Political Policy of First Empires and in “300” Movie

The focal point of this paper is to compare the Zack Snyder-directed movie ‘300’ (2007) with the political policy of the First Empires and Common Cultures in Afro-Eurasia during the 1200-350 BCE. This was a classic case of clash relating to political and cultural differences between King Leonidas against the...

The Progressive Era in the United States

Introduction The history of the world witnessed many various political movements that made attempts of reforming the system to adapt to the different newly occurred circumstances that affected the stability of the country. These circumstances could include economic, political, demographical and etc. Some movements fade and vanish with time and...

“What’s the Matter with Kansas” by Thomas Frank

In his book, ‘What’s the Matter with Kansas’, Thomas Frank has explored the rise of conservatism in the US by way of a true picture of his home state Kansas, which was initially a stronghold of the left-wing movements in the nineteenth century and later became more conservative in nature...

Lewis and Clark Expedition in American History

The significance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was that it effectively opened up the west and established it as American territory. Spurred by the Louisiana Purchase, the expedition was designed to give the country a better sense of what it held as well as to attempt to soothe relations...

The Minotaur Islands: Civilization that Collapsed

Minotaur was a creature found in Crete Island, and the creature as legend has it was half-man on one part, half-bull on the other. It was used by famous King Minos to torture and slaughter foreigners from Athens as a result of the death of his son Andreous. The inhabitants...

Western Civilization: Brief Retrospective

The persian wars are often considered to have been crucial to the course of Western history.Why? They were also crucial for the development of Athens. How did the persian War affect Athens in decades that followed? Persian wars were considered to be crucial in western history because they brought change,...

John Dickinson and His Concept Liberty.

Introduction Concept Liberty may appear to be too narrow for a monograph but the essence of its feeling is as deep as the meaning itself. The word itself has fascinated the scholars around the world and taken a subject of deep consideration by the English people of eighteenth century. The...

Impacts of the ‘Century of Humiliation’ on China

The history of China over the last century and a half is engulfed with a large range of paradoxical experiences that vary from national disgrace to total chaos as also from disgrace to moments of excitement and big achievements. It is truly said that the present successes of China are,...

Frederick Douglass. Biography and Historical Role

Introduction Slavery in America was a far different thing than slavery as it had traditionally been known in the past. Unlike the slavery of ancient Greece or other places, for instance, slavery in America was never-ending and gave ultimate rights of life and death to the master. Slaves were forbidden...

Islam’s Fast Expansion: Strong Leadership or Merits?

Early leaders of Muslims, together with the ideologies of the Muslims, played a key role in the expansion of Muslims. The expansion of Muslims is reported to have occurred mostly by conquest with the leader of Islam-Muhammad-being a charismatic leader and the activities of the converted nomadic warriors. The ideology...

American History “Through Women’s Eyes” by Dubois & Dumenil

For women, slavery was one of the most difficult and cruel periods in history. African-American women were deprived rights and freedoms. Certainly, resistance to the institution of slavery required mothers to protest the habitual violation of an ideologically sanctified relationship–in effect, a matter of insisting upon the enslaved woman’s right...

Early Spanish Colonization in Latin America

The readings were about the invasion of Spanish colonizers in Mexico and Latin America. In “An Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico,” a Mexican anthropologist named Miguel Leon Portilla gathered accounts made by the Aztecs when Hernan Cortes landed in Mexico and made his way to the Aztec capital,...

The Stamp Act of 1765: Historical Review

The Stamp Act of 1765 was passed at a time when the United States was a colony of the British Empire. The significance of the Act was not the provisions of the Act itself. The passing of the Act was indirectly instrumental in leading to events that led to the...

An Analysis of the Atlanta Race Riot

Abstract This paper analyzes and explores the cause of the Atlanta Riot and how it contributed to forming coalition sponsored activities meant to restore the memory of the Atlanta Race Riot and move toward reconciliation that includes: an exhibit at the Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Site gallery, curriculum material...

Implication of Tiberius Gracchus’ Reform Program

Among all the factors that either promoted the reform or prevented it, social and political factors were the most powerful. Rome’s political condition was not quiet at that time. Since legionaries were obliged to serve for the whole campaign, regardless of how long it lasted, soldiers often left their farms...

The American Experience Since 1945

Introduction History is shaped by people and events. The extent to which those factors can affect the pace of history is witnessed as the decades pass by and time is given to evaluate the true scale of influence. The only thing that matters is that there cannot be small and...

“Killer Angels” by Michael Shaara

Introduction It is these days that the United States of America is a solidary and democratic country, where everybody has the equal rights and freedoms. However, it was not always so and there were times when people had to struggle for their beliefs and for their ideas concerning the country...

US History: Puritanism Analysis

First of all it should be stated, that the key principle of Puritanism is God’s highest power over human matters, chiefly in the church, and particularly as stated in the Bible. On the personal extent, the Puritans highlighted that every person should be repeatedly changed by the grace of God...

