Harmony Within: Self-Control and Self-Discipline in Chinese Religion

Introduction Chinese religious beliefs have been regarded as peaceful and humanistic. Therefore, the notions of self-control, self-discipline, and restraint are traditionally associated with Chinese religious practices and ethical standards (Einzelgänger, 2020; Open Your Reality, 2021). However, the specified statements regarding Chinese religion are not merely empty. Due to the strong...

Religion: Joseph and His Brothers

Introduction Even though the world church should be united, there is a lot of tension amongst churches. However, disagreement is not always bad because conflict may build organizations and relationships if appropriately handled. Additionally, it can enhance performance and elevate sanctification. Jesus addressed conflict and advised because He genuinely knew...

Discussion: Is Science in the Bible?

Introduction The dichotomy between science and religion is one of the most debated topics in theology. There is a large variety of approaches to hermeneutics and Bible analysis, and the recognition of science in sacred texts is one of them. Moreover, one can understand science as either a conceptual approach...

Gonzalez’s Story of Christianity Book Review

In Gonzalez’s book Story of Christianity: Volume 1: The Early Church to the Reformation, chapter 17 discusses The Arian Controversy. This issue sparked the so-called Arian conflict, named after the Alexandrian priest Arius. He promoted strict monotheism and believed that Christ was God but was subject to God the Father...

Natural and Revealed Law in the US

Throughout centuries, humanity constructed many complex political structures that strive to uphold the harmonious existence of civil society. During its formation, the United States used a solid foundation for this purpose that remains critical for its peaceful and prosperous existence. This essay will analyze how natural and revealed laws affect...

Christianity and Its Effects on Western Civilization

Introduction Christianity became one of the main factors that influenced the formation of Western civilization. Throughout the long history of human existence, this religion has influenced social norms in society, political institutions, and the cultural customs of man. Christianity gave mankind the basis to understand how the world and man...

The Catholic Church and the LGBT Community

The way Catholic Church officials address the tension around LGBT relations may vary: most remain silent, few express support, and few – disapproval. The attitudes of judgment and rejection, in turn, only widen the gap between the LGBT community and the institutional Church. The opening, however, is not only artificially...

The Israel’s Grumbling: The Book of Numbers

The book of Numbers in the Bible records the history of the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness. One common theme throughout their journey is their tendency to complain and grumble when faced with difficulties. This is exemplified in two incidents recorded in Numbers 14 and 20, where the...

Holistic Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology

Introduction Bible is the primary book or account through which humanity can understand their maker’s purpose for them. The book of Genesis provides information about the creation and humans’ existence but significantly little about why God created humans. According to Genesis, the only clear role for people is that humans...

Sabbat: The Most Valuable Day of the Week in Judaism

Introduction Burnout can become a problem for all people, regardless of what field of human activity they are engaged in. This critical issue requires special attention, as it can significantly affect both the professional and personal spheres of life. Hence, for pastors in Judaism, there is a Sabbath, or the...

Death Perception in the World Religions

Introduction I found out that most of the world’s religions trace the theme of human responsibility for actions in earthly life. In all of them, the theme of salvation becomes central (DeSpelder & Strickland, 2019). At the same time, Buddhism and Hinduism perceive death more as liberation. therefore, mourning among...

Public Relations from Religious Perspective

I want to educate my audience on the profession of public relations, including its duties, compensation, and future possibilities. I also want to show how public relations specialist may use their job to glorify God by upholding principles like honesty, integrity, and transparency. Public relations may be the best job...

The Lisu People’s Beliefs Concerning Mission Work

Introduction This essay will explore the similarities and differences between Christianity and the religion of the Lisu people, a small ethnic group from China. Animism and ancestor worship are the cornerstones of the Lisu people’s distinctive belief system, accentuating the existence of spirits and immortality (Liu, 2019). Contrarily, Christianity is...

The Flood and Creation in the Bible and Myths from Mesopotamia

Different religions and beliefs have their versions of the creation of the world. There are similarities and differences between the biblical flood and creation stories and Mesopotamian myths. According to Enuma Elish, the world’s creation took place in several stages (Sublett, 2023). Just like in the biblical stories, God created...

William Paley’s “Watch Analogy” Discussion

William Paley’s watch analogy is a well-known debate about the existence of God. Paley contends that if a person were to find a watch on the ground, they would infer that it had a designer because its intricate structure and function imply purpose. Similarly, Paley argues, the intricate structure and...

The Aspects of the Spiritual Growth

Introduction The given analysis will mainly focus on Bill Fleming’s presentation video and the Scripture to identify, describe, and assess key elements of various phases of spiritual growth. Discussion The key point is that a Christian undergoes different stages of spiritual growth throughout his or her life. The author notes...

A Biblical Perspective on the Obligation to Help Others in Education

Introduction From a Biblical worldview perspective, the obligation to help others in education is to share genuine knowledge regardless of their traits. Proverbs 9:9 states: “Instruct the wise, and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous, and they will add to their learning” (BibleGateway, n.d). Thus the Bible expresses...

The Features of the Christian Approach to Medicine

Introduction Understanding the features of the Christian approach to medicine and treatments may seem complicated if the information is structured incorrectly. However, your response presented the information in a clear sequential order that fully reflects the main elements of the Christian worldview and its connection with medical ethics. Discussion I...

