Disparate Impact in Hiring

Discrimination lawsuits pose a particularly complex legal and reputational liability risk for organizations in all industries. U.S. legislation prohibits employment discrimination, including discriminatory hiring practices, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability (Arthur, 2012). This prohibition extends beyond explicit and intentional violations to theoretically...

Discrimination and Harassment in Hiring a Veteran

Introduction Labor law consists of a system of regulations that protects the rights of employers, workers, and contractors in labor relation. The Wings Hospital scenario shows two cases in which workers’ rights have been violated, and these cases need to be addressed. Consequently, this paper will examine cases of discrimination...

The Theory Deviance and Crime

The patterns of universal sociology have always been replete with various discrepancies in terms of people’s attitudes to the social norms and adherence to them. As a result, scholars have developed a full-scale theory of deviance, which accounted for some people neglecting the already established behavioral patterns by direct law...

Affordable Care Act Role on the Care of Patients

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) represents an extensive medical reform that was signed into law by President Obama at the beginning of the year 2010. Officially referred to as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or just Obamacare, the Act encompasses a list of health-associated provisions that endeavor to...

Overcrowding in Jails and Prisons

In a case of a crime, the offender is either incarcerated, placed on probation or required to make restitution to the victim, usually in the form of monetary compensation. A significant part of all state and federal prisoners in the US are confined for nonviolent offenses, such as property crimes...

The International Criminal Court Jurisdiction

Introduction The international criminal court is an international platform in legal action against the perpetrators of crimes involving genocide crimes of wars, crimes against humankind, and assault took according to its founding decree (the Rome statute of 2002). The tribunal is also mandated to carry out investigations upon the alleged...

The History of the Second Amendment

Introduction The Second Amendment is one of the things that has made the United States and its society unique and prosperous. It is why it is essential to know the philosophical background and the meaning of it. The goal of this work is to share personal thoughts after examining the...

The Right-to-Work Laws in the US

The right-to-work law is a central provision that gives employees the freedom to choose whether to join a workers union or not. As such, under this law, employees have some freedom at the workplace, even in a unionized environment, to decide whether to pay union dues for representation. The debate...

OxyContin and MS Contin: Case Study

Purdue Pharma Purdue Pharma is a company dealing with pharmaceutical products and is owned mainly by Sackler family members. The company currently focuses on medications that manage pain and perceives itself as a pioneer in developing medicines that reduce pain. The company has employed more than 1600 persons by September...

Racial Profiling of Minority Groups by the Police in the United States

Across the United States, many minority groups suffer from racial profiling and discrimination not only from the police but also in their neighborhoods. In addition, the use of psychological intimidation, verbal abuse, assault, and excessive physical force against them by the law enforcers has become a daily occurrence (Schwartz, 2020)....

A Jury System in Legalville Overview

Although the city of Legalville has a strong legal system that has enabled the community to develop sustainably for years, it should undergo certain changes in order to address the needs of modern society. One of the novelties that can help the community evolve is the introduction of a jury...

Environmental Law: Property, Law, and Territorial Resources Relations

Over the years, there has been a success in courts and tribunals on the rulings made on property law, and some have gained more victory over others. Both successful and losing sides are dependent on the court system’s pace in delivering final rulings. Lord Carmweth, the chief justice of the...

The Article About Gender Gap and Delinquency

Steffensmeier, D., Schwartz, J., Zhong, H., & Ackerman, J. (2005). “An assessment of recent trends in girls’ violence using diverse longitudinal sources: Is the gender gap closing?” Criminology, 43(2), 355-405. There is little knowledge about the nature and the actual causes of girls’ violence since few types of research work...

The Right to Work Laws Overview

Introduction The right-to-work laws give employees the liberty to choose whether to join a union or not in their workplaces. This paper seeks to explore the history of such laws in the United States and summarize the perceptions of its opponents and proponents. Finally, it will be concluded whether the...

Juvenile Justice: Gangs and Delinquency

Introduction Juvenile justice is an area of law often associated with the difficulty of adapting the justice system to the target population. Penalties for offenses committed by persons under the age of majority are discussed in the context of ethical standards and comparison with legal practices applied in criminal law...

Should Casinos Be Legal in Texas?

Introduction Casinos are heavily regulated in the United States and Texas, in particular. The state prohibits the opening of such businesses and regularly challenges Native American casinos, which tend to operate at the edge of the law, legally. However, there is substantial pressure from the state’s population as well as...

Bearden v. Georgia: the Case of Burglary

Facts In September 1980 petitioner pleader guilty for burglary, yet the Georgian trial court did not sentence the applicant and sentenced them to probation if he pays a 500$ fine. However, the petitioner managed to pay only 200$ and could not provide the rest due to being fired (FindLaw). Because...

Anti-bullying Practices in Criminal Prosecution

Introduction All actions and choices that people make have naturally matching consequences. It is nowadays easy to deny the impact of one’s actions, particularly when it is possible to take cover behind a keyboard. While in the past people had the moral obligation to admit their mistakes in a face-to-face...

The Intentional Torts. Influences

Introduction Depending on its severity, a tort can be harmful to a person. If the injury is stern, it attracts civil wrong for courts to impose liability under the context of international torts. Damage, in this context, is a reason to subject the act to be a legal right invasion....

