Introduction The primary goal of a Qur’an exegesis is to serve the book by explaining its meanings, clearing its ambiguities, and making it accessible to individuals of different backgrounds, ages, and races. Above all, Muslim commentators intended that their writings would benefit their readers spiritually and intellectually. They thought their...
Topic: Quran
Words: 2503
Pages: 14
The significant role played by Prophet Muhammad in the daily lives of Muslims is mainly ignored by Western scholars. Through artistic expressions, texts, and examination of the Muslim religious execution, Schimmel shows the soft side of Islamic religious traditions as practiced and experienced in the Islamic world. She views the...
Topic: Religion
Words: 589
Pages: 2
The First Lesson Based on the book Sharing Christ with Children, I learned a lot of things. First, I learned that Jesus loved children and emphasized that let all children go to him. Secondly, I learned that children are undergoing numerous challenges, such as sexual abuse and being raised by...
Topic: Religion
Words: 944
Pages: 3
Confucianism is one of the world’s major philosophic and spiritual teachings, primarily practiced in Asian countries and China in particular. It is based on the various ideas of Confucius, comprising the moral and spiritual backbone of a number of nations. For its country of origin, China, Confucianism remains a source...
Topic: Confucianism
Words: 767
Pages: 2
Introduction Raising a child is a complex process that requires theory and supporting factors. Proper upbringing determines the kind of person a child grows up to be, one’s attitude to life, and one’s place in society. It also determines how the child will relate to parents and whether one will...
Topic: Home
Words: 932
Pages: 3
It is known that cats helped rid the island of Cyprus of a huge number of poisonous snakes. And they did it not with the help of magical power but thanks to their hunting skills and instincts. Cats help restore female energy and transmit grace, seductiveness, and sexuality to their...
Topic: Religion
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The Amos 8:1-8 passage is found in the book of Amos. This passage, in particular, discusses the theme of greed as the Israeli merchants have begun to treat their customers unlawfully, and the businessmen took advantage of the poor. For these actions, God has punished the Israel people. This...
Topic: Old Testament
Words: 1430
Pages: 5
The history of Christianity is quite a complicated theme since the religion belongs to the most widespread ones. Throughout the course of history, Christianity united people from different countries and societies, portraying the versatility of the ideology. Since the religion is currently spread around all continents, historians introduced the term...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Introduction In his book “Turning Points,” historian Mark Noll attempts to trace significant events in the two-millennium history of God’s New Testament church. Noll (2012) examines the key theological and historical topics that drove the church’s development. While Noll provides a general picture of church history, he also allows the...
Topic: Church
Words: 1175
Pages: 4
Introduction The 1: 18-32 section forms much of the material at 1:18-3:20 (see the study outline at the beginning of the book). The function of this research is to affirm that, as mentioned in 1:18, faith alone is the only means of achieving the righteousness outlined in Gospel 1:17. All...
Topic: God
Words: 2464
Pages: 10
Modern Western culture primarily originates from the Christian faith, philosophy, and morality. However, modern society is increasingly moving away from Christianity, refusing to believe in the gospel message and the Lord, and there are several reasons for this. Some people perceive the gospel as a text they might invoke from...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 384
Pages: 1
Every phenomenon emerges and exists in a specific context, which may alter its perception and understanding. The mission is not an exception, as its development has been under a strong influence of the overarching historical and social processes. Tentmaking has been an integral component of the mission since the dawn...
Topic: Religion
Words: 603
Pages: 3
The Old Testament lays the foundation for the teachings and events outlined in the New Testament. The New Testament can only be fully understood when seen as a continuation of the description of events, heroes, laws, the system of sacrifices, covenants, and promises written in the Old Testament. If we...
Topic: New Testament
Words: 580
Pages: 2
The practice of snake handling in churches is not a new tradition, and its emergence was underpinned by the spread of interpretations of the Bible. They were quite literal as the words “They shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents” were considered...
Topic: Church
Words: 243
Pages: 1
Poverty is one of the biggest problems in modern society, which is addressed by economists, international organizations, and politicians. Several Christian interpretations have different ideas about poverty and wealth. In the extreme example of the spectrum, wealth and materialism are portrayed as an evil that must be avoided and even...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 273
Pages: 1
Introduction According to the United Nations, women’s rights are fundamental human rights that require all women to be treated equally and fairly in society. Yet most women are still denied equal opportunities as men due to their femininity. For decades, rights groups have made significant efforts in the fight against...
Topic: Islam
Words: 1719
Pages: 6
Theological reflection is a set of thought processes and actions directed deep into a person’s consciousness. Human resolves his experiences, awareness of actions, thoughts, and feelings through critical thinking. That is one of the essential and special abilities that force one to relive past feelings and analyze them. In addition,...
Topic: Theology
Words: 330
Pages: 1
As defined in 1 Corinthians 13, love is a style of life lived in imitation of Jesus Christ that is centered on the “other” and their sound rather than on oneself. There are various ways in which love is described in each of the tests found in 1 Corinthians 13:...
Topic: Religion
Words: 628
Pages: 2
Economic activities are often misconstrued as rooted solely in financial interactions and devoid of any cultural components. However, the assumption that culture does not factor into economic interactions could not be any further away from the truth. As the history of the Silk Road and interactions within it have shown,...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1688
Pages: 6
Introduction It is important to note that Islam is one of the three Abrahamic religions, which builds its system of beliefs on the faith of monotheism. The Holy Quran is the sacred text from which the majority of teachings and core concepts are derived. The key figure is the Prophet...
