Methods for Avoiding Relapse

Introduction Human beings have used pscychoactive substances to alter mood and induce pleasure since prehistoric times. The complexities of today’s world have however contributed to the accelerated use of drugs and alcohol therefore leading to an epidemic of chemical dependency. The prevalence of this problem can to an extent be...

The Problem of Alcohol Addiction in Russia

Russia now acknowledges alcohol addiction as a problem. Previously, alcoholism and other harmful habits formed part of the assumed degenerate lifestyle of the western world, thus alcoholism was not considered as a problem (Fleming, Bradbeer, & Green, 2001). Presently, Russia is encountering an alcohol mortality crisis. Leon, Shkolnikov, and McKee...

Summary of the Article “On the American Working Class”

The article On the American Working Class were published more than a few weeks after Sartre returned home in May running from June 6 to June 30 in 1945. Sartre conducted research on topics that affected the American working class across different cities such as New York and San Francisco....

Marriage Oppression and Freedom Signs

The 19th century is characterized by women discrimination in society, whereby the role of women is to offer basic services at home. Female prejudice increased during the 1800s, leading to the drawing of occupational lines regarding the exact jobs that women and men could handle. As a result, women commenced...

The Problem of Homelessness in America

Ethnic minorities remain disproportionately over-represented in the homeless population in the United States. Despite accounting for a small portion of the national population, African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanic/Latinos are the majority of the homeless in the country, representing 40%, 22%, and 3% of the homeless population, respectively (National Alliance...

Neurobiology: Epigenetics in Cocaine Addiction

Introduction Drug addiction is characterized by long-term changes in the manner in which an individual acts. Drugs of addiction are believed to initiate and maintain obstinate changes in neuronal pathways especially those of the limbic system, specifically in nucleus accumbens (NAc) medium spiny neurons (MSNs). Even though evidence exists of...

Sexual Health Literacy in Social Adaptation of Women

Introduction Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) literacy is one of the significant prerequisites of promoting the social adaptation of women. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the concept of SRH literacy in women as the ability to have cognitive and social skills required to access, understand, and use the information...

Gentrification as a Consequence of Redlining

Gentrification is a government policy of renovating city areas seeking the purpose of attracting large private investments into new buildings that would improve the picture of the cities. It is only apparent that to need renovation, the areas must have been neglected and disinvested before. With this in mind, there...

Violent Behavior in Institutions

Human service professionals are at an increased risk of becoming victims of violent behavior. The problem has become so persistent that some psychologists have reported incidents of assaults by their patients. Social workers are becoming increasingly concerned about dealing with the most emotionally, economically, and socially disintegrated persons (Kelen &...

Racial Injustice Problem in the Modern Society

Introduction Racial injustice is a topical controversial issue, and today it is almost impossible to not be involved in the discourse regarding its influences in modern society. The problem is not limited to individual cases and recognized as systemic, concerning all societal spheres from the legal system to the sports...

Socioeconomic Background as a Barrier to Success

The books The Dreams of Two Yi-min by Margaret Mai and Philip Vera Cruz: A Personal History of Filipino Immigrants and the Farmworkers Movement by Lilia Villanueva and Craig Scharlin have many vital points in common. In their stories, the authors reveal the lives of people who arrive in the...

Ethnographic Study: Observation and Interviewing

Introduction The development of science involves the progress of combining theoretical and practical knowledge. Every investigated subject of existing science is a mixture of theory and observation. The majority of social sciences, specifically sociology and anthropology, were constantly giving considerable attention to observational research. Cultural anthropologists commonly focus on ethnographic...

Oppositions in Martin Luther King’s Letter

First, it should be noted how King approaches the issue of white privilege opposed to the lack of it for black people in his letter. This is a critical issue even in the modern world, and sometimes it becomes more acute. To fully describe the difference between the lives of...

Drug Abuse in the United States’ Social Context

Drug abuse is a social problem, which is prevalent in society. A study done in 2016 has shown that the increase in substance misuse is attributed to the disconnect between the social context of addiction and neuroscience (Sunshine Behavioral Health, n.d.). In society, addicts experience marginalization and progressive social exclusion....

Job Satisfaction Levels During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed many established practices and arrangements in people’s social lives, medicine, and business. Many experts point out that these changes will continue to affect society, and workplaces, in particular, are not likely to be the same. Therefore, it seems relevant to look deeper into the transformations...

Social Class and Socialization Relations

Social class relates to a tightly bound and largely closed hierarchical set of social strata that determines its members’ life opportunities. It influences an individual’s future success and livelihood (Furstenberg, 2010). On the other hand, Lareau (2007) describes this concept as an aspect that divides society as per the underlying...

Defining The Harm of Alcoholism Disease

Introduction Alcohol abuse is a public health issue, given that it is the most common cause of substance abuse disorder. According to Arya et al. (2017), it is associated with at least 200 diseases; in 2013, it was linked to 6% of deaths globally. Related findings have also been recorded...

Addressing School Shootings

Introduction School shootings are a pervasive safety and security issue that continues plaguing the nation for the past several decades. There is a need to implement effective and consistent solutions that would guarantee the safety of the population while also providing a measure for risk assessment and prevention. The issue...

