Wolff v. McDonnell Case Brief: Issue and Ruling

Facts Together with fellow inmates in a Nebraska prison, Mr. Wolf initiated a lawsuit, accusing the prison staff of violating due process in the 14th Amendment clause. Wolff protested the way prison authorities handled the inspection of confidential mail between prisoners and their lawyers. During the proceedings, the district court...

Concepts of Insanity Defense & Plea Bargaining

Introduction Providing a quick and reasonable trial is an individual right that all judicial systems must ensure they achieve in whatever circumstances. Although many judicial systems struggle to achieve this, many cases handled by their courts have been great impediments in achieving this; hence, the application of plea-bargaining as a...

Mrs. Pitcher vs. Bankruptcy Trustee

Introduction Corporate governance is the primary system that aims to ensure that a company is managed adequately and under the established collection of rules. When corporate governance is poor, it may lead to unfavorable outcomes for shareholders, including financial losses or even bankruptcy. Mr. Pitcher’s bank, after being inherited by...

United States’ Antitrust Law Analysis

The Sherman Act The per se illegality are violations that are against section 1 of the Sherman act. The violation covers conspiracies, trust or agreements of trade. In the per se illegality, further inquiries are not needed. However, for the MTL, further inquiries should be carried out to establish the...

Public Procurement Law: Case Analysis

Introduction This case study analysis will consider two scenarios. The first scenario argues as if there is enough evidence that, Bill who joined Peradua as their Director of Procurement in September 2009 did help Peradua to win the contract of replacing reporting system and that the Trust did not follow...

Contract Law Case: Nursing Home vs. Paul

Student Name Professor Name Course Unit Date Contract Law Cases Charlie v. Best Bargain Issue Will Charlie prevail against Best Bargain Stores after he was denied a General Electric Smart Front Load Washer for $1.00 that was advertised? Rule of Law Advertisements made to the public normally do not amount...

Sexual Behavior with Minors: Responsibility for Crimes

Two Ethical Theories The case should be taken on trial on the Rape 3rd charges and DWI (Driving While Intoxicated). This is based on two ethical issues. The theory of utilitarianism claims that the moral value of a certain act is dependent on the results it causes. It rules out...

Broken Contract: Instances That Can Cause Breach of Contract

When a contract has been broken a breach of contract is said to have occurred; breach of contract in legal terms is used to describe actions that has been undertaken by one of the parties in contravention to the binding agreement as originally agreed between the parties (Benzvi, 2009). There...

Supreme Court Case Matal v. Tam and The First Amendment

Introduction The issues of the freedom of speech raised in the social sphere, as a rule, cause a great public resonance and become the subject of active discussion. The First Amendment, which is the constitutional guarantor, often becomes a key aspect affecting the adoption of specific decisions by courts. As...

The Law of War A Saboteurs and War Criminals (Ex Parte Quirin)

Introduction During an undisputed judgment delivered in the year 1942, the Supreme Court of the United States defended President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s appeal to charge several German terrorists through military commission (Sloss 354). Through this, the saboteurs were deprived of trial in federal courts. The eight saboteurs were found responsible...

Police Administration and Key Effectiveness Factors

When evaluating the impact of a police force within a particular area and judging effective performance, the best indicator would be to examine repetitive police action in preventing the same types of crimes (Robinson & Tilley, 2009). What must be understood is that effectiveness in police action entails preventing the...

Hate Crime Laws are a Bad Idea

In this article, Charley Reese provides his opinion on the adoption of hate crime legislation. Reviewing the particularities of such laws, he identifies their possible consequences for society in general. The use of foreign countries with similar regulations already implemented demonstrates their pitfalls and substantiates his negative attitude towards it....

Overturning Supreme Court’s Decision on Evenwel v. Abbott and Trump v. Hawaii

Evenwel v. Abbott and Trump v. Hawaii are remarkable Supreme Court cases in which America’s highest judicial institution affirmed states’ ability to use cumulative population when redistricting and upheld Trump’s restrictive immigration policy. The 14th Amendment is a fundamental component of the United States’ Constitution, which addresses multiple aspects of...

Death Penalty: To Be or Not To Be?

Introduction The death penalty and its appropriateness from the moral viewpoint present the topics associated with debate and the diversity of opinions for decades. Since the issue involves ethical considerations, there is no unity of views among specialists that deal with criminal cases regularly. This essay is aimed at discussing...

State and Federal Court Systems in the United States

In the USA, there are state courts and federal courts, which operate in parallel, but the personnel and the cases do not distribute equally. Most criminal and civil cases are sent to the state courts, while the federal courts have limited competencies. This paper describes the typical state court system...

Sex Offenders and Their Prison Sentences

The first article under consideration is called Abusing State Power or Controlling Risk?: Sex Offender Commitment and Sicherungverwahrung written by Demleitner. In the article, the author addresses the problem of the civil commitment of sexual predators. This problem is of considerable importance despite the fact that the number of such...

The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Exclusionary Rule The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects American citizens against illegal evidence collections methods that are against their rights. The exclusionary rule has become a common doctrine that discourages the criminal justice system and the government from relying on information gathered in an acceptable manner. Many...

