Extraversion & Social Connectedness for Life Satisfaction During the Pandemic

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic was a global event that significantly disrupted the established order of life. In addition to its obvious economic and political consequences, the pandemic has also shown significant effects on the social sphere. This laboratory report critically examines the effects of strict isolation and social distancing on...

Violent Behaviors and Their Treatment

Introduction Human violence and aggression are ubiquitous phenomena that cause substantial costs to contemporary society. Aggression is a grave medical challenge that places healthcare providers and patients at risk. It is defined as injurious, destructive, or hostile behavior frequently brought about by frustration. The treatment options for aggression include non-pharmacologic...

Racial and Ethnicity Inequality

Introduction Racial and ethnic inequality in health care, education, housing, and employment is a national issue in the U.S. despite the legislative prohibition of these forms of discrimination. According to Hahn et al. (2018), the root cause of “historical and ethnic … inequities” in the United States “are found in...

“Exterminate All the Brutes” as a Social Action

Introduction Society is a highly complex system that is not devoid of flaws and injustices. Evidently, such situations inevitably attract the attention of the people willing to change them through meaningful actions. These activists launch their campaign in a variety of forms, from direct protesting to artistic expression. In the...

Intersectionality of Race and Gender

There is little doubt concerning the fact that the notions of gender and race are some of the most complicated social matters that have been discussed in society for centuries. However, nowadays, there exists a common misbelief that the abolition of segregation and slavery, along with the progress made in...

Domestic Violence: “Crime in Alabama” by Hudnall et al.

Based on research by Hudnall, Lewis, and Parton, which offers statistics on domestic violence in Alabama from 1995 to the present, the following conclusions have been drawn. The crime statistics of 2019 for the City of Birmingham indicate 3,117 domestic violence crimes were occurring for every 50,000 (Hudnall et al.,...

Street Gangs and Problem of Their Spread

Street Gang Since there is no single and generally accepted concept of “gang,” state and local jurisdictions refer to their definitions. Thus, the most commonly used synonym for “street gang” is “youth gang” and “street gang.” The latter definition most clearly refers to an element of criminal activity that is...

Racial Discrimination in the USA

Introduction The formation and development of a civil nation is a complex and contradictory process. Ethnic and confessional differences have always played an ambiguous role in the history of America and other countries with a multinational population. In the past, such differences have repeatedly acted as factors of social tension...

The Story of Eritrean Refugees Escaping From the Country

In the article titled “The human face of the refugee crisis,” McDonald-Gibson examines one of many stories of refugees and the hardships they face. Charlotte McDonald-Gibson (2016) tells the story of Eritrean refugees escaping from their country. The primary focus falls on Sina, an Eritrean woman who fled the country...

Why Should Smoking Be Illegal?

Smoking is the act of inhaling or smelling smoke that results from burning something, most commonly tobacco. All enclosed public areas, including bars and restaurants, have been subject to statewide smoking bans in some states; only certain areas have been affected in other states. According to WHO’s Smoking and Tobacco...

Growing Family Diversity: The New Social Tendency

Growing family diversity refers to the increasing range of family types recognized in society in addition to the traditional nuclear family. According to Cohen (2020), there are different responses to the changing trends with regard to the family structure. As shown in Figure 13.5, young people are more tolerant of...

Marijuana Abuse: Annotated Bibliography

Substance selected: Marijuana Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). SAMHSA releases 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Web. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that the COVID-19 pandemic had a highly negative impact on the nation’s overall health and wellbeing. The organization does not...

Homelessness in California: Homelessness in California

Homelessness is defined as a lack of secure, healthy, and appropriate accommodation. California should rethink some of its property rules, provide more money to affordable homes initiatives, and streamline the application form. Housing has traditionally been regarded as one of the most fundamental human requirements. As a result, it is...

How Racism Makes Us Sick

Summary From this week’s readings and the TED Talk video, I have learned that racism has a plethora of implicit effects, including the way people of different ethnicities are treated within the healthcare system. For example, David R. Williams discusses an example of a comparison of the life expectancy for...

Homeless Veterans: Analysis of Cases

The number of cases of homeless veterans has been on the rise mainly because of poverty, lack of affordable housing, and mental illness as a result of war, drug, and substance abuse. Veterans have undergone specific barriers when seeking healthcare. These barriers include a lack of proper mental healthcare and...

Women Losing Their Periods Because of Diets and Exercise

The selected article for the given discussion is about the recently emerged trend in regard to women whose physical health is being impacted by online trends. The article states that “an increasing number of women are losing their monthly periods because they are following a social media trend for restrictive...

Slavery in Colonial America

Colonial America is one of the countries which actively practiced slaves trading. Initially, the first slaves were brought into America by British colonialists. This event marked the beginning of the British and American transatlantic slave trade. From 1619 to 1860, about 600 thousand African slaves were forcibly brought into the...

The Dabbawalas and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The global COVID-19 pandemic cannot go unnoticed for the dabbawalas, which is a system of lunchbox delivery and return services for India’s employees. Before the pandemic and lockdown policies, thousands of dabbawalas served Mumbai citizens due to their well-considered system of order picking, color coding, and bicycle/train delivery (Sadhana Centre...

The IRS and White Supremacists Case

Introduction Racial segregation has long been a subject of moral debate, particularly in the United States. McShane (2016) reports that “four prominent white nationalist groups received the government go-ahead to raise nearly $8 million in tax-deductible donations over the last 10 years” (para. 1). The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows...