Contemporary American History Since 1877

Overview of the Theme The American history since 1877 as a topic is very vital in understanding the events or occurrences that have moulded the present America. The changes that were experienced during this period contributed greatly to the development of America to become one of the most developed in...

Louisiana Purchase: Historical Review

“Louisiana, which translates to La Celina Mario in French, was the name of an administrative district of New France. Under French control from the 17th century to the 18th century, the area was named in honor of Louis XIV of France by French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle....

Holocaust and Genocide Analysis

Introduction Holocaust was one of the most terrible events in history if the world marked by extreme violence and hostility. The ideology provided by Nazi underlined the descent of the German people from the Aryan race and rejected all other nations. Jews were seen as enemies of the Nazi Germany...

Issues of Experiences of Africans in the Colonial Period

Introduction Questions of race and national identity are of crucial importance for the existence of the mankind in the modern world. Recent positive changes in respect of racial tolerance and decrease of discrimination are good signs but there still remains much to be done in this field. Race as one...

Racism in Minnesota in Relation to the Klu Klux Klan

Minnesota is the State known for its ten thousand lakes but in the 20th century, it was also known as the hotbed for racism. It seems that local inhabitants of the State resisted the idea of integration with people of other races especially African-Americans, Jews, and Europeans who are non-Protestants....

Racism in Minnesota: Archival Research Paper

Racism in Minnesota as a Midwestern state was historically very widespread as in the territory where slavery and racial discrimination were present in 19 century and persisted for a large part of the 20th century. Notwithstanding the fact of the large civil movement against racism in Minnesota beginning in the...

Constructing and Ratifying the United States Constitution

Introduction The events which led to the ratification of the constitution were the end of the revelation and opposition between the states, peace with Great Britain, and economic depression that affected all states. The revolution did not solve all problems but deepened social, political, and economic differences. In August 1786,...

Industrialization: How It Changed the Lives of Europeans

The first industrialization and the increasingly popular enlightenment movement were considered influential and changing the lives of eighteenth-century Europeans. The industrial revolution ultimately brought changes in the economics, population, family structure, labor, and consumption patterns. With the introduction of new technologies, smoke-stack industries rose to replace the agricultural economy of...

Ancient Greek Colonization and Trade

Introduction One of the characteristics of the history of many ancient nations is the colonization, i.e. the establishment of new settlements in foreign lands. Particularly, a major role in the ancient Mediterranean history was played by Greek and Phoenician Colonization. This Primary Source Document essay will analyze “The History of...

History of East Asia – Since 1600

Introduction Chinese history took a major turn after the 1911 Xinhai revolution. With the abduction of Emperor Puyi, it ended. But then the subjugation of the Chinese territories and business by the west continued to exist. After the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles when the country did...

Importance of Abolitionism and The Dred Scott Decision

Introduction One of biggest black marks given to the United Sates was the adoption and practice of slavery. Millions of Africans were captured and transferred by ships, often in inhuman conditions to the country and later sold off as slaves to white masters. The practice became inhuman to such an...

Disliking Others: Racial Discriminations as an Outcome of Racial Prejudices

Purpose of the Study There has been a long drawn battle line between the White Americans and the African Americans in the United States. This prejudice has existed and many steps have been taken to eradicate this and provide equality. Today, it manifests itself in various forms in schools and...

Modern Jewish history: Ashkenaz, Ottoman Empire, Aliyah, Immigration, War

Modern Jewish history It took the new Jewish nation more than100 years to emerge as the modern nation of Israel as it is now. The period between 1914 and 1945 was the turning point for Jewish history. Jews in Europe experienced brutality, starvation, civil war, followed by the oppressive communist...

Canadian History: Key Historic Points

Official Languages Act of 1969 is a federal statute that recognizes French and English as the official languages of Canada. Under this document, all federal institutions are to provide their services in English or French at the customer’s choice. To monitor the implementation of this Act there was established the...

20th Century History of Canada: Quebec

Introduction On July 1st, 1867, the Dominion of Canada was effective. Sir John A Macdonald was the 1st Canadian Prime Minister. The first telephone was invented by Sir Alexander Graham Bell in 1874. In the next decade, the great depression began at the exact date of 1929. After that, in...

Pontiac’s Rebellion and Its History

Introduction The Pontiac’s Rebellion is an uprising of Native American Indians who were unsatisfied with British colonial politics. The participants were several tribes who lived in the territories in the Great Lakes region and the modern states of Illinois and Ohio, which were controlled by the French before the Seven...

America and the British Empire: Relations Review

Introduction Many would argue that the American Revolution actually began when the first colonists set foot on American soil. With London being some 3000 miles away, governing the colonies was a great challenge. Travel to and from England required much time and slowed required communication significantly. In the time before...

The Founding Brothers, by Joseph J. Ellis

Introduction At the beginning of the revolution, the colonies were lost to England, though neither England nor America knew it. English colonial policy had become an echo of dead opportunities. Yet petitioners “humbly prayed,” as ever before. English officials still went to and fro about their empty business, and patriotic...