Criminal Justice: Coerced Confessions

Professionals drawn into sectors related to criminal justice encounter several ethical problems. Ethical codes assist in identifying and illustrating principled behavior in any profession, including the criminal justice occupation is wanting. Law enforcers, like any other human, formulate decisions that are scrutinized under ethical standards by a third party (Vermeule...

U.S. Legislation: First Amendment to the Constitution

The first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America provides that congress does not make laws that violate freedom of speech, forbids the free exercise of religion or identify with a religion, and limits freedom of the press. This amendment outlines the protections one has as a...

Reforming Juvenile Justice: Challenges and Solutions

Involvement of Children and Adolescents in Justice System during the First Half of the 20th Century The juvenile justice system was developed to specifically address the legal and judicial matters associated with minors below 18 years. It was first established in Chicago, Illinois, in 1899 to oversee cases related to...

Bills of Right: Objectives and Challenges

Introduction Justice is what protects the rights of citizens. Justice is concerned with laws, organizations and even the social system. Justice reveals itself in decision making, judgments and accusations. The basic assumption is that it should apply without discrimination to all citizens. The law of a country is enforced by...

Is There a Paradox of the Common Law?

Introduction The origin of the common law in UK can be said to be from the 11th century when William I established Royal Courts to apply a common or uniform system of law in UK. Earlier, there was a deviation or variance in law or there had been a different...

Plea Bargaining in the United States v. Ruiz Case

Introduction Plea bargaining is a form of agreement in a criminal case; the prosecutor usually gives the defendant a chance to plead guilty since there are possibilities that if the defendant claims guilty to the crime, he may be granted a less charge than a maximum sentence (Kelly, 2004). Discussion...

Sex Offenders: Does Rehabilitation Work and How Is Recidivism Affected?

Discussion The study investigated the chances of recidivism among sex criminals even after rehabilitation and found that irrespective of the rehabilitation program a convict went through while in prison very many other factors came to play for example the age of the victim, gender, race, ethnicity among others. For instance,...

Policing Racism as a Solvable Problem: A TED Talk

The selected TED talk video triggers feelings of sympathy, surprise, and disgust. The viewer appreciates the fact that many officers in law enforcement fail to promote equality and offer personalized support to the individuals they are expected to protect. Racism remains a major dilemma in the policing sector that affects...

“Ghost From the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence” by Karr-Morse

Introduction Juvenile delinquency has been discussed thoroughly in the United States in the last decades. There have been several notorious cases of juvenile crime in the history of this country. Some of the most famous of them are the high school shooting in the small town of Columbine and the...

Mature Minor and Patient Consent in Healthcare

Introduction The concept of a mature minor is a regulatory law that permits emancipated minors to act as mature people when receiving health care services. The concept allows minors to have a say in the methods of treatment that their physicians perform on them. In most cases, minor patients are...

Criminal Justice System: Fairness and Reforms

Current Situation in the USA Most prisons in the United States are overcrowded at the moment, sometimes unconstitutionally. The statistics of incarcerated people in the U.S. are higher than in any other country in the world, both per capita and in absolute terms. The state “has less than 5% of...

English Law: Principles, Impacts, Areas

Main Principles that Underpin the English Contract Law The English law of contract is a product of common law. It started as a tradition by the English people and was later codified into laws. The law of contract has basic traits that distinguish it from any other law in other...

The Truth about Mass Murders. The Study on Mass Killers

President Trump’s declaration that mass killers are mentally ill monsters is both convenient and misleading. The heinous acts of such people could be out of a psychotic disorder or uncontrolled anger. The study on mass killers indicates that only 20% of individuals had psychotic illness, and the other 80% had...

Tinker v. Des Moines: Court Proceeding

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District is a historical case that was decided more than fifty years ago that discussed the limitation of rights provided by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. In this case, several students decided they wanted to wear black armbands to honor the...

The “Boston Model” in a Business

A major component of the “Boston Model” pertains to operating “on the principles of partnership, problem-solving and prevention” (BPD, 1995). The prime objective was to enhance the quality of living by focusing on the future of citizens’ security and the criminal justice systems. The Boston Police Department is aware that...

Sex Offenders: How Is Recidivism Affected

Introduction Among the most inhuman and heartless crimes committed, sex crime qualifies to be one of the worst crimes committed ever. That’s the reason why of late countries have been putting legislation aimed at tracking, preventing, and punishing sex criminals. Most of these policies are enacted with the belief that...

The United States Criminal Court System

A Criminal Justice System is a practice used by independent states and organizations to ensure that law and order are maintained by controlling criminal activities and sanctioning those who are caught violating the set rules and regulations. But as much as the government attempts to bring to justice the suspected...

Criminology: USA Patriot Act Overview

Introduction USA PATRIOT ACT was enacted in 2001 in reaction to the September 11, bomb attack on the US. Reauthorization was passed in 2005 by Senate and made permanent most of the previous provisions about to expire in 2005. The Act strengthens and gives more authority to the federal agencies...

Real Estate Judgement Summary

The case presented by the United States Attorney General seeks a determination of whether the mineral reservation law on patents holds under the 1916 Stock-Raising Homestead Act. This is after the district court held that owners of a disputed land did not hold valid ownership rights due to the Mineral...