The Main Aspects of Christianity

Introduction The author bases the work on the versatility of the Christian worldview and emphasizes that, at the same time, they all rely on the holy scriptures of the Bible. It is a valuable source of information for followers of the Christian faith. This post has such strengths as a...

Rituals in Buddhist Culture: Religious Traditions and Holidays of Buddhism

Like any other religion, Buddhist philosophy is associated with unique traditions, customs, ceremonies, and rituals. Buddhist culture is extraordinary and multifaceted, further confirmed by numerous rituals, which, in particular, play a crucial role in Buddhism. Even though most Europeans have not heard of such practices, Westerners endlessly believe in these...

The Aspects of the Reign of God

Introduction Christians acknowledged that Jesus’ life initiated God’s rule and would shortly come to fruition following his death. I believe that Jesus essentially taught love for God and people. With this value, I trust that heaven’s reach for Christians gets closer when people practice them wholeheartedly. Discussion One passage from...

The Imago Dei as a Christian Concept

The Christian concept of the imago Dei is the belief that God created humans in His image, thus making us unique and special. It is a foundational belief in Christianity, and it has implications for how we should treat each other (Hobson & Edgar, 2019, pp. 33-43). This ideology is...

The Analysis of the Sin of Suicide

Introduction To date, discussions about euthanasia are among the most controversial. For example, questions arise as to whether this practice is salvation or a great sin. Thus, for instance, science still cannot determine whether this intervention is right or wrong, “good” or “bad” (Bogue & Hogan, 2020, p. 1). Nevertheless,...

Aspects of the Spirituality in Christianity

Introduction Spirituality in Christianity is a broad concept that includes the personal traits of every catholic and a collective view of the world as a place of God’s creation. There are multiple worldviews according to which spirituality can be defined as a set of values or practices like meditation to...

The Christian Interpretation of the Bible

Introduction The four parts of the biblical narrative reveal numerous details about God’s character and advocacy for humans. Moreover, they deepen one’s comprehension of the truth regarding sickness. The creation, fall, redemption, and restoration all contain sources for comforting people in disease. Discussion Firstly, everything in the world was designed...

Christian-Islamic “Holy Wars” Heritage

It does not seem fair to claim that Islam is a purely “warrior” religion, considering its doctrine as a whole. Such a misinterpretation mostly comes from the fact that contemporary jihadists are motivated by a selective view of fundamental Islamic writings (Qur’an, Sunna) and chronology (Daniel, 1958). They consider themselves...

The Christian Iconography Evolution

The evolution of Christian iconography can be explored through various works which date back to the first millennia. Among the noteworthy works which are displayed in Egypt and Rome are Mary Nursing the Infant Jesus and Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels. Both works carry different meanings and historical...

Preparations to Become a Successful Christian

We are all called to a life of endurance with christ accompanied by joyful thanksgiving. However, only those who do what Christ commands will have the opportunity to enjoy it. As a Christian, strategic planning is a critical aspect of the journey of faith. The choices today impact the life...

The Good People Book by Wallace: Journal Entry

The main reason readers tend to associate themselves with the protagonist is the universality of the situations in which the protagonist finds himself throughout the story. Every person sooner or later has to go through the stage of separation and face the accompanying complexities described in detail by the author....

Culture and Religion in Good People by Wallace

David Foster Wallace deals with culture and its religious side in Good People, written in 2007. Although one might assume that he himself is a religious person, his characters stand out for their acceptance of Christianity and its values. The story describes the journey of growing up as a young...

Ka’aba: Origin, Association, and Beliefs

A cube or Ka’aba in Arabic is a sacred and holy place located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in the Islamic shrine. Ka’aba is a building in the form of a cube draped in cotton veils and silks. In fact, Muslims pray five times a day to Ka’aba rather than Jerusalem....

Establishment of the Papal Supremacy in the Catholic Church

The papal supremacy is a doctrine of the catholic church that puts the pope and his office as the Vicar of Christ. Various popes contributed to the creation of papal powers during in the 6th century (St. Benedict). St. Damascus, one of the Bishops of Rome during the establishment of...

Liberation Christology in the Life and Works of St. Oscar Romero

In the movie Romero, Archbishop Oscar Romero is depicted as an advocate of justice for all as he organizes protests against the injustices perpetuated by a rogue military regime. Through involvement in political and civic matters, Oscar Romero applied his religious faith to fight for the rights of the poor...

The Origins and Spread of Islam

Islam is one of the world’s most famous and influential religions and the second largest one. Scholars state that its creation happened in the seventh century, which makes Muslim belief one of the youngest religions in history. Muslims worship one God, which they call Allah in Arabic, and live their...

Augustine and Organization of Latin Theology

Donatists were exclusively an African schismatic sect who viewed themselves as the true heirs to Christianity and claimed to be the church of martyrs. They argued that the martyred endorsed separation from Catholics and they also provided the necessary link between the present purity and past persecutions (Boer 7). Augustine...

Fundamental Beliefs in Different Religions

Introduction Asia is the origin of all major faiths and numerous lesser ones. Asian religions, like all kinds of civilizations, can be examined regionally concerning their genesis and dispersion. Hinduism, the earliest of various faiths that arose in South Asia, has a polytheistic and ceremonial heritage that comprises various rituals...

Faith Integration Into Business Administration Programs

Introduction In Romans 8:37-39, the apostle Paul speaks of how nothing can separate us from the love of God. He mentions that neither death nor life, angels nor rulers, present nor future, height nor depth can do so (Biblica, 2022). This verse reminds us that no matter what circumstance we...

