Authors’ Views in the Atlanta Independent Newspaper

I am a black female domestic worker from Atlanta serving private households. After reviewing the work of black scholarly publicists, I would like to express my opinion on the authors’ views in the Atlanta Independent newspaper. First of all, it seems crucial to introduce the person in question to the...

Dunbar’s “Never Caught” Book Analysis

Never caught is a narrative of the story of Ona Judge and is based on the author’s meticulous historical research. To describe the events in the life of the heroine, Dunbar (2017) used primary sources that represent fragments of historical events. In particular, newspaper articles, including later interviews with Judge...

The Right to Vote in America From the Colonial Period to the Reconstruction

Active participation of the population in political affairs was one of the characteristic features of Britain’s colonies in North America. True to the English traditions of representation, British colonists and later the citizens of the independent United States always valued the right to cast their votes in elections. Yet while...

Racial Identity of Ancient Egyptians

The question about the racial identity of ancient Egyptians remains debatable among scholars. Historians indicate that the country of Egypt was the origin of human civilization. Although the country is in Africa, white scholars argument about ancient inhabitants of Egypt were not Africans focuses on dismissing the idea that European...

American Civil War and Abraham Lincoln’s Presidency

The American Civil War was a watershed instant in our country’s history. Ten thousand battles were fought across the globe between 1861 and 1865 (Hall et al., 2019). The war settled critical questions unaddressed by the revolution. The first was whether the United States was a soluble confederation of independent...

Presidents Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson

Introduction When it comes to the discussion of the U.S. presidency, with the election of every new president, his policies and traits are compared to those characteristics of other presidents throughout history. Such a comparative analysis allows to find patterns in potus’ agendas, decision-making principles, and overall interaction between personality...

Otto Von Bismarck’s Germany Unification

Otto von Bismarck and Benso de Cavour are two prominent political figures who have successfully pursued a policy of uniting their countries (Germany and Italy). Although politicians followed similar goals, their methods differed, the common goal was to conquer neighboring states: the territory could be beaten or acquired voluntarily. While...

The Role of Religion in Colonial America

Throughout the colonial period of US history, religion remained an essential part of social, political, and everyday life. Unlike other colonies, which Catholicism dominated, different religious denominations co-existed in the British colonies. This diversity inevitably led to the adoption of the principle of religious tolerance and formed a unique ideological...

US History: The Civil War Discussion

Although many events happening during the Civil War may seem quite easy and comprehensible from the modern perspective, generalization is usually the tool for producing such an effect. Therefore, diverse situations may be interpreted differently based on the consideration of facts related to certain examined events. For instance, the issues...

The British in Virginia Colony

Colonization can be seen as one of the inseparable aspects of discovering new lands in the history of humankind. The process of colonization is complex and has a significant impact on all parties, whether negative or positive. To understand the historical development of certain areas, it is necessary to analyze...

Sappho in the History of Same-Sex Sexuality

The true biography of Sappho is largely unknown, but certain facts about her have been found either from historical accounts of her life or her own work. She was born around 615 B.C. in an aristocratic family on the island of Lesbos in Greece (Mark, 2021). There has been evidence...

Development of New Lands by Americans in the First Half of the 19th Century

The first half of the 19th century was marked by the intense development of industry and production. In turn, this process prompted more and more Americans to move to towns, the population of which was growing rapidly. The increase in production in factories required a large number of workers, which...

Abraham Lincoln: The Best President of the 19th Century

Introduction The 19th century is one of the most distinctive and pivotal periods in the political history of the United States. It marks an era during which America addressed the divisive issues that were hindering its political, social, and economic development, thus presenting an opportunity for its rise into a...

Black Boxer Jack Johnson Versus Jim Crow Laws

Case Presentation Jack Johnson became the first champion of heavyweight boxing of the world from the black community in 1908. This was during a time when African Americans were being subjected to racism and extreme segregation. On Independence Day of 1910, Jack Johnson won the Fight of the Century against...

Gandhi’s Concepts of “Civilization”, Passive Resistance

According to Gandhi, the concept of civilization means people’s ability to use resources and examples surrounding them, as well as their intelligence and ingenuity, to improve their living conditions to increase bodily welfare (32). For instance, better-built houses, airplanes, and various engines are the emblems of civilization. Gandhi believes that...

Upper and Lower Classes in the American Revolution

Social groups, regardless of their similarities in either cultural, ethnic, religious, or economic backgrounds, were often divisive on the topic of the American Revolution. Despite this, distinct loyalties to and against the revolution were noticeable within socio-economic levels of the U.S. at the time. Though the revolution was opposed and...

The Shays’ Rebellion: Democratic Movement

Prerequisites for the uprising History has proved that democracy can make a positive impact on the well-being of the people. The Shays’ Rebellion in 1786 is an excellent example of democracy being exercised by the citizens to turn hardship into an opportunity for a better and just life. The war...

Human History and Its Three Main Eras

The last two millenniums of human history can be divided into three essential periods with distinct characteristics, which define the period. These periods include pre-modern from 400 to 1400s, modern from 1500s to 1900s, and post-modern from 1900s to present moment. Each period may be analyzed through the prism of...

