Theories of Reflective Practice: Comparing and Contrast

Introduction The development of reflective practice emerged from the requirement of making experiences in clinical practice as means to learning and improving the clinical practice of the health care practice. The basis of reflective practice however does not lie in learning by mere doing things, but the emphasis is on...

“How to Cope With Anxiety” TED Talk Analysis

Anxiety has already become a part of our lives and is present in everyone. Each person experiences such a feeling differently; for some, stress is more pronounced; others less. Often, anxiety can destroy life and interfere with living in general, so it is essential to know how to properly deal...

The US and New Zealand: Healthcare Profiles Comparison

Introduction Health care in the US needs comprehensive reform, and one way to suggest the direction of change is to learn from other countries. A small island nation, New Zealand ranks above average in income, wealth, and health care (Cumming, 2017). Akin to the US health care, the system in...

Transition From a Student to Nurse

Introduction The transition from education to work is challenging for new nurses who now have to use their theoretical knowledge in practice. Graduate nurses have to present themselves as fully capable professionals, and the lack of preparation can limit their success in finding a job. Moreover, many issues await nurses...

The Concept of Longest’s Model of a Policy

Introduction While many healthcare policies currently exist in the USA, sometimes, they are not enough to reach the most beneficial outcomes for the public. In particular, the consumption of sugared beverages is an acute question since it leads to obesity and other dramatic health outcomes. In this view, initiating a...

Resnick’s Self-Efficacy Theory in Gerontology

Abstract This paper targets the critical analysis of the self-efficacy theory elaborated by Barbara Resnick. Based on the theoretical underpinnings of Bandura’s self-efficacy and social cognitive theories, Resnick adopted them and transformed, focusing on gerontology patients’ needs. The theory involves four meta paradigms that determine its essence: a person, health,...

Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research Difference

Evidence-based practice (EBP) and nursing research are critical to the nursing practice because they provide the knowledge necessary to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of care and develop new, more effective practices. These two concepts have specific differences that nurses should understand to implement both them effectively in their...

Calculating Per-member Per-month Rate

Introduction Per-member per-month (PMPM) cost is an important metric used in different spheres. It is often utilized to calculate premiums for group health insurance or capitated payments to providers. The present paper aims at estimating the PMPM rate for Bay Pines Medical Center and analyzing how reductions in base case...

Should the Sale of Human Organs Be Legalized?

An illegal organ trade preys on the healthy but poor people. In the black market, the people who give the highest price will get the live organ, and this appearance becomes the fodder of the black market. Therefore, many poor people sell their organs in exchange for pitiful amount of...

Nursing as an Art and a Science

Introduction The question of whether nursing is an art, a science, or both is not easy to answer. In this work, I have examined each of these versions to find what arguments can be found to support them. I have identified factors that evidence that nursing is a science, as...

The Development of the Nursing Profession over the 1800s

While the nursing profession is one of the fastest-growing in the medical field, there is still a need to bridge the gap between theory and practice and encourage clinical nurses to participate in research activities. Nurses are responsible for promoting health, preventing disease, and helping patients deal with sickness. They...

Information Technology Policies of the Healthcare Setting

The primary goal of this document is to delineate the information and communication technology (ICT) procedures of the healthcare setting as well as the framework for communicating, reinforcing, and implementing these policies. The hospital consists of approximately 150 employees, including healthcare practitioners, ancillary workers, the administrative unit, and IT workers....

Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nurses constantly face ethical dilemmas in the course of their duties, for they advocate for patients’ interest in spite of the imposing interests from doctors, relatives, and physicians. Usually, ethical dilemmas occur in nursing when ethical principles appear to contradict each other in that obeying one ethical principle will...

Betty Neuman’s Systems Model in Nursing

General Description of the Theory Introduction The nursing theory under analysis is Neuman systems model developed in 1970 by Betty Neuman, a counselor, professor, and community health nurse. This theory belongs to the middle-range nursing theories, as it includes enough variables to provide a solid abstract description of phenomena and,...

The Importance of Healthy Lifestyle: Essay Example

In this essay on the importance of healthy lifestyle, you’ll learn more about the benefits of physical activity, quitting smoking, and other aspect of the importance of healthy lifestyle. The Importance of Healthy Lifestyle: Essay Introduction A healthy lifestyle is a term that is commonly used by many communication channels...

The Family as a Unit of Service

All community health nurses must address five universal family characteristics in their practice. First, the family is a small social organization with many members interacting. Second, it serves a variety of essential functions in the community. Third, every family has a structure and moves through various phases in the life...

Three Philosophies of Nursing Including Nightingale, Benner, and Watson

What is philosophy? Philosophy is what a thinker has to say about a certain phenomenon, according to his or her own thought process, provides logic, and comes to a conclusion regarding a certain subject. Just like many great thinkers have come up with philosophies related to humanity, psychology, and the...

Poor Handover Process and Its Impact on Organization

Introduction It should be noted that when patients are transmitted from one caregiver to another, it is crucial that their handover proceeds together with transferring vital information about their condition and plan of care. In that matter, ineffective communication of information might lead to medical errors and can cause undesired...

Global Poverty and Nursing Intervention

Welcome to our sample essay about community nursing diagnosis examples for poverty and nursing interventions for poverty. Check it out to get some ideas for your assignment! Nursing Intervention for Poverty Essay Introduction Poverty is inextricably connected with global healthcare inequalities. According to the World Bank (2008) report, about 1.5...

