Psychiatry: Reason for Referral and Presenting Problem

Introduction The client is in an unstable mood and requires medication to be “normal.” The mother reports that the adolescent needs to learn to control her emotions. The client does not take responsibility for her choices and actions and justifies her behavior. The client bases her opinion of herself on...

Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

Introduction Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs target RNs looking to advance their education. As a BSN-prepared nurse, I have more opportunities and job options coming in handy than I would with an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). With detailed research about BSN including its...

Maintaining Cost Benefit Analysis in Nursing

Based on the recent researches, maintaining CBI has a nurse-knowledge-related problem. Many units are now dealing with an inflow of newly graduated nurses as well as temporary nurses who might not be familiar with the residents of the unit due to the loss of experienced bedside nurses. Inexperienced nurses could...

Climate Change as a Healthcare Priority

The problem of global warming has become one of the most severe challenges for humanity in the twenty-first century. Human-caused climate change significantly impacts the ecological situation and many areas of human life, such as health care. In its 2022 policy brief presented at the Stockholm+50 conference, the WHO stated...

Emergency Nursing Journal Conclusion

During the first month of the course, nursing work in an emergency department (ED) was discussed from the perspective of current issues that influence clinical practices and patient outcomes. The learning material included crucial theoretical aspects, studying which assisted me in developing an understanding of fundamental principles of interaction and...

Neural Plasticity Following Traumatic Brain Injury

Cognitive impairments are one of the most prevalent and debilitating results of traumatic brain injury (TBI), and they can have a substantial impact on a person’s social and professional prospects. Thus, disruption to white-matter pathways induced by diffuse axonal injury (DAI) causes a wide variety of cognitive problems (Galetto &...

Social Determinants of Health: Case Study

SDOH: Impact on Communities Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the environmental conditions that directly affect personal and group differences in terms of health statuses. Hence, among the most essential and significant determinants influencing communities, economic stability, education, as well as social and community context can be distinguished (“Social determinants...

Personality Disorders: Common Issues

Personality disorders are common as everyone has specific traits that can develop to the level of them being an actual condition. Unfortunately, it may be challenging for people who do not deal with the same problems to socialize with those who suffer from the aforementioned state. Personally, I have experience...

Health Aspects of Young Adulthood

Young adulthood is better characterized as a period of health-impairing lifestyles. This stage is defined as the period between 18 and 26 years, a time when youth have resources and a lot of time. This point in life is usually dubbed a transition period because people are moving from underneath...

The Medical Model of Mental Illness

A medical model is called a direction in psychology that provides an explanation for mental illness through physical causes. The medical model connects emotional and mental problems with biological ones (Huda, 2021). In modern medicine, there are two models of mental illness – biomedical and biopsychosocial. In combination with medical...

Mental Health in Children and Adolescents

Mental health is a critical issue that needs to be addressed in children and adolescents. The ongoing COVID 19 pandemic has seen a significant rise in children and adolescents with mental health issues, thus significantly reducing their lifespan. A news article by New Bridge Medical Centre affirms the deteriorating mental...

The Flo Health App and Technological Utopia

Introduction It is important to note that the concept of technological utopianism is a promising idea to strive for when it comes to solving many of humanity’s problems. One of such global issues is women’s health and wellbeing, which is highly complex and intricate in its nature. The fairly recent...

Researching of Giardia Parasites

Various types of parasites pose a severe threat to humans by causing diseases. Giardiasis is an illness appearing because of the parasite called Giardia duodenalis and leading to diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, and dehydration (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2021). These unicellular protozoan parasites are also known as...

The Importance of Mental Health Care

Introduction Usually, when people think of illness, they think of cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. Indeed, these conditions are leading and most prevalent in the world, but all of them are strict in their physical nature. Not many people realize that mental illness has a similarly profound effect on life...

The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Introduction Elderly patients in general, and individuals aged 70 years and older in particular, face a distinctive set of risks associated with age-related changes. The issues within physiological and physical health, economic status, social and environmental well-being, and functioning are characterized by particularities that are different for the elderly in...

Importance of Medication Safety

The safety of administrating medication is influenced by nurses who have the authority to perform the job. They are expected to enhance safe care and facilitate a safe culture within a healthcare environment. When administrating medication, they must understand the order and ensure that it has all the necessary information...

Anxiety: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction There is no formal definition for anxiety disorders in the DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Anxiety is a normal stress response and a fundamental part of everyday life. The development of anxiety disorders is thought to be due to environmental and genetic factors. Anxiety disorders affect...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare System

Introduction Ethical and moral problems often arise in health care: they have to do with staff behavior and patient responsibility. Moral dilemmas concern choices that both parties must make. They arise from the availability of objective medical data and inconsistency with already established ideas about ethics. The existence of multiple...

Application of Environment Theory

Nursing theory is a complex discipline designed to answer the most common questions of nursing science and practice. It studies the history and philosophy of nursing, its role, and its place in medicine and society. Also, this theory investigates the patterns of organization of nursing care and scientific research in...

Deep Venous Thrombosis: Bed Rest vs. Early Ambulation

Introduction Also known as blood thinners, anticoagulants are the recommended approach in the treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT). In post-op DVTs, however, debate has arisen over the effectiveness of early ambulation in comparison to bed rest. Bed rest, often recommended in a hospital setting with the attention of healthcare...