Qin Dynasty Among the Greatest Empires in History

Name of your empire: Chinese Empire, Qin Dynasty. Founder of your empire: Qin dynasty was founded by Qin Shi Huang, who is shown in the figure image below. Reasons why the empire was established Qin Shin Huang focused on improving the political power and the economy of Qin. Therefore, the significant reasons...

Frederick Douglass, a Social Reformer of America

Born in Tuckahoe (Talbot County), Frederick Douglass had to endure undue slavery. Frederick’s mother (Harriet Bailey), a black woman, was married to a white man. Frederick says that it was rumored that the white man, supposed to be his father, was also his master (Douglass). He could not tell of...

Obama and Bush Administration

The Obama and Bush administrations used various techniques to ensure that their respective agendas and pledges to the people of the United States were carried out. Although many people assume that Congress, the legislative arm of government, has the most significant authority in the country, the president, the executive branch...

The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 was one of the major turning points in the world and Japanese history. The affect of the bombing left negative traces in all spheres of human relations: social, political, environmental, psychological, and medical. The atomic strike caused great destruction and the...

Imperialism Consequences on the Life of People

Imperialism is characterized as a stage at which monopolies took a dominant position, a complete change in all spheres of people’s lives began. As a housewife, I believe that imperialism has brought only negative consequences that have affected the history of all countries and changed it for the worse. Religious...

The Causes of the Mexican-American War

The conflict under consideration, the Mexican-American war, which started in 1846 and lasted two years, is notable for its role in the history of the relationships between the countries. This event reflects the attempts to expand the territory by the United States’ leaders and the resistance of Mexico, which could...

“American Civil Liberties Union” by Robert C. Cottrell

The document from which the information has been obtained is “American Civil Liberties Union,” authored by Robert C. Cottrell. American Civil Liberties Union is an organization that was founded by Albert DeSilver, Roger Baldwin, and Crystal Eastman in 1920 in response to raids and arrests of anti-war activists by Attorney...

Post-Slavery African-American Exploitation

The central theme of the paper is the oppressive laws adopted in the southern states after the abolition of slavery (PBS LearningMedia, 2019). Black freedoms continued to be oppressed, and the legal system was transformed in such a way as to preserve such a distribution between black and white populations...

The Abolition of Slavery After the Civil War

This essay covers topics directly addressing the racial and social problems from Reconstruction, when the civil war between the North and the South pushed society to critical changes. Analyzing and comparing the two observed articles helps identify the objective and coherent truth about the events that happened not so long...

Hourglass and Other Medieval Technologies

Introduction The renaissance started in the 16th century B.C. and is the period that immediately followed the medieval era. Meanwhile, the medieval age began around the 5th century B. C. and progressed to the 15th century. Less human advancement characterized the medieval period due to a variety of reasons, like...

The Spanish-American War and Its Implications for the US

The greatest imperialist conflict of the United States, The Spanish-American War, was aimed to prove its sphere of influence. As a result, the USA expanded its territory by many colonies, gradually growing into one of the most powerful nations. The press showed idealistic pictures of blacks and whites, Southerners and...

Analysis of Ronald Reagan’s Inaugural Speech

Ronald Reagan’s inaugural speech of 1981 is a speech of recognition, namely a speech of introduction or acceptance, and an inspirational speech to a certain extent. According to Gunn (2020), such speeches should express gratitude to the community and honor it. The role of an introduction speech is “to make...

Benjamin Franklin “The Autobiography” Review

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is among the most important historical documents of the United States and is the major literary work of its author. It was and is the very first autobiography to reach the general public and gain widespread popularity. The document’s importance lies in the fact that...

The History of the Virginia Colony

The colonization of North America Spanish pioneered the colonization of North America. Therefore, it was problematic to find an uninhabited place distant enough from the Spanish colonies and the villages of Native Americans. Moreover, England had attempted to settle in the New World before Jamestown, yet both of the attempts...

Second World War’s Impact on United States Economy

Introduction The Great Depression, which started in 1929, was characterized by severe unemployment, deflation, a drastic decline in output, and falling stocks and businesses. The country’s industrial production reduced by 47%, the wholesale price index by 33%, and the real GDP by 26% (Jaworski 1048). Studies also show that the...

La Perouse’s Chronicles on the Spanish Mission

Since its beginning, the Spanish mission system has impacted the lives of several previous generations and, to a certain extent, is still affecting people. A way to better understand the Spanish mission is by researching Jean Francois Galaup de La Perouse’s chronicles. However, while relying on La Perouse as a...

President Obama and Operation Geronimo

Hardly any event in the recent history of the United States of America surpasses the atrocities and horrors brought by September 11 Terror Attacks. According to the data provided by CNN Editorial Research (2020), nearly 3,000 people perished in a murderous onslaught organized by al Qaeda, a criminal grouping engaged...

The Dakota Conflict Documentary’s Analysis

The reasons for the Santee Sioux revolt, which resulted in the protracted Dakota War, have been accumulating since the previous decade when the Indians were deceived or disadvantaged by unfair contracts and late payments. Due to the famine, Native Americans were forced to hunt for animals, which was complicated by...