Beauty Through the Prism of Feminism

Some researchers consider beauty as a social construct, while others claim that it is rooted in human nature itself. The standard of female beauty in the modern world appears as social capital and a means of achieving certain resources. Advertising and the beauty pageant industry have a huge impact on...

Adolescents With the Experience of Juvenile Detention

Adolescents with juvenile detention’s previous experience face multiple social barriers such as neglect, lack of financial support, biased attitude, ineffective policies, and high risk of recidivism when trying to rehabilitate and acquire the appropriate education. Outline Introduction Background The rates of juvenile detention continue to grow today, which means that...

Is Racism a Natural Condition of Human Society?

Despite the widespread progressivism in the developed countries, the juncture demonstrates that the issue of racism does not belong exclusively to the times of slavery or institutional segregation. The discussion around the new wave of the “Black Lives Matter” movement in the United States, for instance, proves that it stays...

At-Risk Youth and Sex Trafficking Issue

Introduction Children are an important part of life and an integral asset to society. Healthy development and growth are that which is responsible for the continued development of human civilization. By encouraging and securing Children’s safe upbringing, people can establish a society that will be carried on into the future....

Alcohol Consumption: Negative Impacts

Introduction An alcoholic brew is consumed by several individuals to calm down or rest and exists as a collective icebreaker. It is a technique used by individuals to adjust their disposition by lessening embarrassment. Alcohol consumption is generally acknowledged and is routinely assumed to be offering the foundation of social...

Women and Political Leadership in America

For a significant period in history, men have held the most potent ranks in leadership. The past governmental construction was hugely archetypical with male political leaders, in both powerful and lesser positions. Until the last few decades, females in legal administrative offices were significantly lacking (Rhode 35). Women’s prejudice was...

Issue of Social Equity in Public Administration and Criminal Justice

Public administration plays a pivotal role in serving all the citizens in an equitable and honest manner, specifically the criminal justice workers, such as law enforcement officers, correction officers, and judges. They are highly responsible for facilitating efficient crime control measures, implementing innovative advanced policies, and encouraging a relationship of...

Culture as a Key Point to the Gender Issue

Introduction The world is constantly on the move, and so is society. Back in the 19th century, it was hard to find a woman having a typical “masculine job” or a man spending time with his children all day long. The gender stereotypes, together with gender roles expectations, made life...

The Drug Courts: The Question of Drug Abuse

Introduction Drug abuse is one of the most prevalent crimes in the world. It is a concern for both local governments and international organizations. In fact, many countries around the world have understood that they cannot win the ‘war on drugs’ without a proper international cooperation. This came after the...

Killing Animals and Their Rights

Introduction The modern world changes fast, and people evidence multiple processes that have a significant impact on their lives. The rise of science, development of technologies and industries, along with the globalization and digitalization, are the basic features of contemporary societies. However, being involved in multiple significant processes and enjoying...

“Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation” by Taylor

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s book “Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation” explores how the Black Lives Matter (BLM) began, its history, and how it came to shape the black liberation movement. It also features the role that neoliberalists played in the development of the BLM. Although most people would think the movement...

Black Lives Matter as a Sociological Issue

Event Background Today’s society and media context, in general, are replete with events that tend to interfere with the fundamentals of ethics and sociological issues. In fact, every single endeavor that takes place in the world has the ability to be assessed from a sociological perspective. However, one of the...

Economic Inequality as a Social Welfare Challenge

Introduction Over the centuries, society and social welfare as a separate notion have been considered highly individual matters that are closely correlated with the human perception of the aforementioned welfare in the first place. This perception is frequently formed through the prism of social background that is influenced by the...

Systemic Racism and the American Justice System

Introduction Systemic racism is not a myth as it was perceived since it affects many Americans, especially minority groups. One of the biases concerning this position is that most citizens consider justice systems as tools to serve a particular political agenda. Another way of thinking that may affect this kind...

The Abortion Debate: The Conservative and Liberal Arguments Against

The conservative argument against abortion holds that abortion is not permissible, except under certain conditions. According to this perspective, abortion should only be allowed under some circumstances, such as pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. However, the extreme conservative position argues that abortion is not permissible under any circumstances (Sheldon,...

Aspects of Privilege Reflection

Focusing on privilege as opposed to oppression has been a mostly comfortable experience for the author. Many of the items on it were not particularly controversial or difficult to accept, and the author went over their boxes without difficulty. The insinuation that some of these privileges are not available to...

Mass Incarceration and Race

The United States has the highest incidence of incarceration of its residents. Almost 2.5 million US citizens are in detention centers, and this is about one percent of the grown-up population at any particular time (Williams & Battle, 2017). African Americans form more than 30% of the imprisoned population despite...

Alcohol Abuse as It Pertains to High Risk Families

Introduction Substance abuse has been a great problem across the world and in particular, the abuse of alcohol. The United States has been faced with serious implications as a result of the issue of alcohol abuse. For this reason, there is increasing health promotion and disease prevention strategies that have...