Nursing Reflection on Patient Education Using Gibbs’ Cycle

Description As a student midwife working with my mentor in a hospital during my clinical practice, I am responsible for providing information and advice to a woman with a high-risk pregnancy due to diabetes. In this situation, it is important to provide information to the woman about the potential risks...

Application of Goal Attainment Theory in Nursing Practice

Imogene King On January 30, 1923, Imogene King was born in West Point, Iowa. In 1945, she graduated from St. John’s Hospital School of Nursing in St. Louis, Missouri, with a nursing degree. King graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from St. Louis University in 1948, and in...

Competing Needs and Quadruple Aim in Healthcare

Competing Needs Competing needs form an area of increasing concern for policy-makers across various industries. In fact, this issue is particularly topical for the healthcare context, as the number of stakeholders and other parties involved is highly considerable. Patients, medical managers, clinical teams, and authorities are engaged in a continuous...

Reflection on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Human life has been severely disrupted in many different ways by a coronavirus. Following the emergence of the disease and the public policies to alleviate it, life has turned out to be very tough. The world has been trying to find ways to tolerate the directives, such as stay-at-home orders....

Virginia Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory: Concept Analysis

Introduction The concept that will be presented in this paper is extracted from Virginia Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory (Ahtisham & Jacoline, 2015). This theory emphasizes the fact that the patient’s independence directly influences the successes that they make after their hospitalization. The core idea is that any patient must realize...

Research-Based Practice: JHNEBP Model and Iowa Model

Introduction The process of integrating scientific evidence into nursing practice is critical for ensuring efficient performance. Thus, there is a wide scope of different models developed in order to assist nurses in implementing the relevant knowledge in their work. The paper at hand provides a brief overview of the two...

Bullying at School and Impact on Mental Health

Introduction Bullying hurts the academic performance of the victims since it limits their participation in the school environment. Harassment affects the emotional and social well-being of victimized children. Students who are bullied find it hard to concentrate in the classroom and portray a decreased interest in attending classes. As a...

Application of Herzberg’s Theory in Nursing

Importance of Herzberg’s Theory to a New Graduate Herzberg’s theory, also known as the two-factor theory, states that factors that result in job satisfaction are viewed to be distinctively differentiated from those that enhance job satisfaction. If nurse managers consider discouraging factors that lead to job dissatisfaction, then a conducive...

The Five R’s Approach to Ethical Nursing Practice

Important personal values for a nurse include autonomy, respect for an individual, commitment, integrity, sympathy, and accuracy. They are critical for nurses because these values determine the approach to caring for a patient. In society, similar values play a crucial role because community members also pay attention to honesty, dignity,...

Nursing Care for Elderly Patients

In fact, every nurse has to look for elderly patients in their professional practice. However, only geriatric advanced practice nurses have the special preparation for elderly care; the other nursing specialists often lack it (Melillo & Houde, 2011, p. 31; Touhy & Jett, 2014, p. 11-13). Therefore, for a nurse...

The Value of PowerPoint Presentations for Healthcare Management

With the advancement of technologies, the opportunities to collect and share information improve, allowing users to achieve higher goals efficiently and productively. In the fast-evolving spheres like healthcare, informational technologies play a crucial role in the achievement of health-promotional, educational, strategic, and developmental goals. In particular, healthcare managers using PowerPoint...

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Clinical Question The clinical questions which guided this paper were related to the problem of utilization of traditional practices by nurses instead of using practices that are established to be best by evidence. The clinical question guiding a search for a qualitative article was: What are some of the traditional...

Self-Reflection in Nursing Practice

Introduction Self-reflection is a way of analyzing one’s own experience and all the processes in a person’s life. It is essential to understand that reflection is primarily a view from all positive and negative sides. Feedback and awareness of one’s work are necessary to improve the efficiency and result of...

Nurse Practitioner Scientific Foundation Competencies

Introduction Nurse practitioner core competencies are imperative because they help prepare a nurse practitioner to be independent during the provision of care. The core competencies include scientific foundation, leadership, quality, practice inquiry, technology and information literacy, policy and health delivery system. The scientific foundation competency is one of the categories...

The Documentary “The Social Dilemma”

The documentary The Social Dilemma presents social media as an undeniable force that continues to cause unprecedented damage to society. The developers and owners of such platforms exploit its unsuspecting users using data mining and surveillance technologies. The design of different social websites is capable of causing addiction and affecting...

Insomnia and Its Negative Health Effects

Introduction People’s quality of life heavily depends on the extent to which the essential needs of the human body are fulfilled. It is known that eating disorders present conditions that are associated with significant health risks as proper nutrition acts as a key to good health. Similarly to them, the...

The Aravind Eye Care System’s Innovation Process

Introduction The Aravind Eye Care System is the leading ophthalmological hospital in India. It has numerous local and regional branches. Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy founded it in 1976. This paper examines the innovation process of the Aravind Eye Care System by providing an insight into its workability, transferability to other countries,...

Calista Roy’s Adaptation Theory in Nursing

Introduction Sister Calista Roy is a nursing theorist, writer, and professor known for her exemplary contribution to nursing. Born in 1939, Roy went to school where she studied until she received a degree in nursing from St. Mary’s College, LA, in 1963 (Callis, 2020). She is known for her revolutionary...

Nurses’ Role in Preventing Patients’ Falls

Nurses play an essential role in the rehabilitation process, enhancing people’s quality of life and independence following an injury, sickness, or chronic illness. The practice of rehabilitative nursing incorporates certain distinctive aspects of the function of a nurse in the context of not just routine but also multidisciplinary and interdepartmental...