Security Threat Groups: The Important Elements in Prison Riots

Prison riots have been a part of such institutions for a long time. They are romanticized by popular culture, and they are known to be extremely violent. There are many causes of such events as well as special patterns. Meanwhile, there is a phenomenon of Security Threat Groups. While being...

US Legislation in Practices of Medical Institutions: Anti-Trust Laws

The policies and practices of medical institutions are governed by the same laws as other private businesses or enterprises. The US legislation explicitly prohibits the activities which may result in monopolization of the market: there are several statutes aimed to ensure fair competition among the medical agencies. Among them we...

Representing Democracy: Reference to American Constitution

American constitution allows states to elect two individuals to represent them in the senate. In line with this, the state of Florida has nominated Marco Rubio and Rick Scott to serve as senior and junior senators respectively. The two are mandated with championing the interests of their constituents. Aside from...

Organizational Change in Police Departments: A Theory-Based Analysis

Introduction Ever since its implementation in 1994 the Compstat process has been widely praised as a revolutionary innovation into the organizational/administrative processes of policing within the United States. This particular process utilizes a system where crime data from certain districts are mapped, the type of crime evaluated and resources eventually...

Processes that Entail a Juvenile Court

Hi dear friend. I am really sorry about the incidence that has befallen you. This should not worry you though. Several people have gone through the process and come out without complications. I write this letter to make you understand the processes that entail a juvenile court. With an understanding...

Understanding Criminal Law Concepts

People tend to confuse robbery and stealing because both delinquencies involve the unlawful taking of another person’s property. The difference between these crimes is articulated in their definitions, although the two share several attributes. The term “stealing” is applied when one’s property is taken from them without their consent, usually...

Similarities Between US Elite Deviance and Global Elite Deviance

Deviance is the act of violating the societal norms. Any society that upholds good morals, there ought to be deviants present. This is because deviants will only be present in places and circumstances where there are people out to control them. They therefore act to oppose those that attempt to...

Corporate Law in the EU: The Right of Establishment

Introduction One of the major principles that have underlain the drive towards the formation of the European Community (EC) is the need for the creation of a framework that would allow the integration of member state economies. For the idea of a free market to be realized within the members...

The Gay Marriage: Legal Arguments For and Against

In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. Because of this gay couples argue that they are unlawfully being discriminated against. Those that oppose gay marriage do so based on primarily religious reasoning and not legal precedent. In...

Aileen Wuornos’ Life and Crimes

The Life of Aileen Wuornos Wuornos, whose national identification name was Aileen Carol Pittman, was born on 29th February 1956 in Rochester, Michigan. Diana Wuornos, Aileen’s Finnish-American mother, was born in 1939 and married Leo Dale Pittman, Aileen’s English-American dad when she was fourteen years old. Leo Dale Pittman was...

Regulatory Criminal Laws and Criminal Justice System

Introduction Regulatory laws refer to the criminal regulations that reject socially unacceptable conducts, such as possession, use, and sale of drugs, traffic violation, and gambling. Criminal Justice System (CJS) is a string of federal and local government institutions and agencies that directly regulates these laws. Its main responsibility is the...

Improving Legitimacy in Community-Based Corrections

Description of the news story It is noted that law enforcement agencies cannot be present in all places to reform the accused or the convicts (DaGrossa, 2014). In this situation, criminal justice agencies need to depend on the community-based correction system. In a few cases, informal correction system can become...

Restorative Justice: Principle

Restorative justice advocates for repair and healing. Through restorative justice, the standard punishment is based on the extent of harm or damage caused rather than degree of the mistake committed. It holds three principles which are; the Principle of repair advocating for fair justice, restoration of the offended, offenders and...

Criminal Punishment, Inmates on Death Row, and Prison Educational Programs

Introduction Growing crime around the world inevitably leads to an increase in the number of people in prison. An average offender is getting younger, and the number of female inmates is gradually reaching the level of the population in male correctional institutions. The social and psychological portrait of a prisoner...

Bonuses for Executives Regulation: Discussion

Executives can be defined as those people in the organisation who have managerial or administrative authority. These include the top officials in the governments, managing directors and CEOs of companies just to mention but a few. Because of the position they hold, these people are entitled to huge amounts of...

The International Law Rules in the Space

Space exploration is still an incomprehensible and complicated topic for humanity, despite all the progress, since people know little about it. For this reason, governments and companies develop new technologies to explore space and other planets and create autonomous robots for this purpose. However, despite the insignificant presence of people...

The Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act

Dear Senator Rick Scott, I am writing to you as an American citizen and resident of your district regarding the Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act. I am writing to urge your support and ask you to co-sponsor the bill that can bring equal opportunities for all Americans to benefit from...

The Case of the Baseball. Business Law

The whole aspect of business law and legal environment has diverse and distinct issues that need a critical analysis. As a matter of fact, there are various dynamics that are supposed to be understood (Dondi, 2004, p. 9). This is based on the fact that there are occasions where the...

Analysis Homeland Security Act of 2002

Overview The Department of Homeland Security was created by the federal government in a bid to tame domestic security, this being one of the largest overhauls in security systems and structures ever experienced in fifty years. The rationale behind this monumental task was to harness and consolidate the federal government’s...