Topic: International Relations
Words: 1182
Pages: 4
Notably, I agree with my peer’s choice of the Bible as a cultural work for the time capsule. Hence, I am interested in seeing the differences in fresh translations of the Bible because it has changed multiple times throughout centuries as well. When considering the legacy of the selected work,...
Topic: Bible
Words: 556
Pages: 2
In his writing titled On Care of Our Common Home, Pope Francis contends that the evils and sources of suffering are part of labor that he uses to gain humans’ cooperation with Him. With the gospel of God’s love for all His creatures, the question then beckons; why would God...
Topic: Home
Words: 203
Pages: 1
The pillars of the Islamic religion are crucial for its general practice and shared ideas. To be more exact, they constitute the basic norms of religious custom and are widely accepted by Muslim people. In addition, fulfilling the five pillars is compulsory for those who consider themselves the followers of...
Topic: Culture
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Introduction Civilization has been linked to religious history for a long time. The sheer fact of historical studies is heretical for many religions; historical thought for other religions is an essential part of religious practice. Religious identities were an issue of decision and an instrument of control. In every part...
Topic: Dystopia
Words: 1675
Pages: 6
The Gospel of Luke in the New Testament is a telling of the origins of Jesus Christ, the miracles, the death, and the resurrection. One of the illustrations that refer to Jesus’s teachings and the overall concept of receiving salvation is Luke 17:11-19. The 19th chapter tells the story of...
Topic: New Testament
Words: 1404
Pages: 5
In my initial proposal, I have stated that religion and environmental justice could correlate on different levels to provide a better insight into the issues presented by the latter. The highlight of my idea was the fact that addressing this challenge as a community would be an effective way to...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1303
Pages: 4
The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most misinterpreted and controversial aspects of Christianity. Historically, there have been debates surrounding this foundational concept of Christian faith. People often make mistakes trying to understand the nature of God, which stems primarily from their denial they cannot fully grasp the...
Topic: Religion
Words: 830
Pages: 3
Introduction Religion provides purpose and meaning, allowing its followers to navigate in a world full of uncertainty. This idea explains the seminal status of the world’s leading beliefs, as they possess well-established and documented descriptions of all key spheres of life. Among these aspects, the afterlife occupies a unique position...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 1477
Pages: 5
The Good Samaritan currently refers to doing good deeds towards strangers exclusively out of kindness and compassion. This idiom is rooted in a biblical parable told by Jesus. The story is usually interpreted as Jesus’ call to love both neighbors and enemies. However, the meaning of the parable could be...
Topic: Religion
Words: 664
Pages: 2
The post of Kendra addresses the essential topic regarding the role of communication in human life. The author of the post elaborates on the rewarding system in education and emphasizes the role of communication in learning. The most astonishing about my classmates’ work is the real-life examples and Biblical connotations....
Topic: Communication
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the most commonly practiced religions in the world today. It is believed that both religions originated in northern India around 500 BCE. The two religions later on expanded to other regions, especially in Asia, where Buddhism continues to have a major spiritual and religious...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 838
Pages: 3
Dukkha is a traditional element of the religious philosophy of Buddhism, aimed at describing the prevailing situation in the surrounding material world. According to Buddhists, the earthly human reality is primarily the world of suffering – traditionally, the word “dukkha” is translated by religious scholars from Sanskrit as a designation...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 378
Pages: 1
Introduction At present, there is a large number of religions, philosophies, and beliefs that constitute the people’s worldviews. In general, the worldview is a complicated system that includes the individual’s understanding of their origin, identity, place in the world, and society (Brandt & Crawford, 2020). James Sire (2004) explains the...
Topic: Baptism
Words: 869
Pages: 3
The word “Islam” is imbued with a plethora of complex and quite frequently misguided perceptions, most of which are based on the stereotypical idea of the Muslim religion and culture. Unfortunately, due to the tremendous misrepresentation of Islam and Muslim culture in the media, a significant number of harmful stereotypes...
Topic: Islam
Words: 1380
Pages: 5
America is a diverse and multinational country with a versatile culture. However, it is difficult to deny the uniting role of Christianity, and in particular, the Ten Commandments. According to Marsden (2018), the Commandments present the common values of the American population. The author confirms that despite ethnic diversities, people...
Topic: Religion
Words: 308
Pages: 1
Divorce is one of the main contemporary social problems, and there are debates in religious circles about whether separation is allowed in the Bible. Accordingly, the church does not recognize divorce and considers it not biblical, except in cases of betrayal and desertion of marriage. The Bible consistently asserts that...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 858
Pages: 3
Daniel Howard-Snyder dedicates his article to the topic of faith. His main claim is that the common understanding of propositional faith is false and thus damages human thought processes regarding their attitude towards future events. Snyder argues that there is a substantial difference between conventional religious faith and propositional faith...
Topic: Belief
Words: 1061
Pages: 4
Usually, people perceive religion and belief as aspects of personal choice that are difficult or impossible to dispute. Most often, belief is based on unjustified facts or events; however, this feature does not prevent people from holding on to their positions. On the other hand, anti-theistic arguments are most often...