The Structural Determinants of Neighborhoods and Crimes

Sociologists and criminologists believe that there are marked variations in crime rates across US neighborhoods. In their study Robert Sampson, Stephen Raudenbush, and Felton Earl examine the impacts of collective efficacy on violent or deviant behavior in the community. Their hypothesis is that social cohesion and peoples willingness to intervene...

Domestic Abuse of the Mexican Women

Statement of the Problem In the article, the researcher has paid close attention to the findings and used them to explain his hypothesis on the reason as to why the Mexican women are reluctant to report cases of domestic abuse. However, the researcher has not paid close attention to the...

Mental Disorder and Criminogenic Behavior Association

Introduction There are quite a number of research studies that have explored the association between mental illness on the one hand, and violence, on the other hand (for example, Paterson et al 2004; Friedman, 2006; Sirotich 2008). Even then, there those amongst the scholars who are of the opinion that...

Biopsychologic Model of Alcohol Consumption

Treatments To achieve the best results, it is vital to incorporate methods effective against a specific type of addiction. Reportedly, medical treatment is the most effective in combating alcoholism (Anderson Redal, Thomas, Sim, & Campbell, 2019). The second and third best treatments are Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and non-medical outpatient care...

The Needle Exchange Program: Aims and Drawbacks

The needle exchange program’s main objective is to reduce the number of bloodborne disease cases by preventing the reuse of needles. According to evidence by Fernandes et al. (2017) and Elkins (2017), needle exchange programs are effective for reducing the number of bloodborne diseases. Mainly, Fernandes et al. (2017) found...

Human Trafficking Concerning Minorities in the U.S.

Social Issue Nowadays, minority groups in the U.S. face numerous challenges connected with social, political, ethical, and other issues. Human trafficking is one of the most severe ways of harassment that humanity has ever faced. In this research paper, the issue of human trafficking concerning minorities will be discussed in...

The Problem of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth Suicidality

Introduction Recently, there was a sharp increase in cases of suicides committed by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth. Councilman Joel Burns of the Fort Worth City Council delivers a speech on the subject, connecting the growing rate with the bullying of LGBTQ and adults’ neglect of the...

Review of Articles on the Factors for Poor Outcomes

There are numerous social, ethnic, and culture-related reasons behind the poor health of the population. It is essential to understand their origins and connotations in order to eliminate their effects efficiently. The role of nurse practitioners has been shifting from providing direct medical assistance to directing the social changes that...

Animal Transplantation and Commerce in Organs

Introduction The medical field has made significant advances over the years which have resulted in the development of cures for hundreds of diseases leading to lower mortality rate and higher chances of recovery from ailments for people. This has undoubtedly improved the quality and/or prolonged the lives of many people....

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome: A Relapse Prevention Plan

Managing severe addiction is a long and suffering process, which requires strength and patience on both physical and emotional levels. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) carries specific symptoms that manifest themselves after a sudden refusal from addicting substances like drugs or alcohol (Melemis, n.d.). The syndrome’s duration is individual and usually...

Discrimination and Racial Segregation Over Time

The fight for civil liberties was an inevitable response to the inhumane treatment of some nationalities and racial groups in the United States. The works of literature help understand the first-hand experience of oppressed individuals and how they are treated by society, and empirical research traces the origins and impact...

The Concept of the “War on Drugs”

The “war on drugs” is a policy term in the United States that describes the government’s longstanding campaign aiming to combat drug trafficking and drug use, both on the domestic and international levels. The US government’s measures included prohibitive legislation, military assistance to other states in the fight against drug...

Race: Genetic or Social Construction

Race People of the modern world discuss the concept of race and racism daily. Some may face it directly, while others experience interracial communication through social media. It happens because today humans live in a diverse society: individuals may look or feel differently, but they share the same work and...

Police Brutality and Impunity for Police Violence

Abstract The overall purpose of this paper is to explore the topic of police brutality and police impunity as it is discussed in modern studies. The author of the paper reviews and summarizes ten articles that cover different aspects of the topic, ranging from the demographic characteristics of police brutality...

Seniors, Their Topics of Concern, Appropriate Support Group and Their Benefits

Introduction Group work was developed as a means, or put differently, a therapy that would help people who have experienced the same experience to cope with shared problems collectively. Older people are one of those population groups that face the most health, social, and environmental problems. It is why social...

Comparison of Adolescent and Adult Addiction Treatment

Criteria Adult Population Adolescent Population Diagnosis Standard diagnosis for addictions in adults is performed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). According to Hartney (2019), DSM-5 includes eleven criteria, and having two or more of the symptoms implies that the client has an addiction. The number of...

The Problem of Social Inequality at Schools in Canada

Introduction Social inequality at schools is a serious issue that undermines the effectiveness of secondary education and leads to long-term and short-term problems of individual and group nature. Presently, it is recognized as a global problem by a variety of worldwide organizations such as UNESCO, UN, and OECD. These organizations...

The Definition of Patriotism in David Archard’s Article “The Ethics of Patriotism”

“Black people have asserted their inextricable contributions to the history of this country while simultaneously protesting the racism embedded in the American nation-state since its inception.” —Robyn Spencer Introduction At first glance, this notion appears to be easy to straightforward and embedded like citizenship. It is a part of belonging...