Memorial of the Cherokee Council and the Declaration of Independence Comparison

The Declaration of Independence of the United States is a document that Congress unanimously adopted in 1776. This document highlights that the British colonies in North America declared themselves independent from Great Britain. The Cherokee Memorial is a letter sent in 1829 to the US legislature. This letter was written...

The Positive Social, Cultural and Political Transformation Between 1815 to 1860

The period between 1815 to 1860 was characterized by significant social, cultural, and political changes that aided the economic expansion of America. Gender roles significantly changed as women began participating in the cash economy. The growing economy led women to work in simple jobs like waiters to supplement their family...

Navy Development in Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome

Abstract This essay argues that, while the leading powers of the archaic period eventually came to acknowledge the necessity of a strong navy, each of them demonstrated a separate range of factors contributing to the process. The list of examined nations includes Egypt, Greece, and Rome in their ancient periods....

The American Dream: Jay Gatsby’s Illegal Wealth

The American Dream is a happy way of living believed in the United States that anyone has a chance for success and can also rise to a higher social or economic position by working hard. A more significant number longs for it to pursue its idea of happiness. There is...

The 1619 Project Podcast on American History

Since the arrival of the first Africans in America, the blacks have fought for democracy and recognition as equal Americans. The government recruited and forced black Americans to join the military for the defense of the country. According to the New York Times, the first Africans arrived through a ship...

Women Minority Groups in the 19th Century

Women had no lawful individuality aside from their spouses before the twentieth century. Females’ biological role, ‘to give birth to and maintain for progeny,’ was thought to be their sole and primary responsibility (Corbett et al., 2017). Because women were considered physically weak, they were not permitted to do labor-intensive...

The “Just War” Theory, Genocide and Mass Murder

The theory of just war was revived in the late 60s of the twentieth century in the United States. This was due to the desire to find objective moral criteria for assessing the correctness and incorrectness of the armed force. A healthy skepticism about the justice of war is perhaps...

European Colonization and Middle and South America

European colonization has impacted the development of once colonized lands drastically. One of the primary ways European colonization affected Sub-Saharan Africa was the state’s economy and inability to recover financially. During the decades of colonization and land exploitation, European countries used African agricultural welfare and human capital to strengthen their...

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson’s Role in the Liberation Movement

On the one hand, the activities of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are directly related to the liberation movement in America. On the other hand, the Founding Fathers were notorious for holding their slaves without freeing them when the opportunity was presented (Chervinsky, 2020). It cannot be considered hypocrisy because...

Progrevissism Era: Analysis of the Article “Progrevissism”

During the progressivism era, an article on “Progrevissism” was written by Magur Clarias, who wrote the article intending to educate people about the problems that had been affecting urbanization, immigration, and industrialization in America during the golden age. Magur Clarias aimed at enlightening the reader about the aims of the...

Landlord’s Reflection on Landlord’s Problems

In 1776, we faced a new beginning in our politics and governmental structure. My name is John Snow, I own 30-acre potato plantations in California, and the past month’s events have brought considerable changes in our lives. As the result of the revolutionary convention of North Carolina, congress vote for...

Drafting of the U.S. Constitution

The drafting of the U.S. Constitution is one of the most critical events in the country’s history. However, despite the admitted significance of the event, there are different perspectives on the reasons for the document’s drafting. Thus, the causes for writing the Constitution can be viewed through three lenses: social,...

The Irish Immigrants’ Influence on New York

This historical essay aims to discuss the thesis that although most scholars of the American economy have argued that Irish immigrants worsened labor conditions for citizens, further research shows that in New York of the 1840-1860s, newcomers profoundly influenced the Market Revolution.” While the newcomers were one of New York’s...

World War I and Its Impact on the Life of Europe

World War I, also known as the Great War, was an unprecedented military conflict. The catalyst for the dispute that primarily took place across Europe was Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination in Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914 (Payk 811). However, the primary reason for the dispute was the anarchic system and...

US Constitution Draft in Historical Context

Introduction The Constitution of the United States of America is the sole most crucial document in the country’s history. It helped establish the national government of early America, outline its fundamental laws, and ensure the citizens of the new nations had their fundamental rights guaranteed and protected. Despite being written...

African Americans’ and Southern Whites’ Freedom

The relation to freedom from African Americans and Southern Whites has always been different, and each race could not understand and accept the ideas of their opponents. However, there were many supporters from the side of African Americans and Southern Whites, who could defend the point of view of different...

The Mexican-American War Historical Significance

Introduction The Mexican-American war has remained an iconic piece of contemporary Hispanic history in America. Indeed, the Americans have always treated the war as a driving force that has created human civilization as it displaced the week with the stronger population. When conflicts arise, many Americans have been reflecting on...

The Chicanos in the Vietnam War

In the history of humankind, the most destructive times are related to wars. Wars are not typically reflected with justice or freedom of choice. An explicit example of it in recent history is the Vietnam War which caused the draft of hundreds of thousands of men (García). There were dissatisfactions...

The Jamestown Massacre Controversy

The massacre that took place in Jamestown, which is often called the uprising, at first seems to make sense to consider in other terms since the event took place in the occupied territory. To a greater extent, the Indian attacks on the English settlers should rather be called a struggle...