Reduce Current Tobacco Use in Adults TU-01 Healthy People 2023

CDC is a US agency that contributes to the national mission by conducting critical science and providing health information that protects the country from expensive and dangerous health issues and responding to arising threats. It is a disease control and prevention agency that strives to save lives and protect individuals...

Relationship Between Urbanization, Globalization, and People

The relationship between urbanization, globalization, and people is one of the most interesting and provocative topics in many discussions. On the one hand, humans do everything possible to enhance progress through urbanizing populations, creating more technologically advanced cities, and sharing experiences globally. On the other hand, urbanization and globalization are...

Gender Bias During the Hiring Process

Introduction Gender bias is a problem that plagues the hiring process, especially during recruitment and selection. It refers to the discriminatory treatment of individuals during the hiring and selection processes because of their gender. Hiring decisions could be influenced by preconceived stereotypes about a certain gender group. Gender bias is...

Child Abuse Problem Overview

According to social statistics presented in 2019 that focus on child abuse and neglect rates in the United States on the basis of victims’ race and ethnicity, it is possible to notice huge disparities. Thus, the highest rate of 14.8 cases per 1,000 children was observed among American Indian or...

People’s Thoughts and Behaviors: Influence of Cultural and Social Factors

People’s thoughts, behaviors, and views of certain things can be impacted not only by their own experiences and priorities but also by specific cultural and social forces. Many of them affect a person during their whole life and can guide most of their decisions. For example, these factors include family,...

Why Marijuana Should Be Legal?

To legalize or not to legalize marijuana is a hotly debated topic, which has been around not for years but for centuries. Restrictions on the distribution of cannabis started in the 16th century. Although many different concessions have been made since then, the issue of legislative regulation of disputes on...

Food Deprivation in the United States

Food deprivation in the United States – as well as in the world – is caused by a number of complex socio-economic factors. Unfortunately, the global pandemic and its effects added one more layer of depth to this problem (World Health Organization, 2021). In 2020, around 38 million Americans –...

Deviant Behavior and Prostitution

Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., & Magnuson, D. (2019). “The prostitution problem”: Claims, evidence, and policy outcomes. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(7), 1905-1923. Web. In this article, the authors aim to identify the reasons for how inequality can influence the existence of sex work. They suggest that...

Gary Haugen’s Speech on Violence and Poverty

Introduction Poverty is a widespread social problem affecting millions of people worldwide. In his speech, Gary Haugen discusses the causes of poverty and concludes that violence is a hidden problem that should be addressed and eliminated. His examples of people who were assaulted and left in danger, prove that the...

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is a program which provides low-income families with the necessary resources to sustain a decent level of life. The policy’s primary concern is promoting welfare among its recipient; yet, the program does not comply with cutting poverty (Policy basics, 2021). The leading solution would be...

Strategies for Ending Homelessness in America

Introduction The problem of homeless people in America is extremely worrisome in the context of the social and psychological well-being of the people of the country. The situation with the homeless is quite financially costly for society, resulting in support programs and economic injections. But this problem is even more...

Divorce Rates and Causes of Their Rising

Divorce has been a major challenge to family norms in the United States for more than 40 years, with social policies increasingly focusing on the problem. At the same time, there are different findings that indicate the stabilization and even a decline in divorce rates in recent years. Discussing unilateral...

Legalization of Marijuana in the United States

The main objective of this study is to look at the problem of legalizing marijuana in the United States from different angles. This is done in an attempt to reach an objective consensus on this issue, or at least outline the range of problems and issues that need to accompany...

Child Advocacy: The Key Issues

Persons, experts, and advocacy groups who speak out for children’s best interests are child advocates. Advocacy, according to my opinion, is important in safeguarding children’s rights, which may be curtailed or abused in various ways. Because children are not regarded as accountable for their self-sufficiency, child advocacy is thought to...

Rwandan Genocide: Causes and Outcomes

Humans live in groups formed by the similarity of appearance, traits, and values, and such an approach has always been crucial for survival and evolution. However, the negative outcome of that ancient instinct is that a different individual or a cohort is being perceived as deviant and dangerous. Moreover, terror...

Bullying: A Guide for the Parents

Warning Signs a Child Is a Victim Cyberbullying is a relatively new type of bullying characterized by technological modalities, which make it slightly different from traditional bullying. It usually implies the use of various technological devices or services as a bullying instrument. Cyberbullying May be defined as “the use of...

Racial Stratification Towards Asian Communities in the United States

This discussion post will revolve around the portrayal of COVID-19 in the media and its effect on Asian communities in the United States in order to analyze how racial stratification is apparent in its presentation. The article called “Hate crimes against Asian Americans are on the rise” by Abdollah and...

Reflection Paper: Stereotypes in Health Care

Ageism, sexism, racism, other stereotypes, and social discrimination represent a severe challenge to the healthcare system. Significantly, older women are affected by bias when interacting with medical services. However, the ethnic and racial groups commonly face disparities in receiving care. This reflective paper investigates different manifestations of stereotypical approaches in...

Peripheral, Semi-Peripheral, and Core Nations

A country can either be a peripheral, semi-peripheral, or a core nation. A nation can be referred to as a peripheral if it is underdeveloped in terms of its political and economic structure. This can be seen in the living standard of its citizens, life expectancy, and adult literacy. Peripheral...