Benefits of Physical Activity on Old People

Introduction Life expectancy has increased, and the main concern that follows this development is whether the extra years entail periods of health-related high quality of life for the old people. Physical movements and exercises are a great method for maintaining physical fitness and wellness. Physical exercise refers to any kind...

Borderline Personality Disorder in an 18-Year-Old Woman

Introduction The movie Girl, Interrupted is a psychological drama exploring the relationship between two main characters with different mental health disorders. The primary focus of the given analysis will be on Susanna Kaysen, an 18-year-old woman with borderline personality disorder or BPD. The plot begins with Susanna overdosing on pills,...

Nurse’s Communication Quality Improvement

Introduction Good communication skills of health practitioners are critical to providing effective patient care and can result in favorable outcomes such as decreased stress, guilt, discomfort, and illness symptoms. Furthermore, they have the potential to promote patient experience, acceptance, adherence, and collaboration with the medical team. However, poor communication happens...

Elder Abuse in the US Healthcare System

Elder abuse within the US has posed a threat to the elderly citizens; the situation has emanated in perennial harm to older adults. Types of elderly abuse include physical, sexual, neglect, financial, and psychological abuse. All these types have been occurring in all states of the US. Some of the...

Causes and Treatment of Autism in Children

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition connected to brain development that impacts how people perceive and communicate with others. It also eliminates problems in the child’s social interaction and socialization. Autism spectrum disorder poses numerous challenges for treatment, although more significant research studying brain illnesses is increasing as...

The Evolution of the Panspermia Hypothesis

Introduction Illustrating enormous biodiversity, life on the Earth has been a prominent area of natural science research for centuries. The panspermia hypothesis is among the controversial theoretical propositions touching upon the possible origins of life on the planet and the existence of extraterrestrial life. Panspermia supposes that life in the...

The OpenEMR System and Its Project Phases

The OpenEMR system has three different interfaces to suit the needs of different users. The first user interface is designed for patients or clients. The clients’ UI is simple to ensure a good customers experience while using the system. It has bright colors that blend into each other to enhance...

Pyromania as a Psychological Disorder

Introduction Pyromania, as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is an impulse control disorder that is characterized by an abnormal obsession with setting things on fire in order to relieve tension. People with this condition find it difficult to resist the impulse or the urge...

Healthcare Social Issue for Indigenous People in Canada

Nowadays, there are many different social issues throughout the world, some of which are difficult to solve. It is formulated by the fact that the solution of these issues often is not beneficial for a certain group of people, usually for authority bodies. The reason for this is the necessity...

The History of Mental Health Legislation in England and Wales

Introduction Madness and insanity challenge people at different times in their lives. Early civilisations did not have enough knowledge about mental health but related these disorders with something supernatural. Mental health services in England and Wales are determined by many social, cultural, political, and medical events between the 18th and...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment

Introduction Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is comprised of two segments, which are compulsions and obsessions. Compulsions are monotonous activities that a person tends to repeat to reduce the overall level of anxiety that may be generated through the interface of obsessions. The latter represent unwanted thoughts and doubts that affect a...

Psychopathology Assignment

Scientific knowledge increased with the development of the classification system designed to diagnose specific mental disorders, and researchers found other ways to classify and characterize psychoneurotic conditions. Thus, in DSM-III, anxiety disorders included phobic disorders, anxiety states, and post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). However, DSM-5 introduced some changes in the grouping...

Sleep Paralysis: Causes and Consequences

Physical and mental health depends not only on genetic data and environmental conditions but also on how well the physiological processes in a person, which are of existential importance, take place. High-quality and sufficient sleep is an important physiological process that ensures that a person has the necessary strength to...

Advocacy in Mental Health Counseling

Introduction In many cases, mental health conditions may impede productive communication with others. It may be complicated to stand up for personal rights and express concerns. Individual advocacy for people with mental health issues may resolve the abovementioned problems. There is a wide variety of advocacy techniques with distinct implementations,...

The Mental Health of Medical Staff

In the interview, the mentor was asked many questions related to the mental health of medical staff when working with critical patients. A good theme for the project could be the policy issues that the hospital promotes to support the team. Moreover, questions about analysis and data collection can help...

Mental Health and COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the biggest global challenges in the last 50 years. The virus has affected world economies, health, societal cohesion, and daily life. The mutation of the disease creates uncertainties for people, especially when knowledge about the illness is still shallow. The impacts on society,...

DNR Orders and Ethics in Medical Decision-Making

Introduction It is important to note that DNR orders are critical decisions made by patients and their relatives. There are many potential reasons why DNR orders are requested, which might involve an incurable condition or worsened quality of life post-resuscitation. The demonstrated case is unique because the cause of respiratory...

The Effect of Mental Health Programs on Students Academic Performance

Introduction Mental health is an essential aspect of every individual as it affects how they behave, control their emotions, and think. It influences productivity, academics, and interpersonal relationships among people. In this historical time, the Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affected the psychological health of many individuals globally, even the learners...

PTSD Treatment: Evidence-Based Practice

Treating PTSD: A Review of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Interventions Watkins, L. E., Sprang, K. R., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2018). Treating PTSD: a review of evidence-based psychotherapy interventions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 258. Web. Summary: The article reviews recent guidelines for PTSD treatment and discussed each methodology through evidence-based analysis....

