually limited to traditional nursing roles. Nurse practitioner’s practice has evolved significantly, and legal authority to practice has expanded over time as well. Nurse practitioner’s role continue to expand...

Mental State Deterioration in Bipolar Disorder Patients

Bipolar Disorder (BD) is considered as one of the major causes of morbidity in the western world, particularly due to the frequent episode recurrence as well as the persistence of functional impairment and deterioration of mental state immediately after clinical remission (Mazza et al., 2011). These authors acknowledge that although...

Becoming a Blood Donor as a Life-Saving Decision

Most people do not often think that they can save somebody’s life without being a doctor or a lifeguard. However, one of the easiest and most widespread ways to voluntarily help other people is to become a blood donor. Blood donation is not a complicated process, which, however, includes several...

Identification of Key Players in Organization

Introduction The structures of healthcare organizations are very complex, as a result, there is the need for leaders to provide leadership, supervise and coordinate all employees in order to guarantee holistic care delivery to the patients (Stetler, Ritchie, Rycroft-Malone & Charns, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to identify...

Minority Background Assisting Nurse Practitioners

There are many reasons why people are eager to make grants in education and enjoy the benefits they can get. It is also not easy to define one particular explanation of why a person wants to be a nurse. A number of qualities, knowledge, and abilities are necessary to become...

Medicaid Expansion: The Florida Medicaid Expansion

Introduction Medicaid is a government social healthcare program meant to give insurance cover to low-income individuals, families and special categories of people who are deemed vulnerable or disadvantaged—it is a public policy initiative. Public policy is a tough balancing act of competing interests. It is no easy task because it...

Does Marijuana Use and Misuse Cause Cancer?

Introduction It is a common presumption that the use or misuse of cannabis/marijuana is associated with the development of cancer, especially lung cancer. Most studies have attempted to describe the connection between the two variables. Nevertheless, a clear relationship between the use or misuse of the substance and the development...

Ethical Dilemma: Justifying a Right to Die

Introduction Everyday we hear of death cases occurring in hospitals. Some of the death cases are on a voluntarily basis while others are involuntarily. The concept of a right to die is a central debate on the issue of euthanasia. Application of ethics on the other hand has become very...

Health Disparities Affecting Kentucky Citizens

Abstract This paper discusses health disparities affecting Kentucky citizens, along with barriers, and roles of leaders. It shows that Kentucky is one of the unhealthiest states with high rates of drastic health disparities in the United States. There are high rates of chronic diseases, poor physical health, mental health, obesity,...

HIV & AIDS Prevention by International Non-Governmental Organizations

HIV/AIDS is a sexually-transmitted with significant negative consequences that extend beyond physical health. Poverty is a significant factor accelerating its spread, and is also increased by the effects of AIDS (Mapp, 2014). Poverty is also linked to decreased education in children, which increases their likelihood of having sexual intercourse before...

The Importance of Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction Many diseases, conditions, and illnesses affect people globally every day, and it is virtually impossible to grasp the whole scale of dangers that medical issues pose to humanity. However, it is vital to be well-informed about a particular illness when newly diagnosed. The specific disease, widespread or not, also...

HIV Treatment in the African American Women

Introduction Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research by Campbell and Stanley (1963) is notable for covering the subject of research design so effectively that the concepts presented in the book were applicable in the 1960s and can still be applied in 2016 (p. 13). Their work is particularly beneficial for...

Pharmacology: Uses of Albuterol and β2-Adrenergic Agonist

Introduction Albuterol is generally used for treating reactive airway deceases. This remedy is also known as salbutamol, and its main predestination is the relief of bronchospasm in the case of such diseases like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The optimal frequency of albuterol usage is generally subjected to numerous...

The Clinical Waste Management in Cameroon

Poor clinical waste management is a common problem in Africa and other developing parts of the world. Ineffective clinical waste treatment methods put many people at risk of contracting waterborne diseases and blood-borne pathogens (Chang & Wey, 2006). Uncontrolled and substandard burning of clinical waste also increases environmental pollution and...