Religious Impact on Children’s Future Success

Introduction Religion is integral to the socialization and development of children. It shapes their conception of the future and determines their willingness to work toward achieving specific goals. Religion can help children believe they have a future, as will be demonstrated in the presented argument. Religion can influence a child’s...

Genesis 41 and Its Historical Contexts

Introduction Genesis is among the most powerful creations that people have been exposed to and have the privilege of reading due to the clear illustration of the history of humanity, the establishment of Israel and the first Jewish people. The overall book of Genesis implicitly states that there is nothing...

Death and Dying Rituals in Buddhism

Introduction Cultures, languages, beliefs, and traditions in our globe are incredibly varied and rich. There are many varied rituals and traditions associated with the many stages of life that are practiced in different religions, but there are also some commonalities between the various cultures. Humans have known for a long...

The Conciliar Model in Acts 15: Development of Christianity

Introduction The conciliar model as described in Acts 15 contributed much to the successful spread and development of Christianity. Before Emperor Constantine declared freedom of religion in the Roman Empire, the number of Christians remained small, with groups often being separated one from the other in order to avoid persecution....

Rise of Islam: Comparing to Christianity

Introduction Christianity and Islam are considered two different religions, although they have some similarities. These two faiths have the largest number of followers globally. The identity of a supernatural being and hellfire are the common beliefs. Assessing the readings of the New Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures, and Christian theology reveals...

Epistemological Objection to Divine Command Theory

Morality and ethics represent the most complicated issues throughout the history of humankind. There are many ethical principles and frameworks guiding people to morality in their lives. Therefore, one should choose three ethical theories, including deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics, to understand how they can be applied in real contexts....

Middle Eastern Women’s Place in Islam

Long-standing controversy surrounds the place of women in Islam. Muslims have frequently been seen as oppressed and inferior by non-Muslims. Additionally, while most practicing Muslim women appeared secure in their clearly defined responsibilities of being engaged and showing perfect obedience, rearing morally upright children, and caring for the family, other...

The Nature and Status of the Soul

The soul is the primary element of human nature that governs people’s actions, attitudes, and beliefs. Saint Bonaventure emphasized the innate abilities of the soul to advance the reader on their path of mystic reflection (Löwe, 2021, p.11). The saint from the 13th century held that humanity’s three best qualities...

“The Sage from Galilee” by D. Flusser and S. Notley

David Flusser and R. Steven Notley wrote the Sage from Galilee. The novel’s twelve chapters detail Flusser’s new theories and research that were not included in his 1968 English edition, making it the fourth edition. This book aims to challenge widespread beliefs that existed before its publication. I give this...

Christian History of Brazil From Global Perspective

Brazil has the world’s largest Catholic population, indicating Christianity’s importance in developing this country. The history of this religion’s emergence and development in Brazil is directly related to the European influence on this country. In this aspect, the characteristics of the spread of Christianity are similar to other countries of...

Hindu Nationalism in Modern India

Introduction Hindu nationalism today is an expression of political, social, and social will and tradition. Its foundation is the ancient cultural and spiritual practices that have been established and developed for the most part in the territory of modern India. Its origins and connection are clearly linked to the religious...

“The God Delusion” Book by Richard Dawkins

During his academic career, Richard Dawkins, a prominent evolutionary biologist, popularized science and sharply criticized religion, considering it dangerous and unnecessary for modern society. He contributed to debates on religion with his book The God Delusion. This text is unwelcomed by the theological community for its superficial arguments and fallacious...

Faith Integration: Bible With Apocrypha

Religion is an instrumental component of any society that shapes almost every aspect of human life, including business activities. Its role becomes more magnified and significant in nations classified as developing, such as the Dominican Republic. Faith-based organizations participate in poverty alleviation activities. They advance funds in the form of...

Essay on the Jewish Annotated New Testament 2nd Edition

The Jewish Annotated New Testament was first published in 2011. It was a radical work that brought the New Testament’s Jewish context and the consideration of clergy, students, and general readers. In this revised edition, eighty Jewish scholars are focused on bringing together incomparable scholarships to shed a new picture...

The Need for Religious Discourse

The search for answers to eternal questions has always been an integral element of human reasoning. The picture of the world cannot be perceived as an understandable phenomenon, and both religious teachings and philosophical discourses have largely developed precisely due to the desire for knowledge. As a result of societal...

Rastafari, Jediism, and the Raelian Movement

Introduction Humans are devoted to their beliefs, which define their cause and the moral code that regulates their actions as individuals. The moral code requires observance and adherence to the rites prescribed by their respective religions. Humans adhere to various faiths, including Rastafari, Jediism, and the Raelian movement. Such religious...

Mahayana Buddhism’s Beginnings

Introduction Mahayana Buddhism’s beginnings are still a mystery; neither its beginning nor its location is documented, and it is most likely that the movement developed over time and in several areas. Most representations have been hugely affected by the goals of contemporary sectarian motions, and the holy texts most highly...

Nationalism and Shinto in Meiji Restoration

The term “Shinto” refers to the native religion of Japan, which has historically had a significant impact on many people’s lives in terms of politics, society, and even the economy. The Shinto religion still values several ancient rituals developed throughout those times. The procedures are rigorously carried out to establish...

