Life With ALS in the Context of the Christian Worldview

Introduction Like every religion, Christianity has a specific attitude to such existential questions as illness and death. One of the most difficult choices in this area is between living with an incurable disease and euthanasia. It is essential to study the principles and ideas of Christianity to make a decision...

The Babylonian Exile of the Israelites as Calvin’s Metaphor

Babylonian exile of the ancient Israelites would be an important metaphor for Calvin to use in describing the Christian’s life on earth because Christians are held captive by sins thus getting punished. The Babylonian captivity is depicted as a punishment for idolatry as well as disobedience to God. The suffering...

Basic Biblical Christianity Summary

During its stay on Earth, humanity found various gods, and accordingly, books were written that talked about these gods, how to live with them, and worship them. Christianity is one of many religions and also has a book called the Bible. It contains the truth necessary for the salvation and...

Christian Approaches to Hinduism

Hinduism is an integral part of the world’s religions, and there is no doubt that Christianity has succeeded in building its attitude toward this denomination. According to Light (2017), “Christian approaches to Hinduism are diverse but tend to study sacred texts, ways of life, or philosophy. Consequently, it is appropriate...

The Torah: Story, Law, and Poetry

In the tradition of Judaism, Torah, in the broad sense, refers to the substance of God’s divine revelation to Israel, thus offering divine teaching and guidance to His followers. The meaning of Torah has been mainly restricted in order to denote the first give books of the Hebrew Bible, or...

The Attitude of Individuals Towards Other Religions

In the everyday world, while communicating, people use nonverbal language to help express themselves better. However, intercultural differences might lead to disagreements and misinterpretations as various traditions form special beliefs and explanations of nonverbal language. People from different countries can struggle to comprehend a foreigner. Gestures, as one of the...

Christian Worldview. How God Allows Suffering

A good, loving, and all-powerful God allows people to suffer, especially Christians, so that they can grow to love Christ more and establish their faith in him. In effect, God allows people to suffer so that they can understand his providence when he comes through for them. Notably, one tends...

History of Protestantism in North America

Protestantism in North America begins with its early European roots and a German friar and lecturer, Martin Luther. His first step of the protestant reformation started when he led a charge against indulgences that benefitted the pope. His critiques gained popularity in Germany and with passing decades the protestant ideologies...

Sociology of Religion: Inclusivists and Exclusivists

People have different beliefs in the wide variety of religious practices that currently exist. In each case, we have inclusivists who believe that other religions have some truths and learning which may be beneficial to everyone. From an exclusivist approach, the idea of acknowledging that other religions may have some...

Religion Study: Analysis of Exodus 32:7-14

Introduction In the Book of Exodus, one of the most daring confrontations with God is the Golden Calf event. The story revolves around the people of Israel who doubted the divinity of the Lord and describes how God and Moses reacted to this treachery. The narrative reveals how arrogant and...

Orientalism, Prejudice, and Discrimination

The people living in Middle East in countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE etc are known as Arabs. The word is somewhat ethnic in nature. As far as Muslims are concerned, Muslims are the people who submit their will to ALLAH (God) and they are the followers of the religion Islam....

Christian Apologetics of the Second Century

Christian apologetics refers to the defense of faith against spreading of spiritual falsehood. These individuals guard religious values and morals, as evidenced during the second century (101-200AD). Everett Ferguson identifies Adam as a representative and guard of God’s practices in the Garden of Eden (Ferguson and George 2016). The serpent...

Socrates’ Understanding of God

Socrates is accused of impiety, or “not believing in the gods in whom the city believes (West & Plato, 1979, 24b).” At first glance, it appears as if Socrates is charged with atheism, but the philosopher is, in fact, ostracized for believing in “other new spiritual things (West & Plato,...

Christianity and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The first part of the year 2020 was especially challenging due to the spreading COVID-19 epidemic and the consequent problems in different spheres of life. As one of the most important realms, religion was also influenced by the pandemic; moreover, some of its values and ideas were shattered at...

Sociocultural Influence of Catholicism

Introduction The rapidly growing world population presupposes the increase in the number of religious and social communities that inevitably have a tremendous influence on global development. However, there exists a relatively small number of world religions that now have been shaping the overall behavioral patterns of the community for centuries....

The Acts of the Holy Apostles: Review

The Acts of the Holy Apostles is the next New Testament book of historical content after the Holy Gospels, and it deserves the first place after them in its importance. Its author set himself to describe the events that took place after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. The...

Spirituality and Social Work Practice

Including Spirituality and Religion in Eboni’s Initial Assessment The conceptualizations of spirituality and religion would be included in the patient’s (Eboni) first evaluation because they represent critical components of patient care. A literature review conducted by Saguil and Phelps (2012) showed that patients expect their health providers to inquire about...

Christianity and Shintoism: Death and Dying

Every religion has its peculiarities and customs that determine what life the followers of this religion lead. A person’s belief may have a significant influence on the decisions they make and their worldview. Some of the things that are influenced by beliefs are views on diseases, death, dying, and human...

The Different World Religion Summary

Judaism Judaism is considered to be the world’s most ancient monotheistic religion, which constitutes millions of worshippers worldwide. The core values of Judaism are outlined in the numerous sacred writings that bear a sense similar to the one of Christianity, being represented from a different perspective. Just like other western...