Analysis of Limited Access to Healthcare

Introduction It is important to note that while the quality of healthcare service is critical, its accessibility is as relevant. Therefore, the emphasis of the paper will be put on addressing and assessing the problem of interest by analyzing its critical elements, considering and studying various solutions alongside their ethical...

Abortion: Comparison and Contrast of Arguments

Abortion has been a controversial issue for many decades, with both sides of the argument often feeling very strongly about it. Nevertheless, regardless of the stance one takes on it, most people agree on prioritizing safety of the procedure if it must happen. It can be difficult to ensure safety...

Earthquakes: Effects on People’s Health

Earthquakes are one of the global environmental health issues that hugely impact people’s lives in certain geographical areas and communities. This is one of the physical hazards that basically represent the impact of natural disasters on people’s health and mental wellbeing. Due to the earthquakes’ difference in strength, their effects...

Vaccination of Healthcare Workers

Vaccination is the most effective way of protection against COVID-19: a highly contagious disease often followed by a set of serious complications. The effectiveness of this measure directly depends on the number of people vaccinated, since together, they generate a collective immunity for their sector of society. Health professionals around...

Summary of the Health History Interview

The patient is an Asian male young adult in full physical and mental health, with no visible symptoms of diseases or infections. Although the patient regularly exercises, adheres to a healthy diet, and has stable social relationships, that are health issues that decrease the quality of his life. The systems...

Medical Personnel Shortage: Evidence-Based Proposal

Introduction Medical personnel shortage is the main threat to the modern worldwide healthcare system and one of the leading healthcare barriers. There are several reasons for this issue, including the aging and retirement of medical workers and their transition to higher-paid jobs. It leads to the remaining of their positions...

Methods of Data Collection: Qualitative Research Methods

Data is an invaluable resource used to explain and validate trends in businesses and social institutions. Data can only be valuable if it is accurate, relevant, and timely. This makes the process of collecting data very critical in research. The data collection method highly depends on the subject or nature...

Servant Leadership in Healthcare

The modern healthcare system is going through constant and rather severe changes that need to be managed properly to benefit the medical landscape. Numerous factors can affect the healthcare environment, including globalization, the population’s aging, and technological and economic ones. Consequently, there should be certain styles and requirements for the...

Working as Case Manager in Healthcare Institution

Introduction My interview subject, Michaela, works as a case manager attached to a healthcare institution. The job entails providing advocacy to clients on addiction treatment, scheduling and following up on their appointments, connecting the patients with useful resources, and monitoring the success of the treatment options. Although case management roles...

Healthcare Professions: EMT and Occupational Therapist

An emergency medical technician (EMT) is a member of the first-aid crew. In their duty, they are responsible for the cleanliness of the ambulance, for the availability of the necessary equipment in it, and for its serviceability (Russ-Sellers & Blackwell, 2017). EMTs perform different tasks including lifting patients and equipment,...

Thinking Like a Nurse: Clinical Judgement

Clinical judgment is an essential concept in healthcare and, more specifically, in nursing. It is a process that involves collecting client data, interpreting the data, making diagnoses, and identifying proper steps. Essential components of the process are critical thinking, decision making, and problem-solving. Clinical judgment is required for somewhat ambiguous...

Insulin Price and Unaffordability

Executive Summary These days, high prices for insulin and its unaffordability present a pressing concern. A significant number of people do not take the prescribed dose due to financial hardships. Moreover, from year to year, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes is increasing. Insulin is a vital drug for...

Malpractice in the Medical Profession: Iturralde v. Hilo Medical Centre

Summary This paper provides a discussion of malpractice in the medical profession. The lawsuit in this study involved a surgeon, a patient and a state-owned medical center in two thousand and one. The appellant, Arturo Iturralde, succumbed to death two years posts the medical procedure by Dr. Robert Ricketson. The...

Shockwave Therapy: Alternative for Osteitis Pubis

Introduction Osteitis pubis is a painful condition and it is difficult to handle without a comprehensive treatment method. The majority of the people affected by this condition are young athletes. However, women also get this condition during pregnancy or after birth. Conservative and surgical methods are used to manage this...

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Studies in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

Introduction Qualitative studies differ from quantitative studies in numerous ways. For instance, qualitative studies are usually aimed at explaining nursing issues. In this regard, qualitative studies focus on a range of ideas that talk about the same topic. Moreover, qualitative studies focus on literature that is based on previously conducted...

Leadership in Healthcare Management & Administration

Leadership is an essential component of effective healthcare management. The quality of healthcare management and medical leadership defines the quality of care provided to patients (Sfantou et al., 2017). The healthcare team’s working process needs to be adequately regulated by the hospital administration to provide exemplary patient care. Healthcare management...

Benefits of Vaccination against Coronavirus

Among the numerous recent healthcare advancements, vaccines occupy a specific place for their unique benefits for individuals and society in general. They constitute a relatively cheap measure which has allowed to prevent the outbreaks of many life-threatening diseases throughout the world. Moreover, they play a critical role in achieving herd...

The SWOT Analysis in Health Care

Introduction A SWOT analysis represents a critical key approach used to assess the appraisal of the effectiveness of functioning templates. The SWOT analysis is widely and successfully used in business spheres and predictably became a part of robust analytical systems, which helps determine the impacts of even governmental approaches moves...