Drug Addiction: Elimination of Incarcerations

A TED talk, focusing on addiction, by Johann Hari, introduces the concept in a way that people do not often expect to see. The man offers his own educated perspective on the matter and poses addiction not as a problem of physical inability or a moral failing of character, but...

Health Issue Analysis: Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse is a rapidly growing epidemic that spreads worldwide. Various national and international health organizations research this field and report about the elevated levels of the identified health issue within the last decades, which is primarily caused by the medication prescription (Paulozzi, Kilbourne, & Desai, 2011). Although the...

History of Violence in Middle East

Introduction In the Middle East, violence has become perhaps the most significant element of the socio-political life of the region in these years, at least in the opinion of an outside observer. The civil war in Syria claimed from two hundred thousand to half a million human lives. Two civil...

Lack of Social Tolerance as the Cause of Discriminatory Behavior: The Solutions

People exhibit bigoted behavior when they do not tolerate or feel enabled to hurt certain groups based on a particular characteristic. It can be gender, race, religion, or another basis, but regardless of the reason, some society members will feel inferior. Such phenomena as sexism and racism are widespread, meaning...

Aging Population: A Relevant Problem of the Future

Introduction Due to the exponential growth of the population experienced in the 20th century, the number of people worldwide is at its historical peak. Currently, the world population has almost reached 8 billion people, but due to multiple governments’ actions, the growth is predicted to slow down. Due to this...

The Link Between Cultural Family and Substance Abuse

Abstract This paper identifies the prevalence, correlates, and negative implications of substance abuse among African American women. Several efforts have been devised to prevent substance abuse but family therapy has been effective especially when it is designed to be culturally sensitive. Several complex issues and limitations have also been cited...

Is Covid-19 a Threat to National Security?

There is no doubt that the recent coronavirus pandemic poses a serious threat to the national security of the United States. In order to combat the spread of the virus, the Americans have implemented strict quarantine measures, including self-isolation, and the military help to control the situation. There are many...

Police Brutality Against African Americans and Media Portrayal

Police brutality toward the African-American population of the United States is an issue that has received nationwide publicity in recent years. Some studies claim that it is caused by the American culture of white supremacy (Hayes, p. 2). Others, on the contrary, argue that the disproportional targeting of the African-American...

Social Stigma: The Case of the Working-Class

People from the lower social classes frequently encounter devaluation patterns and respond in stigma management ways, similarly to other stigmatized groups. Thus, the study conducted by Robert Granfield in 1991 intended to examine the socialization of the working-class university students getting higher education in elite Ivy League law schools. First,...

Mass Incarceration and Racial Discrimination

To draw a parallel between the alleged racial discrimination and mass incarceration, it may be important to examine the concept of symbolic interactionism and explain why labeling and prejudice affect the US criminal justice system in a major way. The theoretical perspective offered by symbolic interactionism suggests that there are...

Social Stratification and Voter Suppression in the US

Despite the fact the US is presenting itself as a democracy and striving to fit that standard, contemporary American society is far away from being egalitarian. No number of polite smiles would erase the discrimination that is present in the United States. While class inequality is the most visible problem,...

Alcohol Dependence in Modern Women

Introduction Alcoholism in women is a widespread issue; that is why the topic is important for previous, current, and future generations. Since ancient times, it has been known that a female’s addiction to alcoholic beverages is dangerous not only to her well-being but also to the health of her future...

The Vulnerable Population: Homeless

Population Chosen The chosen population is homeless people. Homelessness is a common thing in America There are both young and old homeless people in America Homelessness is never a personal choice. Homeless people live in the streets. The Vulnerable Population Homeless do not have a permanent home Some homeless people...

Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Consequences

Since ancient times, slavery has been present throughout the globe, diversely impacting the economics and social institutions of various states. The transatlantic slave trade was a considerable fragment of the global slave trade that involved approximately 15 million enslaved Africans, including men, women, and children, and formed the longest forced...

Gender Equality: Men as Daycare Professionals

The issues of diversity and equal career access are among the critical ones for today’s society. The significant development in this regard has contributed to the increased overall economic efficiency by allowing the best-skills professionals to occupy the relevant jobs. However, gender equality campaigns have traditionally been focused on making...

Workplace Harassment in Canada

In recent years, more attention has been paid by researchers and people from various fields to the problem of harassment. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is common in many areas of human activity. It can occur at work, in educational and sports institutions, in shops, and in other places. This issue also...

Christian Privilege and Religious Minorities

The commonly cited reasons to support religion and the religious mindset refer to these phenomena’ ability to facilitate the creation of communities and bring different people together thanks to their shared beliefs and values. In reality, however, religion-related differences between people often create collective boundaries and put some individuals in...

Xenophobia in American Society

Xenophobia, racism, and gender discrimination are, unfortunately, common tendencies in the world, which hinder people’s equal rights. This inequality in American society is the most noticeable, since many people face discrimination, disrespect, and even violence because of their skin color or religion at the same time with democratic values’ proclamation....

Characteristic and Aspects of Gentrification

Introduction The environment forms a person in the same manner as a person forms the environment. This is one of the key principles and driving forces for designing better streets, housing, squares, parks, and other elements of cities. Most people enjoy comfort and strive to achieve it in places where...