Assassination of Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was assassinated by a few senators who wanted to keep the republic of Rome and wanted to end his reign. He had established himself such that he was well known and an important person in antiquity. He also had a good personality and was in control of the...

The Cuban Missile Crisis in the Cold War

Introduction The Cold War is signified by several serious conflict escalations between the Soviet Union and the United States, one of which is the Cuban Missile Crisis. After the failed Bay of Pigs operation, the government of Cuba requested the USSR’s help, and the latter placed its nuclear missiles on...

Thomas Jefferson’s and Benjamin Banneker’s Views and Struggles

After reading ‘Created Equal,’ the third president of the USA seemed a man of struggles and choices as it was harsh for him to break stereotypes and common beliefs due to the essential radical time for black people when Jefferson was in the government. The dialogue with one of the...

The El Salvador Uprising of 1932 and the Haitian Genocide of 1937

The source offered for analysis speaks of two terrible events, the El Salvador Uprising of 1932 and the Haitian Genocide of 1937. The first event, the El Salvador Uprising, is the first peasant uprising in Latin America. In the early 1930s, the world economic crisis affected El Salvador’s economy as...

A Historical Event That Happened in Ancient Rome

The following story is about a historical event that happened in ancient Rome many centuries ago. The city was captured by the Gauls and destroyed utterly, so Romans lost their houses and all the buildings were in ruins except for several temples that survived the attack. The most famous general...

European Intrusion’s Influence on the Igbo People

The traditions of the Igbo people served as the basis of their community and provided guidance for all types of occasions. They had been developed for generations, and the inhabitants of the place had never attempted to challenge them. The rules were strictly followed until the European missionaries arrived in...

Women’s Roles in Colonial America

Many people think that women did not play crucial roles during the struggle for independence in America. Perhaps their inability to vote in the colonial era stirs such thoughts in their minds (Skemp, 2016). Others believe that the women were apolitical because they lacked bravery, physical strength, and many other...

The Civil Rights Movement: Minorities vs. Police

The tension between police and minorities started at times of the Civil Rights Movement. Specifically, a peaceful march in Selma, Alabama, led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was met with police aggression (Cunningham, 2018). This event that happened on March 9, 1965, on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, named after...

Features of Slavery in South America

Since the beginning of the discovery of America and the development of new territories, slavery has become widespread. Slavery occupies a relatively large segment of the historical existence of British America and the United States. The constitution adopted in 1787, simultaneously with the proclamation of various democratic freedoms, legalized slavery....

Understanding Leprosy: A Journey from the Middle Ages to the Present Day

A nun feeding a leper Source The first source to consider will be a picture by an unknown author titled “A nun feeding a leper.” The painting was created ca. 1275 as an illustration for a psalter and was intended for both secular people and members of the clergy. Observe...

Bibliography: Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero

Encyclopedia Britannica. Julius Caesar | Biography, conquests, facts, & death. Encyclopedia Britannica.  Julius Caesar possesses a noble stature and represents the patrician roots of his parents. Gaius Julius Caesar and Aurelia helped their son become a great general (Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d.). Being named a dictator, Julius Caesar refuses at first,...

Canada: History and Individual Freedoms in Canada

Limiting individual freedoms in Canada today is necessary in order for Canadians to remain safe from terrorism The limitations of individual freedoms in present-day Canada are not necessary for protecting its citizens from terrorism since the threat is of external nature. It is primarily posed by the violence of Islamist...

The U.S. Expansion: Main Reasons

The main idea that determined the desire of Americans to expand was the concept of a special destiny. John L. O’Sullivan, the editor of the Democratic Review, referred to America’s “manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions” (Manifest destiny,...

Significance of the Emancipation Proclamation

The Civil War between the Union and the Confederacy was a pivotal series of events that had profound consequences on the history in the United States and abroad. Among others, it yielded one of the most critical documents in the history of the country, the Emancipation Proclamation. Although the Proclamation...

The Women’s Status: Changes in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century

The fight for sex-based rights and the struggle against regressive gender stereotypes has been a long and devastating journey for women. However, over time, significant improvements in the status of women and the extent of their agency have been made. In the late 19th – early 20th century, women’s liberation...

The Emancipation Proclamation and Fredrick Douglass’s Speech

Introduction The Emancipation Proclamation and the speech by Fredrick Douglass were instrumental in turning the national tide against slavery. Douglass’s speech decried the treatment and suffering of the slaves in the United States and how they had to contend with the reality every July 4th when the country was in...

European Slave Trade in Historical Documents

Introduction Slavery and the slave trade are some of the most inhumane practices the world has ever witnessed. The European Slave Trade was one of the three stages involved in the triangular transaction, otherwise known as the Trans-Atlantic trade (Prince 11). In the Trans-Atlantic trade, Europeans shipped arms, textiles, and...

A Historical Research Study That Failed to Protect Human Subjects

Modern researchers make considerable efforts to comply with basic ethical guidelines when implementing their studies. For instance, the Belmont Report released in 1979 highlights the major principles of conducting a study (autonomy, beneficence, and justice) (Forister & Blessing, 2016). However, ethical concerns were often neglected in the past. One of...