Healthcare Delivery Models in Germany, the UK, and the US

Healthcare delivery system models are popular and are influenced by several factors, including financing, efficiency levels, and the significance of healthcare. These models have the objective of enabling citizens to receive quality healthcare services at a cost-effective rate. There are four major healthcare delivery models: the national health insurance model,...

The Grant Proposal for the Opioid Use Intervention Program in Anytown

Opioid use is a problem of current interest in Anytown, mainly due to a recently increased mortality rate because of unintentional overdose deaths. Although opioids are prescription painkillers, misusing them may lead to opioid use disorder (OUD), a severe illness associated with morbidity and mortality. Aside from that, the opioid...

Care Coordination Presentation to Colleague

Introduction Care coordination entails purposefully planning aspects of patient care and disseminating information among all parties involved in a patient’s treatment to provide better, safer, and more efficient care. A care coordinator is a trained health care professional who assists in the coordination of a patient’s care, such as the...

Implementing Evidence-Based Care in Nursing

Implementing Evidence-Based Care Evidence-based practices (EBP) refer to the strategies that have been shown by clinical research to improve patient outcomes. They are medical or clinical interventions proven to have a positive effect on the health of patients. EBP is a patient-centered approach that can significantly improve nursing care delivery....

Community Health and Its Impact on Maternal Child Health

Introduction Community health is a public health section that focuses on societal wellbeing, including economic and social interaction. It is an essential public health subsection that ensures health maintenance and improvement among the community members while preventing infectious illness spread and disaster management preparation. Additionally, it impacts crucial aspects of...

Euthanasia: The Legal and Ethical Perspectives

Introduction Many people feel that they have no control about when or how they are born, but they do have control over how they die. Individuals who have been diagnosed with diseases or chronic conditions may wish to end their lives early by suicide based on the fear of experiencing...

Improving Patient Safety in the Radiology Department of a Hospital

The radiology department has a professional and legal responsibility of ensuring the safety of patients receiving imaging services. Radiation helps in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. However, inappropriate exposure can lead to health hazards for the patient exposed. Every profession in the radiology department has a moral responsibility of...

System Implementation: The Health Information Management Systems

Introduction The health information system is a system made to manage data in healthcare. It includes collection, storage, management, and transmission systems that deal with electronic records related to medicine. Healthcare facilities, rather than hospitals that are operational and support the health information system, are always overlooking and managing systems...

Mental Health Issues in College Students

Mental health, for me, is the most important subject a person should research and have a deep inner conversation with himself later. Society has now generally accepted the idea of life not being travel from point A to point B, but a journey full of obstacles and overcoming. Even though...

Alcohol Use Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder: The Case Study

Introduction Unhealthy patterns of alcohol use and poor impulse control when dealing with potentially addictive substances have negative influences on all aspects of life. In the case of Thomas, alcohol abuse exacerbates his pre-existing psychological issues even more. This paper discusses his case with attention to symptoms, treatment, goals, and...

Resilience Theory Overview

During my field experience at Vatsalya Adult Medical Daycare Center, I worked as an intern social worker student. Then, I faced a divorced woman, 55 years old, whose mother had unexpectedly died from a heart attack; it could be beneficial to employ the resilience theory in this case. The presenting...

Stage Theory of Organizational Change in Public Health

The Injury-Related Public Health Problem The injury-related public health problem that will be discussed is the high incidence of injuries among teenager restaurant workers. Because restaurants become first formal place of employment for young workers, the rates of incidences there are also high. Approximately 30% of all workers employed by...

The US Healthcare Delivery System and Role of Nurses

The health care delivery system in the U.S. has undergone significant changes within the past decades to meet the ever-growing demand for medical care. Economic, social, and cultural factors, along with emerging technologies, influence patient care services. As primary care providers, nurses are affected by the transformation and expected to...

Nursing and Natural Disasters: An Emergency Planning Project

Many natural and human-made disasters occur across the surface of the planet every day. Forest fires, tsunamis, earthquakes, oil spills, hurricanes, and other kinds of cataclysms pose a significant danger to human and animal lives (“Disaster nursing,” 2011). In a case of an emergency, medical institutions are expected to provide...

Importance of Radiology and Imaging Service in Healthcare

Introduction Radiology is a process that involves displaying images of various parts of the body for treatment (Tomà et al., 2021). Examples of radiology found in healthcare sectors are CT scans, X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds (Morris et al., 2018). Radiology has enabled early detection and effective management of chronic diseases...

Strategies to Improve Communication Between General Practitioners and Community Nurses

A medical practice requires effective communication both between patients and healthcare workers and within the team of healthcare workers. However, medical errors often occur because of miscommunication. In the clinical case analyzed in this paper, a medical error happened due to a lack of communication. In this case, the nursing...

Governance and Infrastructure in a Small Medical Practice

Background Statement Midtown Neurology has faced significant issues regarding governance and infrastructure management. Initially, the medical practice was founded by a single physician who had over 20 years of experience helping the community members. As the practice grew further, it has changed from a “mom-n-pop” operation to a more significant...

Postoperative Fever: Risk Management

What is postoperative fever? It is temperature rise above the normal temperature (38 C) on two consecutive days after the surgery. The systematic approach and differential diagnosis help institute proper management and narrowing down differential analysis. Possible causes of Postoperative Fever Also known as Rule of W, they include: Wound...