Evidence-Based Practice Paper of Oral Care

Oral care is a significant component in a set of nursing care activities provided for critically ill ventilator patients, and it needs to be discussed in detail because the provision of effective oral care influences the comfort of patients and their mucosal status. In spite of a range of approaches...

’Improving Access to Breast Health Services’ by Castellanos

Purpose of Article From the article, it is clear that the authors wanted to insinuate that access to breast health services among populations, especially women, is of fundamental importance in fighting breast cancer. The article further purposed to show that inexpensive intervention strategies such as the stated comprehensive breast center...

The Death of Mothers as Healthcare Challenge

Being one of the greatest miracles of the world, the issue of birth nowadays obtains some other meaning. Unfortunately, very often women die during the period of pregnancy because of a great number of different issues. The given video Birth in Nepal is also connected with this theme. It states...

Mental Diseases and Violent Offenders

Violence involves physical acts that are intended to hurt or kill.violence cause physical injury and psychological torture it is also among the twenty leading cause of disability. There are three mental disorders associated with violent criminal behaviors which include psychosis, personality and substance use. Psychosis This is a serious mental...

Alaska Natives Cultural Group’s Healthcare Practices

Overview Alaska Natives are composed of different indigenous sub-tribes. The major tribes include the “Yupik, the Haida, the Tlingit, and the Inupiat” (Roderick, 2010, p. 6). These indigenous people have a long history. They were colonized by different groups such as the Russians. The groups have also established a wide...

Professional Communication: Cultural Sensitivity

Introduction Nursing has the greatest influence with regards to changing healthcare provision to a better, more quality, and cost-efficient system (The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice, 2008). There has been a recent increase in the numbers and abilities of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), and they have...

Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology and Management Comparison

Introduction There are several disorders within the human nervous system. The main causes of most of these disorders are not known (Wiendl & Hohlfeld, 2009). However, the majority are believed to be genetically induced while others are because of the chronic infections of the pathogens. Among the nervous system, disorders...

Communication Plan Related to STDs Among the Youth

Abstract An effective communication plan and an appropriate implementation of the public health campaign on STDs among the youth will have a positive impact on the lives of the target group. After the youth receive the messages through the media selected, it is expected that they will adjust their behavior...

HIV-Positive African American Women Living in Rural Areas

Introduction One of the recurrent problems of this time in matters of health is the emergence of the HIV pandemic. Its effects have been felt on all corners of the world. The pandemic has affected most areas of the world. As such, the United States is not an exception. The...

Evidence-Based Nursing: A Review of Literature

Introduction The availability of a large volume of information about improving patient outcomes has increased the need to use the existing knowledge in practice. EBN practice involves the application of learned information and experience to enhance practice and patient outcomes. This new application has attempted to base practice on knowledge...

Peru’s Healthcare System Assessment

Peru This paper focuses on Peru, a country in South America. The paper first explains location, population, government and economy before exploring the status of health in the country. Aspects of Peru’s health under scrutiny include determinants of health, health indicators, the burden of disease, healthcare system and delivery, health...

Caloric Sweeteners on Bone Health

Introduction The peer-reviewed article ‘Effect of consuming different caloric sweeteners on bone health and possible mechanisms’ by Embedzayi Tsanzi, Cindy W Fitch, and Janet C Tou, 2008, published in Nutrition Reviews Vol. 66, no. 6, pp.301–309, were retrieved from the PubMed database after using the search term “effect of caloric...

Views About the Video Transcript Health Literacy and Literacy in Simple Ways

The video transcript defines health literacy and literacy in simple ways that make it easy for people, who are not in the health sector, to understand. It shows factors that could affect health literacy levels, such as culture, education, and income levels (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011). After highlighting this fact,...

Diabetes Diagnosis: The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles

Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes is an epidemic in the United States. It greatly affects the young and aging populations by reducing their longevity, working capabilities, vigor, and functional status. It also increases the risk of contracting other diseases (Poretsky, 2010). Early diagnosis is an important...