Professional Responsibility in the US Department of Justice

Abstract This paper examines the issue of violation of ethical considerations and professional responsibility in the US Justice Department. It examines the behavior of federal prosecutors who attempt to conceal information and evidence that is likely to mitigate the sentence. The paper uses the case of Lyons in examining the...

A Simple Contract between Clarice and Leonardo

A contract is an agreement between two parties to engage in an activity together or perform a commercial transaction jointly. The contract is enforceable by the law if it has the elements that comprise a legal agreement and if the agreement is breached by either party, legal remedies are to...

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare is an example of a major political initiative aimed at improving the affordability and quality of healthcare in the U.S. The policy was issued on March 23, 2010, and declared universal access to Medicaid and expanded insurance coverage for previously uninsured individuals (Gaffney...

Homeland Security: Organizational Change

Post 11th September 2001 attacks on the twin towers of World Trade Center; the FBI has faced a brunt of a lot of criticism from the public and media alike. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the primary unit in the United States Department of Justice, has designed goals to protect...

The USA Patriot Act: Key Points

Introduction USA PATRIOT ACT was enacted in 2001 in reaction to the September 11, bomb attack on the US. Reauthorization was passed in 2005 by the Senate and made permanent most of the previous provisions about to expire in 2005. The Act strengthens and gives more authority to the federal...

The U.S. Correctional System’s Role and Functions

The US correctional system is a complex of special institutions that implement state policy in the field of the execution of punishments for crimes. Jails and community-based confinement facilities for offenders’ rehabilitation and resocialization are under the jurisdiction of municipalities and county governments. Each correctional institution is assigned a security...

Women in Mississippi Undergoing Hysterectomies: Law Case

Abstract Despite reported cases of women undergoing hysterectomy without being sufficiently informed, only three states have enacted informed consent laws aimed at providing more information concerning any alternative treatments. In addition, there exists a deficiency in the study of hysterectomy, which would be required to inform changes in related policies...

Tax Research Problem of Selling Rare Coins

Facts In 1984, Herbert, a collector of rare coins, bought a 1916 Spanish Bowlero for $2,000. He sold the coin for $4,500 in January. He made a gain amounting to $2,500. On retiring from his loading dock job in June, Herbert actively began buying and selling rare coins. By December,...

Violent Crime in the USA

There are many crimes in the world as well as those that considered as violent. They mean infliction of harm to human life or health and are divided into several types. FBI allocates the following: rape, aggravated assault, murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, and robbery. To understand whether law enforcement agencies...

Online Commerce: Jurisdiction, Copyright, and Privacy Issues

Security of Business Jurisdiction As online commerce is claimed to be one of the least protected segments of the business market, protective measures should be introduced into online commerce to protect stakeholders and consumers of the online services and products. When some instances of violation of laws occur, this problem...

Hate Crimes Study

Hate crimes are not new to Europe, the United States, Russia, and many other parts of the world. They are described as the offenses related to a specific aspect of a victim’s identity – nation, race, sexual orientation or sexual identity, skin color, religion, or a disability. Rooting in the...

The Juvenile Justice System of the US: Blended Sentences

The situation with John M is rather apparent as of the decision about the case. In this respect there is a dilemma whether to try this offender as a juvenile or as an adult. The main participants of the case are the judge, the offender, John M, and the injured...

S. Kruzan and C. Brown’s Experience in Criminal Justice System

Your Last Name Women convicted for murder forced by self-defense often draw the attention of the media or social activists. Sara Kruzan and Cyntoia Brown’s cases were examples of sentences widely discussed in US society. Although there is a decade between the crimes, women’s racial victimization still causes unjust punishment....

Policing Style and Criminal Justice System Functioning

Introduction Peaceful coexistence is a constituent of development in the community. A peaceful environment emanates from the application of various policing styles by relevant authorities. Policing connotes all processes aimed at modifying and controlling interactions of persons. This is tenable through regulating order, implementation of law, stopping, and identifying wrongdoing....

Bad Faith Law Suit: Activities of a Claim Representative

Insurance companies are always under pressure to ensure that their clients get compensated whenever they incur losses arising from insured incidents. The law governing insurance companies’ activities is very strict on the need for the companies to pay claims as may be necessary. However, insurance firms have been experiencing a...

The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)

Need Assessment and Policy Design The original social problem that requires a solution is families at risk of entering the child welfare system. Various reasons lead to family problems, including parent’s substance use disorders. Children in these families experience parental neglect or abuse and are more likely to have a...

Comparative Law and Business in Russia

Legal Tradition Russia is governed by civil law and its constitution is largely regarded as the supreme law of the land. The judicial system of Russia is highly structured with the existence of a constitutional court, a supreme court and a supreme court of arbitration. Legislative and executive related matters...

Analyzing the Relationship Between Gender and Victimization

Violent Victimization 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Male 41.7% 48.6% 48.1% 46.3% 49.0% 12 to 14 4.6% 3.9% 5.7% 6.5% 4.7% 15 to 17 3.0% 3.9% 3.6% 1.7% 3.9% 18 to 20 2.1% 2.5% 4.0% 2.2% 4.1% 21 to 24 5.0% 6.0% 4.6% 3.6% 4.1% 25 to 34 8.3% 9.7%...

Business Torts and Intellectual Property

A tort is a breach of duty owed to another person. The tort suits usually happen from instances of recklessness or bad behavior. The law of tort develops through decided cases that reflect social values, the standard of the community, and the way people deal with each other in the...