The Chinese in Canada Before World War I

Canada before World War One was characterised by the immigration of foreign communities, especially the Chinese, which resulted in suspicion and fear by locals that these foreigners had come to settle in Canada. As a result, the locals, together with the government, were not very welcoming, resulting in uncertainty and...

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Its Impact

The civil rights act of 1964 was mentioned by John F. Kennedy in 1964 and passed into law, the same year. It dealt mainly with freedom and right of association, of all races more specifically the African Americans although within it there were clauses that dealt with discrimination due to...

History. The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano

In the early days of the slave trade, conceivably, 65 percent had been captives of wars. Over the next century, it has been premeditated that upwards of 75 percent were kidnapped. Many of these were the sufferers of the influential and centralized states of Dahomey and Ashanti, which had emerged...

First Peoples and Warpaths: Comparative Review

As long as humanity exists, people’s minds will always try to unravel the mysteries that History is responsible for. The more controversial this or that historical problem is the more disputable researches appear. Most of the present books that are concerned with historical problems throw light on the existing paradigms....

Political Thinking For an East Asia Context

Introduction Chinese civilization has been considered to be the longest continuous civilization on earth. The system of the Chinese dynasty gave it a bureautic control against a system that in the end was advantageous to the Chinese agrarian system than the neighboring nomadic and hill cultures. The civilization of China...

Southwest and East Asian Historical Development

Introduction Southwest and East Asia have a long history of the development of societies and socio-political institutions. As for the Southwest Asia, due to mild climate and fertile soil its early development of food production and animal domestication resulted in the emergence of many of the world’s first city-states (Pollard...

Employment Opportunities for British Women After World War I

Introduction Military conflicts often align with significant social changes within states due to the underlying causes of confrontation and the changes that occur during their management. World War I is one of the most common examples of how social changes were propelled by the necessity to fight the oppressor and...

Hellenistic Period After the Death of Alexander the Great

Hellenistic period (330-30 BCE) covers the death of the Great Alexander in 323 BCE up to the death of Cleopatra and also annexation of Egypt in 30 BCE by the Romans. This period was the age for many kings who were former generals of the great Alexander. Fight for wealth,...

Native Americans History: The Other Trail of Tears

Natives are people who live a life that is very different from the rest; this is because such people lack their rights of living in that particular country. Natives are indigenous people from the regions of North America who are covered by the continent of United States and parts of...

Political Activism of Ted Kennedy

Introduction Edward Moore Kennedy was born on 22 February 1932 in a prominent Irish-American family to Joseph P. Kennedy Senior and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy in Brookline, Massachusetts. He is the second longest-serving member of the Senate since his election in November 1962 in Massachusetts, a seat he has held up...

Canada Since Confederation. The Northwest Rebellion

Thesis The Northwest rebellion of 1885 was of great importance to Canada development despite the fact that it lasted for three only months. Introduction The 1885 Northwest Rebellion was a three months uprising by the Métis people led by Louis Riel protesting against the Canadian Authority failure to deal with...

War for the West in America After the Civil War

Introduction The war for the West in America after the civil war assumes greater significance as the Western inhabitants had to endure years of hardships and misery due to its bad effects. American troop’s war on Lakota (Sioux), a tribal western part of the United States, destroyed the normal life...

Women Roles During Wartime in Ancient Greece and Rome

According to the world literature, various communities have continued to restrict the ability and rights of women to manage as well as own property. Highly regarded women who dared to spend their time in public were frowned upon. Nevertheless, at times women applied the power of public protest to make...

Europeans’ Ideas & Interests Affecting Africans’ Lives

Introduction Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1982) presented an interesting overview of the European conquest of Africa when he wrote, “The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when...

Imperial China. Han vs. Qing Dynasty

The Qin gained power in 221 BC; they existed during the Warring State Period and were the first to unify China. Shi Huangdi, the First Emperor, set the tradition for having emperors as rulers in China. Notably, the Qin was militarily the strongest, but not culturally advanced. They introduced new...

Imperial China. The Tang Dynasty

Chang’an City is the capital of the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty is regarded by historians as a high point in Chinese civilization that equals or even surpassing the earlier Han Dynasty. It is also considered the golden age of cosmopolitan culture. It was developed during the Sui Dynasty circa...

Codes of Law Review and Analysis

Introduction To keep order in their lands and control their population, territorial states and nomadic peoples formulated specific codes of law or rules and principles to follow. Thus, control and power in these states were based not only on the personality of a leader but also on some laws, instructions,...

Answering Freedom’s Call: Life After Emancipation

Introduction Any social change may become a decisive factor in people’s lives. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 granted rights to people enslaved in seceded areas and created a precedent for the advancement of democratic freedom (Faragher, Buhle, Czitrom, & Armitage, 2016). However, the northern and southern attitudes regarding this process...

Reconstruction: Tackling the Confederacy’s Roots

Introduction The reunited US after the civil war may be described as fascinating melange between completely different worldviews on crucial social issues that permeated all aspects of life, from economic to political. Faragher, Buhle, Czitrom, and Armitage (2012) outline the Reconstruction era as a way for the US to strengthen...