Historical Context of the Book Kingdom of Matthias

Introduction Penned in 1994 by Paul Johnson and Sean Wilentz, The Kingdom of Matthias portrays the protagonist Robert Matthias as a significant proponent of the Second Great Awakening (SGA) in the United States. The book, set in the early 1800s in New York, explores the emergence and crumble of a...

The Relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son

Introduction A Christian Creed is a collection of defining assertions that summarize Christians’ fundamental beliefs. All Christians hold them to be the unchanging realities. In the past, newly converted Christians would research their new faith and write their ideology based on what they had discovered. However, several particular creeds gained...

“Where the Hell Is God?” Book by Richard Leonard

Suffering and evil are common topics that cause people to question their beliefs. Theodicy provides a logical solution to the existence of evil on Earth, although some may take this philosophy as an explanation of people’s misery. One’s traumas and death may cause alienation from God among those affected by...

Bible Principles Regarding Debt

The Bible generally says that a person should pay off his debt. For a Christian, one should live without obligation and not be an owner. To do this, he should leave everything to the will of the Lord (ChristianSuper, 2020). The Bible says that nothing belongs to the man in...

Bible Verses About Responsible Stewardship

Religious books teach people to put their hope in God. However, it does not indicate that people should not plan for the future, save, and invest money. On the contrary, the Bible accustoms religious followers to wise financial management. It is written in Proverbs 13:11: “Wealth gotten by vanity shall...

The Protestant Reformation in the History of Global Christianity

Introduction Christianity has different branches, the main ones being Protestantism and Catholicism. The tenets of the roman catholic church guide the doctrines, beliefs, and practices of Catholics. On the other hand, the results and principles of the Protestant Reformation govern the religious philosophies, creeds, and perception of Protestantism. Therefore, to...

The Decline of Christianity in Europe

Introduction The decline of Christianity in Europe starting from the second half of the 17th century is characterized by several factors that determined this process. These factors include examples directly related to religion and some aspects indirectly affecting the decline of the faithful population. The number of reasons for the...

The Meanings of the Communion of Saints

Introduction The Communion of Saints is an act of communion of spiritual union that allows for an exchange of blessings. The Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC] points out that this exchange is possible only in the Church where all the saints gather (CCC 946). Communion is a deep bond...

The Core of Christian Belief: Where Is Jesus?

Introduction The core of Christian belief is the life, teachings, crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Numerous books and essays were written after the death of the Son of God. However, the only original writings believed to describe Christ’s journey are considered the three gospels by Mark, Matthew, and Luke...

Christ’s Resurrection and the Strength of Love

Introduction The idea of love being stronger than death is a long-standing Biblical concept that is at the center of the core religious teachings. When Pope Benedict XVI preached to the group of pilgrims and prelates filling St. Peter’s Basilica, he reflected on the liturgy and readings of the Easter...

Comparison of the Jewish Religion

The ancient Jews considered themselves “God’s chosen people.” Their monotheism separated them from all surrounding neighbors, while their faith in God’s covenants offered a positive relationship with the deity and the promise of atonement for sin. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham left Mesopotamia to lead a nomadic life...

The Bible: Literary, Historical, and Covenantal Perspective

The 66 chapters that make up the Bible were penned by 40 distinct authors over the course of around 1700 generations. The Old Scripture [or Old Law], which comprises 39 writings, is the first section of the Holy book. The Torah or Law, the Historic Writings, the Poetry Books, and...

Catholic Converts and the Sect System

Introduction The analysis of literary works on the topic of religion helps to gain a better understanding of its basic concepts and varieties. Thus, individuals can realize the uniqueness of each faith. Hence, the book by Mullen, “The Chance of Salvation: A History of Conversion in America,” focuses on the...

Eastern Orthodox Christian Understanding of the Holy Trinity

Introduction The Orthodox Church is among the three main Christian groups, the other two being Roman Catholics and Protestants. These churches are joined in Faith by a shared approach to tradition, worship, and theology. Orthodox is a Greek-derived word where Orthos means right and Doxa means belief, Orthodox, therefore, is...

Reflection on Everyday Bible

Delving into a thorough and profound analysis of core Biblical texts represents an essential task for exploring the underlying concepts and meanings. The “Everyday Bible Study” has offered a plethora of food for thought, particularly in relation to the concepts and notions that are deeply entrenched in the Biblical texts....

Role of Buddhism in World Culture and the Formation of Worldviews

In view of the urgent problems associated with the environmental crisis, spiritual degradation, and information overload. Paying attention to the processes taking place in the modern world, one may come to the conclusion that the cause of the conflicts taking place in it comes from the contradictions that arise within...

Christian Education in American Schools

Introduction Education in many parts of the world, including the United States, began in Christian centers. However, today, Christian education in America is in crisis. In more than three centuries of the existence of Christian education in America, the sector is experiencing difficult circumstances that threaten to end it. The...

Biblical Principles in the Workplace

Introduction The Bible is not only a natural source of spiritual enlightenment but also a storehouse of valuable and helpful knowledge about virtue and a positive attitude towards people. For example, Holy Scripture teaches how to interact with individuals competently in the work conditions through the manifestation of kindness, care,...

American Mission of Jewish Return to Holy Land

The idea of ​​the exceptionalism of the American nation and its unique role in helping the oppressed populations appeared many centuries ago. Religious Americans believe that they are destined for the mission of helping the Jewish return to their native Holy Land. These beliefs come from the social, religious, and...