Police Violence Against African Americans in the USA

Due to recent events in the USA, the problem of the policy violence against African Americans is now one of the most discussed and urgent topics of the last weeks. Nevertheless, the brutality has existed for centuries before without being punished or paid attention to. The statistic shows that the...

Increasing Tuition Fees in the UK Higher Education

Introduction Different countries deal with the issue of higher education funding differently, through either private or public sector financing. According to Murphy et al. (2017), in the UK, full-time domestic students could attend public higher education institutions free of charge until the end of the 20th century. Later on, tuitions...

Internal Racism in the Movie Amreeka

The movie Amreeka tells the story of Muna, a non-religious Palestinian woman who works in the banking sector. Every day, on her way to work, she has to cross the Israeli border, on both sides of which people are hostile to her because of her birthplace and religion. After winning...

What Influences Overall Development

Multiple factors contribute to one’s development and influence them throughout the whole life. The scientists primarily established that genetics and environmental impact play an essential role in personality building (Whitehouse 46). However, psychologists, neurologists, and other educators have been arguing that both nature and nurture parts equally affect the individual’s...

Why Government Needs Drug Control Policy?

A drug can fit in various descriptions depending on the function intended in the body, mode of delivery, and the form taken. Generally, when drugs are taken they modify the normal biological homeostasis of the body anatomy. For a drug to be considered so, it has to be introduced from...

Racism and Impact of Racial Discrimination

Racial discrimination across the world has profound effects on life routine especially for the ethnic minorities in different societies. The barbaric act has persisted and hinders the effective development and progress of millions of persons globally (Carter et al. 232). It is important to note that racial discrimination is unequal...

Overcoming Fences in August Wilson’s Play

Perhaps August Wilson’s most famous work, Fences, explores the Maxson family’s life and relationships. This moving drama was written in 1983 and helped Wilson win his first Pulitzer Prize. Fences are a part of August Wilson’s “Pittsburgh Cycle” collection of ten plays (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2019). Each drama...

Music and the Second Reconstruction Relationship

The song What About Us by the Coasters represents the idea of the absence of equality among African-American and white people in the USA. In 1959, when the composition was released, the question was extremely acute, and the lyrics appealed to most fighters for adequate human rights as it aims...

Traditional Values and Their Transformation

Introduction One of the basic needs of people of all time is being in society and interacting with other people. This allows them to survive, share knowledge and live fully, creating families and giving birth to children. However, the structure of society in different parts of the world can vary...

Law Legalizing the Possession and Use of Cannabis

I propose that a law legalizing the possession and use of cannabis be passed in Texas in accordance with similar laws in other states. The current state of Texan legislative acts related to this issue declare hemp and medical marijuana legal. However, the political elite of the state insists that...

Disorders of Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas Function

Alcohol abusers suffer from a variety of adverse physical and psychological outcomes. While mental health can be improved with the help of specialists, family support, and different group therapy methods, it is much more complicated to deal with the destructive effect of alcohol on one’s body. The case study under...

Drug Use and Biological Development in Adolescents

The adolescent period refers to a series of neurobiological changes that take place in people as they transition from childhood to adulthood. The age bracket of children undergoing this phase of life is considered to be between 11 and 19 years. According to Gulley and Juraska (2013), the nervous system...

“Poor Kids” by Neumann

The film shows a number of different kids who are living in poverty. The issue is demonstrated from two perspectives, such as parents and children. It is a major social problem that diminishes the overall access to opportunities for leaving the given state. It is evident that these families are...

The National Museum of Women in the Arts

The subject is the National Museum of Women in the Arts because it is a manifestation of women empowerment and art appreciation. A characteristic feature of modern culture is the increased attention to the issue of gender equality, which, along with the problems of globalization, migration, the strengthening of fundamentalist...

Global Poverty and Education Correlation

The colossal scale of poverty is a danger not only for a particular state but also for the world’s economic development. It is the root cause of many other global problems, which complicates their solution. At the same time, it is a result of several factors acting at a worldwide...

Resources and Rehabilitation Programs for Offenders and Ex-Offenders

Morgan Godvin’s first incarceration was a book-and-release: she asked for a seven-day sentence in jail to avoid a heroin relapse and continue Suboxone, an approved medication to treat opioid use disorder that she was previously using. The woman led a somewhat normal life: she worked in the service sector, went...

Changing the Face of Poverty

Children, Inc. and Habitat for Humanity Advert Non-profit agencies may represent poverty with depressing images that should draw attention to the issue. For instance, Children, Inc. and Habitat for Humanity used to enhance their advertisements with pictures that contrast a typical livelihood of a first-world country citizen (Bullock et al....

Homeless Veterans Problem Analysis

Introduction The US government faces many problems, and some of them can be solved quite naturally, but others are acquiring an enormous scale. One of these problems is the vast number of homeless veterans who have returned from various wars. These are people of different ages: there are constant wars...

Intellectual Labor and Institutional Violence

In the United States, the Black population has always lived under the dominance and control of an oppressive system, which subjects them to constant hostility, discrimination, and microaggressions. Many artists have illustrated the widespread incidences of police brutality and the institutionalized divide between race, gender, and class depictions that arouse...