Land and Labor Ideas in African-American Studies

The texts provide a thorough explanation of the concepts of land and labor. It describes how the slaves were abused at first and the types of harassment they faced. When they had had enough of suffering, they decided to demand land ownership and advocate for economic independence, allowing them to...

Discussion of Authority in Feudal Japan

Introduction The Japanese governance structure was constantly transforming throughout the medieval period, changing and adding ideas and practices from various local rulers and leaders. Authority has always been one of the essential aspects of governance, as it has primarily determined the effectiveness of the whole system. Understanding this fact, some...

Human Services Field Development and Historical Issues

The social sphere of services is relatively extensive and multifaceted, but it is imperative and necessary today. The main goals and objectives of this area are to provide services and forms of assistance. It can be found everywhere in the district – from public places to working and life moments....

Europeans vs Native Americans: Why the Conflict Was Inevitable?

I believe that the conflict between the Europeans and the Native Americans was inevitable due to a number of reasons. First, one of the main objectives that the Spaniards had was to expand their empire. Columbus’s probands de méritos had caused them to think of the Native Americans as gentle...

French Revolution’s Effects on European Peasantry

The French revolution (1789) is one of the greatest events not only in the history of France and Europe, but also in the history of the world at large. It gave humanity the message of freedom, equality and social justice and paved new roads leading towards the protection of human...

The Reconstruction Era and Its Failures in the US

After the 13th Amendment was introduced, Black people believed that hey were entitled to free land after years of unpaid work as slaves. In 1865, President Andrew Johnson formed the Freedmen’s Bureau. According to the second plan, black people had the right to receive forty acres of abandoned land for...

Discussion of American Revolution

American Revolution in 1775 was the result of prolonged tensions with British Empire that lasted over a decade before ultimately resulting in the revolution. The Seven Years war of 1756-1763, resulted in acquisition of new territories by the crown. However, the prolonged conflict caused extreme exhaustion of national resources and...

Painful Route Fighting for American Independence

The United States of America, being a free and developed country now, has come through a long path fighting for its sovereignty and freedom in the XVIII century. Back in the first half of the XVIII century, England was a world hegemon having leadership above a sustainable number of colonies,...

Ellis Island and Its Historical Significance

Ellis Island is one of the most important historic sites in the United States. It is known for its role in immigration since it was the place where people from other countries arrived. Therefore, its significance is explained by the meaning of the location for the newcomers as it was...

Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Spanish Empires Compared

Various Empires followed the path from formation to the decline in different historical periods, providing significant knowledge about civilization’s development. The leaders’ personalities and activities, wars, inventions, social and political structures, cultural and religious beliefs – all impacted the modern world and humanity’s values. The Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Spanish Empires...

President Obama Did Have Authority to Order Operation Geronimo

It has been almost ten years since the death of one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. There is hardly anyone who has pitied the person responsible for the killing of so many innocent people. In spite of this fact, some still debate on the legality of Operation...

Reconstruction and the Age of American Imperialism

Introduction The nineteenth century was a challenging time for the country that tried to shape its political, economic, and social life after the Civil War. Reconstruction, Industrialization, and Progressive Era contributed to the significant systematic changes in society’s life and politics. As a result, by the end of the nineteenth...

Chief Joseph as a Famous Native American

Today, there is only a small number of Native Americans that remain on the continent. However, many stories are still related by mouth and written word. They talk of the heroism, nature, and the people that once walked the land on which the US is based now. One of the...

Federal Government Policies’ Impact on American Businesses in 1870-1920

The period in U.S. history, which lasted from the beginning of the Gilded age in 1870 through the Progressive era and up until the end of WW1, saw various economic developments. As in any country on the planet, the government had the main role in the economy, and its decisions...

Harriet Tubman, an African-American Female Leader

Being a female leader is not easy, but being an African-American female leader in the 19th century was almost impossible. Despite this, the world knows such women, one of whom is Harriet Tubman. She was born in slavery, but from childhood dreamed of being free and subsequently was able to...

Segregation in the U.S.: A Race Dot Map Analysis

The problem of segregation in the U.S. has been quite notorious. Intended to marginalize racial minorities, particularly, African American people, it deprived them of their humanity in the eyes of the dominant White population, exacerbating the process of discrimination. However, even presently, when significant efforts are being made to promote...

European Colonization of the African Continent

As a process of gaining control over a foreign land and its people, colonization is a uniquely European phenomenon. The technological development of European countries in the nineteenth century allowed it a substantial advantage over less advanced countries, including those on the African continent. This process became known as new...

Tennessee During the American Revolution

The Discovery of the New World by the Europeans started a long history of colonizing modern US territory. This process involved Great Britain, France, Spain, those who decided to permanently move to the American continent, and the local Indian tribes. After protecting its colonies from the French, Great Britain was...

History of Industrialization in the United States

Introduction The skyrocketing expansion of manufacturing in the period between 1877-1900, named the Gilded Age, generated enormous wealth and made the USA the most economically developed country. Nevertheless, along with achievements, industrialization gave rise to many significant social issues, including a yawning break between rich and poor and economic instability,...

The Emancipation Proclamation and Its Impact on Former Slaves

The Emancipation Proclamation forced the new chapter in the United States’ history that led the citizens to change their perception of slavery. Lincoln (1863) stated that “I declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States shall be free and that the Executive government will recognize and maintain...