The U.S Healthcare System and the Roemer Model

The U.S healthcare system is the most elaborate healthcare system in the world. Healthcare reforms in the U.S are always under thorough scrutiny by the political class and always form a basis of almost all presidential campaigns. The complexity of the system is what generates a lot of interest in...

Lewin’s and Lippitt’s Change Theories

Introduction With the advancement of technology, the healthcare sector is forced to adopt new practices. Adopting new practices will require healthcare providers to adopt effective change management approaches (Burke, 2013). The importance of learning change theories helps in understanding how a successful change process can encourage and facilitate lasting success....

The Importance of Healthcare Management

Many people need healthcare services every day, and it is a big challenge for healthcare organizations to provide care to each of them. In order to address this challenge, the profession of a healthcare manager was developed. Healthcare managers have many responsibilities in healthcare organizations, such as coordinating stakeholders, managing...

Person, Health, Environment in Nursing Philosophy

Nursing In the context of my philosophy, nursing is viewed as the process of creating the environment in which recovery will occur at a fast pace, and in which people will be able to engage in the unceasing process of learning about health management, as well as their unique health...

Ethical Issues in Healthcare Essay: Ethical Dilemma

In the complex world of healthcare, many ethical dilemmas arise. They challenge healthcare professionals with difficult choices that can have profoundly affect patients, providers, and the broader healthcare system. The Ethical Issues in Healthcare Essay explores the intricate ethical dilemmas encountered in this field, examining the various factors that contribute...

Food Additives

Abstract Food additives such as salt, sugar and vinegar have been traditionally used for the preservation of foods. A majority of food additives that are used to preserve foods are believed to be safe but the possibility of carcinogenic and toxic qualities of food additives cannot be ruled out or...

Importance of Therapeutic Communication in Nursing

Nursing professionals must always ensure that their clients always have access to elements that support their well-being. One of the main components of every patient’s experience in medical facilities is communication with the staff. Because nurses spend a substantial portion of their working hours interacting with clients, they have to...

Strengths and Limitations of Research Designs

Abstract Quantitative research designs utilize standardized mathematical approaches to affirm or disprove theories or explanations. They are characterized by the collection and analysis of numerical data to draw conclusions on a phenomenon. The strengths and weaknesses of each design determine its suitability for a particular research. The correlational research design...

Trends and Issues in Nursing: Leadership and Management

Introduction Due to the complex, critical and dynamic nature of the health sector in the world today, health practitioners are being faced with new challenges and issues that call for attention. Organization and management skills are very critical in ensuring quality health services delivery. Best practice in nursing management and...

Importance of Mask-Wearing and Social Distancing

Mask-wearing and social distancing are currently used as the dominant methods of safeguarding populations from the spread of COVID-19. Mask-wearing has become a controversial topic because of the myths being spread about their negative impacts on the human body, which do not have any scientific support. However, such a simple...

Globalization and Health

Globalization is a critical component in international public health. It is impacted by various patterns of migration, extensive trade, altering dietary practices, and ecological catastrophes; all of which affect the health of populations and contribute to the spreading of disease. Globalization has emerged concurrently with urbanization, which offers a variety...

Virginia Henderson Theory: 14 Needs of Patients

Introduction Nursing is a unique sphere of knowledge which is aimed at delivering care to people who suffer from different illnesses. Being one of the integral parts of medicine, it has always been going along with humanity and evolving to be able to meet all challenges that might appear. Besides,...

Asthma Patient’s History and Physical Examination

Comprehensive History and Physical Examination Identifying Data The patient was identified as S. A. The use of initials was considered a necessity to prevent personal data disclosure. Reasons for Seeking Health Care Cough and wheezing; shortness of breath; chest tightness. Chief Complaint Difficulty breathing, especially at night. History of Present...

Transtheoretical Model vs. Health Belief Model

Similarities and Differences between the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) and the Health Belief Model (HBM) Similarities Both HBM and TTM strive to predict how people adopt preventive health practices to protect themselves from diseases (Seals, 2007). Both models also focus on increasing people’s awareness about health issues as an instrument for...

Nursing Metaparadigms and Culturally Proficient Care

Nursing is a discipline and a practice profession that requires individuals involved in it to practice holistic health care that is guided by the principles of human freedom, responsibility, and choice. It is expected that nurses would use clinical judgment and critical thinking in order to facilitate evidence-based care to...

Kinesiology: Volleyball Spike Overview

The process of human functioning is a highly sophisticated matter that has been constantly studied by scholars of various fields, as it represents a combination of social, physical, mental, and biomechanical endeavors. Thus, one of the major sciences related to the notion of human physical activity is the process of...

The Healthcare Manager’s Role in Information Technology Management

Introduction The current economic climate has influenced the use of information technology in almost all sectors of society. The current healthcare environment is becoming more complex and dynamic, thanks to the advancement of information technology. Quality and efficient service delivery are very critical for institutions to survive in the ever-competitive...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Care

Looking for personal philosophy of nursing essay examples? Look no further! If you’re about to write a nursing philosophy paper, make sure to check this sample out. Learn about the importance of the topic and gain some inspiration with the help of our sample. In the field of nursing, providing...

Case Management in Nursing: Benefits and Disadvantages

The responsibilities of medical workers are not limited only to providing the most effective and optimal care and treatment. According to Tomajan and Hatmaker (2019), advocacy and social activism are also aspects of the healthcare provider profession. Nurses and physicians can bring about the necessary changes in the healthcare institution...