Christian Leadership: Personal Results of the Audits

Christian leadership is a combination of managerial skills, leadership qualities, and a high level of personal development on the religious path. A Christian leader must be able to inspire people and lead, but at the same time do it not selfishly, but focusing on serving people and God, on helping...

The Great Awakening in Christian History

The Great Awakening was a liberal movement that spread through Britain’s thirteen colonies. The Great Awakening altered the idea and framework of religion in colonies. It was a religious awakening at a time when secular rationalism was emphasized. Instead of a commercial society, there was an emphasis on salvation and...

Islam and Women’s Rights in Iran After 1979

Introduction Islam is one of the major religions around the world that have shaped moral values and other social issues such as women’s rights. Some countries such as Iran underwent a religious revolution that determined their internal affairs and socialization. Islamization involves converting and shifting society towards Islam and becoming...

Christianity: Concepts and Personalities

Introduction Religion is an important element of human society because it defines and identifies groups of people. Beyer and Schnabel (2019) posit that the various denominations that make up religious entities are a proxy measure of varied sets of beliefs. Christianity is among the world’s largest religions by virtue of...

The Pluralism of Religion as a Positive Development

Introduction It is important to note that religion has always been a critical aspect of society, history, law, and family, where empires were built around them as the centers of power. Although one might state that the influence of religious thought was fundamentally oppressive, limiting, or hostile, the impact of...

Religion, Ritual, and Social Organization

The topics of religion, ritual, and social organization are an important part of the discussion of different cultures. Religious ceremonies are essential to social communities in certain countries. For example, a recent study focused on exploring the issue of ritualized pain, which is a normalized and integral cultural aspect for...

Introduction to Religion: Qanon Cult

Introduction QAnon is not religious but a cult that uses spiritual messages to lure any unsuspecting Christian. The content being shared by an anonymous persona, who claims they have access to intelligence operations and the military, is perhaps, to a greater degree, the most significant relative movement in the U.S....

Falling Levels of Religiosity in the United States

The report focuses on religiosity in the United States and societal trends on this issue. The report is based on data from telephone surveys and compares the data to 2009. The number of people of faith in the U.S. has declined dramatically from 2009 to 2018, with the number of...

Muslim Integration in Switzerland

Introduction Religious tolerance is one of the basic principles of Swiss democracy, and it is especially critical for the country to provide people with freedom of religious expression. At the same time, there is a controversial attitude to the Muslim community among Swiss citizens who are predominantly Christian. It is...

Pathak’s The Art of Neighboring and Ripken’s The Insanity of God

The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door is a thrilling and insightful book written in 2012 by Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon. Its main purpose is to guide individuals, whether Christians or not, on how to create good relationships with their neighbors. On the other hand,...

The “A Tale of Three Kings” Novel by Gene Edwards

A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards is a novel about Kings David, Saul and Absalom that reveals different types of leadership. The story talks about the paths main characters experienced on the way to the throne. There are many strong ideas, but this essay will discuss three points...

Relationships and Christian Morality

The presence of adultery is a precursor or symptom of a crisis in the relationship. That this is a difficult situation in terms of the psychological state of people, no one can feel at ease knowing or suspecting a partner of sexual intercourse outside marriage. A cheating person is constantly...

Proving the Existence of the Traditional Judeo-Christian God

Introduction For millennia, people have been pondering over the idea of having been created and being guided by a superior being. Represented in each culture by a unique name and an accompanying story, God, in essence, is represented by the same notions of almightiness, compassion, kindness, and wisdom. [i] Since...

Paul, the Jewish Theologian by B. H. Young

Book Information The title of the selected book for this review is Paul, the Jewish Theologian: A Pharisee among Christians, Jews, and Gentiles. The author of this text, Brad Humes Young, portrays Saul of Tarsus as someone who faced rejection in the Jewish synagogue. Nonetheless, he chose to live and...

Insomnia in Science and in the Bible

Insomnia has been a topical issue of humanity since ancient times. Lack of sleep, difficulty falling asleep, and nightmares were the source of interest for both scientists and theologists. Nowadays, there are a lot of articles and theories surrounding insomnia and its effects on one’s health. There are many reasons...

The Temple Cleansing in the Synoptic Gospels

The temple cleansing is described differently in the three gospels, Mathew, Mark, and Luke. The different event versions show how the three apostles perceived the incident. Despite Mark being considered the shorted gospel, his description of the event is longer than Mathew and Luke’s description. In addition, mark extensively elaborates...

Alternate History: Constantine and Christianity

Introduction Influential people make critical decisions during certain events that eventually change the course of history. The acceptance of Christianity by Constantine the Great led to a new religious practice whereby followers of the Roman Empire began to embrace the faith. Assuming that Constantine had converted to Mithraism, chances remain...

Aspects of Islam and the Quran

Introduction The Quran is a sacred text that is followed by Muslims around the world. During ancient times, it promoted polygyny, men, and women being equal in Allah’s eyes, and marriage for procreation. However, it restricted the number of wives to four, demanding the husband treat them with equity (Khan...

Religious History of the God-Fearers

Theology is a complex field of study mainly because of its divine subject. The Holy Bible and different historical teachings describe people that were called God-fearers. Cornelius is the person demonstrated in the tenth chapter of the Apostles’ Acts in the New Testament and is named the God-fearer. This example...

Winthrop’s Improvisation Evaluated With Well’s Model

Introduction John Winthrop commenced bible study at a tender age and served the community to become a fully-fledged puritan. He was a seasoned scholar who cascaded his academic knowledge with religion to elaborate God’s word. Winthrop improvised the biblical message into five acts, the creation, the fall of man, and...