Minority Representation in the United States Congress

In the modern world, changes are taking place aimed at the review of traditional norms and values, which, in particular, is reflected in the tolerant attitude towards representatives of various small groups. The level of discrimination against representatives of nationalities who immigrated to the country in the course of history...

Changes in Life During the COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction The current COVID-19 pandemic brought several significant issues to the lives of the global community, affecting people’s physical and mental health, countries’ economies, and political stability worldwide. Healthcare organizations and clinicians were overwhelmed by the number of patients they could not help. Furthermore, many businesses had to close at...

Researching of Law Against the Indigenous People

Summary Cindy Blackstock is an influential Canadian activist who advocates for child welfare and the protection of the Indigenous people. As a member of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, she played a vital part in appealing against First Nations children’s discrimination at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal...

A Social Worker’s Experience and Lessons

Introduction The experience of a social worker represents a unique amalgamation of research, cross-cultural experiences, and meticulous analysis of provided information. Therefore, for a social worker, it is vital to gain proper experience in a number of areas so that the skills for meeting the needs of as diverse an...

Environmental Scan, Plan, and Change Project

Effort, dedication, and critical evaluation are put forward to keep institutions running. With over five thousand colleges and universities, an incredible impact has been made, setting America’s education standards apart from the rest of the world (Liyanage et al., 2019). One of the most prominent learning institutions is Stanford University,...

Racism in Employment from Conley’s Viewpoint

Racism in employment, payment and general place in the capitalist system has never ceased to be an issue. Even in light of the general liberalization of today’s world and the fact that communities are becoming increasingly supportive of this issue, the size of the problem has not even diminished. Racial...

Lessons Learned From the Poverty Simulation

Description The first lesson I learned from the poverty simulation is that those who have not experienced poverty may not adequately understand the situation. Some people think poverty only entails having deficient financial resources while it involves hunger, poor quality health, and poor education. The second lesson I learned is...

Policies for Social Problems

Social problems are not the product of an inherent society dysfunction, but rather a characterization process in which a specific state is designated as a social problem. When a society is unaware of a social problem, it does not perceive it, addresses it, discusses it, or handle it. History is...

Analysis of Down Syndrome Indiana

Thesis topic: the effects of the Down Syndrome Indiana (DSI) on the quality of life of families with children with Down Syndrome (DS). Alon, R. (2019). Social support and post-crisis growth among mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder and mothers of children with down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities,...

Readjustment Counseling When Working With Veterans

The area of social work that is most appealing to me is readjustment counseling, with a specific emphasis on working with veterans. The goal of readjustment counseling is to aid in the successful transition of veterans from the military to civilian life. This may range from simple guidance in employment...

Privilege in People’s Daily Lives

Despite an overall intention to live in an equal society, the questions about racial, class, or gender differences remain open. On the one hand, oppressed people cannot get rid of the thought that they are deprived of many things in their lives because of their skin color, gender, or ethnicity....

People With Disabilities: Ten Beliefs

It is important to note that people with disabilities are among the vulnerable groups to be excluded from various integral aspects of societal life. Therefore, it is of paramount relevance to understanding the key fundamental principles and beliefs, which are designed to ensure comprehensive and all-encompassing inclusivity for people with...

Rodriguez and Coates: The Connection Between Family, Community, and Identity

Introduction When individuals consume food, they have a sense of taste that is susceptible. The sense of taste is on one’s tongue, and they send a signal to the brain, which accepts it. This activity informs people of what is going on in their body. Looking at Rodriguez and Coates’...

Dangers of New Species to Native Members

Globalization has influenced the introduction of new species into an ecosystem, such that these species threaten the existing community. These harmful species and invasive members negatively impact the area and wild members as competitors, predators, or parasites. The impacts of invasive species on existing wildlife have adverse effects on humans’...

Child’s Right to Love: Study by Matthew Liao

One of the main works of Matthew Liao was the study of the right of a child to be loved. Undoubtedly, the child has the right to be loved and, moreover, to love. Love should not be a duty, and it should be sincere and not only concern the child...

COVID-19 Conspiracy: Critical Thinking

The COVID-19 pandemic appeared to be an unexpected and impossible to be predicted agent for the entire world, and its consequences regarded every person and sharpened everyday routine. The origin of the new virus presented a matter of multiple discussions and hot debates. Some people are convinced that the spreading...

The Problem of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Introduction Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a topical issue related to children and youth in the US. CSEC represents acts of child abuse, which involve such actions as prostitution, trafficking for sexual purposes, early marriage, stripping, pornography, and other criminal activities related to children’s and adolescents’ engagement in...

Sociological Imagination: Social Factors

Sociological imagination refers to the ability to consider a broader social context and its impact on individual challenges and problems. It is based on the idea that social factors can affect certain groups of people in similar ways, impacting common behaviors and beliefs, creating specific patterns, and contributing to existing...

Human Sense of Place in the Context of Globalization

In the 1991 article “A global sense of place,” Doreen Massey calls for a social understanding of space. In this study, complex questions about rethinking the human sense of place in the context of globalization are posed. First, this paper presents arguments supporting the social understanding of the concept of...