Russian Revolution in Modern European History

Introduction Russian revolution refers to a sequence of monetary and political turmoil that prevailed in Russia in February 1917 that swathe downfall of Tsar’s rule and the coming up of the Soviet Union that took over the ruling powers of the country. The movement was meant to bring a democratic...

The Emancipation Proclamation in Context

Introduction The 19th century proved to be a definitive period in American history, with the rise of abolitionist, suffrage, and temperance movements, some of which came to fruition promptly, while others became prerequisites for future changes. Of the three mentioned social movements, abolitionism may be one of the most pivotal...

Historical Analysis of the U.S. Governmental Powers

Introduction The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America that has the supreme legal force. The Constitution went into effect on September 17th, 1787 (Schroedel, 2016). It was subsequently ratified by all thirteen US states that existed at the moment. This law is regarded...

Seeing Africa: The Destruction of Stereotypes

Introduction Many public views may be outdated or incorrect when compared to the reality of the events. This phenomenon applies particularly strongly to social groups, where stereotyping frequently takes place and persists until after it approximates the truth. Often, the reason for this phenomenon is that the people who constitute...

Totalitarian Regime in the USSR

Introduction Tyranny is the type of government led by a person who controls the lifestyle of each individual. In such states, each citizen is forced to be a part of the strict political system where only the political elite has the power and rights to make decisions. The current paper...

The Power of the Past. Unveiling White Supremacy

The prevalence of one ethnic and racial group over others has always been embedded in the global psyche of populations throughout the long history of its development. Thus, white supremacy represents a controversial issue as it is defined as an unnamed political system that transformed the society in what it...

Transnational Labour, Slavery, and Revolt Nowadays

The theory of class conflict paints history as a never-ending series of struggles between different classes in order to achieve political and economic dominance (Howard, 2019, 35). According to that theory, the few who owned the most power, be that aristocracy, clergy, or the bourgeoisie, sought to dominate the larger...

King Asoka Spreading Buddhism Along the Silk Road

Nowadays, Buddhism is one of the major religions in the world and is practiced by diverse communities across countries and continents. The active spread of Buddhism from India, where it originated, to other countries, happened primarily through the network of Silk Roads. These trade routes played a significant role in...

History of the Bartolome De Las Casas

Introduction The history of America’s discovery is both triumphant and tragic since it allowed the world to move to a new stage of development, but took millions of local people’s lives. De Las Casas was one of the Spanish forwarders who, in the first decades after the discovery of Columbus,...

Runaway Slaves: Advertisements Analysis

In the eighteenth century in the United States of America, millions of Afro-Americans were subjugated and forced to work without payment for the benefit of the white people. Notwithstanding the harsh conditions, physical, and psychological abuse experienced by the enslaved during the antebellum era in colonial Virginia, many ventured to...

Cold War-Era’s Influence on the World

Introduction The twentieth century witnessed several major conflicts that affected the whole world. World War I and II led to the creation and destruction of entire countries, political regimes, and alliances. The events following the end of World War II (WW2) ushered the new era which gained the name of...

Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War

Introduction Thucydides tells a detailed account of the Peloponnesian War, a major military conflict between Greek Powers. At the source of this war lies the conflict around Corcyra, an emerging naval power. After defeating Corinth’s fleet in a dispute over their shared colony of Epidamnus, it established itself as a...

History of Cold War and International Law

As of today, the world continues to become ever more unstable, in the political sense of this world. The most recent escalation of the geopolitical tensions between the US (collective West) and China/Russia contributes to this process more than anything. At an initial glance, such a situation may appear as...

Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars

Introduction Like many other wars of the nineteenth century, the Spanish-American war was caused by the struggle for the colonies, which the Western powers considered their rightful property. The Spaniards were among the best navigators in the 15th – 17th centuries, which allowed them to create a huge colonial Empire....

Mexican War of Independence and Historical Figures

The Mexican War of Independence was the struggle of the oppressed people against feudal Spain, which had been plundering its colony for three centuries. The war of liberation was not only the fight of the Mexicans for independence, but also a great war of the Indians of Mexico for their...

American and British Empires in the Middle East

The expansion of both the American and British Empires in the Middle East was based on imperialism, which started with the aggressive overseas expansion of Europe in the 1400s. The Middle East region was excluded from the initial European occupation until the 1780s, when the first invasion occurred. The British...

Central Government from the Colonial Era to the Civil War

Government during the Colonial Era Characteristics The colonial era is characterized by the lack of self-governess and dependence on the British. The British government provided the colonies with military defense against other major colonial powers in the region but could enforce its regulations on the American colonists. Thus, being a...

America’s Geopolitical Stance During the Cold War

Introduction Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many historians and political scientists to claim that America’s victory in the Cold War (1946-1991) was objectively predetermined by the inefficiency of Socialism, as the form of political governing adopted in the USSR (America’s main rivalry) throughout the era. This, in turn,...