Injury and Violence Prevention in Children

Proposal for Health Education Children fall into the category of people that are most susceptible to injuries. Many young people die or become crippled because of suffering life-threatening injuries they cannot recuperate from. Injuries are not genetically predetermined, meaning they can be prevented. The process of growing up incorporates getting...

Smoking Cessation: Causes and Statistics

Different people start smoking because of several reasons. Some of these reasons are the availability of the substance, peer pressure, to release stress, and the influence of the celebrities and popular film stars who are used by the companies to market the products (, 2009, par.2). Parents who smoke contribute...

The 13th Amendment Influence in Shaping Modern America

Introduction The 13th Amendment was passed by the House of Representatives on January 31, 1865. Twenty- seven out of 36 states ratified and proclaimed the rule by the end of December the same year. This constitution aimed at abolishing the slave trade, and involuntary servitude, except during punishment for breaking...

The Evolution of Opportunity in Sports

Introduction Opportunity can be said to be a favorable juncture at which circumstances occur. From our case, Cliff Roberts believed that as long as he was alive, golf will continue being a white mans game. He also implored that there was no way a black person could play golf. Roberts’...

Food Insecurity Assessment in Miami

Introduction While the average income in Miami, Florida, is adequate, there are still many people who experience financial difficulties leading to several negative consequences, including food insecurity. There is an apparent necessity to assess the situation from the medical perspective identifying the needs of Miami’s less fortunate households to prevent...

Well Versed Citizenry in Science: Valuable or Not?

Each nation has its own achievements and sights to be proud of: some nations are proud of their devotion to their traditions and cultures, some nations are proud of their technological and scientific achievements, and some nations are proud of good interrelations with many countries. However, the things, which make...

Treatment of Opiate Addiction: A Program Evaluation

Abstract Opiate dependence is a growing problem in both young adults and patients who have developed addictions while receiving pain management regimens. The objective of treating patients with opiate addiction is to suppress withdrawal symptoms while facilitating the detoxification process. Buprenorphine-based regimens have gradually replaced methadone as the drug of...

The Drug Abuse in the U.S. Navy: The Problem Analysis

Introduction The purpose of this report is to capture drug abuse in the U.S. Navy and to analyze some of the measures that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) has put in place to control the problem. The report presents a critical analysis of drug abuse in the U.S. Navy...

White Privilege in Media: History and the Present

Introduction Privilege, should it depend upon race, class or gender, is not familiar to those granted it by nature. But those who are oppressed because of being different from others can feel it sharply in every single life sphere of human society. Those whose skin is white are granted the...

“The Train From Hate” by John Hope Franklin

When authors choose to embed pieces of their lives into literature, they aim to create a sense of connection with their readers. The purpose of biographical writing is to give the audience a first-hand account of the life of a person about which they are reading. The process of writing...

Social Influences: The Power of Any Social Situation

It is hard to disagree that most people are influenced by other individuals or the whole society in various situations. The power of any social situation is rather significant, and there are three forms of influence processes that can affect the way people act in a social setting. The purpose...

‘Sex Under Pressure: Jerks, Boorish Behavior, and Gender Hierarchy’ by S. A. Anderson

Scott Anderson’s work raises issues for the discussion related to forcing one person by another to have sex. There are many gradations of this problem, the most extreme of which is rape. However, Andreson focuses his reasoning on more subtle activities, such as coercion, seduction, and gender oppression. Moreover, seduction...

“An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty” by Leonhardt et al.

The influence of neighborhood and, more generally, residence on different aspects of adult outcomes seems to be a subject of poignant interest. The article “An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty” by Leonhardt et al. constitutes part of a sizeable body of literature dedicated to the subject....

The Impact of the Worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic on Essential Social Values

A human needs to be a part of society both biologically and physiologically to survive and have a fulfilling life. Social values such as respect, community, and responsibility for others drive progress and affect the decision-making of individuals and institutions. In 2020, social life was globally affected by the spread...

Black Lives Matter: Fight Against the Inequality

The movement known as Black Lives Matter is one of the most controversial initiatives of present-day American society. Its beginning was justified by various brutalities against the representatives of this population group. However, despite the initial reasonability of such actions in ensuring the safety of this category of citizens, it...

The Link Between Poverty and Criminal Behavior

Deviance mainly refers to the contravening of norms and standards as set out in a particular society. Crime, on the other hand, involves the violation of laws set by the government aimed at controlling erratic behaviors. Crime thus represents a form of social deviance since it involves breaking the law...

Racial and Ethnic Inequality Perception

The notion of racial and ethnic inequality has always been closely associated with American society. However, over the last months, the subject of racism and discrimination has been discussed at an unprecedented rate, followed by demonstrations, protests, and loots. Hence, it is now of crucial importance to dwell upon the...

Southern Civil Rights and the Black Power Movements

Realizing a political change takes a lot of time, effort, and resilience. African Americans were on the receiving end of racial prejudice and injustice over 100 years following the Emancipation Act of 1863 (Healey, 2012). They were subjected to race-induced violence and would always be economically and politically oppressed, including...