Cloward and Ohlin Concept of ‘Illegitimate Means’

Cloward and Ohlin found some of the theories limited and flawed by examining the influence of social conditions on crime rates in different areas and social groups. Scientists agreed that poverty is a factor that increases the crime rate but also tried to explain why young offenders choose a certain...

Criminal Justice Authority Evaluation

Introduction The criminal justice system is important in every state as assists in bringing order in the society. The criminal justice process provides correctional facilities to reform those who go against the laws. The institutions of criminal justice use the constitutional in the justice and thereby make rulings based on...

International Finance Law and Economics

Introduction Traditionally the capital and financial markets in most developing countries face strict governmental regulations. Stability of the financial markets and protection for investors has been the major arguments supporting such strict regulations. In addition, supervision has been another reason to maintain checks and balances on the constituent institutions of...

Repeat and One-Time Offense Difference

Outline This paper has delved into varied aspects in countering the hypothesis that there is no difference in the criminal activity of repeat offenders aone-timeime offenders. The objective has been to present authentic and plausible reasoning duly supported with the available literature and theory in highlighting the hypothesis that one-time...

Plea Bargaining Tactics of the Defense Attorney

The vast majority of criminal cases in the United States concludes in plea bargaining, in which a defendant may plead guilty to some charges in exchange for concessions from the prosecution. Though broadly accepted as a means of avoiding costly, lengthy trials with uncertain outcomes, plea bargains are also frequently...

Shaken Baby Syndrome and Child Abuse

Abstract The issue of child abuse has continued to gain public attention over the years; many of the forms have been recognized as crimes that carry significant repercussions of a conviction. Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is one such situation. Although medically speaking the results of shaking a baby have been...

Maritime Risk Factors and Economic Impact

Maritime Security Act After the September 11 attack, the international community came together to implement a system to improve the security of maritime transport sector. Maritime security act of 2002 was formed in order to ensure that the procedures are followed to protect the America from terrorists’ threats. The act...

The Concept of Corporate Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility true acts as an umbrella that incorporates the internal activities of a business, and its linkage with the external environment. To the external environment, social corporate responsibility fulfills the expectations of the society with regard to an organization in matters relating to ethics, legal concepts, and economically....

Fate of Sex Offenders After “Payment of Debt”

Introduction The Department of Public Safety in Texas is in charge of collecting information on sex offenders and keeping it safe in the state sex offender registry. The law enforcement officers from the local arena furnish the registry with relevant information concerning the sex offenders. Texas offender law was enacted...

Prison System for a Democratic Society

Introduction This report is designed to transform the corrections department to form a system favorable for democracy, seek to address the needs of different groups of offenders and their constraining areas especially women who are often not favored by the Current Prison system. The report should further put into place...

Violence in the United States Caused by Guns

Introduction The right to bear arms, as stated in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, is the primary argument used to justify the purchase and ownership of weapons within the United States (Wheeler, 2001). Its justification has always been under the concept of self-defense wherein citizens of the U.S....

Juvenile Justice System Reform Involving Families

The modern juvenile justice system is criticized for harsh punishments and its failure to address the problem of crime prevention. Detention centers are used to isolate young offenders from society instead of focusing on their rehabilitation and integration into education and employment. The proposed reform is based on the idea...

The Hierarchy of the Court System in England and Wales

Introduction The hierarchy of courts describes the arrangement in order of authority and influence in the judicial system. The arrangement determines the decisions that are binding to various classes of courts in the system. Courts that are ranked higher in the hierarchy have the ultimate authority to make decisions that...

Nature and Extent of the Duty of the Law Relating to Nervous Shock in Ireland

Introduction Nervous shock is used in the laws of Ireland and England to indicate psychiatric disorders or injuries inflicted onto an individual through neglect or and intentional actions from another person. In most instances, it usually applies to psychiatric illnesses which are triggered after witnessing an incident or accident, such...

Approaches to Understanding the Constitution

The Constitution of the United States as the Supreme Law of the country was designed to determine the univocal point of view about all the basic realities and cases. However, it is not always easy to figure out what is prescribed by the Constitution and how to read it. The...

Meaning and History of Australian Consumer Law

In contemporary business environments, marketers have embarked on strategic market segmentation and consumer targeting strategies to improve their sales; with the aggression that comes with marketers, governments have seen the need to formulate and protect the rights of consumers, businesses, and the community. Australian business environment has both international and...

Sentencing Alternatives and Jail Overcrowding

The customary criminal justice framework aims at achieving public wellbeing. For quite a long time, it has relentlessly held to the thought that ‘extreme felony’ includes a strict detainment arrangement. Nonetheless, it serves to introduce social issues, such as prison overcrowding. Lack of places in jails is probably the biggest...

Promotion of Quality Healthcare Services Through Public Laws

Introduction The debate concerning healthcare is not about to subdue any time soon. With public opinion still divided on the healthcare reform law enacted by the Obama administration, there still is a long way to go to achieve healthcare laws that are acceptable by the vast majority of people. Any...