The Problem of Violence Against LGBTQ People: Critical Analysis

Summary Psychological difficulties can occur because of encounters within partnerships and frameworks, such as interpersonal relations, the family, the social system, and heritage. The perspective on psychological problems is most relevant to LGBTQ problems, as their psychological health and relationship dysfunction is typically influenced by society and culture rather than...

The Perspectives of Adolescence: Examining the Insights From Two Generations

Summary The period of adolescence is a highly significant timeframe for individual growth. As the person transitions into adulthood, the experiences and ideas obtained during the younger years can greatly impact future emotional and psychological development. Reflecting on adolescent memories is a crucial part of future growth, and it is...

Gender Equality: Do Women Have Equal Rights?

Introduction Since equal rights and access to opportunity represent important values in the U.S., the country has introduced multiple pieces of legislation to protect women from discrimination. Despite the presence of laws to promote equality in diverse areas, there are some unaddressed challenges pointing to women’s specific challenges and barriers...

The Influence of the Black Lives Matter Movement on Society

The Black Lives Matter movement that has swept the world in recent years has shaken the public consciousness with its scale. This phenomenon has not only significant cultural but also social influences in modern society. In particular, the Black Lives Matter movement has become one of the most ambitious public...

Human Nature: War and Conflict

It is important to note that Kenneth Waltz is a neo-realist who identifies three major “images” which contribute to the conflict around the world. He concludes that although human nature has a role in the preponderance of war and political conflict, it is ultimately due to the “anarchic” state of...

Discussion of Rape Problem in the India

Lal, Neeta. “Addressing Rape in India.” The Diplomat – The Diplomat is a Current-affairs Magazine for the Asia-Pacific, with News and Analysis on Politics, Security, Business, Technology and Life Across the Region. 2020. Web. In an article titled “Addressing Rape in India,” Neeta Lal explores strides that have been made...

An Eye for an Eye Principle in Society

In the discussion concerning the “an eye for an eye” principle, I support Jones, who said that this commandment would not leave a blind society, but to a one-eyed society, which is different. To my mind, both sides are right in some aspects because violence leads to even more violence....

“Northampton Sikh Food Bank Answers ‘Huge Need’ in Pandemic” by Kaur

Introduction Nowadays, news outlets have the power to affect the opinions of many of their readers. However, there are tendencies among said outlets to highlight adverse events or chase sensationalism over truth. Religion is one of the topics that is often involved in the articles that bear such a nature....

The Lack of Women in Positions of Power in the U.S.

Introduction As it stands, the number of women in positions of power is demonstrably lower than that of men, which is a result of the systemic inequality present at the core of American society. The United States of America have long since build itself on the premises of equal opportunity,...

Social Worker Challenges Today and the Future of the Planet

Abstract The paper examines the possible positions taken by social workers in the United States and the United Nations. The demography and characteristics of social workers are considered. The work compares ambitious projects to improve the public future and finds similarities between them. The personal ambitions of the employee and...

Advocacy for Negligence and Child Abuse Amongst Black Teenagers

Introduction Neglect and child abuse is any act by caregivers or parents that is out of the conduct norms and pose a risk of causing emotional or physical harm to a young person. Child abuse and neglect are either intentional or unintentional and vary in various types, including emotional maltreatment,...

Bias Persists for Women of Science

The news article “Bias Persists for Women of Science, a Study Finds” by Kenneth Chang (2012) generally talks about the biasness persistence of women. In American Universities, it is clear that female undergraduates are regarded as incompetent compared to their male counterparts despite having similarities in skills and accomplishments. In...

Abortion Policies: History, Current Issues, and Social Workers’ Roles

Introduction Abortion can be referred to as when pregnancy is terminated so that it does not lead to birth, and it can be done either by use of medicine or surgical process. Since time immemorial, the process has been debated, and laws and policies have been made and amended. Hence,...

Men’s Violence Against Women Worldwide

The violence that is gender-based and targeted at women continues to be prevalent despite the many developments and progressive changes the modernization of the world has established. As such, the issue’s importance is pressing due to the widespread and incredibly detrimental nature of violence that targets women. The overlapping issue...

Stereotypes & Biases and Cultural Competence

Summary Stories unlock cultural heritage, creating misconceptions, perceptions, and certitude about people. However, for the notions to be justified, the stories must be diverse in all aspects and authenticated (Adichie 00:09:17). “The Dangers of a Single Story” is an awakening message by novelist and writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie that explores...

A Gym for Children with Special Needs in New York City

Abstract This document contains a plan for setting up and running a sensory gym for children with special needs in New York City. The target market is children below the age of 18 years, suffering from a range of disabilities, including autism, speech, and physical disabilities. Based on individualized needs...

A Racial Trauma and Related Health Disorders

Racial trauma is quite similar to stress disorders while having unique and distinct features. An example is the historical trauma of American Indians who suffered a lot from the White people in the United States (Comas-Díaz et al., 2019). The history of deportations, open aggression, microaggressions in everyday life, limited...

Gittens and Dill: Main Arguments and Social Forces

Family life is one of the essential conditions for people’s wellbeing, which correlates with happiness. However, the societal circumstances frequently suggest that success in this area can be unattainable for some population groups. In this regard, Diana Gittens and Bonnie Thorton Dill discuss the obstacles to having healthy relationships for...