The Great Depression and the New Deal

The Great Depression was among the most devastating events, which affected and severely hindered the US economy. It is important to note that Americans faced a wide range of issues, which included unemployment, homelessness, the collapse of international trade, deflation, economic output shrinkage, the banking system failure, stock market failure,...

Personal Historical Manifesto: Declaration of Independence

It goes without saying that as a country, the United States was founded on the principles of human rights, social equality, tolerance, freedom, and democracy. According to the Declaration of Independence, all people are created equal, and “they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these...

The Civil War and the Status of African Americans

One of the conflicts, which led to the Civil War in the 19th century, addressed the existence of slavery on the territory of the United States. Although, according to the Constitution of that time, slavery was considered to be legal, president Abraham Lincoln comprehended that it presented a pressing concern....

The New Deal Liberalism Analysis

In the 1930s, America faced the most significant crisis known as the Great Depression which harmed economic development and infrastructure. By 1933, more than fifty-five hundred banks had closed, and unemployment stood at 25 percent or 13 million workers, having a bad influence on people’s well-being and the general mood...

American and French Revolutions’ Goals and Progression

The eighteenth century was marked by revolutionary movements, which fought to expand their political rights under the influence of Enlightenment ideas. During 1765-1783, the American Revolution took place, and a little later, in 1789-1799 – the French. During both revolutions, citizens fought for their freedom against the full power of...

History of Early North America Up to Independence

Introduction It is exactly 245 years since the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence from British colonial rule. The nation, in this period, has developed a long and rich heritage that could easily obscure pre-independence events. Accordingly, an occasional reminder of the factors and influences that contributed to the birth...

Great Depression and Its True Causes

The Great Depression is one of the most critical periods in the modern history of the United States. It began with the global economic crisis in 1929, which most affected the United States. Throughout the 1930s until 1939, the economy could not fully recover from the crisis and recover. Therefore,...

Abraham Lincoln: A Historical Leader

Birth The man who was to become one of the greatest Presidents in the entire history of the United States was born on February 12, 1809, in the state of Kentucky. Lincoln’s family was far from affluent, and young Abraham was definitely not born with a silver spoon in his...

Zora Neale Hurston and African American

In 1917s, the great migration of the black community from the South part of the U.S. caused over 1.5 million African Americans to move in just 25 years. People were running from poverty, peonage, stagnant wages, and violence they experienced in Jim Crow. Also, natural disasters such as floods, withering...

The Significance of the Battle of Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg lasted for three consecutive days, starting from 1st to 3rd July in 1863. The battle took place at Gettysburg and was won by George Meade. This war is considered the most significant of civil wars in America. This paper will briefly discuss the significance of the...

Outcomes of the French and Indian War

The signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763 saw an end to the French and Indian War that began in 1754. The treaty awarded Great Britain, among other things, an enormous territory that included France’s colony east of the Mississippi except for New Orleans. The pact also required various...

Lavinia Dock: The Voice of the Era

High (epithet) intelligence, remarkable (epithet) talent in medicine, and unshakable (epithet) firmness of character have repeatedly helped Lavinia Dock make the right decisions that led to success. Her life’s destiny was the most necessary and challenging; she was a woman who faced the most critical task — the fight for...

The United States History Reforms Chart

Public Education Reform The 2011 U.S. education reform Description One of the most controversial measures of this reform is transferring some educational institutions into private hands. Public schools, run as private enterprises, were considered more success-oriented. Person Involved Diane Ravitch How was the person involved? Diane Ravitch is the most...

Progressivism and Its Role in American Social Construction

Progressivism arose as a political development because of critical financial, social, and political disparities. Its center thought was that administration played a significant part in monetary guidelines and colonial government assistance. President Roosevelt portrays the three critical components of the thought as companies, insurance of buyers, and preservation of nature...

A History of the American People

The Civil Rights Movement The civil rights movement is based on the elimination of division and discrimination based on skin color. The first case, “Brown v. Board, 1954,” presents a lawsuit, the essence of which was to end the separation of education for black and white students. The court passed...

Black History in America Until the Present Day

More than 400 years ago, an important event took place in the history of America, which affected the fate of the entire country. The institution of slavery has existed in the country for over two centuries. From 1525 to 1866, 12.5 million people were taken to America from Africa (Dagbovie...

Comparison of “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “The Nation Behind the Diary”

Primary sources are the original documents that allow analyzing real facts about a certain epoch. They reflect the mood of real people who were eyewitnesses of events. Letters, films, posters belonging to the time period in question can serve as primary sources for historians. Anne Frank’s diary is one of...

Achievement of Civil Rights Movement

Introduction Many ethnic and racial minorities have been experiencing different forms of discrimination in the United States. The major groups that have been facing discrimination include Asians, Native Americans, and Latinos. Some groups such as “the disabled, women, and homosexuals have been facing a wide range of challenges” (Jacobs &...

The Revolution in American History

The Revolution brought new rhetoric of independence and freedom to American society. However, calls for equality were widespread but maintained a number of inconsistencies in relation to slaves and women. The Revolution increased the differences between the Northern states, which abandoned slavery, and the Southern ones, in which it flourished...