Topic: God
Words: 2518
Pages: 9
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath Summary In this chapter, John continues to observe the events on earth from multiple angles in Heaven. He primarily God’s wrath against the unfaithful, which was spilled upon people of the earth since they chose to pursue false religions and prophets and worship the...
Topic: Bible
Words: 3864
Pages: 15
Introduction Throughout history, many philosophers have raised the topic of the existence of God. Each of them has his own special approach and argumentation. Due to this, many theories and philosophical statements have been created, which are further discussed, revised, and interpreted. Arguments for or against the idea of the...
Topic: God
Words: 663
Pages: 2
All people have a cultural object that shapes their behavior and social norms. The Bible is one of the world’s most influential cultural objects that posit fundamental roles in modeling individuals’ spiritual health. Ideally, it is a typical collection of historical events in ancient times held sacredly to the people...
Topic: Bible
Words: 627
Pages: 2
The author of Creator Spirit in the Evolving World marvels at the beauty of the earth as she calls readers to relate God’s presence in their daily engagements with nature. She beautifully describes the planet as seen in photographs taken from space with descriptions that awaken the audience’s curiosity to...
Topic: Religion
Words: 374
Pages: 1
Introduction In the Book of Exodus, one of the most daring confrontations with God is the Golden Calf event. The story revolves around the people of Israel who doubted the divinity of the Lord and describes how God and Moses reacted to this treachery. The narrative reveals how arrogant and...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1916
Pages: 7
Christian apologetics refers to the defense of faith against spreading of spiritual falsehood. These individuals guard religious values and morals, as evidenced during the second century (101-200AD). Everett Ferguson identifies Adam as a representative and guard of God’s practices in the Garden of Eden (Ferguson and George 2016). The serpent...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 656
Pages: 2
Introduction Christianity developed in the mid-first century in Judea following the teachings of Jesus. Later, the missionary work and writings of Paul of Taurus also made an impact in its spread. Initially, this religion was viewed as a small and disorganized sect that, among other things, pledged personal salvation after...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 831
Pages: 3
Religion is an act of devotion towards the existence of a true God. There are some aspects of faith, which make it susceptible to being a potential source of discrimination. As stated by Adams et al. (2013), every religion has its accepted dogma, which followers must accept without question. In...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1181
Pages: 4
The story of Joseph, son of Jacob, is told in the book of Genesis from chapters 37 to 50. As a young man, Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son because of many reasons. He was born when Joseph was advanced in age and did not expect another child. He was obedient...
Topic: Suffering
Words: 1704
Pages: 6
Ethics and religion are interrelated concepts, but this synergy remains inadequately explained. Moreover, this issue’s final point cannot be reached since both concepts are relative and not measured by standard methods. The Westboro Baptist Church case reveals a controversial decision allowing religious activists to express their perspective at a funeral....
Topic: Baptism
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Religion plays a central role in the overall development of society and an individual’s morality. The Christian religion, in particular, can be considered as a source of many essential human values. It forms a social and civilizational basis of the Judeo-Christian value system, which promoted the correct societal structure. The...
Topic: Bible
Words: 312
Pages: 1
Introduction Islam is the second-largest religion globally, and Eid is one of the significant religious occasions which Muslims faithfully celebrate worldwide. The occasion signals the end of a period of fasting from dawn to sunset, spiritual meditation and prayer. Usually, the day begins with prayers, and a big meal is...
Topic: Religion
Words: 658
Pages: 2
Introduction Traditionally, the concept of religion has been related to a population’s beliefs. Although religion has been a controversial aspect, it is the worship and acknowledgment of the existence of a supernatural controlling power among the traditionalists. Several attempts to define the term have proved unsuccessful after scholars disagreed on...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1933
Pages: 7
Introduction There are various standpoints on spirituality across a variety of disciplines and discourses, including culture, sociology, philosophy, and religious beliefs. The meaning of spirituality has advanced over the years, with each generation attempting to evaluate the existing belief systems. It may refer to a religious process where believers hope...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 953
Pages: 3
The ethicality of euthanasia is a controversial issue in the philosophy of medicine, ethics, law, and other disciplines connected to the notions of death and the right to it. Euthanasia has divided people into two main camps – those who see it as a crime against God or some higher...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 1774
Pages: 6
Art has always been an integral part of religion, and visual art is especially effective in conveying religious values. The paintings by the Australian artist O’Brien are displayed in modern art galleries, as they are characterized by a bright palette and dedication to religious subjects. The artist had an eye...
Topic: Modern Art
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Genesis 1-3 tells of creating the heavens and the earth in all its vast array and all living things. God created humanity: a man and a woman from his rib blessed them and told them to fill the earth and conquer it. He gave them as well as all living...
Topic: Religion
Words: 616
Pages: 2
Most Christians think that women are oppressed, and their rights denied when limits are put on their roles in the church. This has led to the cropping of great challenges between complementarians and egalitarians on the limitation of women’s leadership roles. For instance, many women in the current churches fight...
Topic: Church
Words: 631
Pages: 2
During the colonization of the New World, many conflicts emerged between the newcomers and the Native Americans. Among apparent differences that arose between them, the cultural and, more importantly, religious discrepancies were one of the most prominent ones. Shortly before the conquest of the New World, Europe survived one of...