Inequality in Public Schools

Abstract Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka is considered the landmark case that ended the racial segregation in public schools across the United States of America and opened doors to a subsequent civil rights movement. The paper examines in detail the background of the situation in the US, including...

The Basis of Distributive Justice

Distributive justice is guided by objectiveness and aspires to make people live in equality, equity, and depending on their needs. However, such theory is quite ambiguous because it plays out differently in diverse situations, and it led to fierce discussions in philosophy, the social sciences, and others. Regardless of procedural...

‘A Defense of Abortion’ by Judith Jarvis Thomson: Major Arguments for Abortion

The reading under consideration written by Judith Jarvis Thomson dwells upon the abortion debate. The major point Thomson (2018) makes reveals the one-sidedness of the arguments against abortion. The writer stresses that the opponents of abortion focus on proving the fact that a fetus is a person, so, like any...

12-Step Mutual Support Groups and Alcoholics Anonymous

Introduction There are several significant strengths and weaknesses of the method applied by 12-Step mutual support groups. One of the advantages is the compatibility of the Alcoholics Anonymous approach with conventional, evidence-based practices such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational enhancement therapy (Lilienfeld & Arkowitz, 2011). It is also worth noting...

American Women Struggle in the 20th Century

Gender equality can be assessed as a relatively new phenomenon, and some of the fears of women of the past are still relevant. In the past century, American women conducted a long and grueling fight for their rights and status. Sexual liberation, career, material, and psychological independence became part of...

Gender Issues in the Us Correctional System

Historically, males have represented the vast majority of the prison population in the US. Hence, until the second half of the 20th century, the correctional system used a gender-neutral approach, which largely disregarded women’s specific needs and problems. Recent research suggests that implementing gender-informed programs can significantly impact the quality...

Slavery and Human Rights Violation

For many years in its history, humanity has not opposed slavery and human trafficking. Slavery has not always been economically effective, but it has always been beneficial to slaveholders and slave traders – that is why it has existed for so many centuries and exists to this day. The struggle...

How Hate Took Hold of Him: Parrish Reflection

In this article, Parrish (2015) tries to clarify the reasons and factors that caused his hatred towards African-Americans. According to the discussions of the author, it is the impulse that is given by social prejudices and beliefs. For example, it is mentioned that the author’s parents were also against African-Americans...

Gender Inequality in Modern Societies and Its Reasons

The first essay is devoted to gender inequality in modern societies and its reasons. The best part of the essay is the definitions provided and a short history of society’s development that show the reasons for inequality. The thesis statement is clear and includes contradictive opinions, which are discussed further...

Do Private Schools in the United States Discriminate Based on Race?

Racial issues have always been a major problem in the US due to the historical origins of the nation’s establishment. Therefore, its presence in educational facilities is inevitable, especially because of economic disparities, which result in private schools becoming more expensive than public ones. The main reason is the fact...

Barack Obama’s Speech on Race in Philadelphia

Obama’s speech delivered in Philadelphia at the early stages of his presidential campaigns delves into the problem of racism and its effects in America. The venue’s choice was significant as Philadelphia was the place where the country made the Declaration of Independence in 1787. Senator Obama uses anecdotes from his...

Charity: A Donation to the Knight Pantry Organization

The current story is a report on the Knight Pantry that is currently active in the role of a service intended to help the University of Central Florida (UCF) students with food and clothes. The story of this organization shows that the Knight Pantry service turned out to be a...

International Drug Policy in Russia and the US

Many people believe that United States experiences the worst drug problems, but there are nations with higher addiction rates, such as Russia. Some of these countries do not provide treatment for addicted individuals. As a result, a large number of citizens are left homeless and hopeless. In Russia, intravenous drug...

Social Barriers People Experience in the United States

Social Class Division The information about the modern social class division was interesting to analyze since I have never thought it was that drastic in today’s society. People may look or act similarly but belong to different groups regarding their financial resources. Some may also consider their position embarrassing to...

Drug Trade. “Crack” Book by David Farber

The history of countries can be understood by studying numerous explicit and hidden processes of economics, politics, and trade. Thus, for example, for America in the 20th century, the development of crack production and trade was a striking phenomenon. This drug was popular among different population segments, but it was...

Causes of Racism and Racial Discrimination

Black Lives Matter movement reveals that racism still exists globally, and it is more dominant in the US. The recent killing of George Floyd showed that racism is a hierarchical process that has become a pandemic. The perception that blacks have a likelihood to commit crimes than whites forms the...

Substance Abuse in Low-Income Community

The individuals socioeconomic status has a little interrelation with his or her propensity to addiction. This stereotype was formed due to the fact that substance abuse is more common among lower economic status individuals or those living in poverty. Nevertheless, the position that these two factors are directly linked and...

Sex Offenders in Community: Notification Program

Former sexual offenders can be a direct threat to communities, especially if people do not know about their status. Thus, citizens should be notified when a former sexual offender moves into their neighborhood. Statistics demonstrate that annually many women and children become victims of sexual abuse. Letting citizens know that...

The Ideas of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois

Introduction Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois is the two influential Black thinkers of the late 19th century and the early 20th century. They were during the aftermath of the slavery abolishment, and that period presented new challenges to Black people. The thinkers suggested different, almost polar...