The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism

Introduction The question of the existence of a divine, omnipotent, and omniscient being interests and even worries many thinkers from ancient times, probably since the birth of philosophical thought. In this regard, philosophers are mainly divided into two philosophical camps, namely, theists, those who believe in divinity, and atheists, those...

The Mysterious Ways in Which God Moves

Introduction The discussion of the existence of evil and, more importantly, its coexistence with the forces of good as the cornerstone contradiction that may disrupt the very premise of the Divine existence has been discussed in theology for centuries. The dilemma can be worded in the following way: if God...

Euthanasia from Religious Perspectives

The ethicality of euthanasia is a controversial issue in the philosophy of medicine, ethics, law, and other disciplines connected to the notions of death and the right to it. Euthanasia has divided people into two main camps – those who see it as a crime against God or some higher...

Strategic Priorities and Christian Worldview

Since attending a Christian University, I have discovered that the University is committed to helping students achieve and pursue their educational goals. Christian University is a faith-based and Evangelical institution guided by the belief that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. As stated in the Strategic Priorities, their core...

“Villancico VI” by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz is an exceptional example of Mexican religious literature. In her works, she tried to understand the nature of human spiritual life. Moreover, she also discussed the topic of women’s religious authority and feminist advocacy. Sor Juana examined political and colonial questions as well through...

Worldview and Christian Beliefs

What is a worldview? A worldview is usually described as an individual’s view of other people, the world around them, and their place in it. Outlooks differ greatly among humans, so it is almost impossible to find 2 people with the same one. Worldviews are usually supported by a specific...

Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity

The psychological practice of believers is usually different from the atheists’ psychological counseling methods. That is because faith enriches individuals and allows them to reveal those facets of the human soul that may not be available to academic knowledge. This paper aims to summarize and critically analyze the book by...

How the Knowledge of God Transforms Our Lives

The learning paths that we embark on play a fundamental role in shaping how we view the world and the paradigms that we chose to live by. These constructs become rooted in our minds and govern our interpretations of life and everyday situations. Biblical education is different from other fields...

Perry’s ‘Dialogue on Good, Evil, and the Existence of God’

Discussions about the role of God in human life attract people’s attention and create many supporters, as well as opponents. In the Dialogue on Good, Evil, and the Existence of Good, Perry introduces several characters with rather different positions. Weirob admits that God, as an all-powerful and all-knowing creature, cannot...

“Think Biblically” by John Macarthur

Introduction The book “Think Biblically” by John MacArthur can be acclaimed as an appeal to the audience to view the occurrences of modern culture through Biblical teachings. In the following paper, the strong and the weak points of this book will be discussed along with the value of the book...

Ethical Conduct and Religion

In ancient and medieval times religion was practically the only moral beacon for people. Different beliefs provided moral guidance systems various in depth and complexity. However, in present-day society religion ceased to play that role. In the theoretical situation where no gods and celestial beings are taken into account, nothing...

Freedom of Religious Beliefs in the Workplace

As businesses and corporations spread to a number of nations throughout the world the multicultural workforce is becoming very common. But the truth about modern civilization is that there is a lot of prejudice and stereotyping still excitant. These could be based on previous conflicts between nations, terrorism that does...

“Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood” by Piper

Summary of the concepts of the book Christians need to understand the issues of biblical manhood and womanhood as the two issues if well understood will help Christians to co-exist peacefully especially in the context of marriage. The book, “Recovering biblical manhood and womanhood,” as edited by John Piper and...

Non-christian World Religions: History, Concepts, and Beliefs of Buddhism

Introduction Religion can be described as a set of beliefs about the origin, purpose and the nature of the universe more especially when it is considered to have been created by supernatural agencies or agency. The believers have a set of rituals they observe and a moral code that governs...

How Diverse Traditional Beliefs Affect the Spheres of Life in Ghana

Ghana is a post colonial country situated in Africa that embraces diverse ethnic group, religious concepts, beliefs, and languages, greatly affected by European influence. As in most African countries “religion is inseparable from virtually every aspect of Ghanaian life and is important in the determination of worldview” (Salm and Falola...

The Gospel of Mark (Mark 10:46-52)

The verses 10: 46-52 in the Gospel of Mark contain two remarkable episodes, which are Jesus leaving Jericho with his disciples and the healing of blind Bartimeus episode. With blindness being a unifying theme for a whole section in the Gospel of Mark, Mark 8-10, the importance of Bartimeus’s story...

Native American and African Religions

Religion has existed since antiquity. While different communities practiced different religions, they nonetheless have a common ground when it comes to the unity of the material and spiritual world. According to Toropov and Buckles, within the Native American spirituality, all processes whether human or non human (spiritual), are linked. Native...

Elie’s Faith in “Night”

In the novel Night by Elie Wiesel, faith is depicted in a lot of scenes. The Auschwitz environment was not friendly and thus it provoked a lot of religious confusion. At one point, Elie says, “Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever” (Wiesel 17). On arrival...

Paul and Philemon. Conversion of People to Christianity

Introduction During the period when the first church had just been established, Paul, then Saul, was a force to reckon, both before and after his conversion to Christianity. He exhibited strong leadership skills whichever side of the divide he was on. He believed so much in the ideals he followed,...

What is this Good News?

Faith in God is a power which gives people life and allows them to be busy with their casual life. Faith in God gives power to live. There are a lot people who follow all God’s passages and live godly life. Jesus, God’s son, was transmitted to Earth to tell...