Topic: Protestantism
Words: 598
Pages: 2
“Becoming good: building moral character” is a book that has received a warm welcome among the Christians. Written by David W. Gill, the book lays fundamental principles on how a Christian can find satisfaction in the ways of GOD as opposed to the current love for money which has become...
Topic: Religion
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Introduction There has been a debate between scientists and theologians about evolution. Many individuals believe that accepting the scientific theory of evolution, which is based on the notion of natural selection, is equal to holding atheistic views. They interpret the story of Adam and Eve literally and use it to...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Introduction Few religions are as interconnected socially, historically, and culturally as Christianity and Islam. Both faiths have similar origins, historical roots, with Islam recognizing some Christian elements and figures. Both Islam and Christianity represent monotheistic religions with one supreme entity. Each religion incorporates the divine message and prophets who spread...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 888
Pages: 3
Throughout centuries, the infinite world stands upon the rules, regulations created by humans, and, most importantly, religion. The latter offered the medieval man an opportunity to reconsider life and its purpose. At its core, faith illuminates being with light and hope. Among diverse directions of faith, Christianity constitutes one of...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 874
Pages: 3
One Amazing Thing was written by an Indian-American poet and novelist Chitra Divakaruni, who used the ancient storytelling form of Panchatantra to write her own sapiential story in the post-9/11 United States setting. The novel emphasizes the notion of multiculturalism and tells the story of nine protagonists who are captured...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1119
Pages: 4
Muslim concept of God Muslims are monotheistic, they believe in one God whom they refer to as Allah. Allah is an Arabic name for God; he is One and unique in everything he had created. Allah has no gender. He is self-sufficient as His existence is not determined by anything....
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1754
Pages: 6
Synoptic gospels refer to biblical doctrines which were documented as part of good news during the New Testament times. These gospels have several similarities (Perkins, p. 19). As such, there are myriad of common features which characterize them. These include content, style, paragraphs, chronology and timing of events. In a...
Topic: Religion
Words: 683
Pages: 2
What is Religion? It is not an easy task to directly explain or define religion and come up with a definition that will satisfy everyone. The technicality of the definition is that when we talk of religion everyone believes that he holds the true beliefs i.e. when you go to...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1453
Pages: 5
Introduction Religion has played an important responsibility in the traditional world as well as in the modern world. In order to complement religion, a number of societies for example Chinese, Romans and Greeks emulated rationalism. Modern world is the historic period when the European countries began to expand spreading imperialism...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1101
Pages: 3
Religion has existed since antiquity. While different communities practiced different religions, they nonetheless have a common ground when it comes to the unity of the material and spiritual world. According to Toropov and Buckles, within the Native American spirituality, all processes whether human or non human (spiritual), are linked. Native...
Topic: Native American
Words: 747
Pages: 2
Introduction The religious censoring criticism has greatly influenced people’s behaviors. People consistently avoid talking about certain things since their religion views them as obscene and contrary to their teachings. Therefore, different religions have different censorship behaviors since they apply different scriptural teachings. Although the religious censoring intends to control and...
Topic: Criticism
Words: 1389
Pages: 5
South Korea embraces Christianity more than Japan. When visiting South Korea today, one is bound to be struck by the many churches every where, ranging from splendid cathedrals in big cities to small and humble churches built in villages. These churches can be easily seen when traveling either by train...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1477
Pages: 5
Historical Background of the text of 1 Corinthians The First Epistle to the Corinthians, or 1 Corinthians was written in Greek by St. Paul of Tarsus to the fledgling Christian Community of Corinth. In the Bible, It is the seventh book of the New Testament and the second of the...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1748
Pages: 6
Introduction This report is based on a visit to a Baptist church that I attended. The report focuses on the events that took place in the church during that visit and the observations regarding the nature of the surrounding environment. It explains in details the external features that surround the...
Topic: Baptism
Words: 1632
Pages: 4
The non-Vedic native Jainism religion has an origination in India and Mahavira is the most prominent tutor of the doctrine of this religion. The main belief of the religion is that Universe is forever it is not affected by time, there is no commencement or an end and it is...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 635
Pages: 2
Introduction The books of Romans and Ephesians were written by Paul, and both contained extortions to the people on how to live their lives according to the dictates of Christianity. Romans 12: 1-2 and Ephesians 4:17-20 have a common theme- they both instruct the people to depend on God’s wisdom,...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 1156
Pages: 4
Introduction Evidence abounds to testify to the surmised and indeed existent relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The author of Hebrews manipulates allusions to the Old Testament scripture to reinforce his message and authorial persuasions. In Hebrews the author makes constant reference to the new covenant. The...
Topic: New Testament
Words: 1927
Pages: 6
Introduction Holly Spirit is part of what the Bible calls the Holy trinity. It comprises of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ the Son of God and God himself. The Bible says that the Holly trinity is one but they act in different forms because of the different activities they perform....
Topic: Holy Spirit
Words: 2117
Pages: 6
Introduction Voltaire was born in the final years of the seventeenth century and died a decade before the beginning of the French Revolution. Christened François Marie Arouet, he subsequently assumed his name to Voltaire. In fact, Voltaire was a central and quintessential figure of the eighteenth century, so much so...