Concept Synthesis on Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Autobiography Many nurses use powerful concepts and competencies to promote the health conditions of their patients. Medical practitioners focus on the best ideas to promote the living conditions of different societies. Nurses should use “evidence-based ideas and concepts whenever improving the health conditions of their communities” (Hobbs, 2009, p....

Application of Technology in Nursing

Introduction Many lives are lost due to errors that emanate from improper handling of patients’ information. The main areas prone to these errors are prescribing, dispensing, administration, and monitoring. A survey conducted by an Independent Healthy Survey reveals that 35,000 to 98,000 patients succumb due to medical errors (Lombardi, 2000)....

Ethics and Leadership Relations

Nowadays, it represents a commonplace assumption among healthcare specialists that, in order for physicians and nurses to be able to address their professional responsibilities in the most effective manner, they must be thoroughly aware of what the concept of ethical leadership stands for. One of the main reasons for this...

Standards of Knowledge for Nurses

Introduction Health outcomes of the general public depend on the knowledge that nurses learn while receiving education and utilize while working. That is why they are to meet certain standards formed on the basis of the needs of current society. Today’s nurse is to be “one that is equipped not...

Cholera Outbreak in Sierra Leone: Evaluating Public Health Interventions

Executive Summary This paper is a policy brief that explains the urgency of evaluating public health interventions introduced during the 2012 cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone. The problem statement stems from the failure of health agencies and public health stakeholders to follow up on the progress of past health interventions...

The Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Introduction The continued use of evidence-based practices (EBPs) has transformed the nature of nursing education. Many nurses are identifying new initiatives that can address the needs of many patients. The use of EBP has made it easier for nurses to support the needs of many underserved populations. This essay explains...

Recognizing and Avoiding Bias in Scientific Works

Abstract The APA and BPS guidelines indicate that there exists sufficient evidence that justifies the effort in an unbiased style. When certain words are used in research work, they reflect conventions and reinforce stereotypes. Researchers when writing findings regarding an issue should avoid using language in a manner that highlights...

The Virus COVID-19: What Went Wrong?

Summary The documentary features interviews with a variety of experts, doctors, and nurses from different countries. They all discuss the actions that have been taken by state leaders during the coronavirus outbreaks. The video describes how the healthcare systems in China, Korea, Iran, Italy, and, above all, America reacted to...

Darlene: Ghana Final Paper

Introduction Ghana is one of “the developing nations in Africa” (Larson, 2014, p. 3). Larson (2014) indicates that “Ghana’s infant mortality rate has reduced significantly within the past two decades” (p. 16). However, statistics show that the number of children dying before the age of 5 is still quite high....

Opioids: Hidden Danger

Opioids have always been known to humanity because of their unique impact on their conscience and brain. For this reason, they have been used for different purposes to achieve some effects. However, with the development of science and medicine, and the emergence of powerful pain killers, specialists started to use...

The Evidence-Based Guidelines: Implementation in Clinical Settings

Introduction There is enough literature to support the positive effects of evidence-based practice on the quality of healthcare as well as related costs (McKillop, Crisp & Walsh, 2012). However, the adoption of evidence-based practice in daily clinical practice has not been fully achieved. Therefore, the study aims to bring to...

Applying Ethical Frameworks in Practice

The Ethical Dilemma The targeted six-year-old child has been diagnosed with meningitis. The physician faces a major ethical dilemma because the child’s parents have different health expectations. The non-biological mother is a Christian Scientist (CS) who does not embrace the use of medicine. She insists that the child should not...

The Involvement of Patients in the Process of Using a New Treatment

Introduction To address the interests of patients, nursing care should be not only high-quality but also ethical. New technologies, medications, and approaches to treating patients are actively developed today, and registered nurses need to respond to the issue of using new strategies and drugs to positively influence the quality of...

Molded Affordable Care Act 2010

Introduction Research and analysis of health care among individuals indicate that most of the people found in correctional institutions come across numerous challenges in getting the health, as well as behavioral health care attention that they require while within such situations (Beronio, Po, Skopec, & Glied, 2013). According to a...