Femicide: Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Women

Femicide is a terrible reality of the modern world, which is hard to believe. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed health problems around the world and the problem of gender-based violence: many thousands of women were isolated along with male tyrants without the opportunity to leave. It is necessary to talk...

Disagreeing With Abortion Encouragement

Abortion is contentious topic that has engulfed the socio-political debate in policy formation and general societal expectations. Approximately 600,000 abortions are performed in the United States year, with the CDC reporting a rate of 11.3 per 1000 women. The issue has become embedded in political and ideological opinions, often creating...

Indentured Servitude and Slavery in Virginia in the 1600s

Indentured servitude and slavery possessed different connotations for individuals in Virginia in the 1600s. Some slave masters would grant freedom to slaves after a certain period. In other instances, they would provide these individuals with a piece of land within their plantation to work. Such slaves would consequently purchase their...

Aspects of Food Insecurity

Introduction As the most significant sociological and economic problem, food security is becoming a regulated process within the framework of international political and economic cooperation. Europe is considered one of the developed regions globally; however, the sociological issue of food insecurity is still present in several countries. Therefore, it is...

Boys & Girls Club of America Organization’s Analysis

Boys & Girls Club of America is a national voluntary organization aimed at helping young people reach their full potential regardless of their background and circumstances. The organization’s headquarters is located in Atlanta, but numerous regional offices are administrating thousands of local clubs throughout the country. BGCA was founded in...

James Baldwin’s Essays on Racism and Slavery

This thesis will focus specifically on Baldwin’s core works, namely, “Now Go Tell It on the Mountain,” “Notes of a Native Son,” and “Nobody Knows My Name.” The specified works can be considered seminal in the evolution of Baldwin’s philosophy and his attempts at shaping the societal perception of race...

Hard Questions About Living in Poverty or Slavery

Living in conditions where one’s life and death do not depend on oneself is one of the most challenging events in life. Examples of those conditions are poverty and slavery: they can lead to the total demolition of personality. They can make the one a vile or just a broken...

Women in Newsrooms: Barriers and Challenges

The history of women in newsrooms and journalism began in the 1890-s during a series of economic and social protests. Although this movement had made a huge improvement in men’s and women’s equal position, in the 1970-s female newscasters were still facing some challenges. For example, the two main barriers...

Gender Equality in the Media Workforce

Gender equality has come a long way since what it had been 40 years ago. Denying the progress that was made during that time is pointless, as many changes were made, for the better. I recall watching old movies, which were dominated by male actors, with women largely given the...

Mass Shootings Issue on Example of Michigan

The problem of mass shootings is gaining momentum and is increasingly manifested in modern society. Despite the horror of this action, it is necessary to apply guidelines of notoriety. This phenomenon consists of the non-proliferation of information, such as, for example, the image of the person who committed the shooting....

Personalized Substances Abuse Assessment

Melissa Trevizo is a 37-year-old white woman who was charged more than a year ago with possession of a prohibited substance. Based on this assessment, it can be concluded that Melissa is not a substance-addicted person. Even though about seven years ago, M. was addicted to marijuana and methamphetamine, she...

Social or Political Impact on the Urban Environment

The article written by Domaradzka (2018) narrates a history of urban movements, giving special attention to the “right to the city” framework. The author argues that urban activism is focused on the inclusion of citizens in city governance and urban development. According to Domaradzka (2018), urban movements emerge because existing...

Stereotypes in “The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Cofer

From my perspective, Cofer’s essay is thought-provoking when it comes to stereotypes about Latin American and Hispanic women. Specifically, the essayist mentions a widespread stereotype that immigrants from Puerto Rico are easy to spot because these girls have no sense of moderation when it comes to jewelry (Cofer 149). The...

Representation of Social Work Identity

Reflexive Account of My Social Work Identity Societies in the modern world strive for wellbeing and prosperity, find ways of improving life in all its manifestations, and establish the type of relations where tolerance and justice prevail. However, multiple forces and factors, such as inequality, social injustice, discrimination, poverty, and...

The Notion of Race Through the Prism of Personal Experience

The concepts of race and ethnicity and their perception in the modern US context have long been considered an emotionally challenging topic for discussion. Immigrants who come to the US either as an escape or in pursuit of their American Dream face an unprecedented level of biases and prejudice towards...

Intersectionality in Gender and Sexual Differences

Introduction There is a high prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence among bisexual persons than among heterosexuals in the current society. Rollè et al. (2018) establish an overwhelming increase in the rate of abuse across the LGBT community cause of their societal stigma and potential rejection. As a result, these individuals...

Violence Encoding in Video Games

Video games have become a popular source of entertainment in the past decade and are a significant source of revenue for the makers. The presentation of digital content has evolved in the recent past to cover basic and advanced concepts of human life such as sports, culture, adventure, war and...

Noise Pollution and Its Effect on Health

The modern medical practice strives to keep pace with the times, provide the most technologically convenient and humane solutions for patient care and respond to the latest requirements of the healthcare system. Medicine is a part of the modern world as a hermetic established system in which the results of...

Peer Learning in a Transcultural Environment

Summary It is possible to state that the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the method many companies operate. Presently, the needs of a hybrid workforce must be fulfilled to ensure its efficiency. For this purpose, the changes in learning and development methodologies shall be implemented (Einfalt, 2020). This work will examine...