A Child With Asthma: Holistic Care Plan

Introduction An African American girl aged 8 years, was diagnosed with asthma, which in the recent past has been controlled using a rescue inhaler. She is being admitted to the emergency department after the escalation of the disease to an acute exacerbation, and she is receiving oxygen per nasal at...

Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Lives

The global coronavirus pandemic has turned people’s lives upside down since last year. Since then, the situation has seemed to improve as people have learned to adjust to circumstances, but it still causes much discomfort in society. Despite all the real-world tragedies, COVID-19 will long be evaluated by sociologists as...

Hamric Integrative Model: Purpose and Structure

Abstract Numerous conceptual frameworks offer guidelines for Advanced Practice Nursing (APN). The key tenets and theoretical expositions of the Hamric model have been discussed in the paper. An integrative framework for advanced practice nursing is a science and research-based model that provides a framework for competencies and roles of practicing...

Nursing Need Theory in the Contemporary World

Introduction Nursing Need Theory is one of the widely used nursing theories in the modern society. Developed by a nurse educator Virginia Henderson, this theory focused on how nurse can help their patients develop quick recovery by being active players in treatment and nursing process. According to Santerre and Vernon...

Reflection on Diabetes Program

Research in diabetes was indeed an awesome experience to me throughout the study. Although I was not very confident from the beginning of the research program, I eventually came to appreciate the entire research study. I was quite doubtful about the potential of the program to improve my ability to...

Unethical Business Research in Pharmaceutics: Pfizer

Ethical research practices bear exceptionally high significance in bioethics since the products developed within the pharmaceutical industry will define the efficacy of managing public health issues. Thus, ethical misconduct may become a matter of life and death in some cases. The case of Pfizer can be deemed as a stellar...

Influence of Cultural Beliefs on Health Behaviors and Use of Health Services

Cultural Beliefs When we study different cultures and try to understand different cultural situations, we learn the people’s beliefs on health and of different areas. As we move from one culture to different cultures we have in mind that there is something good in every culture, which means that cultures...

Madeleine Leininger’s Theory of Transcultural Nursing

Leininger’s Theory of Transcultural Nursing: Introduction Nursing was hardly defined as an academic discipline or even as a profession in the 19th century (Alligood, 2014). In the 21st century, the recognition of nursing was observed in different practice areas, including education, leadership, informatics, and management. Nursing frameworks and theories start...

Depression: Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning

Assessment and Diagnosis Date of initial assessment: April 16, 2022 PSEUDO Name: Amanda Reason for Referral The patient (Amanda, not her real name) registered for counseling after experiencing an emotional breakdown with her parents. Amanda stated that she “isolated herself from everyone” over the weekend” and locked herself to avoid...

Being a Nurse in the 21st Century: Risks and Challenges

Depending on specialty and location, nursing staff turnover is one of the most serious problems of the profession. Nurses are changing careers due to the risks and problems they encounter at the workplace. This short paper aims to discuss specific challenges and risks that they experience in the work environments....

Applying Ethical Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Modern medical field requires new, high-quality ways of treating patients, considering the objective moral code. In everyday medical practice, the workers and the employees must know of and follow four fundamental principles of Health Care Ethics: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice. First, autonomy suggests that every medical professional should allow...

Mission and Vision Statements in a Health Organization

Introduction Healthcare organizations are social systems that have been purposely developed to deliver health care facilities. In the process, they have been experiencing challenges like changes in technology, emerging trends with customers and employers, and government policies that affect their operation negatively. To manage these issues, their main aims should...

Effective Strategies for Collaborating With Patients and Their Families

Introduction Parents are frequently separated from caring for their children, which leads to additional pressure on staff and trust issues. Patient-and family-centered care (PFCC) is applied to overcome the barrier between family and health workers to benefit patients, facilitate recovery, and enhance all members of the process’s satisfaction. In addition,...

Dentistry: Reasons to Choose the Profession

My dream to become a dentist is rooted in the passion I have for the profession as well as my attitude and abilities to become a dentist. I have had an experience of an infected molar and thus understand what it means to have some infected teeth. The interaction I...

Importance of Evidence Based Practice in Nursing

Introduction Compared to other professions, nursing practitioners spend a significant portion of their time caring for patients through administration of treatment, catering for patients’ needs and making major decisions concerning the care process. Most nursing practitioners are also involved in the formulation and design of policies to enhance the wellbeing...

APRN Board Regulations in Texas and California

In the present healthcare environment, the role of nurses as a crucial element of the system is increasingly recognized. As such registered nurses often rely on Advanced Practice degrees in pursuit of independent provision of care. According to Schober (2018) their ability to promote accessible and safer care is acknowledge...

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning: Sara’s BPD Case

Case Conceptualization When Sara was between six and ten years old, her older brother sexually abused her. Sara’s mother did not believe Sara and emotionally distanced herself from her daughter. As a result, Sara developed a fear of being abandoned, thinking that “everyone will leave me” and “others hate me.”...

Orem’s Self-Care Theory vs. Neuman’s System Model

Introduction Nursing theories have been developed for describing, predicting, and explaining the process of nursing for those in the field. They offer a foundation for the nursing practice as well as help to generate further knowledge to indicate the direction in which the discipline should be developed in the future....

Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model in Nursing

Meaning The main concepts of Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model include human beings as identities consisting of two major systems, the behavioral and the biological systems. At the same time, the patient’s behavioral system is divided into seven behavioral subsystems, such as eliminative, affiliative, dependency, ingestive, aggressive, sexual, and achievement....