Abolition Period in American North and South

North-South Comparison Chart North South Population (people) 19,127,948 12,315,373 Functioning Railroads (miles) 22,000 9,500 Industrial Output Leather goods Firearms Pig iron Railroads Water transportation Agricultural Output Wheat Oat Cotton Tobacco Corn Sugarcane Population It is necessary to point out that the abolition period in the US history is characterized with...

Nationalism and Sectionalism in American History

People in the newly emerged American Republic experienced a surge of nationalistic feelings that impacted the US policy in several ways. First of all, the state’s economic growth led to an increased need for a national currency to facilitate trade between different regions. As a result, President Madison and Congress...

Jersey City: The Last Stop on the Underground Railroad

0Jersey City is one of the cities that has high cultural diversity in America. It has an underground rail that passes through, and it helped the slaves escape to Canada and the North that had banned slavery. The term “Underground rail” does not mean the actual railway system, but it...

John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Speech Aspirations

John F Kennedy’s political decisions were dedicated to defending liberty in the United States and worldwide. Indeed, the course outlined by him in the inauguration speech made the country entail such foreign policy commitments as the Cold War tensions enforcement and participation in fights against Communism (Hart 114). This paper...

Canopic Jars and Egyptian Mummification

Ancient Egyptians used canopic jars mostly during the mummification period to contain and protect their owners’ viscera for the hereafter. They were usually either crafted from granite or produced from pottery. The jars were essential in both the Old Kingdom and the Late Ptolemaic era when the viscera were packed...

The Cuban Missile Crisis: New Insights

The John F. Kennedy administration was partly responsible for the crisis because it misled the public on facts of the crisis. The president told the public that the country had fewer missiles than its counterpart, the Soviet Union. However, the truth was that America had nine times as many nuclear...

New Deal Programs Directed at Intellectuals

As soon as Franklin Roosevelt took office as President of the United States, he received emergency powers to deal with the crisis. The reforms carried out by the Roosevelt administration in the 1930s became the largest milestone in the history of the United States in the 20th century (Pillen, 2020)....

The Expansion Into the West of the United States

Before the 1781 Articles of Confederation could be approved, eight states that claimed the western territories had to settle the predicament. For instance, it wasn’t until 1791 that Vermont became a state previously claimed by New Hampshire and New York. Areas north of the Ohio River were claimed by Virginia,...

African American Soldiers and the Civil War

African American soldiers played an essential role in the American Civil War (1861-1865). The Civil War was the war between States – the Union and the Confederate, the North and the South. It began because the South wanted to secede, but the North did not agree. The white Northerners accepted...

Middle Kingdom Tomb at Lisht

A village Lisht, located to the south of the capital of modern Egypt, is known for the tombs of royalties and elites who lived approximately in the 2050-s – 1650-s BCE. This period is known as the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. The burials are presented in the form of pyramids....

Slavery and the Civil War: Reasons and Outcomes

The nineteenth century was an important period in American history, which underlined the demand for the reconsideration of its economic, social, and political systems. The key statement of the paper is that slavery emphasized the issue of freedom in America and led to effective national changes in its legislation, economy,...

The Myths of Tet

Introduction The Tet Offensive is the first large-scale offensive by communist forces during the Vietnam War in 1968. It was the war’s turning point, after which public opinion in the United States lost faith in the possibility of victory in Vietnam. In the country, Tet is the main holiday of...

Reconstruction: The Second Civil War

After the ending of the Civil War, there were two problems in U. S. society between blacks and whites. One of them was the problem of elections and the right to vote. Giving blacks suffrage was essential because it denoted that both whites and blacks would hold political power. This...

The Maya Civilization History

Historians who are always keen to define what had become of the ancient Maya civilization understand that the Mayans who established their city-states deep within the jungle strived to build complex structures under the guidance of their highly decisive rulers. At the height of the ancient Maya civilization, the Mayans...

Pericles’ “Funeral Oration”: Speech Analysis

Pericles’ “Funeral Oration” is one of the world’s greatest and most influential speeches that may still relate to society and governments. Delivered in 431 B.C., which was the first year of the Peloponnesian War, this speech praises Athenians’ sacrifices, comforts parents, brothers, and sons of the warriors deceased with honor,...

Medieval Civilization: Examining a Crusade-Period Excerpt

Understanding the motives behind theories of war created in medieval times is an essential part of the knowledge regarding this civilization. The snippet presented is referred to as the speech of Pope Urban II, recorded by Fulcher of Chartres at the Council of Clermont (Chartres, 1905). This excerpt comes from...

What Effect Did the World War II Wartime Experience Have on African Americans?

World War II was a drastic armed conflict that took the lives of 3% of the world’s population. The majority of estimated deaths occurred due to confrontation, but the rest are connected to famine and war-related diseases. World War II was the battle of all races: white, Asian, and Black...

Pericles: The Outstanding Politician of Athens

A number of well-known Greek men made their outstanding contributions to literature, philosophy, medicine, and politics, and their significant impact is hard to be overestimated. One of these influential and famous persons is Pericles – a Greek orator, general, politician, and patron of the arts who lived in Athens from...