Bible: The Healing of Bartimaeus

Introduction The Bible is the literary source that may be compared with the treasury of wisdom and experience; it is not a hyperbole when a faithful person says that all the answers to all questions can be found in this holy book. The reflection on the literary merit of the...

The Gospel to the Hindus: Discussion

The Christian message of salvation can only be made clear if the one doing the preaching or the gospel presentation has come to understand the meaning of sin and the individual’s need for a savior. Needless to say, the one doing the presentation must also be able to explain why...

Christian Salvation: Essential Elements

Introduction Salvation is derived from a Greek word sozo or soterion which means deliverance (Arnold para.1). Salvation in the Christian context can be used to mean deliverance to safety, which means individuals believably get their sins forgiven and thus they are rescued from the ultimate penalty for sinning. This essay...

Ibn Khaldun’s Understanding of Civilizations and the Dilemmas of Islam and the West Today

Introduction In recent years, there have been many attempts, on the part of representatives of world’s intellectual elite, too weaken irreconcilable antagonisms between Western and Islamic mentalities, as the ultimate mean of making this world a better place to live. Akbar S. Ahmed’s article “Ibn Khaldun’s Understanding of Civilizations and...

“Four Views on Hell” by William Crockett

Introduction Life after death has always been of great interest to people. The only question most living human beings are preoccupied with is whether this life exists and if it does, whether there exists a separation between hell and heaven. Hell is traditionally regarded as a place where human souls...

Old and New Testaments. Septuagint in the Epistle to the Hebrews

Introduction Evidence abounds to testify to the surmised and indeed existent relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The author of Hebrews manipulates allusions to the Old Testament scripture to reinforce his message and authorial persuasions. In Hebrews the author makes constant reference to the new covenant. The...

“Mysterium Paschale” by H. U. von Balthasar

Introduction The book Mysterium Paschale: The Mystery of Easter is historical research aimed to unveil a mystery of the Christ resurrection and origins of Easter. The value of the research is that it is based on deep historical analysis of documents and the Bible, and proposes readers a unique interpretation...

Christianity and Buddhism: Religion Comparison

Introduction Before we embark on comparing the spread of Christianity and Buddhism, as religious doctrines, we will need to come up with the definition of religion, because it will provide us with the insight on the dynamics of religious teachings becoming popularized. From today’s perspective, the classical concept of religion...

Zen Buddhism: Brief Giude

Introduction Religion has always been an integral part of human life. From the first polytheistic religions of the ancient world to the mono- or non-theistic religions of today, people has always looked for a force that created the world and rules all the events in it. Thus, in this pursuit...

French Hijab Ban and Its Effects on Society

Alma and Lila are teenage sisters from the lower-class suburbs of Aubervilliers who were expelled from their school in 2003 after they defied the French law requiring them not to wear headscarves. Their father is a Jew who does not believe in God and a lawyer who works for an...

Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman

The book Jesus and the Disinherited written by Howard Thurman is devoted to the religious and race aspects and their positions in the modern world. The work discloses the main sides if the biblical positions and gives an opportunity to evaluate the level of racism, the relation of the poor...

Passover and the Four Questions

Introduction The lord said to Moses, ” I will bring one more plague on Pharaoh and on Egypt. After that he will let you go from here and when he does he will drive you out completely. Tell the people that men and women alike are to ask their neighbors...

Religious Faith During the Era of Francois Voltaire

Introduction Voltaire was born in the final years of the seventeenth century and died a decade before the beginning of the French Revolution. Christened François Marie Arouet, he subsequently assumed his name to Voltaire. In fact, Voltaire was a central and quintessential figure of the eighteenth century, so much so...

Baptism in Christianity: History and Meaning of the Rite

Baptism is among the oldest Christian sacraments, as it has been introduced in the Bible and is likely older than the writing. It is usually considered necessary to perform the rite to join the religion. The procedure usually involves immersion into a body of water, preferably a river, but other...

The History of Mummification in Ancient Egypt

Death has always been one of the phenomena that frightened people because of its mysterious and incomprehensible character. Trying to explain it, societies of the past created various religious beliefs that offered their vision of death and suggested rituals on how to act to minimize fear. One of the most...

Is Google Evil According to Catholic Social Teachings and Ethics?

Google is an enormous company that influences the daily lives of billions of people. For a long time, its code of conduct has advised the employees not to be evil. However, recently the line has been removed, which did not go unnoticed by the community. Furthermore, Google has come under...

Reason and Revelation: Mendelssohn vs. Ascher

Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) combined the notions of rationalism and revelation. This approach underlined the distinctness of Judaism as a religion as well as emphasized the belief that the Jewish population was the people chosen by God. Thus, while the idea of revelation has no supernatural background, it involves a prescription...

Christian Eschatology: The Destiny of the Unsaved

Introduction Many Christians as well as the representatives of other confessions ask this question: why do loving God allow His creatures to suffer in Hell? Can an idea of eternal punishment be compared with the love of God? Clark Pinnock says: “How can Christians possibly project a deity of such...

Christians and Going to Church

What is the purpose of the church? A church has a huge purpose; Slick presented the purpose of the church as thus: To worship God (John 4:23), study the word of God (2 Tim. 2:15), pray (Acts 2:42), love one another(Phil. 1:1-4), help each other (Gal. 6:2), partake of baptism...