Health Information Systems: Types and Use Phases

The broad category between health information systems Many have high trust in health data innovation, or health IT. Healing centers plan to diminish restorative blunders, for example, requesting and controlling the wrong measurement of a medicine. Suppliers would share tolerant data effortlessly to improve health service delivery (Huston, 2013). Governments...

The Importance of Nursing Education

Introduction In the context of present-day developments, the demand for health care services of high quality is increasing. In this regard, the significance of nurses cannot be underestimated, as they spent the greatest amount of time delivering medical services to patients. In addition, there are considerable problems with the accessibility...

Mental Illness in Steve Lopez’s “The Soloist”

The plight of people suffering from mental illnesses often goes unnoticed, and a good number of them end up homeless or in correctional facilities across the country. One of the main symptoms of schizophrenia is the withdrawal from social relations (Izydorczyk et al. 26). The patients are terrified of their...

Medical Tourism and Its Benefits and Risks

Medical tourism is a growing industry, with its demand changing with the advancement of insurance services and emerging global healthcare challenges. Besides cost and quality considerations, most patients have identified privacy and adventure as one of their key determinants in selecting a destination. Patients seeking private attention are always trying...

How Humans Breathe

Breathing is an essential process of a human’s existence: you will not survive for more than five minutes without getting some air into your body. The air is necessary for all systems to function, as it participates in blood and nutrition exchange, brain functioning, and the whole body’s development. It...

Sentinel Town Community Health Assessment

Introduction Primary prevention is an approach to managing the population’s health by engaging in initiatives that help prevent the onset of a disease before it develops. The Sentinel Town residents have an issue with all three aspects of healthcare access because their economic condition and low income do not allow...

Vision Impairment: Nursing Diagnosis and Planning

Welcome to our essay sample on impaired vision nursing diagnosis and planning. Here, you’ll find some important aspects of the diagnosis and care plan and gain inspiration for your essay on vision impairment nursing diagnosis. After gathering the necessary information about the health condition and the patient’s problems, a nurse...

The Impact of Advanced Practice Nursing in Healthcare

Introduction Advanced Practice Nursing refers to improved and broadened healthcare interventions and services offered by nurses who, in an advanced capacity, affect clinical health outcomes and provide direct medical services to individuals, communities, and families. An Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is a nurse who has obtained the expert knowledge base,...

Enhancing Clinical Supervision in a Medical Ward: An Action Plan

Introduction The medical ward of Hospital X offers non-surgical treatment and provides nursing care services to adult patients with various non-life-threatening conditions. The ward’s current clinical supervision (CS) strategies require further improvement, with special attention to supervisors’ communication-related knowledge. Establishing continuing professional development goals for those supervising medical interns and...

Benzodiazepines’ Effects on the Kidney Function

Introduction Many prescription and over-the-counter drugs are useful and sometimes effective in treating symptoms or eliminating the causal agents of different diseases. Accordingly, benzodiazepines and narcotics are designed to achieve different intrinsic effects including muscle relaxation, anxiolytic, sedative /hypnotic, amnesic, and anticonvulsant effects (Lacy et al., 2004, pp. 1-10). Therefore,...

Health-Illness Continuum Review

The health-illness continuum, also termed the illness-wellness continuum, is a graphical illustration of the well-being concept. Essentially, it proposes that wellbeing encompasses mental and emotional health, and the presence or absence of illness (Moreira et al., 2020). The health-illness concept lies on the fundamental basis that relying on the presence...


Subjective Data Chief Complaint (CC) The patient expresses concerns about his right eye. He reports having an itching and burning sensation in his right eye. Moreover, he says that the eye produces more liquid than usual, and the patient often wakes up with a crusty eyelid. History of Present Illness...

Kotter’s Change Management Theory in Nursing Practice

This essay example analyses Kotter’s change management theory: its background, assumptions, characteristics, and other essential aspects. Learn more about Kotter’s change model with the help of our sample! Introduction To achieve long-term quality improvement, it is critical to create an appropriate theoretical foundation for change implementation. In professional nursing, a...

Hospital Revenue Sources and Models in Healthcare Industry

Revenue in Healthcare Inductry: Introduction Revenue management is an important aspect of functioning in any institution. Like any other business, healthcare organizations have to perform effective revenue management in order to maintain stable financial status and avoid critical losses. A revenue management system in the healthcare sector is particularly complicated...

Acutely Ill Patient: Care Management

Introduction People are often diagnosed with diverse illnesses, and some diseases can cause prompt changes in a person’s condition. Healthcare professionals face various challenges in terms of recognising and assisting acutely ill patients in a timely manner (Bliss and Aitken, 2018). Typically, deteriorating patients have modifications in their physiological parameters,...

Role of a Nurse Leader in Budgeting

Introduction Healthcare organizations operate within a predetermined budget prepared by the financial department and the nurse manager. Primarily, the expenditure estimates are based on the experiences from the past years and expected activities for the current year. Mostly, a bigger percentage of the budget goes to staff payroll and recurrent...

Leadership in Health Care: Situational Leadership Theory

Introduction In the healthcare setting, the role of leadership cannot be overestimated in workforce and facility operations management. Indeed, the choice of a leadership style predetermines the methods and techniques used by a manager when making critical decisions on time. Most importantly, the adequacy and appropriateness of a leadership style...