“Imposing Decency” by Eileen Suarez Findlay

Introduction The book “Imposing Decency: The Politics of Sexuality and Race in Puerto Rico between early 1870 to around 1920” clearly illustrates that a close relationship existed between race, class, and sexuality in Puerto Rico in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this book, there is description of...

The Irish Immigrants’ Effect on the Market Revolution in New York of the 1840-1860s

Immigration remains crucial for American society and has always taken part in the nation’s history. It is a significant event because people keep moving from one country to another, and many technological innovations, companies, or industries could not exist without immigrants who left their homes searching for a better life....

“Voice of a People’s History of the United States” by Zinn

The present discussion will comment on the words by Sylvia Woods regarding racism and sexism in the 1930s. This historical personality played an essential role in combating these issues since she was a pioneer in promoting justice in American society. Her words from the book by Zinn and Arnove (2009)...

How Did the Civil War Affect the Distribution of Wealth in the United States?

Argument The Civil War resulted in the redistribution of wealth since former slave owners could no longer receive profits from the unpaid workforce. Prior to the Civil War, a handful of plantation owners in the South were able to accumulate extreme wealth. Naturally, the reason for this was them using...

The Sexual Revolution of the Roaring Twenties by Clark

The roaring twenties, also called the golden decade by some scholars, saw an immense social, technological, and political change. Socially, there was heightened immigration of the African Americans from the South to the Northern cities looking for employment and escaping racial oppression. Furthermore, women made a significant step towards the...

The Lost World of the Suffragettes

The suffrage movement was all about women’s right to vote. The struggle to be allowed to vote was hard for adult women. The people were denied their rights to participate in elections based on their salaries, age, and gender, and all this led to protests and people advocating for their...

George Washington: A True Hero for the United States

Introduction George Washington is one of the most prominent figures in the history of the United States and the first president of the country. Importantly, he became an effective president although everyone had doubts “as to what this presidency was” (Phelps, 1987, p. 354). The man was a talented military...

Postwar Italy and the Rise of Fascism

After the end of the First World War, many countries have found themselves on a brink of an unprecedented crisis. With a lot of funds, resources, and human lives being spent fighting in an international conflict of an at the time unimaginable scale, most countries suffered from deep economic, political...

Cold War in Europe and the Lessons to Be Learned from It

Why did the Cold War develop first in Europe? The Cold War refers to an era of geopolitical and ideological tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States from 1947 to 1991. Westad explains that division was the primary reason why this conflict began in Europe (15). Nazi Germany’s...

The Civil Rights Movement and Its Biggest Events

Introduction The USA experienced a turbulent political environment after World War II (WWII) that ended in 1945. Intense pressure mounted on the federal government to enact policy and laws that would promote equal rights and privileges for the African-American community (Bloom 21). As such, the Civil Rights Movement was initiated...

Introduction and Politics of Food Discussion

The Sociopolitical Implications of a Vegan Diet Vegetarian traditions have been present in human society since ancient times, being primarily associated with religious traditions and personal philosophies. However, the 20th century saw the rise of a dedicated group that took a strict stance, avoiding the use of any animal products...

The Usefulness of Glass in the Roman Empire

The usefulness of glass in the Roman Empire cannot be overestimated. It was used practically in all spheres of day-to-day life: in small bottles, boxes, glass alabastra, cosmetics, perfumes. Besides, glass was added to semi-precious stones (amethyst, sapphire, emerald, etc.). Romans manufactured the glass through the production technique called glassblowing....

The History of America: Colonization Period

Initially, America was hidden in ice, and during the ice age, which took place tens of thousands of years ago, snow covered most of the territory. However, over time, fertile lands opened under the ice, which later became an aid for the development of farming. In addition, originally, South and...

European Imperialism and Its Effects on Colonies

The effects of European imperialism have been truly devastating, causing multiple smaller ethnic communities to deteriorate, as well as sending ripples through centuries and affecting the present-day landscape of political and sociocultural relationships between communities to a tremendous extent. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the need for expansion...

The Boston Busing Crisis of the Mid-1970s

My historical essay’s topic is the impact of the Irish immigrants on New York’s economy of the 1840s-1860s. A secondary source I applied in my research was the article “The economic assimilation of Irish Famine migrants to the United States” written by Collins and Zimran in 2019, published at “Explorations...

The Contribution of Karl Marx to Economics and Philosophy

The influence of Karl Marx on the understanding of economics, philosophy, history, sociology, and revolutionary work is immeasurable. The theories put forth by Marx were concerned with underlining the issue of capitalism’s exploitation of the working class, and they were essential to the formation of a new movement that challenged...

Historical Processes in Nevada at the Beginning of the 20th Century

In the 1900 year, the two-decade depression had been continuing in Nevada. By an occasion, miner Jim Butler outcropped gold and silver, which attracted investors to the new camp, Tonopah. This relief from discovery, which put the two-decade depression to an end, dramatically changed Nevada’s social, political, and economic life....

Nelson Mandela: Before Prisoner, Beyond President

The given analysis will primarily focus on Nelson Mandela, who advocated and fought for ending apartheid, which was a segregation-based practice of dividing white people and black people living in the Republic of South African or RSA. It is important to note that for the majority of his adult life,...