Evangelical Theology of Grenz and Olson

Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson explored modern theology through the grid of “divine transcendence and divine immanence” (Grenz, & Olson, 1992). They pointed out that “One significant theme that provides an interpretive tool and a means of bringing to light the unity and diversity of theology in the transitional century...

Theology of Hope: Moltmann and Pannenberg

Introduction Theology of hope is believed to must have been conceived in the 1960s, with its roots grounded in the 20th existentialism philosophy. Albert Schweitzer was one of the exponents of the theology of hope. In his eschatological teachings, Schweitzer dwelt about faith and stunningly argued the implication of history...

Process and Secular Theology: Tillich and Bonhoeffer

Introduction It is not precise when the process of theology began, but it is generally held that it must have started way back in the 500 B.C., the era of Heraclitus, the Philosopher, and the Greeks (John & David, 2001). It is also postulated that Process theology was rejuvenated by...

Reverend Jim Jones as Peoples Temple’s Founder

The People’s Temple, also known as the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, was a religious movement of the 1950s. However, the movement is known primarily for the mass suicide, which its members committed on November 18, 1978, in Guyana (Moore 47). The doctrine of the movement was based...

Islamic Culture: Religion of Peace

Introduction The tragic events that occurred on September 11, 2001, have set in motion a chain of debates regarding the position of the Islamic faith in Western society, with disputed continuing to this day. In his conversation with Bill Moyers, Imam Zaid Shakir (a well-known Muslim religious leader) was presented...

Rastafarianism Belief System, Sacredness, Rituals

Introduction Religion manifests certain basic elements that include a belief system, community, central myths, emotional experiences, rituals, an ethical system, sacredness, and material expressions of religion. Certain elements are stronger and more valued than others. This paper will examine the extent to which my religious beliefs manifest the aforementioned elements....

Islam and Politics’ Relations

Introduction The topic of interrelations between Islam and politics has been subjected to extensive research in the past few decades due to the complications in the processes of external relationships between Western institutions and those following the Islamic rule. In the very beginning, it is crucial to mention that the...

Christian Personal Skills and Knowledge

Introduction The analysis of personal skills and knowledge is an important tool that is frequently used by several leaders. Various leadership audits help to focus on certain qualities and clarify if a person can properly develop them. In this project, the attention will be paid to seven different leadership audits...

Religious Oppression: Pluralism Understanding

Today, different religions can coexist in the modern world, and this phenomenon can be defined as religious pluralism since a diverse array of religions is accepted (Phan & Ray, 2014). Apart from the fact that religious pluralism creates separation and tensions in society, the statement “pluralism is the greatest philosophical...

Human Life and Death in Christianity and Buddhism

Illness often leads to agony and prompts the search for the meaning of life as people try to understand the reasons behind their predicaments. At times, individuals use their religious convictions to interpret sickness. Ivtzan, Chan, Gardner, and Prashar (2013) posit, “Religious and spiritual beliefs provide possibilities of attributing meaning...

Euthanasia as a Christian Ethical Dilemma

Having to make a complicated choice between two different options is a part and parcel of life. The choices, which people make, define their future spiritual growth and create premises for their evolution. While it would be erroneous to state that the wrong decisions that people make mean that they...

Christianity in Western Civilization and Thought

Introduction Christianity is one of the most widespread and developed religious systems. And although it is present on every continent, it is predominantly the religion of the West. The adoption of Christianity as a formal religion by the majority of peoples of Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe occurred between the...

Zion Revival Church and Its Management

Introduction The effective management of a church organization is crucial for the realization of its vision and goals. Besides fostering the congregation’s spiritual nourishment and growth, the church needs to experience growth that denotes desirable progress (Jackson-Jordan 77). For this reason, church leaders need to consider the demographic elements of...

Islamic State and Values of Human Rights

Introduction Muslims worship a God known as Allah. The believers acknowledge that there are numerous similarities between religion and Christianity. This paper gives a reflection and analysis of Islamic culture using the ideas gained from the movie “Islam in America”. The essay seeks to explain how an Islamic state can...

The 95 Theses

The 95 Theses by Martin Luther was the work of art based on the Catholic practices referring to baptism and absolutism. The theses raised in The Ninety-Five Theses were against the idea of indulgence as the church had the power to sell salvation to a sinner. Luther was a famous...

Euthanasia in Christianity and Buddhism

Case Study on Death and Dying Nowadays, we live in a multicultural world, where individuals who represent different traditions have to engage in contact and coexistence in a wide array of situations. In particular, patients of clinics may often belong to different cultural and/or religious traditions. This means that it...

Covenant with the Israelites

1. In religion, the term covenant differs from its common meaning. Traditionally it is taken as an agreement between different parties. However, in terms of religion and the Bible, the given word “implies more of a formal treaty like a commitment to a relationship” (United Church of God, 2011, para....

Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation

Abstract The concept of leadership has been examined by many philosophers, sociologists, and theologists throughout history. Various styles and forms of leadership have been described, and several approaches to leadership have been proposed by scholars over the years. The topic of leadership has attracted the widespread attention of writers who...

Calvinism and Arminianism in Historical Theology

Historical Theology Calvinism and Arminianism are two well-known theological systems that introduce different methods to explain the relations which develop between God and people which are directed to achieve salvation. John Calvin is the founder of Calvinism in the middle of the 1500s, and Jacobus Arminius is the theologian, who...