The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health

Introduction This paper investigates the influence of socioeconomic status on people’s health. According to literature, socio-economic status refers to a measure of an individual’s rank in terms of income, occupation and education. Research has established a positive correlation between health and socioeconomic status. That is, people who are in lower...

Psychotherapy and Counselling Approaches

For years, the terms psychotherapy and counseling have been used interchangeably due to the fact that the notions share many similarities. Notably, both disciplines involve developing a safe, therapeutic, and healing relationship between a patient and a therapist. Conversely, one of the key differences between the two fields is that...

The Role of Graduate Education in Nursing

Introduction and purpose Learning is an active process that requires careful, insightful and guided quest for practical and theoretical application especially when undertaking the graduate program. Activities that are familiar and designed to provoke creativity among students generate greater sense of identity and facilitate personality and cognitive progress. Developing an...

Impact of Leisure and Recreation on Mental Health

Leisure and recreational activities are pastime engagements freely chosen in order to add value to one’s life (Palen, 2008). In general, involvement in leisure and recreation has a great positive impact on the overall quality of the life of a person. In a study by McLean, Hurd, and Rogers (2007),...

Shared Decision-Making Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Shared decision making is an essential component of patient-centered healthcare. It is the process in which patients and health professionals work together to select treatments and healthcare plans and make decisions that balance the risks and expected outcomes with patients’ preferences and values (Bae, 2017). To provide effective care,...

Mintzberg’s Configuration in a Healthcare Organization

The management of a healthcare organization is a constantly evolving concept. For this reason, there is no definitive answer to the question of the best organizational configuration. For instance, the traditional approach to governance with a strict hierarchy would certainly require a simple structure. However, it is mostly viewed as...

How Illness Narratives Shape Patient Experiences

Preamble and Rationale The definition of health considers diverse elements and factors. Some of these include the physical, mental as well as the social aspects of individuals (Edlin & Golanty 2010, p. 5). It is obvious that the mere absence of infirmity does not guarantee the proper health of an...

Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory for a Family Nurse Practitioner

The research process is one of the sources that derive theory development through the study of concepts and their related propositions. Notably, the research process answers many research questions and derives other research questions depending on the research outcomes. In the context of a study about Family Nurse Practitioner, we...

Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

Introduction High-quality care and patient safety are the primary objectives that healthcare providers, especially nursing staff and hospital administration, should strive to provide. In this regard, the American Nurses Association (ANA) established the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) which reports unit-level performance data quarterly and annually to help...

Smoking and Health Promotion in the UK

Introduction There is no doubt that most people in the world (especially those who live in developed countries) know that smoking is harmful to health. They know that it may lead to the development of cancer and painful death. Despite this awareness, the level of smoking remains high in many...

Asthma Case Study: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment

Asthma is a very widespread disease that affects the airways and prevents normal breathing. Every 1 in 12 people in the USA suffers from some form of asthma (“Asthma statistics,” 2017). The degrees of severity vary from person to person – it can be a minor inconvenience to some and...

Nursing Leadership and Management: Interview Analysis

Abstract Leadership may be defined as the process of socially influencing people to follow ones’ way. It can also be taken as a group of people who are influenced by a common goal to achieve a collective gain together. In nursing, leadership is very important as it sets out a...

Organization of Dental Care and Practice

How Dental Care is organized at the Local Level Dental care at the local level is organized around several institutions and programs, namely local city and county governments, local foundations, nonprofit organizations, school departments, dental and dental hygiene schools, dental residency programs, and private dental practice. Local city and county...

Preventing the Flu During Winter

The flu is an infectious respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses. The outcomes of the illness can be mild to severe, mostly depending on people’s age and health conditions. The symptoms may include muscle pain, fever, runny nose, fatigue, sore throat, and cough, subsiding within a week. However, influenza can...

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

Should other practices besides fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism be considered misconduct in your publications? To answer this question, it is useful to make a key inquiry: “What makes a specific behavior so wrong that it becomes misconduct?” A typical reaction to this query may list deliberate or intentional behaviors that...

Concept of Self-Compassion in Gestalt and Existential Methods

Counseling can offer numerous strategies to deal with traumatic events in one’s life effectively. The concept of self-compassion can be utilized in different therapeutic approaches and provide people with tools to address their issues or transition from one stage in their life to another. This post will examine self-compassion in...

Diversity and Cultural Competence in Adult Medical Daycare Facilities

Social workers and organizations providing social services need to support diversity, develop cultural competence, and consider their impact on cross-cultural interventions. According to Garthwait (2017), cultural competence is the ability to use “culturally appropriate” strategies and respect cultural differences, such as ethnicity, age, gender, religion, and sexual orientation (p. 111)....

Comparison Between Individual Approach and Group Therapy

Introduction The term chemical dependency refers to a psychological and physiological process that entails the use of alcohol and other drugs in order to achieve the desired effect and feeling. Patients with chemical dependency exhibit such symptoms as addiction whereby the need for the drug re-use does not go away...

Outpatient Care in the United States

The American healthcare delivery system is a complex structure with hundreds of professionals, settings, and centers that provide services to the public. At the same time, this system is constantly changing and developing, and over the past decade has changed the way services are provided. Outpatient care has become more...