Topic: Belief
Words: 2518
Pages: 5
Everyone has faith – from the irrational religious zealot to the fervent philosopher and the meticulous scientist. We all believe in something and thus we behave in line with these beliefs. Therefore, the underlying question, in this case, is not whether we have faith, but the truth behind the things...
Topic: Belief
Words: 2547
Pages: 9
Religions teach people to perceive the world around them by certain canons and laws prescribed by higher powers. In different faiths, approaches to the interpretation of human existence during life on earth and after it may differ. The case of George who learns about the terrible diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral...
Topic: Death
Words: 1199
Pages: 4
The question of whether God exists has been the focus of discussions since the times immemorial. Numerous arguments have been provided by both sides of the discussion, each being rather impressive and logically coherent. In the text under analysis, both deductive and inductive reasoning is used to prove that God...
Topic: God
Words: 604
Pages: 2
Introduction Most religious teachings go into detail on the multifaceted relationships between gods and humans in which the latter are sometimes able to find solace and peace of mind and sometimes are scorned and neglected. At that, the union of a god and a human is usually not one of...
Topic: Gilgamesh
Words: 1197
Pages: 4
Introduction Martin Luther, known as the father of the Reformation, had a remarkable life that is discussed by several authors. In his Martin Luther: A Late Medieval Life book, Volker Leppin offers his vision on the key biographic points of this theologian. By reading and analyzing the lives of prominent...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 2757
Pages: 10
John Wesley’s (1703-1791) understanding of the relationship between the nature of a man and God directly relates to the concept of salvation. He can be responsible for the ‘revolution’ in the Christian faith. According to him, every human was born with a piece of Christ in himself rather than with...
Topic: Human Nature
Words: 541
Pages: 1
In Buddhism, the Noble Eightfold Path is the last of the Four Noble Truths. It describes the principles of thought and behavior that help on one’s path to enlightenment. According to Ratnasekera (n.d.), following the Eightfold Path makes the person “fully self-possessed, in command of his faculties and well-equipped to...
Topic: Jesus Christ
Words: 618
Pages: 2
Cite two reasons that Jesus left Judea. 4:1-3 (cf. Mark 1:14). Bruce, p. 100. Jesus left Judea for Galilee for two reasons. First, the province was a foothold of the Pharisees who Christ often condemned for their hypocrisy, and therefore, they were filled with malice against him. Although he was...
Topic: Religion
Words: 4883
Pages: 15
I would say yes, God knows the future. The reason why God knows the lot is that he is beyond the issue of time. Before the world began, He was, and that is why he created the world. Before the creation, He saw the future as a present reality, including...
Topic: God
Words: 591
Pages: 2
Summary of the books of the Old Testament Books Exodus The book of Exodus is a narrative. Exodus means “departure”. The book revolves around the deliverance of the people of Israel after 400 years of slavery under the then Pharaoh of Egypt. It begins with the cry of the Israelites...
Topic: New Testament
Words: 1525
Pages: 4
Theravada and Mahayana are both schools of Buddhism that arose out of the basic teachings of Buddha. Both of the teachings are complementary but they are made up of different expressions of Buddhist teachings. The primary differences that exist between the two came into existence after Buddha’s death. Theravada Theravada,...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 274
Pages: 1
Introduction Theology of hope is believed to must have been conceived in the 1960s, with its roots grounded in the 20th existentialism philosophy. Albert Schweitzer was one of the exponents of the theology of hope. In his eschatological teachings, Schweitzer dwelt about faith and stunningly argued the implication of history...
Topic: Hope
Words: 540
Pages: 3
Introduction Neo-orthodoxy is a concept used in advanced contemporary theology, also called liberal theology. The views of neo-theologians are different from those of the orthodoxy on the basis of their approaches to the word of God. Neo-theology is a deviant view of the doctrine of the word and is in...
Topic: Theology
Words: 1695
Pages: 7
Introduction People’s beliefs have been formed for centuries and each region has specific perception of reality. Clearly, people share some universal beliefs but all nations and cultures have certain peculiarities. For instance, Far East is the region where people believe in spirits, harmony and the rule of nature. Notably, it...
Topic: Religion
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Introduction According to Christianity, being a disciple of Jesus Christ puts a follower in privileges and blessings that the world in its entirety cannot offer. It is worth noting that the Christian faith is based on the transformation of the world through the spreading of the truth and preaching about God’s...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1533
Pages: 6
Introduction The analysis of personal skills and knowledge is an important tool that is frequently used by several leaders. Various leadership audits help to focus on certain qualities and clarify if a person can properly develop them. In this project, the attention will be paid to seven different leadership audits...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 2523
Pages: 10
Today, different religions can coexist in the modern world, and this phenomenon can be defined as religious pluralism since a diverse array of religions is accepted (Phan & Ray, 2014). Apart from the fact that religious pluralism creates separation and tensions in society, the statement “pluralism is the greatest philosophical...
Topic: Oppression
Words: 314
Pages: 2
The book of Joshua is one of the most important scriptures that describe the final journey of the children of Israel into the Promised Land from Egypt. After the death of Moses who had led the Israelites out of Egypt, Joshua took over the leadership. He was given the mandate...