The Methodist Religion’s Impact on Education and American Society

Introduction This annotated bibliography is a part of the project on Christian education in American schools. The primary aims of the project are to define and explore the Methodist religion, find out how it is connected with education, and determine its other severe impacts on various aspects and fields of...

Understanding of the Biblical Physical Setting

The biblical understanding of various instances in the physical setting, such as nature, culture, geography, customs, and archaeology, helps us better understand the application of biblical instances to lives. Understanding the physical setting of the biblical instances improves the understanding of the Bible and helps us discover the intentions and...

Comparative Approach in Religious Methodology

Understanding religion as a whole might seem like a formidable task. Different religions have existed throughout the entire history of humanity, from primal beliefs of primordial people to modern phenomena, such as Pastafarianism, which most people consider to be more of a social movement. With a history this long, it...

Correlation Between Science and Religion

The relationship between science and religion has shown various controversies. Even though the two complement each other, their connection has been dynamic. Science, in most cases, deals with claims and hypotheses that can be tested, while religion focuses on people’s beliefs. Thus, it is imperative to understand where science and...

The Natural World as God’s Creation

The video “Army of Sea Urchins?” by BBC Studios depicts the kelp’s interwoven complex life system and interactions between creatures, emphasizing the supply of nutrients from the depths to the upper layers. For instance, sea urchins are necessary attachments to sea rocks, accounting for enormous regions of kelp forest clearings...

World Religions: The Meaning of Symbols

Buddhist symbol is a cyclic attribute symbolizing the wheel of the Dharma. It explains samsara, the cycle of rebirths that can be avoided by studying the Buddha’s and the story of how the Buddha achieved enlightenment (Halberg, 2014). People use in ritual practice to concentrate on reflection, using the mind...

“The Churching of America, 1776-2005” by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark

“The churching of America, 1776-2005: winners and losers in our religious economy” is a provocative book by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark that has profoundly shifted how American religious practices are viewed. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of changes, trends, and developments within American religious practices, thereby challenging previous...

Christianity in the Discussion of the US Parties

Introduction In the article “In both parties, fewer say now being Christian or being born in the U.S. is important to being ‘truly American’” by Aidan Connaughton, the author provides statistics of statements by the Republican Party of the United States and the Democratic Party. This data concerns critical philosophical...

The Essay “Salvation” by Langstone Hughes

I was intrigued by Langstone Hughes’s “Salvation”, a story concerning the lessons and challenges that everyone can witness in the lives of youths. He discusses young people’s social and emotional difficulties by relying on his life experiences, including the time he was supposed to witness a 12-member revival while actively...

Pharisees and Sadducees in Judaism

The variant was essential as it preserved and conveyed Judaism based on the flexibility of how the Jewish scriptural interpretation creates change in the face of changing historical circumstances. Most of these accusers were devoted to different spiritual levels leading towards subsequent change in Jewish history. Pharisees and Sadducees believed...

The Islamic Religion, Beliefs, and Practices

Islam represents a universal monotheistic religion widespread in the Muslim world. Consisting of the Sunni and Shia movements, Islam traces back to the seventh century of our era when Prophet Mohammad’s first revelation took place (Salvatore et al., 2018). Islamic historians single out the High Caliphate era, the Early and...

Promise: The Primary Response to Evil

Though I personally find all responses to evil through the perspective of religion to be largely incomplete and irrational, the concept of promise is likely one that has the largest contradictions and falsehoods. Promise as the primary response to evil can be seen in large religions such as Christianity, Judaism,...

Sikh and Muslim Communities in India

Introduction The Republic of India is a secular, democratic country with many different religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism, among other minority creeds. Hinduism remains the largest religion in the country, with Hindu identification and the ability to speak Hindi being associated with “being truly Indian” (Corichi...

Faith Integration in 1 Peter 1:13-21 Message

1 Peter 1:13-21 is a compelling message that was written to the Gentile Christians that were being persecuted. Its primary purpose was to remind them that God had chosen them and they should be hopeful for a brighter future in Jesus. Through this letter, Peter offered great hope to the...

“The Knowledge of the Holy” Book by Tozer

Summary of The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer Tozer analyzes the characteristics of God in The Knowledge of the Holy, where an attribute is defined as everything that God has disclosed in any form as becoming the truth of Himself. His justification for this assessment is straightforward...

Christian Education in American Schools: The Rise and Fall

Introduction Christian education and its role in American schools have a long history. It takes the beginning from the Puritan era until the World War and the American revolution. Today, the significance and the function of religion in school education have changed back from the 16th century. The number of...

Integrated Theory of Leadership from Theological Perspective

Abstract The paper presents my integrated theory of leadership by explaining how adaptive leadership relates to my theology. Scientific evidence is included to explain the basics of adaptive leadership, while its principles are aligned with my theological beliefs, including God’s love for humanity and the presence of sin in the...

The Islam Spread in Colonial America

Introduction The study of how a particular religion gained strength and spread among people is of particular value. This helps to better understand the processes that contributed to this aspect and understand what is behind the creed. Thus, this research aims to study how Islam spread and took root in...

Why Augustine Is the Shaper of the Western Church

Introduction Saint Augustine or Augustine of Hippo was among the most significant figures in the development of Christianity. He was an early philosopher and Christian theologian whose writings influenced Western philosophy and Western Christianity. His writings, such as The City of God and Confessions, show a competent rhetorician’s theological skill,...