Childhood Obesity: Causes and Solutions

Introduction The United States of America has had the largest number of reported childhood obesity and overweight cases for the last twenty years. However, it is important to note that this condition is common in most developed countries including the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Russia, Germany, France and Australia. Globally,...

Career Plan in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a profession that requires extensive education, skills, special knowledge and preparation to handle the vast and dynamic challenges. Having an orientation towards serving a big organization such as a large metropolitan hospital, a professional is also required to acquire relevant knowledge pertaining to the roles one is...

Role of Family in Healthcare and How Culture Affects Health Beliefs

Culture impacts the way a person views life, values, social norms, and other aspects that constitute daily life, including health and diseases. Individuals’ families also play a role in the way health is perceived. Patient-centered care implies involving family members and incorporating care tailored to the patient’s culture. This paper...

Healthcare Problems of Modern Society

Introduction Human health depends not only on medical care, but also on social, economic, psychological, industrial, environmental, and other factors. They all are interconnected and, in recent years, are changing in an unfavorable direction. This led to a significant deterioration in public health and the negative dynamics of demographic processes....

Negotiation in Nursing: Approaches and Advantages

Introduction Negotiations are the quintessence of nursing, the main point of which is to resolve a given problem and achieve a compromise. This process can remind of a game, when partners seat on opposite sides of the table and play with different levels of skills. A qualified nurse is expected...

Egyptian and Filipino Heritage and Health Beliefs

Every ethnic group develops its heritage under the impact of diverse factors both inside and outside of the place they inhabit. In turn, cultural heritage including customs, traditions, and beliefs, influence different spheres of life of the ethnic group. Thus, traditional beliefs about health determine the healthcare behavior of people...

Nursing Theory of Music, Mood, and Movement by Murrock and Higgins

Introduction Healthcare professionals can identify and use different nursing models to provide exemplary medical services to their patients. Middle-range theories are powerful frameworks that offer evidence-based insights for bridging the gap between care delivery and knowledge. They provide meaningful concepts and notions that can improve the quality and nature of...

Florence Nightingale’s Conceptual Nursing Model

Contribution of Florence Nightingale to Nursing Practice Improvement Establishment of the nursing profession significance Raise of nursing standards through education (Pirani, 2016). Sanitary improvements for safer hospitals Establishment of effective nursing education Publishing of the first nursing textbook Introduction of patient records and statistics Separation of nursing and medicine. Note:...

Benner’s Nursing Theory “From Novice to Expert”

Introduction The nursing theory From Novice to Expert by Patricia Benner is among the easiest to comprehend. The author presents five levels of nursing experience. They are the novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. These levels demonstrate the progress in gaining the experience. Benner suggests the idea that a...

Nursing Theory of Vigilance and Its Values

Abstract The nursing theory of vigilance is grounded on the philosophical underpinning that care is the essence of nursing practice and vigilance is the essence of caring. Nurses cannot provide quality patient care without being vigilant. The theory was developed by Jeanine Carr. Professional vigilance can be defined as a...

Inliers, Outliers, and Comorbidity in Hospital Billing

In medical billing, inliers refer to a case where the charge for treatment lies within the established cost limits of the diagnosis-related group (DRG). It is used to determine if the inpatient hospital claim satisfies the criteria for the cost outlier payment (Jentzsch et al., 2018). An example of an...

PICOT Question: Postpartum Hemorrhage as a Care Issue

Summary Bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth remains one of the leading causes of maternal death in the world. Pregnancy-related blood loss can occur in women in all trimesters of pregnancy, in the first and postpartum periods of childbirth, as well as in the early and late postpartum periods. Often, postpartum...

The Capstone Project: The Issue of Hypertension

Presentation of Approved Intervention to the Patient, Family, or Group Hypertension was the health problem that I handled for the Capstone project. In this project, I interacted with Mrs. S.J., a 71-year-old-female hypertensive female, and her family. Wenger et al. (2018) showed that hypertension kills 1 in 5 American women...

Obesity as a Disease: Arguments For and Against

Today, obesity has become one of the key issues of public health. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 34.3% of adults were obese, and 32.7% were overweight in the US in 2006. These numbers increase annually, leading to deaths and comorbid diseases. Although some people consider...

Patient Safety: Medication Errors

Introduction In the present day, patient safety remains a highly disturbing health care issue, and medication errors relate to the most typical causes of damage to life or health. According to Yousef and Yousef (2017), “6–7% of hospital admissions are due to medication errors” (p. 2). In the United States,...

Malawi Health and Education System Analysis

Introduction The social sectors of developing countries are often not high enough due to various criteria, for instance, economic, political, and other factors that hamper progress in specific areas. In Malawi, the state in which agriculture prevails over other fields, the topical issues of education and medicine are raised periodically...

Stages of Life and Interview

As a person ages, one undergoes various stages of life. The most common are infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood (aging). Each stage in life is relevant to individual health as age can impact certain factors which also vary amongst genders. Specific subset categories exist to...

Nursing Care Philosophy, Assumptions and Beliefs

Defining Nursing Nursing is the practice of caring for the infirm, sick, and anyone who required care. Nursing exists to provide general care to the patient during their recovery. I chose to practice nursing after being inspired by the works of Virginia Henderson and her “Needs Theory.” The concepts she...

Healthcare Regulatory Agencies in the US

Introduction In the USA, there are plenty of healthcare regulatory agencies to go around – they monitor and regulate every sphere of public and private healthcare, on various levels ranging from state to federal. These organizations work with nurses, hospital personnel, and legislative bodies, in order to make sure that...