Property and Identity Crimes Discussion Post

In the modern world, identity theft is prevalent for a vast number of reasons. Personal data is not easy to protect, so violations in this area often occur. The main problem is that not all site owners carefully handle data and comply with the legislation. Mainly the data is stored...

Lobbying Activities: The Florida Legislative Fellowship Experience

Lobbying refers to the activity of individuals, as well as groups of citizens, aimed at establishing partnerships with officials and deputies of legislative bodies to change a community. Activists and legislators work together on the implementation of political and administrative decisions that contribute to the well-being of people living in...

Judicial Error and the Death Penalty

The death penalty phenomenon remains a matter of public concern and has promoted many disputes and debates. At present, its relevance is related to the fact that many states are seeking to relax legislation by imposing moratoriums or even authorizing the abolition of the death penalty as an instrument of...

Criminal Justice and Its History in America

The first stages of the American judicial system’s development were associated with the creation of institutions that regulate it, for example, courts and prisons. During this period, the primary documents regulating justice in the country were developed. One of the most significant events of this time was the reform that...

Criminology: Four Types of Evidence

According to Ronald (1990, there are basically four types of evidence; the first being anecdotal which is very weak and involves describing one specific instance or instances of the same type or structure. The weakness of this type of evidence is that, it cannot be relied on in proving a...

Managing People in Different Locations

Employment law The legal requirements for employment in a foreign country are crucial for any global mobility program. For Australia, there are 69 entries in the employment policy section. There are also 80 documents regarding conditions of work, 75 for conditions of employment, 238 for occupational safety and health, and...

Affordable Care Act as a Fundamental Human Right

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) that was enacted in 2010 and proposed making healthcare affordable to all Americans. While the debate in society is still present, the role of the ACA on Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) is another controversial point. On the one hand, they are encouraged to practice...

Chief Justices Earl Warren vs. William Rehnquist

The United States Supreme Court is a federal body that was established to ensure conformity to the requirements and needs of a democratic society. It was accentuated by the urge to pursue social change and freedom among the American people. The Warren Court, led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, made...

Gang Membership in the USA

Background There were approximately 29, 900 gangs in the US by the year 2011, and 29, 001 in the previous year (Egley & Howell, 2013). In terms of membership, there were about 756,000 gang members in 2010, and 782, 499 in 2011. The number of homicides that these gangs committed...

Family and Medical Leave Act: Overview

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) offers some workers with up to twelve weeks of unpaid, job-safeguarded leave every year. It also necessitates that their group medical benefits be upheld in the course of the leave. It is planned to enable workers to balance their workplace and family duties...

What Factors Influence the Choice of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Type

Alternative Dispute Resolution forms The need for a large investment of time and money on litigation led to Alternative Dispute Resolution methods, which are often more effective and beneficial. There are three forms of ADR: adjudicative, evaluative, and facilitative (McManus & Silverstein, 2011). The most common ADR types are arbitration,...

The Rational Choice in Violating the Law

Introduction The rational choice concept implies that man makes decisions using reasoning and logic. Criminology sees a rational criminal as someone who commits a felony to get a reward. An award can be in the form of money, pleasure, or satisfaction. The person chooses to violate a law if the...

The Impact of Antitrust Laws on American Industry

Overall, the impact of antitrust laws on American industry has always been a subject of heated debate. Several economists believe that some of them, for example, the Sherman Act decrease competitiveness in the market, and protect only weak and inefficient companies (Shenefield, 2001, p 88). There are opposing views on...

Frontiero v. Richardson 1973: The Landmark Case

Introduction The United States has a long history of gender-based discrimination on various issues including voting rights, property ownership, and in the workplace among other related cases. Before 1973, this pervasive nature of sex-based prejudice was common in the military where servicewomen did not enjoy the same benefits as their...

Homemade Medicine: Bishop’s Crimes

Introduction A crime is an act done by an individual against the laws and regulations of a country. Crimes are treated equally globally, but people get different punishments as per the specific country’s constitution (Metsch et al., 2015). However, individual acts are noncriminal in particular countries and a crime in...

White Collar Crime, Corporate Crime and Substance Abuse

A single corporate crime can cause financial, psychological, or physical harm to many people. The fiscal impact of white-collar crimes significantly surpasses those of blue-collar offenses. It is worthwhile to note that a corporate felony is a form of white-collar crime (Goode, 2016). For example, the World Health Organization reports...

Police Misconduct and the Misuse of Force

Police misconduct is a vital concern as it affects the functioning of society and might cause much harm to individuals. For this reason, much attention is devoted to the investigation of the given issue. For instance, the Knapp Commission Report on Police Corruption outlines so-called grass eaters and meat-eaters. The...

The Customary Laws and Land Rights in Australia

Introduction Culture is a useful element of identifying human values and virtues among people of diverse backgrounds. Traditional and conservative persons acknowledge the significance of community principles. Information on indigenous communities has helped to understand how individuals interpret beliefs and traditions (New South Wales, 2016). Therefore, philosophical articles are instrumental...

Decriminalization of Marijuana: Advantages and Disadvantages

Today, the problem of marijuana overuse affects different countries around the world. Although marijuana has always served for medical purposes, for example, as a painkiller, nowadays, the results of its use are far from positive. It is a widespread object of sale in the criminal world, and it may lead...