Jainism’s Historical Development in South Asia

Introduction Jainism forms one of the oldest religions across the world, and it is traditionally referred to as Jain Dharma amongst the South Asian communities as transcribed in the Sanskrit literature. Jainism emphasized the doctrines of non-violence and peaceful coexistence towards all living beings, whilst prescribing equality and respect to...

The Problem of Evil and Arguments for God’s Existence

The issue of whether an omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent God exists amidst all the evil that is being experienced in the world has remained to be one of the highly debatable issues among various stakeholders of religious-based education. Some people may argue that such a God would logically be incompatible...

Religious Tension in the Horn of Africa

Abstract Religious hostilities in Ethiopia and Eritrea have posed challenges for quite a long period. Such religious disputes have been threatening peace and stability in the nations and the whole region. This study discusses the perspectives that exist regarding the supposition that religious hostilities create global unsteadiness, progress to the...

Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew

Introduction The Gospel of Matthew is the first book of the New Testament. It tells about the life of Jesus and His teachings. In particular, Chapters 24 and 25 contain some of the stories told by Him. In this paper, we, utilizing the questions offered in Duvall and Hays’s book...

Religious Syncretism: Islam and Hinduism

Introduction The principle of Religious Syncretism entails the integration of two religious beliefs into an entirely new system comprising elements of both religions. One such combination is between Islam religion and Hinduism religion which has sprung up to a single religion that has come to be known as Sikhism. This...

Religion: Jain Belief and Practice in South Asia

Introduction Jainism is a religion in South Asia, India in particular, which is founded on the doctrine of non-violence to all creatures. Despite the faith sharing some concepts with Buddhism and Hinduism, it is imperative to note that Jainism is an independent religion. It is an essential component of South...

The Methodist Doctrinal Heritage

In consideration of the Methodist’s heritage and the study of it, Methodists are people from many denominations and organizations that attribute their beliefs to John Wesley. In reference to The United Methodist Book of Disciple, (pp. 45), Methodists in the early times were drawn from all walks of life and...

Identify the Theodicy and Eschatology of the Catholic Religious Group

Introduction The Catholic religion is one group that has several rituals that distinguish it from other religious groups. The term Catholic Church is derived from the Greek word ‘Katholikos,’ which means “universal.” Therefore the Catholic group can be said to be a body of believers found across all nations in...

Harmony Within: Self-Control and Self-Discipline in Chinese Religion

Introduction Chinese religious beliefs have been regarded as peaceful and humanistic. Therefore, the notions of self-control, self-discipline, and restraint are traditionally associated with Chinese religious practices and ethical standards (Einzelgänger, 2020; Open Your Reality, 2021). However, the specified statements regarding Chinese religion are not merely empty. Due to the strong...

Religion: Joseph and His Brothers

Introduction Even though the world church should be united, there is a lot of tension amongst churches. However, disagreement is not always bad because conflict may build organizations and relationships if appropriately handled. Additionally, it can enhance performance and elevate sanctification. Jesus addressed conflict and advised because He genuinely knew...

Discussion: Is Science in the Bible?

Introduction The dichotomy between science and religion is one of the most debated topics in theology. There is a large variety of approaches to hermeneutics and Bible analysis, and the recognition of science in sacred texts is one of them. Moreover, one can understand science as either a conceptual approach...

Gonzalez’s Story of Christianity Book Review

In Gonzalez’s book Story of Christianity: Volume 1: The Early Church to the Reformation, chapter 17 discusses The Arian Controversy. This issue sparked the so-called Arian conflict, named after the Alexandrian priest Arius. He promoted strict monotheism and believed that Christ was God but was subject to God the Father...

Natural and Revealed Law in the US

Throughout centuries, humanity constructed many complex political structures that strive to uphold the harmonious existence of civil society. During its formation, the United States used a solid foundation for this purpose that remains critical for its peaceful and prosperous existence. This essay will analyze how natural and revealed laws affect...

Christianity and Its Effects on Western Civilization

Introduction Christianity became one of the main factors that influenced the formation of Western civilization. Throughout the long history of human existence, this religion has influenced social norms in society, political institutions, and the cultural customs of man. Christianity gave mankind the basis to understand how the world and man...

The Catholic Church and the LGBT Community

The way Catholic Church officials address the tension around LGBT relations may vary: most remain silent, few express support, and few – disapproval. The attitudes of judgment and rejection, in turn, only widen the gap between the LGBT community and the institutional Church. The opening, however, is not only artificially...

“Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions” by Richard Erdoes

Introduction Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions is a compelling autobiography that provides readers with a rare glimpse into the spiritual beliefs and rituals of the Lakota Sioux. The book, which was co-written by respected medicine man John (Fire) Lame Deer and author and anthropologist Richard Erdoes, digs deeply into the...

The Israel’s Grumbling: The Book of Numbers

The book of Numbers in the Bible records the history of the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness. One common theme throughout their journey is their tendency to complain and grumble when faced with difficulties. This is exemplified in two incidents recorded in Numbers 14 and 20, where the...

Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

The videos ‘Mysteries of the Church: Judaism Christianity and Islam’ and ‘Islam Christianity Judaism, ONE GOD’ provide a comprehensive overview of the origins and similarities of the three Abrahamic religions. These religions originated in the Middle East but adhered to different tenets and customs. The films explain that the belief...