The Importance of Patient Safety in Nursing

Introduction The importance of patient safety in nursing cannot be overstated. It is a critical concept that requires constant attention and effort from healthcare professionals. By using evidence-based practice, effective communication, and proper infection control measures, healthcare professionals can ensure patient safety and prevent harm while providing healthcare services. This...

The ABCDE (Patient Assessment) Approach

The airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, and Exposure (ABCDE) approach is the most recognized used for patient assessment. According to Peate and Brent (2021), the approach allows physicians to visualize a patient’s clinical problem, determine which intervention is most appropriate for the patient, and begin to plan an intervention. According to...

Interprofessional Collaboration Examples in Nursing Case Study

Introduction The case under study has exposed the importance and the need for different healthcare experts’ cooperation for better patient outcomes. Interprofessional collaboration is the joint participation of numerous specialists in the medical field working with patients and communicating each other’s distinctive viewpoints in providing the highest quality care (Vatn...

Beck Depression Inventory-II Test Critique

The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) is a multiple-choice diagnostic assessment tool used to determine the severity of the depressive disorder symptoms in the partaker. The inventory was developed in 1961 and revised to the BDI-II version in 1996 by Aaron T. Beck. The instrument contains 21 items on a 4-point...

The Roper-Logan-Tierney Theory and Its Application in Neonatal ICU

Introduction The Roper-Logan-Tierney Theory is one of the most common nursing theories in the world. This paper will explain the theory and show its strengths and weaknesses. The paper will also show how the theory can be applied in the neonatal ICU. The neonatal intensive care unit is an intensive...

Patient’s Past Medical History

Chief Complaints The patient in question is suffering from a rash that has spread all over her face and the bridge of her nose. The rash has caused lesions on her face that itches and aches. the reasons for the crash are not yet known since no prior diagnosis or...

Health and Social Care Services: Barriers to Working Partnerships

Introduction Working partnerships are strategic arrangements that comprise two or more institutions to enhance service delivery. The partnerships are becoming common and preferred due to their performance-oriented incentives that include consolidation of resources and collaboration in decision-making. The aspects aid effectiveness, efficiency and creativity in institutions. In particular, working partnerships...

History of Public Health

Abstract Public health is a powerful practice towards understanding the development and cycle of diseases. The occurrence of pandemics forced communities to invent new methods towards dealing with them. This fact explains why different practices such as quarantine became common throughout the Middle Ages. This paper offers a concise summary...

Patients Privacy and Confidentiality

Introduction Privacy and confidentiality are important components of universal human rights used in medical care. Healthcare workers are obliged to ensure that discretion in the use of patients’ information is maintained in all settings. Respect for these rights helps in supporting and strengthening the social wellbeing of the sick person....

The Concept of Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations

Fostering dynamic relationships between nurses and patients’ families is a matter of communication improvement as well as approaching nursing as a profession that goes far beyond treatment, prevention, and diagnosis. The specific issue that should be addressed pertains to the lack of awareness of the communicational needs of patients. The...

The Role of Nurses in Budget Planning

Introduction Modern health systems present health professionals as equal participants in the public health system. Nurses can overcome inequalities in access to health care and the provision of knowledge about health and medical education, using professional knowledge and competencies in the largest group of medical professionals. It is the professional...

Effects of Poor Workplace Culture on Healthcare Organizations

Introduction The role of workplace culture cannot be underestimated nowadays, especially knowing that the diversity of employees continues to increase. The influence of different factors on employee performance and patient outcomes cannot be ignored either, as these may be linked to safety, health, and wellbeing (Rider et al., 2018). Therefore,...

Health Care: Fundamentals and Importance

Introduction Healthcare services can be continuously divided into two main areas, namely treatment, and care. Complete patient treatment is impossible without the proper implementation of these parts. Care formulates both physical and psychological intervention for the sick person. Positive emotions are essential for an individual’s wellbeing, which also articulates the...

Abnormal Behavior in the Historical Context

Abnormal behaviors and mental disorders can be considered social factors of influence that can impact an individual’s living conditions. In defining abnormalities, it is important to consult a highly qualified specialist who will apply criteria assessment methodologies to determine potential issues. Even though society observes abnormal behavior as an issue,...

Earthquakes: Effects on People’s Health

Earthquakes are one of the global environmental health issues that hugely impact people’s lives in certain geographical areas and communities. This is one of the physical hazards that basically represent the impact of natural disasters on people’s health and mental wellbeing. Due to the earthquakes’ difference in strength, their effects...

Should Vaccinations Be Required for Public School Students?

Vaccination of the population today remains the most acute and discussed problem in light of the events associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Large-scale immunization programs are one of the most successful public health interventions, especially in the United States, overall vaccination coverage is very high. Kindergarten students fulfill these requirements...

Global and Local Evidence in Nursing

Evidence is crucial for nursing because evidence-based nursing is an approach to healthcare that incorporates research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values. When nurses make any decisions regarding their patients’ health and treatment, they should use different types of evidence to support their decisions. However, general evidence and nursing evidence...

The Cobalt-60 Machine in the Fight Against Cancer

Introduction Cancer is a life threatening disease characterized by the development of malignant tumours in various parts of the body. Ravichandran (2009) reveals that this disease is the number one killer in the world. It leads to suffering in the patient and if untreated causes death. Scientists and doctors have...

Importance of Health Equity

A health care system is designed to provide individuals with sufficient service and improve their health outcomes. It is efficient if everyone who needs assistance receives adequate care, which is possible because of Health Equity. According to Minkler et al., this term denotes “removing obstacles to health such as poverty,...