Plessy and Briggs and Brown Cases Analysis

The Plessy and the Briggs and Brown Cases Although the Plessy, Briggs, and Brown cases sought to end segregationist policies, various elements differentiated the three landmark lawsuits. In the Plessy V. Ferguson case, the defendant was charged with defying the racial sitting arrangements in public transport, contravening Louisiana’s statutes. Plessy...

Juvenile Crimes. Does the Age Matters?

A great concern is growing regarding crimes committed by young people. The matter of that concern might be based on juveniles’ reasons for crimes, as this might be the main reason why juveniles are treated differently. Accordingly different states are putting different limits on when juvenile criminals might be treated...

Judicial Process in Drug Offender Cases: Research Design

Introduction This research focuses on the question: “What variables impact sentencing decisions of judges in drug offender cases?” this study is classified as secondary research as no direct information will be collected from the concerned population (Rassel and O’Sullivan, 1999). Special attention in the research design needs to be given...

Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005

History of BAPCPA The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (hereinafter will be referred to as BAPCPA) was signed into law on April 20, 2005, by President G.W.Bush. BAPCPA can be described as the leading revamp to the bankruptcy code in the last 25 years in the legal annals...

The Problem of Unreliability of Eyewitness Memory

Eyewitness accounts tend to be valuable strengths of a case, but it is vital to question their credibility because of how memory functions and its associated problems. Even though the eyewitness stories may be reliable, as most people believe, in some instances, they are slightly accurate or, at times, wrong...

Real Education for Healthy Youth Act

Abstract Real Education for Healthy Youth Act of 2019 is a bill initially sponsored by Junior Senator Cory Booker that promotes comprehensive sex education in higher education institutions. The act is associated with bringing considerable benefits to both providers and consumers. On the one hand, consumers are expected to experience...

Kelo v. City of New London: The Case Study

Facts Kelo v. New London City, 545 U.S. 469 (2005) was a court case chosen by the United States High Court concerning the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one title holder to another to enhance economic development. The allegation emanated from the conviction by Connecticut town in...

Criminology: About Corporate Fraud

Introduction Occupation fraud which is also known as internal fraud or employee fraud, theft, or embezzlement refers to “….the use of one’s occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate misuse or misapplication of the employing organization’s resources or assets” (Wells, 1997, p.14). However, there exist three major classes of Occupation...

The George Floyd Case in the Criminal Justice System

Cuddy, A. (2020). George Floyd: Five pieces of context to understand the protests. BBC News, Web. The article reproduces a brief description of the George Floyd case and elements in the context of understanding the protests that followed it. George Floyd, 46, was arrested May 25 in Minneapolis on charges...

Types of Justification Defenses

There are four major types of justification defenses all of which can be instrumental in explaining people’s actions. The necessity defense and self-defense have long been considered to be closely related. Both of them center around the situation in which a person is exposed to immediate threat and protects himself...

Impact of PPACA in Healthcare

One of the very recent additions of the United States law is The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA 2010). The law has been taken into action from 23rd March, 2010, and it focuses mainly on different health-care facilities that the Government is trying to implement over the next...

Constitutional Rights in Criminal Justice

Introduction The American Constitution outlines the rights of all citizens. Some unique rights are also available to those in criminal justice systems. However, sometimes violations of such liberties occur. Lies in criminal cases can affect the outcome of cases. Law enforcers need to protect and promote people’s rights. This paper...

The Death Penalty in the United States

Introduction The article “The Rise, Fall, and Afterlife of the Death Penalty in the United States” examines the past, present, and possible future of capital punishment in the United States. Steiker and Steiker try to explain why America has maintained the death penalty after much of the Western world moved...

Tax Information Exchange Agreements and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties in Kenya

Introduction The periods in which countries tried to make cash from hosting politically depicted persons, shell banks or known terrorists’ cash and no questions asked are gone. There is a dramatic change in many offshore regimes, especially those that publicized the “strictest privacy” slogan which have now finally adhered to...

The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency

The problem of juvenile delinquency has been always a burning problem for the society. Adult generation is always concerned with impropriate behavior of the youth and gives different explanations to the increased rate of juvenile crimes. The eternal conflict between generations exists due to the reluctance of the law to...

Children as Perpetrators and Victims of Crime

Topic one: myth and evil According to Segal (2004), “A myth is a story with a meaning attached to it other than which it seems to have at first; and the fact that it has such a meaning is generally marked by some of its circumstances being extraordinary.” These stories...

After-School Delinquency Prevention Program

The constant increase of after-school juvenile delinquency shaped the legal system of the United States in terms of disaster facts. The country is known to be the most armed in the world. The weapons of adults are not hidden from children. This causes most of the troubles which are observed...

Legislative Issues in Texas: Revolving Door

The issue known as the revolving door has been a point of controversy in the field of Texas legislature for decades and is also a problematic issue globally. This is a phenomenon when high-level government employees transition to the private sector and major business owners become legislators. From a legal...

Eligibility for International Treaty Benefits

The issue of jurisdictional double taxation and other fiscal questions of the same technical nature led to the formation of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). OECD was formerly known as the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC). Double taxation presented obstacles to international trade relations and foreign...

Uniform Crime Reporting: Indicator of Crime in the US

Introduction The high crime rate in the United States can be significantly reduced by a combination of effective law enforcement strategies as well as the legislation of laws that will help law enforcement agencies prevent crime as well as apprehend criminals. In this regard, policymakers must have access to accurate...