Social Perspective on Caregiving in the US

The problem of caregivers is incorporated in the many-faceted character of the sphere in which people of this social activity work. Here is the issue of caregivers’ resentful attitude toward people being in their responsibility. However, to externalize the resentment by abusing the elderly individual is the fact that is...

Arrest Histories of High-Risk Gay and Bisexual Men in Miami: Article Analysis

Introduction Gay and bisexual men persistently suffer the highest burden of HIV/AIDS in the U.S. (CDC, 2008). Ever since the epidemic began, substance abuse has been proved to be one of the strongest predictors of sexual risk behaviors and seroconversion among this population. Latest research has centered on additional aspects...

Prejudice-Based Decision-Making in Fruitvale Station

The themes of discrimination and prejudice are not new to American society, and, despite a number of attempts to find effective solutions, millions of people continue suffering from unfair relationships. According to Aronson (2018), prejudice remains “one of the most common and most troubling fixtures of the human experience” (p....

Should Assisted Suicide be Legalized?

Due to the consistently improving quality of life in developed countries, the average life expectancy has increased over the past decades. The growing aging population means that the rate of disease occurrence later on in life has also augmented. For the incurable and terminal conditions, medical care usually focuses on...

Factors Impacting the Availability and Affordability of Housing in Costa Rica

Found in Central America, Costa Rica lies on an estimated 19,730 square miles extending along a 185-mile coastline in the northeastern of the Caribbean Sea. Nicaragua bounds it on the north and Panama on the southeast. Furthermore, it has a 630-mile southeast coastline along the Pacific lined with beautiful sandy...

The Reality About Isms and Heterosexism

Abstract The terms such as classism, sexism, antisemitism, ableism have one main characteristic. They all are linked, due to the involvement of a negative prejudgment. Preconception’s primary purpose is to offer and maintain power and control. Such words are called isms, and all work to ensure the establishment of a...

Discrimination Definition & Meaning

During the classroom, experiment children were told to treat each other according to their eye color. While one-day blue-eyed people were superior, the other day brown-eyed individuals took their place (A Class Divided). Based on this experiment, it can be seen how easily people can be influenced, and that when...

Work Place Violence and Employer’s Liability

Introduction Cases of workplace violence are reported each day. In addition, the majority of employees face many legal developments and possible liability dangers due to domestic violence. For human resource departments to deal with violence cases there is a need to understand the existing workplace violence and its potential threats....

Being Human Definition in Artistic Expressions

Introduction Pieter Bruegel the Elder is an example of how art can allegorically depict an unstable society and the fundamental essence of people at the same time. His oil-on-panel “The Fall of the Rebel Angels” was painted in 1562 and is now on display in the Royal Museums of Fine...

The Use of Medical Cannabis

Introduction Cannabis is a drug that consists of approximately 460 chemicals that are active and about 60 specific cannabinoids (Seamon, Fass, Maria, Maniscalco & Abu-Shraie, 2007, p.1040). Medical cannabis is the use of cannabis that is composed of components like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids which are proposed...

Poverty in Young and Middle Adulthood

The issue of poverty is a major one that affects societies across all nations. The selected theory is functionalism, and it views the social unit as a well-organized system comprised of structural and functional elements (Zastrow et al., 2019). According to the given perspective, poverty is a dysfunctional aspect of...

Adolescence Substance Abuse: Over The Counter Inhalants And Cough Syrup

Introduction Over the counter drugs commonly known as OTC refers to the prescription of drugs that are not meant for medical use. It is therefore common to find the drugs being used for purposes not initially meant for the drugs or otherwise on the box label. Research has shown that,...

Suburbs, Race, and White Identity in Postwar America

I believe that the isolation of black citizens from the suburban households and the prevalence of white residents there considerably affected the development of American suburbia. According to Diane Harris (2013), space is “constitutive of culture” and “equally significant in the construction of ideas about race and identity” (p. 13)....

Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Livelihoods, Their Health and Our Food Systems

Covid-19 is affecting every aspect of life – personally and professionally, and it is redefining the way society and the workplace are organized. At a personal level, people have to adapt to the changing dynamics including observing social distancing, washing hands regularly, avoiding handshakes, wearing masks in public spaces, and...

Sexual Harassment in the Army: Causes and Solutions

The right to be protected against assault, specifically, the one of sexual type, s one of the basic rights of individuals, yet this right is regularly violated in military settings. Due to the rigid structure and the established hierarchy in the U.S. Army, the instances of sexual harassment and assault...

Impacts of Slavery on the Antebellum USA

Few institutions could claim such importance in early American history as slavery. Although present in the British colonies in North America since the 17th century, slavery only rose to the forefront of national attention after the revolution. While there were political issues with it early on, as when drafting the...

The Reluctance of Gay, Lesbian Victims to Report Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence has long been assumed chiefly as a heterosexual, sociopolitical occurrence with its foundation in sexism, that is, gender. This assumption was created through the great influence of the feminist movement that began in the mid-1970s. Consequently, the domestic violence movement has in the past concentrated almost wholly...