Racism and Prejudice: People’s Experiences

Introduction The principal obstacle to establishing equality of all citizens in a country is people’s attitudes, which are represented by prejudice towards specific population groups and racism in the main governmental institutions. Nevertheless, this problem can be also analyzed on a personal level since the consequences of unfair treatment of...

Woman’s Identity: “Professions for Women” and “The Unrepentant Whore”

Michael Harris and Virginia Woolf both presented the difficulties and dangers that women faced daily while working with men. The authors describe two different occupation fields: Harris is focused on sex workers and Woolf on writers. Even though the settings in the articles are not identical, the principal purpose of...

Observing Harmony in Our Life During Covid-19 Pandemic

During the pandemic, there have been many reasons to reflect upon the essence of the never-ending sequence of challenges that form the sequence of our lives. I had time to search for answers to many related questions. What is the sense of Covid-19 for humanity? What can this challenge bring...

How the Corona Virus-19 Pandemic Affected Society

How the Corona Virus-19 pandemic affected society’s stratification and social classes The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic caused by the Sars-CoV-2 virus resulted in a global disruption of economies and social interaction. Coronavirus crisis resulted in hundreds of millions of people affected worldwide, with several million deaths from the complications of this...

COVID-19 Among the African American Population in the United States

Two years since it was first reported, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rake havoc in many parts of the world. Almost every community in the globe has experienced the devastating effects of the disease. However, in the United States, there is a disturbing trend where people of color, specifically African...

Understanding Diversity and Respect in American Culture

Summary In the beginning, the speaker describes the difficulties she experienced the first time she publicly decided to wear a hijab in line with the Muslim religious faith practices. Several feminists confronted her for failing to embrace the opportunity to display her feminine beauty. These feminists felt that the speaker...

Problem of Racial Discrimination

Introduction Based on the three readings, it is evident that the central topic of discussion revolves around racial discrimination, which portrays African Americans or people of color as lesser beings than their counterparts. While racial discrimination in the United States is not a thing of the past, the readings clearly...

Hostile Aggression, Consequences and Factors That Affect It

Hostile Aggression Case Timothy Lee Forbes showed hostile aggression by biting part of the coach’s ear. Lee also punched the coach of the winning team, making Jose Feliciano undergo surgery. Hostile aggression is an intentional attack on someone with the core objective of inflicting pain (Keatley et al., 2017). It...

Discrimination of the Indians in the Boarding Schools

American history is not as long as the history of many other civilizations. However, it has its special issues: one of them is racism and its terrible diversity in the United States, almost from its very foundation. The most ancient and cruel direction of racism on the part of the...

Dealing With Addiction: Harm Reduction

The harm reduction program is carried out by addressing the population’s declining health quality, which is frequently financially disadvantaged or homeless. It is risky to take intravenous drugs in public settings such as parks, tunnels, and public restrooms. Controlled injection sites, overdose prevention facilities, and drug intake rooms are all...

Racism, Its Origins, and Evolution

Introduction Racism is a controversial topic that has sparked hundreds of debates on equality issues. Society has become committed to the belief in equality and freedom. The revolutionary concepts regarding equal rights have become widespread. Some people are discriminated against based on race because they have some outstanding deficiencies that...

Solving the Problem of Poverty in Mendocino County

Poverty is among the major areas of needed improvement in Mendocino County. The adult and children’s health is affected by the inability to cover basic expenses. One of the key strategies of the Ukiah Poverty Action Team is identifying barriers to opportunity, growth, and access to services (Mendocino County, 2018)....

Article Critique: Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Introduction The title of the article is “The mental health of indigenous peoples in Canada: A critical review of research” by Sarah E Nelson and Kathi Wilson. The study explains that indigenous people usually suffer from mental health issues more than other people around the globe. The disproportionate burden is...

Foundations of the Humanities: Finding the Ancient in the Modern

Throughout unit five Finding the Ancient in the Modern in Foundations of the Humanities, I have discovered many fascinating thoughts to reflect on and subjects to observe from the different perspectives. The ideas presented in the study materials are still relevant nowadays and connected to the personal way of thinking...

Intra- and Inter-Generational Social Mobility and Related Barriers

Modern society is characterized by a crisis of family identity and relationships between generations. Today’s society is losing its main social dimension, which refers to the ability to create sustainable communities based on solidarity and the common good (Edwards, 2019). Intra-generational social mobility considers the social movements of a person...

Abortion Safety as Topic of Sociological Studies

Summary Throughout history, abortion has been the concern of medical ethics, philosophy, law and theology. At present, abortion is legalized in multiple countries worldwide, but there are still many restrictions on its implementation. Sociological studies show that about half of all abortions are unsafe, while every third abortion is performed...

Racial Inequality in the USA: Problem & Solution

Introduction In the current world, the USA still has challenges in overcoming racial inequality. Whether people practice racial inequality for job promotions or payments, some individuals have to handle unfair practices that prevent individuals of a different color or gender from benefiting from the job opportunities. In the 18th century,...

Housing, Profit, and Justice in California

Introduction California is among the best cities in the United States and the world at large, leading in movie production and property development. As such, San Francisco has experienced the effects of mass house and industrial growth. In addition, the activities resulting from its expansion have not only led to...

The Issue of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Its Intervention

Introduction Commercial sex exploitation of children (CSEC) is a practice that involves exploiting children sexually for money. The victim could be a child or someone below the age of consent. A wide range of abuses falls under CSEC, such as child prostitution, child pornography, phone sex channels, erotic massage, forced...