Labor Laws: Occupational Health and Safety Act & Fair Labor Standards Act

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) on one hand, specifies the duties, and responsibilities of workers and supervisors at workplaces. The Act aims at ensuring that all employers are safe at all times. All the working spaces are supposed to have internal responsibility systems where everyone works together to...

Drug Courts and Criminal Courts Compared

Introduction Criminal justice system is a set procedure that a certain country uses to prosecute the offenders of the country’s criminal way. The main base of a good system is to ensure that the offender is punished to the interest of the state. It is a process that ensures that...

Search Warrant and Data Acquisition

Search Warrant A search warrant is a document which gives the authorities the right for searching a place for specific items. The permit is signed by a magistrate and should list the objects which the officers ought to look for. A warrant is based on an affidavit, a document signed...

Bernie Madoff Ponzi Scheme and Its Influence on Investors’ Confidence

Introduction In 2009, a market maker and investment advisor Bernie Madoff was sentenced for 150 years in prison after pleading guilty to eleven federal crimes. The reason for such an unusually severe punishment was running the largest fraudulent scheme in the history of the United States, otherwise known as the...

Analysis of Litigation Between Dan Black and Columbia Pictures

The case under analysis is a complex one as far as the causes for action, the parties, and the jurisdictions of the litigation might be different depending on the laws and their interpretation by court in a certain way. On the one hand, the parties involved in the litigation are...

US Defense Capabilities and Challenges in a Dangerous World

Introduction The US government had engaged in combat operations in different parts of the world. The first took effect after the 9/11 attacks, in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, beyond such engagements, the government faces several challenges. The essay will review some of the challenges faced as well as give recommendations...

Constitutional Amendment – Political Culture

Introduction The global digitalization of every minor aspect of people’s lives has necessitated the transfer of the existing regulations into the online context, making legal standards applicable to the digital context. However, due to the lack of research on the subject matter and the rapidly developing technologies, the vulnerability of...

The Due Process: Criminology

Introduction Due process refers to the process that a government should use to handle its citizens in case of a law violation to ensure that there is justice and fairness. The government must under all circumstances respect every individual’s legal rights as dictated by the law (Tribe, 1975). Due process...

Concepts of “Truth in sentencing” Michigan

Introduction In the past Michigan like any other American state has always given its prisoners time credits, which primarily depend on prisoners’ behavior during jail terms. It gave the majority of these time credits on a continuous basis, whereby the number of credits increased progressively as one spent more time...

Crime and Criminal Behavior: Assault Concept Study

The case presented for analysis discusses the assault of Samuel Clark by two men, Bubba Hurt and Skeeter Redrum, allegedly on the grounds of jealousy due to the victim’s friendship with Summer Breeze. On August 16, 2016, Clark was pursued and eventually assaulted by two men who were later joined...

Derivative Lawsuit: The Laws and Court Cases

Introduction Minority shareholders in corporations usually possess few instruments to defend themselves from harmful or negligent behavior by directors or other corporation’s chief insiders. One of the remedies is the derivative lawsuit implying an action initiated by a shareholder on behalf of an organization because of actual or potential damage...

Computers and Criminal Justice

Societies all over the globe have long been striving for order. It can be achieved in multiple ways but generally relies on a simplified, automated system and, in some cases, complete control over people’s actions. The legal system has always been instrumental in meeting this goal. Nevertheless, the legal system...

Uniform Crime Report: Term Definition

Uniform Crime Report is a reporting system that is summarized with data concerning different geographic levels in a State. The data that is reported in Uniform Crime Report is officially represented to the agencies that enforce law and order. These agencies are therefore required to forward that report to the...

G. Small vs. The United States

Facts of the Case Gary Small, the petitioner in this case, had been imprisoned in Japan for three years for illegally importing firearms into that country and violating Japan’s weapons-control and customs laws and regulations. After serving the three-year sentence in Japan, the petitioner returned to the United States in...

Alternative Dispute Resolution Clauses and Tools

Introduction Most learning teams are made up of different people with different goals, objectives and even missions in life. In most cases when different people who do not share the same goals, dreams, objectives, missions and ambitions come together disagreements always arise. These disputes must be resolved so as to...

Incarcerated People’s Work in the USA

There are over 2 million incarcerated people in prisons of the United States, and approximately half of them work. Many prisons have job-training programs, which allow putting the incarcerated people to labor. This system has existed in the United States since the end of the 19th century. Today, there are...

Legal Differences Between Juvenile Offenders and Juvenile Delinquents

Aims of the research The research is about juvenile offender’s laws in North Carolina state and it discusses the legal differences between juvenile offenders and juvenile delinquents. It also includes status offenses and the age at which the juvenile becomes eligible for processing in adult courts. A court disposition a...

Abolition of Intellectual Property

Introduction The concept of intellectual property has existed for several centuries. In essence, it protects the right of a creator to label their effort in the creation of content. However, it also raises numerous issues, including the source of ideas, plagiarism, and conflicts between authors. Much of valuable information is...

Syndicated and Organized Crime and Governmental Crime

Summary Enterprise crime is the crime in which money is obtained illegally. Actually, this kind of crime is done very slowly by taking many years. It does not cause any violence. The main aim of this crime is to make money. According to the article ‘Enterprise Crime targets nation’s Economy’...