Holistic Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology

Introduction Bible is the primary book or account through which humanity can understand their maker’s purpose for them. The book of Genesis provides information about the creation and humans’ existence but significantly little about why God created humans. According to Genesis, the only clear role for people is that humans...

Sabbat: The Most Valuable Day of the Week in Judaism

Introduction Burnout can become a problem for all people, regardless of what field of human activity they are engaged in. This critical issue requires special attention, as it can significantly affect both the professional and personal spheres of life. Hence, for pastors in Judaism, there is a Sabbath, or the...

Death Perception in the World Religions

Introduction I found out that most of the world’s religions trace the theme of human responsibility for actions in earthly life. In all of them, the theme of salvation becomes central (DeSpelder & Strickland, 2019). At the same time, Buddhism and Hinduism perceive death more as liberation. therefore, mourning among...

The Plagues of Egypt: References and Interpretations

The plagues of Egypt are a significant part of the Old Testament story of the Exodus and the Israelites’ deliverance by God from Pharaoh’s tyranny. After Pharaoh refused to free the Israelites from slavery, God sent a series of plagues to Egypt, which culminated in the death of the firstborn...

Christianity: Fundamental Concepts and Beliefs

Introduction Christianity is one of the global religions with millions of followers in various countries. It also has a unique set of values and fundamental concepts comprising its core. The Bible introduces numerous ideas that form the framework necessary for realizing the nature of God and how it impacts people’s...

Public Relations from Religious Perspective

I want to educate my audience on the profession of public relations, including its duties, compensation, and future possibilities. I also want to show how public relations specialist may use their job to glorify God by upholding principles like honesty, integrity, and transparency. Public relations may be the best job...

The Lisu People’s Beliefs Concerning Mission Work

Introduction This essay will explore the similarities and differences between Christianity and the religion of the Lisu people, a small ethnic group from China. Animism and ancestor worship are the cornerstones of the Lisu people’s distinctive belief system, accentuating the existence of spirits and immortality (Liu, 2019). Contrarily, Christianity is...

The Flood and Creation in the Bible and Myths from Mesopotamia

Different religions and beliefs have their versions of the creation of the world. There are similarities and differences between the biblical flood and creation stories and Mesopotamian myths. According to Enuma Elish, the world’s creation took place in several stages (Sublett, 2023). Just like in the biblical stories, God created...

How Jesus Would Fit in Today’s Society

Introduction Religion constantly confronts contemporary culture and phenomena, either positively interacting with them or conversely coming into conflict with them. This relationship is based on the principles that faith erects around itself, so the potential relationship of Jesus as the One God with modernity is of interest. His relationship with...

William Paley’s “Watch Analogy” Discussion

William Paley’s watch analogy is a well-known debate about the existence of God. Paley contends that if a person were to find a watch on the ground, they would infer that it had a designer because its intricate structure and function imply purpose. Similarly, Paley argues, the intricate structure and...

The Aspects of the Spiritual Growth

Introduction The given analysis will mainly focus on Bill Fleming’s presentation video and the Scripture to identify, describe, and assess key elements of various phases of spiritual growth. Discussion The key point is that a Christian undergoes different stages of spiritual growth throughout his or her life. The author notes...

A Biblical Perspective on the Obligation to Help Others in Education

Introduction From a Biblical worldview perspective, the obligation to help others in education is to share genuine knowledge regardless of their traits. Proverbs 9:9 states: “Instruct the wise, and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous, and they will add to their learning” (BibleGateway, n.d). Thus the Bible expresses...

The Aspects of the Reign of God

Introduction Christians acknowledged that Jesus’ life initiated God’s rule and would shortly come to fruition following his death. I believe that Jesus essentially taught love for God and people. With this value, I trust that heaven’s reach for Christians gets closer when people practice them wholeheartedly. Discussion One passage from...

The Imago Dei as a Christian Concept

The Christian concept of the imago Dei is the belief that God created humans in His image, thus making us unique and special. It is a foundational belief in Christianity, and it has implications for how we should treat each other (Hobson & Edgar, 2019, pp. 33-43). This ideology is...

The Analysis of the Sin of Suicide

Introduction To date, discussions about euthanasia are among the most controversial. For example, questions arise as to whether this practice is salvation or a great sin. Thus, for instance, science still cannot determine whether this intervention is right or wrong, “good” or “bad” (Bogue & Hogan, 2020, p. 1). Nevertheless,...

Aspects of the Spirituality in Christianity

Introduction Spirituality in Christianity is a broad concept that includes the personal traits of every catholic and a collective view of the world as a place of God’s creation. There are multiple worldviews according to which spirituality can be defined as a set of values or practices like meditation to...

The Possibility of Religion to Unite and Divide Simultaneously

Religion is an ambiguous phenomenon, simultaneously created by society and participating in the regulation of that society at the same time. A similar duality is observed in the social processes associated with religion: the unity and division of humanity can occur even within the boundaries of one belief. The influence...

Comparison of Christianity and Hinduism

Religious affiliation is one of the valuable components of the human personality. Adhering to particular religious worldviews in this way becomes an essential topic for research. This implies comparing aspects such as historical and geographical origins, core beliefs and practices, and important texts. Therefore, this essay will compare Hinduism and...