Sex and Gender Equality in a Personal Worldview

Introduction The debate about sex, gender, and associated issues is integral to contemporary society. Inequalities, bias, and different expectations are the consequences of socially constructed concepts of human sex and gender. According to Kurzman et al. (2019), “universalist approaches define gender equality through indicators that apply to all societies, such...

Effect of Individualized Care of Adolescents Living With Down Syndrome

Abstract Down syndrome is a common disorder that is affiliated with people born with a copy of the 21st chromosomal pair. The disorder is a chromosomal abnormality that often leads to a challenge in the development and health of children. The research proposal is therefore engaged with the developmental needs...

Gender Pay Gap for Women: The Main Causes

The gender pay gap is the analysis of wages earned by women compared to men without including positions. Despite several ways to calculate the pay gap, all the results point to the fact that women are paid less than men. The gap has been perceived to be wider for women...

Sociological Imagination: Experience With the Display of Status Symbols

Although the United States of America should be a classless society, classism is entrenched in all our social institutions. My experience with social class began from childhood and was most profound during high school. I briefly studied in a rural school and experienced the worst demonstration of classism, characterized by...

Child Advocacy Preventing Mistreatment

Child advocacy supports children in vulnerable situations within society by speaking and standing up for them. It assures the protection of children’s rights and freedom and is vital since children are not responsible for their self-sufficiency. Different child advocacy groups are guided by the need to serve the best interest...

National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors

The National Association of Alcohol and Addiction Counselors (NAADAC) is an organization founded in 1972 that represents the interests of a variety of US health care professionals. Its activities are aimed at treatment, support for recovery, and an educational function in matters of addictions and addictions. Educators, drug addiction counselors,...

Transgender Support Group Meeting and Its Importance

People who identify as transgender are those that subscribe to a gender that is different from the one that was assigned to them at birth. In such a group meeting of marginalized individuals, one of the common shared topics would be acceptable. Everybody wants to be accepted just the way...

The Four Events That Have Affected Low-Income Families

Introduction Household wellness is a comprehensive notion that alludes to a family’s subjective assessment of total welfare, considering their physical and mental health and interconnection, culminating in social stability. Sano et al. (2020) enumerate that when a family cannot meet the following requirements in society, financial stability, nutrition security, psychosocial...

DuBois’ and Tocqueville’s Perspective on Legacy of Slavery

The plight for equal rights for racial and ethnic minorities has been one of the most long-standing issue in the world history, with the history of slavery in the U.S. being one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity. Multiple scholars have contemplated the specified issue, voicing the opinions that...

Indentured Servitude and Slavery: Similarities and Differences

Indentured servants and slaves were brought from outside America to work in plantations in the colony. These people faced cruel punishment for petty crimes. They were poorly housed, ill-clothed, ill-fed, bought, and sold (Smedley, 2007). Furthermore, indentured servants and slaves had high mortality due to poor working conditions. Their ideas...

High-Risk Behaviors and Psychological Disorders in Adolescents

Introduction Adolescence is a very difficult period in any child’s life. It can be just as difficult for the parents as well. At this age, the children go through puberty and experience hormonal changes, while at the same time learning to deal with the demands, expectations, and challenges that the...

Ethical Dilemma and Decision-Making Steps

Ethical principles exist in every profession to dictate acceptable practice and promote professionalism. Social workers are often presented with ethical dilemmas in their duties that demand competence in the ethical decision-making processes. While it may be tempting to overstep one’s mandate in ethical dilemmas, it is prudent to maintain ethical...

Older People and People with Disabilities: Social Protection Programs

At present, federal financing is available for people with disabilities and the elderly. Nevertheless, it is considered adequate as such groups of society are often forced to rely on charities, loans, and competitive grants. Additional support also involves non-federal organizations with limited resources (NIH National Institute of Aging, 2017). For...

Gender Inequality in French Hospitality Industry

Introduction Challenges of gender inequality in numerous organizations have continued to be manifested in the current century. Nevertheless, constructive development has been recognized where there has been the establishment of clear gender roles and significant gender parity participation in the global workforce. Presently, consideration has been directed towards corporate leadership...

Drug Abuse and Theories Explaining It

Introduction Drug addiction is a serious menace to society and to the individuals who engage in it. Many theories have been composed to try and explain the phenomenon. It makes sense for there to be a biological explanation of addiction since drugs are chemicals interacting with a biochemical system. Psychology...

How Negative Phenomena Are Romanticized in Culture

It is horrible how the most horrible things are excused and romanticized by our culture. For instance, look for synonyms we have for violence in our vocabularies: it goes without saying that you will see brutality, cruelty, attack, destructiveness, bloodshed, and many other words that definitely indicate all seriousness of...

I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King

The speech was to give the Black people hope that one day there will be no discrimination, but till then, they will have to fight for their rights. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech explains America’s long history of racial injustice and invites his audience to hold...

Researching of Gender and Work-Life Balance

Project Management Demographics There is only a scarce amount of evidence dwelling on the role of women within the field of project management. Nevertheless, the existing quantitative statistics show that only as much as 20-30% of all project managers are female worldwide (Siemiatycki, 2019). This is an important finding because...