Workers West: From Fascism to the New Left

The period from the Great Depression to the emergence of the New Left is quite significant for the history of labor force movements. Workers had to face and fight against the ideology of fascism, the oppressing policy of capitalists, and gender discrimination. Thus, this time might be crucial to discover...

Porfirio Diaz in the Mexican Revolution

This paper is about one of the most famous and significant figures in the history of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz (1830-1915), and the Mexican Revolution. Diaz was a victorious military general, Mexican-American War volunteer, revolutionist, dictator, politician, and also president of Mexico whose term was longer than anyone else’s in Mexican...

Chapter 13 of “American Government” by Jillson

Introduction The author touched upon various aspects of this theme, including the role of human rights, governmental activities, and the establishment of civil liberties and rights in politics. An understanding of the value of civil liberties in terms of imprisonment and the death penalty is also a crucial task for...

Ancient Chinese Culture: Taoism During Han Dynasty

Introduction Ancient Chinese civilization is one of the richest in cultural heritage in the world that based its development on an extensive system of philosophical and religious ideas. Han dynasty that lasted from 206 BC to 220 AD is one of the eras in the history of ancient China characterized...

Reconstruction and Radical Republicans

The Reconstruction was a period in the U.S. history at the end of, and immediately after, the Civil War. Although the North won the military conflict, political and ideological differences had to be resolved. President Abraham Lincoln put forward a long-term plan to reintegrate the South states as a first...

The Characteristics of Successful Warfare After the Second World War

Annotated Bibliography Kavanagh, Jennifer, Bryan Frederick, Alexandra Stark, Nathan Chandler, Meagan L. Smith, Matthew Povlock, Lynn E. Davis, and Edward Geist. Characteristics of U.S. Successful Military Interventions. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 2019. This research-based source reports the results of the statistical study that was devoted to analyzing important interventions involving...

History: Great Depression and New Deal for Society

The Great Depression is one of the most critical periods of modern U.S. history. It began with the global economic crisis in 1929, which most affected the United States (Davidson, 2014). In 1933, when the crisis reached its peak, the Democratic Party candidate Roosevelt entered the post of President. He...

Dunnavant’s “Assessing Heritage Resources in St. Croix”

Professor Justin Dunnavant and his team have put extensive effort into exploring the history and effects of slavery on the island of St Croix. Through the in-field tour on heritage sites with archaeological works, the Salve Wrecks Project, in short of SWP, has assisted the public effectively in comprehending how...

Towns and Their Roles in Feudal Europe

In Feudal Europe, towns commenced emerging at the crossroads of trade routes and became the centers of crafts and commerce. The development of trade contributed to economic growth and, as a result, the capitalist relations among urban citizens began to take shape. The city administration was the major institutional arrangement...

Alcohol Difference in the United States and Europe

The types of alcohol and the patterns of its consumption vary across the countries. Historically, the attitude towards it was changing depending on the socio-political and the economic situation. Europe and the United States belong to the same Western civilization, and it is understandable why many processes associated with this...

Terroir: Preserving France’s Uniqueness

When exploring the history of French wine, the concept of terroir has been used as both a definition for a specific wine’s category within the market and a reflection on the quality of the drink. No matter how wine connoisseurs approach the definition of terroir, it cannot be separated from...

Society During the Early Renaissance in Europe vs. Contemporary Society

Introduction Many modern people like to think that their current progress and achievements have nothing in common with their past. They believe that their growth at this period has an immense power that did not characterize previous centuries. However, contemporary society and the society of the early Renaissance may be...

Appian’s Roman History: Events Between the Year 133 B.C. and 35 B.C.

Appian’s Roman History is a collection of five books that describe the events between the year 133 B.C. and 35 B.C. The focus is on the events in the Roman Empire and the struggles that the people of the era had experienced. More specifically, book IV is telling the story...

Slavery in Hispaniola and Mexico

Abstract Slavery had become common malpractice in many Spanish and French American colonies by the early 16th century. After Christopher Columbus arrived in America, a new opportunity for promoting the economy of European nations emerged. The idea of forced labor became a reality in many regions after the first Europeans...

Bureau of Indian Affairs for Indigenous in America

The relationship between the Native Americans and the government of the United States comes through the entire history of the country. In 1824, the federal authorities created the country’s primary agency responsible for the government’s dealings with the Native population – the Bureau of Indian Affairs or BIA (Indian Country...

The Industrial Revolution and Economic Growth

The Industrial Revolution profoundly changed the world, all aspects of economics, society, politics, and other aspects. Industrialism drastically changed all aspects of production, allowing the establishment of mass production of goods and the invention of new methods of both production and agriculture. Technological developments and innovations changed how everything was...

Abolitionist Movement’s Effects on US Development

The USA earned its independence from British rule in the eighteenth century. The new country was based on democratic principles where people’s rights were respected and exercised to a considerable extent. However, the democratic aspirations of Americans were rather compromised as millions of people were deprived of basic rights. Slavery...