Early Christianity and Secular Government Institution

Christianity dates back to the mid-first century CE in the province of Judea. The religion transformed from Jewish tradition that included the teachings of Jesus and later included the writings of Paul of Tarsus. At its earliest stages, Christianity represented a small and poorly organized belief group, the central message...

The Spirituality’s Subjective Life

Introduction One of the fundamental ideas to grasp the modern world is the subjectivities thesis. Finding and expressing one’s identity has changed from being determined by external realities like customary law or nature to being a concern for subjects self-referential. Subjectivities are a reflexively felt state of recognition that gives...

Huston Smith’s “The World’s Religions” Book

In his book The World’s Religions, Smith (2009) attempts to describe and analyze the major world’s religions. In Chapter 3, in particular, he addresses Buddhism, its origins, specifications, and geographical location characteristics. Smith (2009) begins with outlining the known facts about Buddha, as he is the root of this religion...

Theological Differences Within the Major Christian Traditions

Christians are followers of Christ who use the bible as the primary religious book for conducting services and personal spiritual nourishment. They believe in life after death, reconciliation to God through Christ and Trinity. However, within this religious group, there are many denominations that can broadly be categorized as Catholic,...

Jesus Christ’s Natural Divinity

Jesus Christ is God’s only son; two essences converge in him: divine and human. The divinity of Christ is vital for Christians because it shows that the deification of the human body is possible, as well as the divine embodiment in the personality of an ordinary individual. In addition, it...

The Biblical Verses Timothy 6:3-10 and 6:17-19

Introduction The biblical verses convey the overall religious tone of the work while dealing significantly with financial issues. Money is often defined in religious texts as an inherent evil. However, many of the verses do not refer to the problems of money itself but the negative aspects of behavior associated...

Role of Jesus Christ in Religion

Jesus Christ is a prophet and religious leader, who founded Christianity. He is known as the Son of God, a part of the Holy Trinity in some denominations, or otherwise a physical incarnation of God. Based on Old Testament teachings, he is also the Jewish Messiah, a liberator of the...

The Great Commission and Business as Missions

Introduction The Great Commission refers to instructions that Jesus gave to his disciples after he rose. He asked them to preach the gospel to people across the world. These instructions are found in many passages in the book of Mathew. In fulfilling this work commissioned by Jesus, the disciples were...

Islam in Relation to the Western Civilization

The sixth chapter begins by noting that Islam, of all the Eastern religions, is closest to the West. Nevertheless, this is not connected with all aspects of Islam but only with geographical and, to a lesser extent, ideological ones. Smith (2009) notes that although Islam is in the Abrahamic family...

Religion: Contexts and Characteristics

Religion has been studied for many years because it significantly influences people and history. In modern world various types of faith are presented to people. Some are very popular and massive, while others are only small formed local groups. Many religions today have different ideas so that modern people can...

Authentic Sexuality in the Marriage

Sex permeates our culture and is present in places other than the home, such as the job, the street, and the media. However, despite all the focus and even fixation placed on sexual activity, human sexuality continues to be perplexing and unsettling. Authentic sexuality is hard to define in a...

Total Liberation: What Is It and Is It Achievable?

Liberation in Jainism and Buddhism Comparing the notions of liberation in Buddhism and Jainism reveals structural similarities and differences between the two ideas. Regarding the common points, tirtha in Jainism and bodhi in Buddhism treat liberation as something achieved by exceptional beings, making the believer play an active rather than...

Buddhism vs. Christianity: Studying Religions

Buddhism and Christianity are both of the most popular religions. The followers of Buddhism are primarily concentrated in the Asian region, with India being its birthplace. On the other hand, Christianity is generally common throughout Europe and Western countries, despite its origins in modern Israel and Palestine. Despite some localization,...

Aspects of America’s Religious Revolution

Introduction America’s religions match the racial and behavioral diversity of the people who live therein. The land’s variety is primarily driven by the immigrants who vacated from different parts of the world, such as Central America and South Asia. However, there has been a perceived ebb and flow motion regarding...

Why Women in Islam Have to Be Modest

On the excuse of Islamic modesty, women in several Muslim-majority countries (MMCs) are still subjected to gender segregation and mobility restrictions to varying degrees. In its current form, the idea of modesty appears to prevent Muslim women from participating in public life and other activities. This essay examines the religious...

Second Great Awakening Influence on America’s Religious Culture

A notable influence on America’s religious culture originated from the Second Great Awakening. Protestant churches and denominations grew tremendously during the colonial period. Denominations such as Reformed, Anglicans, Congregationalists, and Presbyterians emerged in North America during the Second Great Awakening. Baptist and Methodist churches received more followers during this period....

American Church History: The Rise of American Christian Fundamentalism

American Christian Fundamentalism The term “American Christian Fundamentalism” refers to a movement that arose in America in the 19th C to counter theological objectives aimed at reforming traditional Christian beliefs. The modernized theological teachings promised several advantages of adopting science over traditional Christian beliefs. Fundamentalism stressed the chances of Christianity...

The Bible and the Quran: Key Aspects

Quran The Question of Origin According to the Quran, the world was created by Allah in six days. The heavens, the heavenly bodies, and the earth were created, laid out with a carpet, on which mountain strongholds were installed for strength. The earth is connected to heaven by an invisible...