Continuous Professional Development in Contemporary Nursing Practice

Introduction This essay focuses on such a concept as Continuous Professional Development and its importance for contemporary nursing practice. It should be noted that the modern world is marked by technological innovations, which have served to improve the form of care provided. In addition, treatment procedures are constantly being improved...

A Qualitative Study of Hand Hygiene Compliance

Sunkesula, V. C., Kundrapu, S., Knighton, S., Cadnum, J. L., & Donskey, C. J. (2017). A randomized trial to determine the impact of an educational patient hand-hygiene intervention on contamination of hospitalized patient’s hands with healthcare-associated pathogens. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 38(5), 595-597. Web. The authors conducted a quantitative...

The Impact of Stroke on the “Sit to Stand” Task

Introduction Sit to Stand (STS) movement is believed to be one of the most demanding activities. The given activity can be described as the process of standing up from a chair or any other object to an upright posture. It is a movement with great clinical interest that helps in...

Saline Instillation in Endotracheal Suctioning

Introduction Patients admitted to an intensive care unit need to be intubated to keep their airways patent. This procedure is called endotracheal suctioning and implies inserting a tube into the patient’s trachea and connecting it to a ventilator. The suctioning is performed to remove secretions that tend to accumulate in...

Ambulatory Surgery Center’s Process Improvement

Introduction According to a study by Farber (2010), approximately 12% of the US population (37 million people) is aged 65 years and above (p.313). Conservative estimates reveal that this population cohort will increase to about 71 million people or 20% of the nation’s population by 2030. As a result, the...

Florence Nightingale: To Pledge or Not to Pledge

Introduction Florence Nightingale is regarded as the founder of the modern nursing profession. This pioneer started the first training school in the late nineteenth century where nurses could receive professional training. Her efforts led to the emergence of professional nurses, who are major players in the health care industry. Owing...

Epidemiological Research Study: The Random Errors

Introduction Epidemiologists carry out research studies and compile clinical results for various health issues affecting people in different communities. During analysis of these research findings, confounding and random errors occur. This makes epidemiologists cautious when developing research studies to minimize their occurrences (Loewenson, 2004). The role of P-values and Confidence...

Sanitation, Inspection and Public Health Administration

Introduction Maintenance and promotion of good health has become a major concern. Public healthcare administration is the science of preventing, improving and promoting health of the community at large. In efforts to enhance this, public healthcare administrators have encountered a number of challenges which have hindered the propagation of better...

Palliative Care for Terminal Illnesses

Introduction Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is perhaps one of the most foreboding nightmares for mankind, young or old. Terminal illnesses refer to malignant conditions that cannot be adequately treated thus resulting in the death of the sufferer (Zimmerman, 1985, p. 65). The realization that you are going to...

Implementation of the Roy Adaptation Model in Nursing Practice

Introduction This paper focuses on Roy Adaptation Model (RAM). Callista Roy is the founder of this nursing theory. She came up with this model in 1964 in the course of her graduate studies at the University of California. Sister Callista Roy studied together with Professor Johnson who was the founder...

The Connection Between Education and Better Health

Education is necessary for better health, which is a critical provision in the realms of societal wellbeing. It is understandable that learned individuals are able to comprehend and embrace the virtues of exceptional health. Consequently, they are able to work towards attaining it. This argument shows the relationship that exists...

Reduce Emergency Room Wait Times

Introduction An emergency-room is special medical treatment care that normally specializes in providing acute care to a number of patients who visit the hospital without any appointment, either through ambulances or by their own means. The emergency department is a department that is found in all hospitals and also in...

Use of Illness Narratives of Patient/Client Journey

Narratives are personal accounts about the experiences of illness and health told inform of stories to other people. Narratives play an important role in health care system, especially in psychotherapy and psychiatry. Many clients have provided their individual accounts about their experiences in illness and health. Narratives provide an inquiry...

Evidence-Based Practice and Its Effects on Nursing Practice and Patient Care

Introduction The 21st century has marked a period where medical knowledge is in a state of continuous change every day. There have been new trends in diseases due to many confounding factors like changing climatic conditions, changes in diet, and lifestyles among others. As a result, there have been great...

Health and Medicine in Thailand

Introduction The prevalence of diseases is one of the current global challenges. However, the provision of superior medical services has remained a significant challenge in many countries. Thailand is one of the Asian countries that have made tremendous developments in health services (Sanguan, 2009, p. 245). Before the introduction of...

Nursing Reflection on Course Objectives and Achievements

Learning Objectives Insights from Chief Nurse Officer Interview An in-depth analysis of the strategies, theories, and concepts presented in the course has introduced a great number of information concerning the role of the nurse administrator in facing challenges of constant change. Great complexity of daily operations involves a number of...

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Nursing Practice

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is widely debated as one of the controversial and less-researched medical conditions. The prevalence of GDM is at an all-time high of 15%, which is expected to grow significantly due to the increasing amount of obese women of reproductive age (Mensah et al., 2019). The reason...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Abstract When developing personal nursing philosophy, one should consider the four meta-paradigms of nursing, viz. the nursing practice, health, human beings, and the environment. These elements define the nursing practice and philosophy and they are highly interconnected to the extent that altering one of them causes a ripple effect on...

Anaemia in Primary Health Care

Introduction Primary health care is a concept that is set to ensure quality healthcare for everyone and the WHO provide five elements to enable achievement of this goal. Reduction of social disparities, increasing stakeholder involvement, integration of medical services in all sectors, pursuing collaborative program and tailoring health services based...