Battle of Plataea in Greco-Persian Wars History

Introduction Greco-Persian Wars are defined as a series of collisions between the Persian Empire and Greek city-states. Starting from the conquest of the Greek-inhabited regions by the Persians who regarded them as appealing, this collision changed its course due to several battles that played a highly essential role in the...

African American Students’ Civil Rights History

Introduction The Civil Rights movement in the United States has a long history. Starting in the 1950s, this social impetus for change implied taking direct action; it was primarily focused on the realm of education, although its proponents also addressed other areas where African American people were experiencing severe discrimination...

Why the Terracotta Army Foretold the Rise of the Chinese Empires

Introduction Art and architecture are significant elements for any nation because of at least two reasons. On the one hand, they make it possible for people to meet their aesthetic needs, which is essential for individuals. On the other hand, the two phenomena represent all beliefs and customs that are...

The Cuban Revolution and Relations with the USSR

Introduction The Cuban Revolution in the 1950s was one of the most significant socio-political events of the century in the Western Hemisphere. It had profound impacts not just on Cuba but on the global stage as an inherent shift in the balance of power and ideology occurred. The Cuban Revolution...

Khrushchev: To Be or Not to Be Predictable?

Introduction The Cold War is a period that many politicians and global leaders continue to study and analyze today. It created tensions between the Soviet Union and the West. The events, happenings, and decisions associated with this political tension have become powerful models or lessons for many analysts, historians, and...

The American Civil War Between North and South

Introduction The American Civil War is one of the most important events that played a significant role in the creation of the United States. According to historians, the states were formed owing to the outcomes of the Revolution of 1776-1783. On the other hand, the Civil War was a determinant...

South African Apartheid’s Effects on People of Color

Research Plan The following research question is to be answered: what was the South African apartheid, and how did it affect people of color in the 1980s? Introduction and Thesis Statement The period of apartheid belongs to the most known examples of how ugly race-based prejudice can be if it...

British in Hong Kong and the French in Vietnam: Empire and Imperialism

Introduction From a nationalistic perspective, imperialism did not have any positive impacts on the colonized nations. Even in cases where it appears that such countries benefited from their colonial masters, nationalists would term it an accidental occurrence – a by-product of the imperialists’ pursuit of their self-centered interests. However, colonialists...

The Reconstruction Period After the Civil War in the USA

Introduction Out of all the historical events that happened during the era of mankind, war remains to be the most undesirable and high-priced act of human beings. Military actions lead to the loss of financial means, men’s lives, settlements, and even cities. Moreover, the end of warfare does not mean...

American Revolutionary Crisis: History of Events

The second half of the eighteenth century will always be among the most eventful periods in the history of the United States. In particular, these fifty years will be best remembered for the American Revolution, which contributed to the formation of the country. In this letter to my dear descendants,...

Constitution of the United States: Digital Field Trip

Example Description The document under consideration is the Constitution of the United States. It consists of four pages that are permanently displayed at the National Archives. The document includes a preamble and seven articles dedicated to government structure and functioning. Thus, it establishes the role of legislative, executive, and judicial...

The Industrial Revolution and Economic Growth History

Working Class During the Early Industrial Revolution Despite urbanization and higher wages, the standards of living of the working class were deficient during the early years of the revolution (Hartwell 20). The workers had to spend up to 14 hours a day in factories and did not have the power...

The Industrial Age and Capitalism

Introduction Industrial Age can be defined as the time when people became actively engaged in the development of manufacturing machinery. The given historical period is associated with many break-through technological advances and inventions, which consequently permeated almost every aspect of human life. The industrial revolution is closely related to the...

History of the War of 1812

The War of 1812 is a military conflict between the United States and Britain, its former colonial master. It resulted from a number of tensions starting with the practice of impressment and a restricted trade with both France and Britain. Other reasons that forced the US to start a war...

The History of Kidnapping of John Paul Getty III

Background of the Case The case under consideration is one of the most discussed kidnapping stories of the twentieth century. The case roots back to July 10, 1973, when 1-year-old John Paul Getty III was kidnaped by Italian criminals in Rome. The people who organized the crime were the members...

Bully: An Adventure With Teddy Roosevelt

Jerome Alden’s play, Bully: An Adventure with Teddy Roosevelt is set in the year 1912. It follows Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States. In 1912, he attempted to run for a third term as President. The play is split into two acts: in the first, Roosevelt reminisces...

The History of United States Constitution

The United States Constitution is one of the most well-known government documents in history and modern politics. It stands as a symbol for Democracy and the strength of the country that the United States has become over the last two centuries. However, the process of drafting the Constitution was extensive...

The History of Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War led to a vacuum of power in the former British colonies. The people and prominent revolutionary leaders were tasked with creating a new government and country that would become known as the United States of America. However, there were many prevalent opinions on the governance process, which...