Occupational Health Nursing Theory and Model

Introduction Whitaker and Baranski described occupational health nursing as “a frontline role involving a range of aspects, namely: clinician, specialist, manager, coordinator, advisor, health educator, counselor and researcher” (Oakley, 2008, p.1). At the same time, the discipline can be seen to be at the forefront in addressing the question of...

Virginia Henderson’s Theory Impact on Nursing

Virginia Henderson was the one who proposed the supreme theories of nursing in the mid-twentieth century. Her accentuation on essential human requirements as the focal point of nursing practice has prompted further hypothesis advancement concerning the patient’s necessities and how nursing can help address those requirements. The theorist’s characterization of...

Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators (NSQI)

Introduction Nursing is a complex practice consisting of diverse elements. In order to assess the effectiveness of the provided care, nursing sensitive quality indicators (NSQI) have been introduced. Several definitions of the concept exist, but they all involve a set of major components. For instance, Xiaoquan Xu defined NSQI as...

Qualitative Descriptive Research and Case Study Research: A Comparison

Applying qualitative research to the field of nursing allows shedding light on various issues such as the nature of specific phenomena, the perception of a problem by nurses and patients, and other concerns. Qualitative research encompasses a range of methods for the analysis of key variables, which define the focus...

Dorothy Johnson’s Behavior System Model

Nursing models incorporate fundamental concepts and principles about nursing and thus may serve as guidelines for medical students. However, when being confronted with different theories that seem to be vague, excessively generalized, or rather irrelevant to nursing practice, students may experience confusion. Therefore, Orem states that in such a case,...

Nursing Theoretical Frameworks: Joyce Travelbee’s Human-To-Human Relationship Model

In contemporary nursing science, there are numerous theoretical frameworks of various types, each describing a unique approach to caregiving. However, it is essential to notice that the development of nursing theory took a relatively long way, and it comprised many scientists’ contribution (Butts & Rich, 2015). Each scientist contributed to...

Florence Nightingale’s and Jean Watson’s Nursing Theories

To understand a nursing theory better, it can be helpful to explore the background of the theorist. This is particularly relevant for the founder of modern nursing as a separate discipline—Florence Nightingale. She was the first theorist to create a conceptual framework of nursing and to define key terms. Moreover,...

Nursing as a Science and Nursing as an Art

Introduction When speaking about nursing, the majority of the representatives of the general population claim that it is a practice. Nevertheless, professionals who work in this sphere know that it can also be both a science and an art that can be performed while coping with their duties. Nursing is...

Electronic Health Record System’s Life Cycle

Introduction The paper at hand is aimed at providing a detailed description of the health information technology system life cycle. The planning paper focuses on the electronic health record (EHR) system and elucidates the key phases of its lifecycle: needs assessment and analysis, system selection and design, implementation, evaluation, and...

Robotic Surgery

Background on robotic surgery Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, and manufacture of robots and computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. This is a rapidly growing field. New inventions have come up and new robots are being built to serve...

Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes

According to Ahme, Muniandy, and Ismail (2010), type 2 diabetes consists of a combination of dysfunctions that are characterized by inadequate secretion and peripheral insulin resistance of insulin. According to Khardori (2013), a combination of genetic factors such as metabolic disorders and environmental conditions contribute to the prevalence of type...

Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Improving quality in health care is one of the essential tasks that should be pursued in any medical institution. The quality of hospital services depends on external factors, such as industrial manufacturing processes (Hall & Roussel, 2017). However, doctors themselves can also actively influence this factor by holding various kinds...

Family Health Assessment: Weaknesses and Strengths

Introduction Understanding a family’s features is an essential aspect of nursing practice as it helps determine the right approach for intervention. However, the assessment requires data that can be collected through observation or survey. This paper will examine the benefits of interviews to assess the structure, weaknesses, and strengths of...

Effects of Covid-19 on Nigeria

Currently, the whole world is in the midst of a global crisis, caused by the appearance of Coronavirus. The pandemic has affected every person, every family in its own way, forcing people to adapt and adopt new ways of living. Many people have suffered because of Covid-19 and some even...

Organizational Culture and Values in Hospitals

Organizational Values Hospitals provide high-quality care while maintaining efficiency. Focusing on patients’ well-being and safety. Respectful environment supporting differing opinions and perspectives. Integrity in upholding legal and ethical standards. Ensuring availability of treatment and quality of service. Transparency and responsibility in any operational practices. Organizational values in a medical facility...

Psychiatry: Adjustment Disorder Case

Introduction The present case study considers the situation of Mrs. H., who appears to have developed an adjustment disorder as a result of a series of negative events, which followed her immigration to the US. Mrs. H. lives with her husband, child, and the elderly mother of Mrs. H. The...

The Concept of Human Needs Theory in Nursing

Human Needs Theory: Description In 1943, the Theory of Human Needs was created by Abraham H. Maslow (Cao et al., 2013). Known as Maslow’s Hierarchy (of Needs), the framework allows determining the role of specific factors on the personal development of an individual. According to the theorist, there are six...

Inguinal Hernia: Medical History

Patient’s Information Age: 50 years. Sex: Male. Subjective Chief Complaint “Pain in the left groin radiating to testicles after moving a refrigerator 6 hours ago. The pain is severe, constant, and feels like something is tearing inside.” History of the Present Illness Mr. Baldwin experienced a sudden severe pain in...