Topic: Religion
Words: 502
Pages: 2
Introduction Islam is one of the major religions in the world. It is highly controversial because of global links to terrorism. Most terrorist groups associated with the religion have taken responsibility for major terror attacks in the United States and other countries around the world. Contemporary American society is comprised...
Topic: Culture
Words: 561
Pages: 3
Introduction The relations of Church and secular society have been a matter of discussion for centuries. Both spiritual and civil aspects are important for society. Scholars debate on how to bring them together without running to extremes. There are two dangerous approaches to the relations between church and state, which...
Topic: Moral Values
Words: 1097
Pages: 4
Introduction People got used to the fact the scientists do not believe in the things that seem to be supernatural and lack substantial evidence. Mainly, they consider religion to be a concept created by the human beings in order to explain the things they do not understand. Still, the absence...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 1692
Pages: 7
Introduction Mentorship is one of the critical components of the modern understanding of religion or spirituality. Nonetheless, some experts disregard the role of mentors in their lives and consider them as unimportant figures. In this case, it is critical to underline the paramount importance of mentorship in the modern world...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 2927
Pages: 11
Introduction The Great Commission sent out the apostles to make disciples, but not to build organizations (Matthew 28:18-20, NIV). This is a fact that the modern church needs to keep in mind in the course of its activities. Making disciples is an activity that has changed greatly since the time...
Topic: Church
Words: 1424
Pages: 6
Introduction Being a believer requires a great deal of sacrifice and dedication but it is mainly synonymous with disciple-making. The church is expected to play a significant role in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Consequently, the task of making disciples is a core element of the church and it...
Topic: Church
Words: 2783
Pages: 11
Introduction Aryans Brahmanism and Classical Hinduism all believe in nature gods. There doctrines revolve around things such as rain, oceans, sun, and other unique physical features. Shiva, Indra, Varuna, and Surya are the most important gods in these religious orientations. Even though Aryan is the religion, Brahmanism represents the sacrificial...
Topic: Hinduism
Words: 1221
Pages: 5
Introduction The Dutch settlers came to America with the sole objective of making money. They did migrate from their original land due to political or religious persecution. A majority of the settlers were single men who were out to make money. The Dutch West Indian company facilitated the movement of...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 1678
Pages: 7
Literary criticism Context The Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-13) is often being regarded as one of the most important miracles that took place during the course of the Savior’s earthly service (second only to the Resurrection). This miracle was meant to prove to the most loyal disciples of Jesus (Peter,...
Topic: Criticism
Words: 2245
Pages: 9
G.E. Lessing created a powerful poem that talks about a father’s love for his sons. The father’s love for his three sons was illustrated through the importance of the ring of power. He will bequeath the ring to his favorite child (Lessing 1). However, he realized that he equally loved...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1799
Pages: 7
Introduction Christianity as a religion has developed into a variety of denominations. Hence, different subgroups of believers have slightly contrasting beliefs established due to historical, political, social, and religious changes. Methodism comprises multiple denominations correlating with Protestantism. The religious connotations derive from the teaching of Charles Wesley, and despite its...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1435
Pages: 5
Scriptural Foundations of Spurgeon’s Beliefs Spurgeon’s understanding of the Great Commission came from his conviction of one’s purpose in entering the ministry. Spurgeon was convinced that the only reason for entering the ministry was to bring glory to God. He believed that through training, one could grasp the meaning of...
Topic: Religion
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Introduction Different interpretations of the Holy Scripture cause disputes and contradictions. The article “The Power of the Bible in the Global South – Liberating Word” discusses how much one should be worried about applying Christian teaching in new and multifaceted interpretations. The essay deals with the Global South, which has...
Topic: Religion
Words: 808
Pages: 3
Biblical Principles Guiding Spurgeon’s Proclamation of Christ The fundamental principle that guided Spurgeon in his sermons was to exalt God and make him the center of the laity. A sermon was meaningless to him if it was directed at something other than the faith and humility of the laity. Spurgeon...
Topic: Religion
Words: 486
Pages: 2
Tillich’s Theology of Faith God is the central notion of Tillich’s theology, and he aptly opposes all other concepts. From Tillich’s perspective, God is the power of being, which opposes non-existence. Moreover, God is the foundation of being, from which all beings proceed and in which all beings participate (Tillich)....
Topic: Religion
Words: 557
Pages: 2
The Role of Charles Haddon Spurgeon in the Reformed Baptist Tradition Considering the rapid changes happening in culture and politics all around the globe and challenges that arise for the modern Christian homelife, today, regular preachers, as never before, have to seek guidance in Scripture. It is also worth looking...
Topic: Religion
Words: 921
Pages: 3
Introduction Developing a practical evangelization plan was an inspiring idea for me throughout the course. In my environment, it is also quite crucial as it can lead to leadership in service. This article will describe how the course influenced my goals and thinking regarding religious topics. I studied the concept...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1131
Pages: 4
Introduction Belief is an integral part of being a religious person, and many theologians and spiritual writers have explored it. Lewis and Sakyong Mipham are writers who have delved into the topic of belief in their respective religious traditions. They both understand the term differently and oppose each other’s doctrinal...