Long-Term Care Regulation and Governmental Control

The identified federal and state regulations for long-term care can be found in part 483 of Standard and Certifications, which is Requirements for States and Long Term Care Facilities. The identified specific points are 42 CFR § 483.15, 42 CFR § 483.25, 42 CFR § 483.20, and 42 CFR §...

Analysis of Custom Laws, Mayan Law

The law of the Maya has a number of elements that are in some form present in modern law. Mayan law had aspects of proportionality, where more significant crimes warranted greater punishment, similar to most modern systems. In cases where there were repeated offenses, the penalty was increased, which is...

The US Criminal Justice Assignment

Society always expects a criminal justice system to be fair and efficient. At the same time, it needs to balance the need to enforce the law and the need to protect individuals’ rights. There are two models that have a distinct approach to serving justice. The crime control model was...

Observations of the Virtual Crown Court and the Impact of COVID-19 on Trials

Introduction Though it may seem that justice proceedings have to be conducted in person, it is possible to make several unexpected changes. Because of COVID-19, some non-urgent court hearings were temporarily postponed to reduce the burden on the judiciary. However, since there is no clear end of the crisis in...

Refusing to Allow to Have a Service Dog in His Apartment

For some people with disabilities, having an assistance dog is vital in order to live a comfortable life. Usually, they are well trained because every day the animals have to complete a number of difficult tasks for their owners. For this reason, service dogs are well behaved and should not...

Practical Application of the Uniform Commercial Code

In general, Johnson’s case describes the relationship between a consumer and a seller and the regulation of potential claims on the basis of the sales agreement. Taking into consideration all aspects of this case and the rules of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) that regulates all commercial transaction, it is...

A Question of Ethics in Exceptions to the Writing Requirement

Contracts play an essential role in managing business activities helping to determine and protect the rights of the parties involved. In general, the Statute of Frauds, in which the main goal is to prevent harm to innocent parties, denies enforceability to the contracts that do not meet its writing requirement...

Marc Mauer’s Philosophy on Mass Incarceration

Introduction Incarceration is a conventional way of managing criminal behavior, and both private and public prisons offer their services to the government. However, the conditions in private and public prisons vary greatly, and male and female inmates are treated differently. This paper will discuss the conflict between private and public...

The Issue of Police Injustice in the United States

With the growth of the American population, the number of interactions between people also increases, which affects the number of crimes committed. To control such a vast country, people need multiple police officers able to maintain order. However, despite the long and high-quality training of law enforcement officers, there are...

“In re Hudson River Mid-Air Collision on August 8, 2009”: Case Study

Case Summary The case In re Hudson River Mid-Air Collision on August 8, 2009, is a major lawsuit that arose as a result of a midair collision between Liberty Eurocopter and a Piper aircraft on August 8, 2009. The Piper aircraft which was owned by a partnership between David Altman,...

Criminology: The Social Control Theory

Most criminologists used to take conformity, or compliance with social rules, for granted deeming it as a natural part of what it is like to be a human. As shown by Freud, there is always a certain tension between the needs of an individual and the needs of society. Though...

Senior Rental Assistance Pilot Program’s Pros & Cons

Explained Opposition Barriers to policy The policy under discussion is the Senior Rental Assistance Pilot Program amended by Miami-Dade County in February 2020. The barriers to the policy are connected with internal and external issues. As for external factors, one of the barriers is property availability that imposes a surplus...

The Criminal Justice Service Violations and Ethical Issues

Ethical Failures and Shortcomings The section provides an overview of major violations and ethical issues that occur among criminal justice professionals. Kania and Davis (2015) define seven categories of such misconduct that frequently happen among criminal justice officers. These ethical failures include personal gain pursuit, bias and favoritism, deceitfulness, personal...

Support for Patients and Communities Act: Review of a Bill

The opioid crisis in the United States caused significant concern in legal and healthcare systems. Various measures were taken to investigate the issue; however, the death rate kept increasing. The government signed Support for Patients and Communities Act in 2018, which provisioned increased access to the opioid treatment and implemented...

Crimes of the Powerful and Brining Punishment Back

Crimes of the Powerful: Theories of White-Collar Crimes Offenses of the powerful are often not reflected in official statistics, but the harm caused to society by white-collar criminals is enormous. It tenfold more than the material damage from other crimes, and the amount of moral damage cannot be overestimated. White-collar...

The U.S. Constitution, the Federalist Papers and the Bill of Rights

The constitution of the United States of America can be considered an example in the rules and rights of a democracy. It sets out the general rights and freedoms of people, as well as the organization of the governing bodies (McNeese 26). The need for the U.S. Constitution arose from...

Radiographer Malpractice: Case Study Analysis

The issue of malpractice occurred at the hospital during a CT scan. The RT injected the contrast dye in a 68-year old plaintiff’s arm to diagnose a pulmonary embolism (Medical Malpractice Lawyers, 2019). As the dye was going into the arm, the plaintiff experienced severe pain. A few seconds later,...

Legislative Process in Texas: Styles of Lawmaking

Introduction The decision to pass a new bill is not spontaneous: on the contrary, the approval of a new law is a long and thoroughly examined process. As a rule, officials’ decision to adopt a new law is made by officials during active hearings of complaints and proposals from citizens...