Chapter 4 of “Christianity as a World Religion” by Kim & Kim

In chapter 4 of Christianity as a World Religion, the author writes about the history of the development of Christianity in Europe. At the beginning of the chapter, the author references history, talking about Christianity’s birth and the Roman Empire’s period. In the chapter, the author also describes the history...

Discussion: The Blame-Passing in Genesis

When it comes to the story of Genesis, such creation should be taken seriously rather than literary. The given story illuminates the creation of the world and depicts how over the period of six nights, a divinity floating over a barren, aqueous nothingness speaks into the abyss. The spirit commands...

Divine Currency: The Theological Power of Money in the West

When the concept of money was not yet created, the procedures of obtaining material products often involved their exchange, creating banter of exchanging the unneeded goods for wanted ones. The creation of money changed not only the process of obtaining material belongings but the nature of human beings. The literature...

Mardi Gras: Key Aspects

Mardi Gras is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent, the last day of Carnival. Fat Tuesday means the last night before Lent begins. A holiday that marks the end of the seven “fat days” (analogous to Omnivorous Week). It is celebrated in many countries in Europe,...

Ramadan Backstory and Description

Ramadan is a sacred month in the Islamic faith, marked by fasting, spiritual reflection, and community gatherings. It is expected to occur during the spring of 2023, starting on March 23rd and ending on April 22nd. As Muslims worldwide ready for this holy month, many look forward to the traditions...

Mental Struggles Within the Christian Family Structure Without Headship

Introduction A healthy family structure is one of the most critical teachings of Christianity. A family unit is representative of the wider community and reflects the complex relationship between Christ and the church. A Christian family structure is well-balanced, with the Bible giving directions and recommendations regarding the duties and...

A Myth, Its Definition and Role for People

A myth is a metaphor for human behavior, culture, wisdom, and knowledge (Nagy 15). It is fitting that whether its subject is the acts of deities or other extraordinary events, a myth always takes us back to the beginnings of all things. However, you also mention that there is no...

A Pilgrimage from Paris to Santiago

Background A Pilgrimage journey is one of the most critical spiritual journeys that any believer would want to undertake at least once. Such journeys are highly sacred as they enable believers to develop their spiritual resilience and beliefs. Through such journeys, individuals could spiritually rejuvenate themselves and create a strong...

Job’s Story: Demonstration of Suffering and Faith

It is important to note that the story of Job in the Book of Job is a prime biblical reflection on the concept of suffering and the test of faith. One of the key elements of the story revolves around God allowing Satan to act as an agent of assessing...

The Role of Religion in Ancient Egyptian Life

Religion was deeply integrated into Egyptian culture and society. By analyzing the documents provided, one can trace the role of Egyptian cosmology in the Egyptian way of life. First of all, the pantheon of the gods in Ancient Egypt was diverse and broad, as each god had its own scope...

The Place of Religion in the Colonies’ Daily Life

Religion is a fundamental factor defining individuals and giving them a sense of belonging. One can associate the origin of different religions and their culture in the United States with the spreading of Christianity during the colonial period. Religion, regardless of the denomination, impacted the daily life of inhabitants of...

Human Trafficking and Prostitution: Religious Perspective

Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery, spread all over the world. Every year, hundreds of women are illegally taken abroad mainly to work in prostitution. Women who have become victims of human trafficking undoubtedly need special treatment and protection. However, the field of their activities often causes many...

Religious Music Analysis: the Rock of Ages

Introduction Religious music, especially Christian, has been evolving and diversifying over the centuries from centuries-old and traditional styled songs and hymns to contemporary styles. Before the eighteenth century, hymns were published separately as standalone texts without musical score accompaniment. The first publishing of hymnal text and songs was done in...

Santería: The Case of the Forrest Community Center

Introduction Today, religion has become one of the major sources of spiritual support and unity for society. People need to believe in something to maintain similar purposes and lifestyles. Among a variety of existing religions, Santería is commonly practiced in Cuba and promoted worldwide due to immigration. Santería is polytheistic,...

The Ambivalence of Religion: Competing over Islam

Religion has been a fundamental component of human civilization in all locations and eras and continues to be so throughout our society. Religion’s role is often perceived as a duty to foster unity and harmony among the peoples of the globe rather than to be a source of division and...

The Religious Pluralism Theological Framework

The current examination of religious diversity highlights the problem of religious plurality, whereby traditions fundamentally different from each other yet able to maintain historical adherence, sometimes for millennia, contend on which provides ultimate truth. While Race’s threefold typology depicts three different responses to a religious plurality within a modern comparative...

Religion From the Point of View of Functionalism

Functionalism explores the nature of social life and cultural phenomena before they are subjected to further speculative manipulations. This approach opposes naive realism, which assumes that a person can directly comprehend static and unchanging essences of phenomena through contemplation and analysis of changeable and transient sensations (Bhukkal, 2021). It is...

Selecting a Place of Worship in Glendale, New York

Introduction Church is generally considered to be a place of worship for believers and people who are willing to have a conversation with God and ask different type of personal and non-personal questions. For this research paper, Queens Bible Church, which is located in Glendale, New York, the United States...

Christianity and Buddhism Comparison

Introduction Christianity is a more pragmatic religion than Buddhism, moreover, it applies to the texts of holy scriptures. The basic truths of Christianity formulate more mundane goals and aspects, such as love for one’s neighbor and respect for elders and others. Buddhism is characterized by subtle and spiritual practices and...