Topic: Religion
Words: 662
Pages: 2
Introduction If humans experience joy and bliss in life, they will never succeed in development. Only the presence of opposites allows one to compare, draw conclusions, and choose something for oneself, contributing to the soul’s development. Suffering, the opposite of happiness and joy, pushes the soul to the eternal search...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 350
Pages: 1
Introduction Evangelism means sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others and is the primary way of missionary work. As Christians, we are invited to share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ with those around us so that they can experience forgiveness, love, and hope. Accordingly, the course...
Topic: Communication
Words: 628
Pages: 2
Introduction Prophets are individuals with contact with a divine being who serves as an intermediary offering predictive information about the future. Much like other religious texts, Christian works were based on the writings of men. However, divine inspiration ended after the completion of the 66 chapters therein. Moreover, millions of...
Topic: Bible
Words: 1171
Pages: 4
Introduction Everyday concerns and problems are an integral part of the modern person’s life, and their number is only growing. However, in a rush, people forget important things that allow them to feel life profoundly. Various stimuli and goals create people in a rush, neglecting the attention of God. This...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 1139
Pages: 4
Introduction Chinese religious beliefs have been regarded as peaceful and humanistic. Therefore, the notions of self-control, self-discipline, and restraint are traditionally associated with Chinese religious practices and ethical standards (Einzelgänger, 2020; Open Your Reality, 2021). However, the specified statements regarding Chinese religion are not merely empty. Due to the strong...
Topic: Religion
Words: 355
Pages: 1
Origins The monotheistic meaning of religion is to worship one God while rejecting other gods’ existence, and Christianity and Islam easily fulfill this description. Both religions were founded in the Middle East and have a common origin. Christians believe that more than 2000 years ago, in Bethlehem, in the Middle...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 634
Pages: 2
Introduction The Jesuit missions to China in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries represent a short but remarkable page in the history of China and an exciting phenomenon in the life of the Society of Jesus itself. It was the first significant dialogue between European and Chinese cultures; it included both...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1651
Pages: 6
Introduction The dichotomy between science and religion is one of the most debated topics in theology. There is a large variety of approaches to hermeneutics and Bible analysis, and the recognition of science in sacred texts is one of them. Moreover, one can understand science as either a conceptual approach...
Topic: Bible
Words: 930
Pages: 3
In Gonzalez’s book Story of Christianity: Volume 1: The Early Church to the Reformation, chapter 17 discusses The Arian Controversy. This issue sparked the so-called Arian conflict, named after the Alexandrian priest Arius. He promoted strict monotheism and believed that Christ was God but was subject to God the Father...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 617
Pages: 2
Throughout centuries, humanity constructed many complex political structures that strive to uphold the harmonious existence of civil society. During its formation, the United States used a solid foundation for this purpose that remains critical for its peaceful and prosperous existence. This essay will analyze how natural and revealed laws affect...
Topic: Religion
Words: 594
Pages: 2
The way Catholic Church officials address the tension around LGBT relations may vary: most remain silent, few express support, and few – disapproval. The attitudes of judgment and rejection, in turn, only widen the gap between the LGBT community and the institutional Church. The opening, however, is not only artificially...
Topic: Catholic Church
Words: 628
Pages: 2
The book of Numbers in the Bible records the history of the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness. One common theme throughout their journey is their tendency to complain and grumble when faced with difficulties. This is exemplified in two incidents recorded in Numbers 14 and 20, where the...
Topic: Religion
Words: 402
Pages: 1
Introduction Bible is the primary book or account through which humanity can understand their maker’s purpose for them. The book of Genesis provides information about the creation and humans’ existence but significantly little about why God created humans. According to Genesis, the only clear role for people is that humans...
Topic: Theology
Words: 2319
Pages: 8
Introduction Burnout can become a problem for all people, regardless of what field of human activity they are engaged in. This critical issue requires special attention, as it can significantly affect both the professional and personal spheres of life. Hence, for pastors in Judaism, there is a Sabbath, or the...
Topic: Judaism
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The plagues of Egypt are a significant part of the Old Testament story of the Exodus and the Israelites’ deliverance by God from Pharaoh’s tyranny. After Pharaoh refused to free the Israelites from slavery, God sent a series of plagues to Egypt, which culminated in the death of the firstborn...
Topic: Religion
Words: 864
Pages: 3
Introduction Christianity is one of the global religions with millions of followers in various countries. It also has a unique set of values and fundamental concepts comprising its core. The Bible introduces numerous ideas that form the framework necessary for realizing the nature of God and how it impacts people’s...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1735
Pages: 6
I want to educate my audience on the profession of public relations, including its duties, compensation, and future possibilities. I also want to show how public relations specialist may use their job to glorify God by upholding principles like honesty, integrity, and transparency. Public relations may be the best job...
Topic: Public Relations
Words: 440
Pages: 1
Different religions and beliefs have their versions of the creation of the world. There are similarities and differences between the biblical flood and creation stories and Mesopotamian myths. According to Enuma Elish, the world’s creation took place in several stages (Sublett, 2023). Just like in the biblical stories, God created...
Topic: Bible
Words: 404
Pages: 1
Introduction From a Biblical worldview perspective, the obligation to help others in education is to share genuine knowledge regardless of their traits. Proverbs 9:9 states: “Instruct the wise, and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous, and they will add to their learning” (BibleGateway, n.d). Thus the Bible expresses...