Unethical and Ethical Issues in the Prison System of Honduras

Introduction Honduras is one of the countries that face many challenges but lacks public attention to them. For instance, it has some of the highest homicide rates in the world (“Prisons in Honduras”). Prisons in Honduras are associated with high levels of violence; military officers serve as prison officers, which...

Crime Rates in the US and Its Link to the Juvenile Justice System

Abstract The juvenile justice system was meant to help reduce the rate of crime in the United States by taking children engaged in criminal activities through a rehabilitation process. The process is meant to transform them into responsible and law-abiding citizens. However, studies indicate that this system has failed to...

Detention of a Minor While Using Drugs

Possession of drugs and opioid substances without a proven need is a criminal offense regardless of age. The police officer who detained the teenager with marijuana is obliged to take the suspect to the department. The distinction between the detention of an adult and a juvenile is in the structure...

First Coronavirus Response Act

Overview The coronavirus pandemic has hit all sectors of human activity. The U. S. government has passed several laws and regulations to alleviate the unfavorable effects of the disaster. Among the responses is the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which aims to provide tax relief and socio-economic support to...

The Miranda Rights: Overview

Although the Miranda rights are widely known and associated with the situation of a suspect’s arrest, there are also exceptions related to circumstances when these warnings should be read. The Miranda rule is applied to individuals who are regarded as suspects and who are under interrogation (“Miranda v. Arizona (1966)”;...

Juvenile Justice. Parens Patriae Policy

In the contemporary world, every government has to have particular policies that protect the rights and freedoms of people who do not have enough power to stand for themselves. The British principle, which is called parens patriae, gives governments the authority to act as legal protectors for children whose parents...

IPR Violations in Software Development

Reasons for IPR violations in software development Many people engage in Intellectual Property Regulation violations for different reasons. One main reason that standout is ignorance. Most organizations are unable to cope with the upward trend in technology and are lagging. However, they have to keep profitability and survival rates high....

Prison Makes Criminals Worse

Introduction The topic of incarceration, the living conditions of prisoners, the fairness of punishment, and the meaning of imprisonment are one of the key topics of public discussion. Throughout history, jails remained the most common form of penalizing criminals in all countries. Nevertheless, the uncontrolled growth of the number of...

Healthcare in Correctional Facilities

On April 10, 2020, The Guardian made a news report about an uprising at the Lansing correctional facility in Kansas. According to the article, prisoners raided the facility, attacking the officers, setting small fires, and breaking windows. The reason for the rebellion was the concern about coronavirus as the number...

Why Do People in the USA Feel Insecure?

The work of law enforcement is crucial to public safety, and people rely on the police to protect them. However, it is also true that in the United States, not all people feel equally safe in the presence of police officers. Recent protests throughout the country following the death of...

Invasion of a Person’s Privacy: Law and Confidentiality

Introduction It is unlawful to invade the private life of a person, and it is considered that individual privacy has been invaded when the information about it is obtained without his or her permission. Jan invaded the privacy of Tom by staking his home for several days. Jan goes ahead...

The “Union Organizing Case Study”

The “Union Organizing Case Study” presents a situation where non-employees committed several attempts to agitate World Tea & Coffee employees to join The United Food and Commercial Workers Union. The incident took place in the parking lot of Westown Shopping Plaza owned by World Tea & Coffee, Inc. (World Tea...

State v. Miranda: Special Relationship With a Minor Child

The central question for this court case was whether a person in a special relationship with minor children would be held responsible for them in proportion to the parent. This category included post facto reporting of a child’s physical or psychological problems resulting from care to the relevant services. It...

Supportive School Discipline Initiative: Addressing the Problem of High Juvenile Delinquency Rates

Introduction Supportive School Discipline Initiative (SSDI) is a project of the US Department of Education and the Department of Justice, which aimed at preventing the implementation of school disciplinary practices that contributed to students’ delinquency. The project took place between 2011 and 2016 and involved awarding grants to eligible organizations...

Overview of the Abortion as a Legal Issue

Abortion, a deliberate termination of unwanted pregnancy, has been known for thousands of years. Methods to perform or attempt an abortion have changed dramatically over time, from dangerous and brutal to safe and carried out by professionals. At the same time, attitudes towards pregnancy termination have shifted and as of...

Florida Health Information Technology Code of Practice

The current essay is a critical writing aiming to address the topic of health information technology (HIT) regulations and standards. A state (Florida) was chosen to approach the present subject. Concerning the content, the paper consists of the three following parts. In the first part, Florida’s privacy laws that are...

Legal Awareness of the Choice of Goods and Services

Legal Background Legal awareness of the choice of goods (services) will allow consumers and businesses to avoid misunderstandings or to settle them within limits stipulated by the current legislation. The main document that regulates the relations between consumers of goods is the Consumer Protection Law (Law). According to the Law,...

Prison Reform in the US

Introduction The respect and protection of human rights are essential for each State’s welfare. Both conceptions emerge from the robust enforcement system – the legislation and the execution of sentences. Currently, the federal government confirms the ineffectiveness of the current justice system. The favorable living, working, and learning conditions for...

Case Trial: Atkins vs. Virginia

Parties: Daryl Renard Atkins, who initiated legal action in the court, and the United States government that prosecuted the defendant. Facts: The discussed case is a criminal procedure involving cruel and unusual punishment — death penalty. Daryl Renard Atkins was convicted in several serious illegal actions, such as armed robbery,...