The Christian Interpretation of the Bible

Introduction The four parts of the biblical narrative reveal numerous details about God’s character and advocacy for humans. Moreover, they deepen one’s comprehension of the truth regarding sickness. The creation, fall, redemption, and restoration all contain sources for comforting people in disease. Discussion Firstly, everything in the world was designed...

Christian-Islamic “Holy Wars” Heritage

It does not seem fair to claim that Islam is a purely “warrior” religion, considering its doctrine as a whole. Such a misinterpretation mostly comes from the fact that contemporary jihadists are motivated by a selective view of fundamental Islamic writings (Qur’an, Sunna) and chronology (Daniel, 1958). They consider themselves...

The Christian Iconography Evolution

The evolution of Christian iconography can be explored through various works which date back to the first millennia. Among the noteworthy works which are displayed in Egypt and Rome are Mary Nursing the Infant Jesus and Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels. Both works carry different meanings and historical...

Preparations to Become a Successful Christian

We are all called to a life of endurance with christ accompanied by joyful thanksgiving. However, only those who do what Christ commands will have the opportunity to enjoy it. As a Christian, strategic planning is a critical aspect of the journey of faith. The choices today impact the life...

The Good People Book by Wallace: Journal Entry

The main reason readers tend to associate themselves with the protagonist is the universality of the situations in which the protagonist finds himself throughout the story. Every person sooner or later has to go through the stage of separation and face the accompanying complexities described in detail by the author....

Culture and Religion in Good People by Wallace

David Foster Wallace deals with culture and its religious side in Good People, written in 2007. Although one might assume that he himself is a religious person, his characters stand out for their acceptance of Christianity and its values. The story describes the journey of growing up as a young...

Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity

Religion is one of the driving forces of civilizations, which has inspired and guided people’s lives for thousands of years. Religions that people practice nowadays are not very different from the ones that were practiced millennia ago. For instance, the most well-recognized and ancient faiths of people in the Ancient...

Ka’aba: Origin, Association, and Beliefs

A cube or Ka’aba in Arabic is a sacred and holy place located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in the Islamic shrine. Ka’aba is a building in the form of a cube draped in cotton veils and silks. In fact, Muslims pray five times a day to Ka’aba rather than Jerusalem....

Liberation Christology in the Life and Works of St. Oscar Romero

In the movie Romero, Archbishop Oscar Romero is depicted as an advocate of justice for all as he organizes protests against the injustices perpetuated by a rogue military regime. Through involvement in political and civic matters, Oscar Romero applied his religious faith to fight for the rights of the poor...

The Origins and Spread of Islam

Islam is one of the world’s most famous and influential religions and the second largest one. Scholars state that its creation happened in the seventh century, which makes Muslim belief one of the youngest religions in history. Muslims worship one God, which they call Allah in Arabic, and live their...

Augustine and Organization of Latin Theology

Donatists were exclusively an African schismatic sect who viewed themselves as the true heirs to Christianity and claimed to be the church of martyrs. They argued that the martyred endorsed separation from Catholics and they also provided the necessary link between the present purity and past persecutions (Boer 7). Augustine...

Fundamental Beliefs in Different Religions

Introduction Asia is the origin of all major faiths and numerous lesser ones. Asian religions, like all kinds of civilizations, can be examined regionally concerning their genesis and dispersion. Hinduism, the earliest of various faiths that arose in South Asia, has a polytheistic and ceremonial heritage that comprises various rituals...

Faith Integration Into Business Administration Programs

Introduction In Romans 8:37-39, the apostle Paul speaks of how nothing can separate us from the love of God. He mentions that neither death nor life, angels nor rulers, present nor future, height nor depth can do so (Biblica, 2022). This verse reminds us that no matter what circumstance we...

Genesis 41 and Its Historical Contexts

Introduction Genesis is among the most powerful creations that people have been exposed to and have the privilege of reading due to the clear illustration of the history of humanity, the establishment of Israel and the first Jewish people. The overall book of Genesis implicitly states that there is nothing...

Death and Dying Rituals in Buddhism

Introduction Cultures, languages, beliefs, and traditions in our globe are incredibly varied and rich. There are many varied rituals and traditions associated with the many stages of life that are practiced in different religions, but there are also some commonalities between the various cultures. Humans have known for a long...

Book Review of “Paul the Jewish Theologian” by Young

Introduction Paul the Jewish Theologian: A Pharisee among Christians, Jews, and Gentiles is written by Brad H. Young. The author is an emeritus professor at Oral Roberts University, where he has served as a Tenured Professor of Judaic-Christian Studies for 31 years. Young holds a B.A. from Oral Roberts University,...

Rise of Islam: Comparing to Christianity

Introduction Christianity and Islam are considered two different religions, although they have some similarities. These two faiths have the largest number of followers globally. The identity of a supernatural being and hellfire are the common beliefs. Assessing the readings of the New Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures, and Christian theology reveals...

Epistemological Objection to Divine Command Theory

Morality and ethics represent the most complicated issues throughout the history of humankind. There are many ethical principles and frameworks guiding people to morality in their lives. Therefore, one should choose three ethical theories, including deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics, to understand how they can be applied in real contexts....

Middle Eastern Women’s Place in Islam

Long-standing controversy surrounds the place of women in Islam. Muslims have frequently been seen as oppressed and inferior by non-Muslims. Additionally, while most practicing Muslim women appeared secure in their clearly defined responsibilities of being engaged and showing perfect obedience, rearing morally upright children, and caring for the family, other...