Indigenous Communities Portrayal in the Letter of Dr. Chanca

The Main Topics of the Document During the second voyage to the Americas, Dr. Diego Alvaraz Chanca faced the life of tribal people on the island of Guadeloupe. The first topic that can be discerned from his letter is the organization of the established communal life. Inhabitants of the island...

The Development of English State

The appearance of the Magna Carta of 1215 in England is rightfully considered one of the most significant events in the development of medieval law. This document is a product of the historical development of the English state, a logical result of the political and legal thought of feudal lords....

America’s Entrance and Role in the Great War

It was called the “War to End All Wars” or as we know it, World War I. The conflict of unprecedented scale raged across the globe amongst 32 nations. At this time, nationalism became the driving force to many nations’ policies. Meanwhile, this period of history conceived the massive political...

American Confederation and Constitution

In the aftermath of the American Revolution, the country was in the process of forming an independent republic. There was political uncertainty as debate unraveled about the nature of American democracy, which had to balance the rights of states with the overlook of the federal government. Fundamental differences of leading...

Turning Point of Civil War in the United States

Introduction There are several events that redefined the future of the United States from 1400 to 1865. One of them was the Civil War that took place during the early 1860s. Many scholars acknowledge that this upheaval was catalyzed by the burning issue of slavery. The war was between the...

Civil Conflict and Economic Policy in El Salvador

Introduction The Republic of El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America with its population hardly exceeding six million people. Once being a financially stable state with properly arranged coffee export, El Salvador endured political instability in the mid-20th century. Social inequality and growing civil discontent led to the...

European Exploration and Its Effects on Natives

Introduction European exploration of the Atlantic was one of the most significant developments of the Early Modern time. It left a profound impact on Europeans and Native Americans alike. While the Columbian Exchange enabled the powers of Europe to satisfy their economic interests, for the Native Americans, it meant exposure...

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace

Introduction The term perpetual war is used to refer to unending or continuous warfare (Vidal 14). Thus, perpetual peace refers to everlasting peace (Vidal 14). Since World War I, the world has had several other significant wars that have shaped the course of history, the present, and the future. Using...

The History of Progressive Era in the United States of America

Introduction The United States of America is one of the most developed countries today. This success is deeply rooted in the victories of the Progressive Era (Wilson 66). Although Progressives failed to address all the major social issues they had to face, they still defined the way the country developed...

The History of Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and Kansas-Nebraska Act

Introduction Slavery was one of the most controversial aspects that were widely discussed in the 19th century. These discussions, eventually, contributed to the start of the Civil War and the development of the United States of America (Kennedy & Cohen, 2015). In the middle of the 19th century, states tried...

Dealing With Diversity in America From Reconstruction Through the 1920s

Introduction People’s ability to collaborate with others who demonstrate different culture-based values often serves as an indicator of their open-mindedness and humanity. Today, the importance of diversity seems evident at the personal level, but in the past, the authorities of some large countries such as the United States attempted at...

George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall

George Washington Plunkitt was a well-known politician and influential businessman from New York, the United States. He served in representative houses of the New York State Legislature as well as was a member of the political machine, Tammany Hall, in New York City. Founded in 1789, Tammany Hall was named...

Political Rights for African-Americans in the Late 19th Century

Introduction The end of the Civil war freed African-Americans and granted them citizenship rights. Even though Congress accepted the Fifteenth Amendment to the US Constitution that declared voting right regardless of previous condition and race, the situation remained complicated. Various issues that prevented African-Americans from participating in the political life...

Theodore Roosevelt and Progressive Era

Introduction Theodore Roosevelt is a statesman whose ideas continue to reshape the United States’ political, social, and democratic processes. During his period as a leader, Roosevelt joined hands with other individuals to propose ideas that could transform their followers’ experiences. In 1912, he presented a famous speech that focused on...

The Declaration of United States Independence

Digital Field Trip The digital field trip to view the Founding Documents Gallery at the National Archives allows for the exploration of historically crucial papers that contributed to the shaping of American society. The Declaration of Independence was chosen as the focus of the reflection on the field trip because...

The US and Philippines: “God’s Arbiters” by Harris

The United States unshackled the Philippines from Spanish tyranny in 1898, a move that was lauded as an example of the moral responsibility of a superpower. However, the next move was widely discussed as to whether the US should take part in the annexation of the islands. The opposing parties...

The Silk Road and Its Benefits to East and West

Between 300 BCE and 300 CE, the Han and Roman empires were hegemons of the opposite ends of the Eurasian continent (Tingor et al. 298). However, due to the considerable remoteness, they had rather scarce information about each other. Although the Romans expanded their holdings to the east and the...

Great Depression and World War II Impact on the United States Economy

Both the Great Depression and World War II heavily impacted the US economy in the first half of the previous century. The effects of war and the mentioned economic collapse were severely felt during the pre-and post-war periods emphasizing the country’s vulnerability on the global stage. The present paper will...

The New Deal History in United States

Introduction The first part of the 20th century was a hard time for many countries as they had to recover after WWI, rebuild their economies, and enter the new era characterized by numerous challenges and significant problems. This resulted in the emergence of multiple problems in all critical spheres of...