The Criminal Justice System: Brandon Bledsoe Case

Introduction Brandon Bledsoe’s arrest provides valuable information about the U.S criminal justice system. The criminal justice system sanctions the guilty and protects the innocent (Maculan & Gil, 2020). Bledsoe’s case showcases all procedures of the criminal justice system concerning murder and arson. The process begins with arrest and ends with...

Policy Review: HB 743 Nonopioid Alternatives

Introduction Many patients are prescribed opioids to manage chronic pains and relieve symptoms of a disease. However, prescription drug misuse becomes prevalent in the United States, resulting in a significant economic and healthcare burden. To counteract this trend, the Florida Senate has issued an HB 743: Nonopioid Alternatives bill to...

Professional Ethics: Police Department

The science of ethics attempts to give humanity the answers to the existential question of what is moral and what is not. With the development of science, technology, and the human rights movement, the definition of morality started to blur like never before. Nowadays, ethics serves as a standing pillar...

Confidential Informants and Crime

The use of confidential informants for combatting crime is a controversial measure that has pros and cons. Such procedures conducted by the police can be effective in terms of crime control. It allows destroying organized crime syndicates, drug trafficking cartels, or terrorist gangs, which otherwise would not be adequately addressed...

National Association of Police Organizations

To improve regulatory matters or protect their social, economic, and other rights and interests, law enforcement officers organize and voluntarily join their professional unions. Operating in compliance with the United States legislation, these social institutions serve the law enforcement community, meeting police officers’ requirements and satisfying their needs in various...

The Notion of Punishment and Its Measures

Punishment is believed to be one of the most efficient methods of ensuring the individual’s reconsidering of one’s actions after breaching the law. The punishment as a notion is then divided into some major types according to the scope of a committed crime. Hence, some of the punishments issued after...

Serial Killers and Mayhem: What Makes Them So Fascinating for Society

Celebrity monsters have been playing an essential part in the popular culture since the 1970s. Multiple TV programs, movies, podcasts, and YouTube videos describe horror and terror in their fictional (e.g., vampires) and nonfictional (e.g., serial killers) themes. Research suggests that mass media tends to portray serial killers as monsters...

Property Crime and Sociological Typologies: Law Study

Bubba Hurt (Suspect 1), Skeeter Redrum (Suspect 2), and Summer Breeze (Suspect 3) are charged with Theft by Taking O.C.G.A. 16-8-2 as the three persons have committed “the offense of theft by taking when they unlawfully took […] the property of another with the intention of depriving him of the...

Differentiating Identity Theft: An Exploratory Study of Victims

The main research question is whether including existing credit card fraud as a type of identity theft will affect victims’ profiles (Copes et. al., 2010). The aim is to gather more understanding of what constitutes identity theft, thus suggesting solutions to decrease identity theft rates. To introduce the solution to...

Breonna Taylor Case: Black Lives Matter Movement

Brito, C. (2020). Family sues after 26-year-old EMT is shot and killed by police in her own home. CBS News. Web. Brito reported on the Breonna Taylor case that gained a lot of public attention due to the Black Lives Matter movement. Breonna Taylor’s family filed a wrongful death lawsuit...

Principal-Agent Relationships: Business Law Concept

Introduction The lawful basis for the implementation of intermediary services through an agency contract is legally fixed. According to the agency agreement, one party – the agent, undertakes, for a fee, to perform, on behalf of the other party – the principal, legal and other actions on its behalf, but...

Urban Gangs in America Since 1783

Introduction Gangs in America have been in existence since 1783 round the time when the American Revolution was coming to an end (Howell and Moore, 2010). The initial meaning of the term gang was “a journey” though the meaning was changed to mean “ a group of sailors” in the...

“Kids Behind Bars”: Juvenile Justice System

Introduction The video Kids Behind Bars addresses several important questions regarding juvenile justice, the most important of which is the necessity of rehabilitating and reforming juvenile delinquents. Even though the juvenile justice system currently tends to “get tough” on juveniles and treat them as adults, this approach seems to be...

False Confessions in the US Criminal Justice System

Introduction False confessions present a major issue in any criminal justice system. The situation becomes even more complicated when the system is so decentralized as in the USA. In every state, police traditionally rely on psychological pressure as a leading interrogation technique. Suspects suffer from innumerable threats, hours of sleep...

What is RTI? Including the Triangle Framework of RTI

RTI (Response to Intervention) is a system that, through the process of assessment and intervention, allows school students to receive specific services that aim to prevent behavioral problems and increase their level of academic achievement. It is important to note that RTI does not necessarily relate to special education. It...

Research and Juvenile Competency in the Courts

The task of assessing a juvenile’s competency to stand trial is often performed by a professional in the sphere of forensic psychology because it is important to provide reasonable decisions regarding a young person’s ability to stand trial (Kassin, Tubb, Hosch, & Memon, 2001, p. 2015). The standard evaluation of...

Reforming Criminal Law in California

The given essay will primarily focus on redefining the content-related aspect of rape laws. Some states, such as California, implemented the consent withdrawal concept, which allows a person to dismiss his or her previous consent. Therefore, before the change, if an individual gives permission, he or she no longer can...