Business Torts, Real and Intellectual Property

Introduction The day-to-day transactions that take place in business involve people. Additionally, the business has come out as a dominant social institution in society and as a result, it has evolved as an institution that controls significant social assets and hence wields overwhelming financial power. As a result, business institutions...

Medical Records and Health Insurance and Portability Act

Introduction Records are very important in every administrative work. In medical services, record plays an important role in health service provision. Medical records entail an orderly documentation of medical information and history of a patient. Medical records comprises of physical and electronic record about individual’s medical information. Medical records are...

Jury System and Its Effect on the Trials in the United States

Since the inception of jury systems in United States, many Americans feel that it is the cornerstone of the nation’s justice system since it guarantees citizens fair impartial judgment. However the perception has changed with many feeling that it has tarnished in favor of others in delivering verdicts in both...

Jordan Brown of New Galilee, PA: Case Analysis

Introduction As reported by Pittsburgh radio station KDKA (2009), an 11-year-old boy Jordan Brown that is accused of murdering his father’s fiancée and her unborn son is not likely to be tried as a juvenile offender. It is natural that the boy’s attorneys are expected to appeal for letting the...

Akers’ Social Learning Theory

Summary Akers’ social learning theory posits that individuals develop the urge to engage in criminal activities and the techniques to execute these acts through interacting with peers or within their social circle. According to Nodeland and Morris (2018), people master new deportments, attributes and aspirations through direct encounters as well...

The Technique of Criminal Profiling

The criminal world grows every day and at the same time, the powers which are aimed to fight with it also do not stay aside. More and more new techniques are investigated every day in order to optimize the work of powerful forces and to increase the rate of caught...

The Lead Poisoning Issues and Massachusetts Legislation

Introduction The amount of attention brought to the issue of lead poisoning in the United States cannot be overestimated. The latter specifically concerns children. In that regard, despite the government ban on the use of lead-based paint in 1978, yet, as the 1991 issue of Newsweek stated, “lead poisoning is...

Failure of the Confederate Article

The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States put together by the 13 original states and approved by Congress in 1777 and ratified by the states in 1781. They created a loose confederation of sovereign states with most of the power allocated to state governments. In...

Nurse Staffing Standards Act

Background The S.1357 also known as the Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2019 is a bill introduced to the 116th Congress (2019-2020) by Sen. Sherrod Brown. The primary purpose of the legislation is to amend the Public Health Service Act to establish mandates...

Ethnicity and Employment in the United States

Introduction Racial and ethnic groups offer policymakers an archetypal magnetism/dodging clash. Shielding the constitutional rights of workers from bigotry enables exposure of the vice by ethnic/tribal groups. However, only some edifying intercessions are supported by meaningful cultural national distinctiveness among workers. Consequently, classifying employees by race or traditions interferes with...

Professional Regulations and Criminal Liability

This research work aims to discuss the relationships between criminal liability and professional regulations. In particular, it is necessary to define these concepts and identify the similarities and distinctions between them. In addition to that, we need to show how misconduct in the workplace can be connected with legal responsibility....

U. S. Judicial System: Impact of Sentencing Guidelines

Introduction The United States of America has been keen on improving its judicial system by making better policies and guidelines. Criminal cases are handled through a set of procedures which are governed by a series of guidelines. The sentencing phase is very critical during the trial of an offender. The...

Juvenile Delinquency: Taking Actions to Curb It

Introduction It is the responsibility of governmental institutions, particularly, police departments to maintain order. It is expected that they do everything in their power to curb and prevent the occurrence of crimes. However, at times, the situation can get out of the control of police forces, and some changes of...

Case Scenarios in U.S. Labor Laws

Situation A: Provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) became effective on August 5, 1993, after former President Bill Clinton fulfilled his campaign promise and signed it into law in his first term of office. In its provisions, an...

Australian Law of Business Organizations “Whistleblower” Corporations Act 2001

Whistleblower A whistleblower is a person that reports any improper conduct that they may observe in their areas of responsibility. In the context of a corporation, it involves an employee reporting his or her colleague in case they find out that they are involved in actions that may prove disastrous...

Investigating the Relation Between Law and Morality

Introduction Law and morality are two regulatory frameworks that control and manage practices in a human network to permit amicable and successful intersubjectivity between people. The two notions have a corresponding relationship in the ideas of individual self-rule and equivalent regard for everybody. There is an association between law and...

Crime in American Society: Causes, Types, Costs, Etc.

Introduction Virtually all societies in the world experience incidences of crime in one way or another. In most countries, there are organized criminals who have been in existence for a long period and they use various means to carry out criminal activities. These groups are very well structured, commit very...

Miranda’s Rights: Review

The use Miranda rights in the United States is so common that a trial judge once commented that its use in television investigative dramas series has made the laws part of the American culture. Many citizens now believe that every encounter with the law enforcement officers require the Miranda rights...

Adoption of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as an Important Piece of Legislation

Introduction The Sarbanes- Oxley Act was legislated in the year 2002 to enhance new rules and standards for all US public companies, management, and public accounting firms. The sponsors of the law did it due to the public outcry on the increased cases of scandals which were affecting many public...