Medical Negligence and Malpractice in Nursing

Introduction The prime concern in nursing is to promote the welfare of the sick, the injured or vulnerable members of the community. In particular, nursing is primarily concerned with the protection and restoration of individual health, preventing disease-related sufferings, and prevention of illnesses. Nurses play an important role in the...

Poor Solid Waste Management: The Health Effects

Poor solid waste management is a common environmental issue that not only affects developed, but developing countries as well. Landfills, recycling failures, and poor waste transfers characterize it (Environment Victoria, 2015). Poor waste management is an environmental issue because it not only creates “eyesores,” but also emits toxins, leachate, and...

Baptist Hospital’s Organizational Analysis

Introduction In this paper, the organizational system of Baptist Health (BH) will be analyzed. Baptist Health is a community, faith-based hospital that serves the Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia community. The analysis of Baptist Hospital’s organizational system will be based on Collin’s framework for advanced organizational analysis. It will focus...

Asthma: Pharmacology and Medicines Management

Introduction Chronic conditions account for a high proportion of mortality and morbidity in the modern world. Asthma is a chronic condition that has now become a global health issue. The knowledge and management of asthma has however remained a mirage to various stakeholders in the healthcare industry. This is because...

Criticism of Medical Model of Psychological Disorders

Introduction Psychological disorders are one of the global problems of our time. For example, depression has been encountered by almost every person -either in person or in a friend’s experience. Lots of people are continually living with anxiety disorders. Such disorders are generally considered mental illnesses. At the same time,...

Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary

This paper focuses on the Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA). Specifically, the paper covers benefits of EFDA, laws and regulations in Ohio for EFDA, and it presents a single case scenario in which EFDA was particularly useful. An EFDA personnel are highly trained and competent dental hygienists or dental assistants...

Applying Theory to a Practice Problem in Nursing

Introduction and Problem of Practice This paper examines the significance of applications of theory in nursing practical situations. Concerned with the care of communities, families and individuals, nursing is an expansive discipline within the health sector, which encompasses collaborative and autonomous care of sick or health people in various settings....

Biopsychosocial Approach in Mental Illness

Introduction Biopsychosocial approach in mental illness requires that the health care professional considers the biological, psychological and social aspects of the patient. The approach operates under a principle that the mind, the body as well as the environment interact and cause diseases. The biological aspect refers to microorganisms that cause...

Type II Diabetes: Disease Analysis

Introduction The symptoms experienced by Mrs Possingham over the last two weeks are the typical case of diabetes. From the case study, it is revealed that Mrs Possingham had shown some symptoms that can be linked with the complication of diabetes mellitus. The objective of this paper is to confirm...

Analysis of Sports Physiology Importance

Wilmore (2008) describes exercise physiology as the study of how the human body structure and function are altered by exposure to acute and chronic bouts of exercise. Clinically, exercise physiology refers to the study of how the body reacts to physical stress. The study also encompasses scientific fitness, involves fitness...

Nursing Leadership and Management: Quantum Leadership

A concept in leadership and management that has attracted the attention of many scholars in the recent past is quantum leadership. Concisely, quantum leadership in a given organization refers to an examination of the interaction of different forces in the organization. It focuses on how these forces can be managed...

Influence of Culture and Gender on Personality Disorders Diagnosis

Introduction The psychiatric debates are centered on the issue concerning the diagnosis problem. The ongoing polemics is believed to have a positive influence on the structure, definitions, functioning, measuring the health perspectives level, and finding new approaches while treating the personality disorders. The purpose of the paper is to provide...

Health Policy: Ohio’s Consensus Model

A Consensus Model is a document that was developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) and the Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) Consensus Work Group. The key purpose of the Consensus Model is to foster the collaboration of APRN educators, regulatory bodies, and other professionals across...

A Critical Analysis of a Research Study Conducted to Establish the Quality of Pain Management

Quantitative studies are necessary because they help researchers develop theories and ideas for evidence-based healthcare. Researchers should protect human participants whenever they conduct different studies. This is the best way to ensure that the research is ethically acceptable (Burns & Grove, 2011). This paper offers a critical analysis of a...

The Hispanic Community in Homestead Florida

The Hispanics live in the suburbs of Miami. The Hispanics are successful farmers and business people in the City of Homestead. There are also elected and nominated leaders to offer city services to the people. Overview The United States government describes the Hispanic people as people who owe their origins...

Health Status of the African Americans

African Americans are among the largest ethnic groups in the United States, with a greater percentage being of African ancestry, while some are of non-Black descent. This population descended from enslaved people from Africa coerced to work in the New World. Working as slaves, they had limited rights and were...

Quality Metrics for Chronic Disease Management

Review of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) report The management of chronic diseases is an essential healthcare approach that is aimed at reducing the negative impact of chronic diseases in patients (National Committee for Quality Assurance, 2010). The current trends show that the prevalence of chronic diseases is...

The Role of Chief Nursing Officer

Abstract A Chief Nursing Officer can only transform an organization’s vision using strong leadership skills. From bedside roles, nurses can grow into responsible boardroom partners tasked with the delivery of high-quality care. I have learned that strong leadership skills can help CNOs realize their vision for a care organization. With...