Aspects of Nursing Faculty Shortage

Introduction The shortage of nursing faculty is one of the trends that have significant implications for medical schools, hospitals, and ultimately patient care. In particular, one should discuss the lack of those educators that have Master’s or doctoral degrees because these people are more prepared to teach students. These professionals...

National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators

The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) The NDNQI was founded to provide a reference point that could focus on processes, structures, and outcome indicators to assess the care provided by nurses at the setting level. The database has been used successfully to correlate the number of nurses in...

Heat-Related Mortality

Abstract Heat is associated with high mortality rates in the United States. The main route of entry of heat is the skin. The study was conducted using data that were collected in 105 cities in the United States in the 1987-2005 period to assess the mortality rates that were correlated...

Communication Technology Tools in Public Health Campaigns

Instances that utilises communication technology tools in the public health campaigns Public health campaigns boost awareness about health problems and rally support for action from the society (Glanz & Rimer, 2008). Communication technology tools can be utilised during the public health campaigns through numerous instances. Vaccination request, blood donation request,...

Adult Nursing Theories, Practice and Health Promotion

Introduction NHS offers a wide range of services that are beneficial to Britons in making healthcare more available in the United Kingdom. Among these are health assessment tools that are accessible by everybody in the country. These tools include fitness, healthy eating, lifestyle checks and sexual health tools among others....

Improvement Plan Executive Summary of “Optimum”

Optimum Healthcare centre has been operating for the last 20 years. It is focused mainly on providing quality health services in the country. This health institution has competent health care providers who ensure proper management to keep the business running smoothly. Its administration personnel consists of Medical and health services...

Magnet Recognition Program

Introduction The changes in the work of medical institutions can be attributed to a variety of factors such as economic pressures or the adoption of new technologies. However, one should also speak about the need to gain the trust of patients who often rely on the assessments provided by public...

Gastrointestinal Analysis Case Study

Gastrointestinal diseases are usually associated with chronic and acute disorders in the work of organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Mrs. Miller noticed problems with her gastrointestinal tract when she became to suffer from vomiting and observed a tarry stool. These symptoms were also accompanied by tachycardia and tiredness, and they...

Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Alcohol Addiction

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a highly adaptable approach to treating an array of disorders, and it has been used to address the needs of various patient groups. In the beginning, IPT was designed as a brief intervention to use as primary care; later on, it was tailored to treat adolescents...

Improving Nursing Leadership and Team Management

Healthy People 2020 Initiative Healthy People 2020 is a program orientated toward the improvement of public health in a variety of directions. It targets all communities and groups that experience the need for healthcare services of higher quality. In my organization, we employ the initiative that focuses on teen pregnancy...

Difference Between Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney

A living will is a health care directive that implies legal instructions for health care practitioners if the person is unable to express his or her wishes regarding the medical treatment (end-of-life medical care) (Olson, n.d.). Usually, it involves a situation when an individual is in a coma, seriously injured,...

The Florida Mental Health Act

The article written by David Shestokas (2012) is aimed at examining the implications of the Florida Mental Health Act. It should be noted that this law enables the involuntary psychiatric examination and possible detention of a person. This action is legitimate in those cases when an individual can pose a...

Medical Insurance Cover for Vulnerable Age Groups

Introduction Recent evidence asserts that young women aged 20 and above have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (Darwin, 2011). Medical experts have confirmed that early screening and detection of women among this age group is necessary in order to avert health crises before reaching a severe stage. Additionally,...

Psychosis: The Patient’s Clinical History

Akin’s clinical history strongly implies that he might have psychosis. Although it is not evident if it is the main diagnosis and there is room for something else, analyzing its features and comparing them with the case might clarify the issue. This essay will address the current definition of psychosis,...

Free Association and Restrictive Professional Standards

One of the rights granted by the Constitution of the USA is the right to free association between individuals and groups (Batchis, 2012). Even though this right is stated to be technically absent in the Constitution, it is legally protected by the First Amendment. This was confirmed in several Supreme...