Christianity in Frederick Douglass’ Narrative Story

Among slave owners, Frederick Douglass claimed that religious ones were the worst kind (Douglass, Narrative 67). The book Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, written by Douglass himself, presents a vivid account of hypocrisy and cruelty that mars the ways of Christianity. This work was written at times when...

“The Sage from Galilee” by D. Flusser and S. Notley

David Flusser and R. Steven Notley wrote the Sage from Galilee. The novel’s twelve chapters detail Flusser’s new theories and research that were not included in his 1968 English edition, making it the fourth edition. This book aims to challenge widespread beliefs that existed before its publication. I give this...

Christian History of Brazil From Global Perspective

Brazil has the world’s largest Catholic population, indicating Christianity’s importance in developing this country. The history of this religion’s emergence and development in Brazil is directly related to the European influence on this country. In this aspect, the characteristics of the spread of Christianity are similar to other countries of...

Hindu Nationalism in Modern India

Introduction Hindu nationalism today is an expression of political, social, and social will and tradition. Its foundation is the ancient cultural and spiritual practices that have been established and developed for the most part in the territory of modern India. Its origins and connection are clearly linked to the religious...

“The God Delusion” Book by Richard Dawkins

During his academic career, Richard Dawkins, a prominent evolutionary biologist, popularized science and sharply criticized religion, considering it dangerous and unnecessary for modern society. He contributed to debates on religion with his book The God Delusion. This text is unwelcomed by the theological community for its superficial arguments and fallacious...

Faith Integration: Bible With Apocrypha

Religion is an instrumental component of any society that shapes almost every aspect of human life, including business activities. Its role becomes more magnified and significant in nations classified as developing, such as the Dominican Republic. Faith-based organizations participate in poverty alleviation activities. They advance funds in the form of...

Essay on the Jewish Annotated New Testament 2nd Edition

The Jewish Annotated New Testament was first published in 2011. It was a radical work that brought the New Testament’s Jewish context and the consideration of clergy, students, and general readers. In this revised edition, eighty Jewish scholars are focused on bringing together incomparable scholarships to shed a new picture...

The Need for Religious Discourse

The search for answers to eternal questions has always been an integral element of human reasoning. The picture of the world cannot be perceived as an understandable phenomenon, and both religious teachings and philosophical discourses have largely developed precisely due to the desire for knowledge. As a result of societal...

Rastafari, Jediism, and the Raelian Movement

Introduction Humans are devoted to their beliefs, which define their cause and the moral code that regulates their actions as individuals. The moral code requires observance and adherence to the rites prescribed by their respective religions. Humans adhere to various faiths, including Rastafari, Jediism, and the Raelian movement. Such religious...

Mahayana Buddhism’s Beginnings

Introduction Mahayana Buddhism’s beginnings are still a mystery; neither its beginning nor its location is documented, and it is most likely that the movement developed over time and in several areas. Most representations have been hugely affected by the goals of contemporary sectarian motions, and the holy texts most highly...

Judah’s Life from a Biblical Perspective

Judah is one of the 12 sons of Joseph who founded the Israelite tribe of Judah. He was the fourth son of Leah, Jacob’s first wife whom Jacob loved least. The Bible portrays Judah as the son who proposed to sell Joseph to the Egyptians so that Joseph’s blood could...

Nationalism and Shinto in Meiji Restoration

The term “Shinto” refers to the native religion of Japan, which has historically had a significant impact on many people’s lives in terms of politics, society, and even the economy. The Shinto religion still values several ancient rituals developed throughout those times. The procedures are rigorously carried out to establish...

The Usage of שׁען (shaman) in the Old Testament

The Old Testament (OT) has been interpreted in various ways, presenting a unique understanding of the meaning behind each verse and passage. Accordingly, the word שׁען (sha’an) is used 22 times in the OT and has a dissimilar significance in most of the verses. To comprehend the importance of sha’an,...

Historical Context of the Book Kingdom of Matthias

Introduction Penned in 1994 by Paul Johnson and Sean Wilentz, The Kingdom of Matthias portrays the protagonist Robert Matthias as a significant proponent of the Second Great Awakening (SGA) in the United States. The book, set in the early 1800s in New York, explores the emergence and crumble of a...

“Where the Hell Is God?” Book by Richard Leonard

Suffering and evil are common topics that cause people to question their beliefs. Theodicy provides a logical solution to the existence of evil on Earth, although some may take this philosophy as an explanation of people’s misery. One’s traumas and death may cause alienation from God among those affected by...

Bible Principles Regarding Debt

The Bible generally says that a person should pay off his debt. For a Christian, one should live without obligation and not be an owner. To do this, he should leave everything to the will of the Lord (ChristianSuper, 2020). The Bible says that nothing belongs to the man in...

Bible Verses About Responsible Stewardship

Religious books teach people to put their hope in God. However, it does not indicate that people should not plan for the future, save, and invest money. On the contrary, the Bible accustoms religious followers to wise financial management. It is written in Proverbs 13:11: “Wealth gotten by vanity shall...

The Old Testament Through the Lens of Exile

Introduction The Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible, is a collection of religious writings in Hebrew. It tells the story of a group of people brought out of slavery who intended to become a small nation on land ostensibly promised to them by God. According to Kelle, although...