Frailty and Elders: Vaillant’s and Gillick’s Examples

Introduction Frailty is considered to be one of the most serious and problematic issues the elderly have to face one day. It is hard to overcome the consequences, and it is usually impossible to understand and get ready for frailty. This condition of vulnerability and inabilities to get control over...

Kennedy Class II Removable Partial Dentures Review

During the last few decades, technology has combined well with science and innovation to bring about sweeping changes in dental treatment. People who could never afford a smile due to the sorry state of their teeth have been offered a new lease of life, courtesy of emerging technologies such as...

Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Introduction It is evident to a modern person that treatment of patients should be accompanied by a versatile and careful medical intervention, which involves not only surgical operation or prescription of drugs, but also post-clinical examination. Not least, the environment surrounding the patient plays a role in overall recovery. Examples...

Health Problems in Children Analysis

Introduction Vulnerable populations imply the groups of people with increased exposure to risk factors or the susceptibility to health conditions. Vulnerability to a particular health condition is marked by a relatively higher mortality rate, shorter longevity, low access to health care services, and reduce life quality. The vulnerable populations attribute...

Vanguard Healthcare Services, LLC: Health Organization Case Study

Introduction Vanguard Healthcare is a United States non-profit medical organization that operates in four states. It was established in 1997 with a view of offering superior medical services in Arizona, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Texas. The facility offers diverse health care products and services such as behavioral health, critical, cancer, emergency,...

Nursing Professional Standards Among Newly Graduated Registered Nurses

Overview Nursing standards are an important structure in the provision of quality nursing care and the attainment of associated outcomes. When faced with adversity and uncertainty, nursing standards are meant to help nursing professionals to get insight on what they should do and fit in an ever-changing health care environment....

Analysis of Leadership in the Intensive Care Unit

This is a critical analysis of leadership in the intensive care unit (ICU). According to van Schijndel and Burchardi, scholars have not paid much attention to practical management in the intensive care medicine (van Schijndel & Burchardi, 2007). As a result, there is little evidence-based research to support management practices....

Research on Pain Medication

Introduction Quality healthcare is important in the development of the country. This is achieved through prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of various diseases (Houser, 2013). The role played by medical practitioners is crucial in the treatment process. This is because they play significant roles in administering treatment to patients. The ministry...

Linking Activity Theory and Aging Adult

Introduction Since Havinghurst and Albrecht’s first study of the importance of activity engagement in successful aging in 1953, activity theory has become an important area in gerontological research. The notion that successful aging is inseparable from active lifestyle is as old as social gerontology. As people age, they are forced...

Clinical Governance Meaning

A laparoscopic appendectomy is a significant surgical procedure to remove the appendix. Compared to open appendectomy, this variant is better because it uses a few small incisions to perform surgery, which contributes to a shorter recovery time. However, it does not mean that this procedure does not require specific attention....

Professionalism and Professional Values of Nursing

Introduction Professionalism can be understood as the concept that demands special knowledge, as well as an elaborate academic experience in carrying out certain duties. In nursing, professionalism may entail the ability to have considerable skills in caring, diagnosing, treating, counselling, and imparting health education to individuals who require medical assistance....

Doctorate of Nursing Program

Being related to one of the most humane professions in the world it is vital for me to prove the hopes of people concerned with effective and in-time help when it is needed anywhere, at home, at hospital, even in the street. In this respect I try to do my...

Maintaining Confidentiality and Ethical Guidelines

Currently, there are several guidelines for practitioners that help work within the policy and law of each healthcare institution. It includes maintaining confidentiality and the use of appropriate ethical and legal principles when disclosing information. Everyone, especially patients, deserve respect for their data and privacy; as a result, these guidelines...

Scenario Analysis for Multihospital Systems

Introduction A Multihospital system (MHS) can be defined as an affiliation of two or more hospitals, subordinate to a central organization. The steady growth of multihospital arrangements can recently be seen in the healthcare industry. This tendency demonstrates that MHS might solve the pressing problem of increasing costs of in-hospital...

IOM Future of Nursing Report and Nursing

Robert Wood Foundation (RWF) Committee Work and IOM Report The Future of Nursing report was developed during a propitious period in the U.S health care – an era typified by the increasing need for modifications in the care delivery framework. First, the “IOM Vision of the Future of Nursing” report...

The Link Between Culture and Nursing Practice

Like most professions around the world, nursing has undergone extensive transformations, with concepts previously practiced in the past currently replaced with newer and more flexible ones. For instance, the nursing profession has been traditionally taught around concepts of apprenticeship and behaviourally-focused concepts, such that, postmodern philosophies like feminism and humanity...

Conflict in Nursing: Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Conflicts that occur within professional settings are commonplace, including the sphere of nursing. While there is a broad range of definitions of a conflict, it is characterized by either perceived or actual objection or contradiction in views, values, interests, or needs between two or several parties, which results in...

Care Standards in Healthcare Institutions: Case Study

Introduction Healthcare institutions’ primary goal is to provide high-quality medical services to sustain or ameliorate patients’ well-being. Therefore, standards of care are established for each direction of healthcare systems. Notably, these standards of practice essentially concern the nurses as they work in clinical patient care settings and are the providers...

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

The year 2019 will forever be engraved in many people’s hearts and minds as the time when a deadly virus known as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) invaded almost all the sectors, thereby disrupting daily activities. It is described as a communicable respiratory illness which is triggered by a new...