Traditional and Syndromic Surveillance Comparison

Abstract Syndromic Surveillance is an approach that aims at detecting an outbreak earlier as compared to traditional disease surveillance. To realize this goal, this approach expounds on situational awareness that focuses on the characteristics of the affected population by monitoring outbreak distribution and spread. The key features of this approach...

The Case of Dementia of the Vascular Type

The object of my case study is Mrs. Anette Parker, who is 69 years old and has been diagnosed with dementia of the vascular type. Several main challenges and needs were identified in the Case Study of the previous assignment. They all represent different aspects, such as spiritual, physical, mental,...

Ethical Dilemma: Should Gene Editing be Performed on Human Embryos?

Introduction Biological innovation has paved the way for designing life by reshaping the human genome. Changing the genetic composition of DNA strands to prevent children from succumbing to hereditary disorders is a contemporary scientific approach that seems acceptable to many people around the world. However, there are many questions about...

Banner Health: The Leading Healthcare Systems in the US

Introduction Banner Health is one of the largest and most recognized healthcare systems in the United States. It is spread throughout the country and is daily watched by thousands of experts. The attitudes, plans, goals, and operations of Banner Health are monitored and treated as learning opportunities from the point...

“Bariatric Surgery v. Conventional Medical Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes” by Mingrone

This paper is a critical analysis of the article authored by Mingrone et al. (2012), titled, which is titled: “Bariatric surgery versus conventional medical therapy for type 2 diabetes.” Mingrone et al. (2012) wanted to compare traditional medical therapy and bariatric surgery in the cure of diabetes mellitus type 2....

Health Policy: Ohio’s Consensus Model

A Consensus Model is a document that was developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) and the Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) Consensus Work Group. The key purpose of the Consensus Model is to foster the collaboration of APRN educators, regulatory bodies, and other professionals across...

Changes in the Healthcare Environment

Continued changes have occurred in the health provision sector, health care providers and team members. These changes are fuelled by a number of challenges facing this sector. The factors include: introduction of new supportive technology, social changes involving demography and disease patterns, patient intelligence, demand for quality services and legislation....

Evidence-Based Practice: The Dissemination of Information

Disseminating Evidence to the Key Stakeholders The most critical phase of implementing the evidence-based practice (EBP) entails the dissemination of information. According to Polit and Beck (2008), the purpose of the EBP is to incorporate scientific evidence into clinical practice. It is imperative to ensure the continuous flow of information...

Algorithm for Surveillance of Meningococcal Meningitis

Introduction An algorithm for meningococcal meningitis is a formula that is designed to control and treat the problem (Lombardo & Buckeridge, 2007). The algorithm will help practitioners to easily track the disease. The intervention is not labor-intensive. Indicators of the Algorithm One of the indicators to be used is blood...

Nursing Informatics: Professional Networking

Introduction Nursing informatics was a real breakthrough at one time. It expanded communication and collaboration possibilities, enabled nurses to collect, store and analyze patients’ data and even noticeably improved patients’ outcomes. Professional networking as a part of nursing informatics brings many advantages to nursing practice as well. However, there still...

Gap Between Nursing Education and Nursing Practice

Introduction The world is rapidly developing and the urge to improve education and practice in several fields is calling for attention. Cumulative and comprehensive literature argues on the trends of application of knowledge gained from basic nursing education to the profession itself. About this observation, healthcare systems across the world...

Evaluation of the In-House Rapid Response Team Project

The discussed paper and PowerPoint Presentation present the information on the necessity and aspects of establishing the in-house rapid response team (RRT) in order to provide quick and appropriate responses to in-house strokes to decrease the mortality rates (Alberts et al., 1998; Harris et al., 2011). The information on the...

Eating Disorders in Adult Women

Introduction Eating disorders in adult women have increased significantly over the years. According to Brandsma (2007) eating disorders are likely to be higher in adult women that adult men. It is important to review the eating disorders in adult women in order to establish the most appropriate strategies for treatment....