Topic: Religion
Words: 298
Pages: 1
Introduction Understanding the features of the Christian approach to medicine and treatments may seem complicated if the information is structured incorrectly. However, your response presented the information in a clear sequential order that fully reflects the main elements of the Christian worldview and its connection with medical ethics. Discussion I...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 279
Pages: 1
Introduction The author bases the work on the versatility of the Christian worldview and emphasizes that, at the same time, they all rely on the holy scriptures of the Bible. It is a valuable source of information for followers of the Christian faith. This post has such strengths as a...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 349
Pages: 1
Like any other religion, Buddhist philosophy is associated with unique traditions, customs, ceremonies, and rituals. Buddhist culture is extraordinary and multifaceted, further confirmed by numerous rituals, which, in particular, play a crucial role in Buddhism. Even though most Europeans have not heard of such practices, Westerners endlessly believe in these...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 920
Pages: 3
Introduction Christians acknowledged that Jesus’ life initiated God’s rule and would shortly come to fruition following his death. I believe that Jesus essentially taught love for God and people. With this value, I trust that heaven’s reach for Christians gets closer when people practice them wholeheartedly. Discussion One passage from...
Topic: God
Words: 330
Pages: 1
The Christian concept of the imago Dei is the belief that God created humans in His image, thus making us unique and special. It is a foundational belief in Christianity, and it has implications for how we should treat each other (Hobson & Edgar, 2019, pp. 33-43). This ideology is...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 319
Pages: 1
Introduction To date, discussions about euthanasia are among the most controversial. For example, questions arise as to whether this practice is salvation or a great sin. Thus, for instance, science still cannot determine whether this intervention is right or wrong, “good” or “bad” (Bogue & Hogan, 2020, p. 1). Nevertheless,...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 394
Pages: 1
Introduction Spirituality in Christianity is a broad concept that includes the personal traits of every catholic and a collective view of the world as a place of God’s creation. There are multiple worldviews according to which spirituality can be defined as a set of values or practices like meditation to...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 407
Pages: 1
Introduction The four parts of the biblical narrative reveal numerous details about God’s character and advocacy for humans. Moreover, they deepen one’s comprehension of the truth regarding sickness. The creation, fall, redemption, and restoration all contain sources for comforting people in disease. Discussion Firstly, everything in the world was designed...
Topic: Bible
Words: 367
Pages: 1
It does not seem fair to claim that Islam is a purely “warrior” religion, considering its doctrine as a whole. Such a misinterpretation mostly comes from the fact that contemporary jihadists are motivated by a selective view of fundamental Islamic writings (Qur’an, Sunna) and chronology (Daniel, 1958). They consider themselves...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 555
Pages: 2
The evolution of Christian iconography can be explored through various works which date back to the first millennia. Among the noteworthy works which are displayed in Egypt and Rome are Mary Nursing the Infant Jesus and Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels. Both works carry different meanings and historical...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 676
Pages: 2
Religion is an institution that has existed in various societies since ancient times. For a long period, in one way or another, it influenced secular power, and sometimes it was directly its source. It is not surprising that religion has always influenced politics, including such aspects as wars. At some...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 633
Pages: 2
We are all called to a life of endurance with christ accompanied by joyful thanksgiving. However, only those who do what Christ commands will have the opportunity to enjoy it. As a Christian, strategic planning is a critical aspect of the journey of faith. The choices today impact the life...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 299
Pages: 1
The main reason readers tend to associate themselves with the protagonist is the universality of the situations in which the protagonist finds himself throughout the story. Every person sooner or later has to go through the stage of separation and face the accompanying complexities described in detail by the author....
Topic: Religion
Words: 549
Pages: 5
David Foster Wallace deals with culture and its religious side in Good People, written in 2007. Although one might assume that he himself is a religious person, his characters stand out for their acceptance of Christianity and its values. The story describes the journey of growing up as a young...
Topic: Culture
Words: 830
Pages: 3
Religion is one of the driving forces of civilizations, which has inspired and guided people’s lives for thousands of years. Religions that people practice nowadays are not very different from the ones that were practiced millennia ago. For instance, the most well-recognized and ancient faiths of people in the Ancient...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 404
Pages: 1
A cube or Ka’aba in Arabic is a sacred and holy place located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in the Islamic shrine. Ka’aba is a building in the form of a cube draped in cotton veils and silks. In fact, Muslims pray five times a day to Ka’aba rather than Jerusalem....
Topic: Religion
Words: 299
Pages: 1
In the movie Romero, Archbishop Oscar Romero is depicted as an advocate of justice for all as he organizes protests against the injustices perpetuated by a rogue military regime. Through involvement in political and civic matters, Oscar Romero applied his religious faith to fight for the rights of the poor...
Topic: Religion
Words: 639
Pages: 2
Islam is one of the world’s most famous and influential religions and the second largest one. Scholars state that its creation happened in the seventh century, which makes Muslim belief one of the youngest religions in history. Muslims worship one God, which they call Allah in Arabic, and live their...
Topic: Islam
Words: 299
Pages: 1
Donatists were exclusively an African schismatic sect who viewed themselves as the true heirs to Christianity and claimed to be the church of martyrs. They argued that the martyred endorsed separation from Catholics and they also provided the necessary link between the present purity and past persecutions (Boer 7). Augustine...
Topic: Theology
Words: 301
Pages: 1