Two Verdicts for Casey Anthony Murder Trial

Introduction Two parallel systems of justice coexist in the United States today, often operating at cross-purposes due to their different sets of rules. While the conventional court system is based on a strict application of laws and procedures, the court of a public opinion involves a more spontaneous use of...

“Raped at 8 and Forced to Wed at 11…” Review

The article’s narration touches on a very emotive issue in society, which I thought does not happen in Florida. It amazes me to learn that Sherry Johnson was sexually abused when was below ten, and impregnated and married off at 11. Her mother did not protect her when she required...

The Role of the Courts Under the U.S. Constitution

The judicial branch of the US system of government sees its core role in protecting the supremacy of law and civil liberties. It also includes the court’s interference in the work and development of health services organizations across the country. In this way, there are numerous roles that courts at...

The Florida Nursing Practice Act: Analysis

A nurse is a responsible position in a health care system. It requires a specific educational degree and a set of skills one must possess to become a licensed nurse. The state board of nursing and the nursing practice act are two major sources which regulate a role of the...

Creative Commons and Open Source as Alternative Approaches to Copyright

There are benefits of appropriate implementation of copyright strategies to protect the authored materials against the increasing breakdown of copyright laws. For instance, the creative commons license constitutes laws, human-understandable reports, and machine-comprehensible tags. The creative commons develop rules on top of the copyright laws. Additionally, the creative commons enable...

Racial Inequality in the Job Market of the U.S.

Racial disparities are evident in the United States as portrayed through the ever-increasing wealth gap between blacks and whites. Inequality is mostly experienced in the areas of income, education, and asset ownership especially ownership of homes. In the US, adult whites are more likely to own a house and access...

Property Title Process Applying to Land and Property

The main aim of the property title process is to purchase property and transfer the legal rights to use the property. There are different rules governing transfer of title in different parts of the world, however there is a standard process. In the land buying process the buyer has to...

Constitutional Project in the United States

Speaking about the similarities between what people think their Constitutional rights are and what their Constitutional rights actually are, it should be stated that they are quite many. Generally, people name their basic Constitutional rights just as they are written in the Constitution including the right for freedom of speech,...

Bill of Rights: Content and Purpose

Introduction As the Constitution of the United States of America is being formed, it is important to consider it as a document that will guide the country for hundreds of years forward, the “law of the land.” The Constitution is meant to outline the fundamental principles of our government and...

Legal Insanity in Criminology

A 45-year-old man has been referred to my facility by a judge. I have been asked to assess if the client satisfies the definition of legal insanity. The suspect was arrested for an attempted bank robbery. After analyzing his medical records, I realized that he had a history of schizophrenia....

Equal Employment Opportunity: The Issue of Unlawful Discrimination

Introduction Discrimination is one of the most contentious social problems in the society. The issue permeates various aspects of life such as education and employment. It is in this regard that the government has enacted various laws to eliminate the problem of discrimination in various sectors in the society. One...

Anti-Trust Case Analysis in the Health Sector

Marion Healthcare LLC v. Southern Illinois Healthcare In this case, the Department of Justice submitted a Statement of Interest related to a civil action in a case between Marion Health Care LLC and Southern Illinois Healthcare. The complainant, Marion LLC, is an ambulatory surgery center, which offers surgical services for...

Child Custody Issues in California

Introduction The child custody law in the state of California, as stated under the Family Law section, provides two forms of custody to either or both the parents – legal custody, which may be joint or sole custody and physical custody which again can be joint or sole. Legal custody...

Juvenile Competency to Stand Trial

Introduction It has been established by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1960 that to be able to stand trial, each criminal defendant has to be competent enough (Fortunati et al., 2006, p. 35). This is a reasonable decision, for not every person can clearly understand and evaluate the situation in...

Forensic Psychology Guidelines and Assessment

Guidelines and Assessment in Forensic Setting A forensic experiment requires the setting that involves outstanding clarity rates and does not allow for the slightest ambiguity (Specialty guidelines for forensic psychology, 2011). Herein the need to promote impartiality and fairness as the essential elements of the forensic assessment guidelines lies. The...

The Usage of DNA Technology in Forensic Science

Introduction The usage of DNA technology in forensic science is related to certain ethical issues that attract much attention of publicity (Sujatha, 2006). DNA typing technology gives forensic science an opportunity to uncover the information considered by the society “intensely private” (DNA typing and society, n.d., par.1). Some specialists are...

The Child Protection Policy: Case of Down Syndrome

Summary There is a focus on protecting the interest of children. Such focus is specifically outlined with children with disabilities. The Child Protection policy, governed by the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (DADHC) indicates the process and the procedures required for supporting and protecting children from. The policy...

Competition and Power for an Intelligence Function

Introduction An intelligence function may be defined as a military or government component designed to analyse information concerning the activities, strengths and capabilities of international actors that may be a country’s opponents. Alternatively, it can be understood as the process of secretly engaging in the economic or political affairs of...

United States Homeland Security Strategies

Modern society currently faces many dangers such as crime and terrorism. Security of the citizens is of the utmost importance for the United States government. That is why there are numerous laws that help the government to reduce crime rates, and prevent activities associated with terrorism. The United States government...

Daubert Standard Definition and Importance for Forensic Assessment

Introduction The continuous improvement of the US legal system has always been the primary objective of the government. Lives of many people depend on the evidence. Forensic assessment has been introduced as a new way of providing relevant evidence. Forensic psychology employs psychological theories and data in finding answers to...

Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Abstract The paper analyzes two research articles in an attempt to present arguments for the legalization of cannabis. The articles covered are: “Acute Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Aggressive, Escape and Point-Maintained Responding of Male Drug Users” and “Abstinence Symptoms Following Smoked Marijuana in Humans.” Both papers feature the small-scale...

Opposition Towards Legalization of Marijuana

The international community has not yet come to the consensus as to the legalization of soft drugs, and marijuana, in particular. Prior to discussing this issue, it is of the upmost importance for us to identify such notion of “soft drug”. According to a widely held opinion, it can be...

Argument of Definition: Hate Speech

The law defines hate speech as any speech, gesture, writing, display, or conduct that is prohibited because it may incite some actions of violence or prejudiced action against a protected person or group or because it belittles or intimidates a protected person or group (O’Connor and Aaron 12). Outside law,...

Crime Among the Juveniles: Causes

Introduction Crime among juveniles is not a new phenomenon, and the trend has been increasing in the recent past. It is noted that in the late 20th century, concern has been on the rise concerning the criminal acts that have been committed by the youths. There has been a general...

Crimes Among Children: “Kids Who Kill Are Still Kids” by R. Cohen

“Kids who kill are still kids” is such an interesting statement Richard Cohen has proposed. And I must admit, that the author uses logos, pathos, and ethos to prove his statement to the audience. Such a statement is very urgent because a lot of examples of murders, fights, violations, and...

The Department of Homeland Security

The present world is full of different dangers, as those which are made by nature, and also those which can be a result of people’s actions. We are talking about terrorism, technical disasters and nature phenomenon which may appear in the modern world, and that there must be the structure...

Helmet Laws Opposition as Mandatory Motor Cycle Laws

In 1966, the Highway Safety Act was passed and this called for the uniformity of the highway safety programs. This was also reinforced through the introduction of a penalty for the states that fails to implement it. However, the law never lasted for long and was suspended. Among the laws...

Rehabilitating Juveniles Within the Juvenile Justice System

Introduction Delinquents are young offenders aged seventeen years and below. The system was founded in 1868 to defend children from being influenced by adult criminals. It was also meant to avert young offenders from criminal courts and thus encourage remedy based on the needs of young criminals. Some juvenile delinquencies...

Property Rights in Natural Resource Economics

Natural resource economics concerns itself with the interaction of economic and environmental issues of supply, preservation, and allocation of natural resources, such as water, gas, minerals, and so on. “How producers and consumers use environmental resources depends on the property rights governing those resources” (Sandberg and Clancy 27). The proprietor,...

A Rhetorical Defense of Leonard Peltier

Introduction Leonard Peltier has been a prisoner for 28 years. This is due to crime that he did not commit. He was falsely accused to have murdered two FBI agents. Leonard Peltier is innocent and in fact the American government has confessed that they have no evidence against him. His...

Smuggling in the Russian Black Market

Introduction Researches have revealed that; organized crimes in Russia are very common in which various anti-social activities have been very eminent in the Russian black market including the Mafia movement. Currently, the level of crimes in Russia in its market operations in the black market has grown so high to...

US Prisons Review and Recidivism Prevention

There will always be offenders in any given society however organized the said society could be. This necessitates the establishment of places where such individuals can be isolated from other people and helped to reform their characters and show what is wrong and what is right. This is what has...

“The Globalization of American Law” by R. D. Kelemen and E. C. Sibbitt

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the article entitled “The Globalization of American Law,” as written by R. Daniel Kelemen, and Eric. C. Sibbitt, and published within International Organization, Vol. 58, No. 1 in 2004 (Kelemen, Sibbitt, 2004). It was published by the Cambridge University Press...

National Security Policies of the United States

Analyzing the effect of the perception of the public and the media on the policies of presidents, it can be stated that the issue is rather twofold. On the one hand, the most apparent impact can be assumed to be through elections, where the increased criticism leads to a decline...

Is There Possibility That Meriwether Lewis Was Murdered?

Introduction Meriwether Lewis came to the political limelight on August 1794 after joining a group of 13,000 militiamen that was destined to quell the Whiskey Rebellion1. Lewis remained as a volunteer of the army after the revolt was suppressed. It was while serving in the army that he met William...

Mexican Drug Cartels: A Transnational Threat

Mexican drug cartels constitute a new breed of organized crime in North America and in the drug trade. Brought about by connections with the Columbian drug trade, Mexican drug cartels have grown into a network of efficient and compartmentalized gatekeepers that control the drug trade from Mexico to the United...

Decriminalization of Marijuana Laws

Introduction Decriminalization of marijuana law is replacing “current criminal penalties for marijuana processions with civil penalty and fines” (StoptheDrugWar.org). According to Jeffrey Miron, director of undergraduate studies at Harvard University’s economics department, “marijuana legalization would mean repeal of federal and state laws that ban production, distribution, and possession of marijuana”...

Homeland Security, Race and Crime in the US

Introduction Homeland security has become a significant part of the American republic security sector especially in this age of industrialization. The country has come up with national policies that have national security as its priority. The federal government has the responsibility to protect the community from villain activities propagated both...

Criminal Justice in America and Its Components

Mention of the phrase criminal justice evokes the image of a violator, police, the court and prison or a crime. Criminal Justice entails a system of practices and institutions of government that prevent and act on crime by way of imposing discipline on offenders with penalties and rehabilitation efforts. The...

Investigating the Issue of Drug Trafficking Through the Points

Background The strategic location of Georgia has made the State both a smuggling corridor and a final destination for Illegal drugs. The States is served by extensive Interstate highway, like 1-95 that run between Miami and Network, known for wholesale drug distribution. Extensive railway network, International as well as regional...

Crime Situation in Bankstown-Australia

Bankstown- The City Bankstown is a local government area that traces its beginnings back to the year 1797 when the then Governor Hunter decided to recognize the lofty character of the plant specialist and scientist Sir Joseph Banks. It is from this plant scientist that the town got its name....

An Appropriate Penalty for Celebrity Offense

Introduction Celebrities are in a position of admiration and adoration from millions of local fans and many international ones. American society places people that simply act in modern plays for higher salaries than the majority of the population on pedestals, and while this in itself is a mockery of all...

The Scopes Monkey Trial Analysis

In 1925 the State of Tennessee passed a law that prohibited the teaching of evolution in schools funded by the State. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was quick to realize that this law was not only an attempt to control public school curriculum it was also a violation of...

Joseph and Mary Smith vs. Cauchemar and Sons Case

Introduction When a negligent surveyor advises a client that the property that the latter was considering buying would be significantly affected by noise from airplanes, the client is entitled to damages because this translates to a breach of contract (Cunningham, 1954). This negligence interferes with the right of the client...

Homeland Security: The Role of the US Military

Introduction The September eleventh attacks created a scenario of uncertainty and intense insecurity in the country. This caused the government to accelerate earlier initiatives it had instated on participation of the US military in domestic security. The paper shall look at changes made in the US military with regard to...

Department of Homeland Security: The Biggest Challenge

Introduction On September 11, 2001, the United States of America suffered terrible terrorist attacks. Al Qaeda terrorists were believed to be behind the attacks. They hijacked four jetliners and crashed two into the Twin Towers, one into the pentagon and the last one into a field near rural-Pennsylvania. The death...

Administrative Segregation in California Prisons

Introduction In California prisons, administrative segregation is applied to control safety as well as prisoners who are disruptive within the jurisdiction. This control involves inmates being excluded from association with others and is in accordance with the enforcement act that governs the segregation. This segregation is important because it prevents...

Opioid Drug Regulation: Legislative Letter

Dear Senator Nelson, In my practice, I regularly deal with patients affected by chronic pain. Chronic pain is a serious condition that requires considerable effort to be managed appropriately. Patients affected by the condition are known to experience a major deterioration in the quality of life (Dueñas, Ojeda, Salazar, Mico,...

Grand Parents Custody Rights Analysis

Introduction The term custody is used mainly to refer to the right given to someone which enables them to raise a child. Someone who has custodial rights is entrusted with the responsibility of caring, controlling maintaining the child. Most often, if the parents are living together both are entitled to...

Application of Domestic Policy Instruments to Religious Organizations

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the federal legislative system offers a particular opportunity for religious institutions and organizations to challenge the restrictions, imposed by the constitution and government. This opportunity mainly touches upon the issues of realty possession and use of land. Thus in Boulder...

The United States Bill of Rights

Introduction The United States Bill of Rights refers to the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. When the constitution was written, it did not guarantee certain rights to the American citizens and it was therefore necessary for it to be amended in order for these rights to be...

Government Explanations and Interpretations

Outline The following paper discusses the government explanations and interpretations by analysis of the following statements and questions. The first question regards why there is no right that is absolute and what is meant by the statement that, the power to tax is the power to destroy. The paper also...

US Health Care System: Health Care Acts

Introduction The democrats and President Barrack Obama worked extremely hard to pass a Healthcare Reform Bill which aimed at improving the U.S healthcare industry by two and a half trillion U.S dollars. As a result of this bill, two separate legislation were enacted namely the Patient Protection and Affordable Care...

A Rise of Gang Violence

The Problem Law enforcement officials across the country have noted that about 80% of all crime is associated with criminal gangs. Gang refers to a group of people who join together with the aim of engaging in criminal activity. All gangs use intimidation, force and fear to control neighborhoods and...

Should We Rely on Eye-Witness Testimonies to Identify Crime-Suspects?

Abstract As citizens of this world, we harbor the belief in a just society to each and every individual. In special reference to the United States, we consider ourselves a very democratic country in comparison to the rest of world. This is as a result of our strong belief and...

Drug Abuse and Crime Correlation

This questionnaire is to gauge people’s attitudes toward drug abuse, and crimes and how people think they correlate with race, color, age bracket and income group of criminal. The questionnaire aims to gauge people’s pre determined schemas about crime age and pre conceived notions regarding crime rates being high in...

Kelo v. City of New London – An Analysis

In Kelo v. City of New London, U.S Supreme Court held in June 2005 that the state government can influence the private parties to sell their property for the object of economic development. Whether a government can control the use of private property for a public purpose or whether the...

The United States Patriot Act Controversies

A close examination of the Patriot Act confirms that those that champion civil liberties as such are justifiably alarmed. The name itself, the PATRIOT Act is an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. The label for this law was cleverly...