The History of Black Settlement

African-American Experience in Washington, DC. The history of Black settlement in Washington, DC, since the early 17th century until the early 20th century, provides us with many in-depth insights into the African-American experience as a whole. Probably the most notable of them is that it was not only that throughout...

Socio-Cultural Aspects of the History of American Society

Puritans’ Ideals Socio-cultural aspects of the history of American society in the XVII century were associated with the ideas of Puritanism that became widespread in North America. A socio-cultural situation was characterized by the new types of understanding and the ways of transforming reality that occurred through the prism of...

Concepts of Pro-Slavery and Anti-Slavery

Introduction The history of America knows many controversial stages, one of which was slavery in the country. Today, when any manifestations of inequality and, in particular, racism are condemned, it is not easy to imagine that, along with the opponents of this antisocial phenomenon, its supporters were in favor of...

Slavery Concepts in Africa

Slavery existed in Africa in the form of servitude long before Europeans landed on the continent and commercialized the practice. One major difference between African and European slavery is that in the African set-up, slaves were being used as domestic workers or soldiers. However, European slavery was purely motivated by...

American Civil War and Its Complexities

Introduction One of the most significant events that determined the course of further economic and social development of the United States was the Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865. The war was the natural result of a sharp aggravation of the economic and legal contradictions between the capitalist...

Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude in North America

The first Europeans settled in North America began to buy Africans in order to provide farm labor. Such individuals or plantation owners treated them as servants. However, the enactment of different slave laws resulted in a new era of institutionalized and legalized slavery in this region. Such policies also required...

The Most Influential Wars in Western History

Introduction It is possible to identify wars that guided the development of the Western world throughout its history. The Greco-Persian wars prevented the subordination of Greece, then a center of the Western world, to Persia. The conquest of Alexander the Great heavily contributed to the penetration of Eastern culture into...

European Exploration and Effects on Native Americans

After the end of the fourteenth century, many European world powers began to explore and discover new regions. This practice became a critical factor and redefined the culture and history of Europe forever. Several motivators made it possible for such powers to focus on the Americas. The first one was...

The Birth of the United States’ Democracy

Introduction The United States is regarded as one of the mature democracies in the modern world and a model that other countries should emulate. The adoption of the US Constitution in 1788 provided the world with the first formal blueprint for how democracies should look, with George Washington becoming the...

Hope’s Article on Treatment of the Roman War Dead

The article by Hope describes the perception of death during the era of the Roman battles, as well as controversial nuances in relation to this issue. According to the author, the concept of dichotomy may be applied when soldiers and civilians followed two types of behavior regarding funeral ceremonies and...

Society During the Early Renaissance and Contemporary Europe

Introduction The advancement of advertising after some time has prompted the way that the thoughts pertinent in the Middle Ages have changed to a limited degree, and their appearance is exceptionally shallow in present-day society. Changes occurred in social, yet in addition in public activity, and the affirmation is the...

Industrial Age and Ascent of Private Enterprise

Introduction As the society moved on, its economic, political, and ideological systems transformed, and nowadays they are in the process of another transition. The world evolved from the archaic primitive forms of organization and interaction and now it faces numerous inevitable changes, introduced by the technological era. However, while trying...

History: Age of European Exploration and Conquest

Introduction The 15th and 16th centuries marked the end of the Middle Ages in Europe, with significant cultural and political shifts. Countries began to look beyond the region, seeking other lands and their wealth. As such, expeditions began going in various directions, and some of the more powerful nations began...

Political System and History in the United States

The history of any country consists of periods reflecting changes in the power structure and their impact on common people and the state’s strategy of development. The United States is among the largest countries with a two-party system, and the relationships between the two dominating movements, the Democrats and the...

African American Revolutionary Era

The revolutionary period that took place in the eighteenth century is among the most eventful eras in the U. S. history. The colonies’ ability to get beyond the British Empire’s control and implement their own public management policies became a critical historical juncture. Collaborating with the representatives of the white...

The Natchez: Native American People’s History

Introduction The Natchez is a Native American ethnic group that initially lived in the Natchez Bluffs area in the Lower Mississippi Valley, which is the present-day town of Natchez, Mississippi. They are greatly notable for being the only culture of Mississippian Native Americans that established a complex structure of chiefdom...

Westward Expansion of the United States

The westward expansion of the United States is the central theme of American history of the second part of the nineteenth century. During this process, millions of settlers moved to the North American West and Great Planes. It resulted in the integration of massive amounts of new land to the...

Roosevelt’s Progressive Changes in the US

Historians consider the beginning of the XX century as the most progressive period in US history. By the beginning of the given century, the United States has become the most powerful nation in the world, double the size of England. Big business, whose capital arose at the end of the...

Gilded Era of American History

The unification of the North and the South after the Civil War and the following period of Reconstruction determined the course of further growth of the United States. The end of slavery and the start of the westward expansion provided the potential for the development of the country. This situation...