Gender Roles and How Women are not Taken Seriously in “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

In contemporary society, we usually regard everybody as an equivalent person who is entitled to equal rights. However, this point of view did not exist at the turn of the twentieth century. Men dominated nearly every aspect of society, and women were often overlooked. Gender-specific roles have positioned women in...

Parents and Children’s E-Safety Education During the Pandemic

Theoretical Framework The phenomenon of learning and knowledge is frequently described through the lens of one’s connection between the knowledge acquired and knowledge already existing within one’s cognition. The provisions of such a concept are described in the Constructivist theory, which outlines a hypothesis that the knowledge, instead of being...

Reconstruction: Protecting the Rights of Blacks

For the first time, an attempt to legalize the rights of black people was made during the Reconstruction. The beginning of Reconstruction was promising in the fight for the rights of black people and the elimination of segregation. After the war, freedmen created churches for black people, which became a...

Treating Substance Use Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness in California

Introduction Housing is one of the basic rights of any human being. Homelessness in California has been one of the top challenges the state has faced, especially after discovering gold, which led to the state’s population growing by about 250,000 from the original 14,000 only in four years. Once the...

Critical Writing for Economics of Discrimination

The article by Dorothy A. Brown (2021) describes the obstacles which Black people face in the scope of real estate. According to the article, Black Americans were reduced in their home values for a number of reasons. For example, districts inhabited by white Americans are always more expensive than districts...

The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression for Women

Summary An article on the effect of forgiveness therapy on anxiety and depression was written by Gayle L. Reed and Robert D. Enright in 2006. This study analyzes the impact of forgiveness therapy on the emotional state of women who have experienced emotional abuse. This study was conducted in 2006...

The Problem of Domestic Violence

As a global public health and human rights concern, domestic violence affects the lives of millions of individuals throughout the entire world. Most frequently, the abuser violates the rights of the other family member due to low self-esteem, extreme jealousy, as well as difficulties in regulating anger and other strong...

An Inside View of Police Officers’ Experience with Domestic Violence

“An Inside View of Police Officers’ Experience with Domestic Violence” is an article authored by Horwitz et al., published in 2011. The authors are members of the Domestic Violence Intervention Project, a research team of the University of Rochester Medical Center. The article intends to support the claim that Domestic...

History of Violence Against Women in Africa

Introduction Violence aimed at women has been accepted and condoned throughout centuries of human development around the globe. Violence against women is defined as violent acts inflicted upon women and girls because of their gender and includes femicide, rape, violence from intimate partners, and human trafficking (Medie, 2019). Besides, it...

Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like

The essential concept from this module is the idea that the way we view age and aging is flawed, and we should reconsider what a person in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s can do. The concept of old age and the idea of what an old person looks like...

Compassion: Explorations of Its Nature & Function

The term “compassion” or its analogs exist in many religious cultures of the past. The harsh living conditions forced people to gather in social groups, increasing the chances of survival. To maintain good quality relationships and be a viable social community, people need to be compassionate and empathetic, and conversely,...

Transitology in Post-Communist Societies

Introduction Transitology is a unique theoretical direction that explains the transition from authoritarianism to democracy. Being a theoretical concept, transitology guides the “standard fare,” the prevailing “organizing theme,” and the “way of posing questions” (Gans-Morse, 2004, p. 321). It is important to note that in the post-communist region the process...

Kim Price-Glynn’s Research on Interactions in Strip Clubs

There are many ways in which a study can be conducted. However, it is essential that researchers stay objective and do not compromise their integrity, especially when immersing themselves in the observed environment and the lives and lifestyles of the participants. This paper will discuss Kim Price-Glynn’s research on the...

Domestic Violence During COVID-19 Pandemic

Kofman, Y. B., and D. R. Garfin. “Home is not always a haven: The domestic violence crisis amid the COVID-19 pandemic.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, vol. 12, no. S1, 2020, pp. S199-S201. Web. The article written by Kofman and Garfin describes how the social disruption caused by...

Domestic Violence and COVID-19 Connection

Introduction Domestic violence is the extreme or aggressive abuse of a spouse or a partner in marriage or cohabitation. Since the coronavirus pandemic struck the world at the end of 2019 and early 2020, it has led to rising social, economic, and political issues. However, many countries worldwide are fighting...

Exploitation of Women and Sex to Sell a Product

Nowadays, society consists of producers and consumers, an endless cycle of providing and receiving services, selling and buying goods. Due to the high competition, producers use advertising to attract as many consumers as possible. Advertising haunts people everywhere; it can be found on the street, on television, in magazines, and...

Domestic Violence in the US During the COVID-19

COVID-19, Social Isolation and Its Consequences The COVID-19 pandemic, for all its destructiveness, had a number of secondary consequences associated with the cessation of economic activity and the need to introduce quarantine. The introduction of social exclusion measures has led to an increase in domestic violence of up to 27%...

Domestic Violence in the African American Community

Introduction Domestic violence is emotional, physical, psychological, sexual, or economic abuse that involves family members, partners, or acquaintances. Domestic violence is widely experienced, with a larger percentage of women affected compared to men (Henry, 2018). Communities of African ancestry are said to experience several cases of domestic violence, but this...

The Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society

The Organization’s Mandate Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society (VAFCS) is a charitable firm that is mandated to help people of urban aboriginal people with a mandate to provide programs such as health, social services, human rights, and equality for all genders, among other aspects of Aboriginal people (“Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship...